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As only females contribute directly to population growth, sexual females investing equally in sons and daughters experience a two-fold cost relative to asexuals producing only daughters. Typically, researchers have focused on benefits of sex that can counter this 'cost of males' and thus explain its predominance. Here, we instead ask whether asexuals might also pay a cost of males by quantifying the rate of son production in 45 experimental populations ('lineages') founded by obligately asexual female Potamopyrgus antipodarum. This New Zealand snail is a powerful model for studying sex because phenotypically similar sexual and asexual forms often coexist, allowing direct comparisons between sexuals and asexuals. After 2 years of culture, 23 of the 45 lineages had produced males, demonstrating that asexual P. antipodarum can make sons. We used maximum-likelihood analysis of a model of male production in which only some lineages can produce males to estimate that ~50% of lineages have the ability to produce males and that ~5% of the offspring of male-producing lineages are male. Lineages producing males in the first year of the experiment were more likely to make males in the second, suggesting that some asexual lineages might pay a cost of males relative to other asexual lineages. Finally, we used a simple deterministic model of population dynamics to evaluate how male production affects the rate of invasion of an asexual lineage into a sexual population, and found that the estimated rate of male production by asexual P. antipodarum is too low to influence invasion dynamics.  相似文献   

In several asexual taxa, reproduction requires mating with related sexual species to stimulate egg development, even though genetic material is not incorporated from the sexuals (gynogenesis). In cases in which gynogens do not invest in male function, they can potentially have a twofold competitive advantage over sexuals because the asexuals avoid the cost of producing males. If unmitigated, however, the competitive success of the asexuals would ultimately lead to their own demise, following the extinction of the sexual species that stimulate egg development. We have studied a model of mate choice among sexual individuals and asexual gynogens, where males of the sexual species preferentially mate with sexual females over gynogenetic females, to determine if such mating preferences can stably maintain both gynogenetic and sexual individuals within a community. Our model shows that stable coexistence of gynogens and their sexual hosts can occur when there is variation among males in the degree of preference for mating with sexual females and when pickier males pay a higher cost of preference.  相似文献   

The evolution and maintenance of sexual reproduction is still one of the major unresolved problems in evolutionary biology. Sexual reproduction is fraught with a number of costs as compared to asexual reproduction. For example, sexuals have to produce males, which–given a 1:1 sex ratio—results in a two-fold advantage for asexuals that do not produce males. Consequently, asexuals will outperform and replace sexuals over time assuming everything else is equal. Nonetheless, a few cases of closely related asexuals and sexuals have been documented to coexist stably in natural systems. We investigated the presence of a two-fold cost in a unique system of three closely related fish species: the asexual Amazon Molly (Poecilia formosa), and two sexual species, Sailfin Molly (P. latipinna) and Atlantic Molly (P. mexicana). Amazon Molly reproduce gynogenetically (by sperm dependent parthenogenesis) and always coexist with one of the sexual species, which serves as sperm donor. In the laboratory, we compared reproductive output between P. formosa and P. mexicana as well as P. formosa and P. latipinna. We found no differences in the fecundity in either comparison of a sexual and the asexual species. Under the assumption of a 1:1 sex ratio, the asexual Amazon Molly should consequently have a full two-fold advantage and be able to outcompete sexuals over time. Hence, the coexistence of the species pairs in nature presents a paradox still to be solved.  相似文献   

Considering its immediate costs of producing dispensable males, the maintenance of sexual reproduction is a major paradox in evolutionary biology. Asexual lineages that do not face such costs theoretically should replace sexuals over time. Nonetheless, several systems are known in which closely related sexual and asexual lineages stably coexist. In the present study, we studied a sexual/asexual mating complex of a sperm-dependent parthenogenetic fish (amazon molly, Poecilia formosa) and its sexual congeners, the sailfin molly P. latipinna and the Atlantic molly P. mexicana. We asked whether differences in feeding behavior could contribute to their stable coexistence. We conducted a laboratory experiment to compare feeding efficiencies and also measured the competitive abilities between the two reproductive forms. Additionally, we measured gut fullness of fishes caught in natural habitats. Contrary to our predictions, we could not find P. formosa to be less efficient in feeding. We argue that food competition in mollies plays a minor role in mediating coexistence between closely related asexual and sexual mollies.  相似文献   

