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The vascular system is critical for developmental growth, tissue homeostasis and repair but also for tumor development. Bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling has recently emerged as a fundamental pathway of the endothelium by regulating cardiovascular and lymphatic development and by being causative for several vascular dysfunctions. Two vascular disorders have been directly linked to impaired BMP signaling: pulmonary arterial hypertension and hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia. Endothelial BMP signaling critically depends on the cellular context, which includes among others vascular heterogeneity, exposure to flow, and the intertwining with other signaling cascades (Notch, WNT, Hippo and hypoxia). The purpose of this review is to highlight the most recent findings illustrating the clear need for reconsidering the role of BMPs in vascular biology.  相似文献   

TGFβ activated kinase 1 (TAK1), a member of the MAPKKK family, controls diverse functions ranging from innate and adaptive immune system activation to vascular development and apoptosis. To analyse the in vivo function of TAK1 in cartilage, we generated mice with a conditional deletion of Tak1 driven by the collagen 2 promoter. Tak1col2 mice displayed severe chondrodysplasia with runting, impaired formation of secondary centres of ossification, and joint abnormalities including elbow dislocation and tarsal fusion. This phenotype resembled that of bone morphogenetic protein receptor (BMPR)1 and Gdf5-deficient mice. BMPR signalling was markedly impaired in TAK1-deficient chondrocytes as evidenced by reduced expression of known BMP target genes as well as reduced phosphorylation of Smad1/5/8 and p38/Jnk/Erk MAP kinases. TAK1 mediates Smad1 phosphorylation at C-terminal serine residues. These findings provide the first in vivo evidence in a mammalian system that TAK1 is required for BMP signalling and functions as an upstream activating kinase for Smad1/5/8 in addition to its known role in regulating MAP kinase pathways. Our experiments reveal an essential role for TAK1 in the morphogenesis, growth, and maintenance of cartilage.  相似文献   

There is a growing body of evidence supporting the involvement of the Wnt signaling pathway in various aspects of skeletal and joint development; however, it is unclear whether it is involved in the process of temporomandibular joint development. In order to clarify this issue, we examined the spatio-temporal distribution of mRNAs and proteins of the Wnt family during the formation of the mandibular condylar cartilage at the prenatal and postnatal stages. An in situ hybridization test revealed no mRNAs of β-catenin and Axin2 during early mesenchymal condensation; the ligands surveyed in this study (including Wnt-4, 5a, and 9a) were clearly detected at various ranges of expression, mainly in the condylar blastema and later distinct cartilaginous layers. Apart from β-catenin and Axin2, the Wnt family members surveyed in this study, including Lef-1, were found to be immunopositive during early chondrogenesis in the condylar cartilage at E14.5. After distinct chondrocyte layers were identified within the cartilage at E16.5, the expression of the Wnt signaling members was different and mainly restricted to proliferating cells and mineralized hypertrophic chondrocytes. In the adult mandibular condylar cartilage, the Wnt-4 mRNA, as well as the Wnt-4 and Wnt-9a proteins, was not observed. Our findings demonstrated that the Wnt signaling pathway was associated with the development of mandibular condylar cartilage.  相似文献   

Both the BMP and Wnt pathways have been implicated in directing aspects of dorsal neural tube closure and cell fate specification. However, the mechanisms that control the diverse responses to these signals are poorly understood. In this study, we provide genetic and functional evidence that the secreted sFRP1 and sFRP2 proteins, which have been primarily implicated as negative regulators of Wnt signaling, can also antagonize BMP signaling in the caudal neural tube and that this function is critical to maintain proper neural tube closure and dorsal cell fate segregation. Our studies thus reveal a novel role for specific sFRP proteins in balancing the response of cells to two critical extracellular signaling pathways.  相似文献   

