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Post-disturbance survival is a key factor in the onset of secondary successions. Here we analyse capture-recapture data from two before/after disturbance studies to estimate the effect of fire on local bird survival. Analyses of six bird species at two Mediterranean shrubland sites were combined using a meta-analysis approach. Two warblers, Sylvia undata and S. melanocephala, were studied at one site altered by prescribed burning, and five passerines (Luscinia megarhynchos, Turdus merula, Parus major, P. caeruleus and S. melanocephala) at one site disturbed by wildfire. Based on the combined analysis, annual survival probability significantly decreased from 0.49 to 0.18 (i.e. a 64% decline) after the fire. Our results further suggest a trend for a higher decrease in annual survival associated with wildfire (–72%, from 0.51 to 0.14) than with prescribed burning (–35%, from 0.41 to 0.27), although this should be properly tested with a specific experimental design. In S. undata, a decline in survival in the long-term cannot account for the drop in density observed the first spring after fire. We suggest that a decrease in recruitment rate and an increase in the proportion of non-breeders immediately after the fire may contribute more strongly to the decline in the breeding population. Our results tend to support the idea that bird populations may respond to moderate disturbances with noticeable time lags, because of individual site tenacity.  相似文献   

Abstract. Alkaline xeric soils from SE Spain weathered from kakiritized dolomitic rocks and subjected to recurrent fires, show phosphorus immobilization, low nutrient availability and high cation content, which might affect plant nutrition. Currently, Ulex shrubland, with a variety of dolomitophilous endemics, is colonizing eroded areas and replacing the original shrubland communities. Variation in nutrient content during post-fire regeneration was studied in six species which differ widely in their successional status. All species showed a high consumption of nutrients immediately after the fire. A pattern of decline in internal nutrient levels, especially P, with time since fire was detected in mid-to-late successional shrubs: Juniperus oxycedrus, Genista spartioides, and to a lesser extent in Rosmarinus officinalis, a shrub species of intermediate successional status. This pattern of decline may represent a progressive change towards a metabolism with a low turnover along the age gradient. Early successional shrub species behaved in a different way. Cistus clusii showed a nutrient-cumulative strategy, especially for P, across the fire-age gradient. Ulex rivasgodayanus maximized internal N concentrations due to its symbiotic activity with N2-fixing bacteria. Cistus and Rosmarinus held high cation levels in their tissues. The nutritional characteristics of these shrub species are seen as advantageous adaptations to the specific soil properties and disturbance regime of the area.  相似文献   

Phytomass structural characteristics are highly related to vegetation flammability. In fire-prone species like Mediterranean gorse, which accumulate standing dead fuel, susceptibility to fire is a function of fuel load, vegetation composition and fuel cover, and these characteristics change with time. Thus, for effective fuel control management, knowledge of the vegetation structural dynamics related to fire risk is crucial for preventing future fires. This study analyses structural dynamics in the above-ground phytomass of Ulex parviflorus shrublands in relation to different stages of flammability, i.e., the amount of time elapsed since the last fire. For this, 152 plants were cut from shrublands at different stages of development (young, mature and senescent), and various dimensional measurements were taken on each. The phytomass was separated into living or dead fuel fractions as well as into twigs or branches depending on the stem diameter. Basal diameter is the variable that best predicted Ulex parviflorus total phytomass as well as that of the different fractions. Both dimensional and phytomass variables increased with plant development. In the young shrublands Ulex parviflorus constitutes 54% of total phytomass, and Ulex parviflorus's dead twigs fraction accounts for 5% of total phytomass. In the mature and senescent shrublands, this species represents 80% of total shrubland phytomass, and dead twigs reach values greater than 40%. Our results show that structural changes in the fuel over short periods of time (young and mature) reveal critical periods in shrub development. Identification of these stages is a necessary tool for planning fuel control programmes.  相似文献   

