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The Turkish hamster is a long-day breeder that hibernates for 4-5 mo if exposed to a short-day, cold environment. The objective of this study was to assess the uterine responsiveness of the hibernating animal to ovarian steroids. Our approach was 1) to characterize and determine uterine estrogen (E) and progesterone (P) receptors (R) during hibernation as compared to the levels observed in cycling females that had terminated hibernation, and 2) to assess the responsiveness of the uterus to E during hibernation by its ability to induce uterine P receptor. Females were exposed to short days (10L:14D) for 2 mo and then were placed in a cold-room (10L: 14D, 6 +/- 1 degrees C). After 2 or 4 mo in the cold, hibernating animals were killed and uterine steroid receptors were determined by 3H-steroid binding assay. Uterine receptors were also determined in cycling Turkish hamsters on each morning of the estrous cycle. Values for uterine receptors (pmol/g tissue, n = 4-6) during the estrous cycle (estrus, diestrus I, diestrus II, proestrus) were: 4.3 +/- 0.78, 3.9 +/- 0.19, 4.1 +/- 0.25, 3.7 +/- 0.5 for cytosolic ER; 36.6 +/- 5.8, 32.2 +/- 6.8, 36.3 +/- 1.5, 54.4 +/- 1.9 for cytosolic PR; 0.59 +/- 0.11, 0.54 +/- 0.07, 1.06 +/- 0.05, 1.42 +/- 0.17 for nuclear ER. Hibernating (torpid) animals sampled after 2 mo in the cold showed a significant (p less than 0.05) depression of cytosolic ER (2.6 +/- 0.12, n = 5) and cytosolic PR (19.0 +/- 2.6, n = 8) as compared to any day of the estrous cycle.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Uterine and ovarian blood flow during the estrous cycle in mares   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Uterine and ovarian blood flow was investigated in four mares during two consecutive estrous cycles using transrectal color Doppler sonography. The uterine and ovarian arteries of both sides were scanned to obtain waves of blood flow velocity. The pulsatility index (PI) reflected blood flow. There were significant time trends in PI values of all uterine and ovarian blood vessels during the estrous cycle (P < 0.05). PI values did not differ between the uterine arteries ipsi- and contralateral to the corpus luteum or the ovulatory follicle. PI values of the uterine arteries showed a wave shaped profile throughout the estrous cycle. The highest PI values occurred on Days 0 and 1 (Day 0 = ovulation) and around Day 11, and the lowest PI values were measured around Days 5 and -2 of the estrous cycle. During diestrus (Days 0-15) PI values of the ovarian artery ipsilateral to the corpus luteum were significantly lower than PI values of the contralateral ovarian artery (P < 0.0001). No differences (P > 0.05) in resistance to ovarian blood flow occurred between sides during estrus (Days -6 to -1). In this cycle stage PI values decreased in both ovarian vessels (P < 0.05). During diestrus, high PI values of the ovarian artery ipsilateral to the corpus luteum were measured between Days 0 and 2, followed by a decline until Day 6 (P < 0.05). From this time on, the resistance to blood flow increased continuously until Day 15 (P < 0.05). The cyclic blood flow pattern in the contralateral ovarian artery was similar to that in the uterine arteries (r = 0.68; P < 0.0001). No correlations occurred between the diameter of the corpus luteum and the PI values of the ipsilateral ovarian artery (P > 0.05) during diestrus. During estrus, there was a negative relationship between growth of the diameter of the ovulatory follicle and changes in PI values of the dominant ovarian artery (r = -0.41; P < 0.05). PI values of the uterine arteries and of the ovarian artery ipsilateral to the ovulatory follicle were negatively related to estrogen (E) levels in plasma during estrus (uterine arteries: r = -0.21; P < 0.05; dominant ovarian artery: r = -0.35; P < 0.05). In diestrus, PI values of the dominant ovarian artery were negatively related to plasma progesterone levels (r = -0.38; P < 0.0001), but not the PI values of the uterine arteries (P > 0.05). The findings of this study show that there are characteristic changes in blood supply of the uterus and the ovaries throughout the equine estrous cycle. There are negative correlations between resistance to blood flow in the uterine and ovarian arteries and the plasma estrogen levels during estrus. In diestrus, there is a negative relationship between the resistance to ovarian blood flow and the progesterone levels.  相似文献   

