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Computer models of disease take a systems biology approach toward understanding host-pathogen interactions. In particular, data driven computer model calibration is the basis for inference of immunological and pathogen parameters, assessment of model validity, and comparison between alternative models of immune or pathogen behavior. In this paper we describe the calibration and analysis of an agent-based model of Leishmania major infection. A model of macrophage loss following uptake of necrotic tissue is proposed to explain macrophage depletion following peak infection. Using Gaussian processes to approximate the computer code, we perform a sensitivity analysis to identify important parameters and to characterize their influence on the simulated infection. The analysis indicates that increasing growth rate can favor or suppress pathogen loads, depending on the infection stage and the pathogen's ability to avoid detection. Subsequent calibration of the model against previously published biological observations suggests that L. major has a relatively slow growth rate and can replicate for an extended period of time before damaging the host cell.  相似文献   

Terrestrial locomotion occurs via the hierarchical links between morphology, kinematics, force, and center-of-mass mechanics. In a phylogenetically broad sample of seven lizard species, we show that morphological variation drives kinematic variation, which, in turn, drives force variation. Species with short limbs use a short stride–high frequency strategy when running at steady-speed and to change speeds. This link between morphology and kinematics results in relatively small vertical forces during the support phase of the stride cycle. Conversely, species with long limbs use a long stride–low frequency strategy, resulting in large vertical forces during the support phase. In view of these findings, we suggest that limb length may predict locomotor energetics in lizards because energetics are largely determined by vertical forces and stride frequency. Additionally, we propose an energetic trade-off with both long- and short-limbed species paying the most energy to move, whereas intermediate-limbed species move using less energy. Finally, when these traits are mapped onto a lizard phylogeny, we show that locomotor functional morphology exhibits both deep phylogenetic effects and contemporary patterns of evolutionary convergence. Overall, the present study provides a foundation for testing hypotheses regarding the integration and evolution of functional traits in lizards and animals in general.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 97 , 634–651.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of gastrin immunoreactivity in the rat gut was examined by immunochemical and immunohistochemical techniques. Gastrin occurs predominantly in the antrum proper, but gastrin is found also in the adjacent part of the oxyntic mucosa and in the duodenum. In the remainder of the gut the gastrin concentration is very low. No gastrin cells and very low gastrin concentrations are observed in the antrum at birth. The gastrin concentration as well as the number of gastrin cells increases progressively with age. The antral gastrin concentration reaches adult or near-adult values 30–40 days after birth.This study was supported by the Swedish Medical Research Council (04 X-1007), by Riksföreningen mot Cancer (660-0 IX), Landsforeningen till Kraeftens Bekampelse, Danish Medical Research Council (512-6) and Fonden for Storkobenhavn, Faeroerne og Gronland.  相似文献   

Acute administration of corticosterone (CORT) facilitates learning in a number of associative paradigms including lithium chloride (LiCl)-induced conditioned taste aversion learning. The present study examined the effects of acute CORT on LiCl-induced conditioned place aversions in male rats. Automated open-fields were partitioned into two chambers distinct in tactile and visual cues. Animals received either LiCl (64 mg/kg, 0.15 M) or saline (NaCl, 0.15 M) followed 10 min later by either CORT (5 mg/kg) or beta-cyclodextrin vehicle (45%) prior to placement in one of the chambers. Control rats received NaCl-Vehicle paired with both chambers. Three experimental groups received either NaCl-CORT, LiCl-Vehicle or LiCl-CORT paired with the preferred chamber and NaCl-Vehicle (control) paired with the non-preferred chamber. During extinction trials, animals were allowed to choose between the two chambers. Locomotor activity and its distribution within the chambers were assessed during both conditioning and extinction trials. CORT administration produced significant increases in a variety of measures of locomotor activity during conditioning trials. During extinction trials both LiCl groups displayed a conditioned place aversion while the NaCl-CORT group did not. In addition, significant increases in vertical activity were recorded in both LiCl groups in the LiCl-paired chamber. Moreover, CORT administration had no effect on LiCl-induced conditioned place aversion as time spent in the LiCl-paired chamber did not significantly differ between LiCl-Vehicle and LiCl-CORT groups. Significant increases in a number of measures of horizontal activity were also observed in both CORT groups. The present study shows that acute CORT administration does not significantly influence LiCl-induced conditioned place aversions and suggests that the facilitatory effects of acute CORT administration on learning are highly context-dependent.  相似文献   

