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Aim There is increasing concern regarding sustainable management and restoration of planted forests, particularly in the Mediterranean Basin where pine species have been widely used. The aim of this study was to analyse the environmental and structural characteristics of Mediterranean planted pine forests in relation to natural pine forests. Specifically, we assessed recruitment and woody species richness along climatic, structural and perturbation gradients to aid in developing restoration guidelines. Location Continental Spain. Methods We conducted a multivariate comparison of ecological characteristics in planted and natural stands of main Iberian native pine species (Pinus halepensis, Pinus pinea, Pinus pinaster, Pinus nigra and Pinus sylvestris). We fitted species‐specific statistical models of recruitment and woody species richness and analysed the response of natural and planted stands along ecological gradients. Results Planted pine forests occurred on average on poorer soils and experienced higher anthropic disturbance rates (fire frequency and anthropic mortality) than natural pine forests. Planted pine forests had lower regeneration and diversity levels than natural pine forests, and these differences were more pronounced in mountain pine stands. The largest differences in recruitment – chiefly oak seedling abundance – and species richness between planted and natural stands occurred at low‐medium values of annual precipitation, stand tree density, distance to Quercus forests and fire frequency, whereas differences usually disappeared in the upper part of the gradients. Main conclusions Structural characteristics and patterns of recruitment and species richness differ in pine planted forests compared to natural pine ecosystems in the Mediterranean, especially for mountain pines. However, management options exist that would reduce differences between these forest types, where restoration towards more natural conditions is feasible. To increase recruitment and diversity, vertical and horizontal heterogeneity could be promoted by thinning in high‐density and homogeneous stands, while enrichment planting would be desirable in mesic and medium‐density planted forests.  相似文献   

Aims Root and heterotrophic respiration may respond differently to environmental variability, but little evidence is available from large-scale observations. Here we aimed to examine variations of root and heterotrophic respiration across broad geographic, climatic, soil and biotic gradients.Methods We conducted a synthesis of 59 field measurements on root and heterotrophic respiration across China's forests.Important findings Root and heterotrophic respiration varied differently with forest types, of which evergreen broadleaf forest was significantly different from those in other forest types on heterotrophic respiration but without statistically significant differences on root respiration. The results also indicated that root and heterotrophic respiration exhibited similar trends along gradients of precipitation, soil organic carbon and satellite-indicated vegetation growth. However, they exhibited different relationships with temperature: root respiration exhibited bimodal patterns along the temperature gradient, while heterotrophic respiration increased monotonically with temperature. Moreover, they showed different relationships with MOD17 GPP, with increasing trend observed for root respiration whereas insignificant change for heterotrophic respiration. In addition, root and heterotrophic respiration exhibited different changes along the age sequence, with insignificant change for root respiration and decreasing trend for heterotrophic respiration. Overall, these results suggest that root and heterotrophic respiration may respond differently to environmental variability. Our findings could advance our understanding on the different environmental controls of root and heterotrophic respiration and also improve our ability to predict soil CO2 flux under a changing environment.  相似文献   

Soil-borne pathogens are a key component of the belowground community because of the significance of their ecological and socio-economic impacts. However, very little is known about the complexity of their distribution patterns in natural systems. Here, we explored the patterns, causes and ecological consequences of spatial variability in pathogen abundance in Mediterranean forests affected by oak decline. We used spatially explicit neighborhood models to predict the abundance of soil-borne pathogen species (Phytophthora cinnamomi, Pythium spiculum and Pythium spp.) as a function of local abiotic conditions (soil texture) and the characteristics of the tree and shrub neighborhoods (species composition, size and health status). The implications of pathogen abundance for tree seedling performance were explored by conducting a sowing experiment in the same locations in which pathogen abundance was quantified. Pathogen abundance in the forest soil was not randomly distributed, but exhibited spatially predictable patterns influenced by both abiotic and, particularly, biotic factors (tree and shrub species). Pathogen abundance reduced seedling emergence and survival, but not in all sites or tree species. Our findings suggest that heterogeneous spatial patterns of pathogen abundance at fine spatial scale can be important for the dynamics and restoration of declining Mediterranean forests.  相似文献   

