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This research integrates a large morphological data set into a molecular context. Nineteen pellicle characters and 62 states from 13 euglenid taxa were analyzed cladistically. The pellicle morphology of Euglena tripteris (Klebs), Lepocinclis ovata (Conrad), Phacus brachykentron (Pochmann), P. oscillans (Klebs), P. pyrum (Stein), and P. triqueter (Dujardin) is described comprehensively. These data are compared with new information on the pellicle morphology of Euglena acus (Ehrenberg), E. stellata (Mainx), and Peranema trichophorum (Stein) in addition to published data on Entosiphon sulcatum (Dujardin), Euglena gracilis (Klebs), Distigma proteus (Pringsheim), and Petalomonas cantuscygni (Cann and Pennick). Nuclear small subunit (SSU) rDNA sequences provided an independent test for establishing a robust organismal pedigree of the same taxa. A synthetic tree derived from the combined phylogenetic analyses of pellicle morphology and SSU rDNA enabled us to parsimoniously map morphological character states. This approach demonstrated the utility of pellicle morphology for inferring phylogenetic relationships of euglenids and establishing apomorphy-based clade definitions. Three robust clades with unambiguous pellicle-based apomorphies can be recognized within taxa traditionally classified as Phacus : (1) L. ovata and P. pyrum , (2) E. tripteris and P. triqueter , and (3) P. brachykentron and P. oscillans. Taxonomic concerns that emerged from these results are discussed.  相似文献   

For this study, we have examined the literature and the morphological diversity, as well as analyzed the nuclear SSU rDNA sequences of two very common and cosmopolitan species formerly known as Euglena deses Ehrenb. and Euglena intermedia (G. A. Klebs) F. Schmitz. Our studies have shown that there is evidence for distinguishing only one species (E. deses). Here, we define new diagnostic features for E. deses, namely, periplast ornamentation (the presence of small papillae—discovered for the first time in this species) and the lateral location of the anterior canal opening, from which the flagellum emerges. We also designate the epitype and emend the diagnosis for E. deses.  相似文献   

Euglena proxima Dangeard inhabits intertidal sand flats and displays a tidal rhythm in vertical migration. During daytime low tides when the sand flat is emersed, millions of cells are visible on the sediment surface, but the population remains below the surface at all other times. An earlier study demonstrated that the extent of downward migration of E. proxima is reinforced by the presence of a subsurface layer of black sediment. The present study was designed to test the hypothesis that the higher availability of inorganic nutrients or organic substrates in or above the black layer is responsible for the enhancement of downward migration in E. proxima. This hypothesis was tested experimentally by manipulating the bottom water in 24 mesocosm containers in a tidal tank. Six replicates of each of the following nutrient treatments were tested: seawater control; deep porewater collected from 70 cm below the sediment surface; seawater enriched with ammonium, nitrate, and phosphate; and seawater enriched with acetate, glucose, and the preceding inorganic nutrients. Multivariate analysis of variance revealed that the chl a biomass and chl a‐weighted mean depth of the population at high tide were significantly greater for replicates receiving inorganic nutrients. There was no difference between those receiving only inorganic nutrients and those enriched with inorganic nutrients, acetate, and glucose. These findings represent the first experimental evidence that subsurface nutrients are an important resource that reinforces the maintenance of vertical migration behavior in benthic microalgae.  相似文献   

The establishment of epitypes (together with the emended diagnoses) for three species of Euglenaria Karnkowska, E. W. Linton et Kwiatowski [Eu. anabaena (Mainx) Karnkowska et E. W. Linton; Eu. caudata (Hübner) Karnkowska et E. W. Linton; and Eu. clavata (Skuja) Karnkowska et E. W. Linton] and two species of Euglena Ehrenberg [E. granulata (Klebs) Schmitz and E. velata Klebs] was achieved due to literature studies, verification of morphological diagnostic features (cell size, cell shape, number of chloroplasts, the presence of mucocysts), as well as molecular characters (SSU rDNA). Now all these species are easy to identify and distinguish, despite their high morphological similarity, that is, spindle‐shaped (or cylindrically spindle‐shaped) cells and parietal, lobed chloroplasts with a single pyrenoid, accompanied by bilateral paramylon caps located on both sides of the chloroplast. E. granulata is the only species in this group that has spherical mucocysts. E. velata is distinguished by the largest cells (90–150 μm) and has the highest number of chloroplasts (>30). Eu. anabaena has the fewest chloroplasts (usually 3–6), and its cells are always (whether the organism is swimming or not) spindle‐shaped or cylindrically spindle‐shaped, in contrast to the cells of Eu. clavata, which are club‐shaped (clavate) while swimming and only after stopping change to resemble the shape of a spindle or a cylindrical spindle; Eu. clavata has numerous chloroplasts (15–20). Eu. caudata is characterized by asymmetrical spindle‐shaped (fusiform) cells, that is, with an elongated rear section and a shorter front section; the number of chloroplasts normally ranges from 7 to 15.  相似文献   