Functional males that are produced occasionally in some asexual taxa – called ‘rare males’ – raise considerable evolutionary interest, as they might be involved in the origin of new parthenogenetic lineages. Diploid parthenogenetic Artemia produce rare males, which may retain the ability to mate with females of related sexual lineages. Here, we (i) describe the frequency of male progeny in populations of diploid parthenogenetic Artemia, (ii) characterize rare males morphologically, (iii) assess their reproductive role, using cross‐mating experiments with sexual females of related species from Central Asia and characterize the F1 hybrid offspring viability and (iv) confirm genetically both the identity and functionality of rare males using DNA barcoding and microsatellite loci. Our result suggests that these males may have an evolutionary role through genetic exchange with related sexual species and that diploid parthenogenetic Artemia is a good model system to investigate the evolutionary transitions between sexual species and parthenogenetic strains.  相似文献   

Male reproductive output, pollen in plants and sperm in animals has been shown to constitute a substantial cost for many organisms. In parthenogenetic hermaphrodites, selection is therefore expected to reduce the allocation of resources to male reproductive output. However, sustained production of pollen or sperm has been observed in numerous asexual hermaphrodites. We studied the widespread production of pollen by triploid asexual dandelions, Taraxacum sect. Ruderalia, comparing rare male sterile individuals with pollen producing asexuals. We found that individuals can show plasticity in the production of pollen, but that it is nevertheless possible to distinguish between (facultatively) male sterile asexuals and male fertile asexuals. Based on evidence from genetic markers and crosses, we conclude that the male sterility in asexual dandelions is caused by nuclear genes, in contrast to the cytoplasmically inherited male sterility previously found in sexual dandelions. Male sterile lineages did not produce more seeds per flower head, heavier seeds or seeds that were more viable. However, male sterile plants did produce more seed heads and hence more seeds than pollen producing ones, indicating that they were able to reallocate resources toward seed production. Considering the difference in seed production, it remains puzzling that not more asexual dandelions are male sterile.  相似文献   

The presence and extent of mitonuclear discordance in coexisting sexual and asexual lineages provides insight into 1) how and when asexual lineages emerged, and 2) the spatial and temporal scales at which the ecological and evolutionary processes influencing the evolution of sexual and asexual reproduction occur. Here, we used nuclear single‐nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers and a mitochondrial gene to characterize phylogeographic structure and the extent of mitonuclear discordance in Potamopyrgus antipodarum. This New Zealand freshwater snail is often used to study the evolution and maintenance of sex because obligately sexual and obligately asexual individuals often coexist. While our data indicate that sexual and asexual P. antipodarum sampled from the same lake population are often genetically similar, suggesting recent origin of these asexuals from sympatric sexual P. antipodarum, we also found significantly more population structure in sexuals vs. asexuals. This latter result suggests that some asexual lineages originated in other lakes and/or in the relatively distant past. When comparing mitochondrial and nuclear population genetic structure, we discovered that one mitochondrial haplotype (‘1A’) was rare in sexuals, but common and widespread in asexuals. Haplotype 1A frequency and nuclear genetic diversity were not associated, suggesting that the commonness of this haplotype cannot be attributed entirely to genetic drift and pointing instead to a role for selection.  相似文献   

It has recently been argued that because the genetic load borne by an asexual species resulting from segregation, relative to a comparable sexual population, is greater than two, sex can overcome its twofold disadvantage and succeed. We evaluate some of the assumptions underlying this argument and discuss alternative assumptions. Further, we simulate the dynamics of competition between sexual and asexual types. We find that for populations of size 100 and 500 the advantages of segregation do not outweigh the cost of producing males. We conclude that, at least for small populations, drift and the cost of sex govern the evolution of sexuality, not selection or segregation. We believe, however, that if sexual and asexual populations were isolated for a sufficiently long period, segregation might impart a fitness advantage upon sexuals that could compensate for the cost of sex and allow sexuals to outcompete asexuals upon their reunion.  相似文献   

