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Supertree methods combine trees on subsets of the full taxon set together to produce a tree on the entire set of taxa. Of the many supertree methods, the most popular is MRP (Matrix Representation with Parsimony), a method that operates by first encoding the input set of source trees by a large matrix (the "MRP matrix") over {0,1, ?}, and then running maximum parsimony heuristics on the MRP matrix. Experimental studies evaluating MRP in comparison to other supertree methods have established that for large datasets, MRP generally produces trees of equal or greater accuracy than other methods, and can run on larger datasets. A recent development in supertree methods is SuperFine+MRP, a method that combines MRP with a divide-and-conquer approach, and produces more accurate trees in less time than MRP. In this paper we consider a new approach for supertree estimation, called MRL (Matrix Representation with Likelihood). MRL begins with the same MRP matrix, but then analyzes the MRP matrix using heuristics (such as RAxML) for 2-state Maximum Likelihood.


We compared MRP and SuperFine+MRP with MRL and SuperFine+MRL on simulated and biological datasets. We examined the MRP and MRL scores of each method on a wide range of datasets, as well as the resulting topological accuracy of the trees. Our experimental results show that MRL, coupled with a very good ML heuristic such as RAxML, produced more accurate trees than MRP, and MRL scores were more strongly correlated with topological accuracy than MRP scores.


SuperFine+MRP, when based upon a good MP heuristic, such as TNT, produces among the best scores for both MRP and MRL, and is generally faster and more topologically accurate than other supertree methods we tested.  相似文献   

An experimental phylogeny was constructed using bacteriophage T7 and a propagation protocol, in the presence of the mutagen N-methyl-N′-nitro-N′-nitrosoguanidine, based on Hillis et al. [Hillis, D.M., Bull, J.J., White, M.E., Badgett, M.R., Molineux, I.J., 1992. Experimental phylogenetics, generation of a known phylogeny. Science 255, 589–592]. The topology presented in this study has a considerable variation in branch lengths and is less symmetric than the one presented by Hillis et al. [Hillis, D.M., Bull, J.J., White, M.E., Badgett, M.R., Molineux, I.J., 1992. Experimental phylogenetics, generation of a known phylogeny. Science 255, 589–592]. These features are known to present additional difficulties to phylogenetic inference methods. The performance of several phylogenetic methods (conventional and less conventional) was tested using restriction site and nucleotide data. Only methods that encompassed a molecular clock or those based on sequence signatures recovered the true phylogeny. Nevertheless a likelihood ratio test rejected the hypothesis of the existence of a molecular clock when the whole sequence data set was considered. This fact or the particular substitution pattern (mainly G → A and C → T) may be related to the unexpected performance of distance methods based on sequence signatures. To test if the results could have been predicted by simulation studies we estimated the evolution parameters from the real phylogeny and used them to simulate evolution along the same tree (parametric bootstrap). We found that simulation could predict most but not all of the problems encountered by phylogenetic inference methods in the real phylogeny. Short interior branches may be more prone to error than predicted by theoretical studies.  相似文献   

Thermal stability is essential for the survival and well-being of preterm neonates. This is achieved in neonatal incubators by raising the ambient temperature and humidity to sufficiently high levels. However, potentially pathogenic microorganisms also can thrive in such warm and humid environments. We therefore investigated whether the level of microbial contamination (i.e., the bacterial load) inside neonatal incubators can be predicted on the basis of their average temperature and relative humidity settings, paying special attention to local temperature differences. Swab samples were taken from the warmest and coldest spots found within Caleo incubators, and these were plated to determine the number of microbial CFU per location. In incubators with high average temperature (≥ 34°C) and relative humidity (≥ 60%) values, the level of microbial contamination was significantly higher at cold spots than at hot spots. This relates to the fact that the local equilibrium relative humidity at cold spots is sufficiently high to sustain microbial growth. The abundance of staphylococci, which are the main causative agents of late-onset sepsis in preterm neonates, was found to be elevated significantly in cold areas. These findings can be used to improve basic incubator hygiene.  相似文献   

