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Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), peptide histidine isoleucine (PHI) and neuropeptide Y (NPY) are neuropeptides present in all layers of the small intestine. NPY-immunoreactive fibres in the gut seem to derive from two sources. One population is of extramural (sympathetic) origin and contains noradrenaline, another is of intramural origin and does not contain noradrenaline. In the present study of mouse, rat and pig, immunocytochemistry showed immunoreactive PHI to coexist completely with immunoreactive VIP. This was predictable, since VIP and PHI derive from the same precursor. In addition, however, VIP and PHI were found to coexist with immunoreactive NPY in non-adrenergic (but not in adrenergic) nerve fibres and nerve cell bodies. This coexistence was unexpected, since the VIP precursor does not contain NPY-like sequences.  相似文献   

Summary Bombesin-like and gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP)-like immunoreactivities were localized in nerves of the guinea-pig small intestine and celiac ganglion with the use of antibodies raised against the synthetic peptides. The anti-bombesin serum (preincubated to avoid cross reactivity with substance P) and the anti-GRP serum revealed the same population of neurons. Preincubation of the antibombesin serum with bombesin abolished the immunoreactivity in nerves while absorption of the anti-GRP serum with either bombesin or the 14–27 C-terminal of GRP only reduced the immunoreactivity. The immunoreactivity was abolished by incubation with GRP 1–27.Immunoreactive nerves were found in the myenteric plexus, circular muscle, submucous plexus and in the celiac ganglion. Faintly reactive nerve cell bodies were found in the myenteric ganglia (3.2% of all neurons) but not in submucous ganglia. After all ascending and descending pathways in the myenteric plexus had been cut, reactive terminals disappeared in the myenteric plexus, circular muscle (including the deep muscular plexus) and the submucous plexus on the anal side. After the mesenteric nerves were cut no changes were observed in the intestinal wall but the reactive fibres in celiac ganglia disappeared. It is deduced that GRP/bombesin-immunoreactive nerve cell bodies in myenteric ganglia project from the myenteric plexus to other myenteric ganglia situated further anally (average length 12 mm), anally to the circular muscle (average length 9 mm), anally to submucous ganglia (average length 13 mm) and external to the intestine to the celiac ganglia.It is concluded that the GRP/bombesin-reactive neurons in the intestinal wall represent a distinct population of enteric neurons likely to be involved in controlling motility and in the coordination of other intestinal functions.  相似文献   

This study aimed at estimating the proportion of human myenteric Dogiel type II neurons, putative intrinsic primary afferent neurons (IPANs), in relation to the entire myenteric neuron population. Since, at present, there is no known single marker, which specifically labels these neurons, we tried to identify the most appropriate marker combination based on the results of an earlier study. For this purpose, 10 wholemounts derived from human small intestinal segments were immunohistochemically triple-stained for calretinin (CALR), somatostatin (SOM) and neurofilaments (NF) and 9 were stained for substance P (SP), SOM and NF. In each wholemount, 15 ganglia selected randomly were evaluated. On the basis of their NF-reactivity, neurons reactive for one or co-reative for both of the other two markers, respectively, were morphologically classified as type II or non-type II neurons. We found that the majorities of neurons co-reactive for CALR/SOM and SP/SOM, respectively, were type II neurons whereas this was not the case for neurons, which were reactive for only one of the two markers. One of the statistical parameters estimated was the positive predictive value, the probability that a neuron displaying CALR/SOM- or SP/SOM-co-reactivity, respectively, is a type II neuron. This value was 97% in case of CALR/SOM- and 95% in case of SP/SOM-co-staining. Although the difference of the statistical parameters between the two stainings was not significant, CALR and SOM were used to estimate indirectly the proportion of type II neurons, in wholemounts co-stained with the pan-neuronal marker neuronal protein HuC/HuD (HU). In these wholemounts, altogether 9.1% of neurons were coreactive for CALR/SOM. We suggest that the proportion of myenteric type II neurons in the human small intestine is related to the proportion of CALR/SOM-co-reactive neurons and may be near to one tenth of the total myenteric neuronal population.  相似文献   

