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Polycationic copolymers of vinylpyrrolidone and vinylamine (10:0.77) were prepared, and 125I-labelled with either Bolton-Hunter reagent or methyl 3,5-di-[125I]iodohydroxybenzimidate. The rate of pinocytic capture of the copolymer was compared with that of 125I-labelled polyvinylpyrrolidone, using rat visceral yolk sacs and rat macrophages cultured in vitro as test systems. Whereas polyvinylpyrrolidone was captured entirely by non-adsorptive pinocytosis, the cationic derivative was captured more efficiently, probably because it adsorbs to the cell surface. Copolymer of Mr 120 000 was internalized by macrophages somewhat more rapidly than copolymer of Mr 46 000, but was excluded from the yolk sac.  相似文献   

Pinocytic capture of 125I-labelled polyvinylpyrrolidone and of formaldehyde-denatured 125I-labelled bovine serum albumin by 17.5-day rat visceral yolk sacs incubated in vitro was rapidly and strongly inhibited by low concentrations (0.01 and 0.05%, v/v) of ethanol. The induced inhibition of pinocytosis was readily reversible, but a marked lag was observed before ethanol-exposed tissue regained its full proteolytic capacity towards the exogenous protein. These observations suggest that the acute administration of ethanol to a pregnant rat may give rise to concentrations of ethanol in the maternal blood and/or uterine fluid that induce dysfunction of the yolk sac. In late gestation such inhibition of yolk-sac function may interfere with the transfer of passive immunity across the yolk sac. If similar dysfunction is induced earlier in gestation, in the period before the chorioallantoic placenta is functional, this could cause a transient period of inhibition of histiotrophic nutrition that may be important to the pathogenic mechanism of action of ethanol as a teratogen.  相似文献   

Inhibition of pinocytosis in rat yolk sac by trypan blue.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Day 17.5 yolk sacs from rats injected with partially denatured 125I-labeled bovine serum albumin (I-BSA) were cultured in vitro by a raft technique. The rates of release of [125I]iodotyrosine were similar in control yolk sacs and in yolk sacs from rats preinjected with trypan blue. Day 17.5 rat yolk sacs were also cultured in medium containing I-BSA. Following pinocytic uptake the substrate was degraded intracellularly and [135I]iodotyrosine released into the medium. Trypan blue, when present in the medium in concentrations above 100 mug/ml, inhibited pinocytosis of I-BSA and so decreased the rate of [125I]iodotyrosine production. Trypan blue similarly decreased the rate of pinocytic uptake of 125I-labeled polyvinylpyrrolidone. Pinocytic uptake of macromolecules was not decreased in yolk sacs from rats pretreated with trypan blue. The relevance of these results to the mechanism of teratogenic action of trypan blue is discussed. It is proposed that if trypan blue in teratogenic doses similarly inhibits pinocytosis by the yolk sac during the organogenetic period teratogenesis might result from a transient interruption in the flow of metabolites through the yolk sac to the embryo.  相似文献   

J B Lloyd 《Teratology》1990,41(4):383-393
The rat visceral yolk sac is active in pinocytosis. Macromolecules accumulated by the tissue are, in general, routed to the lysosomes, where they either accumulate (if non-digestible by the lysosomal enzymes) or are degraded to their monomeric components. The yolk sac cells engage in adsorptive pinocytosis, which leads to the preferential uptake of macromolecules bearing certain surface features, such as a hydrophobic or a cationic domain. Substrates that enter the yolk sac by adsorptive pinocytosis can in some cases act as bivalent ligands, carrying in a second substance by "piggy-back" pinocytosis. Pinocytosis and intralysosomal digestion of plasma proteins by the organogenesis-stage rat embryo play an important nutritional role, supplying a high proportion of the embryo's amino acid requirement. Teratogenic effects can be induced by substances that inhibit either pinocytosis or intralysosomal proteolysis at this sensitive stage of gestation.  相似文献   

R Marlow  S J Freeman 《Life sciences》1987,40(17):1717-1723
Pinocytosis as measured by the uptake of 125I labelled PVP by the isolated cultured day 12 rat yolk sac was observed to be linear over a 4 h incubation period and to proceed at a rate of approximately 2.5 microliters/mg protein/h. Cadmium, anti-visceral yolk sac antibody (AVYS) and trypan blue all inhibited pinocytosis in a concentration-dependent fashion when added to the culture medium, although at low concentrations trypan blue was slightly stimulatory. The effect of zinc on the inhibition of pinocytosis by these three teratogens was studied. It was observed that zinc ameliorated the inhibitory effects of cadmium and AVYS, but had no effect on inhibition by trypan blue. These results indicate that the previously demonstrated protective action of zinc against cadmium-induced yolk sac dysfunction is not specific to that agent but extends to inhibition of pinocytosis by AVYS, and further suggest that, because of its refractoriness to zinc, trypan blue-induced inhibition of pinocytosis by yolk sac occurs by a mechanism different from that effected by cadmium and AVYS.  相似文献   

