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Microbial eukaryotes may extinguish much of their nuclear phylogenetic history due to endosymbiotic/horizontal gene transfer (E/HGT). We studied E/HGT in 32,110 contigs of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from the dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense (Dinophyceae) using a conservative phylogenomic approach. The vast majority of predicted proteins (86.4%) in this alga are novel or dinoflagellate‐specific. We searched for putative homologs of these predicted proteins against a taxonomically broadly sampled protein database that includes all currently available data from algae and protists, and reconstructed a phylogeny from each of the putative homologous protein sets. Of the 2,523 resulting phylogenies, 14%–17% are potentially impacted by E/HGT involving both prokaryote and eukaryote lineages, with 2%–4% showing clear evidence of reticulate evolution. The complex evolutionary histories of the remaining proteins, many of which may also have been affected by E/HGT, cannot be interpreted using our approach with currently available gene data. We present empirical evidence of reticulate genome evolution that combined with inadequate or highly complex phylogenetic signal in many proteins may impede genome‐wide approaches to infer the tree of microbial eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Chromalveolates include photosynthetic and nonphotosynthetic (some plastid‐lacking) algae and protists that define a vast swath of eukaryotic diversity. These taxa are masters of gene acquisition through serial endosymbiosis (endosymbiotic gene transfer, EGT) and horizontal gene transfer (HGT). Understanding the contribution of these sources to nuclear genomes is key to elucidating chromalveolate evolution and to identifying suitable phylogenetic markers to place this lineage in the tree of life. Here we briefly review recent findings in our lab with regard to EGT and HGT in chromalveolates.  相似文献   

The brown algae are one of the largest and most important groups of primary producers in benthic coastal marine environments. Despite their biological importance, consensus regarding their taxonomic or evolutionary relationships remains elusive. Our goal was to produce a taxon‐rich two‐gene (rbcL and LSU rDNA) phylogeny. Key species were sequenced to represent each order and family in the analyses across all 19 orders and ~40 families, including selected outgroups Schizocladiophyceae and Xanthophyceae. Our results are in sharp contrast to traditional phylogenetic concepts; the Ectocarpales are not an early diverging clade, nor do the Fucales diverge early from other brown algae. Rather, Choristocarpus is sister to the remaining brown algae. Other groups traditionally considered to have primitive features are actually recently diverged lineages, turning traditional phylogenetic concepts upside down. Additionally, our results allow for the assessment, in the broadest context, of many of the historical and more recent taxonomic changes, resulting in several emended groups along with proposals for two new orders (Onslowiales, Nemodermatales) and one new family (Phaeosiphoniellaceae).  相似文献   

The significance of horizontal gene transfer (HGT) in eukaryotic evolution remains controversial. Although many eukaryotic genes are of bacterial origin, they are often interpreted as being derived from mitochondria or plastids. Because of their fixed gene pool and gene loss, however, mitochondria and plastids alone cannot adequately explain the presence of all, or even the majority, of bacterial genes in eukaryotes. Available data indicate that no insurmountable barrier to HGT exists, even in complex multicellular eukaryotes. In addition, the discovery of both recent and ancient HGT events in all major eukaryotic groups suggests that HGT has been a regular occurrence throughout the history of eukaryotic evolution. A model of HGT is proposed that suggests both unicellular and early developmental stages as likely entry points for foreign genes into multicellular eukaryotes.  相似文献   

第一次用中国春和中国春ph1b突变体对(中国春phlb突变体×Ae.uariabilis)F_1和(中国春ph1b突变体×Ae.turcomenica)F_1回交获得了成功,并通过连续回交,把Ae.turcomenica的抗白粉基因转移到了普通小麦中。证实了利用ph1b基因从山羊草属的一些种“直接遗传转移”有益基因到普通小麦中的可能性。  相似文献   

