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Proterochampsids are crocodile-like, probably semi-aquatic, quadrupedal archosauriforms characterized by an elongated and dorsoventrally low skull. The group is endemic from the Middle-Late Triassic of South America. The most recently erected proterochampsid species is “Chanaresuchus ischigualastensis”, based on a single, fairly complete skeleton from the early Late Triassic Ischigualasto Formation of northwestern Argentina. We describe here in detail the non-braincase cranial and postcranial anatomy of this species and revisit its taxonomy and phylogenetic relationships. The phylogenetic analysis recovered ‘Chanaresuchus ischigualastensis’ as part of a trichotomy together with Gualosuchus reigi and Chanaresuchus bonapartei. Accordingly, “Chanaresuchus ischigualastensis” can be potentially more closely related to Gualosuchus reigi, or even Rhadinosuchus gracilis, than to Chanaresuchus bonapartei. In addition, after discussing previously claimed synapomorphies of Chanaresuchus, we could not find unambiguous support for the monophyly of the genus. As a result, we propose here the erection of the new genus Pseudochampsa for ‘Chanaresuchus ischigualastensis’, which results in the new combination Pseudochampsa ischigualastensis. The information provided here about the anatomy and taxonomy of Pseudochampsa ischiguaslastensis will be useful for future quantitative analyses focused on the biogeography and macroevolutionary history of proterochampsids.  相似文献   

Wajira albescens Thulin (Leguminosae–Papilionoideae–Phaseoleae–Phaseolinae) is described as a new monotypic genus confined to the arid bushlands of E Kenya.  相似文献   

Rostromysis bacescuii gen. et sp. nov. and Megalopsis denlicaudagen. et sp. nov. belonging to the tribe Leptomysini are describedfrom the south-west coast of Australia. The characters uniqueto the genus Rostromysis are the unusually long club-shapedrostrum and the large delicate lamella-like pleopods of thefemale, thus easily distinguishing it from the allied generaTenagomysis and Doxomysis. The genus Megalopsis is closely alliedto Leptomysis, Prionomysis and Promysis but is readily distinguishablein having a short linguiform uncleft telson with a pair of medianplumose setae.  相似文献   

The genus Siamosia (Amaranthaceae) is established and the type species S. thailandica is described and illustrated. The pollen morphology is compared with the related genera Chamissoa, Charpentiera, Herbstia and Indobanalia .  相似文献   

Parapedinella reticulata gen. et sp. nov. (Chrysophyceae) is described on the basis of light microscopy of living material, and also by means of electron microscopy of shadowcast whole mounts prepared from water samples collected in 1981 at some Danish brackish water localities. Additional information is provided by material from a marine habitat in southern Australia. The new taxon comprises small, colourless flagellates possessing a single projecting flagellum which carries tripartite hairs. The membrane of the flagellum is expanded into a sheath which is supported along the edge by a paraxial rod. The cells are covered with delicate scales and possess numerous slender protoplasmic axopodia which are retractable.  相似文献   

A silicified stem from the Ischigualasto Formation (Trias) innorthern Argentina, is described and named Michelilloa waltoniinov. gen. et spec. It is compared with fossil stems of the generaCycadeoidea and Bucklandia, and with the living Cycadales. Acombination of characters (in particular the indumentum of longfilamentous hairs, multiseriate bordered pitting of the xylemtracheids, and the structure of the leaf gap and leaf tracebundle which are exactly similar to those of the cycad Dioonspinulosum) suggests that Michelilloa is an early representativeof the Cycadales.  相似文献   

预言鱼目是中生代海生近鲱形类的一个绝灭的支系。由于与弓鳍鱼目密切的亲缘关系,预言鱼目在研究近鲱形类的早期演化和生物地理学中具有重要意义。然而,早期预言鱼目的化石证据非常匮乏;直到最近,产于云南中三叠世罗平生物群的强壮鱼是该目中最古老的也是三叠纪唯一的成员。本文根据产于贵州西部中三叠世盘县动物群的两块保存良好的标本命名了预言鱼目一个新的属种,奇异盘县鱼(Panxianichthys imparilis gen.et sp.nov.)。盘县鱼的生存时代略晚于强壮鱼,但它比产于欧洲晚侏罗世和美洲早白垩世的预言鱼目其他成员要早很多。盘县鱼具有预言鱼目的共近裔性状,上颌骨上具有感觉管,但它保留了一些其他预言鱼目鱼类所不具有的原始特征。分支分析的研究结果表明盘县鱼是最原始的预言鱼目鱼类,为揭示预言鱼目的演化提供了新的信息。强壮鱼和盘县鱼的相继发现表明,预言鱼目的早期分异比我们之前想象的要快得多。  相似文献   

