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Comparative analysis of the wing apparatus and flight characteristics has been performed on members of five dipteran families (Bombyliidae, Syrphidae, Calliphoridae, Scathophagidae, and Sarcophagidae). We obtained data on flight velocity, aerodynamic force, stroke plane angle, stroke amplitude, wingbeat frequency, wing area, and body mass and volume. The relations between these parameters are analyzed. Characters distinguishing between species of the same genus, members of different genera of the same family, and members of different families have been determined.  相似文献   

The behavior of visitors to the flowers of the orchidEpipactis thunbergii was studied, with special attention to the role of the epichile in the pollination process. Only four species of syrphid flies legitimately pollinated the flower, among whichSphaerophoria macrogaster was regarded as the most effective pollinator. The movable epichile, possessing a furrow at its base, played a critical role in the pollination process: it threw the syrphid fly onto the stigmatic surface when both sides of the basal slanting surface of the furrow were presumably pressed in the direction of the hypochile by the fore (and middle) legs of the retreating syrphid fly. At this moment, the fly received a set of pollinia on the thorax.  相似文献   

Flower flies (Diptera: Syrphidae) are one of the most species-rich dipteran families and provide important ecosystem services such as pollination, biological control of pests, recycling of organic matter and redistributions of essential nutrients. Flower fly adults generally feed on pollen and nectar, but their larval feeding habits are strikingly diverse. In the present study, high-throughput sequencing was used to capture and enrich phylogenetically and evolutionary informative exonic regions. With the help of the baitfisher software, we developed a new bait kit (SYRPHIDAE1.0) to target 1945 CDS regions belonging to 1312 orthologous genes. This new bait kit was successfully used to exon capture the targeted loci in 121 flower fly species across the different subfamilies of Syrphidae. We analysed different amino acid and nucleotide data sets (1302 loci and 154 loci) with maximum likelihood and multispecies coalescent models. Our analyses yielded highly supported similar topologies, although the degree of the SRH (global stationarity, reversibility and homogeneity) conditions varied greatly between amino acid and nucleotide data sets. The sisterhood of subfamilies Pipizinae and Syrphinae is supported in all our analyses, confirming a common origin of taxa feeding on soft-bodied arthropods. Based on our results, we define Syrphini stat.rev. to include the genera Toxomerus and Paragus. Our divergence estimate analyses with beast inferred the origin of the Syrphidae in the Lower Cretaceous (125.5–98.5 Ma) and the diversification of predatory flower flies around the K–Pg boundary (70.61–54.4 Ma), coinciding with the rise and diversification of their prey.  相似文献   

The proximate and ultimate mechanisms underlying scaling relationships as well as their evolutionary consequences remain an enigmatic issue in evolutionary biology. Here, I investigate the evolution of wing allometries in the Schizophora, a group of higher Diptera that radiated about 65 million years ago, by studying static allometries in five species using multivariate approaches. Despite the vast ecological diversity observed in contemporary members of the Schizophora and independent evolutionary histories throughout most of the Cenozoic, size‐related changes represent a major contributor to overall variation in wing shape, both within and among species. Static allometries differ between species and sexes, yet multivariate allometries are correlated across species, suggesting a shared developmental programme underlying size‐dependent phenotypic plasticity. Static allometries within species also correlate with evolutionary divergence across 33 different families (belonging to 11 of 13 superfamilies) of the Schizophora. This again points towards a general developmental, genetic or evolutionary mechanism that canalizes or maintains the covariation between shape and size in spite of rapid ecological and morphological diversification during the Cenozoic. I discuss the putative roles of developmental constraints and natural selection in the evolution of wing allometry in the Schizophora.  相似文献   

辽宁食蚜蝇科昆虫名录(双翅目:食蚜蝇科)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高欣  张春田 《四川动物》2006,25(1):114-115,127
本文报道了辽宁省食蚜蝇科昆29属53种的名录和分布。  相似文献   

