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Lindahl first described the separation of cells by velocity sedimentation utilizing a special technique (counterstreaming centrifugation) that was later modified slightly and renamed centrifugal elutriation. Centrifugal elutriation has been applied, with variable degrees of success, to the separation of hemopoietic cells, mouse tumor cells, testicular cells, and a variety of other specialized cells as well as cells in particular phases of the cell cycle. The capacity of the elutriator to separate large numbers of cells is its chief advantage. The purities of the separated cells have not been compared with the purities of cells separated by other methods in most cases; such comparisons would permit more sophisticated comparison of elutriation with other techniques for velocity sedimentation.  相似文献   

This protocol details a method to derive human embryonic stem (hES) cells from single blastomeres. Blastomeres are removed from morula (eight-cell)-stage embryos and cultured until they form multicell aggregates. These blastomere-derived cell aggregates are plated into microdrops seeded with mitotically inactivated feeder cells, and then connected with neighboring microdrops seeded with green fluorescent protein-positive hES cells. The resulting blastomere-derived outgrowths are cultured in the same manner as blastocyst-derived hES cells. The whole process takes about 3-4 months.  相似文献   

Lindahl first described the separation of cells by velocity sedimentation utilizing a special technique (counterstreaming centrifugation) that was later modified slightly and renamed centrifugal elutriation. Centrifugal elutriation has been applied, with variable degrees of success, to the separation of hemopoietic cells, mouse tumor cells, testicular cells, and a variety of other specialized cells as well as cells in particular phases of the cell cycle. The capacity of the elutriator to separate large numbers of cells is its chief advantage. The purities of the separated cells have not been compared with the purities of cells separated by other methods in most cases; such comparisons would permit more sophisticated comparison of elutriation with other techniques for velocity sedimentation.  相似文献   

We describe a method for the preparation of RNA from ethanol-fixed cells, allowing analysis of the RNA from cells "frozen" in a given physiological state. This technique may have important applications in experiments which require prolonged cell manipulations before RNA preparation, such as investigations of cell-cycle-regulated gene expression, which require the preparation of cells for cell-cycle flow analysis, and even for long-term cell sorting. It eliminates all the inconveniences associated with the use of fresh cells, and allows cell-cycle biologists to couple flow cytometry methodology with the advancing techniques of molecular biology.  相似文献   

Various types of cells from the testes of mice and hamsters were separated according to differences in sedimentation velocity by centrifugal elutriation, a counterflow centrifugation technique. Approximately 3 times 10(8) cells, prepared from six mouse testes or from one hanster testis, were separated into 11 fractions in less than two hours as compared to the 4--5 hours required for sedimentation at unit gravity ("Staput"). Fractions enriched in elongated spermatids and spermatozoa (100%), stages 1--8 spermatids (69%) and pachytene spermatocytes (58%) were obtained from mouse testis dispersions. Similarly enriched fractions were obtained from hamster cells. A single fraction enriched in stages 1--8 spermatids (mouse) was prepared in less than 30 minutes. As many as 2 times 10(9) cells were separated in a single procedure. Spermatogenic cells exhibited no evidence of structural damage with trypan blud and phase microscopy, and recovery was essentially 100%. Centrifugal elutriation had no effect on sperm motility or on the plating efficiency of CHO cells.  相似文献   

A method for isolating RNA from the polyribosomes and informosomes fixed with formaldehyde was developed. The ribonucleoproteins were obtained by centrifugation in CsCl density gradient. It has been demonstrated that this method makes it possible to obtain full-sized rRNA and mRNA appropriate for molecular hybridization. We succeeded in amplifying 150-nucleotide sequences of individual mRNA and demonstrating the applicability of these RNA preparations for synthesis of labeled probes for RNA arrays. The method proposed is recommended for the search for untranslated mRNA and the study of the changes in translation of individual proteins during early ontogenesis and various pathologies.  相似文献   

