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Previous research has shown that young infants perceive others'' actions as structured by goals. One open question is whether the recruitment of this understanding when predicting others'' actions imposes a cognitive challenge for young infants. The current study explored infants'' ability to utilize their knowledge of others'' goals to rapidly predict future behavior in complex social environments and distinguish goal-directed actions from other kinds of movements. Fifteen-month-olds (N = 40) viewed videos of an actor engaged in either a goal-directed (grasping) or an ambiguous (brushing the back of her hand) action on a Tobii eye-tracker. At test, critical elements of the scene were changed and infants'' predictive fixations were examined to determine whether they relied on goal information to anticipate the actor''s future behavior. Results revealed that infants reliably generated goal-based visual predictions for the grasping action, but not for the back-of-hand behavior. Moreover, response latencies were longer for goal-based predictions than for location-based predictions, suggesting that goal-based predictions are cognitively taxing. Analyses of areas of interest indicated that heightened attention to the overall scene, as opposed to specific patterns of attention, was the critical indicator of successful judgments regarding an actor''s future goal-directed behavior. These findings shed light on the processes that support “smart” social behavior in infants, as it may be a challenge for young infants to use information about others'' intentions to inform rapid predictions.  相似文献   

When watching an actor manipulate objects, observers, like the actor, naturally direct their gaze to each object as the hand approaches and typically maintain gaze on the object until the hand departs. Here, we probed the function of observers'' eye movements, focusing on two possibilities: (i) that observers'' gaze behaviour arises from processes involved in the prediction of the target object of the actor''s reaching movement and (ii) that this gaze behaviour supports the evaluation of mechanical events that arise from interactions between the actor''s hand and objects. Observers watched an actor reach for and lift one of two presented objects. The observers'' task was either to predict the target object or judge its weight. Proactive gaze behaviour, similar to that seen in self-guided action–observation, was seen in the weight judgement task, which requires evaluating mechanical events associated with lifting, but not in the target prediction task. We submit that an important function of gaze behaviour in self-guided action observation is the evaluation of mechanical events associated with interactions between the hand and object. By comparing predicted and actual mechanical events, observers, like actors, can gain knowledge about the world, including information about objects they may subsequently act upon.  相似文献   

In his book Being and consciousness [Bytiye i soznaniye] S. L. Rubinshteyn explained that "an external influence has a particular mental effect only by being refracted through the subject's mental state, through a system of thoughts and feelings formed within him" (45, p. 226). To apply this to particular research on pathology it is necessary to pass from studying disorders of specific functions to studying changes in various forms of the patient's activity, in whose structure are included changes in personality sets and motives.  相似文献   

Hicks MH  Lee UR  Sundberg R  Spagat M 《PloS one》2011,6(9):e23976


Warring groups that compete to dominate a civilian population confront contending behavioral options: target civilians or battle the enemy. We aimed to describe degrees to which combatant groups concentrated lethal behavior into intentionally targeting civilians as opposed to engaging in battle with opponents in contemporary armed conflict.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We identified all 226 formally organized state and non-state groups (i.e. actors) that engaged in lethal armed conflict during 2002–2007: 43 state and 183 non-state. We summed civilians killed by an actor''s intentional targeting with civilians and combatants killed in battles in which the actor was involved for total fatalities associated with each actor, indicating overall scale of armed conflict. We used a Civilian Targeting Index (CTI), defined as the proportion of total fatalities caused by intentional targeting of civilians, to measure the concentration of lethal behavior into civilian targeting. We report actor-specific findings and four significant trends: 1.) 61% of all 226 actors (95% CI 55% to 67%) refrained from targeting civilians. 2.) Logistic regression showed actors were more likely to have targeted civilians if conflict duration was three or more years rather than one year. 3.) In the 88 actors that targeted civilians, multiple regressions showed an inverse correlation between CTI values and the total number of fatalities. Conflict duration of three or more years was associated with lower CTI values than conflict duration of one year. 4.) When conflict scale and duration were accounted for, state and non-state actors did not differ. We describe civilian targeting by actors in prolonged conflict. We discuss comparable patterns found in nature and interdisciplinary research.