The enteric nervous system (ENS) is derived from neural crest cells that migrate along the gastrointestinal tract to form a network of neurons and glia that are essential for regulating intestinal motility. Despite the number of genes known to play essential roles in ENS development, the molecular etiology of congenital disorders affecting this process remains largely unknown. To determine the role of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling in ENS development, we first examined the expression of bmp2, bmp4, and bmprII during hindgut development and find these strongly expressed in the ENS. Moreover, functional BMP signaling, demonstrated by the expression of phosphorylated Smad1/5/8, is present in the enteric ganglia. Inhibition of BMP activity by noggin misexpression within the developing gut, both in ovo and in vitro, inhibits normal migration of enteric neural crest cells. BMP inhibition also leads to hypoganglionosis and failure of enteric ganglion formation, with crest cells unable to cluster into aggregates. Abnormalities of migration and ganglion formation are the hallmarks of two human intestinal disorders, Hirschsprung's disease and intestinal neuronal dysplasia. Our results support an essential role for BMP signaling in these aspects of ENS development and provide a basis for further investigation of these proteins in the etiology of neuro-intestinal disorders.  相似文献   

To identify the effects of running on articular cartilage and subchondral bone remodeling, C57BL/6 mice were randomly divided into three groups: control, moderate-, and strenuous running. Magnetic resonance imaging showed bone marrow lesions in the knee subchondral bone in the strenuous-running group in contrast with the other two groups. The microcomputed tomography analysis showed promoted bone formation in the subchondral bone in mice subjected to strenuous running. Histological and immunohistochemistry results indicated that terminal differentiation of chondrocytes and degeneration of articular cartilage were enhanced but, synthesis of platelet-derived growth factor-AA (PDGF-AA) in the subchondral bone was suppressed after strenuous running. In vitro, excessive mechanical treatments suppressed the expression of PDGF-AA in osteoblasts, and the condition medium from mechanical-treated osteoblasts stimulated maturation and terminal differentiation of chondrocytes. These results indicate that strenuous running suppresses the synthesis of PDGF-AA in subchondral bone, leading to downregulated PDGF/Akt signal in articular cartilage and thus cartilage degeneration.  相似文献   

Members of the transforming growth factor beta (TGFβ) superfamily of secreted factors play essential roles in nearly every aspect of cartilage formation and maintenance. However, the mechanisms by which TGFβs transduce their effects in cartilage in vivo remain poorly understood. Mutations in several TGFβ family members, their receptors, extracellular modulators, and intracellular transducers have been described, and these usually impact the development of the cartilaginous skeleton. Furthermore, genome‐wide association studies have linked components of the (TGFβ) superfamily to susceptibility to osteoarthritis. This review focuses on recent discoveries from genetic studies in the mouse regarding the regulation of TGFβ signaling in developing growth plate and articular cartilage, as well as the different modes of crosstalk between canonical and noncanonical TGFβ signaling. These new insights into TGFβ signaling in cartilage may open new prospects for therapies that maintain healthy articular cartilage. Birth Defects Research (Part C) 102:37–51, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   



Skin stem cells contribute to all three major lineages of epidermal appendages, i.e., the epidermis, the hair follicle, and the sebaceous gland. In hair follicles, highly proliferative committed progenitor cells, called matrix cells, are located at the base of the follicle in the hair bulb. The differentiation of these early progenitor cells leads to specification of a central hair shaft surrounded by an inner root sheath (IRS) and a companion layer. Multiple signaling molecules, including bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs), have been implicated in this process.  相似文献   

Bone morphogenetic protein7 (BMP7) attenuates renal tubular and interstitial damage in a variety of experimental models. The function of BMP in the glomerulus is, however, not well understood. In the present study, we generated transgenic mice carrying cDNA for noggin, an endogenous inhibitor of BMPs, driven by the podocyte-specific promoter nephrin. Transgenic founder mice could be divided into two groups based on gross histological analyses at 2 months of age. One group was characterized by the presence of cystic glomeruli with collapsed capillary tufts and a decrease in mesangial cell number, representing a developmental defect during glomerular morphogenesis ("cystic" Tg mice). In contrast, the kidneys appeared to be normal in the other group ("non-cystic" Tg mice). In both groups, however, massive mesangial expansion developed at 10 months of age. The lesion was characterized by the accumulation of fibronectin, but not type I collagen, type IV collagen or laminin. This phenotype is similar to the fibronectin nephropathy. These results suggest that endogenous BMP can have an important role in regulating glomerular structural homeostasis.  相似文献   

