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The harmful bloom alga Aureococcus anophagefferens Hargraves et Sieburth can survive prolonged darkness, which could facilitate overwinter survival and dispersal by anthropogenic vectors such as ballast water. Experiments were conducted to examine the biochemical and photosynthetic changes in cells during dark storage. Cells were stored in the dark for periods from 2 to 14 days and were sampled at days 0, 1, 2, 4, 7, 10, and 14. Samples from days 2, 7, and 14 were monitored during a recovery period of 4–5 days. Physiological and photosynthetic parameters were measured during the dark storage and recovery periods. Cultures resumed growth quickly when returned to light, and bacterial counts remained constant during the dark storage period but increased rapidly during recovery periods. Cellular protein, carbohydrate, and lipid concentrations declined slightly during the dark period. There were no changes in chl a per cell or in RUBISCO per cell during 14 days of darkness. The data therefore suggest that A. anophagefferens is able to maintain its photosynthetic apparatus during dark storage periods of at least 2 weeks and relies on cellular reserves until it is returned to light to resume photosynthesis. During the recovery period in the light, the cells are able to acclimate rapidly to current light levels and resume growth.  相似文献   

Nitrogen uptake studies were conducted during an aestival “brown tide” bloom in Shinnecock Bay, Long Island, New York. The same station was sampled in late July and mid-August 1995 when Aureococcus anophagefferens composed >90% and 30–40% of the total cell density, respectively. Experiments were designed to examine the effect of incubation duration on the uptake kinetics, and the effect of light and temperature dependencies of NH4+, urea, and NO3? uptake. Maximum specific uptake rates (V'max) decreased in the order NH4+, urea, NO3? and were nonlinear with time for NH4+ and urea, both of which exhibited an exponential decline between 1 and 10 min and then did nut significantly change for 60 min. Nitrogen uptake kinetic experiments exhibited a typical hyperbolic response for urea and NO3?. Half-saturation constants. (Ks) were calculated to he 0.03 and 0.12 μmol · L?1 for urea and NO3?; respectively, but could not be calculated for NH4+ under these experimental conditions. Nutrient uptake rate versus, irradiance (NI) experiments showed that maximum uptake rates occurred at ≤% of incident irradiance on both sampling dates and that values of V′max-cell (NH4+) were on average 30% greater than V′max-cell (urea). A7°–9°C temperature decrease in incubation temperature between the two NI experiments in August resulted in a 30% decrease in V′max-cell(NH4+), no change in V′max-cell(urea), and a 3–4-fold decrease in calculated Klt values for both NH4+ and urea. The results from these experiments demonstrate that A. anophagefferens has a higher affinity for NH4+ and urea than for NO3? and that this particular species is adapted to use these substrates at low irradiances and concentrations. The data presented in this study are also consistent with the hypothesis that A. anophagefferens may be an oceanic clone that was displaced by an anomalous oceanographic event.  相似文献   

The effect of simultaneous nitrogen fixation and phosphorus limitation on the physiological adaptation and growth performance of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (L.) Ralfs PCC 7905 was studied in continuous culture. In the absence of ammonia, N2 fixation occurred and the maximum growth rate (as determined in diluted batch cultures) was lower. However, no distinction could be made between the steady-state N uptake rates (based on cellular N contents) of N2-fixing cells and cells grown with ammonia. At the higher dilution rates, the residual P concentration increased with increasing dilution rate, more so under N2-fixing conditions, compared to the cultures grown in the presence of ammonia. More generally, the yield of biomass per consumed P, as the biomass concentration itself, decreased with increasing dilution rate, and both were lower under N2-fixing conditions. The restricted biomass production under N2-fixing conditions suggests that reduction of N loading may benefit lake restoration projects. The influence of N2-fixation on the severity of P limitation is discussed in terms of metabolic control analysis. From the increase of the residual P concentration on switching from ammonium to N2-fixing conditions, it is deduced that under N2-fixing and P-limited conditions, control of growth is shared by N and P metabolism.  相似文献   

