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Human norovirus (HuNoV) is the leading cause of foodborne illnesses, with an increasing number of outbreaks associated with leafy greens. Because HuNoV cannot be routinely cultured, culturable feline calicivirus (FCV), murine norovirus (MNV), porcine sapovirus (SaV), and Tulane virus (TV) have been used as surrogates. These viruses are generated in different cell lines as infected cell lysates, which may differentially affect their stability. Our objective was to uniformly compare the survival of these viruses on postharvest lettuce while evaluating the effects of cell lysates on their survival. Viruses were semipurified from cell lysates by ultrafiltration or ultracentrifugation followed by resuspension in sterile water. Virus survival was examined before and after semipurification: in suspension at room temperature (RT) until day 28 and on lettuce leaves stored at RT for 3 days or at 4°C for 7 and 14 days. In suspension, both methods significantly enhanced the survival of all viruses. On lettuce, the survival of MNV in cell lysates was similar to that in water, under all storage conditions. In contrast, the survival of FCV, SaV, and TV was differentially enhanced, under different storage conditions, by removing cell lysates. Following semipurification, viruses showed similar persistence to each other on lettuce stored under all conditions, with the exception of ultracentrifugation-purified FCV, which showed a higher inactivation rate than MNV at 4°C for 14 days. In conclusion, the presence of cell lysates in viral suspensions underestimated the survivability of these surrogate viruses, while viral semipurification revealed similar survivabilities on postharvest lettuce leaves.  相似文献   

The sensitivity to free chlorine of feline calicivirus (FCV), a norovirus surrogate, was examined relative to chlorine demand. When a crude suspension of FCV was treated with a sodium hypochlorite solution containing 10 μg/ml free chlorine, the extent of the decrease of viral infectivity clearly depended on the volume of the reaction mixture. The apparent sensitivity of FCV to free chlorine increased with the reduction of host cell debris, indicating that chlorine demand must be minimized to know the true sensitivity of the virus. We therefore partially purified the viruses from the host cell components and found that the infectivity of FCV was reduced by more than log 4.6 by 5 min of treatment with 300 ng/ml free chlorine.  相似文献   

Human noroviruses (NoVs) are a significant cause of nonbacterial gastroenteritis worldwide, with contaminated drinking water a potential transmission route. The absence of a cell culture infectivity model for NoV necessitates the use of molecular methods and/or viral surrogate models amenable to cell culture to predict NoV inactivation. The NoV surrogates murine NoV (MNV), feline calicivirus (FCV), poliovirus (PV), and male-specific coliphage MS2, in conjunction with Norwalk virus (NV), were spiked into surface water samples (n = 9) and groundwater samples (n = 6). Viral persistence was monitored at 25°C and 4°C by periodically analyzing virus infectivity (for all surrogate viruses) and nucleic acid (NA) for all tested viruses. FCV infectivity reduction rates were significantly higher than those of the other surrogate viruses. Infectivity reduction rates were significantly higher than NA reduction rates at 25°C (0.18 and 0.09 log10/day for FCV, 0.13 and 0.10 log10/day for PV, 0.12 and 0.06 log10/day for MS2, and 0.09 and 0.05 log10/day for MNV) but not significant at 4°C. According to a multiple linear regression model, the NV NA reduction rates (0.04 ± 0.01 log10/day) were not significantly different from the NA reduction rates of MS2 (0.05 ± 0.03 log10/day) and MNV (0.04 ± 0.03 log10/day) and were significantly different from those of FCV (0.08 ± 0.03 log10/day) and PV (0.09 ± 0.03 log10/day) at 25°C. In conclusion, MNV shows great promise as a human NoV surrogate due to its genetic similarity and environmental stability. FCV was much less stable and thus questionable as an adequate surrogate for human NoVs in surface water and groundwater.  相似文献   

