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Glossosphecia romanovi (Leech) (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) is a pest of grape in northeast Asia. We analyzed pheromone gland extracts of female moths and compared attractiveness of various pheromone blends to male moths in the field. Two major components from pheromone gland extracts were identified as (Z,Z)‐3,13‐octadecadien‐1‐ol (Z3,Z13‐18:OH) and (Z,Z)‐3,13‐octadecadienyl acetate (Z3,Z13‐18:OAc) in a ratio of approximately 9:1. Field tests showed that male G. romanovi were attracted to Z3,Z13‐18:OH alone, but the maximum number of males was attracted to the binary blend of Z3,Z13‐18:OH and Z3,Z13‐18:OAc mimicking the blend found in female extracts. In addition to these components, small amounts of (E,Z)‐3,13‐octadecadien‐1‐ol (E3,Z13‐18:OH) were detected in the pheromone gland of females, but addition of this component inhibited attraction to the primary binary blend. The blend of Z3,Z13‐18:OH and Z3,Z13‐18:OAc at the natural ratio should provide a sensitive and effective lure for monitoring populations of this pest.  相似文献   

Field studies using the synthetic sex pheromone of Trichophysetis cretacea, a trinary blend of (Z)‐11‐hexadecenyl acetate (Z11‐16:OAc), (Z)‐11‐hexadecenal (Z11‐16:Ald) and (Z)‐11‐hexadecenol (Z11‐16:OH), were performed in Sichuan to determine operational parameters for detection and control, such as dispenser type, blend ratio, dosage, and trap type, height and density. Of three pheromone dispensers tested, grey halo‐butyl isoprene elastomeric septa were significantly more effective than polyvinyl chloride capillary tubing or silicone rubber septa. The ratio of the three components in the blend significantly affected moth catch. In the halo‐butyl isoprene septa, the most effective ratio was 5 : 2 : 1 Z11‐16:OAc:Z11‐16:Ald:Z11‐16:OH. Sticky wing traps caught significantly more moths than water, noctuid moth or cone funnel traps. The most effective height at which wing traps were hung was 20 cm above the jasmine plants. Optimum trap density was 45 traps per hectare. Addition of volatile jasmine compounds did not increase the attractiveness of the sex pheromone. A dosage of 50 μg Z11‐16:OAc per lure was most effective in the autumn weather conditions of Quanwei. These data provide sufficient information to develop effective protocols for using the T. cretacea pheromone to detect and monitor this pest in the jasmine fields.  相似文献   

Identification of the sex pheromone of Ostrinia palustralis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
By means of gas chromatography with electroantennographic detection, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and a series of bioassays, (E)-11-tetradecenyl acetate (E11-14:OAc) and (Z)-11-tetradecenyl acetate (Z11-14:OAc) at a ratio of 99:1 were identified as female sex pheromone components of Ostrinia palustralis. The average amounts of E11- 14:OAc and Z11-14:OAc in a single sex pheromone gland were 37.2±24.4 ng and 0.3±0.2 ng, respectively. In a wind-tunnel bioassay, the binary blend of E11- and Z11-14:OAc elicited the same male behavioral responses as did virgin females.  相似文献   

Monema flavescens Walker (Lepidoptera: Limacodidae) is a multivoltine, generalist moth whose larvae cause serious damage to many types of trees. Pheromone lures prepared according to a study of a Japanese population were found to be ineffective at attracting M. flavescens nettle caterpillars in China, and some studies have shown intraspecific geographical differences in the composition of sex pheromones. We therefore reexamined the sex pheromone composition of M. flavescens in a Chinese population. In this study, the electroantennographically (EAG) active compounds in an extract from Chinese virgin females of M. flavescens were identified as (E)‐8‐decen‐1‐ol (E8‐10:OH), (Z)‐7,9‐decadien‐1‐ol (Z7,9‐10:OH), (Z)‐9,11‐dodecadien‐1‐ol (Z9,11‐12:OH), and (Z)‐9,11‐dodecadienal (Z9,11‐12:Ald) via coupled gas chromatographic‐electroantennographic detection (GC‐EAD) and coupled GC‐mass spectrometry (MS). Pheromone dimorphism might occur in this species, as this mixture of compounds in Chinese females was different from that of E8‐10:OH and E7,9‐10:OH extracted from Japanese females in previous research. In wind tunnel and field tests, the males were significantly attracted to a blend of the pheromone components E8‐10:OH, Z7,9‐10:OH, and Z9,11‐12:OH in a 100:5:4 ratio. The addition of Z9,11‐12:Ald did not change the male response. The optimized three‐component lure blend may provide a useful tool for monitoring and controlling Chinese populations of M. flavescens.  相似文献   