We studied the morphological diversity and analyzed the small subunit rDNA sequences of two taxa formerly known as Euglena spirogyra Ehr. and Euglena fusca (Klebs) Lemmermann. Our studies confirmed that the two should have the rank of a species, namely Lepocinclis spirogyroides (Ehr.) Marin et Melkonian and Lepocinclis fusca (Klebs) Kosmala et Zakry? comb. nov. (Euglenophyceae). We are defining new diagnostic features for these species, namely the size and the shape of the cells and the shape of the papillae, as well as designating epitypes for them.  相似文献   

Chloroplast morphology was investigated in five species of euglenophytes: Trachelomonas volvocinopsis Swirenko, Strombomonas verrucosa (Daday) Deflandre, Strombomonas costata Deflandre, Colacium mucronatum Bourrelly et Chafaud, and Colacium vesiculosum Ehrenberg. All five species share a common plastid morphotype: disk‐shaped plastids with a pyrenoid that protrudes asymmetrically toward the center of the cell and is capped by a single large grain of paramylon that conforms to the shape of the pyrenoid. Although plastids demonstrated some degree of diversity among the species studied, it was not consistent with current generic boundaries. The plastids of S. verrucosa show a developmental pattern similar to that of Euglena gracilis. The plastids divide during the early portion of the light phase after cell division, and pyrenoids are reduced or absent in dividing plastids. Developmental patterns of plastid replication also suggest that these five taxa share recent common ancestry with members of the genus Euglena subgenus Calliglena.  相似文献   

One of the foremost issues in the field of algal taxonomy is the inability to acquire, grow, and sequence new taxa. This problem is particularly true in the study of photosynthetic euglenoids where most of the distinct taxa in culture collections have been sequenced, and many other taxa of interest have been resistant to culturing, and thus, sequencing. In an effort to address this problem, we have utilized a new technique, novel to the field of taxonomy, which allows for the sequencing of nuclear genes from a very small number of cells. Through this procedure, a DNA extraction followed by a multiple displacement amplification (MDA), taxa obtained by field collection had their genomic DNA (gDNA) amplified many fold to microgram quantities. The DNA was then used as template DNA for PCR reactions, and multiple nuclear genes were amplified successfully from several different taxa. By applying this procedure, we were able to shed new light on taxa that have been historically difficult to classify, resulting in the assignment of Euglena helicoideus (C. Bernard) M. S. Benn. et Triemer and Phacus horridus (Pochm.) M. S. Benn. et Triemer to the genus Lepocinclis.  相似文献   

The flagellar apparatus and presumptive vestigial feeding apparatuses of a cold-water, photosynthetic, quadriflagellate euglenoid is described. The organism possesses two similar sets of flagella each consisting of one short and one long flagellum. Each pair of flagella is associated with three microtubular roots for a total of six roots in the basal apparatus. At the level of the ventral basal bodies, each intermediate root is nine-membered, while the ventral roots are composed of eight to nine microtubules. Only one of the ventral roots lines the single microtubule reinforced pocket. A four-membered dorsal root attaches to each dorsal basal body, and at the level of the reservoir each gives rise to a dorsal band. An additional bundle of microtubules, not arising from the microtubular roots of the basal apparatus, begins posterior to the basal apparatus as a small group of a few microtubules and extends anteriorly on the right ventral side of the reservoir ending at the canal. At the level of the stigma, the microtubules are organized into a multi-layered bundle that continues to increase in size and eventually splits to form two bundles at the level of the canal. We postulate that these bundles may represent the remnants of a rod-and-vane-type feeding apparatus like that found in many phagotrophic euglenoids.  相似文献   

