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171,348 mosquitoes and 4,353 other arthropods collected at three centres in Queensland in 1972-1976 yielded 151 strains of 18 viruses. Culex annulirostris was the major source of virus isolation but 42 strains from Aedes normanensis indicate it to be a vector of importance. Ross River and Kokobera viruses were isolated at Kowanyama in the dry season, a finding of interest as being compatible with year-round survival in vector-vertebrate cycles. Culex fatigans has in part replaced Culex annulirostris in peridomestic breeding sites at Kowanyama; the infrequency of virus isolation from it suggests that this replacement may lower arbovirus infection rates. Twelve strains were identified as viruses antigenically distinct from any previously isolated in Australia or New Guinea: Ch16129, showed by the International Reference Centre for Arboviruses to be a previously undescribed member of the Simbu Group (Facey's Paddock virus), Ch16313 (Murweh), Ch19520 (Parker's Farm) and Ch19546 (little Sussex). The remaining strains were identified as viruses previously known in Australia, but included many new host or geographical records.  相似文献   

1982-2012年中国植被覆盖时空变化特征   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
利用GIMMS NDVI、MODIS NDVI和气象数据,辅以趋势分析、分段回归以及相关分析等方法,分析了1982—2012年我国植被NDVI时空变化特征及其驱动因素。结果表明:(1)近30年我国植被NDVI呈缓慢增加趋势,增速为0.2%/10a;植被覆盖变化阶段性特征明显:即1982—1997年和1997—2012年植被覆盖均呈显著增加趋势,增速分别为1.2%/10a和0.6%/10a,均通过显著水平0.05的检验。(2)空间上,我国陕北黄土高原、西藏中西部以及新疆准格尔盆地等地区植被NDVI呈显著增加趋势;而东北地区的大、小兴安岭和长白山、新疆北部的天山和阿尔泰山以及黄河源和秦巴山区等地区植被NDVI呈显著下降趋势,其中东北地区和新疆北部山区下降尤为显著,说明近年来我国中高纬度山区植被活动呈下降趋势。(3)不同区域植被对气温和降水的响应存在差异,我国北方地区植被对气温具有较长的响应持续时间;而除云南外,南方地区植被对降水的响应时间存在1—3个月的响应时间,且随着滞后时间的延长,相关性逐渐增大。(4)我国植被覆盖增加是气候变化和人类活动共同驱动的结果,尤其是1999年之后人类活动影响逐渐加强。而我国东北地区和新疆北部山区植被覆盖的下降可能是由于该区降水减少所致,东南沿海地区植被退化则受城市化影响显著。  相似文献   

The rct marker and antigenic marker were studied in poliovirus strains of all the three types isolated from waste waters of selected communities of children in Prague in 1969-1982. Only three isolated strains (two of type 2 and one of type 3) i.e. 1.38% of strains from nursery waste waters and 0.99% of strains from the total Prague municipal sewerage system, differed in both markers from prototype vaccine strains. The rct marker was most frequently altered in strains of type 1; antigenic marker varied most often in strains of type 3, less conspicuously in strains of type 2 and minimum changes were found in type 1 strains. The dependence of changes in both studied markers of isolated strains on the interval between vaccination and isolation from waste waters was reflected in the dynamics of changes. The highest dynamics of changes in rct marker and antigenic marker was recorded in type 3 and type 2 strains, minimal dynamics being found in type 1 strains. Study of type 2 strains isolated for a long time in some years showed that the longer the interval between vaccination and isolation, the higher the similarity between the isolated strain and the prototype vaccine strain.  相似文献   

Cryptococcus neoformans is the cause of the most common life-threatening fungal infection in patients with AIDS. Thirty strains of C. neoformans were collected from inpatients and typied evaluating activity, morphotyping, serotyping, chemosensitivity and adhesivity. Cryptococcus neoformans strains showed different aspectotype profile, the sole presence of serotypes A and D, good susceptibility to azoles and Amphotericin B. Phenotypic epidemiologic markers can be used: characterization of clinical strains excludes a common source.  相似文献   

Ticks are the main vectors of rickettsiae of the spotted fever group, as well as of a variety of other Rickettsiales, including bacteria of the genus Anaplasma, that might cause diseases in humans and animals. Here we present the result of a survey for ticks and for tick-associated Rickettsiales in the Emilia Romagna region (Northern Italy). The study was focused on ticks collected from wild-hunted animals. Out of 392 ticks collected from these animals, 282 (72%) were identified as Ixodes ricinus, 110 (28%) as Dermacentor marginatus. The former was found on four vertebrate species, whereas the latter appeared more specific for wild boar. The presence of rickettsiae was demonstrated in 22.5% of I. ricinus (57/253) and in 29% of D. marginatus (32/110). Five ticks of the species I. ricinus were also positive for Anaplasma phagocytophilum (2%). In addition, we collected ticks by dragging in a natural park of the same region. All of the ticks captured by dragging were identified as I. ricinus. Thirty-six out of 200 analyzed ticks proved positive for Rickettsia monacensis and R. helvetica (16.5 and 1.5%, respectively). Our results highlight that that ticks present in wild areas, widely exploited for recreation and hunting in Emilia-Romagna, represent a risk for the transmission of spotted fevers and anaplasmosis to humans.  相似文献   