The crude extract from Cnaphalocrocis medinalis (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae) has been identified to be (Z)‐11‐octadecenal (Z11‐18:Ald), (Z)‐13‐octadecenal (Z13‐18:Ald), (Z)‐11‐octadecen‐1‐ol (Z11‐18:OH) and (Z)‐13‐octadecen‐1‐ol (Z13‐18:OH) in the GC‐MS, confirming the results reported previously in Japan. Field evaluation in China showed that the optimal blend is Z11‐18:Ald, Z13‐18:Ald, Z11‐18:OH and Z13‐18:OH at a ratio of 3 : 25 : 3 : 3. The optimal dosage is 500 μg Z13‐18:Ald per PVC tubing lure. In August, trap catches were highest between 3:00 and 4:00 a.m., and no moths were caught before 12:00 a.m. or after 6:00 a.m. The impact of trap design and trap height placement was also evaluated in the paddy field. The sticky wing trap was better than the water pan trap. The number of moths captured by the electric grid trap was 1.7 times greater than caught by the sticky wing trap. The optimal trap height was 20 cm below the top of the rice plants (80 cm high). Pheromone lure formulated from 60 μg Z11‐18:Ald, 500 μg Z13‐18:Ald, 60 μg Z11‐18:OH and 60 μg Z13‐18:OH was effective for population monitoring in trial sites in Zhejiang, Shanghai, Jiangxi, Hunan, Hubei, Guangxi, Guizhou, Chongqing and Hainan Provinces, encompassing both subtropical and temperate regions. Use of this synthetic pheromone blend provides a promising alternative to the currently used disturb and count method (DCM) for monitoring the population of C. medinalis in China.  相似文献   

The electrophysiological and behavioural responses of male Sesamia nonagrioides Lefèbvre (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) to several synthetic blends of its sex pheromone components were investigated. Electroantennogram (EAG) recordings showed the greatest response to a 77:8:10:5 blend of the four compounds found in the female glands: (Z)-11-hexadecen-1-yl acetate, (Z)-11-hexadecen-1-ol, (Z)-11-hexadecenal and dodecyl acetate. A logistic equation was fitted to the dose-response data and differences in relative EAG responses were analysed by deriving five parameters of this equation. Flight responses of males were also evaluated in a wind tunnel where the proposed blend (77:8:10:5) also elicited the best response. Field tests confirmed the laboratory findings as the 77:8:10:5 blend captured more S. nonagrioides males than other pheromone mixtures and showed more selectivity for male S. nonagrioides over other noctuid species, Discestra trifolii Rottenberg and Lacanobia oleracea L., but not for Mythimna unipuncta Haworth, a species with a sex pheromone composition almost identical to that of S. nonagrioides.  相似文献   

Female-tip washings of the leafroller moth, Pandemis cerasana, were found to contain (E)-11-tetradecenyl acetate, (Z)-11-tetradecenyl acetate, (E)-11-tetradecenol, (Z)-11-tetradecenol and tetradecyl acetate, based on chemical analysis and electroantennogram tests. The relative amounts of these compounds in the gland were ca. 64:21:10:3:2 in the order named. Only (E)-11 and (Z)-11-tetradecenyl acetate were required for attraction of males to trap dispensed in the ratio 3:1, respectively.  相似文献   

The diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae), is a worldwide pest of cruciferous crops. We examined the female pheromone production and male response to various pheromone blends in two Korean populations. Gas chromatography (GC) and GC‐mass spectrometry (MS) analyses of pheromone gland extracts revealed that females produce (Z)‐11‐hexadecenal (Z11‐16:Ald), (Z)‐11‐hexadecenyl acetate (Z11‐16:OAc), and (Z)‐11‐hexadecen‐1‐ol (Z11‐16:OH) in a ratio of 8:100:18. However, (Z)‐9‐tetradecenyl acetate (Z9‐14:OAc), a previously reported component of the sex attractant of a Canadian P. xylostella population was not detected in gland extracts of the Korean one. Field tests showed that Z11‐16:Ald and Z11‐16:OAc are essential for attraction of male moths, and the highest attraction is obtained with a 10:90 blend mimicking the blend found in gland extracts. Addition of 1 or 10% of Z11‐16:OH to the 10:90 blend of Z11‐16:Ald and Z11‐16:OAc significantly increased attraction. However, attraction was strongly antagonized by the addition of as little as 0.1% of Z9‐14:OAc to the most attractive ternary blend. The ternary blend of Z11‐16:Ald, Z11‐16:OAc, and Z11‐16:OH at a ratio of 10:90:1 was more effective at catching P. xylostella males than the Japanese three‐component blend or the Canadian four‐component blend in Korea. These results suggest that there is geographical variation in the pheromone systems of this species.  相似文献   

用带有极性和非极性毛细柱的气相色谱(GC)分析赤松毛虫Dendrolimus spectabilis性信息素腺体提取物,发现腺体中除含有已鉴定的性信息素(顺,反)-5,7-十二碳二烯醇(Z5,E7-12∶OH)外,还有微量的(顺,反)-5,7-十二碳二烯醛(Z5,E7-12∶Ald)和(顺,反)-5,7-十二碳二烯乙酸酯(Z5,E7-12∶Oac),三种成分以100∶5-6±5-4∶3-2±1-8的比例存在。使用气相色谱-质谱选择性离子检测法(GC-MS-SIM)分析赤松毛虫腺体提取物,发现腺体中确实含有微量的Z5,E7-12∶Oac和痕量的Z5,E7-12∶Opr。赤松毛虫腺体提取物的气相色谱和触角电位检测联用(GC-EAD)分析发现只有Z5,E7-12∶OH能激起EAD反应,然而使用较高剂量的标准化合物进行GC-EAD分析发现Z5,E7-12∶OH、Z5,E7 12∶Oac和(顺,反)-5,7-十二碳二烯丙酸酯(Z5,E7-12∶Opr)均能刺激起EAD反应,而Z5,E7-12∶Ald则不能。触角电位(EAG)剂量-反应关系研究表明,当剂量变化范围在0.01~1 μg时,雄虫触角对Z5,E7-12∶OH最敏感,对Z5,E7-12∶Oac和Z5,E7-12∶Opr次之。田间试验表明,由Z5,E7-12∶OH, Z5,E7-12∶Oac和Z5,E7-12∶Opr配制的三组分诱芯,其诱蛾量显著高于由Z5,E7-12∶OH组成的单组分或是它与其乙酸酯或丙酸酯组成的两组分诱芯,当Z5,E7-12∶OH,Z5,E7-12∶Oac和Z5,E7-12∶Opr的比例为100∶3∶25时,诱蛾效果最佳。在上述三组分混合物中加入一定量的Z5,E7-12∶Ald,则对诱蛾有明显的抑制作用。上述事实表明,Z5,E7-12∶Oac和Z5,E7-12∶Opr是赤松毛虫性信息素的两种次要组分,而Z5,E7-12∶Ald则是信息素的抑制剂。  相似文献   

