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A comprehensive assessment of bacterial diversity and community composition in arctic and antarctic pack ice was conducted through cultivation and cultivation-independent molecular techniques. We sequenced 16S rRNA genes from 115 and 87 pure cultures of bacteria isolated from arctic and antarctic pack ice, respectively. Most of the 33 arctic phylotypes were >97% identical to previously described antarctic species or to our own antarctic isolates. At both poles, the alpha- and gamma-proteobacteria and the Cytophaga-Flavobacterium group were the dominant taxonomic bacterial groups identified by cultivation as well as by molecular methods. The analysis of 16S rRNA gene clone libraries from multiple arctic and antarctic pack ice samples revealed a high incidence of closely overlapping 16S rRNA gene clone and isolate sequences. Simultaneous analysis of environmental samples with fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) showed that approximately 95% of 4',6'-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI)-stained cells hybridized with the general bacterial probe EUB338. More than 90% of those were further assignable. Approximately 50 and 36% were identified as gamma-proteobacteria in arctic and antarctic samples,respectively. Approximately 25% were identified as alpha-proteobacteria, and 25% were identified as belonging to the Cytophaga-Flavobacterium group. For the quantification of specific members of the sea ice community, new oligonucleotide probes were developed which target the genera Octadecabacter, Glaciecola, Psychrobacter, Marinobacter, Shewanella, and Polaribacter: High FISH detection rates of these groups as well as high viable counts corroborated the overlap of clone and isolate sequences. A terrestrial influence on the arctic pack ice community was suggested by the presence of limnic phylotypes.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Cleomaceae is one of 19 angiosperm families in which C4 photosynthesis has been reported. The aim of the study was to determine the type, and diversity, of structural and functional forms of C4 in genus Cleome.


Plants of Cleome species were grown from seeds, and leaves were subjected to carbon isotope analysis, light and scanning electron microscopy, western blot analysis of proteins, and in situ immunolocalization for ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase oxygenase (Rubisco) and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC).

Key Results

Three species with C4-type carbon isotope values occurring in separate lineages in the genus (Cleome angustifolia, C. gynandra and C. oxalidea) were shown to have features of C4 photosynthesis in leaves and cotyledons. Immunolocalization studies show that PEPC is localized in mesophyll (M) cells and Rubisco is selectively localized in bundle sheath (BS) cells in leaves and cotyledons, characteristic of species with Kranz anatomy. Analyses of leaves for key photosynthetic enzymes show they have high expression of markers for the C4 cycle (compared with the C3–C4 intermediate C. paradoxa and the C3 species C. africana). All three are biochemically NAD-malic enzyme sub-type, with higher granal development in BS than in M chloroplasts, characteristic of this biochemical sub-type. Cleome gynandra and C. oxalidea have atriplicoid-type Kranz anatomy with multiple simple Kranz units around individual veins. However, C. angustifolia anatomy is represented by a double layer of concentric chlorenchyma forming a single compound Kranz unit by surrounding all the vascular bundles and water storage cells.


NAD-malic enzyme-type C4 photosynthesis evolved multiple times in the family Cleomaceae, twice with atriplicoid-type anatomy in compound leaves having flat, broad leaflets in the pantropical species C. gynandra and the Australian species C. oxalidea, and once by forming a single Kranz unit in compound leaves with semi-terete leaflets in the African species C. angustifolia. The leaf morphology of C. angustifolia, which is similar to that of the sister, C3–C4 intermediate African species C. paradoxa, suggests adaptation of this lineage to arid environments, which is supported by biogeographical information.  相似文献   

Cobalt(II) ion and L-carnosine produce two different complexes when mixed in aqueous solution at pH 7.2. One complex has coordination of N-3 of the imidazole ring to the cobalt(II) and is produced when the concentration of peptide exceeds that of cobalt(II). The second complex has chelation of three nitrogen atoms of a single carnosine. This second complex produces a reversible oxygen carrier by making stable mixed chelates with additional carnosine, histidine or cysteine. These results indicate that cobalt complexes with mixed ligands should be of more importance invivo than those with carnosine as the only ligand. They provide an explanation for the high activity and substrate specificity of carnosinase in kidney.  相似文献   

Cetoniidae is a diverse family containing approximately 4,000 species, most of which feed on flowers and fruits. In Brazil, 72 species and 24 genera are recorded. Little is known about this family in the Central region of Brazil, and no research has previously been conducted in the ecologically important Cerrado biome. In this study, we evaluated the diversity and temporal variation of the Cetoniidae in an area of the Cerrado in the Federal District (Brazil) and verified whether the abundance and species richness were influenced by climatic variables. The study was carried out in an area of Cerrado sensu stricto at Água Limpa Farm in Brasília/DF. Beetles were collected weekly from October 2013 to September 2014 using 40 traps baited with banana and pineapple fermented with sugarcane juice. A total of 398 specimens comprising 8 genera and 15 species were collected. We observed temporal variation in abundance and richness of the Cetoniidae in direct relation to the climatic characteristics of the Cerrado, with a greater number of individuals and species appearing in the rainy season. Climatic variables such as temperature and humidity appear to have a significant effect on the diversity of Cetoniidae. This is the first study conducted on this family in Central Brazil.  相似文献   