Detecting spatial hot spots in landscape ecology   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Hot spots are typically locations of abundant phenomena. In ecology, hot spots are often detected with a spatially global threshold, where a value for a given observation is compared with all values in a data set. When spatial relationships are important, spatially local definitions – those that compare the value for a given observation with locations in the vicinity, or the neighbourhood of the observation – provide a more explicit consideration of space. Here we outline spatial methods for hot spot detection: kernel estimation and local measures of spatial autocorrelation. To demonstrate these approaches, hot spots are detected in landscape level data on the magnitude of mountain pine beetle infestations. Using kernel estimators, we explore how selection of the neighbourhood size (τ) and hot spot threshold impact hot spot detection. We found that as τ increases, hot spots are larger and fewer; as the hot spot threshold increases, hot spots become larger and more plentiful and hot spots will reflect coarser scale spatial processes. The impact of spatial neighbourhood definitions on the delineation of hot spots identified with local measures of spatial autocorrelation was also investigated. In general, the larger the spatial neighbourhood used for analysis, the larger the area, or greater the number of areas, identified as hot spots.  相似文献   

Aegilops tauschii, the wild progenitor of wheat D-genome and a valuable germplasm for wheat improvement, has a wide natural distribution from eastern Turkey to China. However, the phylogenetic relationship and dispersion history of Ae. tauschii in China has not been scientifically clarified. In this study, we genotyped 208 accessions (with 104 in China) using ddRAD sequencing and 55K SNP array, and classified the population into six sublineages. Three possible spreading routes or events were identified, resulting in specific distribution patterns, with four sublineages found in Xinjiang, one in Qinghai, two in Shaanxi and one in Henan. We also established the correlation of SNP-based, karyotype-based and spike-morphology-based techniques to demonstrate the internal classification of Ae. tauschii, and developed consensus dataset with 1245 putative accessions by merging data previously published. Our analysis suggested that eight inter-lineage accessions could be assigned to the putative Lineage 3 and these accessions would help to conserve the genetic diversity of the species. By developing the consensus phylogenetic relationships of Ae. tauschii, our work validated the hypothesis on the dispersal history of Ae. tauschii in China, and contributed to the efficient and comprehensive germplasm-mining of the species.  相似文献   

We determined whether supernumerary B chromosomes were nonrandomly distributed among major angiosperm lineages and among lineages within families, as well as the identity of lineages with unusually high B-chromosome frequencies (hot spots). The incidence of B chromosomes for each taxon was gathered from databases showing species with and without these chromosomes (among species with known chromosome numbers). Heterogeneity was found at all ranks above the species level. About 8% of monocots had B chromosomes versus 3% for eudicots; they were rare in nonmonocot basal angiosperms. Significant heterogeneity in B-chromosome frequency occurred among related orders, families within orders, and major taxa within families. There were many B-chromosome hot spots, including Liliales and Commelinales at the order level. At the family level, there was a trend suggesting that B-chromosome frequencies are positively correlated with genome size.  相似文献   

Mutational hot spots in the mitochondrial microcosm.   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  

The aim of this article is to analyze conformational changes by comparing 10 different structures of Pseudomonas aeruginosa phosphomannomutase/phosphoglucomutase (PMM/PGM), a four‐domain enzyme in which both substrate binding and catalysis require substantial movement of the C‐terminal domain. We focus on changes in interdomain and active site crevices using a method called computational solvent mapping rather than superimposing the structures. The method places molecular probes (i.e., small organic molecules containing various functional groups) around the protein to find hot spots. One of the most important hot spots is in the active site, consistent with the ability of the enzyme to bind both glucose and mannose phosphosugar substrates. The protein has eight additional hot spots at domain‐domain interfaces and hinge regions. The locations and nature of six of these hot spots vary between the open, half‐open, and closed conformers of the enzyme, in good agreement with the ligand‐induced conformational changes. In the closed structures the number of probe clusters at the hinge region significantly depends on the position of the phosphorylated oxygen in the substrate (e.g., glucose 1‐phosphate versus glucose 6‐phosphate), but the protein remains almost unchanged in terms of the overall RMSD, indicating that computational solvent mapping is a more sensitive approach to detect changes in binding sites and interdomain crevices. Focusing on multidomain proteins we show that the subresolution conformational differences revealed by the mapping are in fact significant, and present a general statistical method of analysis to determine the significance of rigid body domain movements in X‐ray structures.  相似文献   