Sampaio JP  Weiß M  Gadanho M  Bauer R 《Mycologia》2002,94(5):873-887
Two new genera, Bulleribasidium and Papiliotrema, and three new species, B. oberjochense, P. bandonii and Fibulobasidium murrhardtense are described. An integrated analysis of morphological, ultrastructural, physiological, and molecular data indicates that the new taxa belong to the Tremellales (Basidiomycota). Relevant characteristics of the new genera and species are discussed and compared with those of closely related taxa.  相似文献   

The Middle Triassic flora of the Fremouw Formation in the central Transantarctic Mountains consists of conifers, cycads, ferns, pteridosperms, and sphenophytes. Stems with an unusual anatomy have been discovered within silicified peat from the same locality. The diameters of the stems range from 1.4 to 1.7 cm; the longest specimen is approximately 12 cm. In transverse section the vascular system consists of segments that occur as single traces or are connected in the center and anastomose at varying levels within the stem. Each segment contains a bifacial vascular cambium. Secondary tissues of each segment surround a central area of parenchyma and small tracheids presumed to represent primary xylem. Surrounding the stem is a periderm. Traces are produced near the periphery of the axis and consist of radially arranged secondary xylem and a thick periderm. The absence of leaves and reproductive organs leads to uncertain phylogenetic relationships. We are unaware of any Triassic plants with this type of vascular tissue organization, and those plants with a similar type of arrangement occur only in the Devonian and Carboniferous. Possible phylogenetic affinities with the Cladoxylales and Lycophyta are examined, but the anatomical differences, along with stratigraphic age, preclude formal assignment to any known taxon at this time. Therefore, we have assigned it to a new taxon: Hapsidoxylon terpsichorum gen. et sp. nov.  相似文献   

Two new oceanic free-living heterotrophic Heterokonta species with picoplanktonic size (< 2 microm) are described. Symbiomonas scintillans Guillou et Chrétiennot-Dinet gen. et sp. nov. was isolated from samples collected both in the equatorial Pacific Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. This new species possesses ultrastructural features of the bicosoecids, such as the absence of a helix in the flagellar transitional region (found in Cafeteria roenbergensis and in a few bicosoecids), and a flagellar root system very similar to that of C. roenbergensis, Acronema sippewissettensis, and Bicosoeca maris. This new species is characterized by a single flagellum with mastigonemes, the presence of endosymbiotic bacteria located close to the nucleus, the absence of a lorica and a R3 root composed of a 6+3+x microtubular structure. Phylogenetical analyses of nuclear-encoded SSU rDNA gene sequences indicate that this species is close to the bicosoecids C. roenbergensis and Siluania monomastiga. Picophagus flagellatus Guillou et Chrétiennot-Dinet gen. et sp. nov. was collected in the equatorial Pacific Ocean. Cells are naked and possess two flagella. This species is characterized by the lack of a transitional helix and lateral filaments on the flagellar tubular hairs, the absence of siliceous scales, two unequal flagella, R1 + R3 roots, and the absence of a rhizoplast. SSU rDNA analyses place this strain at the base of the Chrysophyceae/Synurophyceae lineages.  相似文献   

A new fossil water mold (Peronosporomycetes), Galtierella biscalithecae nov. gen. et sp., consisting of coenocytic hyphae occurs as an intracellular endophyte in a partially degraded specimen of the reproductive organ Biscalitheca cf. musata (Zygopteridales) from the Upper Pennsylvanian Grand-Croix cherts (Saint-Étienne Basin, France). Some hyphal tips produce small spheres that subsequently develop into ornamented, opaque-walled oogonia; amphigynous antheridia encircle the necks of several immature oogonia. Also present are ovoid structures, which may represent differently shaped oogonia, hyphal swellings, or zoosporangia. Small dome-shaped structures, probably zoospore cysts, are attached to numerous host cell walls. This discovery sheds new light on the morphology and biology of water molds in a Carboniferous ecosystem.  相似文献   

