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Organismal taxonomy is often based on a single or a small number of morphological characters. When they are morphologically simple or known to be plastic, we may not have great confidence in the taxonomic conclusions of analyses based on these characters. For example, calyptraeid gastropod shells are well known for their simplicity and plasticity, and appear to be subject to frequent evolutionary convergences, but are nevertheless the basis for calyptraeid taxonomy. In a case like this, knowing how the pattern of relationships inferred from morphological features used in traditional taxonomy compares to the patterns of relationships inferred from other morphological characters or DNA sequence data would be useful. In this paper, I examine the relative utility of traditional taxonomic characters (shell characters), anatomical characters and molecular characters for reconstructing the phylogeny of calyptraeid gastropods. The results of an ILD test and comparisons of the recovered tree topologies suggest that there is conflict between the DNA sequence data and the morphological data. Very few of the nodes recovered by the morphological data were recovered by any other dataset. Despite this conflict, the inclusion of morphological data increased the resolution and support of nodes in the topology recovered from a combined dataset. The RIs and CIs of the morphological data on the best estimate topology were not any worse than these indices for the other datasets. This analysis demonstrates that although analyses can be misled by these convergences if morphological characters are used alone, these characters contribute significantly to the combined dataset.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London . Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 78 , 541–593.  相似文献   

The concept of homology continues to attract more and more commentary. In systematic and evolutionary biology the meaning of homology as synapomorphic similarity inherited from a common ancestor has gained wide acceptance over the last three or four decades. In recent years, however, developmental biologists, in particular, have argued for a new approach to, and new definition for, homology that revolves around the desire to make it more process-oriented and more mechanistic. These efforts raise questions about the relationship between developmental and evolutionary biology as well as how the evolution of development is to be studied. It is argued in this paper that this new approach to homology seemingly decouples developmental biology from the study of the evolution of development rather than to facilitate that study. In contrast, applying the notion of historical, phylogenetic homology to developmental data is inherently comparative and therefore evolutionary.  相似文献   

Application of optimality theory to the evolution of life histories has been broadly successful in predicting the conditions favoring sex change, the type of change, and the timing of such changes. The size advantage hypothesis predicts that the optimal size at which an individual should change sex is a function of its size and the size and sex of its potential mates. I collected data on the size, sex, and grouping of individuals of 27 populations of 19 species of the calyptraeids, a family of protandrous marine gastropods that includes Crepidula. These data are used to test the following predictions about variation in size at sex change: (1) sex ratio is biased toward the first sex; (2) the ratio of the size at sex change to the maximum size is a life-history invariant; and (3) species that form variable-sized groups or stacks have more variation in size at sex change than species that show less variation in stack formation. Across all 19 species, sex ratio was not significantly more often biased toward the first sex than it was toward the second sex, although sex ratios were significantly male biased more often than they were significantly female biased. Sex ratios ranged from 0.05 to 0.91, and this variation was related to mode of development, skew in size distribution, and frequency of stacking, but not with maximum body size. There was little evidence that the ratio of size at sex change and maximum size is invariant. There is evidence that one of the main underlying assumptions of this life-history invariant, that male fertility increases with the same function of size in all species, is invalid for calyptraeids and probably for other animals. Finally, species that form larger stacks or mating groups had more variation in size at sex change within a population than species that were generally solitary. These results suggest that information about individual groupings should be included in predictions of life-history theory and that more information about the relationship between male fitness and size is also needed.  相似文献   

Buccinanops globulosus mated all year round, with higher frequency from May to September, prior to spawning months. Gravid females were found between October and March. Oviposition peaked during rising temperatures and longest daylength while hatching peaked with high water temperature and declining daylength. Gravid females measured between 20 and 41?mm in shell length. The spawn consisted on average of 31 egg capsules, each containing 1266 eggs. Embryos usually completed development within each egg capsule by ingesting small fragments of the uncleaved nurse eggs, which were not a limiting resource. Egg capsules with more than one embryo were not common; in those cases, the embryos had different sizes probably related to intracapsular competition for nutrients, and were on average smaller than solitary embryos in the other capsules. Embryos hatched as crawling juveniles with a mean hatchling shell length of ~3.4?mm. In a few cases, malformed embryos were found, but it was not a common phenomenon. The information recorded in this study, as the minimum reproductive size and spawning season, is valuable for fisheries management.  相似文献   

