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Field and commensal rodents were live-trapped at three villages in an active focus of plague (Yersinia pseudotuberculosis pestis) in Lushoto District, Western Usambara Mountains, Tanga Region, Tanzania, from December 1983 to November 1984. Their flea ectoparasites were collected, identified and counted. The rodent carcasses were serologically examined for specific plague antibodies and antigens, and bacteriologically examined for bipolar staining bacilli. A total of 1758 traps were set during the 12-month period and 924 animals were caught. From these, 1037 fleas were collected. Rattus rattus (L.), Praomys natalensis (Smith) and Lophuromys flavopunctatus Thomas comprised the largest proportions of the rodent population, while Dinopsyllus lypusus Jordan & Rothschild, Ctenophthalmus calceatus Waterston and Xenopsylla brasiliensis (Baker) were the dominant flea species. Rodents were most abundantly trapped during December and January. Flea indices were highest from December to May. Human plague was most active from November to March. Rodents contained plague antibodies every month except May and July, with a peak in September. Plague antigens and bipolar bacilli were detected in rodent organs during January-April. From the product of abundance and infection rate, the most prevalent rodent hosts of plague appeared to be R. rattus, Otomys angoniensis Wroughton, P. natalensis and Pelomys fallax (Peters). Continuous integrated control of rodents and fleas was recommended, reinforced by quarantine and maintenance of a surveillance service for clinical detection, diagnosis and treatment of patients in the plague endemic area.  相似文献   

The breeding pattern of the grass rat, Arvicanthis neumanni, was investigated in central Tanzania in 2002/2003 . Nine hundred and forty-seven animals were captured in three age groups: juveniles, sub adults and adults. These age groups were present in the population for an extended duration, but there was an increase in the number of sexually active individuals and juveniles 2–3 months after the onset of the rains (December 2002–May 2003). A peak in reproductive activity occurred between January and April. Litter size ranged between 5.58 ± 0.42 and 6.1 ± 0.26 in two study sites. There were no significant differences in the number of embryos implanted in the right and left horns of the uterus of pregnant females (t22 = 0, P  > 0.05 and t36 = 1.68, P  > 0.05, respectively). Sex ratio of A. neumanni was not skewed to either males or females. Breeding was seasonal and seemed to be associated with seasonal variations in primary productivity, which relates to rainfall patterns.  相似文献   

Archival and ethnographic research carried out in northeastern Tanzania provides evidence of significant changes in production and consumption of staple food crops between 1850 and the present. The banana, which provided the bulk of calories and other nutrients in precolonial times, has been successively replaced by Irish potatoes, maize, and cassava in different localities. The reasons for the adoption of each of these introduced crops are explored, and their implications for human nutrition in the area are discussed.  相似文献   

Preliminary population density estimates are presented for a recently discovered population of the Sokoke scops owl Otus ireneae in the lowlands of the East Usambara mountains, Tanzania. Calling birds were mapped at two sites totalling 6·3 km2. Approximate densities were 3–4 territories/km2 in Kwamgumi Forest Reserve and <1·5 territories/km2 in Manga Forest Reserve, a much more heavily logged site. Densities in prime habitat in Arabuko‐Sokoke forest, Kenya, the only other locality for the species, exceed seven territories/km2. The total population in the East Usambaras cannot be calculated, but it is probably markedly smaller than in Arabuko‐Sokoke. Suggestions for more precise surveys are made.  相似文献   

The breeding season diet and nesting characteristics of the Silvery-cheeked Hornbill Bycanistes brevis are poorly known. To further understand these aspects of the breeding biology of this hornbill species, 14 nests were studied in and around Amani Nature Reserve located in the East Usambara Mountains, Tanzania. Nesting tree species were identified and the diet composition of nesting hornbills was evaluated between July and November 2001. The ejecta from each nest were collected, inventoried, identified (as completely as possible) and enumerated. Food items were categorised as plant, vertebrate or invertebrate. Plants, represented largely by fruits, were the dominant food type (n = 861), followed by invertebrates (n = 306; mainly millipedes and beetles), and vertebrates (n = 15; mainly smaller birds and chameleons). A comparison of results from the current study to other nesting observations made approximately seven decades earlier in the same area suggest that (1) the invasive tree species Maesopsis eminii, which was the most common food type consumed (n = 4 539 seeds), has become a favoured new food source in the breeding season, and (2) the breeding season appears to have shifted to an earlier period, potentially due to the fruiting phenology and abundance of Maesopsis eminii.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the reproductive biology of endangered plants is essential for their effective conservation. It also provides important information for understanding the evolutionary processes that affect speciation, thus helping the definition of proper units for conservation in endangered plants with problematic taxonomy. We studied the reproductive potential and possibility for hybridization in the endangered genus Saintpaulia (Gesneriaceae) by examining flowering phenology, flower and seed production and pollination of three sympatric cross‐compatible Saintpaulia species in the East Usambara Mts., Tanzania. The synchrony observed in flowering in S. confusa and S. difficilis may enable hybridization between these two species, whereas partial phenological separation may contribute to the integrity of S. grotei. Although the level of flower abortion is high in S. confusa, each pollinated flower yields about 1000 seeds. Saintpaulia confusa produces fruits following both self‐ and cross‐pollination but spontaneous self‐pollination seems not to occur. Thus, seed production depends on sufficient pollinator service. Floral heteromorphy (i.e. enantiostyly) and bee pollination are likely to further enhance cross‐pollination, suggesting that the genus predominantly outcrosses. Thus, Saintpaulia populations are likely to suffer from negative effects of inbreeding if they become small and isolated.  相似文献   

