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Parasitoids in the genera Encarsia and Eretmocerus (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) are important biological control agents of whiteflies through their reproductive as well as host‐feeding activities. The feeding capacities of female parasitoids of three species with different reproductive strategies [Encarsia sophia (Girault & Dodd), Encarsia formosa Gahan, and Eretmocerus melanoscutus Zolnerowich & Rose] on their host, sweetpotato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) biotype B (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae), were evaluated on cabbage in a single‐instar no‐choice experiment in the laboratory and a mixed‐instar choice experiment in the greenhouse. In both single‐ and mixed‐instar experiments, significant differences in host‐feeding capacities were found among the three parasitoid species. Encarsia sophia exhibited superior capacity of host‐feeding compared to E. formosa and E. melanoscutus. In the single‐instar experiment, parasitoids fed more on younger (smaller) hosts than older (larger) hosts. In the mixed‐instar experiments, all three parasitoid species exhibited a clear preference for feeding on older hosts compared to younger hosts. Total number of whitefly nymphs fed on by E. sophia was approximately three times that of the other two parasitoid species. Whitefly mortality accounted for by host‐feeding by E. sophia was up to 59.7%, and, thus, equivalent to parasitization. The significance of host‐feeding of E. sophia for biological control of B. tabaci is discussed.  相似文献   

Following the accidental introduction and spread of the invasive polyphagous agricultural pest Halyomorpha halys (Stål) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), the two European egg parasitoids Anastatus bifasciatus (Geoffroy) (Hymenoptera: Eupelmidae) and Ooencyrtus telenomicida (Vassiliev) (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) have been investigated for inundative biological control. Since the competititve outcome between the two generalist parasitoids is difficult to predict, intrinsic competition was investigated with a time-course development study. Both species readily oviposited in H. halys eggs containing eggs and early instar larvae of the competitor, but oviposition decreased when eggs contained late instar larvae and pupae. Ooencyrtus telenomicida offspring emergence from multiparasitized eggs was significantly lower than that from rearing controls, independent of the order of parasitization. Anastatus bifasciatus offspring emergence was not influenced by the presence of O. telenomicida when it parasitized as the first species, but emergence was decreased after oviposition in eggs containing O. telenomicida larvae and pupae. There was no indication that O. telenomicida can act as a facultative hyperparasitoid of A. bifasciatus. These results suggest that A. bifasciatus is the superior intrinsic competitor and no or minor negative implications for A. bifasciatus are expected if released in combination with O. telenomicida.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Studies of inter-specific competition in parasitoids have largely focused on the outcome of within-host competition and the behavioural mechanisms by which female parasitoids prevent competition. Another, less well studied, possibility is oviposition preceded by 'heterospecific ovicide', the destruction of the other species' egg. Heterospecific ovicide essentially eliminates within-host competition.
2. This study investigated the mechanisms and outcome of within-host competition in Encarsia formosa and Encarsia luteola , solitary endoparasitoids of whitefly pests. These species are known to commit ovicide of conspecific eggs.
3. Competition experiments indicated that the offspring of second-ovipositing females had an apparent advantage in competition, regardless of whether the second female was E. formosa or E. luteola .
4. Observations of ovipositor movement through the cuticle of host whitefly nymphs showed that both species often committed heterospecific ovicide and then oviposited or host-fed. Multiparasitism and heterospecific host discrimination were less common and absent respectively.
5. Heterospecific ovicide appears to explain the second-female advantage in competition between these species. Second-female advantage is contrary to the paradigmatic view of multiparasitism, where the first-ovipositing female has an advantage in competition or one of the species consistently prevails in competition.  相似文献   

Using the electroretinogram (ERG) technique the spectral efficiency of the compound eye of the glasshouse whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood) (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) and its main parasitoid Encarsia formosa (Gahan) (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) was measured at selected wavelengths between 340 nm and 670 nm. The form of the ERG for both T. vaporariorum and E. formosa was found to be monophasic in nature. For both male and female T. vaporariorum and female E. formosa a primary peak of efficiency occurred in the blue-green-yellow region, peak 520 nm and a secondary peak in the ultraviolet (UV) region. The compound eye of female E. formosa gave a significantly greater response in the UV region than either the dorsal or ventral regions of the compound eye of T. vaporariorum relative to the responses in the blue-green-yellow region. T. vaporariorum has divided compound eyes with distinct dorsal and ventral regions. In this study it was found that the percentage response in the UV, of the dorsal region of the eye, is significantly greater than that of the ventral region of the eye relative to the percentage response in the blue-green-yellow region and there is a significant shift in the blue-green yellow peak towards the right of the spectrum.  相似文献   