Aims: The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of Vibrio vulnificus and potentially pathogenic strains of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in mullets collected from estuarine environment in Italy. Methods and Results: Two hundred and ninety‐five mullets were analysed by culture using the selective medium thiosulfate citrate bile salt sucrose agar, during a monitoring period of 2 years (2008–2009). Presumptive Vibrio colonies were initially identified by using biochemical tests, and strains identified as V. parahaemolyticus and V. vulnificus were subsequently examined by PCR for the presence of species‐specific and virulence genes (toxR, trh, tdh and vvh). V. parahaemolyticus was found in 55% (162/295) of fishes and V. vulnificus in 1% (3/295) with a higher presence in summer months. The trh+/tdh? strains were detected in 16% (47/295) of samples and only one strain resulted trh+/tdh+. One of the V. parahaemolyticus trh+ strains isolated belonged to the O1:KUT (K untypeable), a serotype recently associated to gastroenteritis in Italy. Conclusions: This is the first report demonstrating a high percentage of potential pathogenic V. parahaemolyticus trh+ strains in estuarine fishes of the Mediterranean area. Significance and Impact of the Study: These findings indicate the potential human health risk associated with the presence of pathogenic Vibrio spp. in wild fishes.  相似文献   

Over the past 25 years a total of 7492 strains of Neisseria gonorrhoeae have been isolated in Czechoslovakia, mainly in Prague (64%). All these strains have been tested for susceptibility to the following antibiotics: penicillin G, ampicillin, tetracycline, spectinomycin, erythromycin, doxycycline, kanamycin, rifampin, chloramphenicol, gentamicin, cephalothin, cephaloridine, lincomycin and clindamycin. In addition, seven derivatives of newer antibiotics of penicillin and cephalosporin series were tested in 1981. The study showed that in 1957 the MIC of 0.03 units of penicillin per ml was effective against 95% of strains, but in 1981 only 37% of isolates were sensitive to this concentration. The first gonococcal strains with the MIC value of 4.0 units/ml to penicillin were detected in 1981. This tendency towards decreased gonococcal susceptibility to benzylpenicillin is alarming. Over the last eight years there have been described sporadic isolations of strains relatively resistant to tetracycline (MIC = 8.0 mg/l). The susceptibility to spectinomycin has been tested in over 4000 gonococcal strains, since 1967. The test showed that this antibiotic remained highly effective against the gonococcal infection with over 95% of gonococci with the MIC value of 16.0 mg/l. No fully spectinomycin resistant strains have been found. Penicillin G as well as spectinomycin and cefotaxim are still considered the antibiotics of the first choice in the treatment of gonorrhoea. The alternative antibiotics may include cefuroxim, chloramphenicol and, in cases of sensitive strains, tetracyclines.  相似文献   

Eighty-two canine parvovirus type 2 strains isolated in Italy from pups with severe enteritis were characterizated using four monoclonal antibodies. Sixty-eight isolates resulted CPV-2a, whereas the other fourteen were a CPV-2b variant. The diffusion of CPV-2 variants in the Italian dog population is quite similar to that reported in the United Kingdom and Australia (CPV-2a more prevalent) and different from the epidemiological conditions of the USA and other countries where CPV-2b is more widespread.  相似文献   

Noroviruses from mussels collected near sewage effluents were compared with local patient outbreak strains. Sequence analyses of RNA polymerase-capsid-poly(A)-3' (3.1-kilobase) regions confirmed the 99.9% similarity between genotype I.1 strains from mussels and patient strains from recreational-bathing outbreaks, indicating the potential usefulness of sentinel norovirus mussel studies in tracing human norovirus contamination of coastal waters.  相似文献   