淡剑袭夜蛾性信息素活性成分的鉴定和田间诱蛾研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
Wei H  Du J 《应用生态学报》2003,14(5):730-732
提取和鉴定了淡剑袭夜蛾(Sidemia depravata)的性信息素主要组分,并进行了田问试验.结果表明,雌蛾性腺体提取物中主要性信息素组分为顺-9-十四碳烯醇醋酸酯(29-14:Ac)和顺-9,反-12-十四碳烯醇醋酸酯(Z9E12-14:Ac)。在这2种化合物配制的二元组份诱芯中,以Z9-14:Ac/Z9E12-14:Ac=5/5和6/4比例配制成的诱芯诱蛾效果较好,田间诱蛾量显著高于以1:9、2:8和3:7比例配制的诱芯。  相似文献   

The major sex pheromone compound of the spotted tentiform leafminer, Phyllonorycter blancardella (F.) (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae), from Ontario, Canada, was identified as (10E)‐dodecen‐1‐yl acetate (E10‐12:Ac) using chemical analysis and field trapping experiments. The minor compounds (10E)‐dodecen‐1‐ol (E10‐12:OH) (4.6%), dodecan‐1‐ol (12:OH) (2.3%), and (10Z)‐dodecen‐1‐yl acetate (Z10‐12:Ac) 1.6% were also identified. The dienic acetate (4E,10E)‐dodecadien‐1‐yl acetate (E4,E10‐12:Ac), a compound reported to be attractive to P. blancardella, was not found in the glands of this population. A two‐component blend of the major and one of each the three minor compounds, in ratios similar to those found in the sex pheromone gland, did not increase the attractiveness of traps baited with synthetic pheromone. The minor compounds E10‐12:OH and 12:OH were not attractive to P. blancardella when tested individually. Z10‐12:Ac was attractive to P. blancardella, although traps baited with this compound captured only 2% of the moths that were captured in traps baited with the main compound. A four‐component blend of the major and each of the three minor compounds (100 : 1 : 1 : 1) was not more attractive than the major compound alone. The related species Phyllonorycter mespilella was captured in traps baited with E10‐12:Ac.  相似文献   

Athetis lepigone has been recorded in many countries in Europe and Asia, but it had never been documented as an agricultural pest until 2005. For the purpose of using the sex pheromone to control this pest, we conducted a study to identify the sex pheromone of A. lepigone by gas chromatography with an electroantennographic detector (GC‐EAD) and GC coupled with mass spectrometry (GC/MS) analyses. Three pheromone candidates were detected by GC‐EAD analysis in the extracts of the female sex pheromone gland, and two candidates were identified as (Z)‐7‐dodecenyl acetate (Z7‐12:OAc) and (Z)‐9‐tetradecenyl acetate (Z9‐14:OAc) in a ratio of 1:5 by mass spectral analysis of natural pheromone components and dimethyl disulphide adducts. In the field male trapping test, the traps baited with the binary blend captured high number of males, while traps with single component hardly caught males, indicating that the two components are essential for the male attractiveness. In addition, the optimum ratios of Z7‐12:OAc and Z9‐14:OAc were determined as 3:7–7:3, and the best doses for the binary blend (at ratio of 3:7 between Z7‐12:OAc and Z9‐14:OAc) were 0.25–0.5 mg/trap, based on the number of male catches. The identification of a highly attractive sex pheromone will help in developing efficient strategies for monitoring and control of A. lepigone.  相似文献   

