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S100A8/A9 promotes NADPH oxidase in HaCaT keratinocytes and subsequently increases NFκB activation, which plays important roles in the balance between epidermal growth and differentiation. S100A8/A9-positive HaCaT cells present with a significantly reduced rate of cell division and greater expression of two keratinocyte differentiation markers, involucrin and filaggrin, than control cells. S100A8/A9 mutants fail to enhance NFκB activation, TNFα-induced IL-8 gene expression and NFκB p65 phosphorylation, and S100A8/A9-positive cells demonstrate better cell survival in forced suspension culture than mutant cells. S100A8/A9 is induced in epithelial cells in response to stress. Therefore, S100A8/A9-mediated growth arrest could have implications for tissue remodeling and repair.  相似文献   

Conformational energy calculations and molecular dynamics investigations, both in water and in dimethyl sulfoxide, were carried out on the exopolysaccharide cepacian produced by the majority of the clinical strains of Burkholderia cepacia, an opportunistic pathogen causing serious lung infection in patients affected by cystic fibrosis, The investigation was aimed at defining the structural and conformational features, which might be relevant for clarification of the structure-function relationships of the polymer. The molecular dynamics calculations were carried out by Ramachandran-type energy plots of the disaccharides that constitute the polymer repeating unit. The dynamics of an oligomer composed of three repeating units were investigated in water and in Me2SO, a non-aggregating solvent. Analysis of the time persistence of hydrogen bonds showed the presence of a large number of favourable interactions in water, which were less evident in Me2SO. The calculations on the cepacian chain indicated that polymer conformational features in water were affected by the lateral chains, but were also largely dictated by the presence of solvent. Moreover, the large number of intra-chain hydrogen bonds in water disappeared in Me2SO solution, increasing the average dimension of the polymer chains.  相似文献   

Evidence has accumulated that periosteal cells have a great potential to regenerate bone. We have demonstrated that cultured periosteum (CP) in membrane form is an effective device to regenerate alveolar bone. To increase the availability of CP in a clinical environment, an effective cryopreservation protocol for CP has been developed. In this study, three different cryoprotectants (Me(2)SO, glycerol, and ethylene glycol) were used. The effect on cell viability of pre-incubation temperature, pre-incubation time, and agitation during incubation was investigated. Samples were stored at -196 degrees C for 10 days. Cell viability was assessed by a colorimetric cell viability assay using a tetrazolium salt, and the assay results were confirmed by confocal laser scanning microscopy after staining with a combination of calcein AM and ethidium homodimer-1. The activity of the cells after thawing was assessed by alkaline phosphatase assay. To assess the osteogenic potential of cryopreserved CP, the CP was grafted to calvarial defects in athymic rats. The greatest cell viability was obtained in the group equilibrated at 37 degrees C for 30 min with Me(2)SO, under agitation, showing 63.3 +/- 10.5% recovery. After cryopreservation, the cell growth of surviving cells was identical when Me(2)SO was used as a cryoprotectant. Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity was maintained in the groups cryopreserved with Me(2)SO and glycerol. The transplantation experiment showed that the calvarial defects were completely closed by grafting cryopreserved CP, which demonstrates that the osteogenic property of CP was well maintained. An efficient cryopreservation protocol for CP has been developed and this will provide a convenient and effective treatment option for bone regeneration in clinics.  相似文献   

