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The article examines why evolutionary biologists have been haunted by the question whether they are “Darwinian” or “non-Darwinian” ever since Darwin's Origin of species. Modern criticisms addressed to Darwinism are classified into two categories: those concerning Darwin's hypothesis of “descent with modification” and those addressed to the hypothesis of natural selection. In both cases, although the particular models that Darwin proposed for these two hypotheses have been significantly revised and expanded, Darwin's general framework has constrained and canalized evolutionary research, in the sense that it has settled an array of possible theoretical choices. Gould's changing attitudes regarding Darwinism is taken as a striking illustration of this interpretation.  相似文献   


The relation between knowledge and the visual, on the one hand, and knowledge about peoples on the other, is a prime concern in visual anthropology. The impact of the visual on the everyday life of the Ju/'hoansi is my concern here. This paper is offered in two parts: this article and the one which follows.

The results of a field‐trip in July 1996 to Otjozondjupa (previously known as Bush‐manland) in Namibia are discussed in terms of the question: How do subjects make sense of the anthropological?1 Our “subject community” was the Ju/'hoansi of Nyae Nyae. The “texts” we interrogated through Ju/'hoansi popular memory were those made of them by the documentary filmmaker John Marshall, a South African feature‐film director, Jamie Uys, and one by the Discovery Channel.  相似文献   


Humans are generally biophilic. Still, for unknown reasons, interest in animals varies substantially among individuals. Our goal was to investigate how differential interest of children towards animals might be related to social competence and personality. We proposed two alternatives: 1) Children may compensate for potential deficits in social competence by resorting to animals, and 2) Socially well-connected children may show a particular interest in animals. We focused on relationships between age, gender, family background, play behavior, personality components, and contact with rabbits in 50 children (22 boys/28 girls; 3 to 7 years of age) at a preschool in Krems/Austria. Data were analyzed using GLM. We found that each one of these variables had significant impact on intensity of engagement with the rabbits. In general, girls, children with siblings, and children without pets were more oriented towards the rabbits than were boys, children without siblings, or pet-owning children. The older the children, the less frequently they occupied themselves with the rabbits but the longer they remained when they did engage them. Furthermore, we found that the more “Confident/Respected” (PCA factor 1) and less “Patient/Calm,” “Cheerful/Sociable,” and “Solitary” (PCA factors 2–4) the children, the more time they spent in direct occupation with rabbits. Most effects of the investigated variables varied between boys and girls. By and large, our findings support the hypothesis that the “socially competent” children were particularly interested in the animals. Also, children's social styles, as evinced in interactions with peers, were generally reflected in how they interacted with the rabbits.  相似文献   

The article presents the analysis of L.S. Vygotsky's works dedicated to the theater arts and is organized according Vygotsky's different life and work stages. Meanwhile special attention is paid to the Gomel period during which a large number of reviews were written by Vygotsky and published in “Nash ponedel'nik” and “Polesskaia pravda” newspapers. Biographical facts are widely used in this analysis and help to clarify Vygotsky's interest in art. It is shown that even at the beginning of his oeuvre, he was interested not only in a range of problems in art, but also psychological problems related to art perception and creativeness. Vygotsky's usage of structural concept ideas about the peculiar properties of literary text composition are also explored. Vygotsky analyzes the socio-psychological mechanisms of theatrical art effect. Furthermore, those areas which are widely used by Vygotsky in determining the characteristics of cast reincarnation are examined. Special emphasis is placed on the different elements of the actor techniques (speech, movement, emotional expression, acting personality and etc.). Materials are widely used in this study and help identify the socio-cultural context that defined Vygotsky's values at different stages of his work, related to his drama criticism and his formation as a professional psychologist.  相似文献   

An anthropometric survey of 750 preschoolers was conducted during 1979 in Belize to assess nutritional status in two districts, one coastal and the other inland. Mothers were interviewed concerning reproductive history, child's health and dietary history, and associated factors. Analysis included the recognition of low arm circumference, weight-for-age, stature-for-age, and weight-for-stature. Survey results indicate that about 25% of the children, birth to 5 years old, show evidence of stunting, while 2.5% show evidence of wasting. Comparisons of rates of malnutrition by ethnic group reveal that the Maya and Garifuna (Black Carib) children are significantly more commonly malnourished than others. Applying a discriminant function to groups of children designated as “poor” and “better-than-average” growth classes reveals several factors which may be contributory to the etiology of preschool malnutrition in Belize. The frequency of diarrhea and age at introduction to solid foods, are significantly related to growth retardation among preschoolers. Analysis of 24-hour-diet recalls corroborates the patterning of malnutrition among ethnic groups.  相似文献   

