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A new protozoan of the genus Perkinsus is described from the muscle and hemolymph of the blacklip abalone, Haliotis ruber, from South Australia. It occurs in the muscle of the adductor and mantle, and free and in brownish masses in the hemolymph. Cells cultured in thioglycollate medium produced a prezoosporangium which stained blue-black with iodine. The parasite differs from Perkinsus marinus, the only other member of the class, in having a much larger trophozoite, an eosinophilic vacuoplast when present, a short discharge tube, and appears to be uninfective to oysters.  相似文献   

The effects of deposited sediments on the settlement of the abalone Haliotis diversicolor Reeve were examined through both field observations and a laboratory experiment. Occurrences of newly settled post-larvae (shell length < 500 μm) and the amount of suspended and deposited sediments were monitored at two stations (Stns 1 and 2), which experienced different sediment deposition conditions, located at Nagai on the coast of Sagami Bay, Japan. Quantities of suspended sediments at the two stations varied considerably during the survey period, but no significant difference was detected between the stations. Mean volume densities of sediments deposited on cobbles were significantly higher at Stn 2 than at Stn 1. Densities of newly settled post-larvae from the 2001 to 2004 cohorts were significantly higher at Stn 1. A laboratory experiment was conducted to assess the effects of sediment quantity and quality on larval settlement. Two substances with different physical properties, kaolin and clamshell powder, were used as sediments. Larvae were subjected to four different sediment treatments with crustose coralline algae (CCA) substrates; thin and thick treatments for both kaolin and clamshell powder. Negative (without CCA) and positive (with CCA) controls without sediments were also established. The rate of metamorphosis decreased as sediment thickness increased in both the kaolin and clamshell powder treatments. Larvae in the kaolin treatments appeared to be trapped by the kaolin, and most could not metamorphose successfully. There were no trapped larvae in the clamshell powder treatments. The results indicate that the quantity and physical properties of sediments deposited on substrata affect the settlement and behaviour of larval abalone. Experimental results suggest that the lower densities of newly settled post-larvae observed at Stn 2 may have been a result of larger quantities of deposited sediments, which reduced the availability of suitable substrate for larval settlement.  相似文献   

A high-speed video cryomicroscopy system was developed, and used to observe the process of intracellular ice formation (IIF) during rapid freezing (130 °C/min) of bovine pulmonary artery endothelial cells adherent to glass substrates, or in suspension. Adherent cells were micropatterned, constraining cell attachment to reproducible circular or rectangular domains. Employing frame rates of 8000 frames/s and 16,000 frames/s to record IIF in micropatterned and suspended cells, respectively, intracellular crystal growth manifested as a single advancing front that initiated from a point source within the cell, and traveled at velocities of 0.0006-0.023 m/s. Whereas this primary crystallization process resulted in minimal change in cell opacity, the well-known flashing phenomenon (i.e., cell darkening) was shown to be a secondary event that does not occur until after the ice front has traversed the cell. In cells that were attached and spread on a substrate, IIF initiation sites were preferentially localized to the peripheral zone of the adherent cells. This non-uniformity in the spatial distribution of crystal centers contradicts predictions based on common theories of IIF, and provides evidence for a novel mechanism of IIF in adherent cells. A second IIF mechanism was evident in ∼20% of attached cells. In these cases, IIF was preceded by paracellular ice penetration; the initiation site of the subsequent IIF event was correlated with the location of the paracellular ice dendrite, indicating an association (and possibly a causal relationship) between the two. Together, the peripheral-zone and dendrite-associated initiation mechanisms accounted for 97% of IIF events in micropatterned cells.  相似文献   

Intracellular ice formation (IIF) is the major cause of death in cells subjected to freezing. The occurrence of intracellular ice prevents the penetration of light into the camera and makes the image dark. Therefore, the gray-level variation can reflect the IIF. However, cell deformation is accompanied with IIF, especially for larger cells. It is necessary to account this entire phenomenon together in a single method. In this paper, the normalized parameter C defined by the gray-level variation depending on the displacement was defined to reflect the gray-level change of each pixel point in the region of interest of the image. The process of IIF of onion epidermal cells and 293T cells was analyzed by this method.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the role of ice crystal formation in causing or contributing to the difficulties that have been encountered in attempts to develop effective methods for the cryopreservation of some tissues and all organs. It is shown that extracellular ice can be severely damaging but also that cells in situ in tissues can behave quite differently from similar cells in a suspension with respect to intracellular freezing. It is concluded that techniques that avoid the formation of ice altogether are most likely to yield effective methods for the cryopreservation of recalcitrant tissues and vascularised organs.  相似文献   

