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Summary The sinus gland of Gammarus oceanicus, like that of other crustaceans, is composed of three elements: neurosecretory axons, glial cells and stromal sheath. Five neurosecretory axon types are identified on the basis of granule diameter, shape, and electron density, and axon matrix density. Exocytosis appears to be the major release mechanism of neurosecretory material. The preterminal regions of neurosecretory axons contain axoplasmic reticulum and neurotubules. Their arrangement in the axon and relationship with one another suggest a transport function. Multilamellar bodies are found in the terminal regions of neurosecretory axons. They arise from mitochondria and may be involved in granulolysis.The technical assistance of G.A. Bance, statistical assistance of D. MacCharles and D.W. Hagen, and financial support provided by the University of New Brunswick Research Fund to K.H. are gratefully acknowledged  相似文献   

Summary The peptidergic system in the optic ganglia of Astacus leptodactylus is characterized by the immunocytochemical application of 15 antisera raised against biologically active peptides of vertebrates and invertebrates. Positive reactions were found with anti-FMRFamide, antiMSH, anti-vasotocin, anti-gastrin, anti-CCK, anti-oxytocin, anti-secretin, anti-glucagon and anti-GIP. Based on immunochemical reaction and localization it is possible to distinguish 30 cell groups. Only part of these cell groups is found in the known classical neurosecretory cell regions. This observation demonstrates a more extensive peptidergic system than formerly recognized. The morphology of this peptidergic system suggests that one part is neurohormonal and the other part neurotransmitter-like or neuromodulatory.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of the antennal glands was studied during the embryonic and post-embryonic development of Astacus leptodactylus. The future glands arising from undifferentiated columnar cells were detectable at the metanauplius stage EI 150 m (EI: eye index; approximately 440 m at hatching). The tubule and labyrinth differentiated in embryos at EI 190 m, and the bladder and coelomosac at EI 250 m. At EI 350 m, the tubule lengthened and divided into proximal and distal sub-regions. In later stages, the gland retained the same morpho-anatomy but the differentiation and size of each part increased. The cells of the coelomosac displayed the cytological features of podocytes in late embryonic development at EI 440 m. Only small apical microvilli and a few mitochondria were observable in the labyrinth cells at EI 250 m; by EI 440 m, these cells presented well-shaped apical microvilli, formed bodies, basal infoldings and mitochondria. In the cells of the tubules and bladder, mitochondria and basal infoldings occurred at EI 440 m and EI 250 m, respectively. The differentiation of the tubules and bladder cells suggested that they were involved in active transport at EI 440 m. Following hatching, the differentiation of the cells and the size of the glands increased. The ontogeny of the antennal glands thus starts in early embryos, the specific cellular functional features being differentiated in the various parts of the glands by EI 440 m. The antennal glands are probably functional just before hatching, i.e., before the juveniles are confronted with the low osmolality of freshwater.Thanks are due to the University of Tarbiat Modarres and Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, Islamic Republic of Iran, for financial aid and support. Special thanks are also extended to the Société Française dExportation des Ressources Educatives (SFERE) for a scholarship to S.K.  相似文献   

Summary The electron microscopical investigation of Y-organs of Astacus astacus revealed that during intermoult (stage C) the cytoplasm is poorly developed and that it increases at premoult (stage D). It then shows the typical signs of steroid production, namely agranular endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria of the tubular type. Furthermore, a larger type of mitochondria with a regular pattern of internal structure is described.Supported by Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu LeipzigWe are grateful for technical assistance to Mrs. B. Cosack und Mrs. A. Schmidt  相似文献   

Summary The sinus gland of Carcinus maenas consists of the swollen axonal endings of the neurosecretory cells of the major ganglia and acts as a storage release centre for the membrane bound neurosecretory material. These neurosecretory granules fall into five different types based on size and electron density. Their contents are released by exocytosis of the primary granules or smaller units budded from the primary granules.I thank Professor E. Naylor for his constant advice and Professor E. W. Knight-Jones, Department of Zoology, University College, Swansea, for the provision of laboratory facilities. I am grateful to the Science Research Council for the financial support. Finally, I thank the Electron Microscope Unit, Southampton General Hospital, where the work was completed.  相似文献   