Morphogen gradients and concentration are critical features during early embryonic development and cellular differentiation. Previously we reported the preparation of biologically active, fluorescently labeled BMP2 and quantitatively analyzed their binding to the cell surface and followed BMP2 endocytosis over time on the level of single endosomes. Here we show that this internalized BMP2 can be transferred to neighboring cells and, moreover, also activates downstream BMP signaling in adjacent cells, indicated by Smad1/5/8 phosphorylation and activation of the downstream target gene id1. Using a 3D matrix to modulate cell–cell contacts in culture we could show that direct cell–cell contact significantly increased BMP2 transfer. Using inhibitors of vesicular transport, transfer was strongly inhibited. Interestingly, cotreatment with the physiological BMP inhibitor Noggin increased BMP2 uptake and transfer, albeit activation of Smad signaling in neighboring cells was completely suppressed. Our findings present a novel and interesting mechanism by which morphogens such as BMP2 can be transferred between cells and how this is modulated by BMP antagonists such as Noggin, and how this influences activation of Smad signaling by BMP2 in neighboring cells.   相似文献   

The coordination of animal growth and development requires adequate nutrients. During times of insufficient food, developmental progression is slowed and stored energy is utilized to ensure that cell and tissue survival are maintained. Here, we report our finding that the Gbb/BMP signaling pathway, known to play an important role in many developmental processes in both vertebrates and invertebrates, is critical in the Drosophila larval fat body for regulating energy homeostasis. Animals with mutations in the Drosophila BMP-5,7 orthologue, glass bottom boat (gbb), or in its signaling components, display phenotypes similar to nutrient-deprived and Tor mutant larvae. These phenotypes include a developmental delay with reduced overall growth, a transparent appearance, and altered total lipid, glucose and trehalose levels. We find that Gbb/BMP signaling is required in the larval fat body for maintaining proper metabolism, yet interestingly, following nutrient deprivation larvae in turn show a loss of BMP signaling in fat body cells indicating that Gbb/BMP signaling is a central player in homeostasis. Finally, despite strong phenotypic similarities between nutrient-compromised animals and gbb mutants, distinct differences are observed in the expression of a group of starvation responsive genes. Overall, our results implicate Gbb/BMP signaling as a new pathway critical for positive regulation of nutrient storage and energy homeostasis during development.  相似文献   

BMP2/4 signaling is required for embryogenesis and involved in thymus morphogenesis and T-lineage differentiation. In vitro experiments have shown that treatment of thymus explants with exogenous BMP4 negatively regulated differentiation of early thymocyte progenitors and the transition from CD4−CD8− (DN) to CD4+CD8+ (DP). Here we show that in vivo BMP2/4 signaling is required for fetal thymocyte progenitor homeostasis and expansion, but negatively regulates differentiation from DN to DP cell. Unexpectedly, conditional deletion of BMPRIA from fetal thymocytes (using the Cre-loxP system and directing excision to hematopoietic lineage cells with the Vav promoter) demonstrated that physiological levels of BMP2/4 signaling directly to thymocytes through BMPRIA are required for normal differentiation and expansion of early fetal DN thymocytes. In contrast, the arrest in early thymocyte progenitor differentiation caused by exogenous BMP4 treatment of thymus explants is induced in part by direct signaling to thymocytes through BMPRIA, and in part by indirect signaling through non-hematopoietic cells. Analysis of the transition from fetal DN to DP cell, both by ex vivo analysis of conditional BMPRIA-deficient thymocytes and by treatment of thymus explants with the BMP4-inhibitor Noggin demonstrated that BMP2/4 signaling is a negative regulator at this stage. We showed that at this stage of fetal T-cell development BMP2/4 signals directly to thymocytes through BMPRIA.  相似文献   

BMP signaling is one of the key pathways regulating craniofacial development. It is involved in the early patterning of the head, the development of cranial neural crest cells, and facial patterning. It regulates development of its mineralized structures, such as cranial bones, maxilla, mandible, palate, and teeth. Targeted mutations in the mouse have been instrumental to delineate the functional involvement of this signaling network in different aspects of craniofacial development. Gene polymorphisms and mutations in BMP pathway genes have been associated with various non-syndromic and syndromic human craniofacial malformations. The identification of intricate cellular interactions and underlying molecular pathways illustrate the importance of local fine-regulation of Bmp signaling to control proliferation, apoptosis, epithelial-mesenchymal interactions, and stem/progenitor differentiation during craniofacial development. Thus, BMP signaling contributes both to shape and functionality of our facial features. BMP signaling also regulates postnatal craniofacial growth and is associated with dental structures life-long. A more detailed understanding of BMP function in growth, homeostasis, and repair of postnatal craniofacial tissues will contribute to our ability to rationally manipulate this signaling network in the context of tissue engineering.  相似文献   

