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Animals sharing a common habitat can indirectly receive information about their environment by observing information exchanges between other animals, a process known as eavesdropping. Animals that use an auditory alarm calling system are an important indirect information source for eavesdropping individuals in their environments. We investigated whether Western burrowing owls (Athene cunicularia hypugaea) nesting on black‐tailed prairie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) colonies responded to broadcasts of prairie dog alarm calls. Western burrowing owls are closely associated with black‐tailed prairie dogs in Colorado and neighboring states on the Great Plains of the United States. Prairie dog burrows in active colonies can serve as nesting sites for Western burrowing owls, and prairie dogs may act as an alternative prey source for predators, potentially decreasing the burrowing owls' risk of predation through the dilution effect. Burrowing owls nesting on prairie dog colonies may also eavesdrop on prairie dog alarm calls, enhancing their survival and nesting success on prairie dog colonies. We performed broadcast experiments with three different sounds: a prairie dog alarm call, a biological control (cattle mooing), and a non‐biological control (an airplane engine), and characterized burrowing owl responses as either alert or relaxed. For each sound stimulus, we recorded the time to first alert response to broadcast sounds (latency) and also how frequently the target burrowing owl exhibited an alert response within the first ten seconds of the broadcast (intensity). Burrowing owls reacted more quickly to the prairie dog alarm than to the biological control. They significantly increased the intensity of alert behaviors in response to broadcasts of the alarm, but did not show an increased reaction to either the biological or the non‐biological control. Our results suggest that burrowing owls nesting on prairie dog colonies eavesdrop on, and increase their alert behaviors in response to, prairie dog alarm calls.  相似文献   

We report the development of 14 polymorphic microsatellite markers for the black‐tailed prairie dog, Cynomys ludovicianus. The number of alleles per locus ranges from three to 11, and the observed heterozygosity ranges from 0.37500 to 1.0000. These markers will benefit studies of landscape effects on prairie dog migration, disease dynamics, and conservation efforts.  相似文献   

Abstract: Black-tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus) are a species of concern and accurate estimates of occupied area are required to assess their status. We conducted aerial line-intercept surveys to estimate colony areas in Colorado, USA, 2006–2007. Optimal allocation based on results from a previous (2002) survey was used to distribute flight time to sample 28 counties. Uncorrected estimates of active and inactive colony areas from the aerial surveys were 329,529 (SE=16,841) ha and 18,292 (SE=2,366) ha, respectively. We attempted to ground-truth a randomly selected sample of 186 colony intercepts but gained complete access to only 150. Ground-truthing demonstrated that aerial surveys estimated only 96% of the true lengths of colony intercepts but overestimated the proportion of active colonies. Corrected estimates of active and inactive colony areas are 319,165 (SE = 20,105) ha and 42,422 (SE = 11,485) ha, respectively. Because ground-truthing was not conducted in the original 2002 survey, uncorrected estimates from this survey are the appropriate metric to be used for comparison to the 2002 data. Our estimates demonstrated a 29% increase (SE = 6.3) in area occupied since surveys were conducted in 2002. These results are useful to state and federal agencies and other conservation partners in determining the condition of the species when conducting status reviews.  相似文献   

Given climate change, species' climatically suitable habitats are increasingly expected to shift poleward. Some imperilled populations towards the poleward edge of their species' range might therefore conceivably benefit from climate change. Interactions between climate and population dynamics may be complex, however, with climate exerting effects both indirectly via influence over food availability and more directly, via effects on physiology and its implications for survival and reproduction. A thorough understanding of these interactions is critical for effective conservation management. We therefore examine the relationship between climate, survival and reproduction in Canadian black‐tailed prairie dogs, a threatened keystone species in an imperilled ecosystem at the northern edge of the species' range. Our analyses considered 8 years of annual mark–recapture data (2007–2014) in relation to growing degree days, precipitation, drought status and winter severity, as well as year, sex, age and body mass. Survival was strongly influenced by the interaction of drought and body mass class, and winter temperature severity. Female reproductive status was associated with the interaction of growing degree days and growing season precipitation, with spring precipitation and with winter temperature severity. Results related to body mass suggested that climatic variables exerted their effects via regulation of food availability with potential linked effects of food quality, immunological and behavioural implications, and predation risk. Predictions of future increases in drought conditions in North America's grassland ecosystems have raised concerns for the outlook of Canadian black‐tailed prairie dogs. Insights gained from the analyses, however, point to mitigating species management options targeted at decoupling the mechanisms by which climate exerts its negative influence. Our approach highlights the importance of understanding the interaction between climate and population dynamics in peripheral populations whose viability might ultimately determine their species' ability to track climatically suitable space.  相似文献   