Most warring groups in 2002–2007 did not target civilians. Warring groups that targeted civilians in small-scale, brief conflict concentrated more lethal behavior into targeting civilians, and less into battles, than groups in larger-scale, longer conflict.  相似文献   

Theory of mind is the field devoted to understanding how organisms discern the mental states of others. Because mental states are not directly observable, they can only be inferred from observable features of the actor (such as behavior) and the situational context that the actor is in. Social psychologists, who study theory of mind processes under the rubric of attribution research, have shown that people often make a logical error of inference: The “fundamental attribution error” (FAE) is the tendency to assume that an actor's behavior and mental state correspond to a degree that is logically unwarranted by the situation. The social environment in which theory of mind capacities evolved may have influenced attributional processing in ways that could explain the error. In particular, the error could be caused by a psyche that is designed (1) to consider only those noncorresponding mental states (such as deception) that could have fitness consequences to the mind reader; (2) to bias inferences in a way that reduces the costs of erroneous inferences; or (3) to bias inferences in a way that yields reputational benefits. The existing literature is reviewed in light of these hypotheses.  相似文献   

Studies of Jamie Uys's Gods Must be Crazy films have tended to focus on his pseudo-ethnographic representation of “Bushmen,” from primarily Western perspectives, both anthropological and anti-apartheid. This study examines critically the wider corpus of Uys's feature films, especially those employing “Bushmen” characters, in terms of intertextual relations. The article offers the comments of many San viewers of the films and also conveys the perspective of Gao, the main Ju/'hoansi actor. Finally, the study examines responses from the anthropological community to the films.  相似文献   

When dealing with emotional situations, we often need to rapidly override automatic stimulus-response mappings and select an alternative course of action [1], for instance, when trying to manage, rather than avoid, another's aggressive behavior. The anterior prefrontal cortex (aPFC) has been linked to the control of these social emotional behaviors [2, 3]. We studied how this control is implemented by inhibiting the left aPFC with continuous theta burst stimulation (cTBS; [4]). The behavioral and cerebral consequences of this intervention were assessed with a task quantifying the control of social emotional actions and with concurrent measurements of brain perfusion. Inhibition of the aPFC led participants to commit more errors when they needed to select rule-driven responses overriding automatic action tendencies evoked by emotional faces. Concurrently, task-related perfusion decreased in bilateral aPFC and posterior parietal cortex and increased in amygdala and left fusiform face area. We infer that the aPFC controls social emotional behavior by upregulating regions involved in rule selection [5] and downregulating regions supporting the automatic evaluation of emotions [6]. These findings illustrate how exerting emotional control during social interactions requires the aPFC to coordinate rapid action selection processes, the detection of emotional conflicts, and the inhibition of emotionally-driven responses.  相似文献   

How do people respond to others'' accidental behaviors? Reward and punishment for an accident might depend on the actor''s intentions, or instead on the unintended outcomes she brings about. Yet, existing paradigms in experimental economics do not include the possibility of accidental monetary allocations. We explore the balance of outcomes and intentions in a two-player economic game where monetary allocations are made with a “trembling hand”: that is, intentions and outcomes are sometimes mismatched. Player 1 allocates $10 between herself and Player 2 by rolling one of three dice. One die has a high probability of a selfish outcome, another has a high probability of a fair outcome, and the third has a high probability of a generous outcome. Based on Player 1''s choice of die, Player 2 can infer her intentions. However, any of the three die can yield any of the three possible outcomes. Player 2 is given the opportunity to respond to Player 1''s allocation by adding to or subtracting from Player 1''s payoff. We find that Player 2''s responses are influenced substantially by the accidental outcome of Player 1''s roll of the die. Comparison to control conditions suggests that in contexts where the allocation is at least partially under the control of Player 1, Player 2 will punish Player 1 accountable for unintentional negative outcomes. In addition, Player 2''s responses are influenced by Player 1''s intention. However, Player 2 tends to modulate his responses substantially more for selfish intentions than for generous intentions. This novel economic game provides new insight into the psychological mechanisms underlying social preferences for fairness and retribution.  相似文献   