Data on the axonal projections of enteric neurones in the human intestine are still scarce. The present study aimed to identify the morphology and neurochemical coding of enteric neurones in the human small intestine, which are involved in the innervation of the mucosa. The lipophilic neuronal tracer DiI was applied to one mucosal villus of small intestinal resection specimens. The tissue was kept in organotypic culture and subsequently processed for immunohistochemistry. Neurones labelled from the mucosa were located in all ganglionated nerve networks, including the myenteric plexus. In all plexuses, at least five neurochemical types of neurones could be observed, i.e. SOM-IR neurones, SP-IR neurones, SOM/SP-IR neurones, VIP-IR neurones and neurones lacking immunoreactivity for any of these markers. Most of the DiI-labelled neurones were multidendritic; a minority of neurones could be identified as Dogiel type II cells, suggesting the existence of a subgroup of primary afferent neurones in the DiI-filled cell population. The ratio of labelled multidendritic neurones (assumed to be secretomotor) to labelled Dogiel type II neurones (assumed to be primary afferent) in the myenteric plexus is higher in large mammals (pig and human) than in small mammals (guinea pig). This might point to the existence of a different topographical distribution of subsets of primary afferent neurones and/or topographically distinct intrinsic mucosal reflex circuits in large mammals, including humans.  相似文献   

The distribution and relative proportions of neuropeptide Y (NPY)- and [Met]enkephalyl-Arg-Gly-Leu (ME-RGL)-containing sympathetic neurones in the rat superior cervical ganglion (SCG) and their projections to submaxillary lymph nodes (SLN) were determined by retrograde tracing and immunocytochemistry. Three subpopulations of neurones were detected in the SCG: 64% contained NPY, 30% contained ME-RGL, and 6% were immunonegative for both. Immunoreactive neurones were also present inside the external carotid nerve of the SCG. An injection of Fluoro-Gold (FG) into the left SLN retrogradely labeled a few neurones in the ipsilateral SCG. FG-labeled neurones contained tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and were either positive for ME-RGL or for NPY. FG-labeled neurones immunostained for ME-RGL outnumbered by 4:1 FG-labeled neurones immunopositive for NPY. It is suggested that the sympathetic/peptidergic innervation to SLN may have distinct vasoregulatory and immunomodulatory functions.  相似文献   

The present work shows that α-adrenergic agonists induce the suppression of basal and hormone-stimulated cyclic AMP levels in rat intestinal epithelial cells. Epinephrine (100 μM) suppresses by 35% the cyclic AMP levels evoked by the vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP). The adrenergic agent induces a similar percentage of inhibition at 15, 30 and 37°C. Addition of epinephrine 20 min prior to, on 5 or 20 min after VIP yields the same magnitude of inhibition as when performed together with the stimulus. The α-adrenergic agent does not alter the K0.5 of VIP in stimulating cyclic AMP production but reduces its efficacy. Epinephrine also suppresses prostaglandin E1- and E2-stimulated cyclic AMP levels by about 35%. The lowest effective concentration of epinephrine required to suppress VIP-stimulated cyclic AMP levels is 0.1 μM, half-maximal (K0.5) and maximal effects being observed at 5 and 100 μM, respectively. Norepinephrine has the same efficacy but a slightly lower potency (K0.5 = 18 μM) than epinephrine. Phenylephrine acts as a partial agonist of very low potency; clonidine has very little intrinsic activity and antagonizes the inhibition by epinephrine. The inhibition of VIP-stimulated cyclic AMP levels is observed in the absence of any blocking agents. It is not affected by the β blocker propranolol, but is completely reversed with α blockers with the following order of potency: dihydroergotamine>yohimbine>phentolamine. Yohimbine is much more potent than prazosin, which only partially reverses the inhibition induced by epinephrine. It is concluded that α-adrenoreceptors of the α2 subtype mediate the suppression of VIP-stimulated cyclic AMP levels in intestinal epithelial cells. This effect is likely to be due to the inhibition of adenylate cyclase within intact cells as epinephrine is able to reduce adenylate cyclase activity of intestinal epithelial cell plasma membranes.  相似文献   

Summary Galanin immunoreactivity was observed in nerve cell bodies and nerve fibres, but not in enteroendocrine cells, in the small intestine of the guinea-pig. Nerve terminals were found in the myenteric plexus, in the circular muscle, in submucous ganglia, around submucous arterioles, and in the mucosa. Lesion studies showed that all terminals were intrinsic to the intestine; those in myenteric ganglia arose from cell bodies in more orally placed ganglia. Myenteric nerve cells were also the source of terminals in the circular muscle. Galanin (GAL) was located in a population of submucous nerve cell bodies that also showed immunoreactivity for vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) and in a separate population that was immunoreactive for neuropeptide Y (NPY). Processes of the GAL/VIP neurons supplied submucous arterioles and the mucosal epithelium. Processes of GAL/NPY neurons ran to the mucosa. It is concluded that galanin immunoreactivity occurs in several functionally distinct classes of enteric neurons, amongst which are neurons controlling (i) motility, (ii) intestinal blood flow, and (iii) mucosal water and electrolyte transport.  相似文献   

