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Inherent in any biological control program is the risk of nontarget effects. Pseudacteon tricuspisBorgmeier, a parasitoid phorid fly, has been introduced to the United States from South America as a potential biocontrol agent of the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invictaBuren. We conducted tests of host specificity on introduced populations of P. tricuspis, which are attracted to alarm pheromones released by their hosts during events such as mound disturbances and interspecific interactions. We monitored disturbed mounds of S. invicta and its close congener, S. geminata(F.), during the expansion of P. tricuspis across north Florida and after populations had been established for ~3 years. We also tested host acceptance in established populations of P. tricuspis by offering trays containing S. invicta, S. geminata, and 14 additional ant species representing 12 different non-Solenopsis genera. Although P. tricuspiswas commonly observed to hover over and attempt to oviposit on S. invicta, we never observed any parasitization attempts on any other ant species. As predicted by laboratory tests, released populations of P. tricuspis appear to be highly host specific and pose no obvious threat to nontarget species.  相似文献   

Laboratory observations were conducted on four separate red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, colonies that contained workers parasitized by the decapitating fly, Pseudacteon tricuspis. Parasitized S. invicta workers remained inside the nest during parasitoid larval development and left the nest approximately 8 – 10 hours before decapitation by the parasitoid. When parasitized ants left the nest, they were highly mobile, were responsive to tactile stimuli, and showed minimal defensive behavior. Ants ultimately entered into a grass thatch layer, where they were decapitated and the fly maggots pupariated. This study reveals that parasitized ants exhibit behaviors that are consistent with host manipulation to benefit survival of the parasitoid. Received 9 November 2006; revised 26 January 2007; accepted 7 February.  相似文献   

We documented patterns of seasonal abundance and rates of parasitism in introduced populations of Pseudacteon tricuspis Borgmeier, a phorid parasitoid of the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren. Adult P. tricuspis populations were censused at monthly intervals for 1 year at three sites in northern Florida. Censuses were conducted by aspirating phorids attracted to disturbed S. invicta mounds. Pseudacteon tricuspis adults were present in every month at all sites, although abundances varied greatly among sites and over time. The highest densities of flies (up to 453 censused at 10 disturbed S. invicta mounds in 30 min) were observed in November, and changes in abundance over time were positively correlated among sites. Sex ratios were usually male biased. Parasitism rates were evaluated by collecting workers from field colonies and monitoring them in the laboratory for evidence of parasitism. Parasitism rates were very low – always less than 1%. The average parasitism rate per colony over 16 colonies and 2 years was 0.058%. No pupariation occurred within the first 8 days of collection, suggesting parasitism by P. tricuspis induced behavioral changes in parasitized workers that precluded such workers from our collections. If so, true field parasitism rates may be several times higher than measured here, yet still low in an absolute sense. These low parasitism rates can be reconciled with observed adult phorid densities by considering the large number of host ants present at the study sites.  相似文献   

Female parasitoids use a hierarchy of cues to locate suitable hosts. We conducted a series of field observations and experiments to examine host location behavior in Pseudacteon tricuspis Borgmeier, a phorid parasitoid of Solenopsis invicta Buren worker ants. The parasitoids were frequently attracted to host workers at disturbed colonies, but were almost never attracted to host workers foraging at baits. When conspecific nonnestmate workers were introduced to baits, resulting in aggressive interactions, parasitoids appeared at the majority of baits. Moreover, larger numbers of parasitoids appeared at baits to which greater numbers of nonnestmate workers had been added. Addition of nonnestmate workers to disturbed colonies resulted in increased numbers of parasitoids attracted. Pseudacteon tricuspis did not display a pattern of uniform distribution at disturbed colonies but often was very abundant at some colony locations while absent or rare at nearby colony locations. Solenopsis invicta workers release alarm pheromones in aggressive interactions with nonnestmates, and this substance is likely an important chemical cue that attracts P. tricuspis flies to host workers from a distance.  相似文献   

