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Each cell of Paramecium caudatum has a germinal micronucleus. When a bi-micronucleate state was created artificially by micronuclear transplantation, both micronuclei divided for at least 2 cell cycles after nuclear transplantation. However, this bi-micronucleate state was unstable and reduced to a uni-micronucleate state after several fissions. Although the number of micronuclei was usually 1 during the vegetative phase, 4 presumptive micronuclei differentiated after conjugation. At the first post-conjugational fission, only 1 of the 4 micronuclei divided, indicating that there is tight regulation of micronuclear number in exconjugants. Micronuclei that did not divide at the first post-conjugational fission may persist through the first and second post-conjugational cell cycles. The decision to divide appears to be separate from the decision to degenerate, as evidenced by division of a remaining micronucleus upon removal of the dividing micronucleus at the first division. Degeneration of micronuclei in exconjugants differs from that of haploid nuclei after meiosis. Nutritional state affected micronuclear degeneration. Under well-fed conditions, the micronuclei destined to degenerate lost the ability to divide earlier than after starvation treatment, suggesting that micronuclear degeneration is an "apoptotic" phenomenon, probably under the control of the new macronuclei (macronuclear anlagen).  相似文献   

In the ciliated protozoan Paramecium caudatum, a parental macronucleus that is fragmented into some 40-50 pieces during conjugation does not degenerate immediately, but persists until the eighth cell cycle after conjugation. Here we demonstrate that the initiation of the parental macronuclear degeneration occurs at about the fifth cell cycle. The size of parental macronuclear fragments continued to increase between the first and fourth cell cycle, but gradually decreased thereafter. By contrast, a new macronucleus grew and reached a maximum size by the fourth cell cycle, suggesting that the new macronucleus matured by that stage. Southern blot analysis revealed that parental macronuclear DNA was degraded at about the fifth cell cycle. The degradation was supported by acridine orange staining, indicating degeneration of the macronuclear fragments. Prior to the degradation, the fragments once attached to the new macronucleus were subsequently liberated from it. These observations lead us to conclude that once a new macronucleus has been fully formed by the fourth cell cycle, the parental macronuclear fragments are destined to degenerate, probably through direction by new macronucleus. Considering the long persistence of the parental macronucleus during the early cell cycles after conjugation, the macronuclear fragments might function in the maturation of the imperfect new macronucleus. Two possible functions, a gene dosage compensation and adjustment of ploidy level, are discussed.  相似文献   

We obtained a monoclonal antibody (MA-1) specific for macronuclei of the ciliate Paramecium caudotum and P. dubosqui. Immunoblotting showed that the antigen was a poly-peptide of 50 kilodalton (kDa). During the process of nuclear differentiation in P. caudatum, the MA-1 antigens appeared in the macronuclear anlagen immediately after four out of eight post zygotic nuclei differentiated morphologically into the macro-nuclear anlagen. Afterwards, the antigens could be detected in the macronucleus through the cell cycle, and disappeared when the macronucleus began to degenerate in exconjugant cells. These results suggest that the antigens may play a role in the differentiation and function of the macronucleus. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Methods for mass transformation of Paramecium tetraurelia were established using plasmids bearing neomycin-resistance or calmodulin gene fragments. Phenotypic and molecular analyses showed that, although variable, up to 5% transformation can be achieved by electroporation. Concentrations of divalent cations Ca2+ and Mg2+ in the electroporation medium were crucial for efficient transformation. Strong neomycin-resistance transformation using bioballistic particle bombardment with gold particles was observed. For both methods, hybridization to transformant DNA revealed plasmid signals consistent with macronuclear transformation and correlated with transformed phenotypes. Complementation of a known calmodulin gene mutation was also achieved by mass transformation. Possible sources of variation and the general utility of these methods are discussed.  相似文献   

