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对不同 Scenedesmus 品种的藻细胞从含镍水溶液(10mg/L)中累积金属镍的能力进行了分析,结果表明:藻细胞对镍的生物累积量表现出明显的品种差异性. Scenedesmus quadricauda FACHB 44 和 Scenedesmus quadricauda FACHB 506 表现出很强的累积能力(累积量达到5~6 mg Ni /g干重),而 Scenedesmus sp. FACHB 416 和 Scenedesmus sp. FACHB 489在相同条件对金属镍累积量要少得多(1~1.5 mg Ni /g干重).这种差异可能与不同品种藻细胞间的形态结构和生理特性是相关的.对 S. quadricauda FACHB 44 重金属抗性和累积能力进一步的分析表明, S. quadricauda FACHB 44用于含镍重金属废水处理是非常有效的,在高浓度(100 mg/L)的镍溶液中,藻细胞的最大累积量能达到(26.7 mg Ni/g 干重).对该藻细胞镍累积动力学分析发现:藻细胞对镍的生物累积包括一个快速的被动吸附过程(5 min, 结合70%的镍)和一个缓慢的耗能累积过程(2~3 h时间内的累积量占总量的20%~30%).与其他藻类相比, S. quadricauda FACHB 44对水溶液中镍的耗能累积量明显高于其他藻类.透射电子显微镜(TEM)和X射线能谱(EDX)分析结果均表明,藻细胞耗能累积的镍主要集中在原生质体中,尤以淀粉粒和染色质中为多.  相似文献   

栅藻属(Scenedesmus)是1829年由Meyen建立的。到目前为止,中国已报告有50余种。在鉴定由作者和几位同事所采集的标本时,发现采于宜都县和恩施县的标本应是一个新种,经研究命名为宜都栅藻。  相似文献   

为筛选具有控制微囊藻水华潜力的绿藻, 研究基于藻类之间的化感作用, 对34株绿藻开展筛选及评价工作。结果发现, 栅藻FACHB-1229的抑制率最高, 其滤液对微囊藻FACHB-3550和FACHB-905的抑制率分别为53.95%和48.39%; 通过对滤液中的物质进行GC-MS检测, 推测该藻株的效应物质可能为邻苯二甲酸二(2-甲氧基乙基)酯。进一步对FACHB-1229生长和光合放氧、氨氮耐受等指标进行评价, 结果发现: 该藻株在孔板中的生长速率(0.38±0.06)/d高于微囊藻生长速率(0.13±0.03)/d; 栅藻FACHB-1229的光合放氧速率高于同期测定的其他绿藻光合放氧速率, 可达(229.91±10.49) μmol O2/(mg Chl.a·h); 同时该藻株对氨氮的耐受能力最强, 在氨氮浓度为1888.60 mg/L时其生长速率可达(0.30±0.08)/d。此外, 在与微囊藻FACHB-3550进行共培养时, 栅藻FACHB-1229所占比例持续升高。综上, 栅藻FACHB-1229具备与微囊藻竞争的优势, 有望成为微囊藻水华生物控制的优选材料。  相似文献   

氯氰菊酯对斜生栅藻的毒性研究   总被引:30,自引:2,他引:30  
研究了农药氯氰菊酯对斜生栅藻的毒性效应,结果显示:以丙酮为溶剂量,其96h EC50为112.45mg/L;以乙酸乙酯为溶剂时,其96hEC50为112.81mg/L。同时也研究了氯氰菊酯对斜生栅藻的光合色素含量、色素光谱、可溶性蛋白质含量和超氧物歧化酶活性的影响。  相似文献   

【目的】分离并鉴定溶藻菌和栅藻,并对溶藻菌抑制栅藻的机理进行分析。【方法】溶藻菌分离采用高氏一号培养基,经多次划线纯化而得;溶藻菌鉴定采用生理生化性质判定;栅藻分离和鉴定主要采用镜检和《中国常见淡水浮游藻类图谱》完成;溶藻菌对栅藻的影响分析测定包括:测定栅藻叶绿素a变化、水体中溶解氧变化、藻细胞数目变化、藻蛋白表达变化、抑藻特殊物质测定等。【结果】共分离出4株溶藻菌(R1-R4),通过对其理化性质测定初步判定均属于芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus sp.),其中溶藻菌R1对栅藻生长的影响最明显,其对栅藻叶绿素a的抑制率为65%、溶解氧最低达6.5 mg/L,远低于栅藻单独培养下的10.4 mg/L;栅藻单独培养条件下的蛋白质表达为0.845 7 mg/L,与溶藻菌R1共培养时栅藻蛋白表达仅有0.192 6 mg/L;傅里叶红外光谱(FTIR)测定表明溶藻菌对栅藻细胞结构产生影响;相差显微镜对溶藻菌R1-栅藻共培养动态观察图可以看出,溶藻菌R1对栅藻的生长具有明显的抑制作用。【结论】从影响栅藻细胞结构、栅藻蛋白表达、栅藻光合作用等方面进行了分析,为揭示溶藻菌对栅藻抑制的机理提供了一定的理论基础。  相似文献   