The thecal surface morphology of Scrippsiella subsalsa (Ostenfeld) Steidinger et Balech was examined using the scanning electron microscope. This species is distinguished by a number of morphological characteristics. Apical plate 1′ is wide, asymmetric, and pentagonal, and it ends at the anterior margin of the cingulum. Intercalary plates 2a and 3a are separated by apical plate 3′. The apical pore complex includes a large Po plate with a raised dome at the center and a deep canal plate with thickened margins at plates 2′, 3′, and 4′. The intercalary bands are wide and deeply striated. The cingulum is deep, formed by six cingular plates; its surface is transversely striated and aligned with a row of minute pores. The cingular list continues around postcingular plate 1′” to form a sulcal list. The sulcal list is a flexible ribbon with a rounded tip that protrudes posteriorly, partially covering the sulcal plates. The hypotheca is lobed, and the antapical plates are irregularly shaped and wide in antapical view. The thecal surface is vermiculate to reticulate. A comparison in morphology and ecology is presented between S. subsalsa and other known Scrippsiella species.  相似文献   

The entire small-subunit (SSU) ribosomal ribonucleic acid sequence was inferred for kelp representing seven genera: Alaria marginata Postels and Ruprecht (1824 bp), Egregia menziesii (Turner) Areschoug (1825 bp), Lessoniopsis littoralis (Tilden) Reinke (1825 bp), Macrocystis integrifolia Bory (1825 bp), Nereocystis leutkeana (Mertens) Postels and Ruprecht (1824 bp), Postelsia palmaeformis Ruprecht (1826 bp), and Pterygophora californica Ruprecht (1825 bp). We obtained a partial sequence for Eisenia arborea Areschoug (1669 bp) from a single clone of polymerase chain reaction-amplified product. The SSU sequence was too conserved among these morphologically distinct taxa to permit phylogenetic analysis. The divergence between the most distant taxa was only 0.66%. This value was used in a SSU molecular clock to suggest that the most distantly related kelp investigated in this study diverged between 16 and 30 (more probably 16 and 20) million years ago.  相似文献   

Morphological studies of 16 strains belonging to the genus Monomorphina revealed a single, parietal, orbicular chloroplast in their cells. The chloroplast has a tendency to be perforated and disintegrates in aging populations and thus may appear to be many chloroplasts under the light microscope. A single chloroplast in the cells of Cryptoglena skujae is also parietally located and highly perforated. It never forms a globular and closed structure, but is open from the side of the furrow, resembling the letter C. We have verified the Monomorphina pyrum group (M. pyrum–like) on the basis of phylogenetic analysis of SSU rDNA and morphological data. The strain CCAC 0093 (misidentified as M. reeuwykiana) diverges first on the SSU rDNA phylogenetic tree. The rest of the M. pyrum–like strains form a tight cluster, subdivided into several smaller ones. Because morphological differences between the M. pyrum–like strains (including the strain CCAC 0093) do not conform to the tree topology, we suggest that they all (except the strain CCAC 0093) belong to M. pyrum. We designate a new species, M. pseudopyrum, for the strain CCAC 0093, solely on the basis of molecular characters. We also suggest that M. reeuwykiana and similar species should stay in Phacus and Lepocinclis unless detailed molecular and morphological studies show otherwise. Emended diagnoses of the genera Monomorphina and Cryptoglena and the species M. aenigmatica are also proposed, as well as the delimitation of an epitype for M. pyrum, the type species for the genus Monomorphina.  相似文献   

Sinophysis microcephalus Nie and Wang 1944 is a nonphotosynthetic, tropical, benthic. dinophysoid dinoflagellate. I isolated it from floating detritus on a subtropical mangrove island. Twin Cays. Beleze, Central America, and describe its micromorphology from light and scanning electron micrographs. Cells of S. microcephalus are circular to subcircular and compressed laterally with a cell size of 42-44 μm long and 33–35 μm wide and with a length /width ratio of 1.25–1.28. Areolae are numerous, 368–550 per valve, ranging in size from 0.75 to 2.0 μm. Pores are oblong and deeper at the valve's center and pentagonal-shaped at the plate margin. The well-defined cingulum is narrow and deeply incised with a smooth surface. The epitheca is small, moderately convex, and divided into two large, highly ornate, asymmetrical plate: the left and right epitheca I plates. The left epithecal plate bears two slightly curved, upright anterior projections located dorsally adjacent to the epithecal list, a relatively large opening, and three smaller openings compressed against the sagittal suture. The right plate contains a wide megacytic zone with two parallel ridges, a fairly large oblong opical pore in ventral position adjacent to the cingulum, and eight areolae each with a round, uniform-sized pore opening. There are two long and narrow sulcal lists, gently convex with a smooth edge without structure or ribs. The left sulcal list has an ear-shaped labe, a form of a primitive dinophysoid list. The megacytic zone is smooth and expands unevenly during cell division. The epitheca and sulcus distinguishes S. microcephalus from all examined Dinophysis.  相似文献   