Polyploidy in vertebrate ancestry: Ohno and beyond   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Over 30 years ago, Susumu Ohno proposed that two rounds of polyploidy occurred early in vertebrate evolution. We re-examine this proposal using three recent lines of evidence. First, total gene number estimates from completely sequenced genomes suggest an increase in total gene number somewhere along the vertebrate or prevertebrate lineage, compatible with Ohno's model. Second, analyses of homeobox and other genes from amphioxus reveal very extensive gene duplication specifically on the vertebrate lineage. This refines the timing of putative polyploidy to after the divergence of amphioxus and vertebrates. Third, the existence of four-fold paralogy regions in the human genome is suggestive of two rounds of polyploidy, although other explanations are possible. We propose an experimental test, based on chromosomal localization of genes in amphioxus, that should resolve whether paralogy regions are indeed remnants of duplication in vertebrate ancestry.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 82 , 425–430.  相似文献   

Although all chloroplasts appear to have been derived from a common ancestor, a major schism occurred early in the evolution of eukaryotic algae that gave rise to red and green photoautotrophic lineages. In Paleozoic and earlier times, the fossil record suggests that oceanic eukaryotic phytoplankton were dominated by the green (chl b‐containing) algal line. However, following the end‐Permian extinction, a diverse group of eukaryotic phytoplankton evolved from secondary symbiotic associations in the red (chl c‐containing) line and subsequently rose to ecological prominence. In the contemporary oceans, red eukaryotic phytoplankton taxa continue to dominate marine pelagic food webs, whereas the green line is relegated to comparatively minor ecological and biogeochemical roles. To help elucidate why the oceans are not dominated by green taxa, we analyzed and compared whole plastid genomes in both the red and green lineages. Our results suggest that whereas all algal plastids retain a core set of genes, red plastids retain a complementary set of genes that potentially confer more capacity to autonomously express proteins regulating oxygenic photosynthetic and energy transduction pathways. We hypothesize that specific gene losses in the primary endosymbiotic green plastid reduced its portability for subsequent symbiotic associations. This corollary of the plastid “enslavement” hypothesis may have limited subsequent evolutionary advances in the green lineage while simultaneously providing a competitive advantage to the red lineage.  相似文献   

Coronaviruses (CoVs) have very large RNA viral genomes with a distinct genomic architecture of core and accessory open reading frames (ORFs). It is of utmost importance to understand their patterns and limits of homologous and nonhomologous recombination, because such events may affect the emergence of novel CoV strains, alter their host range, infection rate, tissue tropism pathogenicity, and their ability to escape vaccination programs. Intratypic recombination among closely related CoVs of the same subgenus has often been reported; however, the patterns and limits of genomic exchange between more distantly related CoV lineages (intertypic recombination) need further investigation. Here, we report computational/evolutionary analyses that clearly demonstrate a substantial ability for CoVs of different subgenera to recombine. Furthermore, we show that CoVs can obtain—through nonhomologous recombination—accessory ORFs from core ORFs, exchange accessory ORFs with different CoV genera, with other viruses (i.e., toroviruses, influenza C/D, reoviruses, rotaviruses, astroviruses) and even with hosts. Intriguingly, most of these radical events result from double crossovers surrounding the Spike ORF, thus highlighting both the instability and mobile nature of this genomic region. Although many such events have often occurred during the evolution of various CoVs, the genomic architecture of the relatively young SARS-CoV/SARS-CoV-2 lineage so far appears to be stable.  相似文献   

Relationships between evolutionary rates and gene properties on a genomic, functional, pathway, or system level are being explored to unravel the principles of the evolutionary process. In particular, functional network properties have been analyzed to recognize the constraints they may impose on the evolutionary fate of genes. Here we took as a case study the core metabolic network in human erythrocytes and we analyzed the relationship between the evolutionary rates of its genes and the metabolic flux distribution throughout it. We found that metabolic flux correlates with the ratio of nonsynonymous to synonymous substitution rates. Genes encoding enzymes that carry high fluxes have been more constrained in their evolution, while purifying selection is more relaxed in genes encoding enzymes carrying low metabolic fluxes. These results demonstrate the importance of considering the dynamical functioning of gene networks when assessing the action of selection on system‐level properties.  相似文献   