Self-sustaining classical biological control agents offer hope for permanent wide-area control of imported Solenopsis fire ants in the United States because escape from abundant natural enemies left behind in Argentina is a likely reason for unusually high fire ant densities in the United States. The fire ant decapitating fly Pseudacteon obtusus Borgmeier (Diptera: Phoridae) was released as a biocontrol agent of the red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta Buren) in Gainesville, FL because it is a common parasitoid of this ant in Argentina and because it has a higher propensity of attacking fire ants along foraging trails than the two Pseudacteon species previously released. Field surveys of a rapidly expanding P. obtusus population (8–12 km/yr) proved that this fly was capable of thriving and successfully competing with the much more abundant Pseudacteon curvatus Borgmeier. However, Pseudacteon tricuspis Borgmeier, the first decapitating fly released, was effectively excluded from most sample sites when faced with competition from both P. curvatus and the similar-sized P. obtusus. Despite clear evidence for competitive exclusion, P. tricuspis abundance at sample sites was positively correlated with the abundance of its two competitors—probably because of moderate to strong covariability in the suitability of sample sites for all three congeners. The addition of P. curvatus, the second parasitoid released, increased total parasitism pressure on fire ant populations by about 10-fold. The addition of P. obtusus, the third species, did not measurably improve total guild parasitism rates on imported fire ants in North Central Florida (as assessed by roadside trap counts), but the performance of this species will likely vary with habitat, region, and climate.  相似文献   

Host preferences in both sexes of Pseudacteon tricuspis Borgmeier (Jaguariuna biotype) and Pseudacteon curvatus Borgmeier (Formosa biotype) and their relative attraction to the imported fire ants (IFA), Solenopsis invicta Buren (red IFA), Solenopsis richteri Forel (black IFA) and S. invicta × S. richteri hybrids (hybrid IFA) were investigated in two separate experiments utilizing multiple choice flight bioassays. The results of both experiments clearly showed that both sexes of the Jaguariuna biotype of P. tricuspis could distinguish among the three IFA species and demonstrated greater preference for hybrid IFA and red IFA. This conclusion is supported by a variety of data collected on the number of fly visits, attack rate, and hovering duration (Experiment 1), and on the number of trapped flies (Experiment 2), which showed that black IFA is the least preferred of the three species. Similar results were recorded for the Formosan biotype of P. curvatus, although the data were not as strongly conclusive. Females of this biotype spent a significantly greater amount of time in hovering mode over red IFA and hybrid IFA compared to black IFA, but the other data were not significant. The red IFA is the natural host of both phorid fly biotypes and our results suggest that both biotypes may have evolved a specialized relationship with red IFA including an ability to discriminate it from related fire ants. These results are discussed in relation to the possible role of fire ant chemicals in mediating host preferences in phorid flies, contributions of male phorid flies to fire ant biocontrol, and the practical implications of the key findings.  相似文献   

The phorid fly, Pseudacteon tricuspis Borgmeier, is a parasitoid of the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren. This fly has been reported to use fire ant chemicals, specifically venom alkaloids and possibly alarm pheromone to locate its host. A recent study identified 2-ethyl-3,6-dimethyl pyrazine as a component of the alarm pheromone of S. invicta. To determine the possible involvement of this fire ant alarm pheromone component in mediating fire ant-phorid fly interactions, we tested electroantennogram (EAG) and behavioral responses of P. tricuspis females to the commercially available mixture of 2-ethyl-3,6-dimethyl pyrazine and its 3,5-dimethyl isomer, as well as six structurally related alkylpyrazine analogs at varying doses. Pseudacteon tricuspis females showed significant EAG response to 2-ethyl-3,6(or 5)-dimethyl pyrazine (herein referred to as pheromone-isomer) at all doses, 0.001-10 μg. Among the tested alkylpyrazine analogs, 2,3-diethyl-5-methyl pyrazine showed significant EAG activity at 0.1 and 1 μg. 2,3-dimethyl pyrazine also showed significant EAG activity at 0.1 μg. Results of four-choice olfactometer bioassays demonstrated significant attraction of P. tricuspis females to the pheromone-isomer (2-ethyl-3,6(or 5)-dimethyl pyrazine) at all tested doses (0.01, 0.1, 1 and 10 μg). The analogs, 2,3-diethyl-5-methyl pyrazine and 2,3-dimethyl pyrazine were significantly better than the control at the higher doses (0.1, 1 and 10 μg). The pheromone-isomer was significantly better than both analogs at two doses, 0.1 and 1 μg. These results confirm that the reported fire ant alarm pheromone component plays a role in mediating attraction of phorid flies to host workers. Venom alkaloids were previously shown to attract P. tricuspis; therefore, we propose that fire ant alarm pheromones may act in tandem or synergistically with venom alkaloids to attract phorid fly parasitoids to fire ant workers.  相似文献   

