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Interactions between transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains of Ca2+-ATPase from sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) have been studied. To affect the hydrophobic transmembrane domain, we used four amphiphilic steroids - esters of a dibasic acid and 20-oxypregnene. All four steroids contained cholesterol-like nuclei and differed by the structure of side chains. Steroids with carboxyl groups in the side chains inhibited the rates of ATP hydrolysis and Ca2+ transport, whereas a steroid without the carboxyl group did not appreciably affect Ca2+-ATPase function. Fluorimetric titration of FITC-labelled Ca2+-ATPase in SR vesicles by Nd3+ showed that steroids increased the apparent dissociation constant for Nd3+ bound to the hydrolytic site, the potency order of the steroids being the same as for the sterol-induced inhibition of the hydrolytic activity of Ca2+-ATPase. These results suggest structural changes in the active site. Ca2+ transport was inhibited more efficiently by steroids than the hydrolytic activity of the enzyme. This could be partially due to the increase of the membrane passive permeability induced by steroids, which, in turn, reflected the efficiency of the interaction of the steroids with lipid bilayers. The effects of the steroids were largely dependent on their amphiphilicity (the availability of polar groups in regions A and D), the structure of the side chains, and, possibly, on the distance between the molecular polar groups. We suggest that the inhibition of hydrolytic and transport functions of Ca2+-ATPase in the SR membrane is due to the interaction of the steroids with the transmembrane alpha-helical segments.  相似文献   

Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopic studies of sarcoplasmic reticulum proteins, in H2O and D2O, suggest that 10 mM ATP induces a conformational change in those proteins, increasing their contents in alpha-helical and beta-antiparallel structures. Ca2+ on the contrary, is seen to reduce the proportion of alpha-helix and increase the contribution of random coil.  相似文献   

Changes in the fluoresence ofN-acetyl-N-(5-sulfo-1-naphthyl)ethylenediamine (EDANS), being attached to Cys-674 of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase without affecting the catalytic activity, as well as changes in the intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence were followed throughout the catalytic cycle by the steady-state measurements and the stopped-flow spectrofluorometry. EDANS-fluorescence changes reflect conformational changes near the ATP binding site in the cytoplasmic domain, while tryptophan-fluorescence changes most probably reflect conformational changes in or near the transmembrane domain in which the Ca2+ binding sites are located. Formation of the phosphoenzyme intermediates (EP) was also followed by the continuous flow-rapid quenching method. The kinetic analysis of EDANS-fluorescence changes andEP formation revealed that, when ATP is added to the calcium-activated enzyme, conformational changes in the ATP binding site occur in three successive reaction steps; conformational change in the calcium enzyme substrate complex, formation of ADP-sensitiveEP, and transition of ADP-sensitiveEP to ADP-insensitiveEP. In contrast, the ATP-induced tryptophan-fluorescence changes occur only in the latter two steps. Thus, we conclude that conformational changes in the ATP binding site in the cytoplasmic domain are transmitted to the Ca2+-binding sites in the transmembrane domain in these latter two steps.Abbreviations SR sarcoplasmic reticulum - EP phosphoenzyme - EDANS N-acetyl-N-(5-sulfo-1-naphthyl)ethylenediamine - AMP-PCP adenosine 5-(, -methylene)triphosphate - NEM N-ethylmaleimide  相似文献   

Inhibition of Ca2+-dependent ATPase of sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes (SRM) by platinum and palladium complexes is considerable enhanced during the incubation of these compunds with SRM preparations in the presence of small (10(-5) M) concentrations of ATP or ADP. AMP and nucleotides with non-adenine bases do not have inhibitory effect. To increase the sensitivity of Ca2+-dependent ATPase to platinum and palladium complexes under the action of ATP (but not ADP), the presence of free Ca2+-ions in the medium is required. In the absence of ATP Ca2+-ions do not affect the inhibiting effect of the complexes. The increase in pH of the medium up to 8.5 and the increase of temperature up to 45degree C sharply decrease the ATP ability to enchance the sensitivity of Ca2+-dependent ATPase to platinum and palladium compunds. It is assumed that the ATP ability to enhance Ca2+-dependent ATPase inhibition by platinum and palladium complexes is due to ATP-dependent structural changes in SRM, which increase the availability of certain groups of the enzyme to those compounds.  相似文献   