A two step enzymatic procedure for the isolation of ovarian follicles and oocytes at early stages of development from the ovaries of newborn piglets was devised. The isolated oocytes were then separated from the overwhelming majority of the ovarian somatic cells using a centrifugal elutriation system. Twenty to thirty thousand oocytes were routinely collected after elutriation of the cell suspension derived from a pair of ovaries. In the enriched fraction the ratio of oocyte:somatic cells was between 1:1 and 1:3. The validation of the method as an efficient procedure for the isolation of a large, viable, and highly enriched population of oocytes at early stages of development was provided by uptake studies carried out after each step of the isolation and separation technique and by a comparative analysis of the pattern of structural proteins of the enriched fraction and of fully grown porcine oocytes. The results confirmed that the isolated cells were actually oocytes at early stages of development and that they were viable throughout the entire procedure.  相似文献   

Production of genetically identical nonhuman primates would reduce the number of animals required for biomedical research and dramatically impact studies pertaining to immune system function, such as development of the human-immunodeficiency-virus vaccine. Our long-term goal is to develop robust somatic cell cloning and/or twinning protocols in the rhesus macaque. The objective of this study was to determine the developmental competence of nuclear transfer (NT) embryos derived from embryonic blastomeres (embryonic cell NT) or fetal fibroblasts (somatic cell NT) as a first step in the production of rhesus monkeys by somatic cell cloning. Development of cleaved embryos up to the 8-cell stage was similar among embryonic and somatic cell NT embryos and comparable to controls created by intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI; mean +/- SEM, 81 +/- 5%, 88 +/- 7%, and 87 +/- 4%, respectively). However, significantly lower rates of development to the blastocyst stage were observed with somatic cell NT embryos (1%) in contrast to embryonic cell NT (34 +/- 15%) or ICSI control embryos (46 +/- 6%). Development of somatic cell NT embryos was not markedly affected by donor cell treatment, timing of activation, or chemical activation protocol. Transfer of embryonic, but not of somatic cell NT embryos, into recipients resulted in term pregnancy. Future efforts will focus on optimizing the production of somatic cell NT embryos that develop in high efficiency to the blastocyst stage in vitro.  相似文献   

Conventional methods of RNA isolation are not suitable for yeast cells from stationary phase and fermentation broth. Methods specially reported for such cells are cumbersome and do not lend themselves for use with large number of samples. Here we report a facile method of RNA isolation from such recalcitrant yeast cells. The entire procedure is performed in microcentrifuge tubes and, thus, is ideal for faster processing of multiple samples. The method consistently gives high quality and quantity of RNA, which was found to be suitable for downstream applications such as quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction. Besides Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the method was found to work equally well with other yeast species; thus, it is likely to have wider applicability.  相似文献   

Planarian flatworms have an impressive regenerative power. Although their embryonic development is still poorly studied and is highly derived it still displays some simple characteristics. We have identified SpolvlgA, a Schmidtea polychroa homolog of the DDX3/PL10 DEAD-box RNA helicase DjvlgA from the planarian species Dugesia japonica. This gene has been previously described as being expressed in planarian adult stem cells (neoblasts), as well as the germ line. Here we present the expression pattern of SpolvlgA in developing embryos of S. polychroa and show that it is expressed from the first cleavage rounds in blastomere cells and blastomere-derived embryonic cells. These cells are undifferentiated cells that engage in a massive wave of differentiation during stage 5 of development. SpolvlgA expression highlights this wave of differentiation, where nearly all previous structures are substituted by blastomere-derived embryonic cells. In late stages of development SpolvlgA is expressed in most proliferating and differentiating cells. Thus, SpolvlgA is a gene expressed in planarian embryos from the first stages of development and a good marker for the zygote-derived cell lineage in these embryos. Expression in adult worms is also monitored and is found in the planarian germ line, where it is showed to be expressed in spermatogonia, spermatocytes and differentiating spermatids.  相似文献   

