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金针菇是著名的食、药两用真菌。以45份金针菇品种为试验材料,对21个性状进行分级与评价,对12个数量性状进行分级,并对其中10个数量性状的相关性和2个数量性状的不同测量部位的影响进行了研究。结果表明:所有性状均适合作为DUS(特异性、一致性和稳定性)测试性状,12个数量性状可分别划分为3–5级;10个数量性状至少与1个其他数量性状显著相关;菌柄由上往下逐渐变粗,不同品种变粗程度略有差异,测量菌柄直径时要求测量菌柄上部1/3处;子实体数量由下往上逐渐减少,不同品种减少程度略有差异,测量子实体数量时要求测量单瓶中长度在基部1/3以上的子实体个数;形态性状的聚类分析结果支持将"菌落:表面色素"、"菌盖:纵切面形状"和"菌盖:表面颜色"作为分组性状。  相似文献   

利用74份玉簪品种对19个数量性状进行筛选和分级研究,并对不同性状的测量时期和部位进行了探讨。结果表明:叶柄宽度的测试方式采取自然状态下直接测量,花序梗长度测量从基部到第1花苞片着生处的长度,苞片性状全部观测第1花苞片,花相关性状以1~3花中的完全开放花为观测对象;所有候选性状均符合DUS测试指南性状选用的条件,可分为3~9个连续的分级;植株、叶片的观测可改在开花期观测,花序相关性状则在末花期观测。  相似文献   

利用70个朱顶红品种对12个数量性状进行了筛选及分级研究,并对5个数量性状的测量部位进行了研究。结果表明:所有性状均满足DUS测试要求,性状2由于区分能力弱不适于作为DUS测试性状。12个数量性状可进行3~9个连续分布的分级。花茎从下往上逐渐变细,但不同品种变细程度略有差异,在测量花茎中部的最大宽度时要求严格测量花茎的1/2处;不同茎上各数量性状测量值略有差异,除花茎长度和花梗长度外的性状差异不显著;同一花茎不同花间数量性状差异较小;同品种的花外花被片长度、宽度不存在显著差异;种球大小对数量性状有显著影响。  相似文献   

植物新品种特异性、一致性和稳定性(DUS)测试是新品种保护的基础和依据,测试性状的筛选是DUS测试的核心。为制定无髯鸢尾DUS测试指南,初步确定测试性状43个,结合性状间R型聚类分析性状间相关性,去除相关性大、贡献较小的雌蕊长、叶长性状,最终确定操作性强、区别明显的测试性状41个;利用品种间Q型聚类分析确定测试指南的分组性状4个;对性状进行分级及分布分析,保证无髯鸢尾测试指南的可行性,为无髯鸢尾品种测试与授权提供技术支持。  相似文献   

非洲菊新品种DUS测试数量性状分级及形态性状多样性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对非洲菊品种11个数量性状进行了分级研究,利用54个形态性状对22个非洲菊品种进行了多样性分析。结果表明:11个数量性状可进行5个或者7个连续分布的分级,分别建立3~7或者2~8的不完整尺度;54个形态性状在22个非洲菊品种中检测到162个等位变异,平均每个性状检测到3.0个,平均有效等位变异数目为2.0209(1.0000~3.9672);Shannon's多样性指数平均为0.7578(0~1.4650)。22个非洲菊品种相似系数分布在0.67~0.86,当相似系数为0.70时,22个非洲菊品种可分为3类。花序类型为单瓣的品种和外轮舌状小花上表面颜色数量为2种的品种能和其他品种有效的区分。  相似文献   

对多花黑麦草(Lolium multiflorum Lam.)7个品种进行了不同时期30个数量性状指标的测定,利用数量性状对多花黑麦草性状进行了概率分级的研究,并进行了相关性分析。结果表明,30个数量性状变异范围在7.55%~40.65%之间,变异系数最大的是分蘖数,最小的是千粒重。根据各数量性状的K-S检验及χ2检验,发现仅少部分性状不符合χ2分布;最终将28个数量性状分为5个等级,另外将抽穗期(春化后)和分蘖数分为3个等级。多花黑麦草的30个数量性状之间相关性分析结果表明株高与生长习性、小穗数与小穗密度、上部节间长与节间数呈极显著负相关,花序长与小穗密度呈极显著正相关。研究结果为多花黑麦草品种的鉴定评价、品种选育及数量性状的分级提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

