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Synopsis When brood-guarding males of the biparental convict cichlid, Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum, held in experimental ponds, deserted their mate and brood, or were removed from the pond, survival of the young depended on their age when the father left. If they were embryos or free embryos, few broods survived, but if they were up to seven days into the free-swimming juvenile period, most broods survived. The cause of brood mortality is not certain, but predation by conspecifics is most likely (no other fish species were in the ponds). The willingness of a deserted, brood-guarding female to continue defending her young probably depends, in part, on their age. If they are very young, the benefit/cost ratio of guarding them to independence may be so low that she should give up that breeding attempt and begin another. If they are older, the benefit/cost ratio is higher and she should continue to guard them alone.  相似文献   

This paper presents a test of time-place learning in fish. Convict cichlids, Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum, were offered food several times a day for 10–30 consecutive days. A signal was given 1 min before each food presentation. If the food was always delivered in the same corner of the aquarium, the fish spent 66% of their time in that corner after the signal was given. But if the food was given in different corners throughout the day, each corner being associated with a specific daily time, the fish failed to show preference for the target corner, even after 30 days. Instead they learned which corners yielded food at any time of the day and visited these corners successively after the feeding signal was given. Failure to associate time and place may have been caused by a low cost of travel between corners, a limited number of rewards each day, and / or interference from learning the signal-food association.  相似文献   

Synopsis The patterns of mate size and parental care of a monogamous cichlid fish,Cichlasoma maculicauda, were studied in Gatun Lake, Panama. Males defend territories which serve as courtship and nest sites. Within a population most mates in pairs are of equal size rank. In each pair the male is larger than the female, probably because most mature males are larger than most mature females. Clutch size increases with female body size. Male size affects breeding success in two ways. First, larger males provide nest sites less susceptible to destructive wave action. Second, young of larger males grow faster than young of smaller males. Large males defeat small males in contests for position in feeding areas, and this may provide their young with better feeding conditions. In the laboratory young growth rates increase with food abundance, and at high levels of food surpass those observed in nature. Fast growth of young reduces their vulnerability to predators and should allow parents to breed more often. Young survival rates improve with the size of the parents, so that larger fish raise more offspring at each breeding attempt. These observations suggest why preference for large mates should occur.  相似文献   

A recent model of parental provisioning (the tradeoff model) suggests that the maximum delivery rate of food to nestlings represents a tradeoff between parental residual reproductive value and nestling survival. In contrast, Lack's hypothesis suggests that maximum provisioning rate determines brood size and therefore delivery rates are limited by shortages of food or foraging time, not by tradeoffs of parental investment. Several authors have examined the shape of the per-nestling feeding curves to test the tradeoff model against Lack's hypothesis. We show that Lack's hypothesis can produce per-nestling feeding curves consistent with the tradeoff model. Therefore, the shape of the per-nestling feeding curve cannot be used to distinguish between the models.  相似文献   

Convict cichlid Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum adults of the melanistic morph usually accepted fry of the same colour morph provided these were of approximately the same age and size as those of the receiver pair, whereas older and considerably younger fry were rejected or eaten. Xanthoric fry were usually accepted and rejected to the same extent as fry of their own colour morph. However, in certain combinations, especially when alien fry were 3 weeks old and the adopting parents already had their own 2 week old fry, fry of their own colour morph were significantly more likely to be adopted.  相似文献   

Although size-assortative mating in convict cichlids, Amatitliana nigrofasciata, is supposed to result from mutual mating preference for larger individuals, female choice in relation to male size remains ambiguous. We revisited the evidence for directional preference for larger males in female convict cichlids using a classical two-way choice apparatus in which each female could decide to spend time in front of a small male or a large one. We found evidence for female preference for large males, as assessed from association preference during a 4-hour period following encounter. Furthermore, females decided to spawn in front of the initially preferred male more often than expected by chance. Our results thus confirm the existence of a directional preference for large males in female convict cichlids, and indicate that association preference measured over a short period of time can provide a quick and reliable proxy for reproductive preference in this species.  相似文献   

The data from this field study provided evidence that biparental convict cichlid Archocentrus nigrofasciatus pairs with large males had fewer intruders near their offspring compared to pairs with small males. This suggested that large males were more capable of defending their young against predators.  相似文献   

Both males and females ofNeolamprologus moorii, a substrate-spawning cichlid fish in Lake Tanganyika, tend their eggs and fry. In this study, the influence of brood size and fry size on parental investment of this species was examined under natural conditions. Breeding parents intensively attacked fry-eating fishes that approached their broods. The attack rate by the parents against the approaching fry-eaters was positively correlated with brood size and negatively with fry size, but was much more strongly related to brood size. This suggests that the parental decision for brood defense appeared to be primarily determined by brood size. The reason for fry size being less important in the parental decision may be that even large fry have a low survival ability on their own under the high predation pressure in the study sites.  相似文献   

I studied the parental care behavior of the Madagascar paradise flycatcher Terpsiphone mutata in northwestern Madagascar. I especially focused on feeding, brooding and vigilance behaviors. Feeding rate did not differ between males and females, but females spent more time at the nest than males. Females dedicated their time to brooding, while males perched on the nest and were vigilant. Both parents changed the feeding rate in relation to brood size, so the feeding rate per nestling was not different among nests of different brood size. Duration of brooding by females increased with decreasing brood size, suggesting that the Royama effect, the pattern of lower feeding rate per nestling in larger broods, did not apply in this study. Males spent more time on vigilance than females. Anti-predator vigilance by males should be important for nestling survival given the high predation pressure typical of this population. In conclusion, males provide considerable parental care probably to minimize nestling starvation and to avoid nest predation. My results are not consistent with the general pattern of less parental effort by males in monogamous, sexually dimorphic species.  相似文献   