(Z)-11-hexadecenal and (Z)-9-hexadecenal were ineffective lures forH. armigera males unless combined. Attraction depended upon perception of a 90%–99% combination of (Z)-11-hexadecenal with 1%–10% (Z)-9-hexadecenal. Increasing the level of (Z)-9-hexadecenal in the mixture to 26.2% reduced catches. Adding 2.3% (Z)-7-hexadecenal to the mixture did not enhance or reduce attraction, while adding 8.7% (Z)-11-hexadecenol significantly reduced male catches. The combination of (Z)-11-hexadecenal and (Z)-9-hexadecenal was effective only when released from rubber dispensers but not from polyethylene vials. A load of 2 mg of the mixture on rubber dispensers effectively attracted males for at least 31 days. TheH. zea lure which contained all the pheromonal components of that species was also effective in attractingH. armigera males. TheH. virescens lure attracted significantly fewerH. armigera males than theH. zea lure.
Résumé Les (Z)-11-hexadecenal et (Z)-9-hexadecenal sont des attractifs sexuels in efficaces pour les mâles deH. armigera. L'attraction dépend de la perception d'un mélange de 90 à 99% de (Z)-11-hexadecenal avec 1 à 10% (Z)-9-hexadecenal, L'augmentation jusqu'à 26,2% de la teneur en (Z)-9-hexadecenal réduit les captures. L'addition de 2,3% de (Z)-7-hexadecenal au mélange ne modifie pas l'attractivité, tandis que celle de 8,7% de (Z)-11-hexadecenol, réduit significativement les captures de mâles. Le mêlange de (Z)-11-hexadecenal et de (Z)-9-hexadecenal n'a été efficace qu'avec des diffuseurs en caoutchouc, par contre il a été sans effet à partir de récipients de polyéthylène. Une charge de 2 mg de mélange dans des diffuseurs en caoutchouc attire effectivement les mâles pendant ou moins 31 jours. L'attractif sexuel deH. zea qui contient tous les constituants de la phéromone de cette espèce attire aussi efficacement les mâles deH. armigera. Celui deH. virescens attire significativement moins de mâles deH. armigera que l'attractif sexuel deH. zea.

Four EAG-active components were detected in GC-EAG analyses of hexane extracts from virgin Etiella behrii (Zeller) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) females. These components were identified as dodecyl acetate (12:Ac), (E)-9-dodecenyl acetate (E9-12:Ac), either (Z)-9- or (E)-11-tetradecenyl acetate (Z9- or E11-14:Ac), and (Z)-11-tetradecenyl acetate (Z11-14:Ac) by comparison of retention indices on both nonpolar and polar GC columns. The available extract was insufficient for further GC-MS or other chemical analyses (<0.2 ng/female). In field tests carried out in East Java, a 10:90 mixture of E9-12:Ac and Z11-14:Ac showed attractiveness to male moths and addition of 12:Ac and/or E11-14:Ac significantly increased the trap catches while addition of Z9-14:Ac showed no significant effect. Maximum attraction was obtained with 5.35 or 10.7 g/rubber septum of a mixture of E9-12:Ac, Z11-14:Ac, 12:Ac and E11-14:Ac at the ratio of 10:90:0.7:6.3, respectively. The role of pheromone blends in species discrimination between E. behrii and the related E. zinckenella (Treitschke) is discussed.  相似文献   

The sex pheromone blend of the butterbur borer, Ostrinia zaguliaevi (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) was analyzed by means of gas chromatography-electroantennographic detection (GC-EAD), GC-mass spectrometry and a series of wind-tunnel bioassays. Four EAD-active compounds were detected in the female sex pheromone gland extract, and these were identified as tetradecyl acetate (14:OAc), (Z)-9-tetradecenyl acetate (Z9-14:OAc), (E)-11-tetradecenyl acetate (E11-14:OAc) and (Z)-11-tetradecenyl acetate (Z11-14:OAc). The average amounts ± s.d. of the four compounds in a single sex pheromone gland were 7.9±3.7 ng, 10.1±3.2 ng, 1.1±0.5 ng and 11.6±5.1 ng, respectively. In a wind-tunnel bioassay, the ternary blend of Z9-, E11- and Z11-14:OAc at a ratio found in the sex pheromone gland (45:5:50) elicited the same behavioral responses from the males as did virgin females and pheromone gland extract. Removal of any single compound from the ternary blend significantly diminished the pheromonal activity, whereas addition of 14:OAc to the ternary blend had no effect on the males' behavioral responses. Therefore, it was concluded that the sex pheromone blend of O. zaguliaevi is composed of Z9-14:OAc, E11-14:OAc and Z11-14:OAc at a ratio of 45:5:50.  相似文献   