Symbiotic leaf-nodule bacteria in nodulated members of Rubiaceae live in mucilage secreted by colleters located on stipules within buds. These differ from colleters on most nodule-free species. This study was undertaken to examine buds of Ardisia and the related monotypic Amblyanthus of Myrsinaceae to see if nodulated species had secretory structures dissimilar from those of nodule-free species. Buds removed from herbarium specimens (61 species) and live plants (3 species) were paraffin-sectioned. Diverse trichome forms occur, including dimorphism between adaxial and abaxial trichomes in some species. Species within each subgenus were arranged according to trichome form: peltate scale, irregularly capitate, capitate, sessile capitate, bicellular capitate, and uniseriate. Only seven Ardisia species (all in subgenus Crispardisia, widely assumed to have bacteria in marginal leaf nodules of all 30 species) have short-lived trichomes bearing one or more elongate, swollen, distal cells that appear to be secretory cells. These trichomes are analogous to the dendroid or brushlike colleters of nodulated Rubiaceae. Druses occur in most subgenera and this appears to be by far the most predominant crystal type m Ardisia.  相似文献   

Dyadobacter tibetensis Y620-1 is the type strain of the species Dyadobacter tibetensis, isolated from ice at a depth of 59 m from a high altitude glacier in China (5670 m above sea level). It is psychrotolerant with growth temperature ranges of 4 to 35°C. Here we describe the features of this organism, together with the draft genome sequence and annotation. The 5,313,963 bp long genome contains 4,828 protein-coding genes and 39 RNA genes. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first Dyadobacter strain that was isolated from glacial ice. This study provides genetic information of this organism to identify the genes linked to its specific mechanisms for adaption to extreme glacial environment.  相似文献   

Extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) are known to help microorganisms to survive under extreme conditions in sea ice. High concentrations of EPS are reported in sea ice from both poles; however, production and dynamics of EPS during sea ice formation have been little studied to date. This investigation followed the production and partitioning of existing and newly formed dissolved organic matter (DOM) including dissolved carbohydrates (dCHO), dissolved uronic acids (dUA) and dissolved EPS (dEPS), along with bacterial abundances during early stages of ice formation. Sea ice was formed from North Sea water with (A) ambient DOM (NSW) and (B) with additional algal-derived DOM (ADOM) in a 6d experiment in replicated mesocosms. In ADOM seawater, total bacterial numbers (TBN) increased throughout the experiment, whereas bacterial growth occurred for 5d only in the NSW seawater. TBN progressively decreased within developing sea ice but with a 2-fold greater decline in NSW compared to ADOM ice. There were significant increases in the concentrations of dCHO in ice. Percentage contribution of dEPS was highest (63%) in the colder, uppermost parts in ADOM ice suggesting the development of a cold-adapted community, producing dEPS possibly for cryo-protection and/or protection from high salinity brines. We conclude that in the early stages of ice formation, allochthonous organic matter was incorporated from parent seawater into sea ice and that once ice formation had established, there were significant changes in the concentrations and composition of dissolved organic carbon pool, resulting mainly from the production of autochthonous DOM by the bacteria.  相似文献   

Infrared spectroscopy was used to study hydrated double-helical poly(dG-dC) complexed with varying amounts of mercury(II). For one Hg(II) per ten nucleotide residues (r = 0.1), the B structure was stabilized and the B* structure was absent at high hydration. The Z structure did not form as hydration was reduced. For r = 0.2, the B and Z structures coexisted at high hydration and the transition to total Z structure was broad as hydration was reduced. Hg(II) was bound exclusively to the guanine residues probably at N3 or N7 for r less than or equal to 0.25. The cytosine residue did not protonate (at N3) as Hg(II) was bound to guanine. The addition of NaCl together with Hg(II) reduced the binding of Hg(II), stabilized the B structure at the highest hydration and caused a sharp transition between the B and Z structures as hydration was lowered. Hydration with D2O stabilized the Z structure for poly(dG-dC) complexed with HgCl2.  相似文献   