Aim The aim of this study was to determine how spatial variation in vegetation type and landscape connectivity influence fire intervals in a semi‐arid landscape with low relief and complex mosaics of woodland and shrubland vegetation. Location Our study focused on a 15,500‐km2 area of relatively undisturbed and unmanaged land in south‐western Australia, referred to as the Lake Johnston region. Methods We modelled fire‐interval data from a 67‐year (1940–2006) digital fire history database using a two‐parameter Weibull function, and tested for the effects of vegetation type and landscape connectivity on estimates of the length of fire intervals (Weibull parameter b) and the dependence of fire intervals on fuel age (Weibull parameter c). Results Vegetation type and landscape connectivity significantly influenced fire interval probability distributions. Fire intervals in shrublands (dense low shrub assemblage) were typically shorter (b = 46 years) and more dependent on fuel age (c = 2.33) than most other vegetation types, while fire intervals in open eucalypt woodlands were much longer (b = 405 years) and were less dependent on fuel age (c = 1.36) than in shrub‐dominated vegetation types. Areas adjacent to or surrounded by salt lakes burnt less frequently (b = 319 years) and fire intervals were less dependent on fuel age (c = 1.48) compared with more exposed areas (e.g. b < 101 years, c > 1.68). Fire intervals in thickets (dense tall shrub assemblage) were longer (b = 101 years) than would be expected from fuel loads, most likely because they were protected from fire by surrounding fuel‐limited woodlands. Main conclusions Fire intervals in south‐western Australia are strongly influenced by spatial variation in vegetation (fuel structure) and landscape connectivity. The importance of fuel structure as a control of fire intervals in south‐western Australia contrasts with other landscapes, where topographical gradients or climatic influences may override the effects of underlying vegetation. We found that, regardless of low relief, topographical features such as large salt lake systems limited the connectivity and spread of fire among landscape units in an analogous manner to lakes or mountainous features elsewhere.  相似文献   

Plant community dynamics in Mediterranean basin ecosystems are mainly driven by an alternation of episodes of human intervention and land abandonment. As a result, a mosaic of plant communities has evolved following different stages of degradation and regeneration. Some authors has relate secondary succession to abandoned culture lands and regeneration to natural systems with abandonment of livestock or forestry exploitation. In this paper, the dynamics of shrublands in mid-mountain areas in the South of Spain after disturbance and land abandonment has been studied. The plant cover and 13 environmental variables of 137 selected sites on the Grazalema mountains was analysed to determine the vegetation pattern in relation to environmental factors and the succession types, either regenerative or secondary succession. The results show that today the Grazalema mountains have a heterogeneous vegetation pattern. Besides physical factors such as altitude or soil , human disturbance has modulated current vegetation patterns and dynamics. Two main types of vegetation dynamics can be distinguished in the study area. In areas affected by cutting, regeneration results in rich and dense shrub land, with resprouters as dominant species. In areas affected by recurrent wildfires or agriculture, secondary succession became dominant, resulting in less diverse shrubland, due to the dominance of seeders and decrease in resprouter species richness and cover.  相似文献   

Questions: Is post‐fire persistence of resprouting species lower in restored sites, and is survival related to lignotuber size? Location: Southwestern Australia, Eneabba, 300 km north of Perth. Methods: Post‐fire persistence of 10 lignotuberous shrub species was compared between three sites restored 8–24 years ago after mineral‐sand mining and three surrounding natural shrubland sites (8–24 years since previous fire). Results: Overall persistence of species was 11–93% in restored sites (mean 52%) and 79–100% in natural sites (mean 96%). Persistence increased with time since rehabilitation for five species with <25% of individuals in three species surviving in the youngest stand. For equivalent crown size, average lignotuber circumferences were 50% smaller at restored sites and this probably accounted for their higher post‐fire mortality. Apart from differences in the age of plants, restored sites had lower soil penetrability than natural sites, which may have restricted rootstock development. A tradeoff favoring a higher crown volume to lignotuber size ratio was apparent in nine of the ten species with greater crown volumes (by 37%) and smaller lignotubers (by 36%) in restored sites. Two resprouting species for which crown seed store was quantified had much higher fecundity in restored sites. Conclusions: Fires reduced resprouter persistence in restored sites owing to poor development/insufficient size of lignotubers. Further management after fires is required, including application of resprouter seeds/seedlings on restored topsoil, transplanting adult resprouters (where viable) from natural areas ahead of the mining front. Low intensity/patchy fires are recommended on long unburnt sites. Resprouter survival would have likely been much greater in the first place if a deeper sandy soil profile was rehabilitated, thereby providing a more suitable medium for lignotuber development.  相似文献   

Question: Is the stimulation of germination by thermal shock (resulting from the passage of fire) commonly observed for Mediterranean‐climate Fabaceae also apparent for NW European Genisteae (Fabaceae) species? Location: Southern England and NW France. Methods: The germination of Cytisus scopiarius, Genista anglica, Ulex europaeus, Ulex gallii and Ulex minor was examined following exposure to a range of temperatures (50°C, 65°C, 80°C, 95°C and 110°C) applied to seeds for 5 min. A sixth Mediterranean‐origin species (Spartium junceum) was also included since it is a common invasive in NW Europe and North America. Results: All five native NW European species displayed increased germination following thermal shock, even when seeds were heated to 110°C. However, there was some variation depending on provenance: in contrast to seeds collected from southern England, germination of French C. scopiarius seeds was unaffected by temperature. Spartium junceum germinated most at 95°C, but was the only species to show reduced germination when seeds were heated to 110°C. Conclusions: The NW European Genisteae appear to be pre‐adapted to the high temperatures associated with fire; a response attributable to their evolutionary origins in the fire‐prone ecosystems of the Mediterranean Basin. Consequently, projected increases in fire frequency linked to climate change may stimulate their regeneration in NW European heathlands, potentially altering the species composition of these ecosystems. Additionally, a clearer understanding of the interaction between thermal shock and germination may explain why fire has so frequently been ineffective in controlling invasive Genisteae populations worldwide.  相似文献   