The field of stem-cell biology has emerged as a key technology for the treatment of various disorders and tissue regeneration applications. However, a major problem remains in clinical practice, which is the question of whether stem cells preserve their self-renewal and differentiation potential in the culture conditions or not. In the current study, effects of boron on the cryopreservation of human tooth germ stem cells (hTGSCs) were evaluated for the first time. The impacts of various boron concentrations (sodium pentaborate pentahydrate (NaB)) were tested on characterized hTGSCs viability for different time intervals (24, 48, and 72 h). 20 μg/ml NaB with lower Me2SO concentration was found to display positive effects on hTGSCs during repeated freezing and defrosting cycles, and long-term cryopreservation. After thawing, cells were analyzed for their surface antigens and differentiation capacity. hTGSCs were successfully cryopreserved without any change in their mesenchymal stem cell characteristics as they were treated with boron containing freezing medium. In addition, fatty acid composition was examined to demonstrate membrane fatty acid profiles after freeze-thawing. Besides, NaB treatment extended osteogenic and chondrogenic differentiation of hTGSCs remarkably after long-term cryopreservation with respect to control groups. The study clearly suggests that NaB has a protective role on the survival of hTGSCs in short- and long-term cryopreservation. Due to the possible storage of hTGSCs at early ages, development of a functional and reliable cryopreservation media can be designed as a future solution to the dental stem cell banking.  相似文献   

超微粒TiO2对U937细胞光杀伤效应及机理研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
超微粒TiO2经光催化氧化后对U937白血病细胞有明显的杀伤作用,DNA琼脂糖凝胶电泳图证明了光激发TiO2能够损伤细胞内的DNA,从而导致细胞死亡,提出了一种杀伤癌细胞的新思路.  相似文献   

In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the diffusion rate of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) through the plasma membrane decreases during adaptation to H2O2 by means of a mechanism that is still unknown. Here, evidence is presented that during adaptation to H2O2 the anisotropy of the plasma membrane increases. Adaptation to H2O2 was studied at several times (15min up to 90min) by applying the steady-state H2O2 delivery model. For wild-type cells, the steady-state fluorescence anisotropy increased after 30min, or 60min, when using 2-(9-anthroyloxy) stearic acid (2-AS), or diphenylhexatriene (DPH) membrane probe, respectively. Moreover, a 40% decrease in plasma membrane permeability to H2O2 was observed at 15min with a concomitant two-fold increase in catalase activity. Disruption of the ergosterol pathway, by knocking out either ERG3 or ERG6, prevents the changes in anisotropy during H2O2 adaptation. H2O2 diffusion through the plasma membrane in S. cerevisiae cells is not mediated by aquaporins since the H2O2 permeability constant is not altered in the presence of the aquaporin inhibitor mercuric chloride. Altogether, these results indicate that the regulation of the plasma membrane permeability towards H2O2 is mediated by modulation of the biophysical properties of the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Potassium tellurite (K2TeO3) is harmful to most organisms and specific mechanisms explaining its toxicity are not well known to date. We previously reported that the lpdA gene product of the tellurite-resistant environmental isolate Aeromonas caviae ST is involved in the reduction of tellurite to elemental tellurium. In this work, we show that expression of A. caviae ST aceE, aceF, and lpdA genes, encoding pyruvate dehydrogenase, dihydrolipoamide transacetylase, and dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase, respectively, results in tellurite resistance and decreased levels of tellurite-induced superoxide in Escherichia coli. In addition to oxidative damage resulting from tellurite exposure, a metabolic disorder would be simultaneously established in which the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex would represent an intracellular tellurite target. These results allow us to widen our vision regarding the molecular mechanisms involved in bacterial tellurite resistance by correlating tellurite toxicity and key enzymes of aerobic metabolism.  相似文献   

Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is one of the major grain crops, and heat stress adversely affects wheat production in many regions of the world. Previously, we found a heat-responsive gene named Lipid Transfer Protein 3 (TaLTP3) in wheat. TaLTP3 was deduced to be regulated by cold, ABA, MeJA, Auxin and oxidative stress according to cis-acting motifs in its promoter sequences. In this study, we show that TaLTP3 is responsive to prolonged water deficit, salt or ABA treatment in wheat seedlings. Also, TaLTP3 accumulation was observed after the plant suffered from heat stress both at the seedling and the grain-filling stages. TaLTP3 protein was localized in the cell membrane and cytoplasm of tobacco epidermal cells. Overexpression of TaLTP3 in yeast imparted tolerance to heat stress compared to cells expressing the vector alone. Most importantly, transgenic Arabidopsis plants engineered to overexpress TaLTP3 showed higher thermotolerance than control plants at the seedling stage. Further investigation indicated that transgenic lines decreased H2O2 accumulation and membrane injury under heat stress. Taken together, our results demonstrate that TaLTP3 confers heat stress tolerance possibly through reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenging.  相似文献   