This study identifies populations currently classified as Allen's galago (Galago alleni) at ten locations in Gabon, Cameroon and Bioko Island. Morphological diversity was evident both within and between populations. Attention to the loud calls revealed three distinct vocal profiles which are consistent within biogeographical regions. This work is based on the Recognition Concept of Species which refers to a Specific Mate Recognition System. Galagos rely less on visual signals than diurnal primates and recognise each other principally by means of auditory and olfactory signals. Galagos possess repertoires of loud calls relating to contact and alarm which are thought to be species-specific. Other studies of nocturnal prosimians (galagos, tarsiers) have demonstrated that the unique loud call repertoires are reliable indicators of species boundaries; whereas characters such as body size and pelage coloration are highly variable, even within populations. The vocal data in this study provide evidence of at least three acoustic forms of galago within the Allen's group which are predicted to represent three distinct species: the Allen's form on Bioko Island and south-west Cameroon, the Gabon form in southern Cameroon and northern Gabon and the Makandé form in Gabon south of the Ogooué river. Some populations may be vulnerable to extinction due to limited distributions and habitat destruction. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

In an attempt to assess bacterioplankton production and growth yieldunder low temperature conditions and to compare bacterioplankton withphytoplankton production in the ice-covered water column of the shallowNeusiedler See, outdoor measurements under near in situ conditions wereperformed during the winter of 1995/96. During the investigation period,mean chlorophyll (Chl) a concentration was 21.03 ± 14.95 µg Chla l-1. Phytoplankton primary production integrated over thewater column ranged from 1.35 to production integrated over the water columnranged from 1.35 to 4.23 mg C m-2 d-1 (mean± SD = 2.46 ± 1.06 mg C m-2d-1). Bacterial abundance varied from 20 to 40×105 ml-1 for most of the investigationperiod and increased by the end of March concomitantly with the increase intemperature from 1.3 to 6.3 °C within 5 days. Mean bacterial productionwas 15.3 ± 12.8 µg C l-1 d-1(range: 3.0 to 41.7 µg C l-1 d-1) and meanbacterial growth rate 0.23 ± 0.16 d-1 following closelythe pattern in bacterial production. DOC concentration declined linearlyfrom 20.7 mg C l-1 to 16.45 mg C l-1 over the 4months period of ice cover. The contribution of humic substances to thetotal DOC pool declined from 43.6% at the end of November to37.3% at the end of March. Calculated on an area basis, phytoplanktonproduction amounted to only 16% of bacterial production which makesit unlikely that phytoplankton supply substrate for bacterioplankton growthin significant quantities when the lake is ice covered. From the observeddecline in DOC over the investigation period and assuming only negligibleinput of DOC from other sources we calculated an average DOC uptake by thebacterioplankton community of 47.5 µg C l-1d-1 resulting in a bacterial growth efficiency of 15.9%for the ice covered conditions. Based on the growth efficiency we estimatethat pelagic primary production amounts to 2.8% of the bacterialcarbon demand. This might indicate that the bacterioplankton in NeusiedlerSee sustain their high growth rates at low temperatures (<2°C formost of the investigation period) by using probably the DOC originating fromthe previous season. This DOM stems most likely from the decay of the reedPhragmites australis and its epiphytes and, probably of minor importance,from phytoplankton leachates.  相似文献   

Ten bacterial isolates capable of growth on tetracyanonickelate(II) [K2[Ni(CN)4]] (TCN) as the sole nitrogen source were isolated from soil, freshwater, and sewage sludge enrichments. Seven of the 10 were identified as pseudomonads, while the remaining 3 were classified as Klebsiella species. A detailed investigation of one isolate, Pseudomonas putida BCN3, revealed a rapid growth rate on TCN (generation time, 2 h), with substrate removal and growth occurring in parallel. In addition to TCN, all isolates were able to utilize KCN, although the latter was significantly more toxic; MICs ranged from 0.2 to 0.8 mM for KCN and greater than or equal to 50 mM for TCN. While growth occurred over a wide range of TCN concentrations (0.25 to 16 mM), degradation was most substantial under growth-limiting conditions and did not occur when ammonia was present. In addition, cells grown on TCN were found to accumulate nickel cyanide [Ni(CN)2] as a major biodegradation product. The results show that bacteria capable of growth on TCN can readily be isolated and that degradation (i) appears to parallel the capacity for growth on KCN, (ii) does not occur in the presence of ammonia, and (iii) proceeds via the formation of Ni(CN)2 as a biological metabolite.  相似文献   