Developmental history and behavior of Eretmocerus mundus Mercet, a parasitoid of Bemisia tabaci was studied at 25°C. The eggs may be laid under all four nymphal instars but not under the pupa. Yet the second and third instars are preferred. The egg hatches only under the fourth instar or the pupa. Developmental medians at 25°C are: Instar I-2.5, II-4, II-4, prepupa-2 and pupa 8 days. When ovipositing, the female stands at an angle of 90° to the host, with wings raised and inserts the ovipositor under the whitefly nymph. The egg is laid close to the insertion point of the whitefly's proboscis into the leaf. After oviposition, the female apparently marks the host while drumming on it with her hind legs. She distinguishes already parasitized hosts from unparasitized ones and refrains from laying under the former. Discrimination is accomplished after antennal drumming only.
Les parasitoïdes de Bemisia tabaci (aleyrodidae) en Israel: développement, ponte et sélection des hôtes ches Eretmocerus mundus (aphelinidae)
Résumé Le développment et le comportement de E. mundus, parasitoïde de B. tabaci, ont été étudiés à 25°C. Les oeufs sont pondus sous les quatre stades larvaires (les deuxième et troizième sont préférés) mais pas sous les nymphes. Les oeufs n'éclosent que sous les larves du quatrième stade ou les nymphes. Les temps de développement médiaux sont à 25°, les suivants: stade I: 2,5j; stade II: 4j; stade III: 4j et nymphe 8j. Pendant la ponte, la femelle est à 90° sur son hôte, les ailes dressées, et insère sa tarière sous la larve d'aleurode. L'oeuf est déposé près du point d'insertion de la trompe dans la feuille. Après l'émission, la femelle marque apparemment son hôte pendant qu'elle tambourine avec ses pattes postérieures. Elle distingue les hôtes parasités ou non, et limite sa ponte dans les premiers. La sélection est effectuée seulement après tambourinage antennaire.

Abstract.  1. Interspecific competition among parasitoids may play a key role in the community dynamics of tritrophic plant–herbivore–parasitoid systems and has important implications for management of herbivorous insect pests.
2. A model system was used to explore the outcome of interspecific competition between parasitoids that differ in host specificity. The system included the lepidopteran pest Heliothis virescens , the generalist parasitoid Cotesia marginiventris , and two specialist parasitoids, Microplitis croceipes and Cardiochiles nigriceps .
3. The generalist, C. marginiventris , dominated intrinsic competition when given an 8-h developmental head start over C. nigriceps or when its oviposition was simultaneous with that of M. croceipes . Microplitis croceipes and especially C. nigriceps larvae prevailed when they were allowed to oviposit prior to C. marginiventris .
4. Rates of host mortality prior to parasitoid emergence varied with parasitoid species composition and with the order of oviposition.
5. Implications for integrated pest management and the adaptive significance of competition as related to host specialisation are discussed.  相似文献   

We investigated interspecific competition between Campoletis chlorideae Uchida (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) and Microplitis mediator (Haliday) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) in their host, the cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) under laboratory conditions. Cotton bollworm larvae were allowed to be parasitized by both wasp species simultaneously or sequentially at different time intervals. When host larvae were parasitized simultaneously by both parasitoids, the majority of the cocoons produced were of M. mediator. When host larvae were parasitized initially by M. mediator followed by C. chlorideae at 12 or 24 h, parasitoids emerging from the multiparasitized hosts were mainly M. mediator. In contrast, when host larvae were parasitized initially by C. chlorideae, followed by M. mediator 12 or 24 h later, parasitoids emerging from the multiparasitized hosts were mainly C. chlorideae. Dissections of host larvae at various time intervals after parasitization by the two parasitoids showed that first instars of M. mediator could physically attack the larvae of C. chlorideae, but not the eggs of C. chlorideae. When a host was parasitized by both wasp species sequentially, more host larvae died and the number of wasp offspring was significantly reduced compared to a host parasitized by only one wasp. Conversely, in simultaneous multiparasitism, the host mortality and wasp offspring production were not significantly different from those parasitized by single wasp species.  相似文献   