Field boundaries play an important role as refuges, food sources and corridors for invertebrates and vertebrates, and increasing farmland fragmentation impacts on these functions. However, hedgerows and other structures can also impede dispersal by flying insects. The current work uses the pollen of Phacelia tanacetifolia in hover fly guts as a marker to assess hover fly movement in farm landscapes. In the United Kingdom and New Zealand, Phacelia pollen was found in the guts of Ephisyrphus balteatus and Metasyrphus corollae (United Kingdom) and Melanostoma fasciatum (New Zealand) at distances up to 200 m from the source, when there were no barriers between the flowers and the traps used to catch the flies. The rate of decline over distance in the proportion of flies containing pollen was similar for the two countries. The extent to which four replicated field boundary types impeded hover fly movement was tested using post-and-wire fences, lines of poplars (Populus spp.) with gaps, dense poplars and controls (no potential barriers). Phacelia was planted on one side of each boundary, and along the centre of the control plots. The relative presence of the pollen in flies on both sides of the barriers showed that both types of poplar boundary restricted the movement of the flies, but the fence had no effect. In a separate experiment, gravid females of M. fasciatum were captured at a greater height on a shade-cloth fence than were non-gravid females and males. The implications of this work include the functioning and persistence of metapopulations and the influence of field boundaries on population recovery of beneficial invertebrates following pesticide-induced mortality. If field boundaries contribute to a temporal asynchrony between pest and natural enemy populations, this needs to be considered along with the well-established roles of boundaries as refugia for, and sources of, beneficial arthropods.  相似文献   

Immature stages, viz. egg, larva and puparium, of six species of the economically most important syrphid flies, Scaeva latimaculata (Brunetti), Ischiodon scutellaris (Fabricius), Episyrphus altemans (Macquart), Sphaerophoria Indiana Bigot, Metasyrphus confrater (Wiedemann), and M. latilunulatus (Collin), have been studied. These species are voracious feeders on three aphid species, Lipaphis erysimi (Kaltenbach), Myzus persicae (Sulzer) and Brevicoryne brassicae (L.), which are serious pests of mustard, Brassica campestris L.  相似文献   

Todd E. Shelly 《Oecologia》1984,62(2):188-195
Summary Robber fly species within a Panamanian rain forest comprised distinct shade-seeking (SS) and light-seeking (LS) groups. Thoracic temperatures of LS species averaged 9.2°C greater than ambient, whereas those of SS species averaged only 1.3°C above ambient. Among SS species, attack rate decreased with increasing body mass, whereas relocation rate and attack and relocation distances increased with increasing body mass. Attack and relocation distances of LS species were similar to those of SS species of similar size. Large (>100 mg) LS species, however, had much higher attack and relocation rates than large SS species. The potential costs and benefits of basking are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The taxonomic rank and phylogenetic relationships of the pipizine flower flies (Diptera: Syrphidae: Pipizini) were estimated based on DNA sequence data from three gene regions (COI, 28S and 18S) and 111 adult morphological characters. Pipizini has been treated as a member of the subfamily Eristalinae based on diagnostic adult morphological characteristics, while the larval feeding mode and morphology is shared with members of the subfamily Syrphinae. We analysed each dataset, both separately and combined, in a total evidence approach under maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood. To evaluate the influence of different alignment strategies of rDNA 28S and 18S genes on the resulting topologies, we compared the topologies inferred from a multiple alignment using fast Fourier transform (MAFFT) program with those topologies resulting from aligning the secondary structure of these rDNA genes. Total evidence analyses resolved pipizines as a sister group of the subfamily Syrphinae. Although the structural alignment and the MAFFT alignment differed in the inferred relationships of some clades and taxa, there was congruence in the placement of pipizines. The homogeneous morphology of the Pipizini clade in combination with their unique combination of characters among the Syrphidae suggest a change of rank to subfamily. Thus, we propose to divide Syrphidae into four subfamilies, including the subfamily Pipizinae stat. rev.  相似文献   

The importance of eristaline flies (Diptera, Syrphidae, Eristalini) as pollinators in natural ecosystems and for agricultural crops is well known. However, in-depth studies on the life cycle of most of these species have yet to be carried out. The aim of this research was to study the life cycle of Eristalis tenax (Linnaeus, 1758) and Eristalinus aeneus (Scopoli, 1763) in order to improve the current rearing system employed at the University of Alicante. The results were analysed using the age-stage, two-sex life table method. As one of the main results, the mean duration of the life history of E. tenax and E. aeneus was 46.06 and 65.12 days (d), respectively. The most critical step for both species was found at the beginning of the larval stage (first instar), when the highest mortality was recorded. Population parameters were also analysed and compared. The intrinsic rate of increase (r), the finite rate of increase (λ), the net reproductive rate (R0) and the mean generation time (T) were 0.09 (d−1), 1.09 (d−1), 42.11 offspring and 40.97 d, in the case of E. aeneus and 0.05 (d−1), 1.05 (d−1), 23.13 offspring and 59.23 d, in the case of E. tenax. These results indicate that the current rearing system is more efficient for E. aeneus, which displays a faster population growth. However, some modifications need to be implemented to improve the production of E. tenax.  相似文献   