We sequenced the complete mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) of the black‐tailed hornet, Vespa ducalis (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). The genome was 15,779‐bp long and contained typical sets of genes [13 protein‐coding genes (PCGs), 22 tRNAs, and 2 rRNAs]. The V. ducalis A + T‐rich region was 166‐bp long and was the shortest of all sequenced Vespoidea genomes, including Vespa. The genome was highly biased toward A/T nucleotides—80.1 % in the whole genome, 77.8 % in PCGs, 83.4–85.6 % in RNAs, and 92.8 % in the A + T‐rich region. These values are well within the typical range for genes and regions of Vespoidea mitogenomes. Start and stop codons in several Vespa species—including V. ducalis—were diversified, despite these species belonging to the same genus. In comparison with the ancestral mitogenomes, Vespa mitogenomes—including that of V. ducalis—showed substantial gene rearrangement; however, we detected no gene rearrangement among Vespa species. We conducted phylogenetic reconstruction based on concatenated sequences of 13 PCGs and two rRNAs (12,755 bp ) in available species of Vespoidea—21 species in six subfamilies in two families (Vespidae and Formicidae). The Bayesian inference and maximum likelihood (ML) methods revealed that each family formed strong monophyletic groups [Bayesian posterior probability (BPP) = 1; ML, 100 %]. Moreover, V. ducalis and V. mandarinia formed a strong sister group (BPP = 1; ML, 94 %).  相似文献   

We studied movements and conflicts within a small flock of free‐living black‐tailed godwits foraging on benthic invertebrates in a brackish lagoon. To interpret our results in the framework of foraging theory, we studied the influence of individual feeding rate on the decisions to move and to attack flock companions. Birds changed their position within the flock more often when their intake rate was low and sometimes attacked conspecifics to supplant them from their feeding place. Aggressors significantly avoided front attacks and were almost always successful. They attacked individuals having higher feeding rates than themselves and their own feeding rate significantly increased after the attack, although victims were not chased off to particularly poor sites. Our results suggest that aggressors could obtain reliable information about the quality of the foraging site they coveted by observing their victim’s feeding activity before attacking. Although aggression seemed to be caused by a low intake rate, we show that displacing another bird was more time‐consuming than independent foraging. We conclude that it was not the most profitable behaviour in terms of energy intake. Foraging site displacement probably also had social functions, such as reinforcement of social status in a flock of birds preparing for pre‐breeding migration.  相似文献   

Arid shrublands in the Karoo (South Africa) seldom accumulate sufficient combustible fuel to support fire. However, as a result of invasion by an alien perennial grass (Pennisetum setaceum), they could become flammable. This paper reports on an experiment to assess the effects of fire following invasion by P. setaceum. We established 10 plots (5 × 10 m) separated by 2.5 m, and added grass fuel to five plots (5 and 10 tons ha?1 to alternate halves of the plot) leaving the remaining five plots as interspersed controls. Plots with fuel added were burnt, and fire behaviour was measured during the burns. Rates of fire spread were generally low (0.01–0.07 m s?1) and did not differ significantly between burn treatments. Mean fireline intensities were higher in the high compared with the low fuel treatments (894 and 427 kW m?1, respectively). We recorded plant species and their cover before and after burning on each of the plots. After 15 months of follow‐up monitoring in the burn plots, only two species, the dwarf shrub (Tripteris sinuata) and the perennial herb (Gazania krebsiana) resprouted. Most individuals of other species were killed and did not reseed during the 15‐month study. The mass of added fuel load (high or low) did not influence vegetation recovery rates after fire. Should future invasions by P. setaceum lead to similar fuel loads in these shrublands, inevitable fires could change the vegetation and may favour spread of the flammable grass. Our results have important implications for predicting the effects of invasive alien plants (especially grasses) on fire‐free ecosystems elsewhere. The predicted impacts of fire may alter species composition, ultimately affecting core natural resources that support the Karoo economy.  相似文献   