Objective: To test the hypothesis that low‐income African‐American preschool children would have a higher BMI if their mothers reported greater “restriction” and “control” in feeding and if mothers reported that children showed greater “food responsiveness” and “desire to drink.” In addition, to test whether higher maternal “pressure to eat” would be associated with lower child BMI. Research Methods and Procedures: A questionnaire was completed by 296 low‐income African‐American mothers of preschool children. It assessed three constructs on maternal feeding strategies (“restriction,” “pressure to eat,” and “control”) and two on child eating behaviors (“food responsiveness” and “desire to drink”). Children's BMI was measured, and mothers’ BMI was self‐reported. Results: The mean (standard deviation) BMI z‐score of the children was 0.34 (1.5), and 44% of the mothers were obese (BMI ≥30 kg/m2). Only maternal “pressure to eat” had a significant overall association with child BMI z‐score (r = ?0.16, p < 0.01). Both maternal “restriction” and “control” were positively associated with children's BMI z‐score in the case of obese mothers (r = 0.20, p = 0.03 and r = 0.24, p = 0.007, respectively), but this was not so in the case of non‐obese mothers (r = ?0.16, p = 0.05 and r = ?0.07, p = 0.39, respectively). Discussion: Among low‐income African Americans, the positive association between maternal restriction and control in feeding and their preschoolers’ BMI was limited to obese mothers. Relations between parent feeding strategies and child weight status in this population may differ on the basis of maternal weight status.  相似文献   

Studies of Jamie Uys's Gods Must be Crazy films have tended to focus on his pseudo-ethnographic representation of “Bushmen,” from primarily Western perspectives, both anthropological and anti-apartheid. This study examines critically the wider corpus of Uys's feature films, especially those employing “Bushmen” characters, in terms of intertextual relations. The article offers the comments of many San viewers of the films and also conveys the perspective of Gao, the main Ju/'hoansi actor. Finally, the study examines responses from the anthropological community to the films.  相似文献   

Free energy calculated in simulations on the atomic level (Monte Carlo or Molecular Dynamics) has a systematic error, if the water shell surrounding a globular protein is finite. The error (“cluster error”) is equal to a difference of free energies obtained in simulations with an infinite and finite water shell. In this work a continuum dielectric model was used to estimate the “cluster error”. A multipole expansion of the estimate was performed for a water shell with a spherical outer boundary. The expansion has very simple form. Each term is a product of two functions, one of them depending only on the charge's conformation, and the other one only on dielectric properties of the system. There are two practical uses of the expansion. First, it may be used to estimate the “cluster error” in a simulation already made; second, it may be used to plan a simulation in such a way that the “cluster error” is minimal. Numerical values of the largest terms in the multipole expansion corresponding to a typical system in simulations of globular proteins are given.  相似文献   

The triplet consisting of two monophyletic taxa and one paraphyletic taxon as constructive element of the phylogenetic system Evolution has produced very many novelties (apomorphies). Most of them are small and relatively inconstant, these are more or less indicative of the phylogenetic relationships between closely related species. They cannot be the constitutive character of a supraspecific taxon that exists since a long time and comprises many diversified species. Such a taxon of higher rank can only be characterized by an improbable, rare novelty that has developed only once and has been preserved in all descendent species. Two consecutive apomorphies of this persistent type (‘fixed apomorphies’) characterize three supraspecific taxa, the triplet “A”, “B” and “A minus B” (Fig. 1). The group “A minus B” is rejected in Hennig's theory because it is ‘paraphyletic’, but it is not an artefact created by the systematicist. It is an inevitable mathematical consequence of the differentiatison of the group “B” within the group “A”. Being the result of a subtraction, it is necessarily associated with the two monophyletic partners in the triplet, as it is delimited on one side by the synapomorphy of the group “A”, of which it is a part, and on the other side by the autapomorphy of the separate group “B”. Traditional classifications often include paraphyletic groupings that are inconsistent with phylogenetics, e. g. the Reptilia and the Apterygota. The fault in such cases is that these groups are extended beyond the limits of a triplet and cover more than a single interval between consecutive monophyletic taxa. Paraphyletic groups are admitted in the phylogenetic system only for bridging the gaps in our cladistic information. According to HENNIG'S theory, all supraspecific taxa should be arranged two by two as sister-groups originating from one ancestral species and comprising all descendents of that species. The fixed evolutionary novelties which characterize higher supraspecific taxa are, however, rare and scattered. It is highly improbable that they have developed in sister species, therefore the taxa marked by them cannot be sister-groups (except in very rare cases). In HENNIG'S earlier papers, e. g. in his system of Lepidoptera (1953: 46–49), the alleged ‘sister-groups' are, in reality, the groups “B” and “A minus B” of a triplet (see Fig. 2). In his revised concept (1957 and later), two autapomorphic groups which are most closely related in the recent fauna (“B” and “C” in Fig. 3) are called ‘sister-groups’. But these have originated independently from different ancestors in a plesiomorphic complex of extinct species and are more closely related to parts of this complex than to each other. True sister-groups (“Bx” and “Cx” in Fig. 4) would be formed if these related plesiomorphic species were included, but this extension of the ’backward‘ border of the taxon is not justified by synapomorphy (in the terms of logic, it is a ’metabasis‘), and it would make the classification of fossil species impossible, unless these show at least one synapomorphy with either “B” or “C”. In the system of the recent fauna the sister-groups are identical with the autapomorphic groups, because the plesiomorphic species are extinct. The natural system based on synapomorphies and autapomorphies is the triplet-system as outlined in Figure 6. It is not a new type of classification, but its theoretical foundation was missing, and precise instructions were needed for its use in phylogenetics. The information obtained by HENNIG'S method is entirely preserved in this system and can be retrieved from it, and both recent and extinct species can be classified together. The disadvantage of the triplet-system is that it contains twice as many taxa as HENNIG'S classification. This complexity will limit its use in the practice of taxonomy, but it may be simplified by transforming the system into a sequence of paraphyletic taxa terminating in a single monophylum.  相似文献   

