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Amniote vertebrates possess various mechanisms of sex determination, but their variability is not equally distributed. The large evolutionary stability of sex chromosomes in viviparous mammals and birds was believed to be connected with their endothermy. However, some ectotherm lineages seem to be comparably conserved in sex determination, but previously there was a lack of molecular evidence to confirm this. Here, we document a stability of sex chromosomes in advanced snakes based on the testing of Z-specificity of genes using quantitative PCR (qPCR) across 37 snake species (our qPCR technique is suitable for molecular sexing in potentially all advanced snakes). We discovered that at least part of sex chromosomes is homologous across all families of caenophidian snakes (Acrochordidae, Xenodermatidae, Pareatidae, Viperidae, Homalopsidae, Colubridae, Elapidae and Lamprophiidae). The emergence of differentiated sex chromosomes can be dated back to about 60 Ma and preceded the extensive diversification of advanced snakes, the group with more than 3000 species. The Z-specific genes of caenophidian snakes are (pseudo)autosomal in the members of the snake families Pythonidae, Xenopeltidae, Boidae, Erycidae and Sanziniidae, as well as in outgroups with differentiated sex chromosomes such as monitor lizards, iguanas and chameleons. Along with iguanas, advanced snakes are therefore another example of ectothermic amniotes with a long-term stability of sex chromosomes comparable with endotherms.  相似文献   

Evolutionary changes in the sex chromosomes of Coleoptera   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Stanley G. Smith 《Genetica》1951,25(1):522-524

Segmental duplications on sex chromosomes constitute an important proportion of recent duplications (approximately 30%). Among those, the evolution of duplicated noncoding DNA is still poorly investigated. We focus our work on repeated DNA sequences extensively used in population genetics and evolution: microsatellites. Six duplicated (CA), microsatellite loci, located on the homologous region of human sex chromosomes, were studied at the intraspecific level in Homo sapiens and by an orthologous comparison in eight primate species. At the intraspecific level, we evaluated the congruence in paralogous divergence between the flanking sequences of the six microsatellites and the approximately 2.2-kb surrounding sequences and observed that both phylogenies are congruent. At the interspecific level (8 species of primates: 54 individuals), we analyzed the sequence polymorphism and divergence of each orthologous locus for both the flanking sequence and the microsatellite. The results showed a lower divergence of flanking sequences than expected in noncoding DNA and a relative stability of the first nucleotides close to the microsatellite. The location of each CAIII locus in a Low Copy Repeated element containing duplicated VCX/Y genes (approximately 1 kb) suggested that direct or indirect selection could explain these results. Moreover, the substitution rates in the flanking sequences and in the microsatellites were correlated. Thus, the evolutionary dynamics of microsatellites seems closely linked to the variation of spontaneous mutations in the surrounding regions.  相似文献   

Sex chromosomes are a very peculiar part of the genome that have evolved independently in many groups of animals and plants (Bull 1983 ). Major research efforts have so far been focused on large heteromorphic sex chromosomes in a few animal and plant species (Chibalina & Filatov 2011 ; Zhou & Bachtrog 2012 ; Bellott et al. 2014 ; Hough et al. 2014 ; Zhou et al. 2014 ), while homomorphic (cytologically indistinguishable) sex chromosomes have largely been neglected. However, this situation is starting to change. In this issue, Geraldes et al. ( 2015 ) describe a small (~100 kb long) sex‐determining region on the homomorphic sex chromosomes of poplars (Populus trichocarpa and related species, Fig.  1 ). All species in Populus and its sister genus Salix are dioecious, suggesting that dioecy and the sex chromosomes, if any, should be relatively old. Contrary to this expectation, Geraldes et al. ( 2015 ) demonstrate that the sex‐determining region in poplars is of very recent origin and probably evolved within the genus Populus only a few million years ago.  相似文献   

Many G-protein-coupled receptors are encoded by retrogenes.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

