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The article introduces a famous labyrinth task used to demonstrate children's different approaches to learning tasks. The author connects reflection to children's questions concerning personal learning tasks beyond teacher assignments. She assigns a special role in this to child's personal search in charting the limits of the unknown. Child's active exploration should focus on new methods. Development of reflection in the frame of developmental teaching sets new paradoxical requirements to teachers.  相似文献   

《Science activities》2013,50(2):69-72
Effective teaching is the art of getting information to the students' memory in an organized manner to facilitate later retrieval. Thanks to advances in cognitive science, one can talk of the science of teaching. A metaphor that captures the work of effective teachers is "teachers as knowledge engineers," which connotes that effective teachers understand the nature of knowledge and, by extrapolation, the nature of teaching and learning. When teachers take charge of knowledge, view it as a process, and understand how to work with it, they take charge of the knowledge-construction process and better help their students. This article discusses how science teachers use analogies as a means of organizing knowledge in their students' memory.  相似文献   

作为一门理论性与应用性都很强的课程,“合成生物学”对生物工程领域创新性人才培养发挥着至关重要的作用。为此,华中农业大学开设了“合成生物学”课程。首先,以“重基础知识、抓创新实践、追前沿进展”为理念,通过组建高水平的“合成生物学”教学团队,并不断调整优化课程内容,形成了新颖合理的课程体系。其次,在教学过程中,及时将高水平学术期刊及时事热点新闻报道中有关合成生物学的案例引入课堂教学中,丰富了教学内容,提高了学生的学习兴趣。再次,以前沿热点案例为切入点,通过以“学”为中心的授课模式,引导学生深入探讨,提高了学生的思辨思维与创新能力。本课程取得了很好的教学效果,并有效促进了创新型人才培养,在此与同行交流,以期能为“合成生物学”及相关课程的教学改革提供一些新的启发与思考。  相似文献   

目的:PBL是"基于问题式学习"的教学法,本文以PBL教学法内涵为理论基础,剖析了在临床医学教学过程中实施PBL教学法的必要性。PBL教学法可以顺应时代发展的要求提高学生的综合能力提升教师的教学水平增进和改善师生关系,并总结归纳出PBL教学法的一般模式和实施过程中常见的主要问题,主观上传统的教育观念根深蒂固,客观上存在师资力量不足、现有教学体系不科学的问题。提出了解决问题的策略:转变教学理念,不断完善教学环境;提高教师队伍素质建设,发挥教师导向作用;逐步建立科学的教育体系。PBL教学法有助于全面培养学习者的学习能力,提高学习者的综合素质,全面推行切合自身实际的PBL教学模式,逐步建立具有中国特色的临床医学教学模式,培养高素质临床医学人才,与现代社会对人才培养的要求基本一致,值得推广和应用。  相似文献   

青年教师作为高校教学工作的中坚力量,其教学水平直接影响着教学效果和教学质量。对医学院校而言,提高青年教师教学水平是培养优秀医学人才的重要手段。而教学基本功比赛是交流教学经验,展示教学风采,提升教学能力的重要平台。通过比赛不仅能提升教学水平,激发教学热情,更能提升教师的全面素质,同时也为广大青年教师提供了良好的互相交流和沟通的平台,以取得共同进步。笔者结合自身多年来的教学实践,参加教学比赛及观摩体会,介绍了全国医学院校教学基本功比赛的背景及意义,同时从课堂设计、教学技巧、教学手段等3个方面深入探讨了如何提高教师临床课授课能力及教学效果,旨在更好的发挥教学比赛对日常教学的辐射作用,为提高广大青年教师临床课教学水平提供参考及帮助。  相似文献   