Fifteen freshwater cryptomonad species were freeze-dried and examined with the scanning electron microscope. Surveys of cell surfaces revealed four general cell types. Chroomonas type cells lack a furrow but possess a shallow vestibular depression where the flagella are inserted. The presence of a gullet could not be detected. Cryptomonas spp. displayed three morphological types, all lacking gullets. The first type of Cryptomonas has a simple, shallow furrow with ridges that apparently can close to form a raphe but an oval opening or stoma remains at the posterior end and an opening from the vestibulum is formed at the anterior end. The second Cryptomonas type consists of a complex furrow with furrow ridges and folds that extend almost two-thirds of the cell length. A sloma is present in the central region of the closed furrow. The folds apparently can separate thereby exposing the underlying furrow. The third type of Cryptomonas possesses a simple, non-closing furrow. At the anterior end there is a vestibular ligule which extends from the dorsalleft side of the cell and covers the region of the vestibulum where the contractile vacuole discharges.  相似文献   

Scanning electron microscopy of intergenicula in members of the subfamily Corallinoideae reveals two distinctive surface morphologies: a Corallina-type (C-type) with round to irregular cell outlines and round trichocyte bases, and a Jania-type (J-type) with elongate, polygonal cell outlines and elongate trichocyte bases with excentric pores. The surface results from the calcified lateral walls of the epithallial cells projecting up from around collapsed protoplasts. Since J-type surfaces and trichocytes only occur in unequivocal members of the tribe Janieae—especially the genera Jania and Haliptilon, the presence of J-type surfaces in questionable members of Corallina reveals that they in fact belong to Haliptilon. Thus the two surface types clarify previously difficult taxonomic distinctions between Haliptilon and Corallina and allow identification to genus from purely vegetative material. Seventeen new combinations in Haliptilon are proposed. These results have considerable biogeographic implications with tropical species found to belong to Haliptilon, and Corallina sensu stricto being recognized primarily as a temperate and cold water genus.  相似文献   

云南盘鮈口吸盘发育、表面亚显微结构及功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
云南盘鮈口吸盘发育可划分为5个时期,这一过程在盘鮈属中具有一定代表性。吸盘发育过程或多或少暗示了盘鮈的起源和演化,为进一步探索它们的起源提供了一点线索。吸盘的一些细微结构不失为好的分类性状,有助于系统分类和进化研究。在野外观察和室内饲养观察相结合、宏观和微观形态比较相结合的基础上,阐述口吸盘的功能和适应意义。口吸盘是抵御急流冲击的吸附器官和运动辅助器官,在取食活动中的作用更不可忽视。  相似文献   

Since the separation of the Trachelomonas Ehrenberg subgroup “Saccatae” into a new genus, Strombomonas Deflandre (1930) , there has been some question as to its validity. Deflandre's separation was based entirely on characteristics of the lorica, including the shape of the lorica, the lack of a distinctive collar, possession of a tailpiece, lack of ornamentation, and the ability of Strombomonas species to aggregate particles on the surface of the lorica. Recent molecular analyses indicated that the loricate taxa (Trachelomonas and Strombomonas) formed a single monophyletic clade; however, the phylogenetic relationship of Strombomonas to Trachelomonas remains unclear because only two Strombomonas taxa have been sequenced to date. In this study, we evaluated the monophyly of the loricate genera using two sets of morphological characters, lorica development and pellicle strip reduction. Lorica development in Strombomonas occurred from the anterior of the cell to the posterior, forming a shroud over the protoplast. In Trachelomonas, a layer of mucilage was excreted over the entire protoplast, followed by creation of the collar at the anterior end. Taxa from both genera underwent exponential strip reduction at the anterior and posterior poles. In Strombomonas only one reduction was visible in the anterior pole, whereas in most Trachelomonas species two reductions were visible. Likewise, Strombomonas species possessed two whorls of strip reduction in the posterior end compared with a single whorl of strip reduction in Trachelomonas species. These morphological characters support the separation of Trachelomonas and Strombomonas as distinct genera.  相似文献   