At least five of the biotypes described in the Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) complex are known to be present in the Mediterranean Basin area. Only two of them, however, are economically relevant, that is, biotypes B and Q. Biological and genetic differences between the two biotypes have been well studied, but less is known about their patterns of genetic variation and population structure. To address these issues, a study was undertaken based on variation at six microsatellite loci among a subset of nine B. tabaci populations (five belonging to the Q and four to the B biotype). The data obtained show that (i) these loci showed considerable polymorphism in the Q and B biotypes populations although the presence of null alleles can obscure the picture; (ii) the Iberian‐Q, Canarian‐Q, and Egyptian‐B populations exhibit heterozygosity excess as a result of bottleneck events; (iii) the low genetic differentiation between the Israeli, Iberian Peninsula, and Italian populations suggest that these populations share a common gene pool; (iv) the genetic distances between the Canarian‐Q population and the geographically close population from Morocco indicates spatial isolation and a limited gene flow; and finally (v) the microsatellite data for the B populations indicate that the whiteflies from Egypt and Israel have a close phylogenetic relationship, but the source of these biotype B invasions into the Mediterranean area remains unknown.  相似文献   

The whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) is a species complex, and its systematic classification requires controlled crossing experiments among its genetic groups. Accurate information on pre‐copulation intervals, copulation frequencies, and initial frequency of egg fertilization of newly emerged adults is critical for designing procedures for collecting the virgin adults necessary for these experiments. In the literature, considerable variation is reported between B. tabaci populations, with respect to the length of the pre‐copulation interval and the initial frequency of egg fertilization. Here, we used a video‐recording method to observe continuously the copulation behaviour of the Mediterranean/Asia Minor/Africa (B biotype) and the Asia II (ZHJ1 biotype) groups of B. tabaci. We also recorded the initial frequency of egg fertilization, as determined by the sex of the progeny. When adults were caged in female–male pairs on leaves of cotton plants, the earliest copulation events occurred 2–6 h after emergence; at 12 h after emergence 56–84% of the females had copulated at least once, and nearly all (92–100%) had copulated at least once by 36 h after emergence. Both females and males copulated repeatedly. Approximately 80 and 20% of copulation events occurred during the photophase and scotophase, respectively. By 72 h post‐emergence, the females of the B and ZHJ1 biotypes had copulated on average 6.1 and 3.9 times, respectively. When adults were caged in groups on plants 1–13 h after emergence, 30–35% of the eggs deposited during this period were fertilized, and approximately 90% of females were fertilized by the end of the 13 h. Although timing of copulation differed in detail between the two genetic groups, the results demonstrate that B. tabaci adults can start to copulate as early as 2–6 h post‐emergence and the majority of females can become fertilized on the day that they emerge.  相似文献   

  • 1 Choice experiments on interspecific host discrimination in A.lopezi and A. diversicornis were carried out on discs of cassava leaf containing four hosts (P.manihoti) that had been parasitized by the other species and four unparasitized hosts.
  • 2 A.lopezi accepted both host types equally for oviposition, whereas A.diversicornis accepted fewer hosts that had been parasitized by A.lopezi than unparasitized ones. A.diversicornis is therefore capable of interspecific host discrimination, but such a capability was not demonstrated for A.lopezi.
  • 3 Survival probability in singly parasitized hosts was 0.85 for both parasitoid species. When the time interval between ovipositions was 2 h or less, survival in multiparasitized hosts was 0.68 for A.lopezi and 0.17 for A.diversicornis, irrespective of priority. Increasing A.lopezi priority to 24±2h did not increase A.lopezi survival. A.diversicornis survival, however, increased to 0.43 when A.diversicornis was given 24 ± 2 h priority. A.diversicornis eggs took 19 h longer than A.lopezi eggs to hatch. This could explain the difference in competitive abilities in multiparasitized hosts.
  • 4 The observed difference in host selection behaviour between A.lopezi and A.diversicornis is in accordance with the different benefits of multiparasitism: A.lopezi gains more than A.diversicornis because of its superior within-host competitive abilities.
  • 5 Neither species avoided multiparasitism completely. The low survival probability of A.diversicornis in multiparasitized hosts may partly explain its failure to establish when introduced into Africa as part of a biological control programme of P.manihoti.

