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The majority of landbird species feed their nestlings arthropods and variation in arthropod populations can impact reproductive outcomes in these species. Arthropod populations in turn are influenced by climate because temperature affects survival and reproduction, and larval development. Thus, climate factors have the potential to influence many bird species during their reproductive phases. In this study, we assessed climate factors that impact the diet of nestling White‐headed Woodpecker (Dryobates albolarvatus), an at‐risk keystone species in much of its range in western North America. To do this, we measured stable isotope signatures (δ13C and δ15N) in 152 nestlings across six years and linked variation in isotopic values to winter (December–February) and spring (June) precipitation and temperature using mixed effects models. We also explored habitat factors that may impact δ13C and δ15N and the relationship between δ15N and nest productivity. Last, we estimated isotopic niche width for nestlings in different watersheds and years using Bayesian standard ellipses, which allowed us to compare dietary niche width and overlap. We found that colder winter temperatures were associated with an increase in δ15N and δ15N levels had a weak positive relationship with nest productivity. We also found that sites with a more diverse tree community were associated with a broader isotopic niche width in nestlings. Our findings suggest that nestling diet is affected by climate, and under future warming climate scenarios, White‐headed Woodpecker nestling diet may shift in favor of lower trophic level prey (prey with lower δ15N levels). The impact of such changes on woodpecker populations merits further study.  相似文献   

Geladas were long supposed to be the only living primates feeding almost entirely on graminoids and accordingly display dramatic dental and manual adaptive traits. A recent study of Theropithecus gelada, the first in a relatively undisturbed habitat, revealed a more diverse diet, also incorporating large quantities of forbs. The peculiar adaptive traits of T. gelada are also observed in extinct Theropithecus as early as 3.7 Ma. Stable carbon isotopic data of extinct Theropithecus from eastern Africa indicate that specimens older than 3 Ma consumed a significant proportion of C3 plants (on average ca. 40% of total food intake) whereas specimens younger than 2 Ma consumed more C4 plants (on average ca. 80%). Recent paleobotanical evidence suggests that C3 herbaceous plants were still present in non‐negligible proportions in Plio‐Pleistocene lowland tropical ecosystems. Together, the shared morphological adaptive traits of extant and extinct Theropithecus and the varied diets of extant T. gelada suggest that the paleodiets of Theropithecus may have been dominated by herbaceous plants, comprising both C3 forbs and graminoids and C4 graminoids. The changes in stable carbon isotopes could correspond to a replacement of C3 plants by C4 plants within the herbaceous strata rather than a shift from C3 woody vegetation to C4 graminoids. This synthesis highlights the need for a more exhaustive knowledge of the ecology of extant species to achieve meaningful paleodietary and paleoenvironmental reconstructions. A strong selectivity for food resources that are rare in the landscapes (as in T. gelada) should also be considered when interpreting stable carbon isotopes of extinct African mammals (and notably hominids).  相似文献   

Diet quality during development can impact growth, physiology, behaviour and survival. The Canada jay is a resident boreal passerine that caches a wide variety of perishable food items in late summer and autumn for its over‐winter survival and late‐winter reproduction. A previous experiment found evidence that food supplementation of Canada jay pairs during the nestling period had a positive effect on the condition of their nestlings. However, given that foods cached by adults vary widely in nutritional content, the composition of nestling diets could also have an important influence on offspring development. In a population of Canada jays in Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada, we investigated the influence of environmental conditions before and during the breeding season on nestling diet composition and the consequences of nestling diet composition on the body condition of nestlings and on their subsequent survival. Using stable‐carbon (δ13C) and ‐nitrogen (δ15N) isotopes, we estimated the proportion of three food groups (vertebrates + human food, invertebrates and plants) in feathers from almost 200 nestlings. Nestling diet in March and April was influenced by environmental conditions 5–6 months prior to hatching, with warmer and more variable autumn temperatures associated with a greater proportion of vertebrate flesh and human food in the diet. However, the proportion of vertebrates and human food in the diet had no influence on nestling body condition or whether an individual was observed the following fall. Our results, in conjunction with previous work on Canada jays, suggest that the quantity of food available to a nestling during development may be more important than diet composition.  相似文献   