Rapid quench experiments at 25 degrees C were carried out on selected mutants of the sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase to assess the kinetics of the conformational changes of the dephosphoenzyme associated with ATP binding/phosphoryl transfer and the binding and dissociation of Ca(2+) at the cytoplasmically facing transport sites. The mutants Gly(233) --> Glu, Gly(233) --> Val, Pro(312) --> Ala, Leu(319) --> Arg, and Lys(684) --> Arg differed conspicuously with respect to the behavior of the dephosphoenzyme, although they were previously shown to display a common block of the transformation of the phosphoenzyme from an ADP-sensitive to an ADP-insensitive form. The maximum rate of the ATP binding/phosphoryl transfer reaction was reduced 3.6-fold in mutant Gly(233) --> Glu and more than 50-fold in mutant Lys(684) --> Arg, relative to wild type. In mutant Leu(319) --> Arg, the rate of the Ca(2+)-binding transition was reduced as much as 10-30-fold depending on the presence of ATP. In mutants Gly(233) --> Glu, Gly(233) --> Val, and Pro(312) --> Ala, the rate of the Ca(2+)-binding transition was increased at least 2-3-fold at acid pH but not significantly at neutral pH, suggesting a destabilization of the protonated form. The rate of Ca(2+) dissociation was reduced 12-fold in mutant Pro(312) --> Ala and 3.5-fold in Leu(319) --> Arg, and increased at least 4-fold in a mutant in which the putative Ca(2+) liganding residue Glu(309) was replaced by aspartate. The data support a model in which Pro(312) and Leu(319) are closely associated with the cation binding pocket, Gly(233) is part of a long-range signal transmission pathway between the ion-binding sites and the catalytic site, and Lys(684) is an essential catalytic residue that may function in the same way as its counterpart in the soluble hydrolases belonging to the haloacid dehalogenase superfamily.  相似文献   

The Na,K-ATPase hydrolyzes ATP to drive the coupled extrusion and uptake of Na+ and K+ ions across the plasma membrane. Here, we report two high-resolution NMR structures of the 213-residue nucleotide-binding domain of rat alpha1 Na,K-ATPase, determined in the absence and the presence of ATP. The nucleotide binds in the anti conformation and shows a relative paucity of interactions with the protein, reflecting the low-affinity ATP-binding state. Binding of ATP induces substantial conformational changes in the binding pocket and in residues located in the hinge region connecting the N- and P-domains. Structural comparison with the Ca-ATPase stabilized by the inhibitor thapsigargin, E2(TG), and the model of the H-ATPase in the E1 form suggests that the observed changes may trigger the series of events necessary for the release of the K+ ions and/or disengagement of the A-domain, leading to the eventual transfer of the gamma-phosphate group to the invariant Asp369.  相似文献   

Sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) membranes purified from young adult (4–6 months) and aged (26–28 months) Fischer 344 male rat skeletal muscle were compared with respect to the functional and structural properties of the Ca-ATPase and its associated lipids. While we find no age-related alterations in (1) expression levels of Ca-ATPase protein, and (2) calcium transport and ATPase activities, the Ca-ATPase isolated from aged muscle exhibits more rapid inactivation during mild (37°C) heat treatment relative to that from young muscle. Saturation-transfer EPR measurements of maleimide spin-labeled Ca-ATPase and parallel measurements of fatty acyl chain dynamics demonstrate that, accompanying heat inactivation, the Ca-ATPase from aged skeletal muscle more readily undergoes self-association to form inactive oligomeric species without initial age-related differences in association state of the protein. Neither age nor heat inactivation results in differences in acyl chain dynamics of the bilayer including those lipids at the lipid-protein interface. Initial rates of tryptic digestion associated with the Ca-ATPase in SR isolated from aged muscle are 16( ± 2)% higher relative to that from young muscle, indicating more solvent exposure of a portion of the cytoplasmic domain. During heat inactivation these structural differences are amplified as a result of immediate and rapid further unfolding of the Ca-ATPase isolated from aged muscle relative to the delayed unfolding of the Ca-ATPase isolated from young muscle. Thus age-related alterations in the solvent exposure of cytoplasmic peptides of the Ca-ATPase are likely to be critical to the loss of conformational and functional stability.  相似文献   

Sarcoplasmic reticulum isolated from rabbit skeletal muscle was labeled with a limited (0.625 nmol/mg sarcoplasmic reticulum protein) amount of the fluorescent thiol reagent N-(7-dimethylamino-4-methyl-3-coumarinyl)maleimide (DACM). The fluorescence intensity of the membrane-attached DACM decreased concurrently with (Ca2+ and caffeine)-induced Ca2+ release, depolarization-induced Ca2+ release and Ca2+-dependent dependent passive efflux of Ca2+. The decreased DACM fluorescence level initiated by a Ca2+ jump was subsequently reversed under passive efflux conditions when there was no ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake, suggesting spontaneous closing of the channels. Therefore, the higher fluorescence level corresponds to a larger population of closed channels, whereas the lower level represents a larger population of opened channels. Under conditions when the Ca2+ release-coupled fluorescence change was maximal, a stoichiometric incorporation of DACM took place only into a 32-kDa protein. Furthermore, reconstituted vesicles, in which purified DACM-labeled 32-kDa protein was incorporated into unlabeled sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles, were capable of both (Ca2+ and caffeine)-induced Ca2+ release and the release-coupled DACM fluorescence change. These results suggest that the 32-kDa protein is a constituent of the Ca2+ release channel or a protein which is in close contact with the channel.  相似文献   