To survive freezing, cells must not undergo internal ice formation during cooling. One vital factor is the cooling rate. The faster cells are cooled, the more their contents supercool, and at some subzero temperature that supercooled cytoplasm will freeze. The question is at what temperature? The relation between cooling rate and cell supercooling can be computed. Two important parameters are the water permeability (Lp) and its temperature dependence. To avoid intracellular ice formation (IIF), the supercooling must be eliminated by dehydration before the cell cools to its ice nucleation temperature. With an observed nucleation temperature of −25 °C, the modeling predicts that IIF should not occur in yeast cooled at <20 °C/min and it should occur with near certainty in cells cooled at ?30 °C/min. Experiments with differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) confirmed these predictions closely. The premise with the DSC is that if there is no IIF, one should see only a single exotherm representing the freezing of the external water. If IIF occurs, one should see a second, lower temperature exotherm. A further test of whether this second exotherm is IIF is whether it disappears on repeated freezing. IIF disrupts the plasma membrane; consequently, in a subsequent freeze cycle, the cell can no longer supercool and will not exhibit a second exotherm. This proved to be the case at cooling rates >20 °C/min.  相似文献   

In this study, hypoxia inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α) and hypoxia inducible factor-1β (HIF-1β) from small abalone Haliotis diversicolor were cloned. The cDNA of H. diversicolor HIF-1α (HdHIF-1α) is 2833 bp encoding a protein of 711aa and H. diversicolor HIF-1β (HdHIF-1β) is 1919 bp encoding a protein of 590aa. Similar to other species' HIF-1, HdHIF-1 has one basic helix–loop–helix (bHLH) domain and two Per-Arnt-Sim (PAS) domains, and HdHIF-1α has a oxygen-dependent degradation domain (ODDD) with two proline hydroxylation motifs and a C-terminal transactivation domain (C-TAD) with an asparagine hydroxylation motif. Under normoxic conditions, HdHIF-1α and HdHIF-1β mRNAs were constitutively present in all examined tissues. Under hypoxia (2.0 mg/L DO at 25 °C) stress, HdHIF-1α expression was up-regulated in gills at 4 h, 24 h and 96 h, and in hemocytes at 24 h and 96 h, while HdHIF-1β remained relatively constant. Under thermal stress (31 °C), HdHIF-1α expression was significantly increased in gills at 4 h, and hemocytes at 0 h and 4 h, while HdHIF-1β expression still remained relatively constant. These results suggested that HIF-1α may play an important role in adaption to poor environment in H. diversicolor.  相似文献   

Mazur P  Pinn IL  Kleinhans FW 《Cryobiology》2007,54(2):223-233
We have previously reported [Cryobiology 51 (2005) 29-53] that intracellular ice formation (IIF) in mouse oocytes suspended in various concentrations of glycerol and ethylene glycol (EG) occurs at temperatures where the percentage of unfrozen water is about 6% and 12%, respectively, even though the IIF temperatures varied from -14 to -41 degrees C. However, because of the way the solutions were prepared, the concentrations of salt and glycerol or EG in that unfrozen fraction at IIF were also rather tightly grouped. The experiments reported in the present paper were designed to separate the effects of the unfrozen fraction at IIF from that of the solute concentration in the unfrozen fraction. This separation makes use of two facts. One is that the concentration of solutes in the residual liquid at a given subzero temperature is fixed regardless of their concentration in the initial unfrozen solution. However, second, the fraction unfrozen at a given temperature is dependent on the initial solute concentration. Experimentally, oocytes were suspended in solutions of glycerol/buffered saline and EG/buffered saline of varying total solute concentration with the restriction that the mass ratios of glycerol and EG to salts are held constant. The oocytes were then cooled rapidly enough (20 degrees C/min) to avoid significant osmotic shrinkage, and the temperature at which IIF occurred was noted. When this is done, we find, as previously that the fraction of water remaining unfrozen at the temperature of IIF remains nearly constant at 5-8% for both glycerol and EG even though the IIF temperatures vary from -14 to -50 degrees C. But unlike the previous results, the salt and CPA concentrations in the unfrozen fraction vary by a factor of three. The present procedure for preparing the solutions produces a potentially complicating factor; namely, the cell volumes vary substantially prior to freezing: substantially greater than isotonic in some solutions; substantially smaller in others. However, the data in toto demonstrate that cell volume is not a determining factor in the IIF temperature.  相似文献   