An ecological niche has been defined as an n‐dimensional hypervolume formed by conditions and resources that species need to survive, grow, and reproduce. In practice, such niche dimensions are measurable and describe how species share resources, which has been thought to be a crucial mechanism for coexistence and a major driver of broad biodiversity patterns. Here, we investigate resource partitioning and trophic interactions of three sympatric, phylogenetically related and morphologically similar species of thrushes (Turdus spp.). Based on one year of data collected in southern Brazil, we investigated niche partitioning using three approaches: diet and trophic niche assessed by fecal analysis, diet and niche estimated by stable isotopes in blood and mixing models, and bipartite network analysis derived from direct diet and mixing model outputs. Approaches revealed that the three sympatric thrushes are generalists that feed on similar diets, demonstrating high niche overlap. Fruits from C3 plants were one of the most important food items in their networks, with wide links connecting the three thrush species. Turdus amaurochalinus and T. albicollis had the greatest trophic and isotopic niche overlap, with 90% and 20% overlap, respectively. There was partitioning of key resources between these two species, with a shared preference for fig tree fruits—Ficus cestrifolia (T. amaurochalinus PSIRI% = 11.3 and T. albicollis = 11.5), which was not present in the diet of T. rufiventris. Results added a new approach to the network analysis based on values from the stable isotope mixing models, allowing comparisons between traditional dietary analysis and diet inferred by isotopic mixing models, which reflects food items effectively assimilated in consumer tissues. Both are visualized in bipartite networks and show food‐consumers link strengths. This approach could be useful to other studies using stable isotopes coupled to network analysis, particularly useful in sympatric species with similar niches.  相似文献   

Stable isotope ratios (δ13C and δ15N) were analyzed from the bone collagen of individuals (n = 8) from a Lapita burial ground (ca. 2800–2350 BP) on Watom Island, located off northeast New Britain in the Bismarck Archipelago. The aim of this study was to assess the diet and subsistence strategies of humans that lived during the later Lapita period in Near Oceania. To aid in the interpretation of the human diet we analyzed the stable isotope ratios of faunal material from the site (n = 27). We also aim to assess methods of animal husbandry at the site over time from an analysis of the stable isotope ratios (δ13C and δ15N) of pig bones (n = 22) from different temporal periods (Lapita, post‐Lapita, and late prehistoric). The protein diet of the humans consisted of marine organisms from the inshore environment and some deep‐water species, most likely marine turtle, in addition to higher trophic level terrestrial foods, likely pig and native animals (e.g., fruit bat, Cuscus and bandicoot). Although the sample sizes were small, females (n = 4) displayed more variable δ13C and δ15N values compared with males (n = 4), which may be associated with the movement of adult females to the island. The stable isotope analysis of the pig bones indicated that there were few differences between the diets of the pigs from the Lapita and post‐Lapita layers, suggesting that the method of pig husbandry was similar between these two periods and was likely relatively free‐range. Am J Phys Anthropol 157:30–41, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   


Gizzards were examined from 334 adult and 62 nestling starlings collected in mixed farmland during 1971–72. The birds ate insects, spiders, earthworms, snails, millipedes, centipedes, seeds, and fruits. Starlings ate fewer subterranean animals (7%) than those usually living partially hidden (45%), on the ground (31%), or on vegetation (18%). About half the invertebrates eaten were 2–5 mm long and about a quarter 6–10 mm long. Nestlings tend to be fed significantly larger items than were eaten by adults. The commonest items in adult starlings were Coleoptera adults, Lepidoptera larvae, Hemiptera, and fruits; in nestlings, Coleoptera adults and Diptera adults and larvae were important. Earthworms were found in all the nestlings. More than 50% of adult gizzards contained earthworm chaetae in wetter months, but fewer in drier months. The diet of starlings, despite considerable overlap with the foods eaten by mynas, rooks, and magpies, included somewhat different components and proportions of the food supply. Fruits were found in adults only; most were probably eaten after harvest. Although predation on two major pasture pests—Costelytra zealandica and Wiseana cervinata larvae—was insubstantial, nearly 40% of the total invertebrates eaten by adult starlings were insect pest species.  相似文献   

Seasonal and ontogenetic shifts in the diet of Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus were studied in a deep, ultra‐oligotrophic lake in subarctic Finland from both stomach contents and the stable carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotope compositions of muscle and liver tissues. Both diet and isotope results indicated that the S. alpinus population relied mainly on littoral benthic energy sources. The strong littoral reliance appeared largely independent of season or fish size, although the data lacked small (total length, LT, <130 mm) and young (<3 years) S. alpinus. Liver isotope values of intermediate‐sized S. alpinus (200–350 mm), however, suggested exploitation of the increase in the abundance of pelagic zooplankton in the late open‐water season. The results suggest that, in general, a strong littoral reliance of fishes can be a feature in subarctic lakes throughout the year. Due to its faster isotopic turnover rate and thus higher resolution for temporal diet changes, liver could be more commonly used in stable‐isotope studies of fish trophic niche shifts instead of using only the less responsive muscle tissue.  相似文献   

