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The non-metabolizable glucose analogue 2-deoxy-d-glucose is taken up by Pseudomonas aeruginosa against a concentration gradient, in a predominantly unchanged form. d-Glucose competitively inhibits 2-deoxy-d-glucose uptake and also causes a rapid exit of intracellular 2-deoxy-d-glucose. Thus these two sugars share the same stereospecific carrier system, and glucose transport can be studied reliably with 2-deoxy-d-glucose. The transport system is inducible, and is strongly repressed by a number of organic acids such as acetate, citrate, succinate, fumarate and malate, even in the presence of adequate excess of the inducer (d-glucose). Repression by organic acids can be relieved by transferring cells to a glucose medium, but in the presence of chloramphenicol the cells fail to recover from repression, indicating that the formation of the transport system involves the synthesis of protein. The results demonstrate that the regulation of glucose metabolism effected by citric acid-cycle intermediates in P. aeruginosa is manifest at the level of the glucose-transport system.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas aeruginosa has a choline uptake system which is expressed in bacteria grown in the presence of succinate and ammonium chloride as the carbon and nitrogen source, respectively. This system obeys Michaelis-Menten kinetics with an apparent Km value of 53 μM; its activity is not inhibited by high osmolarities in the medium but is partially inhibited by choline metabolites such as betaine and dimethylglycine.  相似文献   

A high-affinity (Km = 2.7 x 10(-7) M) energy-requiring methionine-transport system has been characterized in RM 46 and RM 48, two different PAO methionine auxotrophs of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. After 8 s of transport 40--60% of the methionine label in the alcohol extract appears in S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM) with the remaining activity in free methionine. Methionine transport required a high degree of structural specificity for transport. Stimulation of transport occurred by addition of glucose or organic acids. The ability of a given substrate to stimulate transport was related to the type of carbon source used for growth. Transport was sensitive to sulfhydryl reagents and required oxidative phosphorylation, as indicated by the inhibitory effects of anaerobiosis, cyanide, and arsenate. The degree of inhibition by arsenate correlated with the level of ATP in the cell. Rapid transport in a SAM-deficient mutant (TM 1) and inhibition by arsenate of transport in this mutant suggested that SAM formation was not directly linked to transport and that ATP supplied energy for transport. Inhibition by arsenate was more severe in glucose- compared to citrate-stimulated cells. This result was also observed with proline transport indicating that this was not a peculiarity of the methionine-transport system. These data emphasize the close link between glucose metabolism, ATP levels, and transport. This ATP level is not so critical for transport in cells metabolizing citrate.  相似文献   

The Pseudomonas genus belongs to the γ division of Proteobacteria and many species produce the characteristic yellow–green siderophore pyoverdine, and often a second siderophore, of lower affinity for iron. These bacteria are known for their ability to colonize different ecological niches and for their versatile metabolism. It is therefore not surprising that they are endowed with the capacity to take up exogenous xenosiderophores via different TonB-dependent receptors. Uptake of iron is controlled by the central regulator Fur, and via extracytoplasmic sigma factors or other types of regulators (two-component systems, AraC regulators). In this review the Fur regulon (experimentally proven and/or predicted) of Paeruginosa will be presented. An interesting feature revealed by this analysis of Fur-regulated genes is the overlap between the iron and the sulfur regulons as well with the quorum sensing system.  相似文献   

1. The induction by glucose and gluconate of the transport systems and catabolic enzymes for glucose, gluconate and 2-oxogluconate was studied with Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 growing in a chemostat under conditions of nitrogen limitation with citrate as the major carbon source. 2. In the presence of a residual concentration of 30mM-citrate an inflowing glucose concentration of 6-8 mM was required to induce the glucose-transport system and associated catabolic enzymes. When the glucose concentration was raised to 20mM the glucose-transport system was repressed, but the transport system for gluconate, and at higher glucose concentrations, that for 2-oxogluconate, were induced. No repression of the glucose-catabolizing enzymes occurred at the higher inflowing glucose concentrations. 3. In the presence of 30mM-citrate no marked threshold concentration was required for the induction of the gluconate-transport system by added gluconate. 4. In the presence of 30mM-citrate and various concentrations of added glucose and gluconate, the activity of the glucose-transport system accorded with the proposal that a major factor concerned in the repression of this system was the concentration of gluconate, produced extracellularly by glucose dehydrogenase. 5. This proposal was supported by chemostat experiments with mutants defective in glucose dehydrogenase. Such mutants showed no repression of the glucose-transport system by high inflowing concentrations, but with a mutant apparently defective only in glucose dehydrogenase, the addition of gluconate caused repression of the glucose-transport system. 6. Studies with the mutants showed that both glucose and gluconate can induce the enzymes of the Entner-Doudoroff system, whereas for the induction of the gluconate-transport system glucose must be converted into gluconate.  相似文献   