To understand constraints on the evolution of cooperation, we compared the ability of bonobos and chimpanzees to cooperatively solve a food-retrieval problem. We addressed two hypotheses. The "emotional-reactivity hypothesis" predicts that bonobos will cooperate more successfully because tolerance levels are higher in bonobos. This prediction is inspired by studies of domesticated animals; such studies suggest that selection on emotional reactivity can influence the ability to solve social problems [1, 2]. In contrast, the "hunting hypothesis" predicts that chimpanzees will cooperate more successfully because only chimpanzees have been reported to cooperatively hunt in the wild [3-5]. We indexed emotional reactivity by measuring social tolerance while the animals were cofeeding and found that bonobos were more tolerant of cofeeding than chimpanzees. In addition, during cofeeding tests only bonobos exhibited socio-sexual behavior, and they played more. When presented with a task of retrieving food that was difficult to monopolize, bonobos and chimpanzees were equally cooperative. However, when the food reward was highly monopolizable, bonobos were more successful than chimpanzees at cooperating to retrieve it. These results support the emotional-reactivity hypothesis. Selection on temperament may in part explain the variance in cooperative ability across species, including hominoids.  相似文献   

The article presents the analysis of L.S. Vygotsky's works dedicated to the theater arts and is organized according Vygotsky's different life and work stages. Meanwhile special attention is paid to the Gomel period during which a large number of reviews were written by Vygotsky and published in “Nash ponedel'nik” and “Polesskaia pravda” newspapers. Biographical facts are widely used in this analysis and help to clarify Vygotsky's interest in art. It is shown that even at the beginning of his oeuvre, he was interested not only in a range of problems in art, but also psychological problems related to art perception and creativeness. Vygotsky's usage of structural concept ideas about the peculiar properties of literary text composition are also explored. Vygotsky analyzes the socio-psychological mechanisms of theatrical art effect. Furthermore, those areas which are widely used by Vygotsky in determining the characteristics of cast reincarnation are examined. Special emphasis is placed on the different elements of the actor techniques (speech, movement, emotional expression, acting personality and etc.). Materials are widely used in this study and help identify the socio-cultural context that defined Vygotsky's values at different stages of his work, related to his drama criticism and his formation as a professional psychologist.  相似文献   

As a continuation of the study carried out by Svare more than 15 years ago (Horm. Behav. 22 (1988), 139) and to determine the tendencies of the evolution of behavioral endocrinology since then, our aim was to extend his work until 2000, assuming that the journal Hormones and Behavior would be representative of the field at large. To study this 14-year period and compare it with Svare's data, we kept the same criteria and categories, behavioral patterns, and species. Our results show that "sexual behavior" in "rodents" is still the most extensive field studied by behavioral endocrinologists, although frequency of other topics is increasing, above all "aggressive and emotional responses," and especially the interrelationships between them. Interestingly, studies dedicated to humans are slowly becoming more common. In addition to these analyses, we obtained the several citations received by a randomly selected sample of articles during the period that was divided by the number of years when the articles can be potentially cited. These ratios revealed that research on "humans," within the category of species, and on "memory, learning, and conditioning" and "aggressive and emotional responses," within the behavioral categories, present the highest visibility in the literature. Furthermore, this analysis was complemented with information about the main receptor journals of the papers published in Hormones and Behavior, classified by the same categories. All these data, although limited by the analysis of only one journal, permitted us to reflect on whether the evolution tendencies formulated by Beach (Horm. Behav. 15 (1981), 325) for this discipline were applicable to the period studied, thus confirming its status as a mature discipline for the last quarter of the 20th century.  相似文献   