以汉江水华藻类尖细栅藻Scenedesmus acuminatus为材料, 研究了塑化剂(邻苯二甲酸二异辛酯, DEHP)对其光合系统的毒性效应。以不同浓度的DEHP处理S.acuminatus, 分析其光合系统电子传递特征及相关参数, 以及快速叶绿素荧光诱导动力曲线, 发现低浓度的DEHP (10 mg/L)对S.acuminatus活性反应中心的电子传递链中QA-的还原有促进作用, 而高浓度(50100 mg/L)则显著抑制; 光合活性则与DEHP浓度呈效应-剂量关系, 最大光化学效率降低; 同时DEHP显著降低SOD活性, 增加MDA含量, 而且随DEHP浓度升高, 处理时间的延长, 效果越明显。研究结果表明, DEHP处理对S.acuminatus的光合系统传递链和抗氧化系统有一定的影响,说明快速荧光动力方法能够应用于DEHP毒性效应的快速检测。  相似文献   

温度和氮磷浓度对平裂藻和栅藻生长及竞争的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
&#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &# 《水生生物学报》2015,39(6):1217-1223
为了解温度及氮磷浓度对平裂藻和栅藻生长及竞争的影响,分别在18、25和35℃条件下,以BG11培养基为基础,设置了不同的氮磷浓度组,进行了2种藻的单独培养试验和混合培养试验,结果表明:在纯培养条件下,低营养浓度组(磷浓度分别为0.1和0.5 mg/L)平裂藻在3种温度下基本停止生长,高营养盐浓度组(磷浓度分别为1.0和1.5 mg/L)除18℃1.0 mg/L组停止生长外,其余均能正常生长增殖,且细胞最大密度表现为25℃ 18℃ 35℃, 1.5和1.0 mg/L浓度组细胞生长差异不显著。栅藻在纯培养条件下,细胞密度总体表现为随着营养盐浓度升高而增加的趋势,细胞最大密度表现为18℃ 25℃ 35℃。在混合培养试验中,除35℃、1.5 mg/L组平裂藻对栅藻的竞争抑制参数大于栅藻对平裂藻的竞争抑制参数外,其余试验组均表现为栅藻受平裂藻影响较小。在混合培养体系中, 0.1 mg/L组平裂藻仍基本停止生长, 0.5 mg/L组受栅藻的刺激作用,生长优于纯培养体系。1.0和1.5 mg/L组均受栅藻的抑制作用,且浓度越高抑制作用越强。    相似文献   

中国栅藻属新分类群与新记录   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文报道在安徽发现的栅藻属Scenedesmus的4个新种,2个新变种及4个中国新记录。 4个新种是安徽栅藻S.anhuiensis, 黄山栅藻S.huangshanensis四翼栅藻S. qua-drialatus和芜湖栅藻S.wuhuensis, 2个新变种是角柱栅藻具刺变种S.prismaticus var.spinosus和史密斯栅藻微刺变种S. smithii var.spinulosus;四个中国新记录是具齿栅藻南方变种S. denticulatus var.australis Playfair,角柱栅藻S. prismaticus Bruhl et Biswas,四棘栅藻具齿变种S·quadricauda var.dentatus Deduss和史密斯栅藻S. smithii Teiling。  相似文献   

有机磷农药属于有机磷化合物的范畴,一般是指磷(膦)酸酯、硫代磷酸酯、磷酰胺酯类有机磷化合物。因其具有杀虫力强、使用范围广、残留期较短等特点,从20世纪80年代开始,有机磷农药很快就取代了有机氯农药成为我国农药市场份额最大,使用最多最广的一代新生  相似文献   