Two new species collected in northern Thailand are herein described and discussed. Tortulomyces thailandicus is the type of a new genus characterized by a combination of such features as a dense subiculum, non-ostiolate ascomata, two kinds of paraphyses (filiform and bead-like), and 1-septate, brown ascospores. Nitschkia siamensis has non-ostiolate, turbinate and stalked ascomata and hyaline, often slightly curved, 1-septate ascospores.  相似文献   

Scinderella scopuliformis nov. gen., nov. sp. is identified in the Anisian (Middle Triassic) reef limestones from the Belski dol quarry (Ivanš?ica Mt., NW Croatia). The new alga is characterised by claviform thallus, curved in the basal part, and very narrow central cavity. Thallus is often disintegrated into fragments. Laterals swell from a thin basal part, and have uniform (rarely slightly increasing) diameter along most of their length. Distally, they are flattened and probably touch each other, forming an irregular cortex. Laterals are arranged densely in close whorls and oblique to the longitudinal axis. Euspondyl arrangement is readily visible in the proximal part of the laterals, but distally, the arrangement seems more or less irregular, i.e. ruffled (Lat. scindere = ruffle, dishevel) and resembling a broom (Lat. scopulae = small broom; forma = form, shape).  相似文献   

The present paper is based on a collection of earwigs received from High Altitude Field Station, Zoological Survey of India, Solan. An interesting new genus was found which is described below.  相似文献   

The earliest known ovules in the Late Devonian (Famennian) are borne terminally on fertile branches and are typically enclosed in a cupule. Among these ovules are some that have terete integumentary lobes with little or no fusion. Here, we report a new taxon, Latisemenia longshania, from the Famennian of South China, which bears cupulate ovules that are terminal as well as opposite on the fertile axis. Each ovule has four broad integumentary lobes, which are extensively fused to each other and also to the nucellus. The cupule is uniovulate, and the five flattened cupule segments of each terminal ovule are elongate cuneate and shorter than the ovule. Associated but not attached pinnules are laminate and Sphenopteris-like, with an entire or lobate margin. Latisemenia is the earliest known plant with ovules borne on the side of the fertile axis and may foreshadow the diverse ovule arrangements found among younger seed plant lineages that emerge in the Carboniferous. Following the telome theory, Latisemenia demonstrates derived features in both ovules and cupules, and the shape and fusion of integumentary lobes suggest effective pollination and protection to the nucellus. Along with other recent discoveries from China, Latisemenia extends the palaeogeographic range of the earliest seed plants.  相似文献   

Large numbers of permineralized juglandaceous fruits were identified in calcareous nodules from the Eocene Appian Way locality on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. The fruits, small dorsiventrally flattened nutlets, 4.5-7.0 mm long and 5.5-9.0 × 3-5 mm in diameter, were studied using cellulose acetate peels. They are wingless, ribbed, and have a lobed epicarp that surrounds the nutlet. Cells of the inner epicarp are thin-walled and traversed by a system of branching vascular strands. The stony nutlet wall is composed of fibers, with an outer layer of distinctive idioblasts. The fruits have a symmetry like that in Juglandaceae, subfamily Juglandoideae, tribe Platycaryeae, while the fibrous nut walls are like those of subfamily Engelhardioideae. This unique combination of characters indicates that these fruits represent a new genus and species of Juglandaceae: Beardia vancouverensis gen. et sp. nov. The excellent preservation of the Appian Way specimens has allowed a unique view of the internal fruit anatomy and external morphology. As the only wingless, flattened nuts known in the family, they further extend the range of morphological variation in fruits in the family. These fossils further support the hypothesis that North America was an important center of generic diversity for Juglandaceae during the early Tertiary.  相似文献   

The species Phanurus oligoovus gen. et sp. nov. is described from the intestine of Liza carinatus (Cuvier et Valencienne) from the South China Sea. From the general internal anatomy, it belongs to the Waretrematidae and is distinguished from the other known species of the Waretrematidae by the tail appendage. A new subfamily, Phanurunae, is proposed for the genus Phanurus.  相似文献   

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