Clément  B.  Touffet  J. 《Plant Ecology》1981,46(1):157-166

The vegetation dynamics of heathlands in Brittany have been followed for three years in areas subject to fire in August 1976. The pre-fire vegetation had been analysed and mapped before its destruction. The structure of the community and the processes taking place in it (in terms of biomass, primary productivity, phenology, mineral nutrition and food value) had been examined. The redevelopment of the canopy was studied by the point-contact method along permanent line transects. This semi-quantitative study permits calculation of the relative frequency of each species and, from this, its cover. The growth form of each species and the stratification of the community are also indicated by this method. Permanent plots were also used to record changes in the vegetation, by means of a census of individuals and records of the development and growth strategy of each species. The plots were located in homogeneous areas, or on bare soil around seed parents in order to examine seed dispersal and seedling establishment. These two methods yielded detailed information on the nature of the secondary successions following fire in the heathlands of Brittany.


During the 1997/98 ENSO (El Niño Southern Oscillation) event more than 5 million ha of East Kalimantan, Indonesia burned. Here we quantify the initial stages of regeneration (19982001), both in forest that burned and in unburned controls. Sapling and seedling density and species richness remained significantly lower in burned than in unburned forest and community composition remained substantially different between both forest types throughout the sampling period. The only pronounced edge effect was a significantly higher density of seedlings in the interior of unburned forest. Sapling density increased and seedling density declined in both unburned and burned forest during the four-year study period. In the unburned forest, sapling and seedling species richness remained stable, but sapling species richness declined significantly with time in the burned forest. The pioneer community in the burned forest was, furthermore, characterised by higher growth and recruitment than in the unburned forest but mortality did not differ between both forest types. Differences in environment (burned versus unburned: 2965% of variation explained) and the distance between sample sites (1323% of variation explained) explained substantial amounts of variation in sapling and seedling community similarity. Similarity was, however, only marginally (< 1% explained) related to the edge position and temporal variation (difference among sample events). Our results, four years after the initial burn, indicate that burned forest still differed greatly from unburned forest in terms of density, species richness and community composition. There was also no clear trend of a return to pre-disturbance conditions, which indicates that the burned forest may remain in a severely degraded state for a prolonged period of time.  相似文献   

Increased drought combined with extreme episodes of heatwaves is triggering severe impacts on vegetation growth, particularly for plant communities in arid and semiarid ecosystems. Although there is an abundance of short‐term field drought experiments in natural ecosystems, remaining knowledge gaps limit the understanding and prediction of vegetation growth to ongoing and future climate scenarios. Here, we assessed the impacts of long‐term (1999–2016) experimental drought (ca. ?30% rainfall) on the vegetation growth of a Mediterranean high (H) and low (L)‐canopy forests and an early‐successional shrubland, as indicated by above‐ground biomass increment (ABI) and standing density, respectively. We found habitat context (impact of historical climate change, soil depth and successional status) of the study sites significantly affected the magnitude of climate impacts; there were synergistic effects of experimental drought and meteorological drought (Standardised Precipitation–Evapotranspiration Index, SPEI) as well as extreme dry years on vegetation growth. Long‐term experimental drought decreased the ABI for the two forest canopy types and the standing density for the shrubland. Water availabilities in winter–spring (SPEIs) were positively correlated with the ABI and standing density. Moreover, experimental drought decreased the vegetation growth in extreme dry years for the shrubland. We propose that future work not only study the vegetation dynamics with physiological, phenological and demographical changes in long‐term processes and across climate gradients, but also should explore the changes of multiple functions simultaneously (e.g. multifunctionality) under long‐term processes and extremes. This type of analysis of long‐term data is essential to understand and predict biodiversity loss, composition shifts, declines in ecosystem function and carbon budgets at temporal and spatial scales, to enable policy makers to design and implement strategies for the maintenance of sustainable ecosystem function under future climate change scenarios.  相似文献   