The odd (O) or even (E) mating type in Paramecium tetraurelia is determined during the first cell cycle after new macronuclear development. The present paper demonstrates that mating type E is irreversibly determined at the end of the first cell cycle. Direct evidence comes from transplanting O macronuclear karyoplasm containing O-determining factor into E autogamous cells during a new postzygotic macronuclear development. Transplantation of O macronuclear karyoplasm into E autogamous cells at 7–8 hr after the origin of the macronucleus from a product of the synkaryon produces nearly 100% O mating type among the exautogamous cell lines but almost none 10–11 hr after the origin of the macronucleus (around the end of the first cell cycle). The macronuclear anlagen at the stage at which mating type E seems to be fixed contains about 20 times as much DNA as the vegetative G1 micronucleus. The O-determining factor shifting E cells toward O mating type by transplanting O macronuclear karyoplasm is also produced by the newly developed macronucleus in an effective concentration at 10–11 hr after the sensitive period and produced at full levels by the third cell cycle. The level of O factor in the macronucleus then gradually declines with subsequent repeated rounds of DNA synthesis and is finally lost by the eighth cell cycle.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS Triplet conjugants of Paramecium caudatum which appeared naturally in mating mixtures and those of Paramecium multimicronucleatum which were produced by conjugation-inducing chemicals were isolated. Triplet conjugants lasting for more than 3 h were stained to examine macronuclear events. In P. caudatum , only 2 triplets among 182 (1%) contained macronuclear fragmentation in all 3 members. The most frequently occurring triplets (79%) were those producing 1 cell without and 2 cells with macronuclear fragments. There were also triplets (17%) producing 1 cell with, and 2 without macronuclear fragments, and some (3%) with 3 cells that contained no fragments. The length of persistence of the triplet was not responsible for the occurrence of macronuclear fragmentation in the 3rd cell of the triplet. In P. multimicronucleatum , the same 4 classes of triplets occurred, but the most frequently occurring class was that consisting of 3 cells (91%) with macronuclear fragments. Induction of nearly 100% of triplets with 3 such cells was possible by isolating the triplets' from a culture which was treated chemically at about 24 h after the last feeding. Treatment with chemicals in starved cultures resulted in triplets with incompletely fragmented or nonfragmented macronuclei. Further, in P. multimicronucleatum , chemicallyinduced triplets involving only holdfast pairs to which the 3rd cells were uniting often produced 3 cells with fragmented macronuclei.  相似文献   

Microtubule dynamics in Paramecium caudatum were investigated with an anti-alpha-tubulin antibody and a microinjection technique to determine the function of microtubules on micronuclear behavior during conjugation. After meiosis, all four haploid micronuclei were connected by microtubular filaments to the paroral region and moved close to this region. This nuclear movement was micronucleus-specific, because some small macronuclear fragments transplanted from exconjugants never moved to the region. Only one of the four germ nuclei moved into the paroral cone and was covered by microtubule assembly (the so-called first assembly of microtubules, AM-I). This nucleus survived there, while the other three not in this region degenerated. The movement of germ nucleus was inhibited by the injection of the anti-alpha-tubulin antibody. The surviving germ nucleus divided once and produced a migratory pronucleus and a stationary pronucleus. Prior to the reciprocal exchange of the migratory nuclei, microtubules assembled around the migratory pronuclei again (the so-called second assembly of microtubules, AM-II). Then, the migratory pronucleus moved into the partner cell and fused with the stationary pronucleus. Thus, microtubules appear to be indispensable for nuclear behavior: they enable migration of postmeiotic nuclei to the paroral region and they permit the survival of the nucleus at the paroral cone.  相似文献   