A previous study of the North American biogeography of the red algal genus Hildenbrandia noted the presence of group I introns in the nuclear small subunit (SSU) rRNA gene of the marine species H. rubra (Sommerf.) Menegh. Group IC1 introns have been previously reported at positions 516 and 1506 in the nuclear SSU RNA genes in the Bangiales and Hildenbrandiales. However, the presence of an unclassified intron at position 989 in a collection of H. rubra from British Columbia was noted. This intron is a member of the IE subclass and is the first report of this intron type in the red algae. Phylogenetic analyses of the intron sequences revealed a close relationship between this IE intron inserted at position 989 and similar fungal IE introns in positions 989 and 1199. The 989 IE introns formed a moderately to well‐supported clade, whereas the 1199 IE introns are weakly supported. Unique structural helices in the P13 domain of the 989 and 1199 IE introns also point to a close relationship between these two clades and provide further evidence for the value of secondary structural characteristics in identifying homologous introns in evolutionarily divergent organisms. The absence of the 989 IE intron in all other red algal nuclear SSU rRNA genes suggests that it is unlikely that this intron was vertically inherited from the common ancestor of the red algal and fungal lineages but rather is the result of lateral transfer between fungal and red algal nuclear SSU rRNA genes.  相似文献   

Cyanobacteria are among the most important primary producers on the Earth. However, the evolutionary forces driving cyanobacterial species diversity remain largely enigmatic due to both their distinction from macro‐organisms and an undersampling of sequenced genomes. Thus, we present a new genome of a Synechococcus‐like cyanobacterium from a novel evolutionary lineage. Further, we analyse all existing 16S rRNA sequences and genomes of Synechococcus‐like cyanobacteria. Chronograms showed extremely polyphyletic relationships in Synechococcus, which has not been observed in any other cyanobacteria. Moreover, most Synechococcus lineages bifurcated after the Great Oxidation Event, including the most abundant marine picoplankton lineage. Quantification of horizontal gene transfer among 70 cyanobacterial genomes revealed significant differences among studied genomes. Horizontal gene transfer levels were not correlated with ecology, genome size or phenotype, but were correlated with the age of divergence. All findings were synthetized into a novel model of cyanobacterial evolution, characterized by serial convergence of the features, that is multicellularity and ecology.  相似文献   

The three green algal mitochondrial genomes completely sequenced to date — those of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Dangeard, Chlamydomonas eugametos Gerloff, and Prototheca wickerhamii Soneda & Tubaki — revealed very different mitochondrial genome organizations and sequence affiliations. The Chlamydomonas genomes resemble the ciliate / fungal / animal counterparts, and the Prototheca genome resembles land plant homologues. This review points out that all the green algal mitochondrial genomes examined to date resemble either the Chlamydomonas or the Prototheca mitochondrial genome; the Chlamydomonas- like mitochondrial genomes are small and have a reduced gene content (no ribosomal protein or 5S rRNA genes and only a few protein-coding and tRNA genes) and fragmented and scrambled rRNA coding regions, whereas the Prototheca- like mitochondrial genomes are larger and have a larger set of protein-coding genes (including ribosomal protein genes), more tRNA genes, and 5S rRNA and conventional continuous small-subunit (SSU) and large-subunit (LSU) rRNA coding regions. It appears, therefore, that the differences previously observed between the mitochondrial genomes of C. reinhardtii and P. wickerhamii extend to the two green algal mitochondrial lineages to which they belong and are significant enough to raise questions about the causes and mechanisms responsible for such contrasting evolutionary strategies among green algae. This review suggests an integrative approach in explaining the occurrence of distinct evolutionary strategies and apparent phylogenetic affiliations among the known green algal mitochondrial lineages. The observed differences could be the result of distinct genetic potentials differentiated during the previous evolutionary history of the flagellate ancestors and / or of subsequent changes in habitat and life history of the more advanced green algal lineages.  相似文献   

