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C. elegans has long been used as an experimentally tractable organism for discovery of fundamental mechanisms that underlie metazoan cellular function, development, neurobiology, and behavior. C. elegans has more recently been exploited to study the interplay of environment and genetics on lipid storage pathways. As an experimental platform, C. elegans is amenable to an extensive array of forward and reverse genetic, a variety of “omics” and anatomical approaches that together allow dissection of complex physiological pathways. This is particularly relevant to the study of fat biology, as energy balance is ultimately an organismal process that involves behavior, nutrient digestion, uptake and transport, as well as a variety of cellular activities that determine the balance between lipid storage and utilization. C. elegans offers the opportunity to dissect these pathways and various cellular and organismal homeostatic mechanisms in the context of a genetically tractable, intact organism.  相似文献   

Mutations in the sdn-1/syndecan gene act as genetic enhancers of the ventral-to-dorsal distal tip cell (DTC) migration defects caused by a weak allele of the netrin receptor gene unc-5. The sdn-1(ev697) allele was identified in a genetic screen for enhancers of unc-5 DTC migration defects, and carried a nonsense mutation predicted to truncate the SDN-1 protein prior to the transmembrane domain. The enhancement of unc-5 caused by an sdn-1 mutation was rescued by expression of wild-type sdn-1 in the hypodermis or nervous system rather than the DTCs, indicating a cell non-autonomous function of sdn-1. The enhancement was also partially reversed by mutations in the egl-17/FGF or egl-20/Wnt genes, suggesting that sdn-1 affects UNC-5 function through a mis-regulation of signaling in growth factor pathways. egl-20 reporter constructs exhibited increased and mis-localized EGL-20 distribution in sdn-1 mutants compared to wild-type animals. Finally, using loss of function mutations, we show that egl-17/Fgf and egl-20/Wnt are partially redundant in regulating the migration pattern of the posterior DTC, as double mutants exhibit significant frequencies of defects in migration phases along both the anteroposterior and dorsoventral axes. Together these results suggest that SDN-1 affects UNC-5 function by regulating the proper extracellular distribution of growth factors.  相似文献   



ADP-ribosylation factors (ARFs) are a family of small GTP-binding proteins that play roles in membrane dynamics and vesicle trafficking. AGEF-1, which is thought to act as a guanine nucleotide exchange factor of class I ARFs, is required for caveolin-1 body formation and receptor-mediated endocytosis in oocytes of Caenorhabditis elegans. This study explores additional roles of AGEF-1 in endocytic transport.


agef-1 expression was knocked down by using RNAi in C. elegans. Markers that allow analysis of endocytic transport in scavenger cells were investigated for studying the effect of AGEF-1 on different steps of membrane transport.


Knockdown of AGEF-1 levels results in two apparent trafficking defects in coelomocytes of C. elegans. First, there is a delay in the uptake of solutes from the extracellular medium. Second, there is a dramatic enlargement of the sizes of lysosomes, even though lysosomal acidification is normal and degradation still occurs.


Our results suggest that AGEF-1 regulates endosome/lysosome fusion or fission events, in addition to earlier steps in endocytic transport.

General significance

AGEF-1 is the first identified GTPase regulator that functions at the lysosome fusion or fission stage of the endocytic pathway. Our study provides insight into lysosome dynamics in C. elegans.  相似文献   

In C. elegans the 4-cell stage blastomere EMS is an endomesodermal precursor. Its anterior daughter, MS, makes primarily mesodermal cells, while its posterior daughter E generates the entire intestine. The gene regulatory network underlying specification of MS and E has been the subject of study for more than 15 years. A key component of the specification of the two cells is the involvement of the Wnt/β-catenin asymmetry pathway, which through its nuclear effector POP-1, specifies MS and E as different from each other. Loss of pop-1 function results in the mis-specification of MS as an E-like cell, because POP-1 directly represses the end-1 and end-3 genes in MS, which would otherwise promote an endoderm fate. A long-standing question has been whether POP-1 plays a role in specifying MS fate beyond repression of endoderm fate. This question has been difficult to ask because the only chromosomal lesions that remove both end-1 and end-3 are large deletions removing hundreds of genes. Here, we report the construction of bona fide end-1 end-3 double mutants. In embryos lacking activity of end-1, end-3 and pop-1 together, we find that MS fate is partially restored, while E expresses early markers of MS fate and adopts characteristics of both MS and C. Our results suggest that POP-1 is not critical for MS specification beyond repression of endoderm specification, and reveal that Wnt-modified POP-1 and END-1/3 further reinforce E specification by repressing MS fate in E. By comparison, a previous work suggested that in the related nematode C. briggsae, Cb-POP-1 is not required to repress endoderm specification in MS, in direct contrast with Ce-POP-1, but is critical for repression of MS fate in E. The findings reported here shed new light on the flexibility of combinatorial control mechanisms in endomesoderm specification in Caenorhabditis.  相似文献   