Enriched δ13C values (annual average – 11.2‰) suggest that in the study site (Stagnone di Marsala, Italy) the sand smelt Atherina boyeri exploited benthic prey throughout the year. In particular, Mysidacea and Isopoda seemed to dominate the diet. Stomach content data from the literature was in partial agreement with the present isotopic analysis suggesting that, while Mysidacea and Isopoda are exploited by A. boyeri , Copepoda Harpacticoida and Amphipoda are the dominant food items of the sand smelt diet. Several hypotheses are proposed to explain such partially different results from the two techniques. Both season and size influenced the δ13C and δ15N values of A. boyeri . Although throughout the sampling year, A. boyeri showed very enriched δ13C and δ15N values consistent with a diet based on benthic resources, it showed significant seasonal differences in both nitrogen and carbon isotope ratios. Such a finding suggests that the food preferences of A. boyeri undergo small seasonal differences, probably as a consequence of prey availability. Size also affected the isotopic composition of the sand-smelt indicating that this species shows ontogenetic diet shifts in the study site. Compared with other Mediterranean trophic data of the sand smelt these results substantiate the great adaptability of A. boyeri to the local environmental resources and its trophic plasticity.  相似文献   

The presence of introduced Norway rats Rattus norvegicus has raised concerns for the fate of the large least auklet Aethia pusilla colony situated at Sirius Point, Kiska Island, Alaska. Previous studies have documented extreme interannual variation in least auklet reproductive success and potential drastic population declines, both of which have been attributed to the varying abundance of, and predation by, Norway rats. A diet study would resolve the uncertainty that remains about the role of rats in the auklet's reproductive failure and the colony's decline. Our main objectives here were to quantify the variation in diet of introduced Norway rats and assess predation on least auklets. Using stable isotope analysis we document wide variability in rat diet dependent on location and provide direct evidence that Norway rats are preferentially preying on least auklets at Sirius Point. In conclusion, we hypothesize that the observed wide variability in rat diet will contribute to the persistence of rats on Kiska long after auklets have been extirpated. The persistence of rats enabled by their foraging plasticity will increase their effects by creating ecological traps within which prospecting individuals will fall and be depredated. This has large conservation consequences as it suggests that when seabirds are extirpated recolonization by prospecting birds is virtually impossible and island ecosystems will continue to be negatively affected and altered as long as introduced predators, such as rats, remain within them.  相似文献   

Most mobulids are listed as near threatened to endangered. Nonetheless, effective conservation measures are hindered by knowledge gaps in their ecology and behaviour. In particular, few studies have assessed diets and trophic ecologies that could inform methods to avoid fishing mortality. Here, a shortfall in data for the longhorned pygmy devil ray, Mobula eregoodoo was addressed by describing temporal variability in dietary preferences using stable isotope analysis. During summer and autumn in 2017, five bather-protection gillnets were deployed off eastern Australia (29° S, 153.5° E). From the catches of these gillnets, 35 adult M. eregoodoo had liver, muscle and stomach contents sampled to determine δ13C and δ15N profiles. Analyses revealed that surface zooplankton and zooplanktivorous teleosts were important dietary components across short- and long-term temporal scales. Large quantities of undigested sandy sprat, Hyperlophus vittatus, in the stomachs of some specimens unequivocally confirm feeding on teleosts. A narrow isotopic niche and minimal isotopic overlap with reef manta rays, Mobula alfredi from the same geographic region in eastern Australia implies M. eregoodoo has unique and highly specialised resource use relative to other mobulids in the area. The species is clearly vulnerable to capture during inshore migrations, presumably where they feed on shallow-water shoaling teleosts. Female M. eregoodoo likely have a low annual reproductive output, so population recoveries from fishing-induced declines are likely to be slow. Measures to reduce the by catch of M. eregoodoo in local bather-protection gillnets, and artisanal fisheries more broadly, should be given priority.  相似文献   