A method for the culture of rat peritoneal macrophages in vitro is described, in which pinocytic uptake of colloidal [198 Au]gold, 125I--labelled poly(vinylpyrrolidone) and [14C]sucrose proceeds at contant and fairly reproducible rates for several hours. The rat of uptake of colloidal [198 Au]gold, which wxhibited some inter-batch variation, was approx. 100 times that of the other two substrates. Colloidal gold did not affect the rate of uptake of 125I-labelled poly(vinylpyrrolidone) and therefore its own high rate of uptake could not be attributed to a stimulation of the formation of pinocytic vesicles. It conclude that uptake of collodial gold is highly dependent on adsorption on binding sites on the plasma membrane. Uptake of formaldehyde-treated 125I-labelled bovine serum albumin was followed by the release of [125I]iodo-L-tyrosine into the culture medium and took place at a rate intermediate between those of collodial [198Au]gold and the other two non-digestible substrates, 125I-labelled poly(vinylpyrrolidone) and [14C]sucrose.  相似文献   

Pinocytic uptake of 125I-labeled bovine serum albumin by 17.5-day rat visceral yolk sac cultured in vitro has been examined. Uptake was followed by intracellular digestion and, after an initial period, the content of radioactivity in the tissue itself remained constant during the incubation. Radiolabel was returned to the culture medium predominantly as (125I)iodotyrosine; exocytosis of undigested protein did not occur. The rate of uptake of labeled protein, which was constant within an experiment and reproducible between experiments, was much higher than that of a nondigestible macromolecule, 125I-labeled polyvinylpyrrolidone. The higher rate of uptake was a consequence of the protein entering the cells chiefly by adsorption to the plasma membrane being internalized; 125I-labeled albumin did not stimualte, nor did 125I-labeled polyvinylpyrrolidone inhibit pinocytosis. Different preparations of 125I-labeled albumin had characteristically different rates of uptake, probably reflecting differences in affinity for plasma membrane receptors. The physiological significance of the findings is discussed.  相似文献   

H Franke 《Acta anatomica》1979,103(2):200-211
The effect of an interruption of the yolk sac circulation on the rat visceral yolk sac and the development of the fetoplacental unit was examined in the last third of pregnancy. The yolk sac ischaemia was induced by ligating the blood vessels of the yolk sac stalk which connect the vitelline circulation with that of the fetus. A 3-hour ligature caused an extensive swelling of most cell organelles in the epithelial cells and in the capillary endothelia of the yolk sac. Other structural changes were indicative of a cessation of pinocytosis. A 6-hour ligature resulted in a common increase of cell swelling and in a beginning disintegration of the endothelial cells lining the vitelline capillaries. A 15-hour ligature caused severe ultrastructural cell lesions and macroscopical alterations suggestive of a progressive necrolar finding of a nearly complete loss of the amniotic fluid and the death of the fetus, although the maternal blood flow appeared to be still intact in the placenta.  相似文献   

Summary Mouse visceral yolk sac has been organ cultured from 9 days of gestation, a time prior to the thymus being lymphoid, until 12 days of gestation, a time after which the thymus is lymphoid. During the culture period the endodermal epithelial cells survived well, erythropoiesis diminished, endothelial-lined cavities formed in the mesodermal mass, and cells developed which have been classified as large, medium and small immunocyte precursors. The cytoplasm of the immunocyte precursors contains polysomes, spherical mitochondria, a few profiles of rough endoplasmic reticulum, occasional granules and a large Golgi complex. This study offers morphological support for the yolk sac origin of immunocyte precursors in the mouse which may seed the thymus and liver.Supported by NIH Grant AI 13486-01  相似文献   

Rates of pinocytosis of different molecular-weight distributions of 125I-labelled poly(vinylpyrrolidone) by rat visceral yolk sacs and rat peritoneal macrophages were measured in vitro. Four preparations of mean molecular weights 50 000, 84 000, 700 000 and 7 000 000, were used. Macrophages captured the highest-molecular-weight preparation more rapidly than the other preparations. In contrast, rate of capture by the yolk sac decreased with increasing molecular weight. Incubations with a very-high-molecular-weight fraction derived from the 7 000 000-average-mol. wt. preparation clearly demonstrated that very large polymer molecules are not accumulated by the yolk sac, but are preferentially captured by macrophages. Analysis of the 125I-labelled poly(vinylpyrrolidone) internalized by the two cell types confirmed that low-molecular-weight material is preferred by the yolk sac, whereas the macrophage is less discriminating.  相似文献   