In addition to mutation, gene duplication and recombination, the transfer of genetic material between unrelated species is now regarded as a potentially significant player in the shaping of extant genomes and the evolution and diversification of life. Although this is probably true for prokaryotes, the extent of such genetic exchanges in eukaryotes (especially eukaryote-to-eukaryote transfers) is more controversial and the selective advantage and evolutionary impact of such events are less documented. A laterally transferred gene could either be added to the gene complement of the recipient or replace the recipient's homologue; whereas gene replacements can be either adaptive or stochastic, gene additions are most likely adaptive. Here, we report the finding of four stress-related genes (two ascorbate peroxidase and two metacaspase genes) of algal origin in the closest unicellular relatives of animals, the choanoflagellates. At least three of these sequences represent additions to the choanoflagellate gene complement, which is consistent with these transfers being adaptive. We suggest that these laterally acquired sequences could have provided the primitive choanoflagellates with additional or more efficient means to cope with stress, especially in relation to adapting to freshwater environments and/or sessile or colonial lifestyles.  相似文献   

Cryptophytes are unicellular, biflagellate algae with plastids (chloroplasts) derived from the uptake of a red algal endosymbiont. These organisms are unusual in that the nucleus of the engulfed red alga persists in a highly reduced form called a nucleomorph. Nucleomorph genomes are remarkable in their small size (<1,000 kilobase pairs [kbp]) and high degree of compaction (~1 kbp per gene). Here, we investigated the molecular and karyotypic diversity of nucleomorph genomes in members of the genus Cryptomonas. 18S rDNA genes were amplified, sequenced, and analyzed from C. tetrapyrenoidosa Skuja CCAP979/63, C. erosa Ehrenb. emmend. Hoef‐Emden CCAP979/67, Cryptomonas sp. CCAP979/52, C. lundii Hoef‐Emden et Melkonian CCAP979/69, and C. lucens Skuja CCAP979/35 in the context of a large set of publicly available nucleomorph 18S rDNA sequences. Pulsed‐field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) was used to examine the nucleomorph genome karyotype of each of these strains. Individual chromosomes ranged from ~160 to 280 kbp in size, with total genome sizes estimated to be ~600–655 kbp. Unexpectedly, the nucleomorph karyotype of Cryptomonas sp. CCAP979/52 is significantly different from that of C. tetrapyrenoidosa and C. lucens, despite the fact that their 18S rDNA genes are >99% identical to one another. These results suggest that nucleomorph karyotype similarity is not a reliable indicator of evolutionary affinity and provides a starting point for further investigation of the fine‐scale dynamics of nucleomorph genome evolution within members of the genus Cryptomonas.  相似文献   

The theory of endosymbiosis describes the origin of plastids from cyanobacterial-like prokaryotes living within eukaryotic host cells. The endosymbionts are much reduced, but morphological, biochemical, and molecular studies provide clear evidence of a prokaryotic ancestry for plastids. There appears to have been a single (primary) endosymbiosis that produced plastids with two bounding membranes, such as those in green algae, plants, red algae, and glaucophytes. A subsequent round of endosymbioses, in which red or green algae were engulfed and retained by eukaryotic hosts, transferred photosynthesis into other eukaryotic lineages. These endosymbiotic plastid acquisitions from eukaryotic algae are referred to as secondary endosymbioses, and the resulting plastids classically have three or four bounding membranes. Secondary endosymbioses have been a potent factor in eukaryotic evolution, producing much of the modern diversity of life.  相似文献   

Simulation models of the evolution of genes in a branched metabolic pathway subject to stabilizing selection on flux are described and analyzed. The models are based either on metabolic control theory (MCT), with the assumption that enzymes are far from saturation, or on Michaelis–Menten kinetics, which allows for saturation and near saturation. Several predictions emerge from the models: (1) flux control evolves to be concentrated at pathway branch points, including the first enzyme in the pathway. (2) When flux is far from its optimum, adaptive substitutions occur disproportionately often in branching enzymes. (3) When flux is near its optimum, adaptive substitutions occur disproportionately often in nonbranching enzymes. (4) Slightly deleterious substitutions occur disproportionately often in nonbranching enzymes. (5) In terms of both flux control and patterns of substitution, pathway branches are similar to those predicted for linear pathways. These predictions provide null hypotheses for empirical examination of the evolution of genes in metabolic pathways.  相似文献   

