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S. Tsai 《Theriogenology》2009,71(8):1226-1233
Cryopreservation of germplasm of aquatic species offers many benefits to the fields of aquaculture, conservation and biomedicine. Although successful fish sperm cryopreservation has been achieved with many species, there has been no report of successful cryopreservation of fish embryos and late stage oocytes which are large, chilling sensitive and have low membrane permeability. In the present study, cryopreservation of early stage zebrafish ovarian follicles was studied for the first time using controlled slow freezing. The effect of cryoprotectant, freezing medium, cooling rate, method for cryoprotectant removal, post-thaw incubation time and ovarian follicle developmental stage were investigated. Stages I and II ovarian follicles were frozen in 4 M methanol and 3 M DMSO in either L-15 medium or KCl buffer. Ovarian follicle viability was assessed using trypan blue, FDA + PI staining and ADP/ATP assay. The results showed that KCl buffer was more beneficial than L-15 medium, methanol was more effective than DMSO, optimum cooling rates were 2-4 °C/min, stepwise removal of cryoprotectant improved ovarian follicle viability significantly and stage I ovarian follicles were more sensitive to freezing. The results also showed that FDA + PI staining and ADP/ATP assay were more sensitive than TB staining. The highest follicle viabilities after post-thaw incubation for 2 h obtained with FDA + PI staining were 50.7 ± 4.0% although ADP/ATP ratios of the cryopreserved follicles were significantly increased indicating increased cell damage. Studies are currently being carried out on in vitro maturation of these cryopreserved ovarian follicles.  相似文献   

Medaka Oryzias latipes is a well-recognized biomedical fish model because of advantageous features such as small body size, transparency of embryos, and established techniques for gene knockout and modification. The goal of this study was to evaluate two critical factors, cryoprotectant and cooling rate, for sperm cryopreservation in 0.25-ml French straws. The objectives were to: (1) evaluate the acute toxicity of methanol, 2-methoxyethanol (ME), dimethyl sulfoxide (Me2SO), N,N-dimethylacetamide (DMA), N,N-dimethyl formamide (DMF), and glycerol with concentrations of 5%, 10%, and 15% for 60 min of incubation at 4 °C; (2) evaluate cooling rates from 5 to 25 °C/min for freezing and their interaction with cryoprotectants, and (3) test fertility of thawed sperm cryopreserved with selected cryoprotectants and associated cooling rates. Evaluation of cryoprotectant toxicity showed that methanol and ME (5% and 10%) did not change the sperm motility after 30 min; Me2SO, DMA, and DMF (10% and 15%) and glycerol (5%, 10% and 15%) significantly decreased the motility of sperm within 1 min after mixing. Based on these results, methanol and ME were selected as cryoprotectants (10%) to evaluate with different cooling rates (from 5 to 25 °C/min) and were compared to Me2SO and DMF (10%) (based on their use as cryoprotectants in previous publications). Post-thaw motility was affected by cryoprotectant, cooling rate, and their interaction (P ? 0.000). The highest post-thaw motility (50 ± 10%) was observed at a cooling rate of 10 °C/min with methanol as cryoprotectant. Comparable post-thaw motility (37 ± 12%) was obtained at a cooling rate of 15 °C/min with ME as cryoprotectant. With DMF, post-thaw motility at all cooling rates was ?10% which was significantly lower than that of methanol and ME. With Me2SO, post-thaw motilities were less than 1% at all cooling rates, and significantly lower compared to the other three cryoprotectants (P ? 0.000). When sperm from individual males were cryopreserved with 10% methanol at a cooling rate of 10 °C/min and 10% ME with a rate of 15 °C/min, no difference was found in post-thaw motility. Fertility testing of thawed sperm cryopreserved with 10% methanol at a rate of 10 °C/min showed average hatching of 70 ± 30% which was comparable to that of fresh sperm (86 ± 15%). Overall, this study established a baseline for high-throughput sperm cryopreservation of medaka provides an outline for protocol standardization and use of automated processing equipment in the future.  相似文献   

Iron overload is a common stress in the development of cells. Growing evidence has indicated that iron overload is associated with osteoporosis. Therefore, enhancing the understanding of iron overload would benefit the development of novel approaches to the treatment of osteoporosis. The purpose of the present study was to analyze the effect of iron overload on osteoblast cells, via the MC3T3-E1 cell line, and to explore its possible underlying molecular mechanisms. Ferric ammonium citrate (FAC) was utilized to simulate iron overload conditions in vitro. FAC-induced iron overload strongly suppressed proliferation of osteoblast cells and induced apoptosis. Moreover, iron overload strongly suppressed the expression of dual-specificity phosphatase 14 (DUSP14). Additionally, overexpression of DUSP14 protected osteoblast cells from the deleterious effects of iron overload, and this protective effect was mediated by FOXO3a. Additionally, matrine rescued the function of DUSP14 in osteoblast cells. Most importantly, our analysis demonstrated the essential role of the PI3K/AKT/FOXO3a/DUSP14 signaling pathway in the defense against iron overload in osteoblast cells. Overall, our results not only elucidate deleterious effects of iron overload, but also unveil its possible signaling pathway in osteoblast cells.  相似文献   

Zebrafish is a powerful model to analyze vertebrate embryogenesis and organ development. Although a number of genes have been identified to specify embryonic development processes, only a few large-scale proteomic analyses have been reported in regard to these events to date. Here the total proteins of a single embryo were analyzed by urea-, sodium deoxycholate (SDC)-, and performic acid (PA)-assisted trypsin digestion strategies coupled to capillary liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (CapLC-MS/MS) identification. In total, 509 and 210 proteins were detected from the embryos at 72 and 120 hours postfertilization (hpf), respectively, with a false identification rate of less than 1%. Approximately 95% of those proteins could be observed by combining the urea- and SDC-assisted digestion strategies, suggesting that these two methods are more effective than the PA-assisted method. Compared with 0.5% SDC, 1% SDC was more effective to identify proteins in zebrafish embryos. In addition, removal of the predominant yolk proteins could significantly improve protein identification efficiency. Our study represents the first overview of the protein expression profile of a single zebrafish embryo at 72 or 120 hpf. More important, this single individual proteome methodology could be applied to multiple development stages of wide-type or mutant embryos, providing a simple and powerful way to further our understanding of embryonic development.  相似文献   

To evaluate the viability and survival ability of fecal Bacteroides spp. in environmental waters, a fluorescence-based live/dead staining method using ViaGram Red+ Bacterial gram stain and viability kit was combined with fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) with 16S rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probe (referred as LDS-FISH). The proposed LDS-FISH was a direct and reliable method to detect fecal Bacteroides cells and their viability at single-cell level in complex microbial communities. The pure culture of Bacteroides fragilis and whole human feces were dispersed in aerobic drinking water and incubated at different water temperatures (4 degrees C, 13 degrees C, 18 degrees C, and 24 degrees C), and then the viability of B. fragilis and fecal Bacteroides spp. were determined by applying the LDS-FISH. The results revealed that temperature and the presence of oxygen have significant effects on the survival ability. Increasing the temperature resulted in a rapid decrease in the viability of both pure cultured B. fragilis cells and fecal Bacteroides spp. The live pure cultured B. fragilis cells could be found at the level of detection in drinking water for 48 h of incubation at 24 degrees C, whereas live fecal Bacteroides spp. could be detected for only 4 h of incubation at 24 degrees C. The proposed LDS-FISH method should provide useful quantitative information on the presence and viability of Bacteroides spp., a potential alternative fecal indicator, in environmental waters.  相似文献   

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