The availability and composition of dissolved nitrogen in ocean waters are factors that influence species composition in natural phytoplankton communities. The same factors affect the ratio of organic to inorganic carbon incorporation in calcifying species, such as the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi (Lohman) W. W. Hay et H. Mohler. E. huxleyi has been shown to thrive on various nitrogen sources, including dissolved organic nitrogen. Nevertheless, assimilation of dissolved nitrogen under nitrogen‐replete and ‐limited conditions is not well understood in this ecologically important species. In this study, the complete amino acid sequences for three functional genes involved in nitrogen metabolism in E. huxleyi were identified: a putative formamidase, a glutamine synthetase (GSII family), and assimilatory nitrate reductase. Expression patterns of the three enzymes in cells grown on inorganic as well as organic nitrogen sources indicated reduced expression levels of nitrate reductase when cells were grown on NH4+ and a reduced expression level of the putative formamidase when growth was on NO3?. The data reported here suggest the presence of a nitrogen preference hierarchy in E. huxleyi. In addition, the gene encoding for a phosphate repressible phosphate permease was more highly expressed in cells growing on formamide than in cells growing on inorganic nitrogen sources. This finding suggests a coupling between phosphate and nitrogen metabolism, which might give this species a competitive advantage in nutrient‐depleted environments. The potential of using expression of genes investigated here as indicators of specific nitrogen‐metabolism strategies of E. huxleyi in natural populations of phytoplankton is discussed.  相似文献   

A planktonic alga similar in general morphology and pigments to Aureococcus anophagefferens Hargraves and Sieburth has caused persistent and ecologically damaging blooms along the south Texas coast. Experiments using 100 μM NO3?, NO2?, and NH4+ demonstrated that the alga could not use NO3? for growth but could use NO2? and NH4+. Doubling iron or trace metal concentrations did not permit growth on NO3?. Chemical composition data for cultures grown in excess NO3? or NH4+, respectively, were as follows: N·cell?1 (0.88 vs. 1.3 pg), C:N ratio (25:1 vs. 6.4:1), C:chlorophyll a (chl a) (560:1 vs. 44:1), and chl a·cell?1 (0.033 vs. 0.16 pg). These data imply that cells supplied with NO3? were N-starved. Culture addition of 10 mM final concentration chlorate (a nitrate analog) did not affect the Texas isolate while NO3? utilizing A. anophagefferens was lysed, suggesting that the NO3? reductase of the Texas isolate is nonfunctional. Rates of primary productivity determined during a dense bloom indicated that light-saturated growth rates were ca. 0.45 d?1, which is similar to maximum rates determined in laboratory experiments (0.58 d?1± 0.16). However, chemical composition data were consistent with the growth rate of these cells being limited by N availability (C:N 28, C:chl a 176, chl a·cell?1 0.019). Calculations based on a mass balance for nitrogen suggest that the bloom was triggered by an input of ca. 69 μM NH4+ that resulted from an extensive die-off of benthos and fish.  相似文献   

Changes in the size of intracellular nitrogen pools and the potential feedback by these pools on maximum N uptake (NH4+ and NO3?) rates were determined for Chaetomorpha linum (Müller) Kützing grown sequentially under nutrient-saturating and nutrient-limiting conditions. The size of individual pools in N-sufficient algae could be ranked as residual organic N (RON) comprised mainly of amino acids and amino compounds > protein N > NO3? > NH4+ > chlorophyll N. When the external N supply was removed, growth rates remained high and individual N pools were depleted at exponential rates that reflected both dilution of existing pools by the addition of new biomass from growth and movement between the pools. Calculated fluxes between the tissue N pools showed that the protein pool increased throughout the N depletion period and thus did not serve a storage function. RON was the largest storage reserve; nitrate was the second largest, but more temporary, storage pool that was depleted within 10 days. Upon N resupply, the RON pool increased 3 × faster than either the inorganic or protein pools, suggesting that protein synthesis was the rate-limiting step in N assimilation and caused a buildup of intermediate storage compounds. Maximum uptake rates for both NH4+ and NO3? varied inversely with macroalgal N status and appeared to be controlled by changes in small intracellular N pools. Uptake of NO3? showed an initial lag phase, but the initial uptake of NH4+ was enhanced and was present only when the intracellular NH4+ pool was depleted in the absence of an external N supply. A strong negative correlation between the RON pool size and maximum assimilation uptake rates for both NH4+ and NO3? suggested a feedback control on assimilation uptake by the buildup and depletion of organic compounds. Enhanced uptake and the accumulation of N as simple organic compounds or nitrate both provide a temporary mechanism to buffer against the asynchrony of N supply and demand in C. linum.  相似文献   