稳定同位素技术广泛地用于描绘生态系统中食物网的食物来源和营养级关系,但是消费者不同组织转化率的研究相对较少。通过锦鲤摄食人工添加15N蓝藻的食性转化实验,研究不同组织N同位素转化率的差异,探讨组织生长和代谢对同位素转化的相对贡献,为不同时间尺度的稳定同位素研究取样奠定基础。结果表明,通过42d的加富蓝藻饲喂,各组织的N稳定同位素发生显著变化。肝的δ15N为(19.3±1.4)‰,显著高于其它组织,其次为鱼鳍((15.6±1.0)‰)和血液((12.6±0.4)‰),肌肉的δ15N‰最低,为(9.9±0.7)‰。在随后的同位素稀释实验中,锦鲤的体重增加,相对生长速率为0.011d-1,鳍肉的转化率最快,达到11.4%/d,半衰期仅为6.1d,其次是血液和肝,肌肉的转化率最低,仅有3.8%/d,半衰期最长,为18.4d。代谢衰减指数c和-1不存在显著差异,表明锦鲤各组织的N同位素转化主要由组织生长引起。结论显示,同位素富集-稀释法可以有效评价鱼类食性转变对不同组织同位素转化的差异,鳍肉和血液同位素分析可以作为锦鲤食性转变快速追踪的手段。  相似文献   

The carrion beetle subfamily Silphinae (Coleoptera: Silphidae) contains dominant macroinvertebrates of soil ecosystems in temperate zones. However, their feeding habits, which determine the role of each species in the ecosystem, have not been sufficiently studied. Moreover, although a diet shift from necrophagy on vertebrate carcasses to predatory feeding on invertebrates is known to occur in this subfamily, the processes and mechanisms of this shift have also been inadequately addressed. We examined female fecundity and larval development on various diets in a Silphinae species, Necrophila (Eusilpha) japonica (Motschulsky). The experimental diets included a meat diet and various invertebrate diets, which reflect the ‘ancestral’ feeding habit in Silphinae, necrophagy, and the ‘derivative’ feeding habit, predatory feeding. Female fecundity was significantly higher on the meat diet (minced beef) than on an insect larvae diet (mealworms and dipteran larvae) but did not significantly differ from that on an earthworm diet. Larval developmental performance was significantly higher on the earthworm diet than on the meat and insect larvae diets. Our results for larval development were consistent with those of previous stable isotope analyses of the same species, in which isotopic values of larval samples agree with those of hypothetical consumers that utilize earthworms. The consistency of results among different methods indicates that N. japonica larvae are most likely earthworm feeders. In contrast, our results for the female fecundity experiment differed from those of previous stable isotope analyses, in which vertebrate carcasses unlikely serve as the staple diet of adults in the field; thus, the feeding habits of N. japonica adults remain unresolved. Our observations that females and larvae performed best on the meat and earthworm diets, respectively, may indicate that, in Silphinae, the diet shift from necrophagy to predatory habits occurs earlier in larvae than in adults.  相似文献   

Diet analyses are central to the study of avian trophic ecology, and stable isotope analyses have made an increasing contribution in the last two decades. Few isotopic studies have assessed the diet of raptor species, which are more frequently analysed by conventional diet methods such as pellet analysis. In this study, we compare prey consumption estimates of nestling Bonelli's Eagles Aquila fasciata from conventional pellet analysis (in terms of items and biomass) and stable isotopic mixing models (SIAR) using δ13C, δ15N and δ34S of feathers. The pellet analysis showed that European Rabbits Oryctolagus cuniculus, pigeons (mainly Common Wood Pigeons Columba palumbus and Domestic Pigeons Columba livia dom.), Red‐legged Partridges Alectoris rufa, passerines, Yellow‐legged Gulls Larus michahellis and Eurasian Red Squirrels Sciurus vulgaris were the main prey, so they were selected for diet reconstructions in SIAR. At the population level, mean prey consumption estimates were similar for pellets (both items and biomass) and SIAR. At the territory level, the weighted kappa statistic showed good ordinal scale agreement in main prey consumption between items or biomass and SIAR. Although the intraclass correlation coefficient showed poor method agreement when considering all prey in the same analysis, the intraclass correlation coefficients for each prey category showed significant agreement between pellets and SIAR when estimating the consumption of Rabbits, pigeons and Gulls, with lower agreement for passerines and Squirrels. Lastly, there was poor method agreement for estimates of Partridges. Our results suggest an overall agreement between the pellet analysis and SIAR when estimating nestling Bonelli's Eagle diet at both the population and, to a lesser extent, the territory level, supporting the usefulness of isotopic mixing models when identifying the terrestrial and marine components of raptor diets.  相似文献   

