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Human promyelocytic leukaemia cells (HL-60) can be induced to differentiate into mature granulocytes in vitro by 1 alpha,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol [1 alpha,25(OH)2D3], the active form of cholecalciferol. The differentiation-associated properties, such as phagocytosis and C3 rosette formation, were induced by as little as 0.12 nM-1 alpha,25(OH)2D3, and, at 12 nM, about half of the cells exhibited differentiation on day 3 of incubation. Concomitantly the viable cell number was decreased to less than half of the control. Among various derivatives of cholecalciferol examined, 1 alpha,25(OH)2D3 and 1 alpha,24R-dihydroxycholecalciferol were the most potent in inducing differentiation, followed successively by 1 alpha,24S-dihydroxycholecalciferol, 1 alpha-hydroxycholecalciferol, 25-hydroxycholecalciferol and 24R,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol. A cytosol protein specifically bound to 1 alpha,25 (OH)2D3 was found in HL-60 cells. Its physical properties closely resembled those found in such target tissues as intestine and parathyroid glands. 1 alpha,25(OH)2D3 bound to the cytosol receptor was transferred quantitatively to the chromatin fraction. The specificity of various derivatives of cholecalciferol in inducing differentiation was well correlated with that of their association with the cytosol receptor. These results are compatible with the hypothesis that the active form of cholecalciferol induces differentiation of human myeloid leukaemia cells by a mechanism similar to that proposed for the classical concept of steroid hormone action.  相似文献   

Based on solubility properties, the human myeloid cell nuclear differentiation antigen exists as at least two distinct populations. Most is easily extracted from isolated nuclei in 0.35 M NaCl, while 20 percent resists such treatment. Compared to undigested nuclei, both the amount of myeloid cell nuclear differentiation antigen (MNDA) released from nuclei after DNase I treatment and the amount resisting further extraction in 0.35 M NaCl increased after DNA was digested with DNase I. Under these conditions, there was a concomitant decrease in the amount of MNDA that was extractable with 0.35 M NaCl. Mixing nuclear protein extracts that contain MNDA with nuclei from cells that do not express this protein demonstrated that the MNDA redistributes from the freely soluble form to the nuclear residual fraction as a consequence of DNase I digestion. These data are consistent with a model in which the amount of MNDA that is tightly bound to salt-washed nuclei is held constant in the presence of an excess of unassociated MNDA in the nucleus, and that the level of MNDA binding to this nuclear fraction increases in proportion to the extent of DNA damage resulting from DNase I digestion.  相似文献   

Water-soluble vitamin, niacin, and its related compounds were examined for their differentiation-inducing activity in human promyelocytic leukemia cells (HL-60). Among the compounds, which inhibited cell proliferation measured by MTT assay, isonicotinic acid, nicotinamide N-oxide, and nicotinamide induced NBT reducing activity. HL-60 cells were differentiated into granulocyte-like cells by these compounds, judging from morphological changes and loss of nonspecific esterase activity. The differentiation-inducing activity of water-soluble vitamin and its related compounds suggest that these compounds may be applicable for medical use.  相似文献   

Serum fibronectin inhibits the adhesion of neutrophil granulocytes (PMNs) to clean glass, HSA-coated glass, and gelatin-coated glass. It does not affect adhesion to collagen-coated glass which itself provides a substratum of low adhesiveness for PMNs. Cell-cell adhesion is not affected. During the acute inflammatory response in vivo, PMNs must migrate through the fibronectin and collagen containing extracellular matrix: reducing cell-substratum adhesion in these circumstances might facilitate locomotion towards inflammatory foci.  相似文献   

Polar solvents induce terminal differentiation in the human promyelocytic leukemia cell line HL-60. The present studies describe the functional changes that accompany the morphologic progression from promyelocytes to bands and poly-morphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) over 9 d of culture in 1.3 percent dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO). As the HL-60 cells mature, the rate of O(2-) production increase 18-fold, with a progressive shortening of the lag time required for activation. Hexosemonophosphate shunt activity rises concomitantly. Ingestin of paraffin oil droplets opsonized with complement or Ig increases 10-fold over 9 d in DMSO. Latex ingestion per cell by each morphologic type does not change significantly, but total latex ingestion by groups of cells increases with the rise in the proportion of mature cells with greater ingestion capacities. Degranulation, as measured by release of β-glucuronidase, lysozyme, and peroxidase, reaches maximum after 3-6 d in DMSO, then declines. HL-60 cells contain no detectable lactoferrin, suggesting that their secondary granules are absent or defective. However, they kill staphylococci by day 6 in DMSO. Morphologically immature cells (days 1-3 in DMSO) are capable of O(2-) generation, hexosemonophosphate shunt activity, ingestion, degranulation, and bacterial killing. Maximal performance of each function by cells incubated in DMSO for longer periods of time is 50-100 percent that of normal PMN. DMSO- induced differentiation of HL-60 cells is a promising model for myeloid development.  相似文献   