Minimal food-processing methods are not effective against foodborne viruses, such as human norovirus (NV). It is important, therefore, to explore novel nonthermal technologies for decontamination of foods eaten fresh, minimally processed and ready-to-eat foods, and food contact surfaces. We studied the in vitro virucidal activity of cold atmospheric gaseous plasma (CGP) against feline calicivirus (FCV), a surrogate of NV. Factors affecting the virucidal activity of CGP (a so-called radio frequency atmospheric pressure plasma jet) were the plasma generation power, the exposure time and distance, the plasma feed gas mixture, and the virus suspension medium. Exposure to 2.5-W argon (Ar) plasma caused a 5.55 log10 unit reduction in the FCV titer within 120 s. The reduction in the virus titer increased with increasing exposure time and decreasing exposure distance. Of the four plasma gas mixtures studied (Ar, Ar plus 1% O2, Ar plus 1% dry air, and Ar plus 0.27% water), Ar plus 1% O2 plasma treatment had the highest virucidal effect: more than 6.0 log10 units of the virus after 15 s of exposure. The lowest virus reduction was observed with Ar plus 0.27% water plasma treatment (5 log10 unit reduction after 120 s). The highest reduction in titer was observed when the virus was suspended in distilled water. Changes in temperature and pH and formation of H2O2 were not responsible for the virucidal effect of plasma. The oxidation of viral capsid proteins by plasma-produced reactive oxygen and nitrogen species in the solution was thought to be responsible for the virucidal effect. In conclusion, CGP exhibits virucidal activity in vitro and has the potential to combat viral contamination in foods and on food preparation surfaces.  相似文献   