On April 25th 1953, three publications in Nature forever changed the face of the life sciences in reporting the structure of DNA. Sixty years later, Raymond Gosling shares his memories of the race to the double helix.It has not escaped our attention that the specific pairing we have postulated immediately suggests a possible copying mechanism for the genetic material.James D Watson and Francis HC Crick [1]By including this statement in their April 25th 1953 Nature article describing a model for the structure of DNA, Watson and Crick made one of the great understatements in history. In that moment, the seeds for the double helix''s infamy - alongside the names ''Watson'' and Crick'' - were sown. Lesser known outside scientific circles is that this article did not include one iota of experimental data: Watson and Crick, who were based at the University of Cambridge''s Cavendish laboratory, contributed deductive reasoning alone to the double helix model, albeit reasoning of an undoubtedly Nobel Prize-worthy standard. Instead, as has now been described many times, the model relied on X-ray diffraction data obtained by others, at King''s College, and these data did not reach Watson and Crick by entirely wholesome means [2]. To add to the insult, Watson and Crick''s report of the double helix did not fully credit the work of King''s as being essential to the construction of their model, although the King''s team did enjoy co-publication of their data alongside the double helix article, in the form of two articles in the same issue of Nature [3,4]. One of these articles described the X-ray diffraction work performed by senior researcher Rosalind E Franklin, together with PhD student Raymond G Gosling, and contained the highest quality diffraction patterns yet achieved for DNA [3]. It was these data that had proved invaluable in Watson and Crick''s quest for the double helix.Earlier still, before Franklin arrived at King''s, Gosling had achieved a major breakthrough in the search for DNA''s structure when he became the first person to crystallize genes, under the guidance of Maurice Wilkins, who was the lead author of the other King''s article to accompany Watson and Crick''s model [4].Watson published his controversial memoir of the discovery, aptly named ''The Double Helix'', in the 1960s [5], and in doing so propelled the story to worldwide fame, establishing DNA''s structure as an icon of science in the popular imagination. However, events were relayed in Watson''s book very much from his own point of view and at times, it has been argued, even verged on the fictitious.Aside from Watson, Ray Gosling is the only surviving member of the select group of seven scientists to feature as an author on one of the three Nature articles. Gosling and his wife, Mary, were kind enough to welcome Genome Biology into their home, where he shared with us his perspective of the events of 60 years ago.Elsewhere, Genome Biology has marked the anniversary by canvassing our Editorial Board for their opinions on the most important advances in the field since 1953 [6].  相似文献   

When competing for mates, males of many species use cues from their rivals to evaluate their chances of success. Signaling behavior is a vital component of male–male contests and courtship, and may inform males of a rival's quality or intentions. We used eastern fence lizards (Sceloporus undulatus) to investigate how the time a male spent signaling during mate competition is influenced by his quality, his rival's quality relative to his own, and the value of a contested female. Furthermore, we examined how a male's behavioral response to a competitor's signals would be mediated by his relative quality. We simulated natural encounters by allowing two males to compete over a single female in the laboratory. We measured the time males spent performing two types of displays (pushups and shudders) and categorized male behavioral responses to rival pushup and shudder displays. Time spent signaling was not related to a male's absolute quality (body and head size, condition, and badge sizes), or his quality relative to that of his rival, although males did spend more time performing pushups when competing over females in better condition. Male behavior was also influenced by his rival's signals, such that males of relatively lower quality than their opponents were more likely to aggressively respond to rival pushups and shudders. We discuss these results with respect to the evolution and function of signaling behavior in courtship and male–male contests.  相似文献   