Poor male function favours the coexistence of sexual and asexual relatives   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Britton  & Mogie 《Ecology letters》2001,4(2):116-121
Classical models of the evolution of sex typically assume that an asexual lineage, once derived, is reproductively separate from the sexual lineage from which it was derived. However, many asexuals, including hermaphrodite plants, produce male gametes capable of fertilising the eggs of co-existing sexuals, giving rise to sexual and asexual progeny. This male function of asexuals may be poor, and it has been proposed that this could favour sexuality and adversely affect the successful establishment of asexual lineages. We show that things are more complicated than this; the effect is frequency-dependent and poor male function may sometimes favour asexuality. In a spatially distributed population of flowering plants, it can prevent the successful invasion of either reproductive mode by the other via long-range dispersal. Consequently invasions must be driven by short-range dispersal, and are therefore extremely slow. Thus poor male function favours long-term co-existence of sexuals and asexuals. When coupled with the superior ability of asexuals to colonise virgin territory after an Ice Age, it may explain current ecological distribution patterns.  相似文献   

Selection acting on individuals is not predicted to maximize population persistence, yet examples that explicitly quantify conflicts between individual and population level benefits are scarce. One such conflict occurs over sexual reproduction because of the cost of sex: sexual populations that suffer the cost of producing males have only half the growth rate compared to asexuals. Male behaviour can additionally impact population dynamics in a variety of ways, and here we study an example where the impact is unusually clear: the riddle of persistence of sperm‐dependent sexual–asexual species complexes. Here, a sexually reproducing host species coexists with an ameiotically reproducing all‐female sperm parasite. Sexual–asexual coexistence should not be stable because the proportion of asexually reproducing females will rapidly increase and the relative abundance of the sexually reproducing host species will decline. A severe shortage of males will lead to sperm limitation for sexual and asexual females and the system collapses. Male mate choice could reduce the reproductive potential of the asexual species and thus potentially prevent the collapse. In the gynogenetic (sperm‐dependent parthenogenetic) Amazon molly Poecilia formosa and its host (P. latipinna or P. mexicana), males discriminate against asexual females to some extent. Using a population‐dynamical model, we examine the population dynamics of this species complex with varying strengths of male discrimination ability and efficiency with which they locate females and produce sperm. The sexual species would benefit from stronger discrimination, thus preventing being displaced by the asexual females. However, males would be required to evolve preferences that are probably too strong to be purely based upon selection acting on individuals. We conclude that male behaviour does not fully prevent but delays extinction, yet this is highly relevant because low local extinction rates strongly promote coexistence as a metapopulation.  相似文献   

The distributional pattern of geographical parthenogenesis has not yet been clearly explained. In Daphnia pulex, asexuals are found at higher latitude and in more marginal habitats than their sexual relatives. In addition, some asexual lineages, especially northern ones, are polyploid. This study aimed to test if polyploid clones are more resistant than sympatric diploid clones to a wide range of environmental factors and if asexual Daphnia (diploid clones) are more tolerant of extreme environmental conditions than sexual ones. We report significant differences in survivorship after short-term exposure to acute pH, conductivities, and temperature in 12 lineages of the Daphnia pulex complex. Ploidy level, reproductive mode, geographic origin, and heterozygosity level had a significant effect on survival but their effect varied depending on environmental factors.  相似文献   

Parasites and sexual reproduction in psychid moths   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Persistence of sexual reproduction among coexisting asexual competitors has been a major paradox in evolutionary biology. The number of empirical studies is still very limited, as few systems with coexisting sexual and strictly asexual lineages have been found. We studied the ecological mechanisms behind the simultaneous coexistence of a sexually and an asexually reproducing closely related species of psychid moth in Central Finland between 1999 and 2001. The two species compete for the same resources and are often infected by the same hymenopteran parasitoids. They are extremely morphologically and behaviorally similar and can be separated only by their reproductive strategy (sexual vs. asexual) or by genetic markers. We compared the life-history traits of these species in two locations where they coexist to test predictions of the cost-of-sex hypothesis. We did not find any difference in female size, number of larvae, or offspring survival between the sexuals and asexuals, indicating that sexuals are subject to cost of sex. We also used genetic markers to check and exclude the possibility of Wolbachia bacteria infection inducing parthenogenesis. None of the samples was infected by Wolbachia and, thus, it is unlikely that these bacteria could affect our results. We sampled 38 locations to study the prevalence of parasitoids and the moths' reproductive strategy. We found a strong positive correlation between prevalence of sexual reproduction and prevalence of parasitoids. In locations where parasitoids are rare asexuals exist in high densities, whereas in locations with a high parasitoid load the sexual species was dominant. Spatial distribution alone does not explain the results. We suggest that the parasite hypothesis for sex may offer an explanation for the persistence of sexual moths in this system.  相似文献   