The terms “eustress” and “distress” are widely used throughout the scientific literature. As of February 2020, 203 items in the Web of Science show up in a search for “eustress,” however, there are almost 16 400 items found in a search for the term “distress.” Based on the reasoning in this article, however, it is believed there is no such thing as eustress or distress. The adaptation reaction of an organism under stress is not intrinsically good or bad, and its effect on health or performance depends on a plethora of other interactions of the body with the environment as well as on the history of such interactions. The vagueness of the terms “eustress/distress” has historically led to vast differences in the perception and application of the terms across disciplines. While psychology or sociology perceive eustress as something inextricably linked to positive perception and enhanced cognition, biomedicine perceives eustress as generally associated with better survival, health, or increased longevity, no matter how the event is perceived. In this paper, the authors review the current understanding of the term “eustress” in different fields, discuss possible implications of its misleading use, and suggest that the term may be replaced by “stress” only.  相似文献   

Background: Sensitivity to the bitter compound 6‐n‐propylthiouracil (PROP) is genetically mediated. Sensitivity to PROP has been associated with weight status in both adults and children. Objective: To determine whether there is an association between PROP sensitivity and BMI in low‐income children of diverse race/ethnicity, among whom there is a high prevalence of obesity. Methods and Procedures: Eighty‐one preschool‐aged children attending Head Start tasted a solution of 560 μmol/l PROP and reported whether it tasted “like water” or “like something else”. Mothers reported child's race, age, maternal education, maternal weight and height, child's reluctance to sample new foods via the Food Neophobia Scale (FNS), and child's dietary intake using a food frequency questionnaire. Child weight and height were measured. BMI was calculated and for children, expressed in z‐scores. Regression analyses were used to evaluate the relationship between child's PROP taster status and BMI z‐score, testing covariates child's age, gender, race, maternal education and BMI, and child's FNS score. Children's dietary intake was compared by PROP taster status. Results: PROP tasters, compared with nontasters, had significantly higher BMI z‐scores (0.99 (s.d. 1.24) vs. 0.03 (1.12), P = 0.004) and had a significantly higher prevalence of overweight (31.8% vs. 5.6%, P = 0.025), but demonstrated no differences in reported dietary intake. The most parsimonious model predicting the child's BMI z‐score included only maternal BMI and the child's PROP taster status (R 2 = 22.3%). Discussion: A genetically mediated ability to taste bitter may contribute to obesity risk in low‐income, preschool‐aged children.  相似文献   

This paper is a critical comment on a recent article by Lieberman. 1 We question his opinion that DNA is a better data source for phylogenetic reconstructions than bone and discuss his “problems and potential solutions” regarding the homology concept. We conclude that phylogenetic systematics requires a phylogenetic homology concept, and that Lieberman's “solutions,” though useful terms, should not be designated as homology.  相似文献   

The authors of various practitioner and scholarly documents suggest markedly contrasting understandings about the nature of “policy.” These divergent conceptions raise the question: What is at stake by understanding the nature of policy in one way as opposed to another? The purpose of this philosophical inquiry is to interrogate the nature of “policy” as it relates to music education and to question the values that do and might underlie and propagate through contrasting understandings of “policy.” Subsequently, I examine two aspects of policy, problem identification and meaning-making, that have gone largely unexplored in the arts education literature.