The current study presents a new and novel analysis of heat release signatures measured by a differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) associated with water transport (WT), intracellular ice formation (IIF) and extracellular ice formation (EIF). Correlative cryomicroscopy experiments were also performed to validate the DSC data. The DSC and cryomicroscopy experiments were performed on human dermal fibroblast cells (HDFs) at various cytocrit values (0–0.8) at various cooling rates (0.5–250 °C/min). A comparison of the cryomicroscopy experiments with the DSC analysis show reasonable agreement in the water transport (cellular dehydration) and IIF characteristics between both the techniques with the caveat that IIF measured by DSC lagged that measured by cryomicroscopy. This was ascribed to differences in the techniques (i.e. cell vs. bulk measurement) and the possibility that not all IIF is associated with visual darkening. High and low rates of 0.5 °C/min and 250 °C/min were chosen as HDFs did not exhibit significant IIF or WT at each of these extremes respectively. Analysis of post-thaw viability data suggested that 10 °C/min was the presumptive optimal cooling rate for HDFs and was independent of the cytocrit value. The ratio of measured heat values associated with IIF (qIIF) to the total heat released from both IIF and water transport or from the total cell water content in the sample (qCW) was also found to increase as the cooling rate was increased from 10 to 250 °C/min and was independent of the sample cytocrit value. Taken together, these observations suggest that the proposed analysis is capable of deconvolving water transport and IIF data from the measured DSC latent heat thermograms in cell suspensions during freezing.  相似文献   

The effect of IIF in Pacific oyster oocytes was studied using cryo and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The viability of oocytes at each step of a published cryopreservation protocol was assessed in an initial experiment. Two major viability losses were identified; one when oocytes were cooled to −35 °C and the other when oocytes were plunged in liquid nitrogen. Although the cryomicroscope showed no evidence of IIF in oocytes cooled with this protocol, TEM revealed that these oocytes contained ice crystals and were at two developmental stages when frozen, prophase and metaphase I. To reduce IIF, the effect of seven cooling programmes involving cooling to −35 or −60 °C at 0.1 or 0.3 °C min−1 and holding for 0 or 30 min at −35 or −60 °C was evaluated on post-thaw fertilization rate of oocytes. Regardless of the cooling rate or holding time, the fertilization rate of oocytes cooled to −60 °C was significantly lower than that of oocytes cooled to −35 °C. The overall results indicated that observations of IIF obtained from cryomicroscopy are limited to detection of larger amounts of ice within the cells. Although the amount of cellular ice may have been reduced by one of the programmes, fertilization was reduced significantly; suggesting that there is no correlation between the presence of intracellular ice and post-thaw fertilization rate. Therefore, oyster oocytes may be more susceptible to the effect of high solute concentrations and cell shrinkage than intracellular ice under the studied conditions.  相似文献   

There is significant interest in designing a cryopreservation protocol for hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) which does not rely on dimethyl sulfoxide (Me2SO) as a cryoprotectant. Computer simulations that describe cellular osmotic responses during cooling and warming can be used to optimize the viability of cryopreserved HSC; however, a better understanding of cellular osmotic parameters is required for these simulations. As a model for HSC, the erythroleukemic human cell line TF-1 was used in this study. Simulations, based on the osmotic properties of TF-1 cells and on the solution properties of the intra- and extracellular compartments, were used to interpret cryoinjury associated with a two-step cryopreservation protocol. Calculated intracellular supercooling was used as an indicator of cryoinjury related to intracellular ice formation. Simulations were applied to the two-step cooling protocol (rapid cooling interrupted with a hold time) for TF-1 cells in the absence of Me2SO or other cryoprotectants and optimized by minimizing the indicator of cryoinjury. A comparison of simulations and experimental measurements of membrane integrity supports the concept that, for two-step cooling, increasing intracellular supercooling is the primary contributor to potential freezing injury due to the increase in the likelihood of intracellular ice formation. By calculating intracellular supercooling for each step separately and comparing these calculations with cell recovery data, it was demonstrated that it is not optimal simply to limit overall supercooling during two-step freezing procedures. More aptly, appropriate limitations of supercooling differ from the first step to the second step. This study also demonstrates why high cell recovery after cryopreservation could be achieved in the absence of traditional cryoprotectants.  相似文献   

Dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs) are of interest to researchers and clinicians due to their ability to differentiate into various tissue types and potential uses in cell-mediated therapies and tissue engineering. Currently DPSCs are cryopreserved in suspension using Me2SO. However, preservation as two and three dimensional constructs, along with the elimination of toxic Me2SO, may be required. It was shown that intracellular ice formation (IIF), lethal to cells in suspensions, may be innocuous in cell monolayers due to ice propagation between cells through gap junctions that results in improved post-thaw recovery. We hypothesized that innocuous IIF protects confluent DPSC monolayers against injury during cryopreservation. The objective was to examine the effects of IIF on post-thaw viability of both confluent monolayers and suspensions of DPSCs. Confluent DPSC monolayers were assessed for the expression of gap junction protein Connexin-43. IIF was induced on the cryostage and in the methanol bath at different subzero temperatures. Membrane integrity and colony-forming ability were assessed post-thaw. Confluent DPSC monolayers expressed Connexin-43. In cell suspensions, 85.9 ± 1.7% of cells were damaged after 100% IIF. In cell monolayers, after 100% IIF, only 25.5 ± 5.5% and 14.8 ± 3.3% of cells were damaged on the cryostage and in the methanol bath respectively. However, DPSC monolayers exposed to 100% IIF showed no colony-forming ability. We conclude that confluent monolayers of DPSCs express the gap junction-forming protein Connexin-43 and upon IIF retain membrane integrity, however lose the ability to proliferate.  相似文献   

Immediate post-thaw evaluation of membrane integrity has proven to yield overestimates of cell survival under conditions that preclude intracellular ice formation (IIF). However, prominent theories on the mechanisms of intracellular nucleation suggest a damaged membrane can reseal, prompting us to evaluate whether immediate post-thaw assessments of membrane integrity can in fact underestimate cell survival under conditions that promote IIF. HUVEC and HepG2 monolayers were treated with 1.4 M DMSO and frozen to −25 °C under conditions that formed either 0% or 100% IIF. Membrane integrity was evaluated both immediately and 24 h post-thaw, with metabolic activity assessments performed 24 h post-thaw as a secondary measure of survival. Treatment with 1.4 M DMSO and nucleation of 100% IIF resulted in a drastic increase in the relative percent of membrane intact cells following a 24 h culture period (HUVEC: 90.2% ± 0.7%; HepG2: 70.4% ± 4.0%), which correlated with 24 h post-thaw metabolic activity. These differences between the immediate and 24 h post-thaw membrane integrity assessments were significantly more than those seen in the absence of either IIF or DMSO treatment. Therefore, a high incidence of IIF in DMSO-treated monolayers may lead to erroneous underestimates of cell survival when conducting immediate post-thaw assessments of membrane integrity.  相似文献   

