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The filamentous cyanobacterium Anabaena (Nostoc) sp. strain PCC 7120 responds to starvation for fixed nitrogen by producing a semiregular pattern of nitrogen-fixing cells called heterocysts. Overexpression of the hetY gene partially suppressed heterocyst formation, resulting in an abnormal heterocyst pattern. Inactivation of hetY increased the time required for heterocyst maturation and caused defects in heterocyst morphology. The 489-bp hetY gene (alr2300), which is adjacent to patS (asl2301), encodes a protein that belongs to a conserved family of bacterial hypothetical proteins that contain an ATP-binding motif.  相似文献   

Wu X  Liu D  Lee MH  Golden JW 《Journal of bacteriology》2004,186(19):6422-6429
The patS gene encodes a small peptide that is required for normal heterocyst pattern formation in the cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120. PatS is proposed to control the heterocyst pattern by lateral inhibition. patS minigenes were constructed and expressed by different developmentally regulated promoters to gain further insight into PatS signaling. patS minigenes patS4 to patS8 encode PatS C-terminal 4 (GSGR) to 8 (CDERGSGR) oligopeptides. When expressed by P(petE), P(patS), or P(rbcL) promoters, patS5 to patS8 inhibited heterocyst formation but patS4 did not. In contrast to the full-length patS gene, P(hepA)-patS5 failed to restore a wild-type pattern in a patS null mutant, indicating that PatS-5 cannot function in cell-to-cell signaling if it is expressed in proheterocysts. To establish the location of the PatS receptor, PatS-5 was confined within the cytoplasm as a gfp-patS5 fusion. The green fluorescent protein GFP-PatS-5 fusion protein inhibited heterocyst formation. Similarly, full-length PatS with a C-terminal hexahistidine tag inhibited heterocyst formation. These data indicate that the PatS receptor is located in the cytoplasm, which is consistent with recently published data indicating that HetR is a PatS target. We speculated that overexpression of other Anabaena strain PCC 7120 RGSGR-encoding genes might show heterocyst inhibition activity. In addition to patS and hetN, open reading frame (ORF) all3290 and an unannotated ORF, orf77, encode an RGSGR motif. Overexpression of all3290 and orf77 under the control of the petE promoter inhibited heterocyst formation, indicating that the RGSGR motif can inhibit heterocyst development in a variety of contexts.  相似文献   

The filamentous cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120 forms heterocysts in a semiregular pattern when it is grown on N2 as the sole nitrogen source. The transition from vegetative cells to heterocysts requires marked metabolic and morphological changes. We show that a trimeric pore-forming outer membrane beta-barrel protein belonging to the TolC family, Alr2887, is up-regulated in developing heterocysts and is essential for diazotrophic growth. Mutants defective in Alr2887 did not form the specific glycolipid layer of the heterocyst cell wall, which is necessary to protect nitrogenase from external oxygen. Comparison of the glycolipid contents of wild-type and mutant cells indicated that the protein is not involved in the synthesis of glycolipids but might instead serve as an exporter for the glycolipid moieties or enzymes involved in glycolipid attachment. We propose that Alr2887, together with an ABC transporter like DevBCA, is part of a protein export system essential for assembly of the heterocyst glycolipid layer. We designate the alr2887 gene hgdD (heterocyst glycolipid deposition protein).  相似文献   

The upstream intergenic regions for each of four genes encoding Ser/Thr kinases, all2334, pknE (alr3732), all4668, and all4838, were fused to a gfpmut2 reporter gene to determine their expression during heterocyst development in the cyanobacterium Anabaena (Nostoc) sp. strain PCC 7120. P(pknE)-gfp was upregulated after nitrogen step-down and showed strong expression in differentiating cells. Developmental regulation of pknE required a 118-bp upstream region and was abolished in a hetR mutant. A pknE mutant strain had shorter filaments with slightly higher heterocyst frequency than did the wild type. Overexpression of pknE from its native promoter inhibited heterocyst development in the wild type and in four mutant backgrounds that overproduce heterocysts. Overexpression of pknE from the copper-inducible petE promoter did not completely inhibit heterocyst development but caused a 24-h delay in heterocyst differentiation and cell bleaching 4 to 5 days after nitrogen step-down. Strains overexpressing pknE and containing P(hetR)-gfp or P(patS)-gfp reporters failed to show developmental regulation of the reporters and had undetectable levels of HetR protein. Genetic epistasis experiments suggest that overexpression of pknE blocks HetR activity or downstream regulation.  相似文献   