Ten strains isolated from sick dogs in 1998 in St. Petersburg were studied by traditional and molecular biological methods of Brucella identification. PCR study confirmed that the isolated cultures were Brucellae, and comparative study of the traditional phenotypical characteristics and protein and antigenic composition allowed referring all the isolated strains to B. canis. Traditional identification showed similarity of 7 strains with the reference B. canis strain RM6/66, and 3 strains were similar to B. canis Mex 51 strain. These results confirmed the division of B. canis into two biovars. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis with sodium dodecyl sulfate demonstrated the identity of protein profiles of 10 strains isolated from dogs to the reference B. canis RM6/66 strain. Immunoblotting analysis with S- and R-specific rabbit antisera also demonstrated the identity of antigens binding IgG antibodies in the strains isolated from dogs to the reference B. canis RM6/66 strain.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES--To investigate the association between four sociodemographic measures (unemployment, overcrowding, low social class, and the proportion of migrants from areas of high prevalence of tuberculosis) and average level and rate of change of notification rates for tuberculosis. DESIGN--Ecological analysis of both the average and the rate of change of standardised annual notification rates for tuberculosis from 1982-91 and sociodemographic measures from the 1981 and 1991 censuses. SETTING--32 London boroughs. SUBJECTS AND DATA--Sociodemographic measures from the 1981 and 1991 censuses and tuberculosis notification rates for 1982-91. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--A measure of the association between average levels and rate of change in tuberculosis notification rates and four sociodemographic measures in 1981 and between the rate of change in tuberculosis notification rates between 1981 and 1991 and changes in sociodemographic measures between 1981 and 1991. RESULTS--The average level of notifications was correlated with overcrowding and the proportion of migrants but not with unemployment or social class. No significant association was found between the rate of change in notification rates and sociodemographic measures in 1981. An association was found between increases in unemployment and the rate of change in notification rates, but the effect was small. Changes in the levels of unemployment explained 23% of the variation between boroughs in the rate of change in their notification rates. CONCLUSION--The average tuberculosis notification rates were related to overcrowding and the proportion of migrants in 1981. Only increases in unemployment from 1981 to 1991, however, were significantly associated with the rate of change in notifications over the same period.  相似文献   

1982—2015年新疆地区植被生长对气温的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于1982-2015年归一化植被指数(NDVI)数据集、植被类型和气象数据,采用滑动偏相关分析、线性趋势分析和GIS空间分析方法,揭示了新疆地区生长季植被对气温响应的变化特征.结果表明:研究期间,在整个生长季,新疆地区植被活动对气温变化的响应强度呈现明显的降低趋势;季节尺度上,这种响应关系的变化趋势在夏、秋两季较为明显,春季植被活动对气温变化响应的变化趋势与之相反.在整个生长季,不同类型植被对气温变化的响应呈现减弱态势;在春季,草地和森林对气温变化的响应呈现显著增强趋势,而灌丛和荒漠对气温变化的响应趋势正好相反;在夏季,4种植被(草地、灌丛、荒漠、森林)对气温变化的响应均呈现显著降低趋势;在秋季,4种植被对气温变化的响应均没有显著的统计学特征.新疆地区生长季气温对植被的影响力减弱具有区域的普遍性特征,这可能与研究区降雨和太阳辐射活动变化的有关.  相似文献   

A tick survey was conducted to determine the relative abundance and distribution of ticks associated with selected mammals in the Republic of Korea (ROK) during 2008-2009. A total of 918 ticks were collected from 76 mammals (6 families, 9 species) captured at 6 provinces and 3 Metropolitan Cities in ROK. Haemaphysalis longicornis (54.4%) was the most frequently collected tick, followed by Haemaphysalis flava (28.5%), Ixodes nipponensis (7.6%), Ixodes pomerantzevi (4.8%), Ixodes persulcatus (4.6%), and Haemaphysalis japonica (0.1%). Adults (57.0%) and nymphs (28.7%) of Ixodes and Haemaphysalis spp. were collected most frequently from medium or large mammals in this survey, while few larvae (14.3%) were collected. Hydropotes inermis was the most frequently captured mammal (52.6%), with a 16.4 tick index and 5 of 6 species of ticks collected during this survey. H. longicornis (69.7%) was the predominant tick collected from H. inermis, followed by H. flava (22.2%), I. persulcatus (6.1%), I. nipponensis (1.8%), and H. japonica (0.2%).  相似文献   

张宇  余振  栾军伟  王一  叶晓丹  刘世荣 《生态学报》2023,43(16):6670-6681
植被绿度变化(绿化或褐化)的时空格局研究有助于了解生态系统结构和功能的变化,制定适应气候变化的生态系统管理政策。在全球气候变化加剧的背景下,过去40a间东北森林带植被绿度如何变化仍不清楚。基于气象再分析数据分析了1982-2020年来东北森林带的气候变化趋势,以叶面积指数(LAI)作为植被绿度的衡量指标分析了东北森林带中大兴安岭、小兴安岭和长白山脉植被绿度的时空变化格局和影响因素。研究发现:1982-2020年东北森林带气候趋势呈现"暖干化"特征。研究区植被绿度总体呈绿化趋势,但2000年后植被绿度变化呈降低趋势的区域增加了7.23倍,主要位于大兴安岭西北部。影响因素分析表明,1982-2000年温度和土壤水分是植被绿度增加的主要驱动因素;而2000年之后,区域内植被绿化的主要驱动因素为土壤水分的增加,降雨和相对湿度降低引起的水分胁迫导致大兴安岭西北部植被褐化加剧。研究结果为揭示东北森林带固碳能力变化、制定适应气候变化的林业管理对策提供了科学参考。  相似文献   

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