Transrectal ultrasonography was used to quantitate uterine contractile activity during the estrous cycle and early pregnancy in pony mares (nonbred, n = 9; pregnant, n = 16). Continuous 1-min scans of longitudinal sections of the uterine body were videotaped, and uterine activity scores (1=minimal activity, 5=maximal activity) were assigned to each tape segment. There was a tendency (P<0.06) for a main effect of reproductive status (nonbred versus pregnant), a main effect of day (P<0.0001), and a reproductive status by day interaction (P<0.006). Uterine activity scores were higher (P<0.05) in pregnant mares on Days 1, 11, 12, and 17 (Day 0=day of ovulation) than in nonbred mares. Maximal activity in pregnant mares occurred on Days 11 to 14 during the reported period of maximal embryo mobility. Activity scores decreased (P<0.05) between the day prior to and the day of fixation (mean = Day 15) of the embryonic vesicle. Activity scores were maintained at an intermediate level for several days following fixation before declining to minimal levels by 7 d postfixation. A postovulatory decrease (P<0.04) in activity scores was observed in nonbred mares, but not in pregnant mares, between Days 0 and 1 followed by a progressive increase (P<0.03) between Days 2 and 4. Maximal activity in nonbred mares occurred during the late luteal phase (Days 13 to 14), corresponding temporally to the reported onset of luteolysis.  相似文献   

Using immunohistochemistry and Western blot analysis we attempted to identify the estrogen receptors in ovine luteal cells at different stages of the estrous cycle. Monoclonal antibody against estrogen receptors was used for immunolocalization of estrogen receptor-alpha in corpora lutea sections. Generally, the most intense cytoplasm staining was present in large luteal cells. On the 6th day of the estrous cycle, weak immunostaining of estrogen receptors was observed in large luteal cells as well as in the connective tissue. Luteal cells from regressing corpora lutea expressed the weakest immunostaining. The most intense immunoreactivity for estrogen receptors was found in sections of corpora lutea collected on the 9th day of the cycle. Both, cytoplasmic and nuclear localization was observed depending on cell types in the ovine corpus luteum. Our studies demonstrated the presence of the estrogen receptor-alpha in the luteal cells and suggested an autocrine/paracrine role of estrogen in the regulation of estrous cycle in sheep.  相似文献   

This study describes a method for measuring intrauterine pressure (IUP) changes and uterine motility in cows. Spontaneous uterine motility was recorded during the estrous cycle in stanchioned, nonlactating dairy cows using a pair of miniature pressure transducers mounted 15 cm apart at the distal end of a dacron catheter placed in one uterine horn via the cervix. Clinical examination of ovarian status and determination of the peripheral plasma levels of estradiol-17beta and progesterone were used to determine the stages of the cycle. The pressure sensors recorded variations in muscular resting tension (tone) and the occurrence, spatial distribution, and force of the uterine contractions. Both tone and uterine activity varied significantly during the cycle. They were minimal during diestrus, increased during proestrus, reached maximal values at estrus, and then decreased. The highest synchronized motor activity with presence of peristaltic-antiperistaltic movements occurred during estrus. The prevailing direction of the uterine contractions during late estrus (immediate preovulatory period) was cervico-tubal.  相似文献   