In vitrified solutions, ice can form during warming if the concentration of the cryoprotectant is insufficient. For the cryopreservation of cells, ice is innocuous when it remains outside the cell, but intracellular ice (ICI) is lethal. We tried to estimate the conditions in which ICI forms in vitrified mouse morulae during warming. The solutions for the experiments (EFS10–EFS50) contained 10–50% ethylene glycol plus Ficoll plus sucrose. When vitrified EFS20, EFS30, and EFS40 were kept at −80 °C, they remained transparent after 3 min, but turned opaque after 60 min (EFS20, EFS30) or 24 h (EFS40). Morulae were vitrified with EFS solutions after exposure for 30–120 s at 25 °C. They were warmed by various methods and survival was assessed in culture. After rapid warming (control), survival was high with EFS30 (79–93%) and EFS40 (96–99%). After slow warming, survival decreased with both EFS30 (48–62%) and EFS40 (44–64%). This must be from the formation of ICI. To examine the temperature at which ICI formed during slow warming, vitrified embryos were kept at various sub-zero temperatures during warming. Survival with EFS30 and EFS40 decreased on keeping samples for 3 min at −80 (25–75%), −60 (7–49%), −40 (0–41%), or −20 °C (26–60%). When samples were kept at −80 °C for 24 h, the survival decreased to 0–14%. These results suggest that ICI forms at a wide range of temperatures including −80 and −20 °C, more likely between −60 and −40 °C, and the ice forms not only quickly but also slowly.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that intracellular ice formation (IIF) in mouse oocytes suspended in glycerol/PBS solutions or ethylene glycol (EG)/PBS solutions and rapidly cooled to −50 °C or below occurs at temperatures where a critical fraction of the external water remains unfrozen [P. Mazur, S. Seki, I.L. Pinn, F.W. Kleinhans, K. Edashige, Extra- and intracellular ice formation in mouse oocytes, Cryobiology 51 (2005) 29-53; P. Mazur, I.L. Pinn, F.W. Kleinhans, The temperature of intracellular ice formation in mouse oocytes vs. the unfrozen fraction at that temperature, Cryobiology 54 (2007) 223-233]. For mouse oocytes in PBS or glycerol/PBS that fraction is 0.06; for oocytes in EG that fraction was calculated to be 0.13, more than double. The fractions unfrozen are computed from ternary phase diagrams. In the previous publication, we used the EG data of Woods et al. [E.J. Woods, M.A.J. Zieger, D.Y. Gao, J.K. Critser, Equations for obtaining melting points for the ternary system ethylene glycol/sodium chloride/Water and their application to cryopreservation., Cryobiology 38 (1999) 403-407]. Since then, we have determined that ternary phase diagrams for EG/NaCl/water synthesized by summing binary phase data for EG/water NaCl/water gives substantially different curves, which seem more realistic [F.W. Kleinhans, P. Mazur, Comparison of actual vs. synthesized ternary phase diagrams for solutes of cryobiological interest, Cryobiology 54 (2007) 212-222]. Unfrozen fractions at the temperatures of IIF computed from these synthesized phase diagrams are about half of those calculated from the Woods et al. data, and are in close agreement with the computations for glycerol; i.e., IIF occurs when about 92-94% of the external water is frozen. A parallel paper was published by Guenther et al. [J.F. Guenther, S. Seki, F.W. Kleinhans, K. Edashige, D.M. Roberts, P. Mazur, Extra-and intra-cellular ice formation in Stage I and II Xenopus laevis oocytes, Cryobiology 52 (2006) 401-416] on IIF in oocytes of the frog Xenopus. It too examined whether the temperatures of IIF were related to the unfrozen fractions at those temperatures. It also used the Woods et al. ternary phase data to calculate the unfrozen fractions for EG solutions. As reported here, once again the values of these unfrozen fractions are substantially different from those calculated using synthesized phase diagrams. With the latter, the unfrozen fractions at IIF become very similar for EG and glycerol.  相似文献   

Shinsuke Seki 《Cryobiology》2010,61(1):155-157
When cells that have been subjected to supposedly innocuous freezing or vitrification procedures are used as the source material for subsequent experiments, it is important that they possess or exhibit the same relevant properties as fresh cells. In this study, we compared the temperatures of intracellular ice formation (IIF) in previously vitrified mouse oocytes/embryos with those in fresh intact ones. In the case of MII oocytes, 2-cell embryos, 4-6-cell embryos, and morulae, there are no significant differences (p > 0.05); namely, -33.3 °C (fresh) vs. -35.4 °C (vitrified) with MII oocytes, -40.6 °C (fresh) vs. -38.7 °C (vitrified) with 2-cell embryos, -38.0 °C (fresh) vs. -39.4 °C (vitrified) with 4-6-cell embryos, -24.5 °C (fresh) vs. -24.2 °C (vitrified) with morulae. But, in 8-cell embryos, there is a significant difference (p < 0.05) between fresh (−37.9 °C) and vitrified (−32.9 °C). If we include this significant difference, the overall IIF temperature of fresh cells is 0.74 °C lower than that of previously vitrified cells. If we exclude it, the IIF temperature for fresh cells is 0.32 °C higher than that for previously vitrified cells. Our conclusion then is that there is no difference between the IIF temperatures of fresh and previously vitrified cells.  相似文献   

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