微囊藻和栅列藻光吸收特性的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在室内模拟槽中,以人工灯为光源,分别检测不同密度的微囊藻和栅列藻细胞悬液的光谱衰减,检测各样品的叶绿素含量和过滤后清液的溶解性有机碳(DOC)含量,并在紫外分光光度计上检测DOC光谱吸收,然后换算成吸收系数。再根据近似的线性加和关系计算出细胞悬液中各组分(藻细胞、水、DOC)的吸收系数。结果表明,微囊藻和栅列藻光衰减的波谱特征相似,在3个较高密度下的衰减系数的变化趋势相近,其衰减系数贡献率的平均值分别为84.95%和88.15%。将衰减系数除以各自的叶绿素浓度即可得到叶绿素的比吸收系数,两种藻3个较高密度的比吸收系数的平均值具有相似的波谱特征,在380~500、660~690nm两个波段有较明显的峰值,栅列藻和微囊藻在435nm的比吸收系数峰值分别为0.1118、0.0413(m2·mg-1chla),在670nm处的峰值分别为0.075、0.032(m2·mg-1chla)。但两者的比吸收系数差异较大,三个密度栅列藻在340~800nm的平均比吸收系数是0.0573(m2·mg-1chla),而微囊藻仅为0.0234(m2·mg-1chla),且微囊藻的所有波长的比吸收系数均小于栅列藻。根据这些参数来讨论两种藻类在分光衰减中的贡献率和光谱特征方面的差异及其生态学意义,以及在浮游植物的遥感监测方面的参考价值。  相似文献   

A number of microalgae species are efficient in removing toxicants from wastewater. Many of these potential species are a promising, eco-friendly, and sustainable option for tertiary wastewater treatment with a possible advantage of improving the economics of microalgae cultivation for biofuel production. The present study deals with the phycoremediation of tannery wastewater (TWW) using Scenedesmus sp. isolated from a local habitat. The test species was grown in TWW under laboratory conditions and harvested on the 12th day. The results revealed that the algal biomass during the growth period not only reduced the pollution load of heavy metals (Cr-81.2–96%, Cu-73.2–98%, Pb-75–98% and Zn-65–98%) but also the nutrients (NO3 >44.3% and PO4 >95%). Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectrums of Scenedesmus sp. biomass revealed the involvement of hydroxyl amino, carboxylic and carbonyl groups. The scanning electron micrograph (SEM) and Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopic analysis (EDS) revealed the surface texture, morphology and element distribution of the biosorbent. Furthermore, the wastewater generated during wet-blue tanning process can support dense population of Scenedesmus sp., making it a potential growth medium for biomass production of the test alga for phycoremediation of toxicants in tannery wastewaters.  相似文献   

基因工程菌大肠杆菌JM109富集废水中镍离子的研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
利用通过基因工程技术所构建的在细胞内同时表达出高特异性镍转运蛋白和金属硫蛋白的基因工程菌富集水体中的镍离子。菌体细胞对Ni2+的富集速率很快,富集过程满足Langmuir等温线模型。与原始宿主菌相比,经基因改造的基因工程菌不仅最大镍富集容量增加了5倍多,而且对pH值、离子强度的变化及其它共存重金属离子的影响都呈现出更强的适应性。相比而言,Na+、Ca2+、Cd2+、Pb2+的影响较小,但Mg2+、Hg2+和Cu2+所引起的负面效应较大。进一步的实验表明基因工程菌对Ni2+的富集行为不需要外加营养物质。  相似文献   

Sadiq  Muhammad 《Hydrobiologia》1989,(1):225-232
Six sediment samples were collected from the northern Arabian Gulf. Nickel was added to each sediment- seawater suspension and the concentration of total dissolved Ni in the suspensions was monitored for 75 days. The analytical data were used to obtain a linear regression equation relating Ni2+ activity in the sediment suspensions to pH. Using this equation and thermodynamic information, the distribution of Ni species in the suspensions was calculated. The major inorganic species, extrapolated to 35 salinity and pH 8.1, were: Ni2+ (60.1%), NiCl+ (16.9%), NiCl inf2 sup0 (5.0%), NiOH+ (0.4%), and NiSO inf4 sup0 (17.5%). An increase in the seawater salinity increased the concentration of total dissolved Ni and Ni chloro-complexes. A decrease in pH of seawater increased total dissolved Ni and decreased NiOH+ complex, but the proportion of other species remained unchanged. There was no significant (P < 0.05) effect of Cu, Cd, Pb, Fe, Mn, and Al additions on Ni sorption in the marine sediment suspensions.  相似文献   

Heavy metal contamination of the environment is a serious concern because of their deleterious effects on biological systems. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first investigation on isolation of heavy metal resistant bacteria from contaminated sites of glass industrial area.