Irisin is well-known to contribute to bone homeostasis due to its bidirectional regulation on osteogenesis and osteoclastogenesis. However, the mechanisms of irisin involved in mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSCs)-derived osteogenesis are still under investigated. Fibronectin type III domain-containing protein 5 (FNDC5) is the precursor protein of irisin, compare with wild type (WT) littermates, FNDC5-/- mice lost bone mass significantly, collectively evidenced by the decrease of bone mineral density (BMD), impaired bone formation and reduced N-terminal propertied of type I procollagen (P1NP) in sera. Meanwhile, the bone resorbing of FNDC5-/- mice has enhanced accompanied by increased tartrate phosphatase (TRAP) staining cells morphologically and cross-Linked C-telopeptide of type 1 collagen (CTX) level in sera. In vitro study showed that lack of irisin impeded the MSC-derived osteogenesis of FNDC5-/- mice. The addition of irisin promote the osteogenesis of WT and irisin-deficient MSCs, by activating αV integrin-induced ERK/STAT pathway, subsequently enhancing bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP2) expression and BMP/SMAD signaling activation. Taken together, these findings further indicate that irisin regulates bone homeostasis. Moreover, irisin promotes MSC-derived osteogenesis by binding to αV integrin and activating BMP/SMAD signaling consequently. Thus, irisin may be a promising therapeutic target for osteoporosis and bone defects.  相似文献   

Cells that express MyoD mRNA, the G8 antigen and the bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) inhibitor noggin (Nog) are present in the epiblast before gastrulation. Ablation of “Myo/Nog” cells in the blastocyst results in an expansion of canonical BMP signaling and prevents the expression of noggin and follistatin before and after the onset of gastrulation. Once eliminated in the epiblast, they are neither replaced nor compensated for as development progresses. Older embryos lacking Myo/Nog cells exhibit severe axial malformations. Although Wnts and Sonic hedgehog are expressed in ablated embryos, skeletal muscle progenitors expressing Pax3 are missing in the somites. Pax3+ cells do emerge adjacent to Wnt3a+ cells in vitro; however, few undergo skeletal myogenesis. Ablation of Myo/Nog cells also results in ectopically placed cardiac progenitors and cardiomyocytes in the somites. Reintroduction of Myo/Nog cells into the epiblast of ablated embryos restores normal patterns of BMP signaling, morphogenesis and skeletal myogenesis, and inhibits the expression of cardiac markers in the somites. This study demonstrates that Myo/Nog cells are essential regulators of BMP signaling in the early epiblast and are indispensable for normal morphogenesis and striated muscle lineage specification.  相似文献   

Heparan sulfate (HS) has been implicated in regulating cell fate decisions during differentiation of embryonic stem cells (ESCs) into advanced cell types. However, the necessity and the underlying molecular mechanisms of HS in early cell lineage differentiation are still largely unknown. In this study, we examined the potential of EXT1(-/-) mouse ESCs (mESCs), that are deficient in HS, to differentiate into primary germ layer cells. We observed that EXT1(-/-) mESCs lost their differentiation competence and failed to differentiate into Pax6(+)-neural precursor cells and mesodermal cells. More detailed analyses highlighted the importance of HS for the induction of Brachyury(+) pan-mesoderm as well as normal gene expression associated with the dorso-ventral patterning of mesoderm. Examination of developmental cell signaling revealed that EXT1 ablation diminished FGF and BMP but not Wnt signaling. Furthermore, restoration of FGF and BMP signaling each partially rescued mesoderm differentiation defects. We further show that BMP4 is more prone to degradation in EXT1(-/-) mESCs culture medium compared with that of wild type cells. Therefore, our data reveal that HS stabilizes BMP ligand and thereby maintains the BMP signaling output required for normal mesoderm differentiation. In summary, our study demonstrates that HS is required for ESC pluripotency, in particular lineage specification into mesoderm through facilitation of FGF and BMP signaling.  相似文献   

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