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To investigate the function of Escherichia coli small heat shock proteins, IbpA and IbpB, we constructed ibpA-, ibpB- and ibpAB-overexpressing strains and also an ibpAB-disrupted strain. The ibpA-, ibpB- and ibpAB-overexpressing strains were found to be resistant not only to heat but also to superoxide stress. However, the ibpAB-disrupted strain was not more sensitive to these stresses than the wild-type strain. The heat sensitivity of a rpoH amber mutant was partially suppressed by the overexpression of plac::ibpAB. These results suggest that IbpA and IbpB may be involved in the resistances to heat and oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Qilin is one of several genes in zebrafish whose mutation results in cystic kidney. We have now studied the role of its mouse ortholog, Cluap1, in embryonic development by generating Cluap1 knockout (Cluap1−/−) mice. Cluap1−/− embryos died mid-gestation manifesting impairment of ciliogenesis in various regions including the node and neural tube. The basal body was found to be properly docked to the apical membrane of cells in the mutant, but the axoneme failed to grow. Cluap1 is a ciliary protein and is preferentially localized at the base and tip of cilia. Hedgehog signaling, as revealed with a Pacthed1-lacZ reporter gene, was lost in Cluap1−/− embryos at embryonic day (E) 8.5 but was ectopically expanded at E9.0. The Cluap1 knockout embryos also failed to manifest left–right asymmetric expression of Nodal in the lateral plate, most likely as a result of the loss of Hedgehog signaling in node crown cells that in turn leads to pronounced down-regulation of Gdf1 expression in these cells. Crown cell-specific restoration of Cluap1 expression rescued Gdf1 expression in crown cells and left-sided Nodal expression in the lateral plate of mutant embryos. Our results suggest that Cluap1 contributes to ciliogenesis by regulating the intraflagellar transport (IFT) cycle at the base and tip of the cilium.  相似文献   

The aggregation and fibrillization of α-synuclein, a major component of Lewy bodies, is a key event in Parkinson’s disease. Although the mechanisms of fibrils formation are largely investigated, physiological function of α-synuclein is not yet clearly elucidated. Here, we showed that C-terminal region of α-synuclein is similar to α-crystalline domain of small heat shock proteins. In our experiments, α-synuclein, like small heat shock proteins, protected cellular proteins from denaturation, and confer Escherichia coli cellular tolerances against thermal- and oxidative-stresses.  相似文献   

Cellular locomotion and adhesion critically depend on regulated turnover of filamentous actin. Biochemical data from diverse model systems support a role for the family of small heat shock proteins (HSPBs) in microfilament regulation. The small chaperones could either act directly, through competition with the motor myosin, or indirectly, through modulation of actin depolymerizing factor/cofilin activity. However, a direct link between HSPBs and actin-based cellular motility remained to be established. In a recent experimental genetics study, we provided evidence for regulation of Plasmodium motility by HSPB6/Hsp20. The infectious forms of malaria parasites, termed sporozoites, display fast and continuous substrate-dependent motility, which is largely driven by turnover of actin microfilaments. Sporozoite gliding locomotion is essential to avoid destruction by host defense mechanisms and to ultimately reach a hepatocyte, the target cell, where to transform and replicate. Genetic ablation of Plasmodium HSP20 dramatically changed sporozoite speed and substrate adhesion, resulting in impaired natural malaria transmission. In this article, we discuss the function of Hsp20 in this fast-moving unicellular protozoan and implications for the roles of HSPBs in adhesion and migration of eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

Abstract The periplasmic Yersinia pestis molecular chaperone Caf1M belongs to a superfamily of bacterial proteins for one of which (PapD protein of Escherichia coli ) the immunoglobulin-like fold was solved by X-ray analysis. The N-terminal domain of Caf1M was found to share a 20% amino acid sequence identity with an inclusion body-associated protein IbpB of Escherichia coli . One of the regions that was compared, was 32 amino acids long, and displayed more than 40% identity, probability of random coincidence was 1.2 × 10−4. IbpB is involved in a superfamily of small heat shock proteins which fulfil the function of molecular chaperone. On the basis of the revealed homology, an immunoglobulin-like one-domain model of IbpB three-dimensional structure was designed which could be a prototype conformation of sHsp's. The structure suggested is in good agreement with the known experimental data obtained for different members of sHsp's superfamily.  相似文献   