Life history patterns are usually identified by comparisons of extant species. Because of inferences regarding phylogenetic constraints, comparative data are often not statistically independent. In order to remove phylogenetic patterns embedded in life history data completely, we adopted a phylogenetic autoregressive method to reanalyse a data set of the ovipositional and developmental rates of 45 Phytoseiidae species. We first calculated the phylogenetic correlation in relation to different taxonomic levels using Moran's I statistics. Significant and positive phylogenetic correlations were found at the subgenus and subfamily levels. This indicates that some variation in both of these life-history traits could be accounted for by phylogeny. Phylogenetic associations, therefore, were removed by a phylogenetic autoregressive method. Using corrected data from this method, the specific components of the ovipositional rate are positively correlated with the specific components of th e developmental rate. The method that we have used obtains the same conclusion as others but differs from the phylogenetic effect in the way that it influences the relationship between comparative data. Because of no data reduction in the phylogenetic autoregressive method, the specific components are more useful than the mean values derived from the higher taxonomic nodes for testing ecological and evolutionary hypotheses about life history patterns. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   

Upwelling is known to affect the ecology and life history of temperate nearshore organisms, and these effects are thought to be mediated by changes in temperature and food supply. However, little information is available for tropical systems. To understand how changes in the intensity of upwelling might impact marine invertebrates, we tested how factorial combinations of temperature, salinity, and phytoplankton availability affected growth and reproduction of a common intertidal snail, Crepidula cf. marginalis. We used temperatures typical of nonupwelling (29°C), moderate (26°C) and severe (23°C) upwelling, salinities typical of nonupwelling (30 ppt) and upwelling (34 ppt) and a good diet (Isochrysis) and a better diet (Isochrysis and Tetraselmis) as a proxy for increased productivity during upwelling. Overall, temperature and diet had consistent effects on body size, with better food and lower temperatures promoting larger size, as well as promoting shorter time to first reproduction. Diet had the largest effects on clutch size, with clutch size increasing with better diet. Temperature had the largest effect on offspring size and the frequency of discarded broods; offspring size decreased with increasing temperature and the frequency of discarded broods also decreased with increasing temperatures. We found no significant 3rd order interactions and few significant strong 2nd order interactions, which have often been found in similar experimental studies using stressful treatments. For this tropical slipper limpet, the effect of higher food and cooler temperatures during upwelling appears to be positive, promoting higher growth rates, larger clutch sizes, and larger offspring size suggesting that both factors likely play an important role underlying reproductive responses to upwelling. Climatic changes, like El Niño, which suppress upwelling in the Bay of Panama, appear likely to negatively impact this species.  相似文献   

We construct a species-level phylogeny for the Pentaschistis clade based on chloroplast DNA, from the following regions: trnL-F, trnT-L, atpB-rbcL, rpL16, and trnD-psbA. The clade comprises 82 species in three genera, Pentaschistis, Pentameris, and Prionanthium. We demonstrate that Prionanthium is nested in Pentaschistis and that this clade is sister to a clade of Pentameris plus Pentaschistis tysonii. Forty-three of the species in the Pentaschistis clade have multicellular glands and we use ancestral character state reconstruction to show that they have been gained twice or possibly once, and lost several times. We suggest that the maintenance, absence, loss, and gain of glands are correlated with leaf anatomy type, and additionally that there is a difference in the degree of diversification of lineages that have these different character combinations. We propose that both glands and sclerophyllous leaves act as defense systems against herbivory, and build a cost/benefit model in which multicellular glands or sclerophyllous leaves are lost when the alternative defense system evolves. We also investigate the association between leaf anatomy type and soil nutrient type on which species grow. There is little phylogenetic constraint in soil nutrient type on members of the Pentaschistis clade, with numerous transitions between oligotrophic and eutrophic soils. However, only orthophyllous-leaved species diversify on eutrophic soils. We suggest that the presence of these glands enables the persistence of orthophyllous lineages and therefore diversification of the Pentaschistis clade on eutrophic as well as oligotrophic soils.  相似文献   