Human embryonic stem cells are pluripotent cells that can serve as a cell source for transplantation medicine, and as a tool to study human embryogenesis. We investigate here the potential of human embryonic stem cells to differentiate into hepatic cells. We have characterized the expression level of liver-enriched genes in undifferentiated and differentiated human embryonic stem cells by DNA microarrays. Our analysis revealed a subset of fetal hepatic enriched genes that are expressed in human embryonic stem cells upon differentiation into embryoid bodies. In order to isolate the hepatic-like cells, we introduced a reporter gene regulated by a hepatocyte-specific promoter into human embryonic stem cells. We isolated clones of human embryonic stem cells that express enhanced green fluorescent protein upon in vitro differentiation. Through immunostaining, we showed that most of these cells express albumin, while some cells still express the earlier expressed protein alpha-fetoprotein. Using fluorescence activated cell sorter, we were able to sort out the fluorescent differentiated cells and expand them for a few more weeks. This is the first report to demonstrate the possibility of purifying differentiated derivatives of human embryonic stem cells and culturing them further. Through confocal microscopy, we detected clusters of hepatic-like cells in 20-day-old embryoid bodies and in teratomas. As observed during embryonic development, we showed that in teratomas, the hepatic-like endodermal cells develop next to cardiac mesodermal cells. In order to examine the secreted factors involved in the induction of hepatic differentiation, human embryonic stem cells were grown in the presence of various growth factors, demonstrating the potential involvement of acidic fibroblast growth factor in the differentiation. In conclusion, given certain growth conditions and genetic manipulation, we can now differentiate and isolate hepatic-like cells from human embryonic stem cells.  相似文献   

Both normal and leukemic human lymphoid cell lines were separated into populations corresponding to different positions in the cell cycle by centrifugal elutriation. Each population was analyzed for cell concentration, cell volume, [3H]thymidine incorporation, percentage S phase by autoradiography, and percent G1, S, and G2/M phases by flow cytometry. The smallest cells, collected at the lowest flow rate, were in G1 phase. Cells collected at increasing flow rates progressively increased in volume and represented distinct positions in the cell cycle transition from G1 phase, through S phase, and into G2/M phase. The purity of the G1 population varied according to cell load. One hundred percent of cells were recovered and cells collected in G1- and S-phase populations proliferated in culture with patterns characteristic of synchronized cells. An aneuploidy leukemia cell line, CEM, was separated into near-diploid and near-tetraploid populations by centrifugal elutriation. This method of cell separation provides large numbers of human lymphoid cells at different positions in the cell cycle for investigating the relationship between the cell cycle and various surface membrane and metabolic properties of cells. Aneuploid leukemia and lymphoma cells can be separated by centrifugal elutriation into populations which contain different numbers of chromosomes for comparisons of their biologic properties.  相似文献   

A new and simple technique, zonal unit-gravity elutriation, has been devised for separating very large cells, multicellular complexes, or small organisms from suspensions consisting mainly of small cells. The separation vessel is a conical chamber with an entrance at the lower, narrower part of the cone and an exit at the upper, wider part of the cone via a dome-shaped lid. A baffle at the entrance prevents turbulence from incoming fluid. Chambers of differing widths and wall slopes are chosen depending on the sedimentation rate of the particles to be separated. A small volume of the cell suspension is placed in the chamber on the bench in a cold-room. Medium stabilized by a shallow density gradient is pumped into the base of the chamber and ascends, creating a decreasing velocity gradient. Cells sediment at unit-gravity against this ascending counterstream, and are separated into bands according to sedimentation velocity. By adjusting the flow rate of the medium, different sizes of cells can be separated. Tumor cells can be enriched, and larger blast cells can be separated from small cells in lymphoid cell suspensions. The procedure produces complete separation of thymic nurse cells (epithelial-lymphoid complexes) from free thymocytes in digested thymus suspensions and produces substantial enrichment of thymic rosettes (macrophage-lymphoid complexes). A very favorable situation for applying this technique is the isolation of Taenia taeniaformis larvae, which can be completely purified from infected liver suspensions, representing a 4 X 10(5)-fold enrichment of the parasites, with high recovery, in a single 30 min operation.  相似文献   

It is frequently useful to determine the methylation state of samples containing limited amounts of DNA such as from embryos, or from fixed tissue samples in which DNA is degraded or difficult to isolate. By modification of the standard protocols for DNA preparation and bisulfite treatment, it is possible to obtain DNA methylation sequence data for such samples. We present methods for bisulfite treatment of embryos, fixed sections, and samples obtained by laser capture microdissection, and discuss the additional experimental considerations required when working with small numbers of cells or degraded DNA samples.  相似文献   

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