Mammalian cell line development requires streamlined methodologies that will reduce both the cost and time to identify candidate cell lines. Improvements in site‐specific genomic editing techniques can result in flexible, predictable, and robust cell line engineering. However, an outstanding question in the field is the specific site of integration. Here, we seek to identify productive loci within the human genome that will result in stable, high expression of heterologous DNA. Using an unbiased, random integration approach and a green fluorescent reporter construct, we identify ten single‐integrant, recombinant human cell lines that exhibit stable, high‐level expression. From these cell lines, eight unique corresponding integration loci were identified. These loci are concentrated in non‐protein coding regions or intronic regions of protein coding genes. Expression mapping of the surrounding genes reveals minimal disruption of endogenous gene expression. Finally, we demonstrate that targeted de novo integration at one of the identified loci, the 12th exon‐intron region of the GRIK1 gene on chromosome 21, results in superior expression and stability compared to the standard, illegitimate integration approach at levels approaching 4‐fold. The information identified here along with recent advances in site‐specific genomic editing techniques can lead to expedited cell line development.  相似文献   

Fernández A 《Proteins》2002,47(4):447-457
A method is presented to identify hot mutational spots and predict the extent of surface burial at the transition state relative to the native fold in two-state folding proteins. The method is based on ab initio simulations of folding histories in which transitions between coarsely defined conformations and pairwise interactions are dependent on the solvent environments created by the chain. The highly conserved mammalian ubiquitin is adopted as a study case to make predictions. The evolution in time of the chain topology suggests a nucleation process with a critical point signaled by a sudden quenching of structural fluctuations. The occurrence of this nucleus is shown to be concurrent with a sudden escalation in the number of three-body correlations whereby hydrophobic units approach residue pairs engaged in amide-carbonyl hydrogen bonding. These correlations determine a pattern designed to structure the surrounding solvent, protecting intramolecular hydrogen bonds from water attack. Such correlations are shown to be required to stabilize the nucleus, with kinetic consequences for the folding process. Those nuclear residues that adopt the dual role of protecting and being protected while engaged in hydrogen bonds are predicted to be the hottest mutational spots. Some such residues are shown not to retain the same protecting role in the native fold. This kinetic treatment of folding nucleation is independently validated vis-a-vis a Phi-value analysis on chymotrypsin inhibitor 2, a protein for which extensive mutational data exists.  相似文献   

Unraveling hot spots in binding interfaces: progress and challenges   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Protein interface hot spots, as revealed by alanine scanning mutagenesis, continue to stimulate interest in the biophysical basis of molecular recognition. Although these regions apparently constitute fertile grounds for intermolecular interactions, no general algorithm has yet been developed that can predict hot spots based solely on their shape or composition. The discovery of structural plasticity in hot spot regions indicates that dynamic simulation techniques may be essential for achieving a predictive understanding of binding interface energetics. Future progress will depend as much on the application of new computational approaches for dissecting protein interfaces as on expanding our empirical databank of mutagenic substitutions and their effects. Despite our current theoretical shortcomings, recent methodological advances provide efficient experimental means of probing hot spots and enable immediate applications for hot spots in drug discovery.  相似文献   

Summary Statistical properties of the ordinary least-squares (OLS), generalized least-squares (GLS), and minimum-evolution (ME) methods of phylogenetic inference were studied by considering the case of four DNA sequences. Analytical study has shown that all three methods are statistically consistent in the sense that as the number of nucleotides examined (m) increases they tend to choose the true tree as long as the evolutionary distances used are unbiased. When evolutionary distances (dij's) are large and sequences under study are not very long, however, the OLS criterion is often biased and may choose an incorrect tree more often than expected under random choice. It is also shown that the variance-covariance matrix of dij's becomes singular as dij's approach zero and thus the GLS may not be applicable when dij's are small. The ME method suffers from neither of these problems, and the ME criterion is statistically unbiased. Computer simulation has shown that the ME method is more efficient in obtaining the true tree than the OLS and GLS methods and that the OLS is more efficient than the GLS when dij's are small, but otherwise the GLS is more efficient.Offprint requests to: M. Nei  相似文献   