In the present study, effects of voluntary exercise in an obese animal model were investigated in relation to the rhythm of daily activity and ghrelin production. Male Sprague–Dawley rats were fed either a high fat diet (HFD) or a chow diet (CD) from four to 16 weeks old. They were further subdivided into either an exercise group (HFD-Ex, CD-Ex) with a running wheel for three days of every other week or sedentary group (HFD-Se, CD-Se). At 16 weeks old, marked increases in body weight and visceral fat were observed in the HFD-Se group, together with disrupted rhythms of feeding and locomotor activity. The induction of voluntary exercise brought about an effective reduction of weight and fat, and ameliorated abnormal rhythms of activity and feeding in the HFD-Ex rats. Wheel counts as voluntary exercise was greater in HFD-Ex rats than those in CD-Ex rats. The HFD-obese had exhibited a deterioration of ghrelin production, which was restored by the induction of voluntary exercise. These findings demonstrated that abnormal rhythms of feeding and locomotor activity in HFD-obese rats were restored by infrequent voluntary exercise with a concomitant amelioration of the ghrelin production and weight reduction. Because ghrelin is related to food anticipatory activity, it is plausible that ghrelin participates in the circadian rhythm of daily activity including eating behavior. A beneficial effect of voluntary exercise has now been confirmed in terms of the amelioration of the daily rhythms in eating behavior and physical activity in an animal model of obesity.  相似文献   

As is common in biological invasions, the rate at which cane toads (Rhinella marina) have spread across tropical Australia has accelerated through time. Individuals at the invasion front travel further than range-core conspecifics and exhibit distinctive morphologies that may facilitate rapid dispersal. However, the links between these morphological changes and locomotor performance have not been clearly documented. We used raceway trials and high-speed videography to document locomotor traits (e.g. hop distances, heights, velocities, and angles of take-off and landing) of toads from range-core and invasion-front populations. Locomotor performance varied geographically, and this variation in performance was linked to morphological features that have evolved during the toads'' Australian invasion. Geographical variation in morphology and locomotor ability was evident not only in wild-caught animals, but also in individuals that had been raised under standardized conditions in captivity. Our data thus support the hypothesis that the cane toad''s invasion across Australia has generated rapid evolutionary shifts in dispersal-relevant performance traits, and that these differences in performance are linked to concurrent shifts in morphological traits.  相似文献   

目的:本研究旨在选择适合的大鼠,对比2月龄大鼠与4月龄大鼠CPR后神经功能评分及亚组评分,摸索利用不同月龄的大鼠CPR的可行性。方法通过严格监测SD大鼠制备模型过程中的心电、血压生理指标、测定各组大鼠不同时间点的神经功能缺失评分以及神经功能亚组评分、对比制备4月龄和2月龄大鼠心肺复苏模型的稳定性。结果电刺激致室颤,4月龄组大鼠的成模率为87.5%,远高于2月龄组大鼠,而死亡率无差异;在电刺激诱发CA过程中造成的血压变化,4月龄组大鼠明显低于2月龄组大鼠,存在极显著性差异( P <0.01);4月龄组大鼠与2月龄组大鼠CPR后各时间点的神经功能评分无统计学差异,而4月龄组大鼠与2月龄组大鼠的神经功能亚组评分在不同时间点,存在显著差异(P <0.05),4月龄大鼠与2月龄大鼠对比,心肺复苏后脑损伤的程度加重。结论4月龄大鼠更适合制备心肺复苏模型,该月龄组的大鼠制备模型成模率高,脑损伤程度重,更适合于用于心肺复苏的基础研究及治疗评价。  相似文献   

