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Data on wartime sex ratios (proportions male at birth) are reviewed. Two sorts of variation are empirically well supported viz. (a) rises during and just after both World Wars and (b) a fall in Iran during the Iran-Iraq War. Potential explanations are offered here for these rises and fall. The fall seems plausibly explained by psychological stress causing pregnant women disproportionately to abort male fetuses. The rises may be explained by either or both of two different forms of hypothesis viz. (i) Kanazawa's “returning soldier” hypothesis and (ii) variation in coital rates. The coital rate hypothesis potentially accounts, in slightly different ways, for the rises both during, and just after, some wars. The argument that coital rate affects sex ratio just after wars seems to be supported by evidence that in some combatant countries, dizygotic (DZ) twinning rates (which also reportedly vary with coital rate) peaked after the World Wars. The suggestion that war is associated with rises in sex ratio at birth was first made more than two centuries ago. However, I have been unable to locate direct supporting sex ratio data relating to any conflict before World War One. So it would be useful if historical demographers were to search for such data relating to these earlier wars.  相似文献   

During the past year, data have been published on the offspring sex ratios of people diagnosed with toxoplasmosis, hepatitis B, and pre- and post-menopausal breast cancer. It is shown here how these offspring sex ratios constitute further support for the hypothesis that mammalian (including human) parental hormone concentrations around the time of conception partially control the sexes of the resulting infants. If this interpretation were correct, then hormonal treatments might be considered for some or all of these conditions. It is intended that anyone who has read the present note and my two previous papers (James, 1996, 2004) should be aware of all the data relating to the hypothesis.  相似文献   

This note categorizes the evidence for the hypothesis that mammalian offspring sex ratios (proportions male) are causally related to the hormone levels of both parents around the time of conception. Most of the evidence may be acknowledged to be correlational and observational. As such it might be suspected of having been selected; or of having been subject to other forms of bias or confounding; or, at any rate, of being inadequate as a firm basis for causal inference. However, there are other types of evidence that are not vulnerable to these types of criticism. These are from the following sources: (1) previously neglected data from Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia; (2) fulfilled predictions; (3) genetics; and (4) a network of logically (mathematically) related propositions, for some of which there is overwhelming empirical evidence. It is suggested that this variety of evidence confers greater overall credibility on the hypothesis than would be the case if all the evidence were of the same observational/correlational status. This observational/correlational evidence is tabulated to illustrate its consistency.  相似文献   

We estimate an effective mutation rate at an average Y chromosome short-tandem repeat locus as 6.9x10-4 per 25 years, with a standard deviation across loci of 5.7x10-4, using data on microsatellite variation within Y chromosome haplogroups defined by unique-event polymorphisms in populations with documented short-term histories, as well as comparative data on worldwide populations at both the Y chromosome and various autosomal loci. This value is used to estimate the times of the African Bantu expansion, the divergence of Polynesian populations (the Maoris, Cook Islanders, and Samoans), and the origin of Gypsy populations from Bulgaria.  相似文献   

  • 1 The female of the solitary bee Ceratina calcarata (Robertson) (Hymenoptera: Anthophoridae) excavates a tunnel in a pithy twig and then constructs and provisions a linear series of brood cells that make up her nest.
  • 2 Adult females are, on the average, 1.3 times heavier than the males, a significant difference (P<0.001). There is no difference between the sexes in the amount of weight gained per unit of larval food.
  • 3 Larger females occur because their provision masses are, on the average, 1.3 times heavier than male-producing provision masses, a significant difference (P<0.001).
  • 4 Because mothers invest more time and energy in their daughters, Fisher's theory predicts that they should produce more sons. When available resources are fewer in a given year as reflected in lighter provision masses, more males are produced during the year.
  • 5 The observed sex ratio did not differ significantly from the expected, calculated as mean female weight/mean male weight and was male-biased.
  • 6 Unlike species which nest in pre-formed tunnels, the sex of any brood cell except the innermost is random with respect to that cell's position in the nest and the tunnel's depth and diameter. The innermost position contained offspring with a female biased sex ratio (P<0.005).