Our previous structural studies on intact, infectious murine norovirus 1 (MNV-1) virions demonstrated that the receptor binding protruding (P) domains are lifted off the inner shell of the virus. Here, the three-dimensional (3D) reconstructions of recombinant rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus (rRHDV) virus-like particles (VLPs) and intact MNV-1 were determined to ∼8-Å resolution. rRHDV also has a raised P domain, and therefore, this conformation is independent of infectivity and genus. The atomic structure of the MNV-1 P domain was used to interpret the MNV-1 reconstruction. Connections between the P and shell domains and between the floating P domains were modeled. This observed P-domain flexibility likely facilitates virus-host receptor interactions.Murine norovirus 1 (MNV-1) (3, 14, 15) and rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV) are members of the genera Norovirus and Lagovirus of the family Caliciviridae that offer a comparison to recombinant human norovirus (rNV) virus-like particles (VLPs) for assessing the structures and roles of domains within the capsid proteins of this family of viruses. Calicivirus particles contain 180 copies of the 56- to 76-kDa major capsid protein (Orf2), which is comprised of the internal/buried N terminus (N), shell (S), and protruding (P) domains (9, 10). The S domain, an eight-stranded β-barrel, forms an ∼300-Å contiguous shell around the RNA genome. A flexible hinge connects the shell to a “protruding” (P) domain at the C-terminal half of the capsid protein, which can be further divided into a globular head region (P2) and a stem region (P1) that connects the shell domain to P2. The accompanying article (13) describes the determination of the structure of the P domain of MNV-1 to a resolution of 2.0 Å.We recently determined the cryo-transmission electron microscopy (TEM) structure of MNV-1 to ∼12-Å resolution (4) and found that, compared to rNV VLPs (10) and San Miguel sea lion virus (SMSV) (1, 2), the protruding domains are rotated by ∼40° in a clockwise fashion and lifted up by ∼16 Å. To better understand the unusual conformation of MNV-1 and whether it is unique to this particular member of the calicivirus family, the ∼8-Å cryo-TEM structures of infectious MNV-1 and the VLPs of RHDV were determined.MNV-1 was produced as previously described (4). Three liters of cell culture yielded 0.5 to 1.0 mg of purified virus with a particle/PFU ratio of less than 100. Baculovirus expression and purification of recombinant RHDV (rRHDV) VLPs were performed as previously described (8). Cryo-electron microscopy (EM) data were collected at the National Resource for Automated Molecular Microscopy (NRAMM) facility in San Diego, CA (4). Images were collected at a nominal magnification of ×50,000 at a pixel size of 0.1547 nm at the specimen level using Leginon software (12) and processed with Appion software (5). The contrast transfer function for each set of particles from each image was estimated and corrected using ACE2 (a variation of ACE [7]). Particle images were automatically selected (11). The final stacks of particle images contained 20,425 MNV virions and 7,856 rRHDV VLPs, and EMAN 3D (6) was used for the reconstructions. Resolutions were estimated by Fourier shell correlations (FSC) of the three-dimensional (3D) reconstructions and application of a cutoff of 0.5. An amplitude correction of the final electron density was performed using GroEL small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) data.3D reconstructions of MNV-1 and rRHDV were calculated to resolutions of 8 Å and 8.1 Å, respectively (Fig. (Fig.1).1). The P domains of rNV VLPs rest directly on top of the shell domain (10) (Fig. (Fig.1A).1A). In contrast, the P domains of MNV-1 are lifted and rotated above the shell of the capsid (4) (Fig. (Fig.1B).1B). At this higher resolution, there was a clear connection between the P1 domain and the shell domain in all three capsid subunits (Fig. (Fig.1B,1B, arrow A). Unlike the smooth protruding domains of rNV, MNV-1 has two clear “horns” (arrow B), not dissimilar to those observed for the sapoviruses (1, 2). There also are islands of density in the interior of the shell, directly beneath the 5-fold axes, that may represent ordered regions of RNA.Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.Stereo diagrams (left) and thin sections (right), with radius coloring, of rNV (A), MNV-1 (B), and an rRHDV VLP (C). For rNV, the atomic coordinates (10) were used. In MNV, arrow A indicates the thin connector between the P1 and S domains. Arrow B denotes the horns found at the tips of the P2 domains. Arrow C denotes the large gap between the P1 and S domains in the rRHDV VLP. Arrow D denotes the false connectivity in rRHDV VLPs between the P1 domain and the S domain near the 5-fold axes.As with MNV-1, there is a marked gap between the P and S domains in the rRHDV VLP (Fig. (Fig.1C,1C, arrow C). This gap is not as pronounced as in MNV-1 because the P domains are not rotated as in MNV-1. In this electron density map, the A/B dimers appear to be touching the shell domain near the 5-fold axes. This contact difference between the A/B dimers and the C/C dimers could be the reason why the tops of the C/C dimers appear to be markedly disordered compared to the A/B dimers in rRHDV and the C/C dimers in MNV-1.Shown in Fig. Fig.22 is the fitting of the atomic structures of the MNV-1 P domain (13) and the rNV S domains into the MNV-1 3D reconstruction electron density. The horns (arrow A, loops A′-B′ and E′-F′) observed at the tips of the P domain match exceedingly well with the electron density. As discussed in the accompanying publication (13), the A′-B′ and E′-F′ loops displayed two discrete conformations, a closed structure, where the two loops were tightly associated, and an open structure, where the loops were splayed apart. The horns of the closed conformation fit better into the reconstruction, as the E′-F′ loop in the open form jutted out of the density at the base of the horns. The unmodified density in the lower panel of Fig. Fig.22 shows fine features in the shell domain and a very clear connection between the shell and P1 domains. The connections between the P1 and S domains were of sufficient quality to build a basic backbone model by uncoiling the linker region (arrow B). The P domain in the unfiltered 3D reconstruction was far less ordered than the S domain (Fig. (Fig.2).2). This was likely due to movement of the entire P domain with respect to the shell.Open in a separate windowFIG. 2.Fitting of the MNV-1 P domain and the rNV shell domain into the MNV-1 electron density. A, B, and C subunits are represented by blue, green, and red, respectively. The electron density is shown in transparent gray. The top panel is the 8.0-Å-resolution 3D reconstruction modified using a low-pass filter. The bottom panel is the reconstruction without modification. The horns on the tops of the P domains are denoted by arrow A. Arrow B denotes the connection between the S and P domains.Using the structure of rNV VLP P domains for modeling, the rRHDV P domains are lifted off the surface of the shell, but not rotated as with MNV-1. This places the bottom edge of the A subunit P1 domain near the S domain at the 5-fold axes. The P-domain dimers of rNV and rRHDV have a more “arch-like” shape than MNV-1. Unlike in MNV-1, the electron densities of the C/C dimers in rRHDV are far more diffuse than those of the A/B dimers (Fig. (Fig.3B)3B) and the connector between the S and P1 domains is not clear. During fitting, the connector region was not as extended as with MNV-1. This may afford greater flexibility, leading to more diffuse electron density.Open in a separate windowFIG. 3.Fitting of the rNV atomic structure into the rRHDV VLP electron density. The upper stereo image shows the 8.1-Å-resolution 3D reconstruction after modification by a low-pass filter. Below is the same reconstruction prior to density modification.When the atomic models for the MNV-1 P domains (13) were placed into the cryo-TEM electron density (Fig. (Fig.4),4), the C termini extended deep into the cores of adjacent P domains. Possible connections not accounted for by the P-domain structures were also observed in the electron density between the P domains. A bulge between the P1 and P2 domains in the 3D reconstruction indicated a possible interaction between the C termini and the adjacent P domains. These same interactions were observed in the crystal lattice. This highly mobile C terminus may be a flexible tether between the P domains in the intact virion.Open in a separate windowFIG. 4.Possible carboxyl-terminus interactions between the P domains of MNV-1. (A) Stereo image of MNV-1 calculated to 12-Å resolution with (red) and without (yellow) the last 10 residues of the P domain. (B) The calculated MNV-1 density with the carboxyl terminus removed (yellow) overlaid onto the 3D reconstruction of MNV-1 (blue). Note the strands of difference density that roughly correspond to the C terminus in panel A. (C) The C-terminus interactions observed in the structure of the MNV-1 P domains. Shown in blue and green are ribbon diagrams of an A/B P-domain dimer. In mauve is a surface rendering of the C terminus from a crystallographically related dimer. (D) Surface rendering of the final MNV-1 model with possible interactions between the P domains in MNV-1. The carboxyl termini of the A subunits (blue) interact with the counterclockwise-related B subunits around the 5-fold axes (white arrows). Around the 3-fold (quasi-6-fold) axes, the C subunits interact with the A subunits and the B subunits interact with the C subunits (orange arrows).It is absolutely clear that the hinge region between the S and P domains affords a remarkable degree of flexibility in the P domains that is not genus specific or related to differences between rVLPs and authentic virions. The simplest explanation for the role of this transition is that it gives the P domains flexibility that may be used to optimize interactions with cell receptors during attachment and entry. In this way, the P domains can increase their avidity for the cell surface by being more facile in adapting to the presentation of cellular recognition motifs.  相似文献   