The effect of altitudinal variation on the seasonal flight activity of Rhagoletis cerasi (Linnaeus) flies was evaluated along an altitudinal gradient from 150 to 1170 m in Mount Uludag, northwestern Turkey. The predicted dates of fly emergence, flight duration and dates of 5%, 50% and 95% cumulative fly catches at various altitudes were estimated from a degree-day model. Degree-day predictions were compared with those obtained from observations made with yellow sticky traps. The observed and predicted dates of appearance of adults were delayed by 1.4 and 2.0 days for every 100 m increase in altitude, respectively. The delay in phenology events was less at high altitudes than postulated by Hopkins' bioclimatic law, whether observed or predicted. The average absolute difference in predicted and observed dates of cumulative percentage catch of adults was 4.9 and 3.0 days in 1997 and 1998, respectively, but these differences were not significant. Prolonged flight activity was predicted and observed at higher altitudes, but the flight period lasted significantly longer than predicted. The observed flight period varied from 29 to 43 days in 1997 and from 36 to 52 days in 1998 between the lowest and highest altitude on the transect. Altitudinal variation between geographically close locations should be taken into account to properly time monitoring activities and hence to manage R. cerasi populations more effectively.  相似文献   

A checklist of the Syrphidae (Diptera) recorded from Finland. Three species of Syrphidae, Platycheirus modestus Ide, 1926, Cheilosia barovskii (Stackelberg, 1930) and Mallota tricolor Loew, 1871, are published as new to the Finnish fauna. Platycheirus modestus is also new to the Palaearctic.  相似文献   

In this study we show how inexperienced syrphid flies, Eristalis tenax, orient on artificial flowers by means of floral guides. To test the effect of floral guides such as line and ring markings on the probability and speed of the location of a potential food source, we exploited the spontaneous proboscis reaction triggered by yellow colour stimuli. We tested whether and how fast the flies, when placed on the edge of a circular dummy flower, found a small central yellow spot and touched it with the proboscis extended. The flies found the central yellow spot more often and faster if guide lines from the margin to the yellow spot were present. The effect of guide lines was dependent on the colour of the dummy flower, and independent of the colour of the guide lines, except for yellow guide lines releasing the proboscis reaction. The effect of guide lines was stronger if the yellow spot was hidden in a 2 mm deep depression and thus not as easily visible to the flies. Ring guides had a significant effect on performance only when the intensity of the central yellow spot was low.  相似文献   

Phylogeny of Palaearctic Syrphidae (Diptera): evidence from larval stages   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We estimated the phylogeny of Palaearctic Syrphidae using 187 larval morphological characters obtained from about 65% of the fauna (85 supraspecific taxa represented by 118 species) and based the analysis at the generic, level. The root of the syrphid tree was established from an outgroup consisting of other Aschizan families: the Platypezidae, Phoridae and Pipunculidae, with the tree rooted on the Lonchopteridae. The Syrphidae was the most derived Aschizan family. The Pipunculidae was the sister group to the Syrphidae. Eumerus was basal within Syrphidae. A trend exists towards increasing complexity of integumental folds and grooves across the Aschiza. In movement, the integument collapses along the line of these grooves. Grooves are evidence of muscles forming functional groups. Elaboration of independent groups of muscles appears to underlie much of the evolution of larval form within Aschiza. The basal feeding modes of syrphid larvae are mycophagy and phytophagy. Above these feeding modes, all remaining syiphids fall into one of two lineages comprising entomophages and saprophages, each of which has a single origin within the apparently polyphyletic Volucella. Major morphological innovation is associated with shifts between feeding modes; within feeding modes, change is gradual and tends towards increasing complexity. Change is mostly in structures associated with the mouthparts, thorax, anal segment and locomotory organs. Generic diagnoses with biological and taxonomic notes and a key to genera using larval characters are provided.  相似文献   