Summary Two types of neurosecretory fibers, designated as Type 5 and Type 6 axons, in the sinus gland of the freshwater prawn, Palaemon, establish contact with other neurosecretory axons by means of synaptic junctions. This finding strongly supports the view that release of some neurohormones from the eyestalk may be regulated by neurosecretory neurons through synaptic transmission.The author wishes to express his sincere appreciation to Prof. T. Aoto for his invaluable advice during the course of this study, to Mr. S. Kubota for collecting the material, and to Mr. Y. Takakuwa for his excellent assistance in electron microscopy  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the sinus gland of the fiddler crab, Uca pugnax, was investigated and found to be similar to that in other crustaceans. Five types of neurosecretory axon terminals were tentatively identified on the basis of the size, shape, and electron density of granules within the axons. Release of neuro-secretory material appears to be by exocytosis.  相似文献   

The involvement of the antennal urinary glands in the ontogeny of osmoregulatory functions was investigated during the development of Astacus leptodactylus by measurements of hemolymph and urine osmolality in juvenile and adult crayfish and by the immunodetection of the enzyme Na+,K+-ATPase. In stage II juveniles, 1-year-old juveniles, and adults, all of which were maintained in freshwater, urine was significantly hypotonic to hemolymph. In adults, chloride and sodium concentrations were much lower in urine than in hemolymph. During embryonic development, Na+,K+-ATPase was detected by immunocytochemistry in ionocytes lining the tubule and the bladder, at an eye index (EI) of 220–250 m, and in the labyrinth, at EI 350 m. In all regions, immunofluorescence was mainly located at the basolateral side of the cells. No immunofluorescence was detected at any stage in the coelomosac. In late embryonic stages (EI 410–440 m), in stage I juveniles, and in adults, strong positive immunofluorescence was found from the labyrinth up to and including the bladder. These results show that, as early as hatching, juvenile crayfish are able to produce dilute urine hypotonic to hemolymph. This ability originates from the presence of Na+,K+-ATPase in ion-transporting cells located in the labyrinth, the tubule, and the bladder of the antennal glands and constitutes one of the main adaptations of crayfish to freshwater.We thank the University of Tarbiat Modarres and Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, Islamic Republic of Iran for financial aid and support. Special thanks are also due to the Société Française dExportation des Ressources Educatives (SFERE) for the scholarship to S.K.  相似文献   

The eyestalk of Astacus leptodactylus is investigated immunocytochemically by light, fluorescence, and electron microscopy, using an antiserum raised against purified crustacean hyperglycemic hormone (CHH). CHH can be visualized in a group of neurosecretory perikarya on the medualla terminalis (medulla terminalis ganglionic X-organ: MTGX), in fibers forming part of the MTGX-sinus gland tractus, and in a considerable part of the axon terminals composing the sinus gland. Immunocytochemical combined with ultrastructural investigations led to the identification of the CHH-producing cells and the CHH-containing neurosecretory granule type.  相似文献   

Summary This paper presents the normal ultrastructural features of the androgenic gland in Porcellio scaber. It describes the changes in the organelles of its cells through the course of the secretory cycle, which terminates with the regression and destruction of these holocrine glandular cells. As products of this activity, the electron-opaque bodies (granules, lysosomes, agglomerates) and clear substances accumulate in the cytoplasm. With the destruction of the cell membrane, the entire cell content passes into the spaces of the haemocoele. The morphological modifications of the mitochondria and rough endoplasmic reticulum are the most striking changes.
Résumé Les auteurs présentent, dans ce travail, les aspects ultrastructuraux normaux de la glande androgène chez l'oniscoïde Porcellio scaber. On montre, par des phases successives, les modifications morpho-fonctionnelles des organites cellulaires jusqu'à la fin du cycle sécrétoire, qui finit par la dégradation et la destruction des cellules glandulaires, dont la fonction est de type holocrin. Comme produits de cette activité, des corps éléctrono-opaques (grains, agglomerats, lysosomes) et des substances claires apparaissent dans le cytoplasme. Par la destruction de la membrane plasmique, tout le contenu cellulaire est éliminé dans les espaces haemocoeliens, soit par écoulement soit par fragments. Le RE et le chondriome subissent les modifications les plus spectaculaires.