Noroviruses, which are members of the Caliciviridae family, represent the leading cause of nonbacterial gastroenteritis in developed countries; such norovirus infections result in high economic costs for health protection. Person-to-person contact, contaminated water, and foods, especially raw shellfish, vegetables, and fruits, can transmit noroviruses. We inactivated feline calicivirus, a surrogate for the nonculturable norovirus, in cell culture medium and mineral water by heat and high hydrostatic pressure. Incubation at ambient pressure and 75°C for 2 min as well as treatment at 450 MPa and 15°C for 1 min inactivated more than 7 log10 PFU of calicivirus per ml in cell culture medium or mineral water. The heat and pressure time-inactivation curves obtained with the calicivirus showed tailing in the logarithmic scale. Modeling by nth-order kinetics of the virus inactivation was successful in predicting the inactivation of the infective virus particles. The developed model enables the prediction of the calicivirus reduction in response to pressures up to 500 MPa, temperatures ranging from 5 to 75°C, and various treatment times. We suggest high pressure for processing of foods to reduce the health threat posed by noroviruses.  相似文献   

The exceptional stability of enteric viruses probably resides in their capsids. The capsid functions of inactivated human picornaviruses and feline calicivirus (FCV) were determined. Viruses were inactivated by UV, hypochlorite, high temperature (72°C), and physiological temperature (37°C), all of which are pertinent to transmission via food and water. Poliovirus (PV) and hepatitis A virus (HAV) are transmissible via water and food, and FCV is the best available surrogate for the Norwalk-like viruses, which are leading causes of food-borne and waterborne disease in the United States. The capsids of all 37°C-inactivated viruses still protected the viral RNA against RNase, even in the presence of proteinase K, which contrasted with findings with viruses inactivated at 72°C. The loss of ability of the virus to attach to homologous cell receptors was universal, regardless of virus type and inactivation method, except for UV-inactivated HAV, and so virus inactivation was almost always accompanied by the loss of virus attachment. Inactivated HAV and FCV were captured by homologous antibodies. However, inactivated PV type 1 (PV-1) was not captured by homologous antibody and 37°C-inactivated PV-1 was only partially captured. The epitopes on the capsids of HAV and FCV are evidently discrete from the receptor attachment sites, unlike those of PV-1. These findings indicate that the primary target of UV, hypochlorite, and 72°C inactivation is the capsid and that the target of thermal inactivation (37°C versus 72°C) is temperature dependent.  相似文献   