Although much has been written about professional development in general education and music education literature, little has addressed the benefits of music-making as meaningful professional development for music teachers. For music teachers, music-making and meanings of music-making have been connected with teachers' identity, well-being, beliefs, and effectiveness, as well as being a powerful pedagogical tool and a way to develop presence in teaching. Presence in teaching is linked with self-awareness, attentiveness, and pedagogical knowledge. The purpose of this article is to explore the benefits of music-making for music teachers in order to convince policymakers of the value of music-making as a professional development activity for music teachers. This article explores theories from psychology and education that link engagement, well-being, and identity to lay the foundation for a justification of broadening professional development policies. Then, literature is presented that connects teachers' art-making experiences (past and present), identity, teaching, and student learning. The third section draws on my previous work to illustrate the intersections between teachers' music-making and teaching. Then, suggestions for implementing professional development programs with music-making components are made. Although there are many ways music-making could be included as professional development, I offer four suggestions: including music-making in departmental or district-wide meetings, granting professional development credit to music teachers who make music outside of the classroom, setting up in-classroom reflection opportunities/action research based on integrating music-making and music teaching, and initiating a collaborative teacher study group that includes chamber music collaboration.  相似文献   

目的:探索新的人体解剖学实验教学模式和促进解剖学实验室标本建设,在提高解剖学实验教学质量同时,使实验室具有数量可观、质量上乘,能立体、全面反映人体形态构造的标本,实现解剖学教学质量和实验室建设的共同发展。方法:组建具备良好的职业道德、崇高的敬业精神和扎实的解剖学理论知识,又能激励和启迪学生的教学团队,遴选具有强烈的事业心,高度的责任感和吃苦耐劳精神学生,师生互动,学生自主动手解剖尸体,制作标本,进行师生共建实验室模式的探索。结果:学生观察能力、动手能力、学生综合素质和知识结构得到提高和强化,教师业务水平得到提高,实验室教学标本得到大量有效补充。结论:师生共建实验室活动取得了良好效果。在推广过程中,加大对学生的人文关怀,使教师不仅是"课程的组织者、情感的支持者、学习的参与者、信息的咨询者"更是学生"生活的关怀者",将使本探索将更具推广意义。  相似文献   

为加强课堂教学改革,提高人才培养质量,采取问卷调查的形式对互动式课堂教学现状进行了研究。结果表明:多数教师认为学生的兴趣和智力是影响师生互动的重要因素,其次学习态度和个人情绪也会影响互动式课堂教学效果;在调查互动式课堂教学对教师要求方面,27%的学生认为教师应该教学严谨且条理清晰,24%的学生认为教师应该幽默风趣且引人入胜,13%的学生认为教师应该知识渊博,36%的学生认为教师讲课不仅要教学严谨、幽默风趣、知识渊博,而且要综合能力较强;而在调查师生互动角色时,68%的教师认为需要师生双方面的共同努力,16%的教师认为重在教师,15%的教师认为重在学生,个别的选择了其他;另外,在调查师生互动的方式时,35%的学生认为采用“设置场景”进行课堂互动效果最好,28%的学生认为“辩论赛式”互动效果好,21%的学生选择“点名式”互动,只有少数学生选择了采取“留言薄”互动。本次调查获得的结果为高校进行互动式课堂教学改革提供了参考。  相似文献   

杨希  高强  梁鹏  何慧 《微生物学通报》2021,48(10):3910-3922
微生物学属于生命科学的重要分支,是生物、食品科学、临床医学等大学专业一门重要的基础课。该课程综合性强、知识涉及面广,所以如何有效调动学生的学习兴趣将直接影响课堂效果。为达到良好的教学效果,教师可在微生物学教学过程中综合运用多种方式提高学生学习兴趣与学习质量。因此,我们采用“趣味教学法”进行教学设计,并针对连续3个不同年级的相同专业班级做出教学改革,通过学生期末闭卷成绩、过程考核(签到率、课堂参与度、注意力集中程度等)成绩与学生反馈评语对教学成果进行验证。结果表明,采用“趣味教学法”进行教学改革的班级学生期末闭卷成绩中不及格率低于未改革的班级,“良好”与“优秀”学生比例均高于未改革的班级,过程考核成绩远高于未改革的班级,说明“趣味教学法”教学改革有效调动了学生的学习兴趣。我们认为,在大学微生物学课堂上,教师可在教学设计中适当引入趣味教学内容并适时展开,有助于改善教学气氛,调动学生学习积极性与主动性,提高教学质量。  相似文献   