Cyclo-oxygenase (COX) production in human promyelocytic leukaemia (HL-60) cells was studied during monocytic differentiation induced by 1 alpha, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (24 nM; 3 days) or phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (100 nM; 1 day), or during granulocytic differentiation induced by retinoic acid (1 microns; 4 days). Undifferentiated or differentiated HL-60 cells were labelled with [35S]methionine, and membrane-bound COX was solubilized and quantified by SDS/PAGE. Immunoprecipitated 35S-labelled COX from cells induced to differentiate into monocytic or granulocytic lineage were clearly detected on the autoradiograms as a protein of approx. 70 kDa molecular size, whereas only a very faint COX band was detected in untreated HL-60 cells. During both monocytic and granulocytic differentiation, COX activity (measured by the conversion of exogenous arachidonic acid into prostaglandin E2) was dramatically increased. In addition, thromboxane synthesis was preferentially enhanced during monocytic differentiation. HL-60 cells, induced to differentiate into the monocytic or granulocytic lineage, provide a useful tool to investigate the cellular mechanisms involved in regulation of the synthesis of individual prostanoid-metabolizing enzymes.  相似文献   

A human promyelocytic cell line, HL-60, treated with activin/EDF was found to differentiate into monocyte/macrophage-like cells. This was shown not only by morphology but by the loss of myeloperoxidase granules and the appearance of nonspecific esterase. Dose-dependent inhibition of the differentiation by follistatin, an activin-binding protein, confirmed that it was indeed caused by activin. Thus, activin/EDF exerts its effect on hematopoietic cells not only on erythroid differentiation but also on at least a part of myeloid cell differentiation.  相似文献   

Four analogs of succinoyl trehalose lipid-3 (STL-3)with saturated even-number or odd-number carbonchains, and unsaturated or halogenated fatty acidswere examined for their ability to inhibit the growthand induce the differentiation of HL-60 humanpromyelocytic leukemia cells. The optimalconcentration of STL-3 at which such activities wererecognized was closed to the critical micelleconcentration of STL-3. Analog of STL-3 witheven-number or odd-number carbon chain and unsaturatedfatty acids strongly inhibited growth and induced thedifferentiation of HL-60 cells, as evaluated in termsof nitroblue tetrazilium-reducing activity and theappearance of the CD36 antigen. An analog of STL-3with halogenated fatty acids significantly inhibitedproliferation but only induced the differentiation ofHL-60 cells. Our results indicate that the effects ofSTL-3 and its analogs on HL-60 cells depend on thestructure of the hydrophobic moiety of STL-3.These authors contributed equally to this work  相似文献   