Satomi Miwa 《BBA》2005,1709(3):214-219
The topology of superoxide generation by sn-glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase and complex III in intact Drosophila mitochondria was studied using aconitase inactivation to measure superoxide production in the matrix, and hydrogen peroxide formation in the presence of superoxide dismutase to measure superoxide production from both sides of the membrane. Aconitase inactivation was calibrated using the known rate of matrix superoxide production from complex I. Glycerol phosphate dehydrogenase generated superoxide about equally to each side of the membrane, whereas centre o of complex III in the presence of antimycin A generated superoxide about 30% on the cytosolic side and 70% on the matrix side.  相似文献   

The hypersensitive reaction is a type of programmed cell death in plants. Cryptogein is a proteinaceous elicitor secreted from Phythophthora cryptogea. In one current model, active oxygen species (AOS) trigger programmed cell death in plants. In this study, we examined a variety of AOS scavengers to elucidate the function of AOS in the death program. Most of these AOS scavengers, including tiron, a scavenger for superoxide radical, catalase for hydrogen peroxide, and hydroquinone, sodium ascorbate and propyl gallate for free radicals, almost completely removed extracellular AOS. However, none of the reagents completely blocked the cell death process. Other reagents, such as histidine and dimethylfuran, scavengers for singlet oxygen, and diphenyleneiodonium chloride, an inhibitor of NADPH oxidase, showed significant toxicity in BY-2 cells. These results indicate that AOS produced in the extracellular space do not play a role in hypersensitive cell death.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin F2alpha (PGF2alpha) induces cyclin D1 expression and DNA synthesis in Swiss 3T3 cells. In order to assess which signaling mechanisms are implicated in these processes, we have used both a pharmacological approach and interfering mutants. We demonstrate that PGF2alpha induces extracellular-signal-regulated kinase (ERK1-2) and p38MAPK activation, and inhibition of any of these signaling pathways completely blocks PGF2alpha-stimulated DNA synthesis. We also show that ERK1-2, but not p38MAPK activation is required to induce cyclin D1 expression, strongly suggesting that the concerted action of cyclin D1 gene expression and other events are required to induce complete phosphorylation of retinoblastoma protein and S-phase entry in response to PGF2alpha.  相似文献   

Successful vitrification of organ slices is hampered by both osmotic stress and chemical toxicity of cryoprotective agents (CPAs). In the present study, we focused on the effect of osmotic stress on the viability of precision-cut liver slices (PCLS) by comparing different CPA solutions and different methods of loading and unloading the slices with the CPAs. For this purpose, we developed a gradient method to load and unload CPAs with the intention of minimizing sudden changes in osmolarity and thereby avoiding osmotic stress in the slices in comparison with the commonly used step-wise loading/unloading approach. With this gradient method, the CPA solution was introduced at a constant rate into a specially designed mixing chamber containing the slices. We showed that immediate mixing of the infused CPA and the chamber constituents occurred, which enabled us to control the CPA concentration to which PCLS were exposed as a function of time.  相似文献   