Aphelinus asychis Walker (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) and Aphidius gifuensis Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae) are solitary kionobiont endoparasitoids, which can parasitize the green peach aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Hemiptera: Aphididae). We determined the influence of oviposition sequence and various time intervals (0, 24, 48, and 72 h) between two ovipositions on self‐ and conspecific discrimination and interspecific intrinsic competition between A. asychis and A. gifuensis. When offered unparasitized M. persicae and those parasitized by the other parasitoid species, the two parasitoid species oviposited more often in unparasitized hosts. Aphelinus asychis and A. gifuensis could, however, not avoid to multiparasitize hosts parasitized by the other species. Both parasitoid species had a limited interspecific discrimination ability through ovipositor insertion to detect internal cues. Aphidius gifuensis most often out‐competed A. asychis. The outcome of this interspecific competition was not influenced by oviposition sequence or time intervals between two ovipositions. Aphidius gifuensis eliminated competitors by physical combat at the first instar and probably by physiological suppression in later stages; A. asychis possibly used physiological suppression in all larval stages.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Intrinsic, inter-specific competition between parasitoid wasp species is a key factor in ecological community dynamics and is particularly important for application in biological control. Here three parasitoid wasp species with overlapping host ranges and differing life history strategies were chosen to examine parasitoid–parasitoid interactions: the egg parasitoid Trichogramma pretiosum, the egg–larval, polyembryonic parasitoid wasp Copidosoma floridanum, and the gregarious larval parasitoid Glyptapanteles pallipes , with the plusiine loopers Acanthoplusia agnata and Trichoplusia ni as hosts.
2.  Copidosoma floridanum has been shown to be an intrinsically superior competitor against larval parasitoids because of their production and increased investment in a soldier larval caste during development, but little is known of their interactions with egg parasitoid species. Trichogramma pretiosum completely dominated intrinsic competition with C. floridanum regardless of oviposition order or sex of the C. floridanum egg.
3. Competition between C. floridanum and G. pallipes , however, depended on the host stage at which parasitism occurred, the sex of the C. floridanum egg, and parasitoid development time. Copidosoma floridanum outcompeted G. pallipes overall, despite the fact that G. pallipes injects a polyDNA virus into the host.
4. The sex of the C. floridanum egg was a significant factor in its ability to shift caste ratios to produce more soldiers in response to G. pallipes competition.
5. Only developing female C. floridanum responded to competition with G. pallipes by increasing the ratio of soldier to reproductive larvae, and this happened only when multiparasitism occurred in the host's 1st and 2nd instar.  相似文献   

The whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae), is generally considered to have originated from the Indian subcontinent, although little information has so far been collected on the molecular diversity of populations present in this region. The genetic diversity of B. tabaci populations from Karnataka State, south India was analysed using the random amplified polymorphic DNA‐polymerase chain reaction (RAPD‐PCR) technique and partial mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (mtCOI) gene sequences (689 bases) of 22 selected samples. A total of 108 whitefly samples analysed by RAPD‐PCR produced 89 polymorphic bands, and cluster analyses grouped them according to their geographic origin into ‘north’ and ‘south’ Karnataka. Phylogenetic analysis of mtCOI gene sequences with reference B. tabaci sequences from other Asian countries divided them into three genotypic clusters. Each cluster was supported with high bootstrap values (82–100%) and the individuals belonging to each cluster shared high nucleotide identities (up to 100%). This indicated at least three distinct genotypes, apparently indigenous to India, which are also present in China, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, and Thailand. These coexist with the B biotype, which was first reported in India in 1999, and has since spread rapidly to other states in south India. The B biotype was more common than the indigenous B. tabaci, in locations where it had been present for more than 2 years. This is reminiscent of the situation in the Americas during the early 1990s, where the B biotype replaced existing biotypes and caused unprecedented losses to agriculture.  相似文献   