Extracts of the female sex pheromone gland of the carpenterworm moth, Holcocerus vicarius (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Cossidae), a pest of Ulmus pumila L. (Ulmaceae), were found to contain Z7‐tetradecenyl acetate (Z7‐14Ac), E3‐tetradecenyl acetate (E3‐14Ac), (Z3,E5)‐tetradecenyl acetate (Z3,E5‐14Ac), and Z7‐tetradecenyl alcohol (Z7‐14OH) by coupled gas chromatographic‐electroantennographic detection (GC‐EAD) and coupled gas chromatography‐mass spectrometry (GC‐MS). Field trapping studies with impregnated rubber septa indicated that Z7‐14Ac was essential for attraction of males of H. vicarius. However, the most attractive blend contained Z7‐14Ac, E3‐14Ac, Z3,E5‐14Ac, and Z7‐14OH in a 50:22:17:10 ratio. Our results demonstrated that a blend of Z7‐14Ac, E3‐14Ac, Z3,E5‐14Ac, and Z7‐14OH represented the sex pheromone of H. vicarius. The optimized four‐component lure blend may be useful for monitoring H. vicarius infestations and mating disruption.  相似文献   

Four compounds, tetradecyl acetate, (Z)-9-tetradecenyl acetate, (E)-11-tetradecenyl acetate and (Z)-11-tetradecenyl acetate were identified from female sex pheromone extracts of Hungarian and Egyptian lima-bean pod borers (Etiella zinckenella Tr., Lepidoptera: Phycitidae) by gas chromatography with flame ionization (FID) and electroantennographic (EAD) detection. In EAG studies these monoun-saturated acetates gave the best responses in a series of other tetradecenyl acetates and tetradecenols. The four component blend of the identified components in similar ratios as in the pheromone extract attracted significant numbers of male lima-bean pod borers in both Hungary and Egypt. In a preliminary subtraction test best capture was achieved by the ternary mixture of the monounsaturated acetates.
Résumé A partir de femelles d'E. zinckenella d'origines hongroise et égyptienne, nous avons isolé quatre composés par chromatographie en phase gazeuse avec ionisation de flamme et électroantennographie (EAD): l'acétate de tétradécanyl, l'acétate (Z)-11-tétradécényl, l'acétate (E)-11-tétradécényl et l'acétate (Z)-11-tétradécényl. Les acétates monoinsaturés donnent les meilleures réponses en EAG parmi une série d'acétates tétradécényls et de tétradécénols. Les quatre composés mélangés dans les mêmes proportions que dans l'extrait de la phéromone ont attiré un nombre significatif de mâles tant en Egypte qu'en Hongrie. Dans un test préliminaire de soustraction, la meilleure capture a été réalisée par le mélange ternaire d'acétates monoinsaturés.

The sex pheromone of Phyllonorycter ringoniella (Matsumura) (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) has been identified to be a blend of (Z)‐10‐tetradecenyl acetate (Z10‐14:OAc) and E4,Z10‐tetradecadienyl acetate (E4,Z10‐14:OAc) in Japan, Korea, and China. However, the commercial product based on previous results is not attractive enough to be used for monitoring and controlling apple leafminer populations in the field. We re‐investigated the attractiveness of the two pheromone components, singly and in blends, in apple orchards in Shangdong and Shaanxi, the main apple‐growing provinces in China. Our results revealed that Z10‐14:OAc alone was not attractive to Pringoniella male moths in the field, but E4,Z10‐14:OAc alone not only was strongly attractive but caught more males than any of the blends of Z10‐14:OAc and E4,Z10‐14:OAc tested. The most attractive blend ratios differed slightly for the two locations. No clear dose–response relationship was obtained for the 2:8 blend of Z10‐14:OAc and E4,Z10‐14:OAc. However, the dose–response field study of E4,Z10‐14:OAc alone showed that 1 mg per lure achieved the highest moth catch. These findings differ from the previous report of the best pheromone blend in China. Our data showed that E4,Z10‐14:OAc is the major component of the pheromone of Pringoniella.  相似文献   

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