When NH4 + or NO3 ? was supplied to NO3 ? ‐stressed cells of the microalga Dunaliella tertiolecta Butcher, immediate transient changes in chl a fluorescence were observed over several minutes that were not seen in N‐replete cells. These changes were predominantly due to nonphotochemical fluorescence quenching. Fluorescence changes were accompanied by changes in photosynthetic oxygen evolution, indicating interactions between photosynthesis and N assimilation. The magnitude of the fluorescence change showed a Michaelis‐Menten relationship with half‐saturation concentration of 0.5 μM for NO3 ? and 10 μM for NH4 + . Changes in fluorescence responses were characterized in D. tertiolecta both over 5 days of N starvation and in cells cultured at a range of NO3 ? ‐limited growth rates. Variation in responses was more marked in starved than in limited cells. During N starvation, the timing and onset of the fluorescence responses were different for NO3 ? versus NH4 + and were correlated with changes in maximum N uptake rate during N starvation. In severely N‐starved cells, the major fluorescence response to NO3 ? disappeared, whereas the response to NH4 + persisted. N‐starved cells previously grown with NH4 + alone showed fluorescence responses with NH4 + but not NO3 ? additions. The distinct responses to NO3 ? and NH4 + may be due to the differences between regulation of the uptake mechanisms for the two N sources during N starvation. This method offers potential for assessing the importance of NO3 ? or NH4 + as an N source to phytoplankton populations and as a diagnostic tool for N limitation.  相似文献   

Partitioning of the carbon (C) fixed during photosynthesis between neutral lipids (NL) and carbohydrates was investigated in Isochrysis sp. (Haptophyceae) in relation to its nitrogen (N) status. Using batch and nitrate‐limited continuous cultures, we studied the response of these energy reserve pools to both conditions of N starvation and limitation. During N starvation, NL and carbohydrate quotas increased but their specific growth rates (specific rates of variation, μCAR and μNL) decreased. When cells were successively deprived and then resupplied with NO3, both carbohydrates and neutral lipids were inversely related to the N quota (N:C). These negative relationships were not identical during N impoverishment and replenishment, indicating a hysteresis phenomenon between N and C reserve mobilizations. Cells acclimated to increasing degrees of N limitation in steady‐state chemostat cultures showed decreasing NL quota and increasing carbohydrate quota. N starvation led to a visible but only transient increase of NL productivity. In continuous cultures, the highest NL productivity was obtained for the highest experimented dilution rate (D = 1.0 d?1; i.e., for non N‐limited growth conditions), whereas the highest carbohydrate productivity was obtained at D = 0.67 d?1. We used these results to discuss the nitrogen conditions that optimize NL productivities in the context of biofuel production.  相似文献   

Nitrate-grown cells of Stichococcus bacillaris Naeg. (UTEX 314) contained much higher activities of glutamine synthetase (GS) and NADPH-glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) than ammonium-grown cells. Methylamine, a non-metabolizable ammonium analog, caused a decrease in GS activity in nitrate-grown cells suggesting that GS is regulated by the size of the endogenous ammonium pool. The decrease in GS observed in methylammonium-loaded nitrate-grown cells was accompanied by an increase in NADPH-GDH activity. Stichococcus bacillaris can be grown in the presence of methionine sulfoximine (MSX), a potent inhibitor of GS. However, only a fraction of a control cell population showed a requirement for glutamine or arginine for growth following MSX addition. Fully adapted MSX-grown cells were indistinguishable from control cells in their ability to photosynthesize and utilize amino acids as nitrogen sources. Alanine, arginine, asparagine, glutamine, glycine and proline were good nitrogen sources, and maximum capacity for amino acid transport was developed in cells grown on these amino acids. Compared to nitrate-grown cells the activity of GS in ammo acid-grown cells was low, whereas NADPH-GDH was very active. The activity of NADH-GDH in amino acid-grown cells was highest under heterotrophic conditions.  相似文献   