Chromosomal abnormalities were studied in 33,551 abortions and births to women whose contraceptive histories had been recorded at their first antenatal visit in 1975-1977. Chromosome examinations were performed exclusively on clinical grounds. There were 45 de novo abnormalities detected (1.34/1,000); three of them were detected at amniocentesis. Trisomy 21 was observed in 27 cases (0.80/1,000), trisomy 18 in nine (0.27), other trisomies in three (0.09), and translocations or deletions in five (0.15). One case of triploidy and six cases of inherited abnormalities were detected. There were no significant racial variations. No increase in risk for chromosomal abnormalities was found among women who had used oral contraceptives prior to becoming pregnant or among women who experienced oral contraceptive breakthrough pregnancies. Two cases of trisomy 18 were observed among the 814 deliveries following oral contraceptive breakthrough conceptions (2.46/1,000), two cases of trisomy 21 occurred in 338 births following failures of rhythm contraception (5.92/1,000), and no cases of trisomy 21 or 18 among the 1,569 women using spermicides at the time of conception.  相似文献   

【目的】昆虫交配行为与其日龄和生殖系统发育密切相关。本研究旨在明确亚洲玉米螟Ostrinia furnacalis交配行为与其日龄、性比和雄蛾精巢大小的关系,为性信息素群集诱杀和交配干扰防控亚洲玉米螟提供理论依据。【方法】通过室内交配实验测定了不同配对晚数、日龄、性比亚洲玉米螟的交配率和交配次数,通过雄蛾精巢解剖分析了交配次数与精巢体积的关系。【结果】亚洲玉米螟的交配率随配对晚数增加而增加,但第1-5晚的增加速度大于第6-7晚的;1-4日龄蛾的交配率随日龄增加而增加,5日龄蛾的交配率显著降低;1-3日龄蛾配对1晚的交配率与新羽化蛾配对2~4晚的均无显著差异。亚洲玉米螟可以交配1~3次,但是交配3次的比例极低。雌性数量从1增为2时,雄蛾的交配率显著增加;从2增为3时,雄蛾的交配率显著降低、死亡率显著增加,交配1次的雄蛾进行二次交配的比例也增加,并且雄蛾更愿意与处女雌蛾进行第2次交配;交配1次雄蛾的精巢体积总是显著大于同期未交配雄蛾的,交配1次稍降低了雄蛾精巢的衰退速度,交配2次则明显增加雄蛾精巢的衰退速度。【结论】本研究明确了亚洲玉米螟交配与日龄、性比和雄蛾精巢体积之间的关系,从理论上证...  相似文献   

In vitro produced bovine zygotes show substantial variation in the time required to complete the first cell cycle and in their in vitro development potential. A number of reports have highlighted the fact that the fastest developing embryos in vitro are most likely to be comparable with their in vivo counterparts. At 24 h after IVF, presumptive zygotes were cultured in droplets of synthetic oviduct fluid medium. Droplets were examined at regular intervals and all cleaved embryos at each time point were transferred into new droplets and cultured separately for the duration of the experiment. All uncleaved zygotes were returned to the incubator and re-examined at the successive time points until 48 h after insemination, at which time the remaining uncleaved oocytes were retained as a group. A representative number of day 7 blastocysts from zygotes that had cleaved by 30 or 36 h were transferred to synchronized recipients and pregnancy was diagnosed by ultrasonography at day 35. Glucose and glutamine metabolism was examined in zygotes and blastocysts and compared retrospectively with time of first cleavage. A representative number of blastocysts from each of the cleavage groups was sexed using PCR. Data were analysed by chi-squared and regression analysis. Development to the blastocyst stage decreased as the time from insemination to first cleavage increased (r = 0.97, P < 0.03). There was no difference in blastocyst hatching, number of blastocyst cells or pregnancy rate between the 30 and 36 h groups. The overall sex ratio was 62% males (n = 258, P < 0.0001) and was not different in the 30 and 36 h groups (61%, n = 155 versus 63%, n = 95, respectively). These results indicate that although time of first cleavage has a major influence on the probability of an embryo developing to the blastocyst stage, once that stage is attained, subsequent developmental characteristics are unrelated to the time of first cleavage.  相似文献   