Paramecium caudatum loses the ability to form food vacuoles at the crescent stage of the micronucleus from 5 to 6 hr after the initiation of conjugation and regains it immediately after the third division of the zygotic nucleus. To assess the micronuclear function in the development of the oral apparatus after coniugation, prezygotic micronuclei was removed from cells at various stages of conjugation, and their ability to form food vacuoles were examined. (1) When all of the prezygotic micronuclear derivatives were eliminated before the stage of formation of the zygotic nucleus, the exconjugant did not regain its ability. (2) When a zygotic nucleus or postzygotic nuclei were removed, in some cases the cell formed as many food vacuoles as did nonoperated cells after conjugation, while in other operated cells the number of food vacuoles was subnormal. (3) When a micronucleus from a cell at vegetative phase (G1) was transplanted into a cell of an amicronucleate mating pair at the stage between 8 and 9 hr after the initiation of conjugation, the implanted cell regained the ability to form food vacuoles. However, no cell regained the ability when the implantation was carried out within 1 hr after the separation of the mates. The results show that the micronucleus plays an indispensable role in the development of the oral apparatus at the stages of exchange of gametic nuclei and fertilization and that the micronucleus transplanted from asexual cells can fulfill this function. On the other hand, removal of the macronucleus from exconjugants showed that the maternal macronucleus also has an indispensable function in regaining the ability to form food Vacuoles. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The macronucleus of Paramecium caudatum controls most cellular activities, including sexual immaturity after conjugation. Exconjugant cells have two macronuclear forms: (1) fragments of the maternal macronucleus, and (2) the new macronuclei that develop from the division products of a fertilization micronucleus. The fragments are distributed into daughter cells without nuclear division and persist for at least eight cell cycles after conjugation. Conjugation between heterokaryons revealed that the fragmented maternal macronuclei continued to express genetic information for up to eight cell cycles. When the newly developed macronucleus was removed artificially within four cell cycles after conjugation, the clones regenerated the macronuclear fragments (macronuclear regeneration; MR) and showed mating reactivity, because they were sexually mature. However, when the new macronucleus was removed during later stages, many MR clones did not show mating reactivity. In some extreme cases, immaturity continued for more than 50 fissions after conjugation, as seen with normal clones that had new macronuclei derived from a fertilization micronucleus. These results indicate that the immaturity determined by the new macronucleus is not annulled by the regenerated maternal macronucleus. Mature macronuclear fragments may be "reprogrammed" in the presence of the new macronucleus, resulting in their expression of "immaturity."  相似文献   

ABSTRACT An improved method has been developed for the induction of selfing conjugation in Paramecium. Methyl cellulose induces selfing conjugation simply and efficiently in all species examined. Induction of conjugation by methyl cellulose was characterized in P. caudatum , where it occurred only in sexually mature, mating reactive cells. Conjugation produced sexual offspring and the time course of nuclear processes was substantially the same as that in natural conjugation between cells of complementary mating types. The method is useful for genetic studies in a wide variety of Paramecium species including P. caudatum, P. tetraurelia, P. multimicronucleatum and P. bursaria.  相似文献   

Conjugating cells and exconjugants of Stylonychia mytilus during most of the period of macronuclear development are rather sensitive towards heat shock treatment. Heat shock results in an instant arrest in the micronuclear meiotic stages. Following heat shock, while early exconjugants show only partial development of the macronucleus, the mid-developmental stages are irreversibly arrested. In all these heat-sensitive stages, post-treatment cells do not recover and eventually die. However, at late macronuclear development stage, cells are able to survive the heat shock successfully. Similar heat shock intensity is completely non-lethal for the asexually reproducing vegetative cells.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT We investigated growth and grazing rates of Strombidinopsis sp. when feeding on several species of red-tide and/or toxic dinoflagellates. Strombidinopsis sp. one of the largest aloricate choreotrichs so far reported, grew well on Lingulodinium polyedrum, Gymnodinium sanguineum, Scrippsiella trochoidea, Cochlodinium polykrikoides , and Prorocentrum minimum , but failed to grow on Amphidinium carterae. Specific growth rates of Strombidinopsis sp. increased rapidly with increasing prey density up to ca. 100 ng C ml-1, but were saturated or increased slightly at higher concentrations. Maximum specific growth rates of Strombidinopsis sp. on various prey species were 1.38 day-1 for C. polykrikoides , 1.27 for G. sanguineum , 1.06 for P. minimum , 0.83 for L. polyedrum , and 0.67 for S. trochoidea. Threshold prey concentrations (where net growth = 0) were 12–38 ng C ml-1. Maximum ingestion and clearance rates of Strombidinopsis sp. were 353 ng C grazer-1 day-1 and 110 μ, l grazer-1 h-1, respectively. Strombidinopsis sp. exhibited higher maximum growth, ingestion, and clearance rates than the mixotrophic dinoflagellate Fragilidium cf. mexicanum or the heterotrophic dinoflagellates Protoperidinium cf. divergens and P. crassipes , when grown on the same prey species. In addition, the sequence of prey species arranged according to growth response of Strombidinopsis sp. differed considerably from those of Fragilidium cf. mexicanum, Protoperidinium cf. divergens , and P. crassipes.  相似文献   