The effects of parental and progeny rearing densities on locomotor activity in 1st-stadium nymphs of the migratory locust, Locusta migratoria, were observed over a 24- or 36-h period using an actograph. Newly hatched nymphs showed a small activity peak shortly after hatching and the peak level was significantly higher in offspring (gregarious nymphs) of crowd-reared adults than in those (solitarious nymphs) of isolated-reared adults. However, no significant difference was found between the two groups in maximum activity levels exhibited after the initial peak. Post-hatching crowding enhanced locomotor activity during 2-5 h of measurements in 2-day-old nymphs. In this case, the parental density resulted in no significant influence on locomotor activity. However, the maximum activity level shown later in the observation period was higher in gregarious nymphs than in solitarious nymphs. Interestingly, this parental effect was more pronounced in nymphs reared in group than in those reared in isolation. The parental density appeared to affect the degree of response to crowding in the progeny. No evidence was found for the phase accumulation in terms of locomotor activity. The variation observed in locomotor activity among geographical populations did not correspond to their phylogenetic relationships.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: By using the technique of replicas of a developing apex it is possible to obtain a direct measure of phyllotactic parameters (plastochrone and platochronic ratio) involved in the initiation of two successive primordia at the level of the SAM. The goal of this study is to compare, in a real time setting, the value of phyllotactic parameters in distichous systems using Begonia as a case study, with the value of the same parameters in spiral phyllotactic systems. METHODS: To determine the real-time sequence of events at the level of the SAM, replicas were made of the developing apex at different intervals using previously described techniques. Impression moulds were made at 24-h intervals. The following phyllotactic parameters were measured: plastochrone, angle of divergence, plastochrone ratio and ratio between the diameter of the leaf and the apex. RESULTS: The time between the appearance of two successive leaves is 15-20 d. The average value of the plastochrone ratio (R) is 1.3, and the ratio of the leaf to the diameter of the apex (Gamma) is 2.5. The angle of divergence varies from 165 masculine to 180 masculine. The speed of advection of the primordium from the apex, varies from 0.28 to 0.37 microm d(-1). CONCLUSIONS: The speed of advection of primordia in Begonia is lower than that of Anagalis. This is not in accordance with theoretical simulations that predict the opposite. In Begonia, the plastochrone ratio does not reflect the real time of appearance of two successive primordia. The time separating the appearance of two primordia is not directly related to the distance of these two primordia from the centre of the apex but is related instead to the enlargement of leaves.  相似文献   

家兔与大鼠腓肠肌的生后发育比较   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
朱道立  陈佩林  叶辉  程量 《动物学报》2003,49(5):646-655
研究分析了家兔、大鼠腓肠肌在生后各年龄阶段的内侧头、外侧头的内侧亚体、中间亚体或外侧浅亚体、外侧亚体或外侧深亚体内快慢肌纤维的发育情况,应用大体解剖结合组织化学方法确定了其肌亚体,并进行琥珀酸脱氢酶染色、图像分析两型肌纤维的直径特征,以及肌构筑学与肌诱发电位的测量。结果表明:家兔在生后1个月时,内侧亚体从其深面凸现于内侧头与外侧亚体之间,中间亚体居于内侧亚体远端;大鼠内侧头未能区分肌亚体,其外侧头分为内侧亚体、外侧浅亚体,而外侧深亚体居于外侧浅亚体的深面呈重叠状:生后2、3天均未能分出Ⅰ、Ⅱ型肌纤维,也未见有原始肌束;Ⅰ、Ⅱ型肌纤维比例随年龄增长而变化,内侧亚体的Ⅱ型肌纤维比例在家兔与大鼠的生后发育中始终占优,而在其它各肌亚体内,Ⅱ型肌纤维的比例在发育中不恒定,直至成年后Ⅱ型肌纤维才趋于稳定并占优。在生长发育过程中,各肌亚体内Ⅱ型肌纤维的直径在各年龄段均大于Ⅰ型肌纤维。生后6个月家兔外侧头内侧亚体(FL/CSA)比值越大,倾向于速度型构筑;内侧头、中间亚体和外侧亚体(CSA/MW)比值越大,倾向于力量型构筑。大鼠腓肠肌外侧头内侧亚体乙酰胆碱酯酶染色显示葡萄状运动神经末梢支配慢肌纤维,斑点状运动终板位于快肌纤维。  相似文献   