Stable isotope analysis (SIA) has emerged as an important tool for understanding consumer diets and diet shifts. However, although the general idea behind SIA is clear, the interpretation of data is often fraught with problems because tissue turnover and fractionations are not known. We investigated shifts in stable isotope composition of spiders following a diet shift, using mealworms fed either maize (C4) or wheat (C3) flour. Mealworms had different carbon isotope composition depending on their diet and this difference was reflected in spider body parts. In the experiment, we first fed the spiders on a diet of either maize‐fed or wheat‐fed mealworms and then switched diet at the time of the second molt. Spiders were then sampled repeatedly until the next molt. We sampled both legs and abdomens, as these are presumed to have different turnover of tissue, and also molt remains were sampled when this was relevant. The data indicated that the spider legs had a turnover of about 20 days, whereas the spider abdomens had a turnover of about 8 days. Molt remains had the slowest turnover and reflected the diet at the previous molt, when the exoskeleton was formed. Both these observations indicate that SIA may be successfully used for elucidating diet shifts. More problematic was the fact that fractionation of carbon isotope ratios varied with body parts and diets. When spiders were fed maize‐mealworms then the fractionation was larger for abdomens, but when the spiders were fed wheat‐mealworms then the fractionation was larger for legs. The mechanisms underlying this pattern are unclear and deserve further attention.  相似文献   

The yellowfin tuna is a very abundant tropical tuna species in the western equatorial Atlantic Ocean and an important fishery resource for the Brazilian tuna fleet. In this study we performed stable isotope analysis to better understand the spatial trophodynamics and dietary changes in yellowfin tuna around two insular marine protected areas in Brazil. A total of 65 yellowfin tuna specimens measuring between 47 and 138 cm LT (total length) were sampled around the archipelagos of Fernando de Noronha (FNA; n = 34) and Saint Peter and Saint Paul (SPSPA; n = 31) between July 2018 and September 2019. Bayesian mixing models and generalized additive models were used to investigate the contributions of four different prey items (zooplankton, cephalopods, fish larvae, and flying fish) to yellowfin tuna diet in each area and their potential changes in relation to predator growth. The four prey items were found to have different overall contributions between the two studied areas, with zooplankton being the most important prey in FNA, whereas flying fish was the most relevant prey to the species' diet in SPSPA. Significant changes in the species diet by size were also found, with fish smaller than 90 cm (TL) having a more generalist diet and larger animals relying more on consuming larger and more nutritious prey (i.e., flying fish). Our results suggest that these two marine protected areas play an important role in ocean dynamics, providing important and different foraging grounds for the development of this predator species.  相似文献   

Considering water pollution as a potential threat to some endemic cichlids of Lake Barombi Mbo, Cameroon, an investigation was done in 2011 to determine trace metals in its water, linking their uptake in gills and liver of fish to water chemistry. ICP-MS and ICP-OES analyses of trace metals based on total concentration of unfiltered lake water samples showed the presence of trace metals. All fish species accumulated Al, Mn and Sr in the highest concentrations in their gills, with Cu, Cd, Co, Cr, Pb and U highest in the liver. Pungu maclareni accumulated Al, Cr, Co, Sr and Pb in the highest concentrations. The highest mean gill Al concentration of 140 µg g?1 dry weight was measured in P. maclareni gills, this being one of the critically endangered cichlids of the lake. Stable isotope analyses of carbon δ13C and nitrogen δ15N showed that P. maclareni had the highest mean δ13C (?30.2‰) and highest concentrations of Cr, Co, Pb and U in liver, probably linking the carbon source to the accumulation of metals. Though trace metal levels in the lake water were low, their presence in fish tissues suggest they are bioavailable, bioaccumulate and may pose a threat to the aquatic biota, and therefore should be monitored.  相似文献   

This work investigated the feeding ecology and behaviour of gray whales in Bahía Magdalena. Underwater observations of bottom feeding were made (n=4). Skin biopsies of the gray whale had a carbon isotope value of –16.5 ± 0.1 (range from –16.4 to –16.7, n=7). Prey in Bahía Magdalena had a carbon isotope value of –18.4. Dietary enrichment from prey in Bahía Magdalena would correspond to 2 ± 0.1, whereas previously published results for prey in Alaska would result in an enrichment of 3, which suggests that whales were more likely feeding on prey from Bahía Magdalena. Carbon isotopic oscillation along the baleen plate of a stranded 1-year-old whale showed a variation in diet during the year, which suggests continual feeding during this time and corresponding to dietary sample measurements from Bahía Magdalena in winter and Alaska in summer.  相似文献   

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