Among major vertebrate groups, ray-finned fishes (Actinopterygii) collectively display a nearly unrivaled diversity of parental care activities. This fact, coupled with a growing body of phylogenetic data for Actinopterygii, makes these fishes a logical model system for analyzing the evolutionary histories of alternative parental care modes and associated reproductive behaviors. From an extensive literature review, we constructed a supertree for ray-finned fishes and used its phylogenetic topology to investigate the evolution of several key reproductive states including type of parental care (maternal, paternal, or biparental), internal versus external fertilization, internal versus external gestation, nest construction behavior, and presence versus absence of sexual dichromatism (as an indicator of sexual selection). Using a comparative phylogenetic approach, we critically evaluate several hypotheses regarding evolutionary pathways toward parental care. Results from maximum parsimony reconstructions indicate that all forms of parental care, including paternal, biparental, and maternal (both external and internal to the female reproductive tract) have arisen repeatedly and independently during ray-finned fish evolution. The most common evolutionary transitions were from external fertilization directly to paternal care and from external fertilization to maternal care via the intermediate step of internal fertilization. We also used maximum likelihood phylogenetic methods to test for statistical correlations and contingencies in the evolution of pairs of reproductive traits. Sexual dichromatism and nest construction proved to be positively correlated with the evolution of male parental care in species with external fertilization. Sexual dichromatism was also positively correlated with female-internal fertilization and gestation. No clear indication emerged that female-only care or biparental care were evolutionary outgrowths of male-only care, or that biparental care has been a common evolutionary stepping stone between paternal and maternal care. Results are discussed in the context of prior thought about the evolution of alternative parental care modes in vertebrates.  相似文献   

A single-celled fertilized egg develops into a complex, multicellular animal through a series of selection processes of developmental pathways. During these processes, regulatory genes exhibit spatiotemporally restricted expression under the control of the species-specific genetic program, and dictate developmental processes from germ layer formation to cellular differentiation. Elucidation of molecular mechanisms underlying developmental processes and also of mechanistic bases for morphological diversification during evolution is one of the central issues in contemporary developmental biology. Progress has been made due to recent technological innovations, such as high-throughput nucleotide sequencing, live-cell imaging, efficient genetic manipulation, and establishment of the organoid system, opening new avenues to the above issues.  相似文献   