Oxytocin (OT) receptors in the porcine endometrium were investigated at four stages of the estrous cycle (Days (D) 0, 5, 10 and 15, n = 3), and at two stages of early pregnancy (D5 and D15 after mating, n = 3) by a radioreceptor assay using 125I-labeled OT antagonist [d(CH2)5,Tyr(Me)2,Thr4,Tyr-NH92]-vasotocin. Binding specificity was demonstrated by displacement with four peptides related to oxytocin ([Arg7]-vasopressin, [Thr4,Gly7]-OT, OVT, OT) and two peptides unrelated to oxytocin (luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone, [Ile3]-pressinoic acid (tocinoic acid)). The dissociation constant (Kd) of endometrial OT receptors on D0 (0.59 ± 0.10 nM) was similar to those on D10 and D15 (D10, 0.75 ± 0.21; D15, 0.60 ± 0.14 nM; mean ± SEM). In the early luteal stage (D5), Kd (2.41 ± 0.24 nM) was higher than on D0, D10 and D15 (P < 0.01). In early pregnancy, Kd values were 3.25 ± 0.29 nM on D5 and 2.44 ± 0.44 nM on D15. Binding site concentration (Bmax) on D0 (910.0 ± 25.1 fmol mg−1 protein) was significantly higher than on D5 and D10 (D5, 322.5 ± 71.7; D10, 147.5 ± 25.8 fmol mg−1 protein; P < 0.01) of the estrous cycle and D5 and D15 (D5, 302.5 ± 82.6; D15, 315.0 ± 20.1 fmol mg−1 protein; P < 0.01) of early pregnancy. In the two stages of early pregnancy, Bmax values were constant and similar to that on D5 of the early luteal stage.Our results reveal the existence of specific OT binding sites in the porcine endometrium during the estrous cycle and early pregnancy. Furthermore, the fluctuation in the binding of OT to the endometrium during the different stages of the estrous cycle suggests that OT plays an important role in regulating the estrous cycle of the pig as seen in other animals.  相似文献   

Previous work has shown that the immature rat uterus contains epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptors and that tissue levels of this receptor are increased by the administration of exogenous estrogens. This study was undertaken to determine if estrogen administration also elevated EGF receptor levels in the mature animal and if the growth factor receptor levels varied in concert with endogenous estrogens throughout the estrous cycle. In the mature, castrate rat administration of estradiol, but not non-estrogenic steroids, causes a 2-3-fold elevation of uterine EGF receptors as judged by ligand binding. This increase is maximum in 18 h and is due to an increase in the number of binding sites. In cycling animals EGF receptor levels are low at metestrus, rise at diestrus, reach a maximum (approximately twice metestrus values) at proestrus, and then return at estrus to metestrus levels. These changes in EGF receptor levels parallel changes in plasma estrogens and occupied nuclear estrogen receptor reported by other workers. These results indicate that uterine EGF receptors are increased by exogenous estrogens in both mature and immature animals, and support a physiological role for estrogens in the regulation of this growth factor receptor.  相似文献   

Receptors for luteinizing hormone/human chorionic gonadotropin (LH/hCG) have been identified in porcine, rabbit, rat, and human myometrium. To determine the estrous cycle and pregnancy related changes in the receptor capacity and affinity, radioreceptor assays were performed with membrane homogenates of porcine uterine tissues. Cycling gilts were divided into four experimental groups: I (n=6), day 1–2; II (n=5), day 6–7; III (n=5), day 11–12; and IV (n=6), day 18–20 of the estrous cycle. Pregnant pigs were divided into three experimental groups: I (n=5), day 35–40; II (n=5), day 65–70; and III (n=4), day 95–105 of pregnancy. The concentrations [femtomoles/mg protein (fmol/mg protein)] and affinities of unoccupied LH/hCG binding sites were characterized in all samples of myometrium. Receptor concentrations were highest (P<0.01) in groups II and III (19.3±2.5 and 35.8±2.1 fmol/mg protein, respectively), and was lowest in groups I and IV (5.3±1.4 and 7.5±0.7 fmol/mg protein, respectively). Receptor affinity constants (Ka) were consistent (P>0.05) throughout the estrous cycle [I, (5.1±1.5)×109; II, (3.0±0.8)×109; III, (3.2±0.9)×109; IV, 5.5±0.7×109 lm−1]. Plasma hormone concentrations of progesterone, estrogen and LH were typical of values noted at these times. During pregnancy, receptor concentrations were greatest (P<0.05) in group II (85.4±18.5 fmol/mg protein). In groups I and III receptor numbers were 10.8±2.3 and 26.7±6.6 fmol/mg protein, respectively. The Ka in group I was 10 times greater (P<0.05) than Ka in groups II and III, (I, 3.1±0.9×1010 lm−1; II, 3.4±0.3×109 lm−1; III, 3.3±1.1×109 lm−1). Plasma hormone concentrations typically found during pregnancy were noted. The function of these LH/hCG binding sites remains unknown; however, changes in receptor capacity during the estrous cycle and pregnancy support a role for modulation of the receptor by hormonal factors.  相似文献   