Classical cost‐of‐sex models predict the rapid fixation of asexual reproduction. Coexistence of sexuals and asexuals is common among hermaphrodite plants, however, providing asexuals with access to sex via their male function; some of the sexually reproduced progeny they sire will be asexual. The ability of asexuals to sire progeny is often hindered by the production of poor quality pollen. Using cellular automata, it is shown that decreases in pollen quality in asexuals can greatly increase the period of coexistence of sexuals and asexuals and, consequently, the cumulative contribution of sex to asex. Extensive periods of coexistence are only likely, however, if pollen and seed are dispersed locally, in which case coexistence over thousands of generations can be achieved. It is argued that, with local dispersal, the negative relationship between pollen quality and the period of coexistence of sex and asex will result in patterns of geographic parthenogenesis in which asexuals that coexist with sexuals will exhibit a poor male function, whereas asexuals with a very efficient male function will occur in exclusively asexual populations. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 103 , 954–966.  相似文献   

What advantage do sexually reproducing organisms gain from their mode of reproduction that compensates for their twofold loss in reproductive rate relative to their asexual counterparts? One version of the Red Queen hypothesis suggests that selective pressure from parasites is strongest on the most common genotype in a population, and thus genetically identical clonal lineages are more vulnerable to parasitism over time than genetically diverse sexual lineages. Our surveys of the ectoparasites of an asexual gecko and its two sexual ancestral species show that the sexuals have a higher prevalence, abundance, and mean intensity of mites than asexuals sharing the same habitat. Our experimental data indicate that in one sexual/asexual pair this pattern is at least partly attributable to higher attachment rates of mites to sexuals. Such a difference may occur as a result of exceptionally high susceptibility of the sexuals to mites because of their low genetic diversity (relative to other more-outbred sexual species) and their potentially high stress levels, or as a result of exceptionally low susceptibility of the asexuals to mites because of their high levels of heterozygosity.  相似文献   

In sperm-dependent sexual/asexual mating systems, male mate choice is critical for understanding the mechanisms behind apparent stability observed in natural populations. The gynogenetic Amazon molly (Poecilia formosa) requires sperm from sexual males (e.g. Poecilia latipinna) to trigger embryogenesis, but inheritance is strictly maternal. Consequently, males should try to avoid or reduce the cost of mating with asexuals. We investigated male mate choice by documenting the presence of sperm in natural populations and found that a higher proportion of sexual females had sperm than asexuals. In addition, among those females that had sperm, sexuals had more sperm than asexuals. Our results hint at a role for male mate choice as a stabilizing factor in such systems.  相似文献   

In asexual lineages, both synonymous and nonsynonymous sequence polymorphism may be reduced due to severe founder effects when asexual lineages originate. However, mildly deleterious (nonsynonymous) mutations may accumulate after asexual lineages are formed, because the efficiency of purifying selection is reduced even in the nonrecombining mitochondrial genome. Here we examine patterns of synonymous and nonsynonymous mitochondrial sequence polymorphism in asexual and sexual lineages of the freshwater snail Campeloma. Using clade-specific estimates, we found that synonymous sequence polymorphism was significantly reduced by 75% in asexuals relative to sexuals, whereas nonsynonymous sequence polymorphism did not differ significantly between sexuals and asexuals. Two asexual clades had high negative values for Tajima's D statistic. Coalescent simulations confirmed that various bottleneck scenarios can account for this result. We also used branch-specific estimates of the ratio of amino acid to silent substitutions, K(a)/K(s). Our study revealed that K(a)/K(s) ratios are six times higher in terminal branches of independent asexual lineages compared to sexuals. Coalescent-based reconstruction of gene networks for all sexual and asexual clades indicated that nonsynonymous mutations occurred at a higher frequency in recently derived asexual haplotypes. These findings suggest that patterns of synonymous and nonsynonymous nucleotide polymorphism in asexual snail lineages may be shaped by both severe founder effect and relaxed purifying selection.  相似文献   