When the filamentous cyanobacterium Anabaena PCC 7120 is exposed to combined nitrogen starvation, 5 to 10% of the cells along each filament at semiregular intervals differentiate into heterocysts specialized in nitrogen fixation. Heterocysts are terminally differentiated cells in which the major cell division protein FtsZ is undetectable. In this report, we provide molecular evidence indicating that cell division is necessary for heterocyst development. FtsZ, which is translationally fused to the green fluorescent protein (GFP) as a reporter, is found to form a ring structure at the mid-cell position. SulA from Escherichia coli inhibits the GTPase activity of FtsZ in vitro and prevents the formation of FtsZ rings when expressed in Anabaena PCC 7120. The expression of sulA arrests cell division and suppresses heterocyst differentiation completely. The antibiotic aztreonam, which is targeted to the FtsI protein necessary for septum formation, has similar effects on both cell division and heterocyst differentiation, although in this case, the FtsZ ring is still formed. Therefore, heterocyst differentiation is coupled to cell division but independent of the formation of the FtsZ ring. Consistently, once the inhibitory pressure of cell division is removed, cell division should take place first before heterocyst differentiation resumes at a normal frequency. The arrest of cell division does not affect the accumulation of 2-oxoglutarate, which triggers heterocyst differentiation. Consistently, a nonmetabolizable analogue of 2-oxoglutarate does not rescue the failure of heterocyst differentiation when cell division is blocked. These results suggest that the control of heterocyst differentiation by cell division is independent of the 2-oxoglutarate signal.  相似文献   

In response to deprivation of combined nitrogen, the filamentous cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120 develops heterocyst, which is specifically involved in the nitrogen fixation. In this study, we focused on the regulation of HanA, a histone-like protein, in heterocyst development. Electrophoretic mobility shift assay results showed that NtcA, a global nitrogen regulator necessary for heterocyst differentiation, could bind to two NtcA-binding motifs in the hanA promoter region. qPCR results also showed that NtcA may regulate the expression of hanA. By using the hanA promoter-controlled gfp as a reporter gene and performing western blot we found that the amount of HanA in mature heterocysts was decreased gradually.  相似文献   

How heterocyst differentiation is regulated, once particular cells start to differentiate, remains largely unknown. Using near-saturation transposon mutagenesis and testing of transposon-tagged loci, we identified three presumptive regulatory genes not previously recognized as being required specifically for normal heterocyst maturation. One of these genes has a hitherto unreported mutant phenotype. Two previously identified regulatory genes were further characterized.  相似文献   

In the filamentous, heterocyst-forming cyanobacteria, two different cell types, the CO(2)-fixing vegetative cells and the N(2)-fixing heterocysts, exchange nutrients and regulators for diazotrophic growth. In the model organism Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120, inactivation of fraH produces filament fragmentation under conditions of combined nitrogen deprivation, releasing numerous isolated heterocysts. Transmission electron microscopy of samples prepared by either high-pressure cryo-fixation or chemical fixation showed that the heterocysts of a ΔfraH mutant lack the intracellular membrane system structured close to the heterocyst poles, known as the honeycomb, that is characteristic of wild-type heterocysts. Using a green fluorescent protein translational fusion to the carboxyl terminus of FraH (FraH-C-GFP), confocal microscopy showed spots of fluorescence located at the periphery of the vegetative cells in filaments grown in the presence of nitrate. After incubation in the absence of combined nitrogen, localization of FraH-C-GFP changed substantially, and the GFP fluorescence was conspicuously located at the cell poles in the heterocysts. Fluorescence microscopy and deconvolution of images showed that GFP fluorescence originated mainly from the region next to the cyanophycin plug present at the heterocyst poles. Intercellular transfer of the fluorescent tracers calcein (622 Da) and 5-carboxyfluorescein (374 Da) was either not impaired or only partially impaired in the ΔfraH mutant, suggesting that FraH is not important for intercellular molecular exchange. Location of FraH close to the honeycomb membrane structure and lack of such structure in the ΔfraH mutant suggest a role of FraH in reorganization of intracellular membranes, which may involve generation of new membranes, during heterocyst differentiation.  相似文献   

The novel asr1734 gene of Anabaena (Nostoc) sp. strain PCC 7120 inhibited heterocyst development when present in extra copies. Overexpression of asr1734 inhibited heterocyst development in several strains including the wild type and two strains that form multiple contiguous heterocysts (Mch phenotype): a PatS null mutant and a hetR(R223W) mutant. Overexpression of asr1734 also caused increased nblA messenger RNA levels, and increased loss of autofluorescence in vegetative cells throughout filaments after nitrogen or sulphur depletion. Unlike the wild type, an asr1734 knockout mutant formed 5% heterocysts after a nitrogen shift from ammonium to nitrate, and formed 15% heterocysts and a weak Mch phenotype after step-down to medium lacking combined nitrogen. After nitrogen step-down, the asr1734 mutant had elevated levels of ntcA messenger RNA. A green fluorescent protein reporter driven by the asr1734 promoter, P(asr1734)-gfp, was expressed specifically in differentiating proheterocysts and heterocysts after nitrogen step-down. Strains overexpressing asr1734 and containing P(hetR)-gfp or P(patS)-gfp reporters failed to show normal patterned upregulation 24 h after nitrogen step-down even though hetR expression was upregulated at 6 h. Apparent orthologues of asr1734 are found only in two other filamentous nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria, Anabaena variabilis and Nostoc punctiforme.  相似文献   