Clinical blood biochemistry and hematology are valuable tools to evaluate health and welfare in many animal species. In order to document the general biology of one of the most poorly known nonhuman primate species, and contribute to its conservation, the clinical blood biochemistry and hematology of the sun‐tailed monkey (Cercopithecus solatus Harrisson) was investigated in its range of endemicity in Gabon. Data derived from 26 years of clinical monitoring of the only semicaptive colony of this species in the world, housed at CIRMF (Franceville, Gabon), were analyzed in order to establish reference values of age–sex classes. Consistent with previous reports in other primate species, age and sex significantly affected a number of biochemical and hematological parameters in C. solatus. Hematological analyses demonstrated significant differences in red blood cells, hemoglobin (HB), and hematocrit (HT), with males showing significantly greater values than females. In contrast, neutrophil counts were greater in females. An ontogenetic effect was detected for HB, HT, eosinophil, and monocyte counts, while lymphocytes significantly decreased with age. Biochemical analyses also showed significant differences, with females displaying greater cholesterol and alanine aminotransferase levels. Increase in levels of blood urea and aspartate aminotransferase coupled with decrease in albumin in old individuals suggested declining kidney, liver, and muscle functions with age. Interspecific comparisons were conducted and the effects of the unique semifree‐ranging setting on the validity and value of the results presented are discussed. The reference values established will be useful in further ecological, parasitological, and virological studies of the sun‐tailed monkey.  相似文献   

Paddock‐scale Acacia nilotica L. Willd. ex Del. (prickly acacia) spatial distribution, seed production and dispersal patterns were investigated in the Astrebla (Mitchell) grasslands of northern Australia as a step toward predicting future patterns of invasion. A number of hypotheses were tested based on what we know of this species in both Australia and regions where it is native, for example South Africa. It was hypothesized that most A. nilotica seeds would be produced by trees in riparian habitats with access to permanent water. In addition, we predicted that seeds would be dispersed throughout the Astrebla grassland landscape by cattle, following observations that cattle readily ingest and pass seeds and that cattle have access to all areas within paddock boundary fences. Tree density, seed production and seed dispersal by cattle were measured along a series of transects from permanent watering points to paddock boundary fences. Trees associated with permanent watering points produced more seeds per unit area and occurred at higher density than their non‐riparian counterparts. The importance of riparian trees decreased in years with high rainfall and in paddocks with only small areas of riparian habitat. Cattle spread dung and seeds throughout paddocks, with peaks of deposition adjacent to permanent watering points. These results suggest that invasion patterns are likely to be uneven across the landscape and may be reactive to climate. High seedling recruitment and possible thicket formation is expected adjacent to permanent watering points and wherever cattle congregate. Patterns of recruitment in non‐riparian areas are likely to be relatively sparse. The importance of post‐dispersal factors in determining recruitment patterns is discussed.  相似文献   

The lance‐tailed manakin (Chiroxiphia lanceolata) is a lek‐breeding bird from Central America in which males court females with complex cooperative displays. To resolve detailed patterns of paternity in the wild, we isolated and characterized 12 novel microsatellite loci in this species. Eleven of these loci were polymorphic (five to 14 alleles), with observed heterozygosities ranging from 0.36 to 0.87 (N = 574 individuals). We tested for linkage disequilibrium using randomized subsamples of adults to control for known family structure among long‐lived and sedentary individuals. These loci will be valuable in resolving paternity among many candidate fathers in this species.  相似文献   

《Journal of morphology》2017,278(8):1091-1104
Pores and sensilla on ostracod shell have often been used in studies of ontogeny, taxonomy, and phylogeny of the group. However, an analysis of sexual dimorphism and variation between valves in the number and distribution of pores is lacking. Also, such studies have never been done on a widely distributed, morphologically variable, and weakly ornamented freshwater ostracod. Here, we survey pores in one such species, Physocypria kraepelini . We choose 27 homologous pores as landmarks for 2D‐geometric morphometric analysis, with the aim to assess intersexual and between valves variation in size and shape relative to the Fourier outline analysis. This species has only simple (Type A) pores with and without a lip, and each pore carries an undivided sensory seta. Our results show that the total number of pores varies (from 270 to 296), but this is not associated with a specific valve. Males carry fewer pores than females, however no sex specific pores are found. Small intrapopulation divergence of the Cyt b molecular marker (1%) indicates that morphological variability is not species related. We found that P. kraepelini exhibits directional asymmetry of size and shape, sexual size dimorphism (SSD) but lacks sexual shape dimorphism (SShD). Two geometric morphometrics methods were congruent in the estimation of SSD, SShD, and directional asymmetry of shape but differ in the statistical evaluation of directional asymmetry of size. Contrary to other animal groups, our study suggests that ostracods have more pronounced directional asymmetry of shape compared to directional asymmetry of size.  相似文献   