Many poikilothermic vertebrate lineages, especially among amphibians and fishes, possess a rapid turnover of sex chromosomes, while in endotherms there is a notable stability of sex chromosomes. Reptiles in general exhibit variability in sex-determining systems; as typical poikilotherms, they might be expected to have a rapid turnover of sex chromosomes. However, molecular data which would enable the testing of the stability of sex chromosomes are lacking in most lineages. Here, we provide molecular evidence that sex chromosomes are highly conserved across iguanas, one of the most species-rich clade of reptiles. We demonstrate that members of the New World families Iguanidae, Tropiduridae, Leiocephalidae, Phrynosomatidae, Dactyloidae and Crotaphytidae, as well as of the family Opluridae which is restricted to Madagascar, all share homologous sex chromosomes. As our sampling represents the majority of the phylogenetic diversity of iguanas, the origin of iguana sex chromosomes can be traced back in history to the basal splitting of this group which occurred during the Cretaceous period. Iguanas thus show a stability of sex chromosomes comparable to mammals and birds and represent the group with the oldest sex chromosomes currently known among amniotic poikilothermic vertebrates.  相似文献   

Fanconi anemia (FA) and cells lacking functional BRCA1 and BRCA2 proteins are hypersensitive to interstrand crosslinking (ICL) agents and show increased numbers of chromosomal breaks and radials. Although radial formation has been used to diagnose FA for more than 30 years, there has been little analysis of these characteristic formations. In this study, radials were analyzed from FA-A and FA-G fibroblasts as well as normal and retrovirally-corrected FA-A fibroblasts treated with high doses of ICLs. Radials were found to only involve non-homologous chromosome interactions and to be distributed nearly randomly along the length of chromosomes. Sites on chromosomes that did show increased frequency of radial involvement did not correlate with known fragile sites or pericentric regions. Hybrid radials were observed between mouse and human chromosomes in human-mouse hybrid cells produced by microcell-mediated chromosome transfer of mouse chromosomes into human FA-A fibroblasts. Both X and Y chromosomes were notably not involved in radials. These observations suggest that ICL repair may involve short stretches of homology, resulting in aberrant radial formation in the absence of FA proteins.  相似文献   

Although fungal communities are known to vary along latitudinal gradients, mechanisms underlying this pattern are not well‐understood. We used high‐throughput sequencing to examine the large‐scale distributions of soil fungi and their relation to evolutionary history. We tested the Tropical Conservatism Hypothesis, which predicts that ancestral fungal groups should be more restricted to tropical latitudes and conditions than would more recently derived groups. We found support for this hypothesis in that older phyla preferred significantly lower latitudes and warmer, wetter conditions than did younger phyla. Moreover, preferences for higher latitudes and lower precipitation levels were significantly phylogenetically conserved among the six younger phyla, possibly because the older phyla possess a zoospore stage that is vulnerable to drought, whereas the younger phyla retain protective cell walls throughout their life cycle. Our study provides novel evidence that the Tropical Conservatism Hypothesis applies to microbes as well as plants and animals.  相似文献   

Although most plants have flowers with both male and female sex organs, there are several thousands of plant species where male or female flowers form on different individuals. Surprisingly, the presence of well-established sex chromosomes in these dioecious plants is rare. The best-described example is white campion, for which large sex chromosomes have been identified and mapped partially. A recent study presented a comprehensive genetic and physical mapping of the genome of dioecious papaya. It revealed a short male specific region on the Y chromosome (MSY) that does not recombine with the X chromosome, providing strong evidence that the sex chromosomes originated from a regular pair of autosomes. The primitive papaya Y chromosome thus represents an early event in sex chromosome evolution. In this article, we review the current status of plant sex-chromosome research and discuss the advantages of different dioecious models.  相似文献   

Filatov DA 《Genetics》2005,170(2):975-979
The sex chromosomes of dioecious white campion, Silene latifolia (Caryophyllaceae), are of relatively recent origin (10-20 million years), providing a unique opportunity to trace the origin and evolution of sex chromosomes in this genus by comparing closely related Silene species with and without sex chromosomes. Here I demonstrate that four genes that are X-linked in S. latifolia are also linked in nondioecious S. vulgaris, which is consistent with Ohno's (1967) hypothesis that sex chromosomes evolve from a single pair of autosomes. I also report a genetic map for four S. latifolia X-linked genes, SlX1, DD44X, SlX4, and a new X-linked gene SlssX, which encodes spermidine synthase. The order of the genes on the S. latifolia X chromosome and divergence between the homologous X- and Y-linked copies of these genes supports the "evolutionary strata" model, with at least three consecutive expansions of the nonrecombining region on the Y chromosome (NRY) in this plant species.  相似文献   