Fire ant decapitating flies in the genus Pseudacteon were tested for their potential as hosts or vectors of two microsporidian pathogens of the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta. Decapitating flies that attacked or were reared from S. invicta workers infected by Kneallhazia (=Thelohania) solenopsae or Vairimorpha invictae were tested for either pathogen by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests or visual examination for spores using phase microscopy. Three species of fire ant decapitating flies acquired the pathogen, Kneallhazia solenopsae. K. solenopsae was detected in 58% of pooled samples of Pseudacteon obtusus flies and 44% of pooled samples of Pseudacteon cultellatus that developed in K. solenopsae-infected fire ant workers. K. solenopsae was also found in 17% of pooled samples of field-collected Pseudacteon curvatus. In contrast, the microsporidium V. invictae was not detected in P. obtusus reared from V. invictae-infected S. invicta workers. Neither K. solenopsae nor V. invictae were detected in any of the hovering or ovipositing flies in the laboratory exposures, indicating no mechanical acquisition of the microsporidia occurred during oviposition activity. Greater than 92% of the P. obtusus that developed in K. solenopsae-infected ants survived and emerged as adults, thus indicating no detrimental effects of the microsporidium on pupal development and emergence. These results indicate that Pseudacteon decapitating flies may be able to vector K. solenopsae but not V. invictae among fire ants. Further tests are planned to determine if flies containing K. solenopsae are capable of transferring this pathogen either during oviposition or by being consumed by fire ant larvae.  相似文献   

Kneallhazia solenopsae is a pathogenic microsporidium that infects the fire ants Solenopsis invicta and Solenopsis richteri in South America and the USA. In this study, we analyzed the prevalence and molecular diversity of K. solenopsae in fire ants from North and South America. We report the first empirical evidence of K. solenopsae infections in the tropical fire ant, Solenopsis geminata, and S. geminata × Solenopsis xyloni hybrids, revealing an expanded host range for this microsporidium. We also analyzed the molecular diversity at the 16S ribosomal RNA gene in K. solenopsae from the ant hosts S.invicta, S. richteri, S. geminata and S. geminata × S. xyloni hybrids from North America, Argentina and Brazil. We found 22 16S haplotypes. One of these haplotypes (WD_1) appears to be widely distributed, and is found in S. invicta from the USA and S. geminata from southern Mexico. Phylogenetic analyses of 16S sequences revealed that K. solenopsae haplotypes fall into one of two major clades that are differentiated by 2-3%. In some cases, multiple K. solenopsae haplotypes per colony were found, suggesting either an incomplete homogenization among gene copies within the 16S gene cluster or multiple K. solenopsae variants simultaneously infecting host colonies.  相似文献   

The effects of the parasitic phorid fly, Pseudacteon tricuspis Borgmeier, on the competitive interactions between the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren, and a native North American ant, Forelius pruinosus (Roger), were investigated in the laboratory. P. tricuspis is a highly host-specific endoparasitoid of S. invicta workers that is currently being reared and released as a biological control agent of S. invicta in the US. We tested the effect of P. tricuspis on the colony growth rate of S. invicta when S. invicta was forced to compete with F. pruinosus for a protein resource (freeze-killed crickets) in laboratory competition arenas. In addition to colony growth rate, we quantified the effect of the phorid flies on the foraging rate of S. invicta. Though S. invicta significantly reduced its foraging rate in the presence of the phorid flies, we did not detect an effect of the flies on colony growth rate. Possible explanations for these results include behavioral compensation by S. invicta for the presence of the flies. We present these laboratory results in light of a literature search indicating that laboratory tests of biological control agent efficacy are good predictors of field efficacy. We conclude that P. tricuspis alone is unlikely to suppress S. invicta populations in the field by reducing their competitive ability.  相似文献   