Questions: What is the spectrum of variability of chemical elements in a Mediterranean forest ecosystem across the different compartments? Do co‐existing tree species with different leaf chemical composition and nutrient cycling distinctly modify soil conditions? Could these species‐specific, tree‐generated soil changes create a potential positive feedback by affecting long‐term species distribution? Location: Mixed oak forests of southern Spain, Los Alcornocales Natural Park. Methods: We sampled and chemically analysed five different ecosystem components: leaves, leaf fall, litter and superficial (0–25 cm) and sub‐superficial (25–50 cm) soil beneath the canopies of evergreen Quercus suber and deciduous Q. canariensis trees. We used multiple co‐inertia analysis (MCoA) to conjointly analyse the patterns of variability and covariation of eight macro‐ and micronutrients determined in each of the sampled ecological materials. We implemented a path analysis to investigate alternative causal models of relationships among the chemical properties of the different ecosystem components. Results: Variability in the concentration of chemical elements was related to the nature of their biogeochemical cycles. However, the rank of element concentration was consistent across ecosystem components. Analysis of co‐inertia (MCoA) revealed that there was a common underlying multivariate pattern of nutrient enrichment in the ecosystem, which supported the hypothesis of a separation in biogeochemical niches between the two co‐existing oak species, with Q. canariensis having richer plant tissues and more fertile soil directly under each tree than Q. suber. The feasibility of a potential tree–soil positive feedback model was the only statistically validated among several alternative (non‐feedback) models tested. Conclusions: In the studied Mediterranean forests, oak species distinctly modify soil fertility conditions through different nutrient return pathways. Further investigation is needed to address whether these tree‐generated soil changes could affect seedling establishment and ultimately influence species distribution.  相似文献   

Native bee abundance has long been assumed to be limited by floral resources. This paradigm has been established in large measure because more bees are often found in areas supporting greater floral abundance. This could result from attraction to resource-rich sites as well as greater local demographic performance in sites supporting high floral abundance; however, demographic performance is usually unknown. Factors other than floral resources such as availability of nest sites, pressure from natural enemies, or whether floral resources are from a mixed native or mostly monodominant exotic assemblage might influence survival or fecundity and hence abundance. We examined how the survival and fecundity of the native solitary bee Osmia lignaria varied along a gradient in floral resource abundance. We released bees alongside a nest block at 27 grassland sites in Montana (USA) that varied in floral abundance and the extent of invasion by exotic forbs. We monitored nest construction and the fate of offspring within each nest. The number of nests established was positively related to native forb abundance and was negatively related to exotic forb species richness. Fecundity was positively related to native forb species richness; however, offspring mortality caused by the brood parasite Tricrania stansburyi was significantly greater in native-dominated sites. These results suggest that native floral resources can positively influence bee populations, but that the relationship between native floral resources and bee population performance is not straightforward. Rather, bees may face a trade-off between high offspring production and low offspring survival in native-dominated sites.  相似文献   

Abstract. Germination and developmental behaviour during juvenile stages are of importance in relation to succession mechanisms acting on plant communities. This is particularly so in the Mediterranean region, where the climatic summer drought causes stress. We investigated and compared germination and development of four tree species in two parts of the French Mediterranean region where the original dominant tree species (Quercus pubescens) has been largely replaced by Quercus ilex in the southern part, and Castanea sativa in the northern part. Observed differences in germination rates and developmental behaviour, especially shootroot ratio and the role of water supply, suggest that other species may eventually replace the current dominant species.  相似文献   