In the midwestern United States the Daphnia pulex complex consists of a mosaic of sexual and asexual populations, providing a useful model system for studying the evolutionary forces underlying the maintenance of sex. One asexual and two sexual populations were surveyed for genetic variation for isozymes, mitochondrial DNA, and life-history characters. While the sexual populations exhibited substantial levels of genetic variance for fitness characters, no variation was detected in the asexual population at any level. However, a parallel survey among asexual clones derived from other ponds revealed large amounts of quantitative variation among clones, even among those with the same molecular profile. As a group, the asexuals are more variable for life histories than are the sexual populations. The molecular data indicate a relatively recent origin for the extant asexual D. pulex. The polyphyletic origin of these clones, combined with their microevolutionary potential, provides an explanation for their broad geographic distribution. The distribution of sex in the complex cannot be explained with the standard models that assume an invariant asexual population in reproductive isolation from the parental species. Although the frequency of asexuality may be driven by the spread of a sex-limited meiosis suppressor through sexual populations, the complete displacement of sexuality may be prevented by ecological distinctions between the two classes of individuals. On average, the asexuals are larger but produce smaller clutches than the sexuals.  相似文献   

The ubiquity of sexual reproduction is an evolutionary puzzle because asexuality should have major reproductive advantages. Theoretically, transitions to asexuality should confer substantial benefits in population growth and lead to rapid displacement of all sexual ancestors. So far, there have been few rigorous tests of one of the most basic assumptions of the paradox of sex: that asexuals are competitively superior to sexuals immediately after their origin. Here I examine the fitness consequences of very recent transitions to obligate parthenogenesis in the cyclical parthenogenetic rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus. This experimental system differs from previous animal models, since obligate parthenogens were derived from the same maternal genotype as cyclical parthenogens. Obligate parthenogens had similar fitness compared with cyclical parthenogens in terms of the intrinsic rate of increase (calculated from life tables). However, population growth of cyclical parthenogens was predicted to be much lower: sexual female offspring do not contribute to immediate population growth in Brachionus, since they produce either males or diapausing eggs. Hence, if cyclical parthenogens constantly produce a high proportion of sexual offspring, there is a cost of sex, and obligate parthenogens can invade. This prediction was confirmed in laboratory competition experiments.  相似文献   

Why sex is so common remains unclear; what is certain is that the predominance of sex despite its profound costs means that it must confer major advantages. Here, we use elemental and nucleic acid assays to evaluate a key element of a novel, integrative hypothesis considering whether sex might be favoured because of differences in body composition between sexuals and asexuals. We found that asexual Potamopyrgus antipodarum, a New Zealand snail, have markedly higher bodily phosphorus and nucleic acid content per unit mass than sexual counterparts. These differences coincide with and are almost certainly linked to the higher ploidy of the asexuals. Our results are the first documented body composition differences between sexual and asexual organisms, and the first detected phenotypic difference between sexual and asexual P. antipodarum, an important natural model system for the study of the maintenance of sex. These findings also verify a central component of our hypothesis that competition between diploid sexuals and polyploid asexuals could be influenced by phosphorus availability.  相似文献   

Species with sexual and asexual life cycles may exhibit intraspecific differences in reproductive effort. The spatial separation of sexual and asexual lineages, called geographic parthenogenesis, is common in plants, animals, and algae. Mastocarpus papillatus is a well‐documented case of geographic parthenogenesis in which sexuals dominate southern populations, asexuals dominate northern popula‐tions, whereas mixed populations occur throughout central California. We quantified abundances and reproductive effort of sexual and asexual fronds and tetrasporophytes at eight sites in California to test the hypotheses that (1) reduced sexual reproduction at higher latitudes and tidal heights explains the observed geographic parthenogenesis and (2) reproductive effort (spore production per blade area) declines with increasing latitude. Abundances of all phases varied site‐specifically. However, there was no geographic pattern of reproductive effort of fronds. Reproductive effort of fronds was greater in 2006 than in 2007 and correlated with sea surface temperatures. Sexual fronds exhibited greater reproductive effort than did asexual fronds and sexual reproductive effort was also inversely correlated with local upwelling index. Tetrasporophytes showed greater repro‐ductive effort in northern sites, but total supply of tetraspores per m2 was greatest in the middle of the sampling range where crusts were more abundant. There was no decline of reproductive effort at higher latitudes. Geographic patterns of fecundity of life stages do not explain geographic parthe‐nogenesis in M. papillatus. Site‐specific differences in viability among spores or established thalli of different life cycles may explain their respective geographic distributions, as the sexual and asexual life cycles responded differently to environmental variations.  相似文献   

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