Chlorine Inactivation of Adenovirus Type 40 and Feline Calicivirus   总被引:10,自引:6,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Ct values, the concentration of free chlorine multiplied by time of contact with virus, were determined for free-chlorine inactivation experiments carried out with chloroform-extracted (dispersed) and non-chloroform-extracted (aggregated) feline calicivirus (FCV), adenovirus type 40 (AD40), and polio virus type 1 (PV-1). Experiments were carried out with high and low pH and temperature conditions. Ct values were calculated directly from bench-scale free-chlorine inactivation experiments and from application of the efficiency factor Hom model. For each experimental condition, Ct values were higher at pH 8 than at pH 6, higher at 5°C than at 15°C, and higher for dispersed AD40 (dAD40) than for dispersed FCV (dFCV). dFCV and dAD40 were more sensitive to free chlorine than dispersed PV-1 (dPV-1). Cts for 2 log inactivation of aggregated FCV (aFCV) and aggregated PV-1 (aPV-1) were 31.0 and 2.8 orders of magnitude higher than those calculated from experiments carried out with dispersed virus. Cts for 2 log inactivation of dFCV and dAD40 in treated groundwater at 15°C were 1.2 and 13.7 times greater than in buffered-demand-free (BDF) water experiments at 5°C. Ct values listed in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Guidance Manual were close to, or lower than, Ct values generated for experiments conducted with dispersed and aggregated viruses suspended in BDF water and for dispersed viruses suspended in treated groundwater. Since the state of viruses in water is most likely to be aggregated and associated with organic or inorganic matter, reevaluation of the EPA Guidance Manual Ct values is necessary, since they would not be useful for ensuring inactivation of viruses in these states. Under the tested conditions, dAD40, dFCV, aFCV, dPV-1, and aPV-1 particles would be inactivated by commonly used free chlorine concentrations (1 mg/liter) and contact times (60 to 237 min) applied for drinking water treatment in the United States.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structures of alpha-helices can be represented by two-dimensional projections which we call helical wheels. Initially, the wheels were employed as graphical restatements of the known structures determined by Kendrew, Perutz, Watson, and their colleagues at the University of Cambridge and by Phillips and his coworkers at The Royal Institution. The characteristics of the helices, discussed by Perutz et al. (1965), and Blake et al. (1965), can be readily visualized by examination of these wheels. For example, the projections for most helical segments of myoglobin, hemoglobin, and lysozyme have distinctive hydrophobic arcs. Moreover, the hydrophobic residues tend to be clustered in the n +/- 3, n, n +/- 4 positions of adjacent helical turns. Such hydrophobic arcs are not observed when the sequences of nonhelical segments are plotted on the wheels. Since the features of these projections are also distinctive, however, the wheels can be used to divide sequences into segments with either helical or nonhelical potential. The sequences of insulin, cytochrome c, ribonuclease A, chymotrypsinogen A, tobacco mosaic virus protein, and human growth hormone were chosen for application of the wheels for this purpose.  相似文献   

Chlorine dioxide (ClO2) inactivation experiments were conducted with adenovirus type 40 (AD40) and feline calicivirus (FCV). Experiments were carried out in buffered, disinfectant demand-free water under high- and low-pH and -temperature conditions. Ct values (the concentration of ClO2 multiplied by contact time with the virus) were calculated directly from bench-scale experiments and from application of the efficiency factor Hom (EFH) model. AD40 Ct ranges for 4-log inactivation (Ct99.99%) at 5°C were >0.77 to <1.53 mg/liter × min and >0.80 to <1.59 mg/liter × min for pH 6 and 8, respectively. For 15°C AD40 experiments, >0.49 to <0.74 mg/liter × min and <0.12 mg/liter × min Ct99.99% ranges were observed for pH 6 and 8, respectively. FCV Ct99.99% ranges for 5°C experiments were >20.20 to <30.30 mg/liter × min and >0.68 mg/liter × min for pH 6 and 8, respectively. For 15°C FCV experiments, Ct99.99% ranges were >4.20 to <6.72 and <0.18 mg/liter × min for pH 6 and 8, respectively. Viral inactivation was higher at pH 8 than at pH 6 and at 15°C than at 5°C. Comparison of Ct values and inactivation curves demonstrated that the EFH model described bench-scale experiment data very well. Observed bench-scale Ct99.99% ranges and EFH model Ct99.99% values demonstrated that FCV is more resistant to ClO2 than AD40 for the conditions studied. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency guidance manual Ct99.99% values are higher than Ct99.99% values calculated from bench-scale experiments and from EFH model application.  相似文献   

Little information regarding the effectiveness of UV radiation on the inactivation of caliciviruses and enteric adenoviruses is available. Analysis of human calicivirus resistance to disinfectants is hampered by the lack of animal or cell culture methods that can determine the viruses' infectivity. The inactivation kinetics of enteric adenovirus type 40 (AD40), coliphage MS-2, and feline calicivirus (FCV), closely related to the human caliciviruses based on nucleic acid organization and capsid architecture, were determined after exposure to low-pressure UV radiation in buffered demand-free (BDF) water at room temperature. In addition, UV disinfection experiments were also carried out in treated groundwater with FCV and AD40. AD40 was more resistant than either FCV or coliphage MS-2 in both BDF water and groundwater. The doses of UV required to achieve 99% inactivation of AD40, coliphage MS-2, and FCV in BDF water were 109, 55, and 16 mJ/cm2, respectively. The doses of UV required to achieve 99% inactivation of AD40, coliphage MS-2, and FCV in groundwater were slightly lower than those in BDF water. FCV was inactivated by 99% by 13 mJ/cm2 in treated groundwater. A dose of 103 mJ/cm2 was required for 99% inactivation of AD40 in treated groundwater. The results of this study indicate that if FCV is an adequate surrogate for human caliciviruses, then their inactivation by UV radiation is similar to those of other single-stranded RNA enteric viruses, such as poliovirus. In addition, AD40 appears to be more resistant to UV disinfection than previously reported.  相似文献   

