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Autopsy of dogs 56 days after infection with either T. pisiformis, T. ovis or T. hydatigena showed that these worms could be found attached at any point along the length of the small intestine, but were most commonly in the anterior half. The mean relaxed lengths of T. pisiformis, T. ovis and T. hydatigena were 107 cm, 156 cm and 177 cm respectively. Attached gravid proglottides contained a mean of 41 000 eggs each in T. pisiformis, 31 000 eggs in T. hydatigena and 95000 eggs in T. ovis, whereas proglottides free in the gut contained means of only 1370, 500 and 1400 eggs respectively; therefore, the majority of eggs were released into the gut before segments passed out into the faeces. It was shown that eggs of all 3 species of worms hatched and activated in the small intestine of the dog, especially in the anterior half. Eggs of T. pisiformis which had been passaged through the intestine of the dog and stored in the faeces for 5 days were poorly infective for rabbits compared with eggs only stored in faeces. It was concluded, therefore, that during taeniid infections of dogs the point of apolysis in the gut plays a significant role in determining environmental contamination with eggs. Puppies which had been fed 10000 T. ovis eggs daily for 6 weeks prior to infection with T. ovis cysticerci showed no difference in susceptibility to the infection when compared with untreated puppies.  相似文献   

This is a preliminary attempt to immunize calves against bovine cysticercosis (Cestoda) by intramuscular injection of artificially hatched homologous or heterologous oncospheres. In the first two experiments five calves were vaccinated with the oncospheres of Taenia saginata. These calves, together with five controls, were subsequently challenged orally with the eggs of T. saginata. At autopsy all the vaccinated animals harbored a colony of living cysticerci at the site of injection. Three of these calves were completely protected against the oral challenge, and in the other two, only one, and two cysticerci, respectively were found in the sites of election. The five controls harbored 1154, 1680, 820, 960, and 1820 living cysticerci, respectively, in the sites of election.  相似文献   

The antigenicity and specificity of crude antigens collected during the in vitro maintenance of Taenia hydatigena and T. ovis, excretory/secretory (ES) antigens, were assessed in a peroxidase microenzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), using sera from lambs given experimental monospecific infections with T. hydatigena, T. ovis, Echinococcus granulosus or Fasciola hepatica. ES antigens of larval cysts of T. ovis and T. hydatigena were less reactive than those of adult or oncosphere stages. Strong interspecific cros-reactions occurred between all antigen preparations, and these antigens offered no better specificity than crude somatic extracts. IgG1 was the major immunoglobulin detected in sera from lambs experimentally infected with T. ovis or T. hydatigena using antigens prepared from sonicated oncospheres. Discrete peaks of anti-oncospheral antibodies were detected following initial and challenge infections with eggs (whether the homologous or heterologous species), when sera were assayed with a PBS sonicate or an ES antigen from oncospheres. However, when oncospheres solubilised with sodium deoxycholate were used, the antibody response was prolonged and resembled that reported previously when somatic extracts of adult and metacestode stages were used as antigen. The results showed that oncospheres share antigens in common with other life-cycle stages, but also support the notion that they may possess some unique stage-specific antigenic determinants.  相似文献   

, , and 1992. Hypersensitivity responses and repeated infections with Lucilia cuprina, the sheep blowfly. International Journal for Parasitology 22: 1175–1177. Sheep repeatedly infected with L. cuprina at 2- but not 4-week intervals developed partial resistance to infection after five infections, as measured by larval recovery. However, resistance did not persist for more than three infections. Skin weal responses were measured after injection of larval products simultaneously with each infection. The only correlation between weal size and larval recoveries occurred at infection 1 and indicated a relationship between skin sensitivity and innate rather than acquired resistance. The results suggest that resistance to L. cuprina can develop after repeated infections but that it is short lived and requires frequent larval exposure. A role for hypersensitivity responses was not confirmed by the weal responses but was suggested by the size of wound developed per larva recovered.  相似文献   

Heath D. D., 1971. The migration of oncospheres of Taenia pisiformis, T. serialis and Echinococcus granulosus within the intermediate host. International journal for Parasitology, 1: 145–152. The oncospheres of Taenia pisiformis and T. serialis hatched, became activated and penetrated the tips of the villi in the jejunal area of the rabbit small intestine. Similar results were obtained forE. granulosus, T. hydatigena and T. ovis in sheep. Most species of oncospheres appeared to progress down the villus beneath the columnar epithelium until a venule of diameter sufficient to allow passive transport to the liver was penetrated. The relatively large villus lacteal of ruminants, and the large diameter ofE. granulosus oncospheres, appeared to provide an opportunity for these organisms to penetrate the lacteal and translocate in the lymph. Parenteral inoculations of activated oncospheres indicated that T. pisiformis and E. granulosus oncospheres probably reach the liver in the portal vein. E. granulosus oncospheres infecting the lung may reach that organ in the lymph. T. serialis oncospheres were able to pass through both the liver and lungs in order to reach the muscles. A stimulus may exist in the liver causing cessation of movement and initiation of postoncospheral development for T. pisiformis and E. granulosus, but not T. serialis.  相似文献   