Trace mineral deficiencies tend to have profound effects on the integrity of formed blood elements. Anemia and neutropenia are commonly seen in copper (Cu) deficiency. We therefore developed a serum-free medium to examine the trace mineral requirements, in particular iron and Cu, for proliferation and retinoic acid (RA)-induced differentiation of HL-60 cells. This defined medium (DFM) was composed of Iscove's Modified Dulbecco's Medium (IMDM) supplemented with insulin and human apo-transferrin (each at 5 μg/ml) and 1.4 μM FeSO4. The iron concentration range for optimal cellular proliferation was narrow (2–3 μM). HL-60 cells could be maintained in DFM for 15 passages with a doubling time of 38–40 hr. The Cu content of IMDM was very low. Thus, by the fourth passage in DFM, the activity of cuproenzymes (cytochrome c oxidase, CCO; and copperzinc superoxide dismutase, CuZnSOD) began to decline. Supplementation of DFM with CuSO4 (50 nM) restored enzyme activities. Treatment of cells with a Cu chelator (tetrathiomolybdate, 1 μM) rapidly reduced the activities of both CCO and CuZnSOD. Over the Cu concentration range examined (5–350 nM), Cu supplementation had little effect on HL-60 proliferation. Cell retained the ability to differentiate along the granulocytic pathway when treated with RA, but seemed to be less sensitive to the inducing agent except at the highest concentration tested (1 μM). This decreased sensitivity to RA did not seem to be related to the Cu status of the cells but rather to the absence of a component of serum. Indeed, cells grown in DFM regained their sensitivity to RA when allowed to differentiate in IMDM with 5% serum. These data indicate that the processes of growth and terminal differentiation in HL-60 cells are not greatly influenced by Cu. Thus, it seems likely that the insult resulting in neutropenia which is associated with Cu deficiency may occur earlier than the promyelocytic stage. However, the possibility that the mechanisms contributing to neutropenia may be unrelated to primary defects in the biochemistry of neutrophil maturation cannot be ruled out. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Specific insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) receptors on human promyelocytic leukemia cell line (HL-60) were identified and characterized. [125I]IGF-I specifically bound to the cells, and [125I]IGF-I binding to the cells was displaced by unlabeled IGF-I in a dose dependent manner. [125I]IGF-I binding to the cells were displaced by multiplication stimulating activity (MSA) and porcine insulin, with potencies that were 10 and 100 times less than that of IGF-I, respectively. By an affinity labeling technique, IGF type I receptors were found to be present on the HL-60 cells. After the cells were differentiated to the macrophage-like cells by 12-o-tetra-decanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate (TPA) and 1,25-dihydroxy-vitamin D3 (1,25(OH)2D3), [125I]IGF-I binding to the cells decreased significantly. By Scatchard analysis, it was found to be due to a decrease in the number of IGF-I receptors. Thus, the differentiation of HL-60 cells to the macrophage-like cells was accompanied by a decrease in IGF-I receptors.  相似文献   

A human myeloid leukemia cell line (HL-60) produces a peptide or peptides with insulin-like activity which is distinct from insulin or insulin-like growth factors (somatomedins). Factors regulating the production of this peptide (HL-ILP) were explored in the present study. The production of HL-ILP was maximal in the early log phase of cell growth and declined with increasing cell density. Differentiation of HL-60 cells to macrophages, induced by dihydroxyvitamin D3 or phorbol esters, was also associated with a decrease in HL-ILP production. Glucose consumption by the cells in the early log phase was closely related with HL-ILP production, and HL-ILP was found to stimulate glucose consumption by HL-60 cells. Production of HL-ILP was dependent on glucose concentrations in the culture medium and glucose concentrations higher than 1mg/d1 suppressed the release of HL-ILP. These observations are not inconsistent with a hypothesis that HL-ILP is involved in the glucose metabolism of the HL-60 cells that produce this peptide.  相似文献   

We have established several focal adhesion kinase (FAK) cDNA-transfected HL-60 (HL-60/FAK) cells which were highly resistant to oxidative stress-induced apoptosis. To identify target genes that are involved in HL-60/FAK cells, we performed cDNA microarray screening using apoptosis-chip. There, we identified the decrease of glutathione peroxidase (GPx). This result prompted us to investigate the changes of antioxidant enzymes. Here, we demonstrate that lipid peroxidation was suppressed after treatment with hydrogen peroxide in HL-60/FAK cells but not vector-transfected HL-60 (HL-60/Vect) cells. Furthermore, we demonstrate that HL-60/FAK cells have higher basal reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels than the parental HL-60 or HL-60/Vect cells, while ROS accumulation by hydrogen peroxide treatment was almost the same in these cells. Basal activity and mRNA expression of antioxidant enzymes, particularly of GSH reductase (GRe), phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase (PHGPx) were markedly elevated in HL-60/FAK cells. In contrast, GPx and catalase levels were decreased in HL-60/FAK cells. Further, a Src family kinases inhibitor, PP2, suppressed GRe and PHGPx mRNA by inactivation of FAK and c-Src in HL-60/FAK cells. These results suggest that FAK upregulates antioxidant enzymes and suppresses lipid peroxidation, resulting in the anti-apoptotic state for oxidative stress.  相似文献   