Hamza  Waleed  Bonacina  Carla  Canale  Cristina 《Hydrobiologia》1998,368(1-3):129-136
Life-tables of the Daphnia species (D. longispina and D. obtusa), currently inhabiting the previously acidified Lake Orta, were followed to study the side effects of liming on the demographic parameters (e.g. longevity, body size increment, eggs and new-borns production), of both species. Different media were prepared to simulate the lake water pH's (5, 6 and 7), and copper concentrations (40 μg l-1), before and after liming, using GF/C filtered lake water in such simulation and as a reference medium. The obtained results have shown that, the individuals of D. longispina were only able to survive after the liming and the consequent reduction in copper concentrations. However, due to shift occurred in the different media pH's after liming toward slightly alkaline conditions, no significant variations in body size increment or in eggs and newborns production were detected of this species in the different media (p = 0.38, p = 0.29, p = 0.09 respectively). On the other hand, the effect of the variations in pH on the body size increment of the B. obtusa individuals was marginally significant (p = 0.07). A highly significant (p = 0.002), increase in eggs production by D. obtusa individuals was detected in the different media after the CaCO3 addition. Conversely, a corresponding highly significant (p = 0.0007), decrease in the production of new-borns, accompanied by the degeneration of about 78% of the produced eggs, was detected in the different media after liming. Our results suggest that in Lake Orta the actual irregular abundance of the studied Daphnia species and the eggs degeneration phenomenon, observed in our study, could be largely attributed to the interspecific competition resulting from species-specific sensitivity to the continuous variations in the lake water Chemistry after the liming operation. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Human gametogenesis takes years and involves many cellular divisions, particularly in males. Consequently, gametogenesis provides the opportunity to acquire multiple de novo mutations. A significant portion of these is likely to impact the cellular networks linking genes, proteins, RNA and metabolites, which constitute the functional units of cells. A wealth of literature shows that these individual cellular networks are complex, robust and evolvable. To some extent, they are able to monitor their own performance, and display sufficient autonomy to be termed "selfish". Their robustness is linked to quality control mechanisms which are embedded in and act upon the individual networks, thereby providing a basis for selection during gametogenesis. These selective processes are equally likely to affect cellular functions that are not gamete-specific, and the evolution of the most complex organisms, including man, is therefore likely to occur via two pathways: essential housekeeping functions would be regulated and evolve during gametogenesis within the parents before being transmitted to their progeny, while classical selection would operate on other traits of the organisms that shape their fitness with respect to the environment.  相似文献   

Development and evolution of animal behaviour and morphology are frequently addressed independently, as reflected in the dichotomy of disciplines dedicated to their study distinguishing object of study (morphology versus behaviour) and perspective (ultimate versus proximate). Although traits are known to develop and evolve semi-independently, they are matched together in development and evolution to produce a unique functional phenotype. Here I highlight similarities shared by both traits, such as the decisive role played by the environment for their ontogeny. Considering the widespread developmental and functional entanglement between both traits, many cases of adaptive evolution are better understood when proximate and ultimate explanations are integrated. A field integrating these perspectives is evolutionary developmental biology (evo-devo), which studies the developmental basis of phenotypic diversity. Ultimate aspects in evo-devo studies--which have mostly focused on morphological traits--could become more apparent when behaviour, 'the integrator of form and function', is integrated into the same framework of analysis. Integrating a trait such as behaviour at a different level in the biological hierarchy will help to better understand not only how behavioural diversity is produced, but also how levels are connected to produce functional phenotypes and how these evolve. A possible framework to accommodate and compare form and function at different levels of the biological hierarchy is outlined. At the end, some methodological issues are discussed.  相似文献   


The fatty acid composition, moisture, and total lipid of the eggs from the swimming crab, Portunus pelagicus, at three different embryonic stages (within 24 h, during the eye placode stage and the final heart beat stage), were measured. Results showed that the moisture and lipid content significantly increased and decreased (p < 0.05), respectively, as the stages progressed. The most prevalent fatty acids that were initially deposited included C16:0, C18:1n-9, and C18:0, while the most consumed fatty acids were C22:5n-6, C22:5n-3, and C20:1n-7. Among the major fatty acid groups, polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and long-chain PUFA (LC-PUFA) were consumed more than saturated fatty acids and significantly more (p < 0.05) than monounsaturated fatty acids (p < 0.05). Meanwhile, n-3 PUFA was deposited in significantly higher amounts (p < 0.05) than n-6 PUFA, but both were consumed at similar amounts at 43.4% and 41.3%, respectively. The relatively low amount of C20:5n-3 and C22:6n-3 consumption may indicate these fatty acids were conserved, while the essential fatty acids C18:3n-3 and C18:3n-6 were consumed at high amounts. These findings may have implications for broodstock nutrition in order to formulate a well-balanced diet.  相似文献   