The workshop was entitled “The Small HSP World” and had the mission to bring together investigators studying small heat shock proteins (sHSPs). It was held at Le Bonne Entente in Quebec City (Quebec, Canada) from October 2 to October 5 2014. Forty-four scientists from 14 different countries attended this workshop of the Cell Stress Society International (CSSI). The small number of participants stimulated interesting discussions, and the resulting informal atmosphere was appreciated by everybody. This article provides highlights from talks and discussions of the workshop, giving an overview of the latest work on sHSPs.  相似文献   

Small heat shock proteins (HSPs) have been shown to confer thermotolerance in many organisms. Here, we demonstrate that small HSPs (sHSPs) can also be involved in development of thermotolerance in Pisolithus sp. In heat shock response, Pisolithus isolate RV82 synthesized proteins of molecular mass 28, 26 and 15–18 kDa. These group of proteins are synthesized when mycelial mass are exposed to heat shock temperature (42 °C) for short period (30 min) and incubated back at 28 °C, the optimal temperature for growth. Our results show sHSPs are an important biochemical alteration in ectomycorrhizal fungi under thermal stress.  相似文献   

Cellular locomotion and adhesion critically depend on regulated turnover of filamentous actin. Biochemical data from diverse model systems support a role for the family of small heat shock proteins (HSPBs) in microfilament regulation. The small chaperones could either act directly, through competition with the motor myosin, or indirectly, through modulation of actin depolymerizing factor/cofilin activity. However, a direct link between HSPBs and actin-based cellular motility remained to be established. In a recent experimental genetics study, we provided evidence for regulation of Plasmodium motility by HSPB6/Hsp20. The infectious forms of malaria parasites, termed sporozoites, display fast and continuous substrate-dependent motility, which is largely driven by turnover of actin microfilaments. Sporozoite gliding locomotion is essential to avoid destruction by host defense mechanisms and to ultimately reach a hepatocyte, the target cell, where to transform and replicate. Genetic ablation of Plasmodium HSP20 dramatically changed sporozoite speed and substrate adhesion, resulting in impaired natural malaria transmission. In this article, we discuss the function of Hsp20 in this fast-moving unicellular protozoan and implications for the roles of HSPBs in adhesion and migration of eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

Investigations undertaken over the past years have led scientists to introduce the concept of protein quality control (PQC) systems, which are responsible for polypeptide processing. The PQC system monitors proteostasis and involves activity of different chaperones such as small heat shock proteins (sHSPs). These proteins act during normal conditions as housekeeping proteins regulating cellular processes, and during stress conditions. They also mediate the removal of toxic misfolded polypeptides and thereby prevent development of pathogenic states. It is postulated that sHSPs are involved in muscle development. They could act via modulation of myogenesis or by maintenance of the structural integrity of signaling complexes. Moreover, mutations in genes coding for sHSPs lead to pathological states affecting muscular tissue functioning.  相似文献   


The heat-shock (HS) response of two genotypes (cv. Onice, winter type, and cv. Georgie, spring type) of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) was compared. Protein synthesis was markedly reduced by HS in roots and coleoptiles of both genotypes. The reduction in cv. Onice was higher than in cv. Georgie. The pattern of cytosolic, membrane and cell wall HSPs was analysed by SDS-PAGE in coleoptiles and roots of the two genotypes. Differences and similarities in coleoptiles and roots of the same genotype and between the two genotypes were observed. In roots of the genotype Onice, LMW and HMW HSPs isolated from the cytosol, membranes and cell walls were resolved into a diverse array of polypeptides by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Present results confirm the de novo synthesis of cytosolic and membrane HSPs, and demonstrate, for the first time, their presence in cell walls.  相似文献   

Small heat shock proteins (sHsps) form large oligomers that are characterised by their dynamic behaviour, e.g., complex disassembly/reassembly and extensive subunit exchange. These processes are interrelated with sHsp/substrate interaction. sHsps bind a broad spectrum of unrelated substrate proteins under denaturing conditions. Detailed knowledge about the binding process and regions critical for sHsp/substrate interaction is missing. In this study, we screened cellulose-bound peptide spot libraries derived from a bacterial sHsp and the model-substrate citrate synthase to detect oligomerisation and substrate interaction sites, respectively. In line with previous results, it was demonstrated that multiple contacts involving the N- and C-terminal extensions and the central alpha-crystallin domain are required for oligomerisation. Incubation of the citrate synthase membrane with sHsps revealed a putative substrate interaction site. A soluble peptide with the sequence RTKYWELIYEDCMDL (CS(191-205)) corresponding to that site inhibited chaperone activity of sHsps, presumably by blocking their substrate-binding sites.  相似文献   