Many studies demonstrated that 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) treatment of rodents caused the damage of small intestine, resulting in the malabsorption, while we recently found that repeated administration of 5-FU to rats increased Na(+)-dependent glucose absorption in the small intestine. This study investigated the cause of enhanced glucose absorption. 3-O-methyl-d-glucose (3-OMG) absorption was examined using the everted intestine technique. d-Glucose uptake, phlorizin binding, Western blot analysis and membrane fluidity were examined using small intestinal brush-border membrane vesicles (BBMV). Repeated oral administration of 5-FU to rats increased Na(+)-dependent 3-OMG absorption in the small intestine, while alkaline phosphatase activity in the small intestine decreased. Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase activity of 5-FU-treated rats was about three-fold higher than that of control rats. Although the amount of Na(+)-dependent glucose co-transporter (SGLT1) in 5-FU-treated rats decreased, the overshoot magnitude of d-glucose uptake in BBMV was not altered. Maximum binding of phlorizin in 5-FU-treated rats was 1.5-fold larger than that of control rats, but not altered the maximal rate of d-glucose absorption, Michaelis constant of d-glucose and dissociation constant of phlorizin. The membrane fluidity of 5-FU-treated rats increased. The enhanced d-glucose absorption in 5-FU-treated rats seems to occur secondarily due to the activation of Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase activity in basolateral membranes (BLM). Because the amounts of SGLT1 in 5-FU-treated rats decreased, the increase of turnover rate of SGLT1 and/or an expression of unknown Na(+)-dependent glucose co-transporter with high affinity for d-glucose and phlorizin sensitivity would contribute to the enhancement of d-glucose transport in 5-FU-treated rats.  相似文献   

Summary A study was made of substance P-like-immunoreactive nerves within the small intestine of platypus, an Australian prototherian mammal. Both immunoreactive nerve cell bodies and fibres were present. No immunoreactive fibres were found in mesenteric nerves or on intramural blood vessels, suggesting that extrinsic sensory neurons containing substance P do not innervate platypus ileum. This was further supported by the result of in vitro experiments. Although applied substance P (10-9 M-3 × 10-8 M) caused contraction of the longitudinal muscle, neither mesenteric nerve stimulation nor application of capsaicin caused contractions.  相似文献   

Summary Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)-, tachykinins- and somatostatin-immunoreactive neurones in rat dorsal root ganglia have been studied by means of single and double immunogold labelling techniques. Peptide-immunoreactive neurones are generally B- or C-type cells of small size, with well developed rough endoplasmic reticulum and scanty neurofilaments. In neurones classifiable as A2-type cells, i.e. larger neurones with a lighter cytoplasm due to the presence of poorly developed Nissl bodies and numerous neurofilaments, only CGRP immunoreactivity was detected. Immunolabelled structures were identified as large (60–100 nm diameter), electron-dense, membranebounded p-type granules. They were observed only in neuronal cell bodies or in the intraganglionic portions of the axons. No granules immunoreactive to the antisera applied in this study were observed in non-neuronal cells. Immunostaining experiments with different combinations of the antisera revealed, in some cells, the presence of double immunolabelled granules; in particular localization of CGRP and tachykinins, CGRP and somatostatin, and tachykinins and somatostatin to single secretory granules was demonstrated. The finding that more than one peptide is localized to the same secretory granule supports the postulate that peptides are co-released upon nerve stimulation providing morphological support for physiological and pharmacological data demonstrating an interaction between different peptides in the modulation of synaptic activity.  相似文献   

With increasing use of lectin genes in crop plants to improve insect resistance, the dietary exposure of humans to lectins will rise and it is necessary to assess whether the presently most favored insecticidal lectin, Galanthus nivalis agglutinin, would be harmful for mammals. Effects of Galanthus nivalis agglutinin on gut and brush border enzymes were studied in rats over a 10-day dietary exposure and compared with those of a known antinutrient, phytohaemagglutinin. At a level that provides insecticidal protection for plants but did not reduce the growth of young rats, Galanthus nivalis agglutinin had negligible effects on the weight and length of the small intestine even though there was a slight, but significant hypertrophy of this tissue. However, the activities of brush border enzymes were affected; sucrase-isomaltase activity was nearly halved and those of alkaline phosphatase and aminopeptidase were significantly increased. Although most of the changes in gut metabolism caused by the incorporation of Galanthus nivalis agglutinin in the diet were less extensive than those found with toxic phytohaemagglutinin, some of them may be potentially deleterious. Thus, further and longer animal studies are needed to establish whether it is safe to use Galanthus nivalis agglutinin in transgenic plants destined for human consumption.  相似文献   