We used complete sequence data from 30 complete Herpesviridae genomes to investigate phylogenetic relationships and patterns of genome evolution. The approach was to identify orthologous gene clusters among taxa and to generate a genomic matrix of gene content. We identified 17 genes with homologs in all 30 taxa and concatenated a subset of 10 of these genes for phylogenetic inference. We also constructed phylogenetic trees on the basis of gene content data. The amino acid and gene content phylogenies were largely concordant, but the amino acid data had much higher internal support. We mapped gene gain events onto the phylogenetic tree by assuming that genes were gained only once during the evolution of herpesviruses. Thirty genes were inferred to be present in the ancestor of all herpesvirus, a number smaller than previously hypothesized. Few genes of recent origin within herpesviruses could be identified as originating from transfer between virus and vertebrate hosts. Inferred rates of gene gain were heterogeneous, with both taxonomic and temporal biases. Nonetheless, the average rate of gene gain was approximately 3.5 x 10(-7) genes gained per year, which is an order of magnitude higher than the nucleotide mutation rate for these large DNA viruses.  相似文献   

Bacterial symbiosis has played a fundamental role in the evolution of eukaryotes. However, we still know little about how cooperative relationships with bacteria originate, and why they form in some host species but not others. Facultative symbionts that are beneficial, but not essential, provide unique insights into these processes. We use data from over a hundred aphid species to test if host life history is associated with the presence of facultative symbionts. We find that aphid species that have mutualistic associations with ants that protect them from natural enemies are less likely to carry symbionts that provide similar benefits. We also find one symbiont species occurs more frequently in unrelated aphid species that specialise on certain plant genera. In addition, aphid species that attack multiple plants often carry different symbiont complements. Our findings provide evidence of the ecological conditions that facilitate stable, mutually beneficial relationships between microbes and eukaryotic hosts.  相似文献   

林有润  蒋林 《植物研究》1996,16(1):77-79
本文提出在植物区系分区中用“亚洲东部森林植物亚区”及“横断山脉—喜马拉雅山脉森林植物亚区”代替原来“中国—日本森林植物亚区”及“中国—喜马拉雅森林植物亚区”两名称;对植物生态地理中的“中国亚热带植被带”中引入“温亚热带”、“中亚热带”及“暖亚热带”三亚带名称,代替原来称为“北亚热带”、“中亚热带”及“南亚热带”三亚代的名称。同时在“中国温带植被带”中也引入“寒温带”、“温带”、“暖温带”三亚带名称,代替“北”、“中、“南”亚热带及温带植被亚带的名称,以避免对南、北两半球的亚热带与温带及其亚带的混淆的称谓。  相似文献   

进化发育生物学--发育、进化和遗传的再联合   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张士璀 《生命科学》2000,12(4):145-147
发育生物学和进化生物学,以及遗传学历史上曾一度是彼此不分的统一体,后来由于各自研究重点的不同和相应研究手段的独立发展彼此分道扬镳了。如今,由于分子遗传学研究手段的革新使得基因序列测定成为分析发育机理、区分物种和评估种间亲缘关系的常规手段,三者又在基因水平上再度统一起来了,并形成一门被称为进化发育生物学(evolutionary developmental biology)的新学科。  相似文献   

韩瑞东  徐延熙  王勇  戈峰 《昆虫知识》2005,42(3):294-297
将油松毛虫Dendrolimustabulaeformis卵在不同高温下处理80min后的试验结果表明,短时(80min)高温(4 0℃)对卵的孵化没有显著影响,但40℃高温的短时(80min)处理,却能显著缩短其发育历期,降低孵化率。将卵置于3 4℃下处理不同时间(0~4h)后移至40℃下80min ,再放回到2 8℃下的试验结果表明,卵历期有随着处理时间的增加而延长的趋势。在40℃下处理不同时间对卵的发育和孵化有显著影响,延长处理时间对卵孵化不利,连续处理8h后卵不能孵化。油松毛虫初产卵持续放置在≥3 4℃高温下不能孵化。  相似文献   

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