Accounting for the diversity of photosynthetic eukaryotes is an important challenge in microbial biology. It has now become clear that endosymbiosis explains the origin of the photosynthetic organelle (plastid) in different algal groups. The first plastid originated from a primary endosymbiosis, whereby a previously non-photosynthetic protist engulfed and enslaved a cyanobacterium. This alga then gave rise to the red, green, and glaucophyte lineages. Algae such as the chlorophyll c-containing chromists gained their plastid through secondary endosymbiosis, in which an existing eukaryotic alga (in this case, a rhodophyte) was engulfed. Another chlorophyll c-containing algal group, the dinoflagellates, is a member of the alveolates that is postulated to be sister to chromists. The plastid in these algae has followed a radically different path of evolution. The peridinin-containing dinoflagellates underwent an unprecedented level of plastid genome reduction with the ca. 16 remaining genes encoded on 1–3 gene minicircles. In this short review, we examine algal plastid diversity using phylogenetic and genomic methods and show endosymbiosis to be a major force in algal evolution. In particular, we focus on the evolution of targeting signals that facilitate the import of nuclear-encoded photosynthetic proteins into the plastid.  相似文献   

开发了一类新型的低压脉冲电泳法介导外源基因进入水稻细胞的转化系统。本系统以水稻部分酶解小细胞团为受体,采用低压脉冲电泳推动质核DNA进入水稻细胞。以报告基因GUS酶活性为指标,借以测定转化了的水稻细胞。最佳的组合处理可以获得8.2%的转化频率。文中对低压脉冲电泳转移外源基因的条件亦作了讨论。  相似文献   

An approximately 16-kb fragment of the Trichodesmium sp. IMS101 (a nonheterocystous filamentous cyanobacterium) "conventional" nif gene cluster was cloned and sequenced. The gene organization of the Trichodesmium and Anabaena variabilis vegetative ( nif 2 ) nitrogenase gene clusters spanning the region from nif B to nif W are similar except for the absence of two open reading frames (ORF3 and ORF1) in Trichodesmium . The Trichodesmium nif EN genes encode a fused Nif EN polypeptide that does not appear to be processed into individual Nif E and Nif N polypeptides. Fused nif  EN genes were previously found in the A. variabilis nif 2 genes, but we have found that fused nif EN genes are widespread in the nonheterocystous cyanobacteria. Although the gene organization of the nonheterocystous filamentous Trichodesmium nif gene cluster is very similar to that of the A. variabilis vegetative nif 2 gene cluster, phylogenetic analysis of nif sequences do not support close relatedness of Trichodesmium and A. variabilis vegetative ( nif 2 ) nitrogenase genes.  相似文献   

Plastidic starch synthesis in green algae and plants occurs via ADP‐glucose in likeness to prokaryotes from which plastids have evolved. In contrast, floridean starch synthesis in red algae proceeds via uridine diphosphate‐glucose in semblance to eukaryotic glycogen synthesis and occurs in the cytosol rather than the plastid. Given the monophyletic origin of all plastids, we investigated the origin of the enzymes of the plastid and cytosolic starch synthetic pathways to determine whether their location reflects their origin—either from the cyanobacterial endosymbiont or from the eukaryotic host. We report that, despite the compartmentalization of starch synthesis differing in green and red lineages, all but one of the enzymes of the synthetic pathways shares a common origin. Overall, the pathway of starch synthesis in both lineages represents a chimera of the host and endosymbiont glycogen synthesis pathways. Moreover, host‐derived proteins function in the plastid in green algae, whereas endosymbiont‐derived proteins function in the cytosol in red algae. This complexity demonstrates the impacts of integrating pathways of host with those of both primary and secondary endosymbionts during plastid evolution.  相似文献   

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