A Capture‐Mark‐Recapture study was undertaken in Central Tanzania to compare variations in community structure and population dynamics of rodents in two types of habitats. The study was conducted in fallow field mosaic habitat dominated by perennial and annual grasses (grid BEA) and a more heterogeneous habitat (grid BEB) which was previously woodland cleared of most trees with vegetation dominated by shrubs, bushes, scattered trees and perennial grass. The relative abundance of rodents in BEA was: Mastomys natalensis (73.5%) > Aethomys chrysophilus (8.9%) > Gerbilliscus vicina (7.3%) > Arvicanthis neumanni (6.1%) > Acomys spinosissimus (4.1%) and for grid BEB: M. natalensis (67.6%) > G. vicina (11.2%) > A. neumanni (10.3%) > A. chrysophilus (7.6%) > A. spinosissimus (2.9%). Graphiurus sp., Mus minutoides, Saccostomus mearnsi, Lemniscomys striatus and L. griselda were rare and only occasionally trapped in BEB. Spatial variations in population density were non‐significant except for A. chrysophilus. Significant temporal variations within grids were observed, with synchrony of population peaks for some species. The rare species boosted species richness of grid BEB rather artificially, without significantly contributing to higher species diversity. Temporal variations in Simpson’s Diversity indices between grids were non‐significant except for three out of twenty‐one trapping sessions.  相似文献   

Mating among closely‐related individuals in small and isolated plant populations may result in reduced vigour of the inbred offspring, i.e. inbreeding depression, especially in naturally outbreeding plants. Occurrence of inbreeding and inbreeding depression was studied in Saintpaulia ionantha ssp. grotei, a threatened endemic plant species with a narrow ecological amplitude from the East Usambara Mountains. The level of inbreeding (measured as the fixation index, F) was investigated in twelve populations by analyzing variation at one microsatellite marker locus. The effect of one generation of selfing and outcrossing on the progeny fitness was studied by controlled crosses in two small patches that differ in the level isolation. The fixation index (F) across the populations was on the average 0.21 and varied among the populations from substantial inbreeding (F = 0.58) to surplus heterozygosity (F = −0.29). High inbreeding depression (δ) was observed at early and late stages of the life‐cycle. The isolated patch exhibited lower inbreeding depression than did the non‐isolated patch. The results of this study suggest that inbreeding and subsequent inbreeding depression are potential threats to the survival of Saintpaulia populations.  相似文献   

We evaluated the statistical power of monitoring protocols to detect, over a 10‐year period, trends in indices of abundance of primates, hornbills and forest interior dung beetles and growth rates of epiphytic ferns in the Amani Nature Reserve, in the East Usambara Mountains, Tanzania. Local technicians are responsible for the day‐to‐day gathering of data. The existing monitoring protocols for blue monkey, silver‐cheeked hornbills, trumpeter hornbills, forest interior dung beetles and Asplenium nidus have sufficient statistical power (>0.80) to detect trends of 65% or less over a 10‐year period. Monitoring protocols for black and white colobus and Asplenium holstii have lower statistical power (<0.80). We therefore conclude that the majority of monitoring protocols of the East Usambara Ecological Monitoring Project have the capacity both logistically and statistically to detect long‐term trends in important functional groups in the East Usambara Mountains.  相似文献   

Forest community dynamics were studied for 4 years in a 6 ha permanent plot of species rich, old-growth, temperate deciduous forest in Ogawa Forest Reserve, central Japan. The gap formation rate, recruitment, mortality, gain and loss rate in basal area during 4 years were 42 m2 ha–1 yr–1, 1.74% yr–1, 1.19% yr–1, 1.12% yr–1 and 0.88% yr–1, respectively. The turnover time calculated from them ranged from 58 to 240 years. Both the mortality and mortality factors were size dependent; trees in middle size class had smallest mortality, and the proportion of the trees killed by disturbances increased with size. Gap creations were concentrated in a particular year, suggesting a large heterogeneity in time. Spatial distribution of recruited trees were biassed to the old gaps (older than 4 years), especially that of the species with Bell-shaped dbh distribution (shade intolerant) strongly associated with the gaps. Recruitment in tree stems and the loss of basal area, thus had the larger variability than mortality of stems and this forest, and the species with L-shaped dbh distribution seemed to going to increase the importance in the future if the present trend continues to be held. The turnover time of population is positively correlated with the maximum dbh size of the species, indicating the slow change of the population of large sized species.  相似文献   