Open reading frame 2 (ORF2) of the feline calicivirus (FCV) genome encodes a capsid precursor that is posttranslationally processed to release the mature capsid protein (VP1) and a small protein of 124 amino acids, designated the leader of the capsid (LC). To investigate the role of the LC protein in the virus life cycle, mutations and deletions were introduced into the LC coding region of an infectious FCV cDNA clone. Three cysteine residues that are conserved among all vesivirus LC sequences were found to be critical for the recovery of FCV with a characteristic cytopathic effect in feline kidney cells. A cell-rounding phenotype associated with the transient expression of wild-type and mutagenized forms of the LC correlated with the cytopathic and growth properties of the corresponding engineered viruses. The host cellular protein annexin A2 was identified as a binding partner of the LC protein, consistent with a role for the LC in mediating host cell interactions that alter the integrity of the cell and enable virus spread.  相似文献   

Feline calicivirus (FCV), a member of the Caliciviridae, produces its major structural protein as a precursor polyprotein from a subgenomic-sized mRNA. In this study, we show that the proteinase responsible for processing this precursor into the mature capsid protein is encoded by the viral genome at the 3′-terminal portion of open reading frame 1 (ORF1). Protein expression studies of either the entire or partial ORF1 indicate that the proteinase is active when expressed either in in vitro translation or in bacterial cells. Site-directed mutagenesis was used to characterize the proteinase Glu-Ala cleavage site in the capsid precursor, utilizing an in vitro cleavage assay in which mutant precursor proteins translated from cDNA clones were used as substrates for trans cleavage by the proteinase. In general, amino acid substitutions in the P1 position (Glu) of the cleavage site were less well tolerated by the proteinase than those in the P1′ position (Ala). The precursor cleavage site mutations were introduced into an infectious cDNA clone of the FCV genome, and transfection of RNA derived from these clones into feline kidney cells showed that efficient cleavage of the capsid precursor by the virus-encoded proteinase is a critical determinant in the growth of the virus.  相似文献   

The vesivirus feline calicivirus (FCV) is a positive strand RNA virus encapsidated by an icosahedral T=3 shell formed by the viral VP1 protein. Upon its expression in the insect cell - baculovirus system in the context of vaccine development, two types of virus-like particles (VLPs) were formed, a majority built of 60 subunits (T=1) and a minority probably built of 180 subunits (T=3). The structure of the small particles was determined by x-ray crystallography at 0.8 nm resolution helped by cryo-electron microscopy in order to understand their formation. Cubic crystals belonged to space group P213. Their self-rotation function showed the presence of an octahedral pseudo-symmetry similar to the one described previously by Agerbandje and co-workers for human parvovirus VLPs. The crystal structure could be solved starting from the published VP1 structure in the context of the T=3 viral capsid. In contrast to viral capsids, where the capsomers are interlocked by the exchange of the N-terminal arm (NTA) domain, this domain is disordered in the T=1 capsid of the VLPs. Furthermore it is prone to proteolytic cleavage. The relative orientation of P (protrusion) and S (shell) domains is alerted so as to fit VP1 to the smaller T=1 particle whereas the intermolecular contacts around 2-fold, 3-fold and 5-fold axes are conserved. By consequence the surface of the VLP is very similar compared to the viral capsid and suggests a similar antigenicity. The knowledge of the structure of the VLPs will help to improve their stability, in respect to a use for vaccination.  相似文献   