Riparian ash forests subjected to seasonal drought are among the most endangered ecosystems in Europe. They are threatened by climate warming causing aridification and by land-use changes modifying river flow. To assess the impacts of these two stress factors on riparian forests, we studied radial growth and xylem anatomical traits in five narrow-leaved ash (Fraxinus angustifolia) stands across wide climatic and ecological gradients from northern Italy to southern Portugal. Radial growth rates and earlywood hydraulic diameter (Dh) were directly correlated, whilst earlywood vessel density and growth rates were inversely associated. Ash growth positively responded to precipitation. Higher and lower rates of growth increase in response to precipitation were found in dry (annual precipitation 357–750 mm, annual water balance −39 to −48 mm) and wet (annual precipitation 1030 mm, annual water balance 27 mm) sites, respectively. Wet conditions in autumn and winter of the year prior to tree-ring formation lead to larger Dh values, except in the wet site where warmer conditions from prior autumn to current spring were positively associated to wider vessels. Growth was also enhanced by a higher river flow, reflecting higher soil moisture due to elevated groundwater table levels. Peaks in river flow from late winter to early spring increased Dh in dry-continental sites. Growth and potential hydraulic conductivity in drought-prone riparian ash forests are differently impacted by climate variability and river flow depending on site and hydrological conditions. Nevertheless, covariation between radial growth and the earlywood vessel diameter was found, regardless of site specific differences. Wood production and hydraulic conductivity are coordinated through the production of large earlywood vessels which may allow reaching higher growth rates.  相似文献   

Question: What is the relative importance of seed mass and abiotic factors in species‐specific seedling growth and morphology during the first and the second growing season? How do oak species respond along gradients of these factors? Location: Mediterranean oak forest in southern Spain. Methods: We analysed seedling growth components and morphology of three co‐occurring Quercus species (two deciduous and one evergreen). Oak seeds with a wide variety of sizes were sown along broad gradients of abiotic conditions. Intra‐ and inter‐specific differences were evaluated by calibrating maximum likelihood estimators of seedling growth during the first two years of life. Results: We found multiple resources and conditions affecting seedling morphology and biomass allocation. However, the integrative variables of seedling growth – total aboveground biomass and relative growth rate (RGR) – were affected by two main factors: seed mass and light conditions. The relative contribution of these two factors depended strongly on seedling age. Seed mass explained most of the growth and morphological variables during the first year, while light conditions were the best predictor in the second growing season. In contrast, soil factors did not play an important role in seedling growth. We found some evidence of regeneration niche partitioning between oak species along the light gradient, a reflection of their distribution patterns as adults at the study site. Conclusions: We conclude that inter‐specific differences in seedling growth, arising from seed size variability and microsite heterogeneity, could be of paramount importance in oak species niche segregation, driving stand dynamics and composition along environmental gradients.  相似文献   

Arnan X  Cerdá X  Retana J 《Oecologia》2012,170(2):489-500
For most animal and plant species, life traits strongly affect their species-specific role, function or position within ecological communities. Previous studies on ant communities have mostly focused on the role of dominant species and the outcome of interspecific interactions. However, life traits of ant species have seldom been considered within a community framework. This study (1) analyses life traits related to ecological and behavioural characteristics of dominant and subordinate ant species from 13 sites distributed throughout the Iberian Peninsula, (2) determines how similar the ant species are within each of the two levels of the dominance hierarchy, and (3) establishes the distribution patterns of these different groups of species along environmental gradients. Our results showed that the differences between dominants and subordinates fall into two main categories: resource exploitation and thermal tolerance. Dominant species have more populated colonies and defend food resources more fiercely than subordinates, but they display low tolerance to high temperatures. We have identified different assemblages of species included within each of these two levels in the dominance hierarchy. The distribution of these assemblages varied along the environmental gradient, shifting from dominant Dolichoderinae and cryptic species in moist areas, to dominant Myrmicinae and hot climate specialists mainly in open and hot sites. We have been able to identify a set of life traits of the most common Iberian ant species that has enabled us to characterise groups of dominant and subordinate species. Although certain common features within the groups of both dominants and subordinates always emerge, other different features allow for differentiating subgroups within each of these groups. These different traits allow the different subgroups coping with particular conditions across environmental gradients.  相似文献   