The black parlatoria, Parlatoria ziziphi, a common pest of citrus in the tropics and subtropics, has become the most important citrus pest in Upper Egypt. Spray oils may be a relatively safe alternative to harmful synthetic insecticides. However, the effect of spray oils on black parlatoria and associated parasitoids is unknown. Field studies were conducted in Giza, Egypt to assess the effect of two experimental spray oils on P. ziziphi and three associated parasitoid species on grapefruit (Citrus paradisi). Triona oil was more effective than Shecrona oil and reduced scale populations by up to 99% 75 days after application. The parasitoid Encarsia citrina was not affected significantly by either spray oil. Triona oil was slightly harmful to the other primary parasitoid, Habrolepis aspidioti and reduced parasitism rate by Marietta leopardina. However, because the latter species is a hyperparasitoid, the reduction in its number by Triona was beneficial. Triona application is therefore highly effective in controlling the black parlatoria and it reduced the rate of hyperparasitism by M. leopardina. The oils had only a minor negative impact and only on the less important primary parasitoid in the system.  相似文献   

The ability of two species of aphelinid parasitoids to find and attack Bemisia argentifolii was determined. Experiments were conducted with whitefly patches on single leaf poinsettia plants randomly distributed in canopies of four commercially grown poinsettia crops at an early and late stage of plant growth. Eretmocerus eremicus found experimental patches in canopies of small and large plants more quickly and frequently, and killed more nymphs following patch discovery than Encarsia formosa (Beltsville strain). E. eremicus exhibited a Type I functional response in small and large canopies while E. formosa (Beltsville strain) showed a Type II functional response in small canopies and a weak linear response in large canopies. In greenhouses treated with E. eremicus, canopy size increased 4.6× and nymphs per plant increased 14.2× between small and large canopy experiments. Consequently, area of search for this parasitoid increased 83%, number of wasps counted on patches decreased 74%, and proportion of nymphs killed in artificial patches decreased 47% between small and large canopies. In greenhouses treated with E. formosa Beltsville strain, canopy size increased 7.3× and nymphs per plant increased 25.4× between small and large canopy experiments. Consequently for E. formosa Beltsville strain, area of search increased 11%, number of wasps counted on patches decreased 86%, and proportion of nymphs killed in artificial patches decreased 47% between small and large canopies.  相似文献   

The ovipositors of two whitefly parasitoids, Encarsia transvena and Eretmocerus mundus were examined using scanning and transmission electron microscopy. That of Encarsia is straight, has an apparently hard and sharply pointed upper valve, and appears well-suited to penetrating a hard substrate. That of Eretmocerus is curved, thick-walled, but has a blunt and apparently flexible tip. These features correlate well with what is known of the mode of oviposition and host feeding in the two taxa, with Encarsia and Eretmocerus ovipositing internally and externally respectively.  相似文献   

Abstract: In 1980, two species of parasitoid wasps (Aphytis yanonensis DeBach et Rosen and Coccobius fulvus Compere et Annecke) were introduced to Japan from China as biological control agents to combat the arrowhead scale (Unaspis yanonensis Kuwana). These introductions represent one of the most successful projects in the history of biological control in Japan. To examine whether density dependent parasitism was inevitable for success of biological control, we tried to detect temporal and spatial density dependence in parasitism rates using time‐series data of scale density, as well as parasitism, over a 16‐year period. The work was conducted in a Satsuma mandarin orange (Citrus unshiu Marc.) orchard in which we previously demonstrated that the system appeared to have stabilized after a decline in scale density following the introduction of the parasitoids. Earlier work also indicated that C. fulvus contributes most to the reduction in, and the stability of, scale density. In this study, we examined: (1) the relationship, on a whole‐orchard basis, between scale density and the rates of parasitism by A. yanonensis, C. fulvus, and a combination of the two species; (2) whether parasitism was positively correlated to scale density on a single‐tree basis among generations and (3) whether spatial density dependence was detectable within generations on an individual‐tree basis. Parasitism by A. yanonensis was temporally density‐dependent on scale population density at the whole‐orchard level, while parasitism by C. fulvus was not. Parasitism by A. yanonensis or by C. fulvus was rarely positively correlated to scale density at the single‐tree level, and spatial density‐dependence was hardly detected at all at this level. Most analyses of combined parasitism rates were similar to rates of parasitism by C. fulvus alone. Contrary to conventional wisdom of biological control theory, this study demonstrates that density dependence is not necessarily detected, even in a system in which a natural enemy has long held pest density stable at low levels.  相似文献   