如何提高我国临床课程青年教师团队的素质与教学能力,是近年来伴随国内医学教育发展扩大而日益突出的问题。作为当前医学临床课程的教学主力,青年教师的教学能力会对医学临床课程教学效果产生重大影响。但绝大部分临床课程青年教师都毕业于医学院校,未曾接受专业的师范类培训,导致尽管自身临床知识丰富,但教学水平明显受限的情况发生。本研究采取对我院各科室青年临床教师进行问卷调查的方法,深入分析青年教师的临床教学能力现状与问题,并提出改进方案,以使他们能够更快完成青年临床医师与青年临床教师之间的角色变换,提升自身教学能力,进而提高我院临床课程的教学质量。  相似文献   

为进一步提升教学质量,基于成果导向教育(outcome based education,OBE)理念,探索病原生物学课程教学体系的改革和应用效果。课前,教师通过超星泛雅网络教学平台上传学习资料,明确教学目标,精心设计预习任务。课中,教师对学生的预习成果进行测试,进而有目的地实施教学并在课程中融入思政元素,激发学生的学习动力并培养社会主义核心价值观;运用思维导图整合学生的逻辑思维;设置多种互动环节提高学生的主动性。课后,优化考核评价体系,运用综合评价及反馈提高学生的学习效果。教学改革最终实现“以学生为中心,以成果为导向”的目标,培养能力突出的高素质应用型医学人才。  相似文献   

This article examines Greek-Cypriot teachers' constructions of Turkish-speaking children's identities in the Greek-Cypriot educational system. Drawing on interviews and classroom observations from a two-year ethnographic study conducted in three primary schools in the Republic of Cyprus, the author explores how Turkish-speaking children enrolled in these schools are racialized, ethnicized and classed within the dominant discourse of Greek-Cypriot teachers. The article discusses how the homogenized perceptions expressed by the majority of participating teachers in this study are illustrative of structural racism that reinforces these constructions in teaching practices. Yet, at the same time, resistance is present in the discourse and practice of a few teachers; this resistance is expressed through a counter-positioning of the ‘normal/ized’ identities of Turkish-speaking children. The author argues that without structural transformation, the fact and practice of racism/nationalism/classism will go unaltered in schools.  相似文献   

工业微生物学是生命科学类专业的核心课程,该课程应用性强。为更好地实现地方高校应用型人才的培养目标,我们教学团队结合当地产业发展特色,从应用型师资培养、教学内容重组、线上线下混合式和社会实践教学模式构建、形成性学习评价体系建立等环节对"工业微生物学"课程教学进行了改革探索。实践表明,改革后的课程教学激发了学生内在的学习动力,有效提升了学生的应用能力和综合素质,取得了较好的教学效果。  相似文献   

M Chamberland  R Boulé 《CMAJ》1990,143(8):725-730
We reviewed the available data on residents'' teaching role in the clinical setting to develop programs to improve their teaching skills. Articles published from 1966 to 1989 were identified through a computerized search of MEDLINE, and the bibliographies of identified papers were reviewed. Articles directly related to the topic were included and analysed. Taking into account their quality, we extracted data relevant to specific issues. Approximately 15% to 25% of an average work week was spent by residents in different teaching activities. Students acknowledged the importance of their contribution to clinical teaching. Residents benefitted from teaching by increasing their medical knowledge and promoting the development of important attitudes. Insufficient preparation for this task and the numerous practical problems faced by residents may explain their modest performance as teachers. Nevertheless, programs directed to residents might improve the quality of their teaching. We suggest some guidelines for the development of programs to improve their teaching skills and for future research.  相似文献   

Results of an interview study with eighty-four secondary school students indicate that children's theories about inheritance may he well-developed and coherent (though many do not conform to accepted scientific theory) before the topic is taught in school biology. The research alerts teachers to a number of commonly held viewpoints—for example intra-specific variation is often explained in terms of developmental defects, many students believe that acquired characteristics are inherited, and many also appear not to understand the equality of parental gene contribution or the mechanism of inheritance generally. Although the results suggest some improvement in understanding with age, especially between 14 and 16 years, several alternative viewpoints persisted in the older age groups. The authors discuss the implications of the work for biology teachers and suggest that more emphasis be given in lower secondary courses to the significance of genetics to life in general and to man in particular. Links between existing knowledge of familiar instances of inheritance and more technical aspects of genetics will, it is proposed, be important in future learning.  相似文献   



Teamwork between clinical teachers is a challenge in postgraduate medical training. Although there are several instruments available for measuring teamwork in health care, none of them are appropriate for teaching teams. The aim of this study is to develop an instrument (TeamQ) for measuring teamwork, to investigate its psychometric properties and to explore how clinical teachers assess their teamwork.