Reciprocal transplant experiments were used to study the effects of tidal inundation and light level on growth and survival of four species of mangroves in Australia: Avicennia marina (Forsk.) Vierh., Bruguiera gymnorrhiza (L.) Lam., Ceriops tagal C.T. White, and Rhizophora stylosa Griff. Seedlings were planted in the high or low intertidal and in light gaps or under the shade of a closed canopy. Survival and growth of the seedlings were monitored for 30–36 months. Significant differences in survival were found among species, between intertidal zones and due to light level. Averaged across intertidal zones and light level, survival was greatest for Rhizophora and decreased in the order Ceriops, Avicennia, and Bruguiera. For all species survival was greater (P ⩽ 0.001) in the high than in the low intertidal treatment, regardless of light level. Within the high intertidal all species survived better in light gaps than under the canopy. Relative growth of Rhizophora stylosa, Avicennia marina, and Ceriops tagal were greater in the high versus low intertidal and in gaps versus under the canopy. For Bruguiera gymnorrhiza growth was not significantly different between gap and canopy or high and low intertidal. Although Avicennia marina, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, and Rhizophora stylosa survived and/or grew best in the high intertidal they reach maximum abundance in the low intertidal. Ceriops tagal, however, performed best in the region where it is most abundant, yet even there, it was out-performed by the former three species. These results indicate that the species zonation patterns often observed across the intertidal cannot be explained by physiological adaptation alone. Factors such as propagule dispersal, competition and predation on propagules may also be important.  相似文献   

Question: The vegetation of high mountain regions in Himalaya remains poorly assessed despite the expected vulnerability of these ecosystems to global change drivers. What are the main vegetation types in East Ladakh and which environmental factors influence the species composition and growth forms distribution? Location: The south‐westernmost extension of the Tibetan Plateau, an arid mountainous area, in East Ladakh, Jammu & Kashmir State, India. Methods: Species composition was recorded for 369 plots (each 100 m2). Plots, sampled from 4180 m a.s.l. (bottom of the Indus Valley) up to 6060 m a.s.l. (close to the snowline), covered a wide range of environmental conditions. Results: TWINSPAN clusters discriminated eight ecologically interpretable vegetation types, corresponding to the main habitats in the area: animal resting places, salt marshes, semi‐deserts and steppes, shrublands, alpine screes and boulder fields, alpine grasslands, water bodies and subnival zone. The most important environmental factors influencing the species composition were altitude, soil moisture and salinity. Screes and alpine grasslands were found to be the most species‐rich. The species were ranged into 20 growth forms with regard to life‐form and clonality, with growth forms showing different changes in proportion among vegetation types and along the different environmental gradients. Conclusion: The study summarizes the main vegetation types of East Ladakh in terms of species and growth form compositions. The results can have a heuristic value for designing future monitoring schemes and assess the effects of global change in these diverse, but poorly studied, regions.  相似文献   

This study analysed the influence of temperature and other environmental factors on the growth of brown trout Salmo trutta YOY in Europe. Air temperature accounted for the greatest proportion of the variance in maximum total length, but the inclusion of other factors significantly increased the proportion of the variance explained.  相似文献   

Differences in the dynamics of ecological processes between Mediterranean and colder temperate aquatic systems could imply different patterns in faunal communities in terms of composition and biodiversity (i.e. species richness and rarity). In order to identify some of these patterns the crustacean and aquatic insect composition and biodiversity of four water body types, classified according to their salinity and water permanence, were compared. Moreover, the relationships between species richness and water, pond and landscape variables were analysed. A total number of 91 water bodies located throughout Catalunya (NE Iberian Peninsula) were sampled. Three species assemblages were observed: one for permanent freshwaters, another for temporary freshwaters, and a third one for saline waters (SW), since permanent and temporary saline water bodies had similar composition. Differences in salinity were associated with proportion of crustaceans versus insects and with singularity. Thus, saline ponds had a higher proportion of crustaceans, and lower values of singularity. Conductivity was significantly related to total (crustaceans plus insects) richness, and also related to insect richness. The main difference between the models obtained for crustacean species richness and insect species richness is the significance of landscape variables in the latter, and this fact could be related to the different dispersion types of these two faunal groups: active for insects versus passive for crustaceans. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Guest editors: R. Céréghino, J. Biggs, B. Oertli & S. Declerck The ecology of European ponds: defining the characteristics of a neglected freshwater habitat  相似文献   