Summary Intermoult crayfish (Astacus astacus) were exposed to acid (pH 4), soft water ([Ca++]=100 mol·l–1) in the absence and presence of aluminium (25 mol·l–1) for variable time periods (up to 21 days) in order to assess the consequences for acid-base and electrolyte balance and haemolymph gas transport. Haemolymph osmolality and concentration of major ions decreased drastically and to a similar extent in acid and acid-aluminium water. Muscle tissue ion concentrations were, however, regulated at an almost constant level. A severe metabolic acidosis was gradually developed, attaining a haemolymph metabolic acid load of 6–7 mequiv·l–1 after 12–21 days. The acidosis was partially compensated by ventilatory means, with the postbranchial haemolymph PCO2 decreasing earlier in acidaluminium-exposed than in acid-exposed specimens. Hyperventilation seemed to be a direct acid-base regulatory response, since the rise in postbranchial PCO2 had only minimal influence on haemolymph O2 transport. The Bohr effect of Astacus astacus haemocyanin was low (log P50/GdpH=-0.24), and the mean P50 only increased from 15 to 19 mmHg after 21 days of acid exposure. The decrease in O2 affinity with decreasing pH was accompanied by a decrease in the cooperativity of O2 binding. The haemolymph haemocyanin concentration was not affected by acid and acid-aluminium exposure, but decreased after 21 days due to starvation. Muscle tissue aluminium concentrations were unaffected, whereas gill tissue concentrations increased in acid-aluminium exposed crayfish, most likely due to accumulation of aluminium on the gill surface. Mortality was low, and an internal hypoxia and lactacidosis was not developed in either of the experimental groups. This suggests that the gas transfer qualities of the chitincovered gills of crayfish are much less sensitive to acid and acid-aluminium stress than the gills of teleost fish.Abbreviations Hc haemocyanin - SO2 saturation of Hc with O2 - P 50 oxygen tension of haemolymph at 50% SO2 - n 50 Hills coelficient around 50% SO2  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of synapses between the cord giant fibres (lateral and medial) and the motor giant fibres in crayfish, Astacus pallipes, third abdominal ganglia have been examined. These electrotonic synapses are asymmetrical, they have synaptic vesicles only in the presynaptic fibre, and they have synaptic cleft widths normally of about 100 Å but narrowed to about 50 Å in restricted areas. Localized increases in density of the synaptic cleft and adjacent membranes also occur within a synapse, and synaptic vesicles are most tightly grouped at the membrane in such areas. Tight or gap junctions with 30 Å or narrower widths have not been found, but the junctions probably function in a similar way to gap junctions.Three small nerves are closely associated with the synapses between the giant fibres. One of these small nerves has round synaptic vesicles and is thought to be excitatory on morphological grounds; one has flattened vesicles and is thought to be inhibitory; and one is postsynaptic to the lateral giant and the two small presynaptic nerves. It is proposed that these small nerves modulate activity in the much larger giant fibre synapse.  相似文献   

Summary Seven morphologically different types of neurosecretory granules have been found in the axon terminals of the sinus gland of the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus. They differ from each other in size, shape, staining characteristics, solubility characteristics, core matrix characteristics, axon terminal matrix characteristics, presence or absence of space between the granule membrane and granule core matrix, and frequency of occurrence. Five of the types are segregated in different axon terminals and are believed to represent different hormone-protein complexes. Two of the types, which have lost part or all of their granular contents, are thought to be variants of the other five types. The differences in granular morphology are better revealed by some fixation procedures than others. Palade's acetate-veronal buffered osmium tetroxide, in particular, reveals striking differences. The following observations suggest that different hormone-protein complexes are segregated in different axon terminals and that these complexes may be morphologically distinguished at the level of the electron microscope.Supported by USPHS-NIH Training Grant GM-00669 and Grant GB-7595X from the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