基于形态性状的菊属与亚菊属植物亲缘关系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
依据菊花DUS测试指南中性状观测和分级的方法,记录了菊属、亚菊属共31个物种叶片和花序的共计8个定性多态性状,并测量了各物种叶片的14个形态指标,将其转换为7个数量多态性状,分别基于定性多态性状代码和叶片数量多态性状数值利用聚类分析研究其亲缘关系,将两次聚类结果进行比较。结果发现,基于定性多态性状和叶片数量多态性状的聚类结果均可以对菊花近缘属植物进行亲缘关系分析,并与前人利用分子标记的亲缘关系研究及植物学传统分类的研究结果一致,能够较准确地反映种间亲缘关系。而利用菊花DUS测试相关定性多态性状的信息进行亲缘关系研究,具有准确度高、采样简便、工作量小的优点。  相似文献   

腐霉属分类性状评价及其中国的种   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
余永年  马国忠 《真菌学报》1990,9(4):249-262

基于DUS测试性状的玉米自交系形态多样性分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
利用DUS测试中的47个性状对15份普通玉米自交系和13份糯玉米骨干自交系进行了形态多样性研究。结果表明:本研究所选用的普通玉米自交系较糯玉米自交系的形态变异更为丰富;47个性状的Shannon-Weaver多样性指数存在较大差异。聚类分析表明,糯玉米自交系紧密地聚在一起,与普通玉米自交系存在较大形态差别。DUS测试性状涵盖的信息量大且受环境影响相对较小,可应用于玉米自交系的形态多样性分析。  相似文献   

石斛属植物倍性与形态学性状的相关性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用根尖压片法对55份石斛属资源的倍性进行了鉴定,并测量它们的气孔长度、气孔密度、叶长、叶宽、叶厚、株高、茎粗、花朵直径和花瓣厚度9个形态学性状。结果显示:(1)55份供试石斛属资源材料中有:四倍体40份、占72.73%,三倍体11份、占20.00%,二倍体4份、占7.27%。(2)对石斛属倍性与9个形态学性状进行相关分析表明,气孔长度、叶长、叶宽、叶厚、茎粗、花朵直径和花瓣厚度7个性状与染色体倍性呈极显著正相关,气孔密度与染色体倍性呈极显著负相关,株高与染色体倍性相关性不显著。  相似文献   

AIMS: To develop a procedure for isolating living egg cells and zygotes from Alstroemeria ovules. SCOPE: An attempt was made to isolate egg cells and zygotes from the ovules of Alstroemeria aurea. The ovules were histologically observed using a clearing procedure which revealed the localization and sizes of the embryo sacs and egg apparatus within the ovules. For the isolation of egg cells, ovules were cut into sections with a surgical blade and treated with an enzyme solution. Subsequently, these ovule sections were dissected using a glass needle under an inverted microscope. Egg cells successfully isolated by this procedure were collected using microcapillaries connected to a micropump. For zygote isolation, ovules were excised from ovaries 24 h after self-pollination. By treating excised ovules with an enzyme solution and subsequently dissecting them using a glass needle, zygotes were successfully isolated from the ovules and collected with a microcapillary. The isolated zygotes were associated with pollen tubes and one of the synergids. Egg cells and zygotes were viable for up to 2 h following isolation, as determined by fluorescein diacetate staining. CONCLUSIONS: The procedures for isolating egg cells and zygotes in Alstroemeria were established, and each egg cell and zygote was captured with a microcapillary.  相似文献   

Fertile ramets of bumblebee-pollinated Alstroemeria aurea, a clonal perennial native to the temperate forests of the southern Andes, produce single terminal inflorescences that may bear two or more temporally non-overlapping whorls of flowers. While fruit set is commonly high (>80%) among early-opening flowers, it is usually low (<20%) among late-opening flowers within ramets. Using flowering ramets with two whorls of flowers, we examined experimentally the following related hypotheses. First, late flowers act as a reserve of ovaries, increasing their likelihood of setting seed when early fruits abort due to either pollen or resource limitation. Second, where early fruit abortion has occurred, plants may actively ensure pollination of late flowers by increasing their attractants and rewards. In a natural population, we simulated (1) lack of pollen deposition in early flowers, by excising their stigmas just before receptivity, and (2) resource limitation, by removing all the leaves from an experimental flowering ramet. Treatments were applied to individual ramets according to a 2 × 2 factorial design. We found that when early flowers failed to set fruit due to stigma excision, nectar secretion and particularly pollen receipt strongly increased in late flowers. Higher pollen deposition contributed significantly to the observed five-fold increase in seed output of late flowers. Fruit and seed set from early flowers were more negatively affected by defoliation than that from late flowers. Defoliation did not interfere with a ramet's capacity to increase late reproductive output when early reproduction failed. These results support the assertion that late flowers act as a reserve of ovaries helping a plant to cope with an unpredictable environment. These results also suggest that plants may actively increase pollinator visitation by opportunistically increasing flower rewards. Received: 23 June 1998 / Accepted: 3 May 1999  相似文献   