Developmental changes in cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum in sheep   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Physiologic studies suggest that the myocardium from fetal and newborn sheep functions at a higher contractile state with decreased contractile reserve when compared to the myocardium of adult sheep. To investigate the role of Ca2+ transport by the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) in this phenomenon, we studied functional properties and protein composition of cardiac SR vesicles isolated from fetal and maternal sheep. Active accumulation of Ca2+ and the density of the Ca2+ pump protein were decreased 60% (p less than 0.01) in fetal SR vesicles; however Ca2+-dependent ATPase activity was decreased only 30% (p less than 0.01). This decreased difference in Ca2+-dependent ATPase activities was accounted for by the higher turnover number measured for the Ca2+ pump of fetal SR vesicles (1.6-fold increased, p less than 0.01). Ryanodine, an alkaloid which blocks Ca2+ efflux from cardiac SR vesicles, stimulated Ca2+ uptake more effectively in fetal SR vesicles, suggesting that these vesicles had a higher passive Ca2+ permeability during conditions of active Ca2+ transport. Protein compositional studies showed that the content of phospholamban was decreased in fetal SR vesicles and was correlated with the decrease in the density of Ca2+ pumps. In contrast, the content of calsequestrin and the density of [3H]nitrendipine-binding sites were increased approximately 2-fold in fetal SR vesicles. These functional and compositional differences between SR vesicles isolated from fetal and maternal sheep may indicate that there is relatively more junctional SR in fetal hearts. Since the SR regulates muscle contraction by modulating intracellular Ca2+ concentration, it is possible that developmental alterations in cardiac SR may contribute to the decreased myocardial contractile reserve noted in fetal sheep.  相似文献   

The effect of urea (1-3 M) on conformational changes in the active center of native and reconstituted Ca-ATPase of sarcoplasmic reticulum modified by fluorescein-5-isothiocyanate (FITC) was studied using the method of fluorescence titration by neodymium (Nd3+) ions. Based on the analysis of curves of fluorescence quenching of FITC-labeled Ca-ATPase by Nd3+ ions, the parameters characterizing the structural changes in the Mg-ATP binding center were determined. It was assumed that FITC and Nd3+ ion bind to different polypeptide fragments moving relative to each other, which provides the conformational lability of the nucleotide binding site at some stages of the catalytic cycle. A comparison of structural changes caused by urea at the active site of native and reconstituted Ca-ATPase of sarcoplasmic reticulum indicates that the Nd3+ binding center is localized in the region of contacts of monomers in the oligomer.  相似文献   

Various classes of tryptophan residues in the Ca2(+)-ATPase of sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes have been distinguished on the basis of their sensitivities to certain fluorescence quenchers: the brominated phospholipid 1,2-bis(9,10-dibromostearoyl)-sn-glycero(3)phosphocholine, the calcium ionophore calcimycin (A23187) and its brominated analog (4-bromo-A23187), and the nucleotide analog 2'(3')-O-(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)-adenosine 5'-triphosphate. We show that tryptophans located at the protein-lipid interface are the main contributors to the well-known fluorescence intensity change occurring in parallel with the conformational rearrangement induced by addition of calcium to the ATPase or its removal; Trp-794 on the ATPase chain may be one of these tryptophans. We also show that tryptophans more deeply embedded in the transmembrane protein structure contribute to the fluorescence change observed upon phosphorylation from inorganic phosphate of the calcium-free ATPase. This phosphorylation step involves opposite changes in the fluorescence quantum yield of tryptophans located in the membrane and in the cytoplasmic regions of the ATPase. This result is in agreement with models in which phosphorylation from inorganic phosphate not only changes the ATPase conformation locally around the catalytic center, but also reorganizes the membrane portion of the ATPase by long-range action, allowing, for instance, the calcium sites to become accessible from the luminal medium.  相似文献   

Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy was used to investigate ligand binding and conformational changes in the Ca2(+)-ATPase of sarcoplasmic reticulum during the catalytic cycle. The ATPase reaction was started in the infrared sample by release of ATP from the inactive, photolabile ATP derivative P3-1-(2-nitro)phenylethyladenosine 5'-triphosphate (caged ATP). Absorption spectroscopy in the visible spectral region using the Ca2(+)-sensitive dye Antipyrylazo III ensured that the infrared samples were able to transport Ca2+ in spite of their low water content, which is required for mid-infrared measurements (1800-950 cm-1). Small, but characteristic and highly reproducible infrared absorbance changes were observed upon ATP release. These infrared absorbance changes exhibit different kinetic properties. Comparison with model compound infrared spectra indicates that they are related to photolysis of caged ATP, hydrolysis of ATP in consequence of ATPase activity and to molecular changes in the active ATPase. The absorbance changes due to alterations in the ATPase were observed mainly in the region of Amide I and Amide II protein absorbance and presumably reflect the molecular processes upon phosphoenzyme formation. Since the absorbance changes were small compared to the overall ATPase absorbance, no major rearrangement of ATPase conformation as the result of catalysis could be detected.  相似文献   

The Ca2+ actively accumulated by sarcoplasmic reticulum isolated from skeletal muscle is composed of two fractions; one represented by intravesicular free Ca2+ and another represented by Ca2+ selectively bound to the membranes. Both of these Ca2+ fractions depend on ATP, although it is not clear whether ATP hydrolysis is essential for accumulation of the second Ca2+ fraction. The existence of the membrane-bound Ca2+ induced by ATP is clearly shown in experiments in which the Ca2+ retention by sarcoplasmic reticulum is measured in the presence and in the absence of X-537A, a Ca2+ ionophore, which makes the membrane permeable to Ca2+. Thus, in the presence of X-537A all Ca2+ accumulated due to ATP is bound to the membranes. This membrane-bound Ca2+ represents about 30 nmol/mg protein in the range of external pCa values of 7 to 3.5. The magnitude of this Ca2+ fraction is slightly higher whether or not the experiments are performed in the presence of oxalate, which greatly increased the intravesicular Ca2+ accumulation. Furthermore, taking advantage of the impermeability of sarcoplasmic reticulum to EGTA, it is possible to show the existence of the membrane-bound Ca2+ as a distinct fraction from that which exists intravesicularly.  相似文献   

Sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca2+‐ATPase transports two Ca2+ per ATP‐hydrolyzed across biological membranes against a large concentration gradient by undergoing large conformational changes. Structural studies with X‐ray crystallography revealed functional roles of coupled motions between the cytoplasmic domains and the transmembrane helices in individual reaction steps. Here, we employed “Motion Tree (MT),” a tree diagram that describes a conformational change between two structures, and applied it to representative Ca2+‐ATPase structures. MT provides information of coupled rigid‐body motions of the ATPase in individual reaction steps. Fourteen rigid structural units, “common rigid domains (CRDs)” are identified from seven MTs throughout the whole enzymatic reaction cycle. CRDs likely act as not only the structural units, but also the functional units. Some of the functional importance has been newly revealed by the analysis. Stability of each CRD is examined on the morphing trajectories that cover seven conformational transitions. We confirmed that the large conformational changes are realized by the motions only in the flexible regions that connect CRDs. The Ca2+‐ATPase efficiently utilizes its intrinsic flexibility and rigidity to response different switches like ligand binding/dissociation or ATP hydrolysis. The analysis detects functional motions without extensive biological knowledge of experts, suggesting its general applicability to domain movements in other membrane proteins to deepen the understanding of protein structure and function. Proteins 2015; 83:746–756. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Laser Raman spectroscopy has been used to examine the conformations of the protein and phospholipid components of sarcoplasmic reticulum from rabbit white skeletal muscle. The phospholipid component is shown to have the conformation of fluid, liquid-crystalline lipids, even at 10 degrees C, and no breaks in the lipid conformation are observed in the range of 10-37 degrees C. Protein (predominantly the Ca2+-dependent ATPase) conformation is shown to contain very little beta-sheet structure under all conditions. Absolute content of alpha-helix and random coil or beta-turn could not be determined because of interference in the amide I and III regions. However, the Ca2+-ATPase in sarcoplasmic reticulum appears to undergo a conformational change at 15-18 degrees C which involves removal of a portion of the tryptophan residues from an aqueous environment and an increase in alpha-helical content. This conformation change coincides with a change in slope of Arrhenius plots of ATP hydrolysis activity. Increasing concentrations of Ca2+ and Mg2+ appear to slightly decrease the alpha-helical content of sarcoplasmic reticulum protein.  相似文献   

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