The phylogeography of typical alpine plant species is well understood in Europe. However, the genetic patterns of boreo-montane species are mostly unstudied. Therefore, we analysed the AFLPs of 198 individuals of Polygonatum verticillatum over a major part of its European distribution. We obtained a total of 402 reproducible fragments, of which 96.8% were polymorphic. The average Φ ST over all samples was high (73.0%). The highest number of private fragments was observed in the Cantabrian Mountains; the highest genetic diversities of the populations were detected in populations from the Alps. BAPS, Principal Coordinates and Cluster analyses revealed a deep split between the Cantabrian population and all other samples. The latter further distinguished two major groups in western and eastern Europe. These results suggest a complex biogeographical history of P. verticillatum . The Cantabrian population was most probably isolated for the longest time. Furthermore, putative glacial survival centres might have existed in the western group around the glaciated Alps and in the eastern group in the foothills of the Carpathian and Balkan mountain systems. The origin of the Scandinavian populations is still unresolved, but an origin from the southeastern Alps or the western Balkans appears the most likely scenario.  相似文献   



Dinoflagellates are important primary producers, crucial in marine food webs. Toxic strains, however, are the main causative agents of non-bacterial seafood poisoning, a major concern for public health worldwide. Despite their importance, taxonomic uncertainty within many genera of dinoflagellates is still high. The genus Coolia includes potentially harmful species and the diversity within the genus is just starting to become apparent.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In the current study, cultures were established from strains of Coolia spp. isolated from the central Great Barrier Reef (GBR). Cultures were identified based on thecal plate morphology and analyses of sequences (18S, ITS and 28S) from the nuclear rRNA operon. We report that the central GBR harbors a high diversity of Coolia species, including two species known to be capable of toxin production (C. tropicalis and C. malayensis), as well as the non-toxic C. canariensis. The strain of C. canariensis isolated from the GBR may in fact be a cryptic species, closely related but nevertheless phylogenetically distinct from the strain on which the holotype of C. canariensis was based. We also found evidence of the occurrence of a cryptic species morphologically very similar to both C. malayensis and C. monotis. The consequences of taxonomic confusion within the genus are discussed.


The central GBR region harbors a previously unreported high diversity of Coolia spp., including two species known to potentially produce toxins. The presence of a cryptic species of unknown toxicity highlights the importance of cryptic diversity within dinoflagellates.  相似文献   

A major obstacle in prioritizing species or habitats for conservation is the degree of unrecognized diversity hidden within complexes of morphologically similar, “cryptic” species. Given that amphibians are one of the most threatened groups of organisms on the planet, our inability to diagnose their true diversity is likely to have significant conservation consequences. This is particularly true in areas undergoing rapid deforestation, such as Southeast Asia. The Southeast Asian genus Leptolalax is a group of small-bodied, morphologically conserved frogs that inhabit the forest-floor. We examined a particularly small-bodied and morphologically conserved subset, the Leptolalax applebyi group, using a combination of molecular, morphometric, and acoustic data to identify previously unknown diversity within. In order to predict the geographic distribution of the group, estimate the effects of habitat loss and assess the degree of habitat protection, we used our locality data to perform ecological niche modelling using MaxEnt. Molecular (mtDNA and nuDNA), acoustic and subtle morphometric differences revealed a significant underestimation of diversity in the L. applebyi group; at least two-thirds of the diversity may be unrecognised. Patterns of diversification and microendemism in the group appear driven by limited dispersal, likely due to their small body size, with several lineages restricted to watershed basins. The L. applebyi group is predicted to have historically occurred over a large area of the Central Highlands of Vietnam, a considerable portion of which has already been deforested. Less than a quarter of the remaining forest predicted to be suitable for the group falls within current protected areas. The predicted distribution of the L. applebyi group extends into unsurveyed watershed basins, each potentially containing unsampled diversity, some of which may have already been lost due to deforestation. Current estimates of amphibian diversity based on morphology alone are misleading, and accurate alpha taxonomy is essential to accurately prioritize conservation efforts.  相似文献   

烟粉虱复合种内共生菌多样性及其生物学意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
烟粉虱复合种Bemisia tabaci(Gennadius) complex内共生菌的种类可分为5类:变形菌门(Proteobacteria)γ变形菌纲的初级内共生菌Candidatus Portiera aleyrodidarum和次级内共生菌,变形菌门α变形菌纲Wolbachia属细菌,衣原体门(Chlamydiae)衣原体纲细菌CandidatusFritschea bemisiae以及拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)类噬胞细菌(Cytophaga-like-organism, CLO)。系统发育分析表明,烟粉虱初级内共生菌分为2支,一些初级内共生菌和宿主系统发育并不严格一致; 次级内共生菌分为3支,一些次级内共生菌可能存在水平传播或多次侵入的现象。上述5类内共生菌在烟粉虱不同生物型/地理种群内的分布存在差异。B型烟粉虱可能具有独特的初级、次级内共生菌,并且不含有或很少含有Wolbachia属细菌、衣原体纲细菌Candidatus Fritschea bemisiae以及类噬胞细菌(CLO)。最后探讨了不同内共生菌对烟粉虱宿主的生物学意义及其研究方向。  相似文献   

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