Historical exploitation of the Mediterranean Sea and the absence of rigorous baselines makes it difficult to evaluate the current health of the marine ecosystems and the efficacy of conservation actions at the ecosystem level. Here we establish the first current baseline and gradient of ecosystem structure of nearshore rocky reefs at the Mediterranean scale. We conducted underwater surveys in 14 marine protected areas and 18 open access sites across the Mediterranean, and across a 31-fold range of fish biomass (from 3.8 to 118 g m(-2)). Our data showed remarkable variation in the structure of rocky reef ecosystems. Multivariate analysis showed three alternative community states: (1) large fish biomass and reefs dominated by non-canopy algae, (2) lower fish biomass but abundant native algal canopies and suspension feeders, and (3) low fish biomass and extensive barrens, with areas covered by turf algae. Our results suggest that the healthiest shallow rocky reef ecosystems in the Mediterranean have both large fish and algal biomass. Protection level and primary production were the only variables significantly correlated to community biomass structure. Fish biomass was significantly larger in well-enforced no-take marine reserves, but there were no significant differences between multi-use marine protected areas (which allow some fishing) and open access areas at the regional scale. The gradients reported here represent a trajectory of degradation that can be used to assess the health of any similar habitat in the Mediterranean, and to evaluate the efficacy of marine protected areas.  相似文献   

K. Syrjänen, L. Di Bonito, L. Gonçalves, L. Murjal, M. Santamaria, V. Mahovlic, P. Karakitsos, B. Önal and F. C. Schmitt Cervical cancer screening in Mediterranean countries: implications for the future Prompted by feedback from the 34th European Congress of Cytology (ECC), the practice of including a special symposium in the programme was continued in the 35th ECC in Lisbon (2009) by arranging a satellite symposium entitled ‘Cervical Cancer Screening in the Mediterranean Countries’. Because of the importance to the future of this discipline, it was felt appropriate to summarize the highlights of this symposium here. Cervical cancer prevention strategies in the countries participating in the symposium (Portugal, Spain, Italy, Croatia, Greece and Turkey) appear to be highly variable. As yet, none of these countries can demonstrate a fully implemented national screening programme, but all are in different phases of designing and/or setting up such a programme, which is important. At present, the time‐honoured concept of cervical cancer prevention by Pap smear screening is under review, because prophylactic human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines demonstrate a potential to prevent the vast majority (albeit not all) of cases of cervical cancer in the foreseeable future. Cervical cancer screening is still needed in this emerging era of HPV vaccination, but clearly the existing screening strategies must be modified to provide a cost‐effective combination of vaccination and screening. If the currently evaluated new screening strategies, such as HPV testing followed by cytology triage, become a reality, there is the likelihood that the Pap test will have only a secondary role, subordinate to HPV testing. Supporters of this scenario claim that Pap test performance will deteriorate in vaccinated populations. Reduced positive predictive value (PPV), due to lower disease prevalence, is inevitable, however, and this would also affect HPV tests. Any decline in sensitivity and specificity depends on human performance, and as such is avoidable by taking appropriate preventive measures. As clinical cytologists, we should focus attention on minimizing the risk to the Pap test of falling sensitivity because of unfamiliarity with abnormal cells, and also of reduced specificity if the fear of missing significant disease leads to overcalling of benign abnormalities.  相似文献   

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