TheNeurospora crassamitochondrial tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase, the CYT-18 protein, functions in splicing group I introns by promoting the formation of the catalytically active structure of the intron RNA. The group I intron catalytic core is thought to consist of two extended helical domains, one formed by coaxial stacking of P5, P4, P6, and P6a (P4-P6 domain) and the other consisting of P8, P3, P7, and P9 (P3-P9 domain). To investigate how CYT-18 stabilizes the active RNA structure, we used anEscherichia coligenetic assay based on the phage T4tdintron to systematically test the ability of CYT-18 to compensate for structural defects in three key regions of the catalytic core: J3/4 and J6/7, connecting regions that form parts of the triple-helical-scaffold structure with the P4-P6 domain, and P7, a long- range base-pairing interaction that forms the guanosine-binding site and is part of the P3-P9 domain. Our results show that CYT-18 can suppress numerous mutations that disrupt the J3/4 and J6/7 nucleotide-triple interactions, as well as mutations that disrupt base-pairing in P7. CYT-18 suppressed mutations of phylogenetically conserved nucleotide residues at all positions tested, except for the universally conserved G-residue at the guanosine-binding site. Structure mapping experiments with selected mutant introns showed that the CYT-18-suppressible J3/4 mutations primarily impaired folding of the P4-P6 domain, while the J6/7 mutations impaired folding of both the P4-P6 and P3-P9 domains to various degrees. The P7 mutations impaired the formation of both P7 and P3, thereby grossly disrupting the P3-P9 domain. The finding that the P7 mutations also impaired formation of P3 provides evidence that the formation of these two long-range pairings is interdependent in thetdintron. Considered together with previous work, the nature of mutations suppressed by CYT-18 supports a model in which CYT-18 helps assemble the P4-P6 domain and then stabilizes the two major helical domains of the catalytic core in the correct relative orientation to form the intron's active site.  相似文献   

Pulsed light is a nonthermal processing technology recognized by the FDA for killing microorganisms on food surfaces, with cumulative fluences up to 12 J cm−2. In this study, we investigated its efficacy for inactivating murine norovirus 1 (MNV-1) as a human norovirus surrogate in phosphate-buffered saline, hard water, mineral water, turbid water, and sewage treatment effluent and on food contact surfaces, including high-density polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride, and stainless steel, free or in an alginate matrix. The pulsed-light device emitted a broadband spectrum (200 to 1,000 nm) at a fluence of 0.67 J cm−2 per pulse, with 2% UV at 8 cm beneath the lamp. Reductions in viral infectivity exceeded 3 log10 in less than 3 s (5 pulses; 3.45 J cm−2) in clear suspensions and on clean surfaces, even in the presence of alginate, and in 6 s (11 pulses; 7.60 J cm−2) on fouled surfaces except for stainless steel (2.6 log10). The presence of protein or bentonite interfered with viral inactivation. Analysis of the morphology, the viral proteins, and the RNA integrity of treated MNV-1 allowed us to elucidate the mechanisms involved in the antiviral activity of pulsed light. Pulsed light appeared to disrupt MNV-1 structure and degrade viral protein and RNA. The results suggest that pulsed-light technology could provide an effective alternative means of inactivating noroviruses in wastewaters, in clear beverages, in drinking water, or on food-handling surfaces in the presence or absence of biofilms.  相似文献   