Dihydrolipoyl acyltransferase (EC, a branched-chain α-ketoacid dehydrogenase E2 subunit (BCE2), catalyzes the transfer of the acyl group from the lipoyl moiety to coenzyme A. However, the role of BCE2 responding to biotic stress in plant is not clear. In this study, we cloned and characterized a BCE2 gene from potato, namely StBCE2, which was previously suggested to be involved in Phytophthora infestans–potato interaction. We found that the expression of StBCE2 was strongly induced by both P. infestans isolate HB09-14-2 and salicylic acid. Besides, when the homolog of StBCE2 in Nicotiana benthamiana named NbBCE2 was silenced, plants showed increased susceptibility to P. infestans and reduced accumulation of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Furthermore, we found that a marker gene NbrbohB involved in the production of reactive oxygen species, was also suppressed in NbBCE2-silenced plants. However, silencing of NbBCE2 had no significant effect on the hypersensitive responses trigged by INF1, R3a-AVR3aKI pair or Rpi-vnt1.1-AVR-vnt1.1 pair. Our results suggest that BCE2 is associated with the basal resistance to P. infestans by regulating H2O2 production.  相似文献   

Antimycin A (AMA) inhibits succinate oxidase and NADH oxidase, and also inhibits mitochondrial electron transport between cytochromes b and c. We investigated the involvement of ROS and GSH in AMA-induced HeLa cell death. AMA increased the intracellular H(2)O(2) and O(2)(*-) levels and reduced the intracellular GSH content. ROS scavengers (Tempol, Tiron, Trimetazidine and NAC) did not down-regulate the production of ROS and inhibit apoptosis in AMA-treated cells. Treatment with NAC and N-propylgallate showing the enhancement of GSH depletion in AMA-treated cells significantly intensified the levels of apoptosis. Calpain inhibitors I and II (calpain inhibitor III) and Ca(2+)-chelating agent (EGTA/AM) significantly reduced H(2)O(2) levels in AMA-treated HeLa cells. However, treatment with calpain inhibitor III intensified the levels of O(2)(*-) in AMA-treated cells. In addition, calpain inhibitor III strongly depleted GSH content with an enhancement of apoptosis in AMA-treated cells. Conclusively, the changes of ROS by AMA were not tightly correlated with apoptosis in HeLa cells. However, intracellular GSH levels are tightly related to AMA-induced cell death.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The aquatic moss Fontinalis antipyretica requires a slow rate of dehydration to survive a desiccation event. The present work examined whether differences in the dehydration rate resulted in corresponding differences in the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and therefore in the amount of cell damage.


Intracellular ROS production by the aquatic moss was assessed with confocal laser microscopy and the ROS-specific chemical probe 2,7-dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate. The production of hydrogen peroxide was also quantified and its cellular location was assessed.

Key Results

The rehydration of slowly dried cells was associated with lower ROS production, thereby reducing the amount of cellular damage and increasing cell survival. A high oxygen consumption burst accompanied the initial stages of rehydration, perhaps due to the burst of ROS production.


A slow dehydration rate may induce cell protection mechanisms that serve to limit ROS production and reduce the oxidative burst, decreasing the number of damaged and dead cells due upon rehydration.  相似文献   

We found that glutathione (GSH) is involved in abscisic acid (ABA)-induced stomatal closure. Regulation of ABA signaling by GSH in guard cells was investigated using an Arabidopsis mutant, cad2-1, that is deficient in the first GSH biosynthesis enzyme, γ-glutamylcysteine synthetase, and a GSH-decreasing chemical, 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (CDNB). Glutathione contents in guard cells decreased along with ABA-induced stomatal closure. Decreasing GSH by both the cad2-1 mutation and CDNB treatment enhanced ABA-induced stomatal closure. Glutathione monoethyl ester (GSHmee) restored the GSH level in cad2-1 guard cells and complemented the stomatal phenotype of the mutant. Depletion of GSH did not significantly increase ABA-induced production of reactive oxygen species in guard cells and GSH did not affect either activation of plasma membrane Ca2+-permeable channel currents by ABA or oscillation of the cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration induced by ABA. These results indicate that GSH negatively modulates a signal component other than ROS production and Ca2+ oscillation in ABA signal pathway of Arabidopsis guard cells.  相似文献   

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