Marcelo A. Aizen 《Oecologia》1997,111(3):404-412
Local density and sexual composition are two aspects of floral neighborhoods thought to influence pollination and seed output of recipient plants. I characterized the floral neighborhood of 436 flowering ramets of Alstroemeria aurea, a southern Andean perennial, distributed among three sites. On each ramet, I measured total pollen receipt and seed output. The long-lived, bumblebee-pollinated flowers of A. aurea are synchronously protandrous with a given ramet being either all male or all female and thus incapable of self or geitonogamous pollination at the ramet level. Even though each ramet changes sex over time, A. aurea forms floral neighborhoods that remain stable with respect to density and sex ratio during the span of a focal ramet female phase. Contrary to expectation, under field conditions neither local density nor sexual identity explained significant amounts of variation in pollen receipt. Density of neighboring flowering ramets marginally affected pollen receipt in two of the three populations but in opposite directions. Despite the absence of strong effects of neighborhood sexual composition on pollen receipt, the sexual identity of neighbors affected seed output which suggests effects on the quality of pollination due to changes in patterns of pollen flow. I also compared pollen loads on the stigmas of artificially isolated ramets (6 m) with those on experimental focal ramets surrounded by six close neighbors (20 cm) that were either all male or all female. Here, pollen receipt by focal ramets in all-male neighborhoods was 1.3 times greater than in isolated ramets, and 3.8 times greater than in ramets in all-female neighborhoods. In these artificial neighborhoods, stigmatic pollen deposition increased significantly over time. In nature, rates of bumblebee visits were higher in female-biased (early-flowering) than in male-biased (late-flowering) co-occurring floral patches. Thus, spatio-temporal shifts in visitation frequencies associated with the sexual composition of floral neighborhoods might compensate for spatial variability in pollen availability within populations and explain the discrepancies between empirical and experimental results. Received: 11 June 1996 / Accepted: 24 March 1997  相似文献   

 Three repetitive DNA sequences were isolated from a genomic DNA library of the ornamental Alstroemeria aurea Graham. Two repeats, A001-I and A001-II, were quite homologous and highly A. aurea-specific. A001-I was a 217-bp sequence with several telomeric TTTAGGG repeats at the 5′ end and a unique sequence of 98 bp at the other end. The third repeat, A001-IV, was a 840-bp sequence which contained two sub-sequences of 56 and 74 bp respectively, previously found in chloroplast (cp) DNA of tobacco and spinach and to a lesser extent in the cpDNA of maize and rice. Repeat A001-IV was not species-specific and its hybridization signal was weaker than the other repeats. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) revealed the A. aurea-specific repeats to be located in the heterochromatic regions of all A. aurea chromosomes. The differences in FISH pattern make them useful tools for karyotype analysis. The non-species-specific sequence A001-IV gave a dispersed signal over all the Alstroemeria chromosomes in an interspecific hybrid. The potential use of these repetitive DNA sequences for the study of phylogenetic relationships within the genus Alstroemeria is discussed. Received: 24 November 1996/Accepted: 20 December 1996  相似文献   

Chlorophyll loss in the leaves of cut flowering branches of Alstroemeria pelegrina L. cv. Stajello, placed in water in darkness at 20°, was inhibited by irradiation with red light and by the inclusion of gibberellic acid (GA3) in the water. The effects of red light were abolished when it was followed by far-red light. Effects of GA3 and red light were additive over a range of GA3 concentrations (0. 01–1 μ M ). Chlorophyll breakdown was increased by the inclusion of AMO-1618, ancymidol, or tetcyclasis in the water. The effect of these inhibitors of gibberellin synthesis was fully reversed by GA3. The inhibition of chlorophyll breakdown by red light was absent when AMO-1618, ancymidol or tetcyclasis were included in the water. The results indicate that leaf yellowing is controlled by endogenous gibberellins and that the effect of phytochrome is mediated by gibberellin synthesis.  相似文献   

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