The two specialized C. elegans distal tip cells (DTCs) provide an in vivo model system for the study of developmentally regulated cell migration. We identified cacn-1/cactin, a well-conserved, novel regulator of cell migration in a genome-wide RNAi screen for regulators of DTC migration. RNAi depletion experiments and analysis of the hypomorphic allele cacn-1(tm3126) indicate that CACN-1 is required during DTC migration for proper pathfinding and for cessation of DTC migration at the end of larval morphogenesis. Strong expression of CACN-1 in the DTCs, and data from cell-specific RNAi depletion experiments, suggest that CACN-1 is required cell-autonomously to control DTC migration. Importantly, genetic interaction data with Rac GTPase activators and effectors suggest that CACN-1 acts specifically to inhibit the mig-2/Rac pathway, and in parallel to ced-10/Rac, to control DTC pathfinding.  相似文献   

The Caenorhabditis elegans uterine seam cell (utse) is an H-shaped syncytium that connects the uterus to the body wall. Comprising nine nuclei that move outward in a bidirectional manner, this synctium undergoes remarkable shape change during development. Using cell ablation experiments, we show that three surrounding cell types affect utse development: the uterine toroids, the anchor cell and the sex myoblasts. The presence of the anchor cell (AC) nucleus within the utse is necessary for proper utse development and AC invasion genes fos-1, cdh-3, him-4, egl-43, zmp-1 and mig-10 promote utse cell outgrowth. Two types of uterine lumen epithelial cells, uterine toroid 1 (ut1) and uterine toroid 2 (ut2), mediate proper utse outgrowth and we show roles in utse development for two genes expressed in the uterine toroids: the RASEF ortholog rsef-1 and Trio/unc-73. The SM expressed gene unc-53/NAV regulates utse cell shape; ablation of sex myoblasts (SMs), which generate uterine and vulval muscles, cause defects in utse morphology. Our results clarify the nature of the interactions that exist between utse and surrounding tissue, identify new roles for genes involved in cell outgrowth, and present the utse as a new model system for understanding cell shape change and, putatively, diseases associated with cell shape change.  相似文献   

Metazoan stem cells repopulate tissues during adult life by dividing asymmetrically to generate another stem cell and a cell that terminally differentiates. Wnt signaling regulates the division pattern of stem cells in flies and vertebrates. While the short-lived nematode C. elegans has no adult somatic stem cells, the lateral epithelial seam cells divide in a stem cell-like manner in each larval stage, usually generating a posterior daughter that retains the seam cell fate and an anterior daughter that terminally differentiates. We show that while wild-type adult animals have 16 seam cells per side, animals with reduced function of the TCF homolog POP-1 have as many as 67 seam cells, and animals with reduced function of the β-catenins SYS-1 and WRM-1 have as few as three. Analysis of seam cell division patterns showed alterations in their stem cell-like divisions in the L2-L4 stages: reduced Wnt signaling caused both daughters to adopt non-seam fates, while activated Wnt signaling caused both daughters to adopt the seam fate. Therefore, our results indicate that Wnt signaling globally regulates the asymmetric, stem cell-like division of most or all somatic seam cells during C. elegans larval development, and that Wnt pathway regulation of stem cell-like behavior is conserved in nematodes.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic genomes contain either one or two genes encoding homologs of the highly conserved histone chaperone Asf1, however, little is known of their in vivo roles in animal development. UNC-85 is one of the two Caenorhabditis elegans Asf1 homologs and functions in post-embryonic replication in neuroblasts. Although UNC-85 is broadly expressed in replicating cells, the specificity of the mutant phenotype suggested possible redundancy with the second C. elegans Asf1 homolog, ASFL-1. The asfl-1 mRNA is expressed in the meiotic region of the germline, and mutants in either Asf1 genes have reduced brood sizes and low penetrance defects in gametogenesis. The asfl-1, unc-85 double mutants are sterile, displaying defects in oogenesis and spermatogenesis, and analysis of DNA synthesis revealed that DNA replication in the germline is blocked. Analysis of somatic phenotypes previously observed in unc-85 mutants revealed that they are neither observed in asfl-1 mutants, nor enhanced in the double mutants, with the exception of enhanced male tail abnormalities in the double mutants. These results suggest that the two Asf1 homologs have partially overlapping functions in the germline, while UNC-85 is primarily responsible for several Asf1 functions in somatic cells, and is more generally involved in replication throughout development.  相似文献   