Enterobactin-mediated iron transport in Pseudomonas aeruginosa.   总被引:21,自引:9,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
K Poole  L Young    S Neshat 《Journal of bacteriology》1990,172(12):6991-6996
A pyoverdine-deficient strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa was unable to grow in an iron-deficient minimal medium in the presence of the nonmetabolizable iron chelator ethylene diamine-di(omega-hydroxyphenol acetic acid) (EDDHA), although addition of enterobactin to EDDHA-containing minimal media did restore growth of the pyoverdine-deficient P. aeruginosa. Consistent with the apparent ability of enterobactin to provide iron to P. aeruginosa, enterobactin-dependent 55Fe3+ uptake was observed in cells of P. aeruginosa previously grown in an iron-deficient medium containing enterobactin (or enterobactin-containing Escherichia coli culture supernatant). This uptake was energy dependent, was observable at low concentrations (60 nM) of FeCl3, and was absent in cells cultured without enterobactin. A novel protein with a molecular weight of approximately 80,000 was identified in the outer membranes of cells grown in iron-deficient minimal medium containing enterobactin, concomitant with the induction of enterobactin-dependent iron uptake. A Tn501 insertion mutant lacking this protein was isolated and shown to be deficient in enterobactin-mediated iron transport at 60 nM FeCl3, although it still exhibited enterobactin-dependent growth in iron-deficient medium containing EDDHA. It was subsequently observed that the mutant was, however, capable of enterobactin-mediated iron transport at much higher concentrations (600 nM) of FeCl3. Indeed, enterobactin-dependent iron uptake at this concentration of iron was observed in both the mutant and parent strains irrespective of whether they had been cultured in the presence of enterobactin. Apparently, at least two uptake systems for ferrienterobactin exist in P. aeruginosa: one of higher affinity which is specifically inducible by enterobactin under iron-limiting conditions and the second, of lower affinity, which is also inducible under iron-limiting conditions but is independent of enterobactin for induction.  相似文献   

It has previously been shown that myo-inositol hexakisphosphate (myo-InsP6) mediates iron transport into Pseudomonas aeruginosa and overcomes iron-dependent growth inhibition. In this study, the iron transport properties of myo-inositol trisphosphate and tetrakisphosphate regio-isomers were studied. Pseudomonas aeruginosa accumulated iron (III) at similar rates whether complexed with myo-Ins(1,2,3)P3 or myo-InsP6. Iron accumulation from other compounds, notably D/L myo-Ins(1,2,4,5)P4 and another inositol trisphosphate regio-isomer, D-myo-Ins(1,4,5)P3, was dramatically increased. Iron transport profiles from myo-InsP6 into mutants lacking the outer membrane porins oprF, oprD and oprP were similar to the wild-type, indicating that these porins are not involved in the transport process. The rates of reduction of iron (III) to iron (II) complexed to any of the compounds by a Ps. aeruginosa cell lysate were similar, suggesting that a reductive mechanism is not the rate-determining step.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas aeruginosa exhibited positive chemotaxis to glutamate, alanine, and arginine in a nutrient semisolid nitrate medium.  相似文献   

The production of preferred lipopolysaccharide O antigen chain lengths is important for the survival of pathogenic Gram-negative bacteria in different environments, yet how Wzz proteins regulate these lengths is not well understood. The Wzz2 proteins from two different serotype O11 Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains are responsible for the expression of different very long chain lengths despite high sequence homology. Site-directed mutagenesis was performed to determine whether a specific amino acid was responsible for this difference in chain length; the residue present in position 321 within the second predicted coiled-coil region was able to determine which chain length was produced. A panel of site-directed mutants introducing different amino acids at this position implicated that the charge of the amino acid affected chain length, with positively charged residues associated with shorter chain lengths. Expression data also suggested this site was important for overall stability of the protein because mutants predicted to disrupt proper folding of the α helix led to lower protein levels. Cross-linking studies found that Wzz2 proteins producing shorter chain lengths had more stable higher-order oligomers. Mapping residue 321 onto the solved Escherichia coli Wzz FepE crystal structure predicted it to be located within α helix 8, which participates in intermonomeric interactions. These data further support the observation that Wzz oligomerization is necessary for chain length regulating activity but also provide evidence that differences in complex stability or changes in the conformation of the oligomer can lead to shifts in the length of the O antigen side chain.  相似文献   