Aquaporin 2 is a collecting duct water channel that is located in apical vesicles and in the apical plasma membrane of collecting duct principal cells. It shares 42% identity with the proximal tubule/thin descending limb water channel, CHIP28. The present study was aimed at addressing three questions concerning the location and behavior of the AQP2 protein under different conditions. First, does the AQP2 channel relocate to the apical membrane after vasopressin treatment? Our results show that AQP2 is diffusely distributed in cytoplasmic vesicles in collecting duct principal cells of homozygous Brattleboro rats that lack vasopressin. In rats injected with exogenous vasopressin, however, AQP2 became concentrated in the apical plasma membrane of principal cells, as determined by immunofluorescence and immunogold electron microscopy. This behavior is consistent with the idea that AQP2 is the vasopressin-sensitive water channel. Second, is the cellular location of AQP2 modified by microtubule disruption? In normal rats, AQP2 has a mainly apical and subapical location in principal cells, but in colchicine-treated rats, it is distributed on vesicles that are scattered throughout the entire cytoplasm. This is consistent with the dependence on microtubules of apical protein targeting in many cell types, and explains the inhibitory effect of microtubule disruption on the hydroosmotic response to vasopressin in sensitive epithelia, including the collecting duct. Third, is AQP2 present in neonatal rat kidneys? We show that AQP2 is abundant in principal cells from neonatal rats at all days after birth. The detection of AQP2 in early neonatal kidneys indicates that a lack of this protein is not responsible for the relatively weak urinary concentrating response to vasopressin seen in neonatal rats.  相似文献   

The complex microbiome colonizing the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) of ruminants plays an important role in the development of the immune system, nutrient absorption and metabolism. Hence, understanding GIT microbiota colonization in neonatal ruminants has positive impacts on host health and productivity. Microbes rapidly colonize the GIT after birth and gradually develop into a complex microbial community, which allows the possibility of GIT microbiome manipulation to enhance newborn health and growth and perhaps induce lasting effects in adult ruminants. This paper reviews recent advances in understanding how host-microbiome interactions affect the GIT development and health of neonatal ruminants. Following initial GIT microbiome colonization, continuous exposure to host-specific microorganisms is necessary for GIT development and immune system maturation. Furthermore, the early GIT microbial community structure is significantly affected by early life events, such as maternal microbiota exposure, dietary changes, age and the addition of prebiotics, probiotics and synbiotics, supporting the idea of microbial programming in early life. However, the time window in which interventions can optimally improve production and reduce gastrointestinal disease as well as the role of key host-specific microbiota constituents and host immune regulation requires further study.  相似文献   

The role of thyroid hormones in the development of the locomotor and cardiac muscles of the barnacle goose (Branta leucopsis) was investigated. From 2 weeks of age, goslings were treated with thyroxine, triiodothyronine, or methimazole (a thyroid inhibitor). Birds were killed at 6 weeks (n = 5) or 9 weeks (n = 4) and various locomotor and cardiac muscle masses recorded and tissue samples taken for analysis of citrate synthase activity. The effects of thyroxine and triiodothyronine were not significantly different from each other, except in the case of the iliofibularis at 9 weeks. The mass-specific citrate synthase activity of the iliofibularis, semimembranosus muscles and liver were significantly increased by thyroid hormone treatment. Cardiac muscle showed a significant hypertrophy at 9 weeks of age following treatment with thyroxine. Hypothyroidism induced by treatment with methimazole exhibited the greatest effect on the pectoralis muscle, reducing citrate synthase activity by 33%. Mass-specific citrate synthase activity of the pectoralis and pectoralis mass (% body wt.) were found to be highly correlated (r 2 = 0.74) at 6 weeks of age. It is suggested that thyroid hormones may be involved in controlling the tissue-specific timing of the maturation of locomotor and cardiac muscles. Accepted: 16 September 1996  相似文献   