The effects of the abundance of acorns of the oak, Quercus crispula, on the population dynamics of three rodent species (Apodemus speciosus, A. argenteus, and Clethrionomys rufocanus) were analyzed using time series data (1992–2006). The data were obtained in a forest in northern Hokkaido, Japan, by live trapping rodents and directly counting acorns on the ground. Apodemus speciosus generally increased in abundance following acorn masting. However, the clear effect of acorn abundance was not detected for the other two rodent species. Acorns of Q. crispula contain tannins, which potentially have detrimental effects on herbivores. Apodemus speciosus may reduce the damage caused by acorn tannins with tannin-binding salivary proteins and tannase-producing bacteria, whereas such physiological tolerance to tannins is not known in the other two rodent species. The differences in the effects of acorns between the three species may be due to differences in their physiological tolerance to tannins.  相似文献   

Allanblackia stuhlmannii is a tree species currently under domestication. Potential mycorrhizal relationships of A. stuhlmannii and soil properties of native stands were investigated to determine the soil–environmental requirements of the species. Roots and soil samples were collected from five sites with A. stuhlmannii stands along an altitudinal transect in Amani Nature Reserve, Tanzania. Mycorrhizal status was investigated by combining microscopy with molecular analysis of the fungal communities. Soil adjacent to the A. stuhlmannii seedlings was analysed for physical and chemical properties and the sites were characterised. We showed that A. stuhlmannii form symbiosis with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, and that there was a diverse microbiome associated with the roots. The soils, classified as Ferralsol and Acrisol, were very well drained, had a pHCaCl2 generally at or below 4, high exchangeable acidity and content of sesquioxides and low effective cation exchange capacity and concentrations of most nutrients. We conclude that A. stuhlmannii is tolerant to high Al availability and possesses mechanisms for acquisition of P and other macronutrients at low soil availability, possibly through mycorrhizal symbiosis. However, being adapted to low‐pH soils, it may be less efficient in acquiring Fe, Mn and/or Zn at higher soil pH. Thus, it may be most suited to introduction on farms situated on acid soils.  相似文献   

Despite more than 50 years of effort, the causes and mechanisms of small rodent population fluctuations remain unknown. The two major questions are as follows: (1) what is the cause of population decline and (2) what is the cause of cyclicity and its geographical variation? At present, no hypothesis can provide answers to both these questions. Recently, progress has been made by Boonstra (1994), who proposed the senescence hypothesis to explain the cause of cyclic decline in population numbers. Here, we tested the main prediction that voles in decline are older than in other phases of the cycle, by analysing changes in age structure in a fluctuating population of the bank vole (Clethrionomys glareolus). The results generally support this prediction; however, the differences in absolute age seem to be too small to explain the occurrence of senescent animals exclusively in declines. We propose a new model to explain changes in age structure and the mechanisms behind the decline and geographic variation in cyclicity. It is based on the idea that voles are oldest in declines, developed independently of Boonstra. However, it differs in three respects: (1) it is more general and thereby applicable to the whole cycle; (2) density-dependent changes in age structure are based on the bimodality in a female's age at first reproduction; and (3) it stresses developmental rather than physiological changes in the quality of decline of animals as being relevant to the rate of senescence. We propose that seasonality of the environment is a principal candidate to explain geographical variation in cyclicity. We present substantial theoretical and empirical evidence to indicate that in more seasonal environments with shortened vegetation periods, population dynamics is inevitably less stable due to increased variation in two critical parameters – age at first reproduction and the length of the breeding season – which determine population growth rates. Any external perturbation may then easily destabilize population numbers. The general applicability of the seasonality-senescence hypothesis to other mammalian species decreases with declining r and increasing life span. The hypothesis is falsifiable, and testable predictions are provided.  相似文献   

Aim  To determine if changes in the key bioclimatic parameters associated with rainfall seasonality can be quantified from fossil sequences and to distinguish them from changes in the total annual rainfall.
Location  Lake Masoko, southern Tanzania (9°20' S, 33°45' E, 840 m a.s.l.).
Methods  Fossil pollen was extracted from a long and well-dated sedimentary sequence spanning the period 45,000–4400 cal. yr bp . The modern habitat, geographical distribution and climatic range (mean annual rainfall and temperature, and length of the dry season) of selected East African plants were used to infer past rainfall attributes for the most characteristic fossil pollen taxa identified from the sediments of Lake Masoko.
Results  In the Masoko pollen sequence it has been possible to identify changes in the length/severity of the dry season during the last 45,000 cal. yr bp , which are interpreted to reflect shifts in the mean position of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) over the southern tropics. We suggest that this bioclimatic parameter has been the main driver of the vegetation dynamics in this area. The major inferred change occurred at the Younger Dryas–Holocene transition c . 11,800 cal. yr bp , when semi-deciduous forest disappeared, being replaced in the lake catchment by woodland, which persists to the present day in spite of locally high rainfall.
Main conclusions  In tropical regions under the influence of the ITCZ, the position and strength of which determine the distribution of rainfall through the year, more attention must be paid to the impact of the length and intensity of the dry season on the modern and past distribution and dynamics of the vegetation. This climatic parameter is as important as the total annual amount of rainfall, and probably one of the most relevant in lowland areas.  相似文献   

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