The amitotic division of the macronucleus of Paramecium tetraurelia produces daughter macronuclei which frequently differ in DNA content. In wild-type cells these differences are small, but can be increased substantially by the action of mutant genes. The variance in macronuclear DNA content would increase continuously if there were no mechanism to regulate it. Paramecium has a very effective regulatory mechanism—all cells synthesize similar amounts of macronuclear DNA, regardless of the number of macronuclei or their prereplication DNA content. DNA synthesis is controlled at the level of macronuclear subunits, and the postreplication macronucleus consists of a mosaic of subunits that have undergone different numbers of replication events during the previous cell cycle. It is evident from experimental results that the amount of DNA synthesized can be influenced by the total size or mass of the cell. Experimental modification of the initial DNA content leads to no change in the amount of DNA synthesized, or in the subsequent protein content of the cells, but modification of cell size causes corresponding changes in the amount of DNA synthesized and in the size of the macronucleus. The implications of these observations for cell growth and the cell cycle are discussed.  相似文献   

The mechanism of stomatin-induced differentiation of Tetrahymena vorax was investigated by in vivo protease degradation of cell surface proteins, the direct measurement of products formed from the activation of phospholipase C, and the use of an array of signal transduction inhibitors/activators. The data indicate that a surface-exposed protein is required for stomatin to signal the cells to differentiate and that the cells are committed to the differentiation pathway within two hours after exposure to stomatin. Analysis of radiolabeled polyphosphoinositols and inositol lipids from control and stomatin-treated populations in the presence of 10 mM LiCl were consistent with a rapid activation of phospholipase C. Within five min following addition of stomatin, this resulted in an increase in polyphosphoinositols and a concomitant decrease in the relative amounts of phosphatidylinositol bisphosphate and phosphatidylinositol trisphosphate.  相似文献   

Conjugation of Paramecium caudatum among cells of a single mating type can be induced parthenogenetically by exposing them to certain chemical solutions, a process called chemical induction of conjugation. The ionic conditions for chemical induction of conjugation are also the conditions that are required for the induction of the activation of voltage dependent Ca2+ channels in Paramecium . Four mutants controlled by independent gene loci with defects in Ca2+ channels, were subjected to an induction solution containing various concentrations of KCl and 0.01, 0.06 and 0.6 mmol/L CaCl2. Conjugation was able to be induced chemically in all four mutants. However, some locus-dependent differences were observed in the profiles of induction. Mutants controlled by different alleles but with the same locus were similar in their profile of induction, even when they exhibited opposite phenotypes on the activation of Ca2+ channels. These results suggest that the function of Ca2+ channels is not directly involved in the mechanism of chemical induction of conjugation. The locus dependency observed reflects the different role of each gene controlling Ca2+ channel functions.  相似文献   

The expression patterns of two mammalian heat shock factors (HSFs) were analysed in cell systems known to reflect an altered heat shock response. For being able to discriminate between the two closely related factors HSF 1 and HSF 2, specific cDNA sequences were cloned and used to generate antisense RNAs as hybridization probes. In general, in various cell lines expression of the two heat shock factors was clearly different. These expression patterns of the HSF genes were not influenced by retinoic acid-induced differentiation of human NT2 and mouse F9 teratocarcinoma cells. Generally, HSF 2 expression was extremely low, whereas the significantly higher expression of HSF 1 revealed cell specific differences. The highest expression rates of both HSFs were observed in 293 cells. To examine whether these high levels are involved in the constitutive expression of heat shock genes in these cells, we analysed the binding pattern of 293 cell proteins to the heat shock elements (HSEs). As with other cells, HSE-binding activity in 293 cells was only observed after heat shock treatment. This points to an HSE-independent way for high level expression of heat shock genes in these cells.  相似文献   