Domesticated animals that revert to a wild state can become invasive and significantly impact native biodiversity. Although dogs can be problematic locally, only the Australasian dingo is known to occur in isolation from humans. Western dogs have experienced more intense artificial selection, which potentially limits their invasiveness. However, feral dogs eradicated from Isabela Island, Galápagos in the 1980s could be the first‐known exception. We used DNA and morphometric data from 92 of these dogs to test the hypotheses that (i) these dogs persisted independently of humans for up to a century and a half since descending from a handful of dogs introduced in the early 1800s, vs. (ii) similarly to other western feral dog populations, they reflected continuous recruitment of strays from human settlements on a portion of the Island. We detected one dominant maternal lineage and one dominant paternal lineage shared by the three subpopulations, along with low autosomal genetic diversity, consistent with the hypothesized common origins from a small founder population. Genetic diversity patterns among the three island subpopulations were consistent with stepping‐stone founder effects, while morphometric differentiation suggested rapid phenotypic divergence, possibly due to drift and reinforced by selection corresponding to distinct microclimates and habitats on Isabela. Despite the continued presence of free‐ranging dogs in the vicinity of settlements on Isabela and other Galápagos Islands, feral populations have not reestablished in remote areas since the 1980s, emphasizing the rarity of conditions necessary for feralization of modern western dogs.  相似文献   

Exaggerated male ornaments are predicted to be costly to their bearers, but these negative effects may be offset by the correlated evolution of compensatory traits. However, when locomotor systems, such as wings in flying species, evolve to decrease such costs, it remains unclear whether functional changes across related species are achieved via the same morphological route or via alternate changes that have similar function. We conducted a comparative analysis of wing shape in relation to eye‐stalk elongation across 24 species of stalk‐eyed flies, using geometric morphometrics to determine how species with increased eye span, a sexually selected trait, have modified wing morphology as a compensatory mechanism. Using traditional and phylogenetically informed multivariate analyses of shape in combination with phenotypic trajectory analysis, we found a strong phylogenetic signal in wing shape. However, dimorphic species possessed shifted wing veins with the result of lengthening and narrowing wings compared to monomorphic species. Dimorphic species also had changes that seem unrelated to wing size, but instead may govern wing flexion. Nevertheless, the lack of a uniform, compensatory pattern suggests that stalk‐eyed flies used alternative modifications in wing structure to increase wing area and aspect ratio, thus taking divergent morphological routes to compensate for exaggerated eye stalks.  相似文献   



The plant species Ipomoea aquatica contains various bioactive constituents, e.g. phenols and flavonoids, which have several medical uses. All previous studies were executed in Asia; however, no reports are available from Africa, and the secondary metabolites of this plant species from Africa are still unknown.


The present study aims finding suitable conditions to identify the bioactive compounds from different fractions.


Chromatographic fingerprint profiles of different fractions were developed using high‐performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and then these conditions were transferred to thin‐layer chromatography (TLC). Subsequently, the chemical structure of some bioactive compounds was elucidated using ultra‐performance liquid chromatography‐quadrupole time of flight‐tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC‐QTOF‐MS) and liquid chromatography‐solid phase extraction‐nuclear magnetic resonance (LC‐SPE‐NMR) spectroscopy.


The HPLC fingerprints, developed on two coupled Chromolith RP‐18e columns, using a gradient mobile phase (methanol/water/trifluoroacetic acid, 5:95:0.05, v/v/v), showed more peaks than the TLC profile. The TLC fingerprint allows the identification of the types of chemical constituents, e.g. flavonoids. Two flavonoids (nicotiflorin and ramnazin‐3‐O‐rutinoside) and two phenolic compounds (dihydroxybenzoic acid pentoside and di‐pentoside) were tentatively identified by QTOF‐MS, while NMR confirmed the structure of rutin and nicotiflorin.


The HPLC and TLC results showed that HPLC fingerprints give more and better separated peaks, but TLC helped in determining the class of the active compounds in some fractions. Bioactive constituents were identified as well using MS and NMR analyses. Two flavonoids and two phenolic compounds were tentatively identified in this species for the first time, to the best of our knowledge. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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