Tárrega  R.  Luis-Calabuig  E.  Alonso  I. 《Plant Ecology》1997,129(2):179-187
Recovery after experimental burning and cutting in a shrubland of Cistus laurifolius in NW Spain has been studied. The community was homogeneous prior to the disturbances, and tended to recover through a process of autosuccession. It was tested whether in a small space (two 100 m2 plots) there was a greater similarity among individual subplots (12) in five consecutive years, or among the five subplots considered in each plot in the same year. By comparing space and time beta diversity using analysis of variance, no significant differences were observed, which indicates that temporal changes are not of a greater magnitude than space heterogeneity, even on such a small scale. Changes in time are characterized by an increase in cover by woody species, mainly Cistus laurifolius, or a decrease in the diversity and richness of species. Space heterogeneity (differences between subplots) does not seem to be determined by environmental gradients, since the sampling surface is very small, and may be due to the effect of some annual or perennial species, which are not dominant and only appear in some subplots, probably due to random dispersal.  相似文献   

Abstract. Persistence by longevity has been rarely considered as an alternative to regeneration by seeding for plants showing multiple demographic strategies. We propose a conceptual model of multiple demographic strategies for long‐lived plants in stable habitats, shifting from regeneration by seeding to persistence by longevity and/or vegetative reproduction, along gradients of abiotic stress or interspecific competition. Regeneration by seeding would be promoted under low abiotic stress or under low competition, whereas persistence by longevity and/or vegetative reproduction would predominate at high levels of abiotic stress or competition. We test this model with two threatened species of the Mediterranean region, the shrub Juniperus communis, a widely distributed species which maintains relict populations in the Mediterranean mountains thanks to great adult longevity and Pinguicula vallisneriifolia, a palaeo‐endemic herb relying on a perennial habit and vegetative reproduction under drought imposed stress or high competition at late successional phases. As a main consequence, multiple demographic strategies enhance a plant's ability to exploit environmental heterogeneity at different spatial (patches, localities, regions within the species’ distribution area) and temporal (individual life span, glacial‐interglacial cycles) scales. The potential of multiple demographic dynamics based on persistence and regeneration must be considered as a major ecological trait determining the long‐term viability of peripheral populations of relict species as well as the inertia against extinction of many threatened endemisms, thereby contributing to the maintenance of the high plant diversity characterizing the Mediterranean region.  相似文献   

Peripheral nerve injury is often followed by incomplete and unsatisfactory functional recovery and may be associated with sensory and motor impairment of the affected limb. Therefore, a novel method is needed to improve the speed of recovery and the final functional outcome after peripheral nerve injuries. This report investigates the effect of lentiviral-mediated transfer of conserved dopamine neurotrophic factor (CDNF) on regeneration of the rat peripheral nerve in a transection model in vivo. We observed notable overexpression of CDNF protein in the distal sciatic nerve after recombinant CDNF lentiviral vector application. We evaluated sciatic nerve regeneration after surgery using light and electron microscopy and the functional recovery using the sciatic functional index and target muscle weight. HE staining revealed better ordered structured in the CDNF-treated group at 8 weeks post-surgery. Quantitative analysis of immunohistochemistry of NF200 and S-100 in the CDNF group revealed significant improvement of axonal and Schwann cell regeneration compared with the control groups at 4 weeks and 8 weeks after injury. The thickness of the myelination around the axons in the CDNF group was significantly higher than in the control groups at 8 weeks post-surgery. The CDNF group displayed higher muscle weights and significantly increased sciatic nerve index values. Our findings suggest that CDNF gene therapy could provide durable and stable CDNF protein concentration and has the potential to enhance peripheral nerve regeneration, morphological and functional recovery following nerve injury, which suggests a promising strategy for peripheral nerve repair.  相似文献   

Ne'eman  Gidi  Izhaki  Ido 《Plant Ecology》1999,144(1):115-125
Soil samples from three microhabitats (gaps, beneath shrubs and beneath trees) in five stands of various post-fire ages (6–55 years) were collected in an east Mediterranean Aleppo pine Pinus halepensis forest. Total germinable seed bank densities varied between 300 and 1300 seeds per m2. Herbaceous taxa were the major constituents of the germinable seed bank in gaps, regardless of stand age. Perennials were the major components beneath shrubs in all stands except the youngest stand where herbaceous species were the major components in all microhabitats. Important tree and shrub species (e.g., Pinus halepensis, Quercus calliprinos, Pistacia lentiscus, Phillyrea latifolia) of the mature pine forest were not an important component of the soil seed bank and therefore, little resemblance was observed between the above-ground plant species composition and soil seed bank composition. This is consistent with the fact that these species regenerate by resprouting rather than by germination from the seed bank. Both microhabitats and forest-stands, which were of different ages, contributed to the variation in taxa richness, germinable seed density and diversity among samples. The effect of small-scale spatial heterogeneity (among microhabitats) was much more pronounced. In contrast to other studies, species richness, species diversity, and density of seed banks did not decrease with post-fire age. Moreover, stand age was a poor predictor for these attributes of the soil seed bank in an Aleppo pine forest. The heterogeneity plays an important role in conservation and management of this ecosystem.  相似文献   

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