Chl fluorescence was used to measure the photosynthetic capacity of the green alga Dunaliella tertiolecta in order to investigate interactions between susceptibility to acute UV‐B radiation (UVBR, 280–320 nm) exposure and decreased nitrogen availability. Under UVBR exposure the decline in the fluorescence parameters Fv/Fm (the maximum effective quantum yield ΦPSIIe‐max) and Fv′/Fm′ (the operational quantum yield of PSII, ΦPSIIe) were enhanced with higher UVBR fluxes, with the data well described by the Kok model, inferring that a dynamic balance existed between damage and repair with the repair proportional to the pool size of inactivated targets. When UVBR exposure was coupled with nitrogen limitation, the inhibition of photosynthesis was intensified. Under the more severely N‐limited conditions, the damage rate increased. Unexpectedly, repair rates were also stimulated under N‐limited conditions, although this was insufficient to counteract the increase in damage, so the overall effect of N limitation was an enhancement of UVBR‐induced inhibition of photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Alexandrium catenella (Whedon et Kofoid) Balech was isolated from Thau lagoon (northern Mediterranean) and its growth and uptake characteristics measured for nitrate, ammonium, and urea. Although affinity constants did not indicate a preference for ammonium over nitrate, there was a strong inhibition of nitrate uptake by ammonium when both nitrogen (N) sources were present. Nitrogen budgets during growth in cultures revealed major imbalances between decreases in dissolved N and increases in particulate N, indicating excretion of dissolved organic N during the early part of the growth phase and uptake during the later part. A quasi‐unialgal bloom in November 2001 (4×106 cells·L?1) allowed measurements of uptake of nitrate, nitrite, ammonium, and urea; net and gross growth rate of A. catenella; and grazing rates on this organism. The affinity constants indicate that it is not a strong competitor for the N nutrients tested when these are in low concentrations (<10 μgat N·L?1), compared with other members of the phytoplankton community. Indirect evidence from cultures indicate that dissolved organic N compounds could be important in triggering those blooms. Finally, the strongly unbalanced growth observed in the field indicates that A. catenella exhibits a storage rather than a growth response to a nutrient pulse and is adapted to low frequency events such as the passage of frontal disturbances. The disappearance of A. catenella was due to grazing that balanced growth at the peak of the bloom.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations in tissue nitrogen, carbon, amino acids and ammonium were determined for the brown algae Macrocystis integrifolia Bory and Nereocystis luetkeana (Mertens) Pastels and Ruprecht, For M. integrifolia, the proportions of tissue nitrogen and carbon in blades, bulbs and stipes were also determined. The composition of the two algae in terms of the above constituents was similar. In addition, ammonium, nitrogen and protein-bound amino acids showed distinct seasonal trends with high values during the winter and low levels during the summer. The range for nitrogen was 0.8–3.0% and for proteins 7.6–11.7% of dry weight. In contrast, carbon content and C/N ratio showed the reverse trend with higher values during the summer and lower values during the winter. The range for carbon was 19–31% of dry weight, and the C/N ratio showed a range of 9–37. The free amino acids did not show any specific seasonably. Tissue nitrogen and carbon showed higher values in the blades than in the bulbs and stipes.  相似文献   

The effect of nitrogen source (nitrate, ammonia and/or amino acids) on cell composition and amino acid uptake rates was examined. Substantial levels of free amino acids accumulated intracellularly with all nitrogen sources used. Ammonia accumulated only when provided in the medium. The presence of ammonia in the medium decreased the intracellular accumulation of free amino acids, especially arginine. Amino acid uptake rates were suppressed by the presence of excess nitrogen, especially ammonia. However, the suppression of uptake did not show any particular relation to the nitrogenous cell composition.  相似文献   