The effect of serum from 32 AML patients on the normal human myeloid differentiation and the hexamethylene-bisacetamide induced granulocytic differentiation of HL-60 promyelocytic leukaemic cell line was studied. Nonadherent normal mononuclear marrow cells were cultured in vitro at a concentration of 5 x 10(5) cells/ml for 6 days with each of the 32 AML sera. Ten normal human AB sera were used as control. The results showed an inhibitory activity on both morphological and functional differentiation of normal human myeloid immature marrow cells by 29 out of the 32 AML sera tested. These 29 AML sera were added to cultures of HL-60 (2.5 x 10(5)/ml) leukaemia cell line which incorporated 2 mM hexamethylene-bisacetamide for 6 days. The results showed no significant inhibition of hexamethylene-bisacetamide induced granulocytic differentiation by any of the 29 AML sera. The efficacy of hexamethylene-bisacetamide in inducing differentiation in the presence of inhibitory factors suggests a possible role in the treatment of AML patients.  相似文献   

Neolacto-series gangliosides having linear poly-N-acetyl-lactosaminyl oligosaccharide structure have been demonstrated to be increased characteristically during granulocytic differentiation of human promyelocytic leukemia cell line HL-60 cells induced by dimethyl sulfoxide or retinoic acid (Nojiri, H., Takaku, F., Tetsuka, T., Motoyoshi, K., Miura, Y., and Saito, M. (1984) Blood 64, 534-541). When HL-60 cells were cultured in the presence of neolacto-series gangliosides prepared from mature granulocytes, the cells were found to be differentiated into mature granulocytes on the basis of the changes of morphology, surface membrane antigens, nonspecific esterase activity, and the activity of phagocytosis and respiratory burst. The differentiation of cells was dependent on the concentration of gangliosides and accompanied with inhibition of cell growth. These findings suggest that the particular ganglioside molecules play an important role in regulation of cell differentiation and that the appearance of neolacto-series gangliosides on cell surface membrane not only triggers the differentiation but also determines the direction of differentiation in HL-60 cells.  相似文献   

When HL-60 cells were cultivated with synthetic sialyl glycolipids, sialo-cholesterol and sialo-diglyceride, the cells were found to be differentiated into mature granulocytes on morphological and functional criteria. The differentiation of cells was accompanied by inhibition of cell proliferation. The differentiation-inducing activity of sialo-cholesterol was greater than that of sialo-diglyceride on a molar basis, and the alpha-anomer of each compound was more potent than the beta-anomer, suggesting that the stereospecific structure of the compounds is important for the differentiation-inducing activity.  相似文献   

all-trans-Retinoic acid is a potent inducer in vitro of the differentiation of the human acute myeloid leukemia cell line HL60 and of fresh cells from patients with acute promyelocytic leukemia. The recent discovery of nuclear retinoic acid receptors provides a basis for understanding how retinoic acid acts at the genetic level. We have now found that retinoic acid is incorporated into HL60 cells in a form that is not removed by extraction with CHCl3:CH3OH. About 90% of this labeled retinoic acid is trichloroacetic acid-soluble after digestion with proteinase K or after hydrolysis with either NH2OH or CH3OH:KOH under mild conditions. Methyl retinoate is the major product of hydrolysis with CH3OH:KOH. These results are consistent with retinoylation of protein with the formation of an ester, probably thioester, bond. The extent of the retinoylation of HL60 protein is dependent on both time and retinoic acid concentration. A major fraction of the retinoylation is of protein that has a molecular mass of 55 kDa after reduction with dithiothreitol. On two-dimensional gels, the retinoylated protein has a pI of about 4.9 and a molecular mass of 55-60 kDa. These characteristics and its localization in the cell nucleus are consistent with retinoylation of the HL60 nuclear retinoic acid receptor or a closely related protein.  相似文献   

Sialidase activity of human promyelocytic leukemia cell line HL-60 was assayed by a modification of the fluorometric method using 4MU-NANA as a substrate. The pH optimum was 4.1 and the apparent Km value was 0.10 mM. When the cells were induced to differentiate into granulocytes by either retinoic acid or DMSO, sialidase activity increased markedly. After incubation of HL-60 cells with 1 μM retinoic acid for 6 days and with 1.3% DMSO for 8 days, 91% and 75% of total cells, respectively, differentiated into morphologically mature myeloid cells and the sialidase activity increased to 2.5–2.7 times as much as that of the corresponding controls. In other human myeloid leukemia cell lines, K562 and KG-1, the sialidase activity was found to be 1.5- and 3.8-fold that of HL-60, respectively.  相似文献   

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