In 1992 and 1993, field evaluations were conducted to determine the efficacy of Delphastus catalinae (Horn) releases for the suppression of Bemisia argentifolii Bellows & Perring infesting cotton in the Imperial Valley of California. Augmentative releases of adult beetles, totaling 3.5 and 5.5 beetles per plant for 1992 and 1993, respectively, were made into four 0.2-hectare cotton plots and four exclusion cages covering 40 cotton plants. Equal numbers of field plots and cages served as controls for the D. catalinae releases. Open field evaluations revealed no significant difference in the whitefly densities between the release and the nonrelease fields. In addition, no differences in plant growth measures were detected in the year that these data were collected. Releases of D. catalinae into whitefly exclusion cages resulted in a 55% and a 67% decrease in whitefly densities in 1992 and 1993, respectively. Observational data suggested that intraguild predation on D. catalinae by the existing predator fauna may have limited the potential for D. catalinae to provide biological whitefly control in open field plots relative to the levels observed within the cages. Releases of D. catalinae did not adversely affect population densities of indigenous parasitoids, suggesting an absence of statistically significant, antagonistic predator–parasitoid interactions.  相似文献   

Atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration is expected to rise in the coming decades. Rising atmospheric CO2 levels may alter plant‐insect‐parasitoid associations due to the indirect effects of CO2 enrichment on phytochemicals important for herbivore and parasitoid nutrition. Tritrophic effects of elevated CO2 on Bt cotton (GK‐12) and non‐transgenic (Simian‐3, or S3) cotton [Gossypium hirsutum L. (Malvaceae)], Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) biotype B (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae), and its parasitoid Encarsia formosa Gahan (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae), were examined in open‐top chambers. Significantly, longer egg‐adult developmental duration and higher mortality of nymphs were observed under elevated CO2 concentrations on both cotton cultivars during three successive generations. However, no significant differences were found in adult longevity, offspring sex ratio, and the number of eggs laid per female adult of B. tabaci fed on transgenic (GK‐12) or non‐transgenic cotton (S3) grown under elevated CO2. Abundance of B. tabaci adults increased from 10 to 120 per plant and then decreased to 40 per plant through the growing season, but no significant differences in density occurred between CO2 treatments and between cultivar treatments. Similarly, no significant differences were found in the developmental duration, parasitization rate, and adult emergence rate of E. formosa after parasitizing B. tabaci for three successive generations. Our results showed that the effects of transgenic Bt cotton did not significantly affect the development, survivorship, life span, or fecundity of B. tabaci and its parasitoids. Moreover, interactions between B. tabaci and E. formosa were not significantly affected by elevated CO2. These results suggest that the biological control of B. tabaci by E. formosa would not be influenced by transgenic Bt cotton and/or elevated CO2, indicating that the current risk management strategy regarding B. tabaci outbreaks and biocontrol by E. formosa will remain effective if the atmospheric CO2 level continues to rise.  相似文献   

Community structures of aphids and their parasitoids were studied in fruit crop habitats of eastern Belgium in 2014 and 2015. Quantitative food webs of these insects were constructed separately for each year, and divided into subwebs on three host‐plant categories, fruit crop plants, non‐crop woody and shrub plants and non‐crop herbaceous plants. The webs were analyzed using the standard food web statistics designed for binary data. During the whole study period, 78 plant species were recorded as host plants of 71 aphid species, from which 48 parasitoid species emerged. The community structure, aphid / parasitoid species‐richness ratio and trophic link number varied between the two years, whereas the realized connectance between parasitoids and aphids was relatively constant. A new plant–aphid–parasitoid association for Europe was recorded. Dominant parasitoid species in the study sites were Ephedrus persicae, Binodoxys angelicae and Praon volucre: the first species was frequently observed on non‐crop trees and shrubs, but the other two on non‐crop herbaceous plants. The potential influence, through indirect interactions, of parasitoids on aphid communities was assessed with quantitative parasitoid‐overlap diagrams. Symmetrical links were uncommon, and abundant aphid species seemed to have large indirect effects on less abundant species. These results show that trophic indirect interactions through parasitoids may govern aphid populations in fruit crop habitats with various non‐crop plants, implying the importance for landscape management and biological control of aphid pests in fruit agroecosystems.  相似文献   

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