The preference of phytoplankton for ammonium over nitrate has traditionally been explained by the greater metabolic cost of reducing oxidized forms of nitrogen. This “metabolic cost hypothesis” implies that there should be a growth disadvantage on nitrate compared to ammonium or other forms of reduced nitrogen such as urea, especially when light limits growth, but in a variety of phytoplankton taxa, this predicted difference has not been observed. Our experiments with three strains of marine Synechococcus (WH7803, WH7805, and WH8112) did not reveal consistently faster growth (cell division) on ammonium or urea as compared to nitrate. Urease and glutamine synthetase (GS) activities varied with nitrogen source in a manner consistent with regulation by cellular nitrogen status via NtcA (rather than by external availability of nitrogen) in all three strains and indicated that each strain experienced some degree of nitrogen insufficiency during growth on nitrate. At light intensities that strongly limited growth, the composition (carbon, nitrogen, and pigment quotas) of WH7805 cells using nitrate was indistinguishable from that of cells using ammonium, but at saturating light intensities, cellular carbon, nitrogen, and pigment quotas were significantly lower in cells using nitrate than ammonium. These and similar results from other phytoplankton taxa suggest that a limitation in some step of nitrate uptake or assimilation, rather than the extra cost of reducing nitrate per se, may be the cause of differences in growth and physiology between cells using nitrate and ammonium.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) can account for a significant portion of total nitrogen in some aquatic environments, and many species of phytoplankton are able to scavenge nitrogen from this pool especially when inorganic nitrogen is limiting. Emiliania huxleyi (Lohmann) H. W. Hay et H. Mohler is able to use various forms of DON for growth, including several amino acids, purines, and pyrimidines. A cell‐surface protein up‐regulated in the absence of inorganic nitrogen, NRP1, is hypothesized to play a role in the metabolism of one or more of these organic nitrogen forms. Here, the genomic and cDNA sequence of NRP1 is reported. Structural predictions based on the amino acid sequence suggest a pyridoxal‐5′‐phosphate‐dependent enzyme that may have a role in acquiring nitrogen from amino acids. Further evidence for the function of NRP1 is measured in spent media from nitrogen‐limited cultures, which contain NRP1 and have glutaminase and formamidase activity. Field studies using an antibody to NRP1 show that it is expressed in E. huxleyi during bloom conditions in a Norwegian fjord.  相似文献   

The influence of seawater velocity (1.5–12 cm · s?1) on inorganic nitrogen (N) uptake by the soft‐sediment perennial macroalga Adamsiella chauvinii (Harv.) L. E. Phillips et W. A. Nelson (Rhodophyta) was determined seasonally by measuring uptake rate in a laboratory flume. Regardless of N tissue content, water velocity had no influence on NO3? uptake in either winter or summer, indicating that NO3?‐uptake rate was biologically limited. However, when thalli were N limited, increasing water velocity increased NH4+ uptake, suggesting that mass‐transfer limitation of NH4+ is likely during summer for natural populations. Uptake kinetics (Vmax, Ks) were similar among three populations of A. chauvinii at sites with different mean flow speeds; however, uptake rates of NO3? and NH4+ were lower in summer (when N status was generally low) than in winter. Our results highlight how N uptake can be affected by seasonal changes in the physiology of a macroalga and that further investigation of N uptake of different macroalgae (red, brown, and green) during different seasons is important in determining the relative influence of water velocity on nutrient uptake.  相似文献   

Uptake and assimilation kinetics of nitrate and ammonium were investigated along with inhibition of nitrate uptake by ammonium in the harmful dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum Halim at different nitrogen (N)–limited growth rates. Alexandrium minutum had a strong affinity for nitrate and ammonium (Ks=0.26±0.03 and 0.31±0.04 μmol·L?1, respectively) whatever the degree of N deficiency of the cells. Ammonium was always the preferred form of nitrogen taken up (=0.42–0.50). In the presence of both forms, nitrate uptake was inhibited by ammonium, and inhibition was particularly marked in N‐sufficient cells (Imax~0.9 and Ki=0.31–0.56 μmol·L?1). In the case of N assimilation, ammonium was also the preferred form in N‐deficient cells (=0.54–0.72), whereas in N‐sufficient cells, both N sources were equally preferred (=0.90–1.00). The comparison of uptake and assimilation rates highlighted the ability of A. minutum to significantly store in 1 h nitrate and ammonium in amounts sufficient to supply twice the daily N requirements of the slowest‐growing N‐deficient cells. Nitrogen uptake kinetic parameters of A. minutum and their ecological implications are discussed.  相似文献   

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