The two X chromosomes in tetraploid spermatogonial cells from Gryllotalpa fossor respond differentially to the production of chromatid aberrations by 3H-uridine (3H-U). As in diploid female somatic cells, only the euchromatic arm of one X shows such aberrations. The equivalent arm of the other X and the constitutive arms of both Xs are not affected. This differential response of the homologous arms of the two Xs appears to be due to a facultative heterochromatinization of one of them. It is suggested that an imprinting process, which has been assumed to occur during fertilization in other cases of X-inactivation, may not be necessary for the differential regulation of two X chromosomes in this case.  相似文献   

Human and mouse amelogenin gene loci are on the sex chromosomes   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Enamel is the outermost covering of teeth and is the hardest tissue in the vertebrate body. The enamel matrix is composed of enamelin and amelogenin classes of protein. We have determined the chromosomal locations for the human and mouse amelogenin (AMEL) loci using Southern blot analyses of DNA from human, mouse, or somatic cell hybrids by hybridization to a characterized mouse amelogenin cDNA. We have determined that human AMEL sequences are located on the distal short arm of the X chromosome in the p22.1----p22.3 region and near the centromere on the Y chromosome, possibly at the proximal long arm (Yq11) region. These chromosomal assignments are consistent with the hypothesis that perturbation of the amelogenin gene is involved in X-linked types of amelogenesis imperfecta, as well as with the Y-chromosomal locations for genes that participate in regulating tooth size and shape. Unlike the locus in humans, the mouse AMEL locus appears to be assigned solely to the X chromosome. Finally, together with the data on other X and Y chromosome sequences, these data for AMEL mapping support the notion of a pericentric inversion occurring in the human Y chromosome during primate evolution.  相似文献   

A presumptive mechanism of X inactivation has been investigated by using tritiated uridine-induced chromosome aberrations to distinguish active from inactive X chromosome arms in the insect Gryllotalpa fossor. Previous work on therian mammals has shown that constitutive and facultative heterochromatin are less susceptible to breakage by 3H-Urd than euchromatin (active). The present study indicates that, irrespective of the presence of two X chromosomes in females, only one of these is affected as in males and that the total number of aberrations induced by 3H-Urd in both male and female Gryllotalpa is the same. This suggests that in the female only one arm of one X chromosome is active and that a facultative heterochromatinization of the homologous arm of the other X is operative coupled with the presence of constitutive heterochromatin in the second arm of both X chromosomes.  相似文献   

The X and Y chromosomes of the musk shrew are the two largest in the complement and they regularly form a single chiasma during meiosis. This chiasma is located in the short arms of the X and Y, both of which show partial C-banding at meiosis. The in vitro incorporation of 5-bromodeoxyuridine/tritiated thymidine during late S reveals that the non-C-band region of the Y finishes replication later than the C-band positive heterochromatin. During meiosis, the sex bivalent opens out early in pachytene to reveal a single chiasma which persists until late metaphase-I. In surface-spread, silver-stained meiocytes, the sex bivalent morphology changes from a phase of extensive pairing to one which includes a visible chiasma through a brief diffuse stage. Observations on C-banded meiocytes show a shift in the sex pair from a C-band positive to a negative state as compared to their corresponding somatic pattern. Comparable changes are also observed in the sex bivalents of other mammals which undergo a chiasmatic exchange. This suggests that in addition to pairing homology, an alteration in the chromatin configuration may be necessary for crossing over to occur between the sex chromosomes.  相似文献   

Sexual reproduction is a diverse and widespread process. In gonochoristic species, the differentiation of sexes occurs through diverse mechanisms, influenced by environmental and genetic factors. In most vertebrates, a master-switch gene is responsible for triggering a sex determination network. However, only a few genes have acquired master-switch functions, and this process is associated with the evolution of sex-chromosomes, which have a significant influence in evolution. Additionally, their highly repetitive regions impose challenges for high-quality sequencing, even using high-throughput, state-of-the-art techniques. Here, we review the mechanisms involved in sex determination and their role in the evolution of species, particularly vertebrates, focusing on sex chromosomes and the challenges involved in sequencing these genomic elements. We also address the improvements provided by the growth of sequencing projects, by generating a massive number of near-gapless, telomere-to-telomere, chromosome-level, phased assemblies, increasing the number and quality of sex-chromosome sequences available for further studies.  相似文献   

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