Cerebral lateralization, the partitioning of cognitive function preferentially into one hemisphere of the brain, is a trait ubiquitous among vertebrates. Some species exhibit population level lateralization, where the pattern of cerebral lateralization is the same for most members of that species; however, other species show only individual level lateralization, where each member of the species has a unique pattern of lateralized brain function. The pattern of cerebral lateralization within a population and an individual has been shown to differ based on the stimulus being processed. It has been hypothesized that sociality within a species, such as shoaling behaviour in fish, may have led to the development and persistence of population level lateralization. Here we assessed cerebral lateralization in convict cichlids (Amatitlania nigrofasciata), a species that does not shoal as adults but that shoals briefly as juveniles. We show that both male and female convict cichlids display population level lateralization when in a solitary environment but only females show population level lateralization when in a perceived social environment. We also show that the pattern of lateralization differs between these two tasks and that strength of lateralization in one task is not predictive of strength of lateralization in the other task.  相似文献   

Synopsis Parental-care patterns and mating systems of three goby-like cichlids in Lake Tanganyika were investigated. In Tanganicodus irsacae females mouthbrooded eggs and small young for about two weeks and then males took over the role for about one week. Field observations of tagged fish suggest that this species is monogamous: a male's home range largely overlapped with that of its mate, while their home ranges were segregated from those of similar-sized consexual adults. Eretmodus cyanostictus also performed female-to-male shift of mouthbrooding and appeared to be monogamous. The third species, Spathodus marlieri, however, exhibited exclusively maternal mouthbrooding. The differences in parental care and mating system among the three species are discussed in relation to their feeding habits, and the pattern of monogamy in the goby-like cichlids is compared with those of other fishes.  相似文献   

Oral incubation of young or mouthbrooding reduces the selective advantages of care by two parents and thus biparental care is rare among mouthbrooding fish. We surveyed the breeding biology of Eretmodus cyanostictus, a biparental mouthbrooder from Lake Tanganyika, to understand what factors maintain biparental care. We found larger males than females, a male-biased sex ration and indications that spawning is synchronized around the full moon. These preliminary findings suggest that the benefits of desertion for males are low; males may maximize their reproductive success by helping raise young while females regain reproductive condition.  相似文献   

Synopsis Direct observation and the analysis of stomach contents indicate that custodial male Cortez damselfish, Stegastes rectifraenum, regularly eat some of the eggs they fertilize and guard. The pattern of forced starvation and brood cycling by custodial males that is seen in sticklebacks and other fishes for which filial cannibalism is known in the field does not exist for this species. These results indicate that filial cannibalism is likely to be more common among fishes than previously thought, because this behavior is not restricted to species that brood cycle.  相似文献   

Synopsis Aggression by nest-guarding male johnny darters, Etheostoma nigrum, against intruding crayfish was investigated in laboratoy experiments and field observations. In the laboratory, darter success in chasing crayfish, Orconectes rusticus, from the nest site was inversely related to crayfish size. Small crayfish (less than 15 mm carapace length) were routinely evicted from the nest area by nips directed at the posterior end of the abdomen. Although such aggressive behavior was less successful against larger crayfish, even the largest crayfish tested (carapace length 30–32 mm) were chased from the nest area in 33% of the trials. Those large crayfish that entered nests often remained despite repeated attacks by the male johnny darter and egg predation was observed. In a small Ohio stream, openings to johnny darter nests were generally between 7 and 13 mm. Thus crayfish with a carapace height greater than 13 mm (corresponding to a carapace length greater than 29 mm) would not be able to enter johnny darter nests. In field observations, male Johnny darters successfully defended nests against another crayfish species (Orconectes sanborni, carapace length 12–29 mm). Together, aggressive behavior and small size of nest entrances allow the johnny darter to successfully reproduce in areas with abundant crayfish. The Unit is sponsored jointly by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, The Ohio Department of NaturalResources, and The Ohio State University.  相似文献   

Synopsis About 50% of African cichlid species have been described. Little is known about cichlid ecology, behaviour or about the evolution and interactions of communities. Nevertheless, trends which provide an insight into cichlid life histories, into evolutionary alternatives and into behavioural alternatives which may be followed during the life time of these fishes are emerging. Cichlids which spend their entire life history in a single habitat belong to species flocks that have spectated greatly. In contrast, those groups which live in a variety of habitats during their life history have spectated little. Despite the trophic specializations that have occurred among cichlids, many and perhaps all species, have the ability to feed upon alternative food resources. They do so by switching or by markedly modifying their behaviour and all are particularly opportunistic. The extensive adaptive radiation of cichlids with regard to those attributes of morphology and behaviour that are associated with survival and growth, is apparently not matched by similar radiations in reproductive behaviour. The perceived evolutionary conservatism with regard to reproductive behaviour is attributed to the effects of stabilizing selection, but this still needs to be tested. The constraints of stabilizing selection appear to be lifted with regard to coloration. If colour is an important component of the specific-mate recognition system then it should also be subjected to stabilizing selection so the readiness with which colour variation occurs within and between populations needs explanation. Parental care in cichlids has followed a variety of evolutionary alternatives, all of which are geared to improve the chances of survival of offspring in their specific micro-habitats.  相似文献   

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