The study focused on isolation and characterization of Ni2+ resistant bacteria from these sites and analysis of their Ni2+ accumulation potential. Out of 38 different bacterial isolates 3 bacteria were able to tolerate up to 24 mM Ni2+ concentration. These bacterial strains were identified as E. coli (AS17b), Escherichia coli (AS21) and Microbacterium sp. (AS33) by 16S rRNA (16S ribosomal RNA) sequencing and their basic local alignment search tool search analysis. Growing cell of E. coli and Microbacterium sp. revealed accumulation of 0.12, 0.08 and 0.06 µg, of Ni2+/mg dry weight of cells, respectively, by 72 hr. Similarly resting cell of these strains showed accumulation of 0.27, 0.11 and 0.08 µg of Ni2+/mg dry weight of cells by 150 min, respectively. These results reveal that strain E. coli (AS21) shows maximum accumulation efficiency for Ni2+ among different isolates studied under shaking as well as starving conditions. Hence, E. coli (AS21) could serve as an efficient and promising bacterium for bioremediation of nickel-contaminated sites.  相似文献   

The enantioselective bioaccumulation of diniconazole in Tenebrio molitor Linne larva was investigated with liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry based on the ChiralcelOD‐3R[cellulose tri‐(3,5‐dimethylphenyl carbamate)] column. In this study we documented the effects of dietary supplementation with wheat bran contaminated by racemic diniconazole at two dose levels of 20 mg kg‐1 and 2 mg kg‐1 (dry weight) in Tenebrio molitor. The results showed that both doses of diniconazole were taken up by Tenebrio molitor rapidly in the first few days, the concentrations of R‐enantiomer and S‐enantiomer at high doses reached the highest level of 0.55 mg kg‐1 and 0.48 mg kg‐1, respectively, on the 1st d, and the concentrations of them obtained a maxima of 0.129 mg kg‐1 and 0.128 mg kg‐1 at low dose, respectively, on the 3rd d, which means that the concentration of diniconazole was proportional to the time of achieving the highest accumulated level. It afterwards attained equilibrium after a sharp decline at both 20 mg kg‐1 and 2 mg kg‐1 of diniconazole. The determination results from the feces of Tenebrio molitor demonstrated that the extraction recovery (ER) values of the high dose group were higher than that of the low dose group and the values were all above 1; therefore, it could be inferred that enantiomerization existed in Tenebrio molitor. Additionally, the biota accumulation factor was used to evaluate the bioaccumulation of diniconazole enantiomers, showing that the bioaccumulation of diniconazole in Tenebrio molitor was enantioselective with preferential accumulation of S‐enantiomer. Chirality 25:917–922, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

An organic–inorganic integrated hole transport layer (HTL) composed of the solution‐processable nickel phthalocyanine (NiPc) abbreviated NiPc‐(OBu)8 and vanadium(V) oxide (V2O5) is successfully incorporated into structured mesoporous perovskite solar cells (PSCs). The optimized PSCs show the highest stabilized power conversion efficiency of up to 16.8% and good stability under dark ambient conditions. These results highlight the potential application of organic–inorganic integrated HTLs in PSCs.  相似文献   

A variety of plant species are being considered for the phytoremediation of selenium (Se) contaminated soils in agricultural regions of central California. Use of this plant-based technology may also attract a wide range of insects to these Se-accumulating plants. The first field study surveyed the diversity of insects attracted to tall fescue, birdsfoot trefoil, kenaf, and Indian mustard. Over 7500 specimens were collected by a sweep net collection technique for one complete growing season. Most of the 84 families identified were associated with beneficial insects, although pestiferous insects, for example, thrips, aphids, lygus, and leafhoppers, were also found. In the second study the bioaccumulation of Se in the cabbage looper [Trichoplusia ni (Hübner)] was investigated on Indian mustard grown in Se-rich water culture solution. Neonate larvae were transferred to plants and fed on Se-treated and no Se treated plants (controls) for 14 days, respectively. Pupae were collected from each treatment and incubated until adult insects emerged. Almost 50% fewer pupae were collected from Se-treated plants compared with “controls”, resulting in fewer adult insects. Selenium concentrations were as high as 3173 μg Se kg-1 DW in adult insects hatched from Se-treated plants compared with <5 μg Se kg-1 DW in insects from “controls”. Based on both studies, we concluded that insect diversity should be determined and insects monitored for bioaccumulation of Se on phytoremediation sites in agricultural regions.  相似文献   

In this work Ni speciation in natural and spiked soils (with similar total concentration) was studied. Spiked soils were prepared by addition of NiSO4.6H2O to obtain concentration similar to the one in natural soils. In soils mobile species were determined with a simplified sequential extraction as follows: H2O for water-soluble metal, KNO3 for exchangeable species, DTPA for complexed/adsorbed species. Results show that in spiked soils the exchangeable and adsorbed Ni concentrations are considerably higher than in natural soils. A study of plant uptake was carried out in order to evaluate the relation between mobile species and phyto-availability. Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), even though it is not a hyperaccumulator, was selected for its tolerance to high metal concentrations in soil. Preliminary results show a very high correlation between Ni mobile species and Ni uptake by alfalfa. Significant differences were found between spiked and natural soils. In the latter, high levels of total Ni did not correspond to relevant uptake as in the case of spiked soil. Results stress the importance of evaluating preliminarly heavy metal speciation in soil before planning phytoremediation procedures.  相似文献   

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