As demonstrated with alr2835 (hepA) and alr2834 (hepC) mutants, heterocysts of Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120, a filamentous cyanobacterium, must have an envelope polysaccharide layer (the Hep+ phenotype) to fix dinitrogen in an oxygen-containing milieu (the Fox+ phenotype). Transpositions presumptively responsible for a Fox- phenotype were localized in open reading frames (ORFs) near hepA and hepC. A mutation in each of nine of these ORFs was complemented by a clone bearing only that single, intact ORF. Heterocysts of the nine mutants were found to lack an envelope polysaccharide layer. Complementation of mutations in alr2832 and alr2840 may have resulted from recombination. However, alr2825, alr2827, alr2831, alr2833, alr2837, alr2839, and alr2841, like hepA and hepC, are required for a Hep+ Fox+ phenotype.  相似文献   

In many filamentous cyanobacteria, vegetative cells can differentiate into heterocysts, cells that are specialized for aerobic fixation of N(2). Synthesis of the heterocyst envelope polysaccharide is dependent on the gene hepA in Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120. In search of genes that are involved in the regulation of hepA, we transposon mutagenized strain DR1069, which bears a chromosomal hepA::luxAB fusion. One resulting mutant, designated HNL3, grows normally in medium with nitrate and shows poor induction of hepA in response to nitrogen deprivation. In HNL3, transposon Tn5-1058 is inserted within gene hcwA, a constitutively expressed open reading frame whose predicted product resembles N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine amidases. Reconstruction of the mutation confirmed that the mutant phenotype resulted from the insertion of the transposon. The induction of hepA in HNL3 is partially restored upon recombination of HNL3 with plasmid-borne, wild-type hcwA. Moreover, HcwA expressed in Escherichia coli exhibits wall-lytic activity. These results suggest that the degradation, or possibly reconstruction, of the cell peptidoglycan layer is a prerequisite for heterocyst maturation.  相似文献   

In response to deprivation for fixed nitrogen, the filamentous cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120 provides a microoxic intracellular environment for nitrogen fixation through the differentiation of semiregularly spaced vegetative cells into specialized cells called heterocysts. The devH gene is induced during heterocyst development and encodes a product with characteristics of a trans-acting regulatory protein. A devH mutant forms morphologically distinguishable heterocysts but is Fox(-), incapable of nitrogen fixation in the presence of oxygen. We demonstrate that rearrangements of nitrogen fixation genes take place normally in the devH mutant and that it is Fix(+), i.e., has nitrogenase activity under anoxic conditions. The Fox(-) phenotype was shown by ultrastructural studies to be associated with the absence of the glycolipid layer of the heterocyst envelope. The expression of glycolipid biosynthetic genes in the mutant is greatly reduced, and heterocyst glycolipids are undetectable.  相似文献   

Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 is a filamentous cyanobacterium that serves as a model to analyze prokaryotic cell differentiation, evolutionary development of plastids, and the regulation of nitrogen fixation. The cell wall is the cellular structure in contact with the surrounding medium. To understand the dynamics of the cell wall proteome during cell differentiation, the cell wall from Anabaena heterocysts was enriched and analyzed. In line with the recently proposed continuity of the outer membrane along the Anabaena filament, most of the proteins identified in the heterocyst cell-wall fraction are also present in the cell wall of vegetative cells, even though the lipid content of both membranes is different.  相似文献   

Multicellular development requires the careful orchestration of gene expression to correctly create and position specialized cells. In the filamentous cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120, nitrogen‐fixing heterocysts are differentiated from vegetative cells in a reproducibly periodic and physiologically relevant pattern. While many genetic factors required for heterocyst development have been identified, the role of HetZ has remained unclear. Here, we present evidence to clarify the requirement of hetZ for heterocyst production and support a model where HetZ functions in the patterning stage of differentiation. We show that a clean, nonpolar deletion of hetZ fails to express the developmental genes hetR, patS, hetP and hetZ correctly and fails to produce heterocysts. Complementation and overexpression of hetZ in a hetP mutant revealed that hetZ was incapable of bypassing hetP, suggesting that it acts upstream of hetP. Complementation and overexpression of hetZ in a hetR mutant, however, demonstrated bypass of hetR, suggesting that it acts downstream of hetR and is capable of bypassing the need for hetR for differentiation irrespective of nitrogen status. Finally, protein–protein interactions were observed between HetZ and HetR, Alr2902 and HetZ itself. Collectively, this work suggests a regulatory role for HetZ in the patterning phase of cellular differentiation in Anabaena.  相似文献   

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