Although noroviruses cause the vast majority of nonbacterial gastroenteritis in humans, little is known about their life cycle, including viral entry. Murine norovirus (MNV) is the only norovirus to date that efficiently infects cells in culture. To elucidate the productive route of infection for MNV-1 into murine macrophages, we used a neutral red (NR) infectious center assay and pharmacological inhibitors in combination with dominant-negative (DN) and small interfering RNA (siRNA) constructs to show that clathrin- and caveolin-mediated endocytosis did not play a role in entry. In addition, we showed that phagocytosis or macropinocytosis, flotillin-1, and GRAF1 are not required for the major route of MNV-1 uptake. However, MNV-1 genome release occurred within 1 h, and endocytosis was significantly inhibited by the cholesterol-sequestering drugs nystatin and methyl-β-cyclodextrin, the dynamin-specific inhibitor dynasore, and the dominant-negative dynamin II mutant K44A. Therefore, we conclude that the productive route of MNV-1 entry into murine macrophages is rapid and requires host cholesterol and dynamin II.Murine noroviruses (MNV) are closely related to human noroviruses (HuNoV), the causative agent of most outbreaks of infectious nonbacterial gastroenteritis worldwide in people of all ages (4, 8, 19, 31, 43, 46, 83). Although a major public health concern, noroviruses have been an understudied group of viruses due to the lack of a tissue culture system and small animal model. Since the discovery of MNV-1 in 2003 (27), reverse genetics systems (10, 81), a cell culture model (84), and a small animal model (27) have provided the tools necessary for detailed study of noroviruses.One largely unexplored aspect of norovirus biology is the early events during viral infection that are essential during viral pathogenesis. One of these early events is the attachment of the virus particle to the host. Attachment is mediated by the protruding domain of the MNV-1 capsid (29, 30, 73). For at least three strains (MNV-1, WU-11, and S99), the attachment receptor on the cell surface of murine macrophages is terminal sialic acids, including those found on the ganglioside GD1a (72). The use of carbohydrate receptors for cell attachment is shared with HuNoV, which utilize mostly histo-blood group antigens (HBGA) (18, 34, 70, 71). These carbohydrates are present in body fluids (saliva, breast milk, and intestinal contents) and on the surface of red blood cells and intestinal epithelial cells (33). Some HuNoV strains also bind to sialic acid or heparan sulfate (60, 69). However, despite evidence that for HuNoV HBGA are a genetic susceptibility marker (35), the presence of attachment receptors is not sufficient for a productive infection for either HuNoV (24) or MNV-1 (72). Although the cellular tropism of HuNoV is unknown, MNV infects murine macrophages and dendritic cells in vitro and in vivo (80, 84). Following attachment, MNV-1 infection of murine macrophages and dendritic cells can proceed in the presence of the endosome acidification inhibitor chloroquine or bafilomycin A1, suggesting that MNV-1 entry occurs independently of endosomal pH (54). However, the cellular pathway(s) utilized by MNV-1 during entry remains unclear.Viruses are obligate intracellular pathogens that hijack cellular processes to deliver their genome into cells. The most commonly used endocytic pathway during virus entry is clathrin-mediated endocytosis (41). Clathrin-coated vesicles form at the plasma membrane, pinch off by the action of the small GTPase dynamin II, and deliver their contents to early endosomes (12). For example, vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) enters cells in this manner (66). However, viruses can also use several clathrin-independent pathways to enter cells, some of which require cholesterol-rich microdomains (i.e., lipid rafts) in the plasma membrane (56). The best studied of these is mediated by caveolin and was initially elucidated through studies of simian virus 40 (SV40) entry (1). SV40 uptake occurs via caveolin-containing vesicles that are released from the plasma membrane in a dynamin II-dependent manner and later fuse with pH-neutral caveosomes (28, 48, 53). Although caveolin-mediated endocytosis is a well-characterized form of cholesterol-dependent endocytosis, other entry mechanisms exist that are clathrin and caveolin independent (5, 14, 55, 57-59, 64, 78). In addition, macropinocytosis and/or phagocytosis can also play a role in viral entry (11, 13, 21, 36, 40, 42, 44, 45). However, the requirement for dynamin II in these processes is not fully understood.Viral entry has been addressed primarily by pharmacologic inhibitor studies, immunofluorescence and electron microscopy, transfections of dominant-negative (DN) constructs, and more recently by small interfering RNA (siRNA) knockdown. Each of these approaches has some limitations; thus, a combination of approaches is needed to elucidate the mechanism of viral entry into host cells. For example, using electron and fluorescence microscopy, which require a high particle number, does not allow the differentiation of infectious and noninfectious particles. Alternatively, the use of pharmacological inhibitors can result in off-target effects, including cytotoxicity. A recent approach used the photoreactive dye neutral red (NR) in an infectious focus assay to determine the mechanism of poliovirus entry (6). Cells were infected in the dark in the presence of neutral red, and virus particles passively incorporated the dye. Upon exposure to light, the neutral red dye cross-linked the viral genome to the viral capsid, thus inactivating the virus. Infectious foci were counted several days later. This assay was performed in the presence of various pharmacologic inhibitors of endocytosis. When an inhibitor blocked a productive route of infection, the number of infectious foci was significantly less than that for an untreated control. Major advantages of this technique over traditional assays are the ability to treat cells with pharmacologic inhibitors only during the viral entry process, the reduction of cytotoxicity, and the ability to infect with a low multiplicity of infection (MOI). Furthermore, infectious virus that is prohibited from uncoating is inactivated by illumination. Therefore, only virus particles leading to a productive infection in the presence or absence of the various inhibitors are measured. We successfully adapted this assay for use with MNV-1. Together with the use of pharmacological inhibitors, DN constructs, and siRNA knockdown, we demonstrate that the major MNV-1 entry pathway into murine macrophages resulting in a productive infection occurred by endocytosis and not phagocytosis or macropinocytosis in a manner that was clathrin and caveolin 1, flotillin 1, and GRAF1 independent but required dynamin II and cholesterol.  相似文献   

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