The flagellar hair ultrastructure of 16 strains of species of the prasinophycean genera Mantoniella, Mamiella, Pseudoscourfieldia, Nephroselmis, Tetraselmis, Scherffelia, Pterosperma, and Pyraminonas was examined in detail by whole-mount electron microscopy. The flagellar hairs of all genera displayed a high degree of ultrastructural complexity that was completely conserved within each strain. In all strains, flagellar hairs occurred on the sides of the flagella (lateral hairs); in several strains, special flagellar hairs also were found on the flagellar tips (tip hairs; absent in the Chlorodendrales and in Nephroselmis). Two groups of lateral hairs were distinguished: 1) T-hairs (“Tetraselmis-type” flagellar hairs), characterized by a smooth, tubular shaft of ca. 15 nm diameter and an overall length of 0.5–1.3 μm, and 2) Pt-hairs (“Pterosperma-type lateral flagellar hairs”), which were considerably longer (ca. 1.5–5.4 μm), characterized by a thick shaft of ca. 30 nm diameter, which was covered with a layer of regularly spaced small particles of ca. 10 nm diameter. In both groups of flagellar hairs, a strain-specific number of subunits (1–101) in linear arrangement was attached to the distal end of the shaft. Tip hairs were either structurally related to T-hairs (Mamiellales, Pseudoscourfieldia) or represented a separate group, Pt-hairs (“Pterosperma-type flagellar tip hairs”; Pterosperma, Pyramimonas). In four genera (Mantoniella, Mamiella, Pseudoscourfieldia, Nephroselmis), both groups of lateral hairs occurred together on the same cell. Interestingly in these taxa the Pt-hairs were exclusively attached to the shorter immature flagella (no. 2), but, in contrast, in Mantoniella and Pseudoscourfieldia the tip hairs were restricted to the longer mature flagellum (no. 1). Thus, flagella of different developmental status differ in their hair-scale complement. The occurrence, distribution, and ultrastructure of flagellar hairs can be used to identify and classify prasinophytes at all taxonomic levels.  相似文献   

Siphonous plants represent an alternate scheme to the way most macroscopic plants are constructed. They are single, often large (1–2 m), sometimes morphologically complex, multinucleate (coenocytic) cells where the whole of the cytoplasm is a continuum. Caulerpa mexicana Sond. ex Kütz. is a siphonous tropical marine green alga characterized by four morphologically distinct regions and, as with other members of the genus, by the presence of a dense network of anastomosing cylindrical cell wall in growths called trabeculae. Based on the results of this study, we propose several roles for trabeculae: (i) They are structural components, which likely add some small amount of support in compression but add considerable strength in tension. (ii) As extensions of the cell wall and plasma membrane, they act as diffusion channels from the cell exterior to the interior cytoplasm. It is possible that trabeculae also play a role in determining cell shape through developmental positioning and placement patterns, thus facilitating the diverse shapes found in the morphologically distinct regions of Caulerpa sp.  相似文献   

A new sterculiaceous wood, Chattawaya paliformis gen. et sp. n., was collected from a Middle Eocene locality in the type area of the Clamo Formation of north central Oregon. The wood differs from all known extant woods in having very large and irregularly shaped tile cells. However, other features of the xylem indicate a close natural relationship between Chattawaya and the extant paleotropical genus, Pterospermum. It is suggested that the xylem organization of the Eocene fossil represents a more primitive condition than that observed in Pterospermum. Comparative xylotomy indicates three evolutionary trends within the complex to which Chattawaya and Pterospermum belong: development of storied structure, increased uniformity in shape and size of tile cells and loss of multiseriate rays. Chattawaya is part of a growing body of paleobotanical evidence indicating that the Sterculiaceae was well differentiated by the early Tertiary, but that the lineages leading to extant genera have undergone an appreciable amount of evolutionary change since the Eocene.  相似文献   

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