Predatory syrphid larvae feed on relatively immobile prey, but here we report the first case (as far as we are aware) of obligatory predation on very mobile prey. Larvae of an undescribed species of Ocyptamus (Diptera: Syrphidae) were found in whitefly (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) aggregations on the undersides of citrus leaves. However, instead of preying on the whitefly nymphs (as would be expected), the larvae preyed on adult flies (Diptera) that were attracted to the honeydew. In the laboratory, larvae captured significantly more flies on whitefly infested leaves than on washed leaves, and generally abandoned leaves that lacked whiteflies. Most cases of successful prey capture involved flies that probed the anterior part of the larva's body with its proboscis (as if it were honeydew). The syrphid larva lashed out at the fly and entangled it in sticky oral secretion. The prey did not recover when they were removed from the larva, suggesting that this new predatory species also employs venom to subdue its prey. Although the larvae consumed some honeydew, they were unable to complete their development on this diet. Two parasitoids were reared from Ocyptamus puparia, Proaspicera sp. (Hymenoptera: Figitidae) and Paracarotomus sp. (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae), both of which are endoparasitic koinobionts.  相似文献   

Saproxylic organisms are regarded as threatened in many European countries. Nevertheless, there have been some signals indicating a recent increase of saproxylic hoverflies in the Netherlands. This paper examines the change in occurrence of saproxylic hoverflies compared to other ecological groups of the same family. The trend analysis is based on the database of an extensive recording programme carried out in the Netherlands. The results show an increase in occupied grid cells for a majority of saproxylic species in relation to other ecological groups. This positive trend occurs among all five ecological subcategories of saproxylic hoverflies recognized in this paper. It is suggested that this increase could be attributed to the changes in the Dutch forests during the past 50 years. Important aspects of these changes are: the increase in forest area (including an increase in area of forest with large and very large trees), the increase in age of forests and the changes in forest management in favour of a more natural approach towards dead and ill trees. In the discussion the possible influence of climate change and the method of trend calculation are discussed.  相似文献   

中国迷蚜蝇属Milesia厘订(双翅目:食蚜蝇科)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
中国原记载分布有14种迷蚜蝇。本文通过对我国迷蚜蝇馆藏标本的收集、整理、鉴定,发现有6个新异名:瑞丽迷蚜蝇M.ruiliana Yang et Cheng和清华迷蚜蝇M.tachina Yang et Cheng为黄带迷蚜蝇M.cretosa Hippa的异名,茂兰迷蚜蝇M.tachina Yang et Cheng为锈色迷蚜蝇Mferruginosa的异名,黑色迷蚜蝇M.atricorporis Yang et Cheng为黑色迷蚜蝇M.quantula Hippa的异名,拟蜂迷蚜蝇M.vesparia Shiraki和隆顶迷蚜蝇M.turgidiverticis Yang et Cheng为隆顶迷蚜蝇M.verticalis Brunetti的异名。并首次报道杂色迷蚜蝇M.variegata Brunetti在中国有分布。到目前为止,我国实际有分布的迷蚜蝇共13种(其中,棕缘迷蚜蝇M.fuscicosta (Bigot)分布在我国南海,未见标本)。本文提供了每种的腹部特征图,并列出所有中国种类的分类检索表,同时附有地理分布图。中国迷蚜蝇种类如下:闽小迷蚜蝇M.apsycta Seguy、玉带迷蚜蝇M.balteata Kertesz、黄带迷蚜蝇M.cretosa Hippa、锈色迷蚜蝇M.ferruginosa Brunetti、裂翅迷蚜蝇M.fissipennis Speiser、非凡迷蚜蝇M.insignis Hippa、马氏迷蚜蝇M.maai Hippa、桔斑迷蚜蝇M.variegata Brunetti、寡斑迷蚜蝇M.paucipunctata Yang et Cheng、黑色迷蚜蝇M.quantula Hippa、中华迷蚜蝇M.sinensis Curran、隆顶迷蚜蝇M.verticalis Brunetti和棕缘迷蚜蝇M.fuscicosta Bigot。  相似文献   

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