In the one-cell Caenorhabditis elegans embryo, the anterior-posterior (A-P) axis is established when the sperm donated centrosome contacts the posterior cortex. While this contact appears to be essential for axis polarization, little is known about the mechanisms governing centrosome positioning during this process. pam-1 encodes a puromycin sensitive aminopeptidase that regulates centrosome positioning in the early embryo. Previously we showed that pam-1 mutants fail to polarize the A-P axis. Here we show that PAM-1 can be found in mature sperm and in cytoplasm throughout early embryogenesis where it concentrates around mitotic centrosomes and chromosomes. We provide further evidence that PAM-1 acts early in the polarization process by showing that PAR-1 and PAR-6 do not localize appropriately in pam-1 mutants. Additionally, we tested the hypothesis that PAM-1's role in polarity establishment is to ensure centrosome contact with the posterior cortex. We inactivated the microtubule motor dynein, DHC-1, in pam-1 mutants, in an attempt to prevent centrosome movement from the cortex and restore anterior-posterior polarity. When this was done, the aberrant centrosome movements of pam-1 mutants were not observed and anterior-posterior polarity was properly established, with proper localization of cortical and cytoplasmic determinants. We conclude that PAM-1's role in axis polarization is to prevent premature movement of the centrosome from the posterior cortex, ensuring proper axis establishment in the embryo.  相似文献   

Leslie I. Grad 《BBA》2006,1757(2):115-122
Mitochondrial respiratory chain dysfunction is responsible for a large variety of early and late-onset diseases. NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase (complex I) defects constitute the most commonly observed mitochondrial disorders. We have generated Caenorhabditis elegans strains with mutations in the 51 kDa active site subunit of complex I. These strains exhibit decreased NADH-dependent respiration and lactic acidosis, hallmark features of complex I deficiency. Surprisingly, the mutants display a significant decrease in the amount and activity of cytochrome c oxidase (complex IV). The metabolic and reproductive fitness of the mutants is markedly improved by riboflavin. In this study, we have examined how the assembly and activity of complexes I and IV are affected by riboflavin. Our results reveal that the mutations result in variable steady-state levels of different complex I subunits and in a significant reduction in the amount of COXI subunit. Using native gel electrophoresis, we detected assembly intermediates for both complexes I and IV. Riboflavin promotes the assembly of both complexes, resulting in increased catalytic activities. We propose that one primary pathogenic mechanism of some complex I mutations is to destabilize complex IV. Enhancing complex I assembly with riboflavin results in the added benefit of partially reversing the complex IV deficit.  相似文献   

Qingchun Cai 《FEBS letters》2009,583(19):3158-3164
The Hippo-Warts pathway defines a novel signaling cascade involved in organ size control and tumor suppression. However, the developmental function of this pathway is less understood. Here we report that the Caenorhabditis elegans homolog of Warts, Ce-wts-1, plays important roles during worm development. The null allele of Ce-wts-1 causes L1 lethality. Partial loss of Ce-wts-1 function by RNAi reveals that Ce-wts-1 is involved in many developmental processes such as larval development, growth rate regulation, gut granule formation, pharynx development, dauer formation, lifespan and body length control. Genetic analyses show that Ce-wts-1 functions synergistically with the TGF-β Sma/Mab pathway to regulate body length. In addition, CE-WTS-1::GFP is enriched near the inner cell membrane, implying its possible membrane-related function.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that the AEX-1 protein, which is expressed in postsynaptic muscles, retrogradely regulates presynaptic neural activity at the Caenorhabditis elegans neuromuscular junctions. AEX-1 is similar to vertebrate Munc13-4 protein, suggesting a function for vesicle exocytosis from a kind of cells. Compared to emerging evidences of the role of Munc13 proteins in synaptic vesicle release, however, the precise mechanism for vesicle exocytosis by AEX-1 and Munc13-4 is little understood. Here we have identified SYN-1 as a candidate molecule of AEX-1-dependent vesicle exocytosis from non-neuronal cells. The syn-1 gene encodes a C. elegans syntaxin, which is distantly related to the neuronal syntaxin UNC-64. The syn-1 gene is predominantly expressed in non-neuronal tissues and genetically interacts with aex-1 for presynaptic activity. However, the two proteins did not interact physically in our yeast two-hybrid system and mutational SYN-1 did not bypass the requirement of AEX-1 for the behavioral defects in aex-1 mutants, whereas mutant UNC-64 does in unc-13 mutants. These results suggest that a novel molecular interaction between the AEX-1 and syntaxin may regulate vesicle exocytosis for retrograde signal release.  相似文献   

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