Proteome profiling of the inclusion body (IB) fraction of recombinant proteins produced in Escherichia coli suggested that two small heat shock proteins, IbpA and IbpB, are the major proteins associated with IBs. In this study, we demonstrate that IbpA and IbpB facilitate the production of recombinant proteins in E. coli and play important roles in protecting recombinant proteins from degradation by cytoplasmic proteases. We examined the cytosolic production, and Tat- or Sec-dependent secretion of the enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) in wild type, ibpAB(-) mutant, and ibpAB-amplified E. coli strains. Analysis of fluorescence histograms and confocal microscopic imaging revealed that over-expression of the ibpA and/or ibpB genes enhanced cytosolic EGFP production whereas knocking out the ibpAB genes enhanced secretory production. This strategy seems to be generally applicable as it was successfully employed for the enhanced cytosolic or secretory production of several other recombinant proteins in E. coli.  相似文献   

热激蛋白(Hsp)在生殖过程中有着至关重要的作用。近年来,Hsp在昆虫生殖相关功能与机制研究方面取得了重要进展。基于此,本文主要就Hsp在昆虫精子发生和精子保护、卵成熟和卵子保护、生殖应答以及衰老进化机制等方面的研究进展进行了综述,旨在为进一步深入研究Hsp与昆虫生殖的关系提供参考,并为害虫防治和益虫利用提供新思路。  相似文献   

The expression and localization of four heat shock proteins (Hsp70, Hsp86, Hsp90, and Hsp27) were shown in the heart tissue of pigs transported for 6 h. Immunostaining detected the consistent presence of all Hsps in the pig myocardial cells under both transported and normal housing conditions. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed predominance of Hsp70 (significantly highest levels) and Hsp27 in the cytoplasm of myocardial cells. Hsp90 and Hsp86 were expressed both in the cytoplasm and in the nucleus, preferentially in the cytoplasm, of the myocardial cells. In view of their abundant and uniform distributions in the myocardial cells, the expression and distribution patterns of all detected Hsps within the myocardial cells, mostly limited to the cytoplasm, could be related to their chaperone function for cells with important special activities in this study. The identification of all four Hsps in the blood vessel endothelial cells possibly implies that endothelial cells react to ischemia and hypoxia by expressing Hsps. Immunoblot findings suggest that the level of all Hsps decreased in response to stress due to a 6 h journey. The decrease in Hsp levels in the myocardial cells may indicate that the transport stress may have overcharged the repair mechanisms of the cells. Whether this distinct depletion of Hsps contributes to an increased susceptibility to acute heart failure and the sudden death syndrome in transported pigs should be elucidated in future experiments.  相似文献   

Small heat shock proteins (sHSPs), as a conserved family of ATP-independent molecular chaperones, are known to bind non-native substrate proteins and facilitate the substrate refolding in cooperation with ATP-dependent chaperones (e.g., DnaK and ClpB). However, how different sHSPs function in coordination is poorly understood. Here we report that IbpA and IbpB, the two sHSPs of Escherichia coli, are coordinated by synchronizing their differential in vivo degradation. Whereas the individually expressed IbpA and IbpB are respectively degraded slowly and rapidly in cells cultured under both heat shock and normal conditions, their simultaneous expression leads to a synchronized degradation at a moderate rate. Apparently, such synchronization is linked to their hetero-oligomerization and cooperation in binding substrate proteins. In addition, truncation of the flexible N- and C-terminal tails dramatically suppresses the IbpB degradation, and somehow accelerates the IbpA degradation. In view of these in vivo data, we propose that the synchronized degradation for IbpA and IbpB are crucial for their synergistic promoting effect on DnaK/ClpB-mediated substrate refolding, conceivably via the formation of IbpA–IbpB-substrate complexes. This scenario may be common for different sHSPs that interact with each other in cells.  相似文献   

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