Re-examination of data distributions from several forested sites in the eastern Sierra Nevada Mountains shows consistent, positive outliers and skew for NH4 +, NO3 ?, and mineral N in resin lysimeters and resin capsules, indicating that most values were low but hotspots of high N flux were present in most cases. Exact causes of these N flux hotspots is not known, but could include water flux hotspots (e.g., preferential flowpaths), microbial hotspots, and possibly the entry of N-enriched O horizon interflow. Soil and resin stake (PRS probe) data from one site (North Lake Tahoe) also showed consistent, positive outliers and skew for NH4 +, NO3 ? , and mineral N, suggesting the presence of microbially produced hotspots. Bicarbonate-P data from soils and ortho-P data from PRS probes also showed highly positive skew and extreme outliers, but Bray (HCl/NH4F-extractable) P in soils did not. Other measured nutrients (extractable Mg2+, K+, SO4 2?, and Ca2+) also showed positive skew and outliers, but less so than NH4 +, NO3 ?, and mineral N. Calcium stood out among measured nutrients as the most abundant nutrient with the least outliers and the lowest (sometimes negative) skew. The differences in distributions of NH4 +, NO3 ?, and mineral N and those of Ca2+ may reflect relative abundance: the most abundant ion, Ca2+, shows little evidence of hotspots whereas the much less abundant ions, NH4 +, NO3 ? consistently show evidence of hotspots. We hypothesize that the differing distributions of N and Ca reflect the relative biological competition for these nutrients and that positively-skewed distributions and hotspots will be characteristic of any other nutrient when it is in limited supply relative to biological demand.  相似文献   

The field of phylogenetic tree estimation has been dominated by three broad classes of methods: distance-based approaches, parsimony and likelihood-based methods (including maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian approaches). Here we introduce two new approaches to tree inference: pairwise likelihood estimation and a distance-based method that estimates the number of substitutions along the paths through the tree. Our results include the derivation of the formulae for the probability that two leaves will be identical at a site given a number of substitutions along the path connecting them. We also derive the posterior probability of the number of substitutions along a path between two sequences. The calculations for the posterior probabilities are exact for group-based, symmetric models of character evolution, but are only approximate for more general models.  相似文献   

The planthopper family Cixiidae (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha) comprises approximately 160 genera and 2000 species divided in three subfamilies: Borystheninae, Bothriocerinae and Cixiinae, the later with 16 tribes. The current paper represents the first attempt to estimate phylogenetic relationships within Cixiidae based on molecular data. We use a total of 3652 bp sequence alignment of four genes: the mitochondrial coding genes Cytochrome c Oxidase subunit 1 (Cox1) and Cytochrome b (Cytb), a portion of the nuclear 18S rDNA and two non-contiguous portions of the nuclear 28S rDNA. The phylogenetic relationships of 72 terminal specimens were reconstructed using both maximum parsimony and Bayesian inference methods. Through the analysis of this empirical dataset, we also provide comparisons among different a priori partitioning strategies and the use of mixture models in a Bayesian framework. Our comparisons suggest that mixture models overcome the benefits obtained by partitioning the data according to codon position and gene identity, as they provide better accuracy in phylogenetic reconstructions. The recovered maximum parsimony and Bayesian inference phylogenies suggest that the family Cixiidae is paraphyletic in respect with Delphacidae. The paraphyly of the subfamily Cixiinae is also recovered by both approaches. In contrast to a morphological phylogeny recently proposed for cixiids, subfamilies Borystheninae and Bothriocerinae form a monophyletic group.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity is crucial for species’ maintenance and persistence, yet is often overlooked in conservation studies. Species diversity is more often reported due to practical constraints, but it is unknown if these measures of diversity are correlated. In marine invertebrates, adults are often sessile or sedentary and populations exchange genes via dispersal of gametes and larvae. Species with a larval period are expected to have more connected populations than those without larval dispersal. We assessed the relationship between measures of species and genetic diversity, and between dispersal ability and connectivity. We compiled data on genetic patterns and life history traits in nine species across five phyla. Sampling sites spanned 600 km in the northwest Mediterranean Sea and focused on a 50‐km area near Marseilles, France. Comparative population genetic approaches yielded three main results. (i) Species without larvae showed higher levels of genetic structure than species with free‐living larvae, but the role of larval type (lecithotrophic or planktotrophic) was negligible. (ii) A narrow area around Marseilles, subject to offshore advection, limited genetic connectivity in most species. (iii) We identified sites with significant positive contributions to overall genetic diversity across all species, corresponding with areas near low human population densities. In contrast, high levels of human activity corresponded with a negative contribution to overall genetic diversity. Genetic diversity within species was positively and significantly linearly related to local species diversity. Our study suggests that local contribution to overall genetic diversity should be taken into account for future conservation strategies.  相似文献   

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