The coupling mechanisms which coordinate the movement of ipsilateral walking legs in the crayfish have been described in earlier investigations. Concerning the coupling between contralateral legs it was only known that these influences are weaker than those acting between ipsilateral legs. The nature of these coupling mechanisms between contralateral legs of the crayfish are investigated here by running left and right legs on separate walking belts at different speeds. The results show that coordination is performed by a phase-dependent shift of the anterior extreme position of the influenced leg. This backward shift leads to a shortening of both the return stroke and the following power stroke. As the coupling influence is only weak, several steps might be necessary to retain normal coordination after a disturbance. This corresponds to v. Holst's relative coordination. The influences act in both directions, from left to right and vice versa. However, one side may be more or less dominant. A gradient was found in the way that anterior leg pairs show less strong coordination than posterior legs. In some cases the coupling between diagonally neighbouring legs was found to be stronger than between contralateral legs of the same segment. The interpretation of this result is still open.  相似文献   

Summary By injection of the fluorescent dye Lucifer Yellow into individual Crustacean Hyperglycemic Hormone (CHH)-producing cells, the shape of these neurosecretory cells in the eyestalk of the crayfish Astacus leptodactylus can be traced. A highly fluorescent perikaryon gives rise to an axon that can be followed by the fluorescent label to the neurohemal region, the sinus gland. The proximal part of that axon sends out extensive branches into the neuropil of the medulla terminalis. Electron-microscopic investigations reveal synaptic input to these axonal ramifications.  相似文献   

Summary Immunocytochemical staining demonstrates striking differences in staining intensity among individual crustacean hyperglycemic hormone (CHH)-producing cells in the eyestalk of the crayfish Astacus leptodactylus. Based on these differences we arbitrarily subdivided the CHH-cells into three categories representing increasing immunoreactivity respectively: + cells, + + cells, and + + + cells. Electron microscopic investigations reveal that these differences in immunostaining are correlated with differences in the numerical density of the neurosecretory granules in the cytoplasm and that these may reflect differences in activity among the CHH-cells. Morphometric analyses at the light- and electron-microscopic levels indicate that the three distinguished categories of immunopositive cells represent different stages in the CHH-synthesizing process of the cells. The results of the present study demonstrate the application of the PAP-technique at the light-microscopic level as a method to obtain information pertaining to the dynamics of secretory activity of the CHH-cells.  相似文献   

Summary The scales of Tilapia are surrounded by an envelope of scleroblasts responsible for the production of layers of collagen that constitute the bulk of the scale. The scleroblasts adjoining the lateral face of the oldest scale region gradually atrophy. New collagen layers are deposited against the inner face of the scale, the adjoining scleroblasts showing evidence of high metabolic activity. Calcification occurs by inotropic deposition of crystals alongside the fibres. There is no sharp demarcation between calcified and non-calcified scale regions, a calcification front gradually moving towards newly formed collagen layers. It is felt that fish scales should be considered as calcified derivatives of dermal collagen layers.  相似文献   

Summary The appearance of neurosecretory granules in the crab sinus gland was studied after fixation at different pHs. Whereas at pH 7.0 the neurosecretory granules were pleomorphic with respect to electron density, at pH 5.0 or 6.0 all the granules remained electron dense. The possible role of maturation as an explanation of this observation is discussed.ERA 493 CNRS  相似文献   

Summary The secretory dynamics of the Crustacean Hyperglycemic Hormone (CHH)-producing cells in the eyestalk of the crayfish Astacus leptodactylus were studied during the daily cycle (12 h light/12 h dark). The different secretory stages of individual cells were determined by means of immunocytochemistry combined with morphometric analysis at the light-microscopic level. The data obtained were correlated with the 24-h rhythmicity of blood glucose concentration. The results suggest the following hypothesis. The synthetic activity of the CHH cells receives a stimulus 2 h before the beginning of the dark period, resulting in a pronounced transfer of CHH granules into the axons. These CHH granules reach the axon terminals after the onset of the dark period. At that time a burst of exocytotic activity occurs, causing a strong release of CHH into the hemolymph. Four hours later this CHH release results in hyperglycemia. The same process, though with less intensity, is repeated and causes a second smaller glucose peak at the beginning of the light period.  相似文献   

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