Comparative studies were made of two populations of Sprague-Dawley rats infected with Hymenolepis diminuta. The time course of infection, the development of mucosal mastocytosis and the levels of rat mucosal mast cell (MMC) protease (RMCP II) in serum and in jejunal mucosal tissues were monitored at intervals after infection with 40 cysticercoids of the tapeworm. Worm expulsion patterns differed markedly between the two populations, rats of New Zealand origin showing an abrupt and clear-cut loss of worms, rats of English origin showing a more gradual decline over a longer time period. In both populations, however, numbers of MMC and levels of tissue RMCP II were positively correlated with time after infection and negatively correlated with worm numbers. In only one of the three experiments (using English strain rats over a short time period) did levels of serum RMCP II change with time. In the other two experiments, in which English-strain and New Zealand-strain rats were used, there were no correlations between serum RMCP II and time, numbers of MMC, numbers of worms or levels of tissue RMCP II. The absence of correlation between serum RMCP II and worm loss in these experiments implies that MMC have no direct role in expulsion of H. diminuta. The data do show, nevertheless, that this purely luminal tapeworm is fully capable of activating the mucosal T lymphocyte-MMC precursor axis to elicit a mucosal mastocytosis.  相似文献   

The complete sequence of the Taenia saginata mitochondrial genome was determined, and its organization and structure were compared to other human-tropic Taenia tapeworms for which complete mitochondrial sequence data were available. The mitochondrial genome was 13,670 bp long, contained 12 protein-coding genes, two ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs, a small and a large subunit), and 22 transfer RNAs (tRNAs). It did not encode the atp8 gene. Overlapping regions were found between nad4L and nad4, nad1 and trnN, and cox1 and trnT. The ATG initiation codon was used for 10 protein-coding genes, and the GTG initiation codon was used for the remaining 2 genes (nad4 and atp6). The size of the protein-coding genes of the three human Taenia tapeworms did not vary, except for Taenia solium nad1 (891 aa) and nad4 (1212 aa) and Taenia asiatica cox2 (576 aa). The tRNA genes were 57-75 bp long, and the predicted secondary structures of 18 of these genes had typical clover-leaf shapes with paired dihydrouridine (DHU) arms. The genes in all human Taenia tapeworms for the two mitochondrial rRNA subunits rrnL and rrnS are separated by trnC. The putative T. saginata rrnL and rrnS are 972 and 732 bp long, respectively. The non-coding regions of the mt genome of T. saginata consisted of 2 regions: a short non-coding region (SNR, 66 nucleotides) and a long non-coding region (LNR, 159 nucleotides). The overall sequence difference in the full mitochondrial genome between T. saginata and T. asiatica was 4.6%, while T. solium differed by 11%. In conclusion, the complete sequence of the T. saginata mitochondrial genome will serve as a resource for comparative mitochondrial genomics and systematic studies of the parasitic cestodes.  相似文献   

The expression of the transient depression in the rate of DNA synthesis normally observed after exposure of randomly-dividing Chinese hamster V-79 or Chinese hamster CHO cells to ionizing radiation can be postponed or diminished by a post-irradiation treatment with 1.0 to 1.0 mM adenine or 1.5 mM caffeine. Caffeine may exert its effect by creating additional sites for replication in irradiated cells. Cells treated with caffeine or adenine for 2 or 4 hours after exposure to 3000 rad of 300 kVp X-rays exhibit depressed synthesis only after the removal of caffeine or adenine. These alterations in the timing of the X-ray-induced depression of the rate of DNA synthesis have no effect on X-ray-induced cell killing. Although a 4 hour post-irradiation treatment of randomly-dividing Chinese hamster V-79 cells with 1.0 or 2.0 mM caffeine potentiates X-ray-induced cell killing, this reduction in survival is due primarily to effects on cells in S-phase.  相似文献   

Current knowledge of the biochemistry of Trypanosoma cruzi has led to the development of new drugs and the understanding of their mode of action. Some trypanocidal drugs such as nifurtimox and benznidazole act through free radical generation during their metabolism. T. cruzi is very susceptible to the cell damage induced by these metabolites because enzymes scavenging free radicals are absent or have very low activities in the parasite. Another potential target is the biosynthetic pathway of glutathione and trypanothione, the low molecular weight thiol found exclusively in trypanosomatids. These thiols scavenge free radicals and participate in the conjugation and detoxication of numerous drugs. Inhibition of this key pathway could render the parasite much more susceptible to the toxic action of drugs such as nifurtimox and benznidazole without affecting the host significantly. Other drugs such as allopurinol and purine analogs inhibit purine transport in T. cruzi, which cannot synthesize purines de novo. Nitroimidazole derivatives such as itraconazole inhibit sterol metabolism. The parasite's respiratory chain is another potential therapeutic target because of its many differences with the host enzyme complexes. The pharmacological modulation of the host's immune response against T. cruzi infection as a possible chemotherapeutic target is discussed. A large set of chemicals of plant origin and a few animal metabolites active against T. cruzi are enumerated and their likely modes of action are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Mucosal and systemic (serum) immune responses were studied after oral, anal or intramuscular (i.m.) immunization with particulate ( Vibrio anguillarum ) or soluble (ferritin) antigen. Antigen specific antibodies were found by ELISA in skin mucus after repeated oral or anal administration of bacteria, but not after immunization with ferritin. Daily feeding with bacteria did not give detectable antibodies in serum, while regular oral administration of ferritin resulted in an increase of specific antibodies during the first 3 weeks. From that time immunosuppression was observed, as the antibody titre decreased despite the continued ferritin feeding. Immunosuppression was also found after a second anal intubation or i.m. injection with ferritin, independent of the route of priming (i.m. or anal). On the contrary, a second anal intubation of bacteria resulted in a secondary serum response. These results combined with those reported in Parts I and II of the study indicate an important immunological role for the second gut segment. Because mucosal as well as serum responses can be obtained by anal immunization with bacteria, the significance for oral vaccination is discussed.  相似文献   

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