The apolipoprotein E (ApoE) gene, which has three common alleles (?2, ?3, and ?4), has been linked to a number of health outcomes and longevity. The ?2 allele has been reported to have neuroprotective effects, whereas the ?4 allele has been shown to be a risk factor for cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer's disease in various populations. The relationships between ApoE and mortality and ApoE and physical function, however, are not clear-cut. We used the Social Environment and Biomarkers of Aging Study (SEBAS) to examine the relationship between ApoE polymorphisms and physical and pulmonary function in approximately 1,000 Taiwanese adults aged 53 years and older in 2006. In the 2006 SEBAS wave, measures of physical function included self-reported difficulties with respect to activities of daily living (ADLs) and other physical function indicators, as well as performance-based measures of grip strength (kg), walking speed (m/s) over a distance of 3 m, and chair stand speed (stand/s). Peak expiratory flow (PEF; L/min) rate was also examined as an indicator of pulmonary function. We used logistic regression models to determine the association between ApoE and inability to complete each of the tests of physical and pulmonary function. These models revealed no significant association between ApoE carrier status and any of the indicators of function. Among participants able to complete a given task, we next used linear regression models to examine self-reported limitations with ADLs and performance on the given test by ApoE carrier status. Similarly, there were no significant relationships between ApoE carrier status and the measures of function. Our estimates provide further confirmation that the ApoE gene may not be a risk factor for functional decline among older Taiwanese adults.  相似文献   

Estrogen and progesterone interference with renal actions of arginine vasopressin (AVP) has been shown. Thus we hypothesized that women will have a higher water turnover than men and that the greatest difference will be during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. Seven men (32 +/- 3 yr) and six women (33 +/- 2 yr) drank 12 ml water/kg lean body mass on different days at 0800 and at 2000 following 10 h of fast and a standardized meal at 0600 and 1800. Women participated on days 4-11 and 19-25 of the menstrual cycle. Initial urine and plasma osmolalities and urine flow rates were similar in all experiments. The cumulative urine voided over 3 h following the morning drink was less in men (73 +/- 12% of the water load) compared with women in either the follicular (100 +/- 3%) or luteal phases (102 +/- 10%) of the menstrual cycle. Nighttime values (30-43% of the water load) were lower in all experiments and were not different between sexes or menstrual cycle phases. Plasma AVP was higher at night and may contribute to this diurnal response. The data are generally consistent with the stated hypothesis; however, possibly owing to the greatly reduced urine flow in both sexes at night, a difference between sexes was not observed at that time.  相似文献   

In a recent paper in this Journal, I offered hypotheses on the offspring sex ratios of women infected with the parasite Toxoplasma gondii, and on the offspring sex ratios of people who are carriers of hepatitis B virus (HBV) (James, 2008). Subsequent research suggests that these hypotheses need amending. A detailed account of the amendments is given elsewhere in a specialized journal (James, 2010a). Here they are summarized.  相似文献   

Evolutionary theories (e.g., the challenge hypothesis) suggest that testosterone plays an important role in intrasexual competition. In addition, those theories suggest that testosterone responses during competition should depend upon the presence of potential, immediate mating opportunities associated with the competition. The current research tested the hypothesis that the sex composition of individuals at a competition (ratio of opposite-sex, potential mates to same-sex individuals) would influence changes in competitors' testosterone levels. Consistent with our hypotheses, higher ratios of opposite- to same-sex individuals at an ultimate frisbee tournament were associated with greater increases in salivary testosterone among competitors. The relationship between sex ratio and increased salivary testosterone was observed for both male and female competitors and occurred regardless of whether competitors won or lost. Findings are consistent with the hypothesis that testosterone responses during competition are influenced by cues of potential, immediate mating opportunities.  相似文献   

J E Celis  G P Ratz  A Celis 《FEBS letters》1987,223(2):237-242
A novel proliferation-sensitive and cell cycle-specific basic protein, termed progressin (Mr = 33,000), has been identified in proliferating human cells of epithelial, fibroblast and lymphoid origin. Progressin is synthesized almost exclusively during the S-phase of transformed human amnion cells (AMA). Increased synthesis of this protein is first detected late in G1, at or near the G1/S transition border, reaches a maximum in mid to late S-phase, and declines thereafter. Contrary to histones, progressin synthesis is not coupled to DNA replication. As expected for an S-phase-specific protein, no detectable synthesis of progressin was observed in non-proliferating human MRC-5 fibroblasts and epidermal basal keratinocytes. Elevated, but variable levels of this protein were observed in proliferating normal fibroblasts and transformed cells of fibroblast, epithelial and lymphoid origin. Taken together the above observations suggest that progressin may be a component of the common pathway leading to DNA replication and cell division.  相似文献   

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