In a cross-sectional study, data from records of cattle slaughtered over a 1-year period at a large abattoir in South West England were analysed using an ordered category response model to investigate the inter-relationships between age, sex and breed on development of the permanent anterior (PA) teeth. Using the model, transition points at which there was a 50% probability of membership of each category of paired PA teeth were identified. Data from ∼60 000 animals were initially analysed for age and sex effect. The age transition was found to be ∼23 months moving from zero to two teeth; 30 months for two to four teeth; 37 months for four to six teeth and 42 months for six to eight teeth. Males were found to develop, on average, ∼22 days earlier than females across all stages. A reduced data set of ∼23 000 animals registered as pure-bred only was used to compare breed and type interactions and to investigate sex effects within the sub-categories. Breeds were grouped into dairy and beef-type and beef breeds split into native and continental. It was found that dairy-types moved through the transition points earlier than beef-types across all stages (interval varying between ∼8 and 12 weeks) and that collectively, native beef breeds moved through the transition points by up to 3 weeks earlier than the continental beef breeds. Interestingly, in contrast to beef animals, dairy females matured before dairy males. However, the magnitude of the difference between dairy females and males diminished at the later stages of development. Differences were found between breeds. Across the first three stages, Ayrshires and Guernseys developed between 3 and 6 weeks later than Friesian/Holsteins and Simmental, Limousin and Blonde Aquitaine 6 and 8 weeks later than Aberdeen Angus. Herefords, Charolais and South Devon developed later but by a smaller interval and Red Devon and Galloway showed the largest individual effect with transition delayed by 8 to 12 weeks.  相似文献   

Our understanding of the evolution of frog locomotion follows from the work of Emerson in which anurans are proposed to possess one of three different iliosacral configurations: 1) a lateral‐bending system found in walking and hopping frogs; 2) a fore‐aft sliding mechanism found in several locomotor modes; and 3) a sagittal‐hinge‐type pelvis posited to be related to long‐distance jumping performance. The most basal living (Ascaphus) and fossil (Prosalirus) frogs are described as sagittal‐hinge pelvic types, and it has been proposed that long‐distance jumping with a sagittal‐hinge pelvis arose early in frog evolution. We revisited osteological traits of the pelvic region to conduct a phylogenetic analysis of the relationships between pelvic systems and locomotor modes in frogs. Using two of Emerson's diagnostic traits from the sacrum and ilium and two new traits from the urostyle, we resampled the taxa originally studied by Emerson and key paleotaxa and conducted an analysis of ancestral‐character state evolution in relation to locomotor mode. We present a new pattern for the evolution of pelvic systems and locomotor modes in frogs. Character analysis shows that the lateral‐bender, walker/hopper condition is both basal and generally conserved across the Anura. Long‐distance jumping frogs do not appear until well within the Neobatrachia. The sagittal‐hinge morphology is correlated with long‐distance jumping in terrestrial frogs; however, it evolved convergently multiple times in crown group anurans with the same four pelvic traits described herein. Arboreal jumping has appeared in multiple crown lineages as well, but with divergent patterns of evolution involving each of the three pelvic types. The fore‐aft slider morph appears independently in three different locomotor modes and, thus, is a more complex system than previously thought. Finally, it appears that the advent of a bicondylar sacro‐urostylic articulation was originally related to providing axial rigidity to lateral‐bending behaviors rather than sagittal bending. J. Morphol., 2011. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Observations made on the effects of auxin, of cytokinin and of various light treatments on cultures of wild-type Physcomitrella patens , grown either on solid medium or in continuously-replaced liquid medium, have allowed us to suggest probable roles for these factors during the early stages of normal gametophyte development. Further data obtained by studying mutants affected in their responses to one or both types of hormones or to light have supported our model of gametophyte development and enabled us to elaborate it.  相似文献   