To select the items to be included in the TeamQ questionnaire, we conducted a content validation in 2011, using a Delphi procedure in which 40 experts were invited. Next, for pilot testing the preliminary tool, 1446 clinical teachers from 116 teaching teams were requested to complete the TeamQ questionnaire. For data analyses we used statistical strategies: principal component analysis, internal consistency reliability coefficient, and the number of evaluations needed to obtain reliable estimates. Lastly, the median TeamQ scores were calculated for teams to explore the levels of teamwork.


In total, 31 experts participated in the Delphi study. In total, 114 teams participated in the TeamQ pilot. The median team response was 7 evaluations per team. The principal component analysis revealed 11 factors; 8 were included. The reliability coefficients of the TeamQ scales ranged from 0.75 to 0.93. The generalizability analysis revealed that 5 to 7 evaluations were needed to obtain internal reliability coefficients of 0.70. In terms of teamwork, the clinical teachers scored residents'' empowerment as the highest TeamQ scale and feedback culture as the area that would most benefit from improvement.


This study provides initial evidence of the validity of an instrument for measuring teamwork in teaching teams. The high response rates and the low number of evaluations needed for reliably measuring teamwork indicate that TeamQ is feasible for use by teaching teams. Future research could explore the effectiveness of feedback on teamwork in follow up measurements.  相似文献   

青年教师是高等院校未来的主力军,学校可持续发展的后备力量,是学校事业发展的希望,因此,提高青年教师的教学水平至关重要。大学青年教师在专业技能、思想政治素质、业务水平、掌握阅读专业书刊能力、自身的教学经验和反思等方面具有良好的基础,但在教育学、心理学、一般教学方法、学习情况分析等方面不够深入了解,因此需要对大学青年教师进行严格系统性培养,本文针对青年教师一对一导师制专业技能培训、观摩教学、继续教育培训等方面进行阐述,旨在为青年教师早日进入角色,尽快胜任教育教学工作提供参考。  相似文献   

‘教学型’高校教师的主要工作是教学,科研工作处于时断时续的状态。针对以上现实,本文指出了“教学型高校”加大科研力度的必要性,并就目前的科研现实提出切实可行的改进措施。①教学与科研不是独立的两个方面,而是相互促进的一个整体,加大‘教学型’高校的科研力度可以达到教学、科研的互利双赢。科研应该逐渐成为‘教学型高校’教师的重要工作内容。②重视科研也是重视教学,提高教学质量以及围绕教学进行的评估、教改等各项举措,也应该从加大科研力度的角度进行:教师有了科研工作,自然需要学生参与;而学生加入到教师的科研活动,不仅是对学生动手能力、创新意识的最好培养,更将明显提高学生学习理论知识的积极性,提高听课效率。③改善‘教学型高校’科研工作的现状,可从设立研究型教师岗位和减少行政指令性活动等方面入手。  相似文献   

吴春发  肖娜 《生物工程学报》2022,38(12):4838-4849
“环境污染的生物修复(Bioremediation of Environmental Pollution)”是环境科学、环境工程、农业资源与环境等专业的专业选修课,在专业人才培养体系中具有重要地位。针对课程前期教学中存在的问题,任课教师结合高质量人才培养需求,从课程教学目标优化、课程教学内容重构与知识整合、教学方法改革与创新等环节对课程教学进行了改革探索。实践结果表明,改革后的课程教学不仅显著提升了课程教学目标的达成度,还有效提高了学生自主学习能力、思维能力和知识综合运用能力,取得了较好的教学效果。  相似文献   

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