Summary The number of quinacrine-fluorescent nerve cell bodies and the percentage of the ganglion area occupied by this fluorescence within stretch preparations of the myenteric plexus of the stomach and ileum of the guineapig, rabbit and rat were assessed. The number of quinacrine-positive cell bodies per cm2 of plexus varied between 1045 in the rabbit ileum to 2633 in the rat stomach, whilst the percentage of the ganglionic area occupied by fluorescence was approximately 10 %. The distribution of quinacrine-fluorescent nerve fibres and cell bodies in the myenteric plexus was compared to the distribution of nerves revealed by catecholamine fluorescence and by staining for acetylcholinesterase in the stomach and ileum of all three species. Quinacrine fluorescence appears to be selective for non-adrenergic, non-cholinergic nerves; the possibility that it binds to high levels of ATP is discussed.  相似文献   

Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) cell lines produce and secrete various peptide hormones, e.g. bombesin (BN)/gastrin releasing peptide (GRP) like peptides that are proposed to function as their autocrine growth factors. To inhibit the proliferative effect of these hormones we have synthesized short chain BN[7-14]-analogues replacing the C-terminal peptide bond by a methylene-amino (-CH2NH-) unit and introducing d -Phe or d -Ser into position 12. As several substance P (SP) analogues were found to inhibit the growth of SCLC cells, some short chain SP-analogues have been synthesized. (Pseudo)octapeptides were synthesized in solution, by fragment condensation using the DCC/HOPfp method. Fragments and SP-analogues were synthesized stepwise using pentafluorophenyl esters. The resistance to hydrolysis of the reduced peptide bond made permitted exact quantification of the Leuψ(CH2NH)Leu pseudopeptide in hydrolysates. The binding ability of both types of peptides to BN-receptors on Swiss 3T3 mouse fibroblast cells and their antiproliferative effect on NCI-H69 human SCLC cell line have been tested and compared with a short chain SP-antagonist pHOPA-d -Trp-Phe-d -Trp-Leu-Leu-NH2 ( R ) previously described as a potent inhibitor of SCLC proliferation. While BN-analogues showed weak activity in inhibition of proliferation of SCLC cells, SP-analogues 6 : d -MePhe-d-T rp-Phe-d -Trp-Leuψ(CH2NH)-Leu-NH2 and 7 : d -MePhe-d -Trp-Phe-d -Trp-Leu-MPA, in spite of greatly diminished affinity towards the BN-receptor, inhibited SCLC proliferation more effectively than R ( 6 : IC50=2 μm , 7 : IC50=5 μm and R : IC50=10 μm ). Moreover, 6 inhibited the respiratory activity of SK-MES 1 epithelial type of lung carcinoma cells in proliferating but not in the quiescent state, suggesting that the antiproliferative effect of these compounds is not due to simple cytotoxicity. These short chain analogues of SP might be promising candidates as therapeutic agents in the treatment of SCLC. © 1998 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Summary Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) was found extensively in the small intestine of both non-mammalian and mammalian vertebrates using radioimmunoassay and immunocytochemistry. By radioimmunoassay, the levels of CGRP in rats, mice, chickens, bullfrogs and rainbow trout were found to range from 91.5 to 419.1 ng/g tissue. To localize CGRP in the small intestine, we used three different tissue preparations for immunocytochemistry: whole-mount preparations, and frozen and Paraplast sections. The combination of three tissue preparations made it easier to visualize the three-dimensional structure and reduced the possibility of missing the immunoreaction. Immunoreactive cell bodies were found in the plexi in the mammalian species. Dense and regular networks of CGRP fibers were observed in the smooth muscle layers, when examined in whole-mount preparations. In non-mammalian species, however, immunoreactive cell bodies could not be detected, although immunoreactive fibers were present, forming less dense and regular networks. Our results indicate that CGRP-immunoreactive fibers are present in the smooth muscle layers of the intestine from fish to mammals, suggesting that CGRP may be involved in regulating gastrointestinal smooth muscles in vertebrates.  相似文献   

Neuromedin B and neuromedin C are the novel mammalian bombesin-like peptides isolated from porcine spinal cord. We have developed highly specific and sensitive radioimmunoassays for neuromedin B and neuromedin C, and determined their regional distribution in rat central nervous system. Prior to measurements of the tissue contents, immunoreactive neuromedin B and C were characterized by gel-filtration and high performance liquid chromatography. Neuromedin B and C immunoreactivities have similar regional distribution in rat brain, but the content of immunoreactive neuromedin B is 2-6 times higher than that of immunoreactive neuromedin C in every region. These results indicate that neuromedin B is a major endogenous bombesin-like peptide in rat brain and has specific functions of physiological importance.  相似文献   

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