There is a widespread exposure of general population, including pregnant women and developing fetuses, to the endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs). These chemicals have been reported to be present in urine, blood serum, breast milk, and amniotic fluid. Endocrine disruptions induced by environmental toxicants have placed a heavy burden on society, since environmental exposures during critical periods of development can permanently reprogram normal physiological responses, thereby increasing susceptibility to disease later in life—a process known as developmental reprogramming. During development, organogenesis and tissue differentiation occur through a continuous series of tightly‐regulated and precisely‐timed molecular, biochemical, and cellular events. Humans may encounter EDCs daily and during all stages of life, from conception and fetal development through adulthood and senescence. Nevertheless, prenatal and early postnatal windows are the most critical for proper development, due to rapid changes in system growth. Although there are still gaps in our knowledge, currently available data support the urgent need for health and environmental policies aimed at protecting the public and, in particular, the developing fetus and women of reproductive age. Birth Defects Research (Part C) 108:224–242, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of invasive alien plants has been poorly documented in California. However, with the increased availability of GIS software and spatially explicit data, the distribution of invasive alien plants can be explored. Using bioregions as defined in Hickman (1993 ), I compared the distribution of invasive alien plants (n = 78) and noninvasive alien plants (n = 1097). The distribution of both categories of alien plants was similar with the exception of a higher concentration of invasive alien plants in the North Coast bioregion. Spatial autocorrelation analysis using Moran's I indicated significant spatial dependence for both invasive and noninvasive alien plant species. I used both ordinary least squares (OLS) and spatial autoregressive (SAR) models to assess the relationship between alien plant species distribution and native plant species richness, road density, population density, elevation, area of sample unit, and precipitation. The OLS model for invasive alien plants included two significant effects; native plant species richness and elevation. The SAR model for invasive alien plants included three significant effects; elevation, road density, and native plant species richness. The SAR model for noninvasive alien plants resulted in the same significant effects as invasive alien plants. Both invasive and noninvasive alien plants are found in regions with low elevation, high road density, and high native‐plant species richness. This is in congruity with previous spatial pattern studies of alien plant species. However, the similarity in effects for both categories of alien plants alludes to the importance of autecological attributes, such as pollination system, dispersal system and differing responses to disturbance in the distribution of invasive plant species. In addition, this study emphasizes the critical importance of testing for spatial autocorrelation in spatial pattern studies and using SAR models when appropriate.  相似文献   

Both ghrelin and obestatin are derived from preproghrelin by post-translational processing. We have morphologically characterized the cells that produce obestatin and ghrelin in new-born and adult Sprague-Dawley rats that were freely fed, fasted, or subjected to gastric bypass surgery or reserpine treatment. Tissue samples collected from the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas were examined by double-immunofluorescence staining, immunoelectron microscopy, and conventional electron microscopy. Obestatin was present in the stomach, duodenum, jejunum, colon, and pancreas. In the stomach, differences were noted in the development of obestatin- and preproghrelin-immunreactive (IR) cells on the one hand and ghrelin-IR cells on the other, particularly 2 weeks after birth. Preproghrelin- and obestatin-IR cells were more numerous than ghrelin-IR cells in the stomach, suggesting the lack of ghrelin in some A-like cells. Most obestatin-producing cells in the stomach were distributed in the basal part of the oxyntic mucosa; these cells co-localized with chromogranin A (pancreastatin) and vesicle monoamine transporters type 1 and 2, but not with serotonin or histidine decarboxylase. Immunoelectron microscopy revealed the obestatin- and ghrelin-producing cells to be A-like cells, characterized by numerous highly electron-dense granules containing ghrelin and obestatin. Some granules exhibited an even electron density with thin electron-lucent halos, suggestive of monoamines. Feeding status, gastric bypass surgery, and reserpine treatment had no obvious effect on the A-like cells. In the pancreas, obestatin was present in the peripheral part of the islets, with a distribution distinct from that of glucagon-producing A cells, insulin-producing beta cells, and cells producing pancreatic polypeptide Y. Thus, obestatin and ghrelin co-localize with an anticipated monoamine in A-like cells in the stomach, and obestatin is found in pancreatic islets. This study was supported by a grant from the Cancer Foundation of St. Olav’s Hospital, Trondheim, Norway.  相似文献   

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