It is known that the germinal micronucleus at the stages of gametogenesis and/or fertilization has an indispensable function for the postconjugational development of oral apparatus (stomatogenesis) in Paramecium caudatum. To determine whether this function is due to some specific genes in the micronucleus, postconjugational stomatogenesis was examined in the conjugation of haploid and hypohaploid cells. Haploid clones were obtained by conjugation between amicronucleate cells and diploid micronucleate cells. After conjugation between these haploid clones or between the haploid clones and amicronucleate clones, we succeeded in obtaining hypohaploid clones that have various types of nullisomic micronuclei. If a few genes in the micronucleus control postconjugational stomatogenesis, some hypohaploid micronuclei should undergo stomatogenesis normally, but others should not. In the present work, however, almost all the hypohaploid micronuclei developed the oral apparatus and formed food vacuoles. We can apparently rule out the possibility that a few specific genes of the micronucleus are required for postconjugational stomatogenesis in Paramecium caudatum, unless selection operates to retain the chromosomes with the essential gene(s). Dev. Genet. 23:142–150, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The effect of exposure period and concentration of algae on the frequency of infection of aposymbiotic ciliates by algae obtained from the same clone of Paramecium bursaria syngen 2, was studied. The frequency of infection was roughly proportional to the algal concentration and to the exposure time of ciliates to algae. The relationship of algal concentration to infection frequency closely fitted the Poisson distribution curve for N = 1, suggesting that the minimum number of algae required to infect a single ciliate is 1. However, the data also strongly suggested that the average number of algae required to initiate infection of an average ciliate was ? 1,000. Three possible resolutions of this situation are: (a) the selection by the ciliate of a rare infective variant from a heterogeneous population: (b) the rare escape of an alga from digestion by the ciliate; and (c) the requirement for a large number of algae-ciliate contacts to induce susceptibility in the ciliate. Splitting the exposure of ciliates to algae into 2 periods of 0.5 h, separated by 5 h in the absence of algae, produced a much higher frequency of infection than a single l-h exposure, supporting the suggestion that the large number of algae is required to induce susceptibility in the ciliate which can then be infected by as few as a single algal cell.  相似文献   

Phospholipids from Paramecium tetraurelia strains 51s and d,95 cultures and isolated cilia were characterized. The following classes of phospholipids were identified in whole cell lipids: the 1-alkyl-2–acylglyceryl and the 1,2–diacylglyceryl forms of phosphonylethanolamine, phosphorylethanolamine. and phosphorylcholine; cardiolipin: ceramide aminoethylphosphonate and 5 other sphingolipids: phosphatidylserine; phosphatidylinositol; and lyso derivatives of the major glycerophospholipids. Cilia lipids were rich in ether lipids, phosphonolipids. and sphingolipids. Net lipid biosynthesis did not occur, as determined by the weight of lipids extracted from culture medium compared with the weight of lipids extracted from culture medium and ciliates after 7 days of growth. Total lipids/cell decreased with culture age. changes in the neutral lipid fraction accounting for the major decrease. Phospholipid class distributions changed with culture age—the glyceryl phosphorylethanolamine and choline content of cells decreased, while the glyceryl ohosphonylethanolamine content remained relatively constant: hence, the ratio of phosphonolipids to total phospholipids increased. All fatty acids observed in total lipids from cells and cilia were also present in the glycerophospholipids. Total lipids from cilia contained a greater percent of polyunsaturated fatty acid than those of whole cells. Whole cells and cilia glyceryl phosphonolipids contained up to 93% eicosatetraenoic plus eicosapentaenoic fatty acids. The enrichment of phosphonolipids in cilia accounted for most of the polyunsaturated fatty acid enrichment observed in cilia total lipids. The fatty acid composition of all major whole cell glycerophospholipid classes changed dramatically with culture age, while only small changes occurred in cilia glycerophospholipid fatty acids.  相似文献   

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