Ovine prolactin (o-PRL) binding to mammary gland membranes was studied during the estrous cycle in the rat. Groups of rats were decapitated throughout the 4-day estrous cycle at 10 h00 on the days of diestrus I, diestrus II and estrus and at 10 h00, 12 h00, 16 h00 during the day of proestrus. Daily vaginal smears were taken to determine the stage of the estrous cycle which was also controlled by PRL and LH serum levels. Prolactin receptors were quantified in the 100 000 g pellet. For one Scatchard analysis, mammary gland membranes from 5 animals were pooled. Results given are the mean of 4 or 5 pools. Results obtained showed that the apparent affinity constant (KA) remained unchanged during the days of diestrus II and at all the times studied of proestrus and showed a slight but significant decrease on the days of estrus and diestrus I (or metestrus). The binding capacity did not vary from the day of diestrus II to the proestrus 16h00 (11.3 +/- 2.8 fmoles/mg protein) but sharply increased on the day of estrus (190.4 +/- 35.9 fmoles/mg protein). Binding capacity remained elevated on the day of diestrus I. This increase of PRL receptors on the day of estrous would appear to be an important step in preparing mammary gland for pregnancy and lactation.  相似文献   

This series of experiments investigated the relationship between various treatments consisting of estradiol benzoate (EB) and progesterone (P) on sexual receptivity and on concentrations of nuclear estrogen receptors (NER) and cytosolic progestin receptors (CPR) in the hypothalamus-preoptic area in female hamsters. The injection of 1 microgram EB at 0 and 24 hr resulted in higher levels of receptivity (after 0.25 or 0.5 mg P), NER and CPR compared to those obtained after a single injection of 2 micrograms EB. Animals treated with 5 micrograms EB at 0 and 24 hr displayed greater levels of receptivity (after 0.5 mg P) and had higher NER concentrations than animals given a single injection of 10 micrograms EB. Groups treated with either 1 microgram EB at 0 hr or 0.5 microgram EB at 0 and 24 hr did not differ and showed low levels of receptivity, NER and CPR, NER and CPR were also measured on each day of the estrous cycle. NER levels rose between Days 1 and 2, again between Days 2 and 3, and remained elevated on Day 4. CPR levels increased between Days 2 and 3, and there was no difference between Days 3 and 4. Taken together, these data suggest that receptivity in hamsters after estrogen exposure is correlated with the accumulation and maintenance of relatively high NER levels and on the induction of CPR. This can be accomplished by a single large injection of EB or by smaller split doses.  相似文献   

Summary The pattern of follicular development during the estrous cycles of aged rats was examined and compared with that of mature rats. In both, preovulatory follicles are derived from a select group of small pre-Graafian follicles which begin to develop at estrus and reach the preovulatory size by the morning of proestrus, but the rate of growth, as judged by an increase in the percentage of granulosa cells incorporating 3H-thymidine, is accelerated in the follicles of aged rats. A second mechanism, which accounts for preovulatory follicles in aged rats, involves the rescue from atresia of pre-Graafian and preovulatory follicles. The existence of this mechanism is supported by the observation that at metestrus in aged rats virtually all follicles, regardless of their state of atresia, possess a high percentage of granulosa cells incorporating 3H-thymidine, indicating that the follicles are growing rapidly. However, some of these rapidly growing follicles show signs of atresia such as pyknotic nuclei within their granulosa cell layers. Since follicles in the initial stage of atresia contain defective oocytes (Peluso et al. 1979b), their rescue and development into preovulatory follicles would result in the ovulation of defective oocytes, a fact which accounts in part of the lower fertility in these older animals.  相似文献   

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