Being held responsible for our actions strongly determines our moral judgements and decisions. This study examined whether responsibility also influences our affective reaction to others'' emotions. We conducted two experiments in order to assess the effect of responsibility and of a sense of agency (the conscious feeling of controlling an action) on the empathic response to pain. In both experiments, participants were presented with video clips showing an actor''s facial expression of pain of varying intensity. The empathic response was assessed with behavioural (pain intensity estimation from facial expressions and unpleasantness for the observer ratings) and electrophysiological measures (facial electromyography). Experiment 1 showed enhanced empathic response (increased unpleasantness for the observer and facial electromyography responses) as participants'' degree of responsibility for the actor''s pain increased. This effect was mainly accounted for by the decisional component of responsibility (compared with the execution component). In addition, experiment 2 found that participants'' unpleasantness rating also increased when they had a sense of agency over the pain, while controlling for decision and execution processes. The findings suggest that increased empathy induced by responsibility and a sense of agency may play a role in regulating our moral conduct.  相似文献   

Mammalian play: training for the unexpected.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this review, we present a new conceptual framework for the study of play behavior, a hitherto puzzling array of seemingly purposeless and unrelated behavioral elements that are recognizable as play throughout the mammalian lineage. Our major new functional hypothesis is that play enables animals to develop flexible kinematic and emotional responses to unexpected events in which they experience a sudden loss of control. Specifically, we propose that play functions to increase the versatility of movements used to recover from sudden shocks such as loss of balance and falling over, and to enhance the ability of animals to cope emotionally with unexpected stressful situations. To obtain this "training for the unexpected," we suggest that animals actively seek and create unexpected situations in play through self-handicapping; that is, deliberately relaxing control over their movements or actively putting themselves into disadvantageous positions and situations. Thus, play is comprised of sequences in which the players switch rapidly between well-controlled movements similar to those used in "serious" behavior and self-handicapping movements that result in temporary loss of control. We propose that this playful switching between in-control and out-of-control elements is cognitively demanding, setting phylogenetic and ontogenetic constraints on play, and is underlain by neuroendocrinological responses that produce a complex emotional state known as "having fun." Furthermore, we propose that play is often prompted by relatively novel or unpredictable stimuli, and is thus related to, although distinct from, exploration. We present 24 predictions that arise from our new theoretical framework, examining the extent to which they are supported by the existing empirical evidence and contrasting them with the predictions of four major alternative hypotheses about play. We argue that our "training for the unexpected" hypothesis can account for some previously puzzling kinematic, structural, motivational, emotional, cognitive, social, ontogenetic, and phylogenetic aspects of play. It may also account for a diversity of individual methods for coping with unexpected misfortunes.  相似文献   



Surfactant protein D (SP-D) is a member of the family of proteins termed collagen-like lectins or “collectins” that play a role in non-antibody-mediated innate immune responses [1]. The primary function of SP-D is the modulation of host defense and inflammation [2].

Scope of review

This review will discuss recent findings on the physiological importance of SP-D S-nitrosylation in biological systems and potential mechanisms that govern SP-D mediated signaling.

Major conclusions

SP-D appears to have both pro- and anti-inflammatory signaling functions.SP-D multimerization is a critical feature of its function and plays an important role in efficient innate host defense. Under baseline conditions, SP-D forms a multimer in which the N-termini are hidden in the center and the C-termini are on the surface. This multimeric form of SP-D is limited in its ability to activate inflammation. However, NO can modify key cysteine residues in the hydrophobic tail domain of SP-D resulting in a dissociation of SP-D multimers into trimers, exposing the S-nitrosylated N-termini. The exposed S-nitrosylated tail domain binds to the calreticulin/CD91 receptor complex and initiates a pro-inflammatory response through phosphorylation of p38 and NF-κB activation [3,4]. In addition, the disassembled SP-D loses its ability to block TLR4, which also results in activation of NF-κB.

General significance

Recent studies have highlighted the capability of NO to modify SP-D through S-nitrosylation, causing the activation of a pro-inflammatory role for SP-D [3]. This represents a novel mechanism both for the regulation of SP-D function and NO's role in innate immunity, but also demonstrates that the S-nitrosylation can control protein function by regulating quaternary structure. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Regulation of Cellular Processes by S-nitrosylation.  相似文献   

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