A Miki  P Kugler 《Histochemistry》1984,81(4):409-415
Histochemical study of the visceral yolk-sac endoderm of the rat was performed in vitro (whole-embryo culture for 24, 48 and 72 h explanted at 9.5 days of gestation) and in vivo (10.5, 11.5 and 12.5 days of gestation) in order to compare the distribution and activity of various enzymes involved in the digestion and energy metabolism in both systems. It was shown that, both in vitro and in vivo gamma-glytamyltransferase and dipeptidylpeptidase IV are demonstrable in the apical cell membranes (membrane-bound hydrolases), while acid phosphatase, dipeptidylpeptidases I, II and acid beta-galactosidase are concentrated in the supranuclear vacuoles (lysosomal hydrolases), and cytoplasmic lactate dehydrogenase and mitochondrial enzymes (succinate dehydrogenase, NAD-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase, cytochrom oxidase) are localized in the whole cytoplasm and mainly in the apical cytoplasm, respectively, of the visceral yolk-sac epithelium. In vivo, the activity of all enzymes increased until 12.5 days, but in vitro, this activity increased only until 48 h after the start of culture (corresponding to 11.5 days in vivo). Comparison of the yolk sacs at 10.5 and 11.5 days in vivo with those after 24 and 48 h in vitro showed that the activities of all the investigated enzymes were almost identical. Yolk sacs which were cultured for 72 h showed lower activities of lysosomal and mitochondrial enzymes than those at 12.5 days in vivo. It is concluded that the digestive function and energy metabolism of the visceral yolk-sac epithelium are almost identical in vitro and in vivo at 10.5 and 11.5 days.  相似文献   

Summary Histochemical study of the visceral yolk-sac endoderm of the rat was performed in vitro (whole-embryo culture for 24, 48 and 72 h explanted at 9.5 days of gestation) and in vivo (10.5, 11.5 and 12.5 days of gestation) in order to compare the distribution and activity of various enzymes involved in the digestion and energy metabolism in both systems. It was shown that, both in vitro and in vivo -glytamyltransferase and dipeptidylpeptidase IV are demonstrable in the apical cell membranes (membranebound hydrolases), while acid phosphatase, dipeptidylpeptidases I, II and acid -galactosidase are concentrated in the supranuclear vacuoles (lysosomal hydrolases), and cytoplasmic lactate dehydrogenase and mitochondrial enzymes (succinate dehydrogenase, NAD-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase, cytochrom oxidase) are localized in the whole cytoplasm and mainly in the apical cytoplasm, respectively, of the visceral yolk-sac epithelium. In vivo, the activity of all enzymes increased until 12.5 days, but in vitro, this activity increased only until 48 h after the start of culture (corresponding to 11.5 days in vivo). Comparison of the yolk sacs at 10.5 and 11.5 days in vivo with those after 24 and 48 h in vitro showed that the activities of all the investigated enzymes were almost identical. Yolk sacs which were cultured for 72 h showed lower activities of lysosomal and mitochondrial enzymes than those at 12.5 days in vivo. It is concluded that the digestive function and energy metabolism of the visceral yolk-sac epithelium are almost identical in vitro and in vivo at 10.5 and 11.5 days.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft 541/1-1)  相似文献   

Development Genes and Evolution - An antiserum was prepared in rabbit against rat visceral yolk sac endoderm. The initial injection was of a ConA-Sepharose purified fraction of endoderm, and...  相似文献   

A method is described for the in vitro culture of 17.5-day rat visceral yolk sac. Tissue survival was good as judged by light and electron microscopy. The rate of pinocytic uptake of 125I-labeled polyvinylpyrrolidone by the tissue was constant both within and between experiments. Within the concentration range 0.15-24 mug/ml, the 125I- labeled polyvinylpyrrolidone neither stimulated nor inhibited pinocytosis. The system offers many advantages in the quantitative study of the physical basis of pinocytosis.  相似文献   

Low temperature, 2,4-dinitrophenol and moniodoacetate could each completely abolish the pinocytic uptake of 125I-labelled polyvinylpyrrolidone, 125I-labelled bovine serum albumin or colloidal 198Au by 17.5-day rat visceral yolk sac cultured in vitro. Cytochalasin B and colchicine caused a partial and dose-dependent inhibition. It is concluded that the mechanism of pinocytic uptake of these substrates is not micropinocytosis as conventionally defined. Removal of extracellular calcium or the oresence of theophylline inhibited liquid-phase pinocytosis by the rat yolk sac, whereas addition of ouabain caused a biphasic response: a slight stimulation of pinosome formation at a low concentration, and an inhibitory effect at a higher concentration.  相似文献   

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