The Wzz proteins are important for determining the length of the O-antigen side chain attached to lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Several bacteria, including Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain PAO1 (serogroup O5), produce two such proteins responsible for the preference of two different chain lengths on the surface. Our group has previously identified one wzz gene (wzz1) within the O-antigen locus of P. aeruginosa strain PA103 (serogroup O11). In this study we have identified the second wzz gene (wzz2), located in the same region of the genome and with 92% similarity to PAO1's wzz2 gene. Mutations were generated in both wzz genes by interruption with antibiotic resistance cassettes, and the effects of these mutations were characterized. Wild-type PA103 prefers two O-antigen chain lengths, referred to as long and very long. The expression of the long O-antigen chain length was reduced in the wzz1 mutant, indicating the Wzz1 protein is important for this chain length preference. The wzz2 mutant, on the other hand, was missing O-antigens of the very long chain length, indicating the Wzz2 protein is responsible for the production of very long O-antigen. The effects of the wzz mutations on virulence were also investigated. In both serum sensitivity assays and a mouse pneumonia model of infection, the wzz1 mutants exhibited greater defects in virulence compared to either wild-type PA103 or the wzz2 mutant, indicating the long chain length plays a greater role during these infectious processes.  相似文献   

Physiological regulation of extracellular lipase activity by a newly-isolated, thermotolerant strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (strain EF2) was investigated by growing the organism under various conditions in batch, fed-batch and continuous culture. Lipase activity, measured as the rate of olive oil (predominantly triolein) hydrolysis, was weakly induced by general carbon and/or energy limitation, strongly induced by a wide range of fatty acyl esters including triglycerides, Spans and Tweens, and repressed by long-chain fatty acids including oleic acid. The highest lipase activities were observed during the stationary phase of batch cultures grown on Tween 80, and with Tween 80-limited fed-batch and continuous cultures grown at low specific growth rates. The lipase activity of Tween 80-limited continuous cultures was optimized with respect to pH and temperature using response surface analysis; maximum activity occurred during growth at pH 6.5, 35.5 degrees C, at a dilution rate of 0.04 h-1. Under these conditions the culture exhibited a lipase activity of 39 LU (mg cells)-1 and a specific rate of lipase production (qLipase) of 1.56 LU (mg cells)-1 h-1 (1 LU equalled 1 mumol fatty acid released min-1). Esterase activity, measured with p-nitrophenyl acetate as substrate, varied approximately in parallel with lipase activity under all growth conditions, suggesting that a single enzyme may catalyse both activities.  相似文献   

The serological typing of 708 P. aeruginosa strains made it possible to determine serogroups in 97.9% of cultures. Serogroups O2 and O6 were the most prevalent (33.8% and 2.5% respectively); serotypes O1, O3 and O11 also occurred rather frequently (about 10%); O4, O7 and O9 were rare (3-8%), serotypes O10 and O12, very rare (less than 1%). The prevalence of P. aeruginosa strains O2 and O6 among the clinical strains was shown over a period of 10 years, serogroup O2 always playing the leading role. In serogroups, the predominance of strains with a definite combination of partial antigen was established; strains with the antigenic structure not described in the International Scheme of the Structure of O-Antigens were detected.  相似文献   

The regulation of tryptophan biosynthesis in Pseudomonas aeruginosa   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Summary Eighteen auxotrophs of Pseudomonas aeruginosa requiring l-tryptophan for growth were isolated following nitrosoguanidine mutagenesis. Mutant blocks for each step of tryptophan biosynthesis were identified by enzymological assay. A regulatory mutant was characterized which was simultaneously constitutive for the gene products of trpA, trpB and trpD. Another class of regulatory mutant appears to synthesize tryptophan synthetase (i.e., trpE and trpF subunits) constitutively. The results implicate three control entities in the pathway of tryptophan biosynthesis: (i) The gene products of trpA, trpB and trpD are repressible by tryptophan, the range of enzyme specific activity varying at least fifty-fold. (ii) No regulation of the trpC gene product could be demonstrated, indicating that its synthesis is constitutive. (iii) The gene products of rpE and trpF are inducible by indoleglycerol 3-phosphate; the magnitude of induction can exceed 100-fold. These results together with some genetic data indicate a general similarity in gene-enzyme relationships between P. aeruginosa and P. putida. A number of specific differences that distinguish the two species are noted.A mutant blocked in the common pathway of aromatic biosynthesis was used to prove that enzymes of tryptophan biosynthesis other than tryptophan synthetase are not inducible by precursors of the common pathway such as chorismate. It is concluded that the concentration of tryptophan that signals total repression of the gene products of trpA, trpB and trpD is lower than the concentrations necessary for maximal feedback inhibition of anthranilate synthetase and for abolition of the induction of tryptophan synthetase.  相似文献   

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