Using Foucault's writings, I argue that power-laden policy texts often have the greatest impact, not when they are mandated, but when they go misrecognized as common sense. I also advocate for the consistent use of the terms “policy texts” and “policy actions,” including as an alternative to the imbalanced designations of “soft policies” and “hard policies.” Drawing on Dewey arts educators might form “publics” around problems having consequences that they deem far-reaching, recurrent, and irreparable. Individual and collective political narratives, including what Ganz explains as “stories of self,” “stories of us,” and “stories of now,” can foster the meaningful connections necessary for forming “publics” who address pressing problems in arts education.  相似文献   

目的:探讨单侧人工耳蜗植入(cochlear implantation,CI)对学龄前耳聋儿童听觉语言康复的治疗效果以及相关影响因素。方法:将我院自2017年1月至2017年12月行CI治疗的学龄前儿童72例行作为研究对象,通过问卷调查手术患儿的相关资料,对可能影响患儿听觉言语康复效果的因素和听觉行为分级(Categories of auditory performance,CAP)以及言语可懂程度分级(Speech intelligibility rating,SIR)结果进行二分类变量的单因素分析,再进行多分类变量的Logistic回归分析评估患儿的治疗效果和影响康复效果的因素。结果:耳聋患儿CI植入年龄、术前平均残余听力、术前佩戴助听器时间、使用人工耳蜗时间和术后语训时间等因素和CAP增长倍数之间有明显的相关性(P0.05),除了上述因素之外还有术前语训时间等因素与治疗后患儿SIR增长倍数存在相关性(P0.05);CI植入年龄、术前平均残余听力和术前佩戴助听器时间对患儿术后CAP的恢复具有影响(P0.05);CI植入年龄、术前佩戴助听器时间、术前语训时间等因素对患儿SIR恢复产生影响(P0.05)。结论:患儿植入人工耳蜗的年龄、术前平均残余听力、术前佩戴助听器时间和术前言语训练时间是影响学龄前耳聋患儿术后听力言语功能恢复的主要因素。  相似文献   

In this article, Luria evalutes Eisenstein's scientific work in the development of cultural-historical science by stating: “Eisenstein's principal idea was creating a general, scientifically based theory of expression.” The article is based on Eisenstein's handwritten archive notes, scientific cooperation (research on expressive movements under hypnosis), and personal meetings between Luria and Eisenstein. Eisenstein's own report about progress in elaborating the theory of expression is the “Outline of a Lecture on the Psychology of Expressiveness,” which Luria cites extensively. The lecture did not take place, but Luria recognizes the challenge to carefully analyzing the archive of an outstanding thinker and artist.  相似文献   

Objective: To examine the extent to which television (TV) and video viewing is associated with consumption of fast food by preschool‐age children. Research Methods and Procedures: In a cross‐sectional study of 240 parents of children ages 2.0 to 5.9 years, parents reported the number of hours their child watched TV/videos on an average weekday and weekend day in the past month; a daily, weighted average of TV/video viewing was then calculated. The main outcome was parents’ report of their children's fast food intake, using the question, “How many times a week does your child eat at fast food restaurants such as McDonald's, Burger King, or Kentucky Fried Chicken?” dichotomized to (never/<1 vs. ≥1 time/wk). The association of TV/video viewing with fast food intake was evaluated by multiple logistic regression before and after adjusting for several potential confounders. Results: Twenty‐two percent of parents reported that their child ate at fast food restaurants at least once per week. After adjusting for parents’ age, race/ethnicity, and household income as well as child's age and sex, for each 1‐hour increase of TV/video watched per day, the odds ratio (OR) for consuming fast food ≥1 time per week was 1.60 (95% confidence interval, 1.03 to 2.49). After further adjustment for socio‐environmental factors that might serve as proxies for the availability of healthy food options, such as parental time constraints and the availability and high cost of fresh fruits and vegetables in their neighborhoods, the OR for consuming fast food ≥1 time per week was minimally attenuated (OR, 1.55; 95% confidence interval, 1.04 to 2.31). Discussion: TV/video viewing was correlated with fast food consumption among preschool children in this study. Our findings raise the possibility that greater exposure to TV and videos may influence preschool children's consumption of unhealthful foods.  相似文献   

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