Pseudacteon tricuspis, Pseudacteon obtusus and Pseudacteon curvatus are three species of parasitic phorid flies (Diptera: Phoridae), which have been introduced as classical biological control agents of imported, Solenopsis fire ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in the southern USA. Previous studies demonstrated the behavioral response of P. tricuspis to the venom alkaloids and alarm pheromone of the fire ant, S. invicta. In the present study, we compared the responses of P. tricuspis, P. obtusus and P. curvatus to Solenopsis invicta alarm pheromone, venom alkaloids, or a mixture of both chemicals in four-choice olfactometer bioassays. The main hypothesis tested was that the fire ant alarm pheromone and venom alkaloids act in concert to attract Pseudacteon phorid flies. Both sexes of all three Pseudacteon species were attracted to low doses of the fire ant alarm pheromone or venom alkaloids (i.e. 1 ant worker equivalent) alone. However, the flies were significantly more attracted to a mixture of both chemicals (i.e., 1:1 mixture of alarm pheromone + alkaloids) than to either chemical. The results suggest an additive rather than a synergistic effect of combining both chemicals. Comparing the fly species, P. tricuspis showed relatively greater attraction to cis alkaloids, whereas the alkaloid mixture (cis + trans) was preferred by P. obtusus and P. curvatus. In general, no key sexual differences were recorded, although females of P. tricuspis and P. obtusus showed slightly higher response than conspecific males to lower doses of the alarm pheromone. The ecological significance of these findings is discussed, and a host location model is proposed for parasitic phorid flies involving the use of fire ant alarm pheromone and venom alkaloids as long range and short range attractants, respectively.  相似文献   

Lloyd W. Morrison 《Oecologia》1999,120(1):113-122
Indirect effects, which occur when the impact of one species upon another requires the existence of an intermediary species, are apparently very common and may be of greater magnitude than direct effects. Behaviorally mediated indirect effects occur when one species affects the behavior of a second, which in turn affects how that species interacts with a third. I studied behaviorally mediated indirect effects on the mechanisms of competition in two congeneric fire ant species in the presence and absence of parasitoid phorid flies, which parasitized only one ant species. In observational and experimental field studies, the presence of native Texas phorid flies in the genus Pseudacteon decreased food retrieval by their host, Solenopsis geminata (F.), by as much as 50%. In the presence of phorid flies, many S. geminata workers assumed a stationary, curled defensive posture and did not forage. Although the phorid parasitoids had a relatively large effect on exploitative competition, there was no measurable effect on interference competition. Fierce interspecific aggression was observed between S. geminata and S. invicta Buren, and the presence of phorids had no effect on the outcome of these contests. The indirect effects of Pseudacteon parasitoids on Solenopsis fire ant resource retrieval appear to be larger than the direct effect of mortality. Some aspects of the foraging behavior of these Solenopsis species may be, in part, evolutionary adaptations to phorid parasitoid pressure. Because of the relatively large indirect effects, South American Pseudacteon phorids may be promising biocontrol agents of imported fire ants, S. invicta, in the USA. In a laboratory study, a single South American Pseudacteon female was able to significantly decrease food retrieval rates of a North American population of the imported fire ant, S. invicta. Received: 11 May 1998 / Accepted: 18 April 1999  相似文献   

Mutualistic interactions between ants and hemipterans are mediated by the honeydew produced by the hemipterans. Previous works have demonstrated that the invasive mealybug Phenacoccus solenopsis produces abundant honeydew and attracts a large number of workers of the fire ant Solenopsis invicta. Mealybugs exhibit higher fecundity when tended by fire ants. The honeydew produced by P. solenopsis plays an important role in interactions between these two species. However, relatively few studies have focused on whether there is a cost to P. solenopsis mealybugs of being tended by S. invicta through changes in their excretion behavior and the quantity of honeydew produced. Our results indicated that the honeydew of P. solenopsis contains xylose, fructose, sucrose, trehalose, melezitose, and raffinose. The sugar concentration in the mealybug honeydew changed in an ant‐tended treatment. When tended by fire ants, the mealybugs generated honeydew with a significantly decreased xylose concentration. In contrast, the droplets showed a considerable increase in the melezitose concentration. P. solenopsis excreted honeydew more frequently when tended by S. invicta, but the weights of the droplets excreted by the ant‐tended mealybugs were significantly lower. In addition, S. invicta exhibited a significant preference for different sugars. Melezitose was visited more intensively than the other sugars in two choice tests. These results may suggest that, to attract more tending ants, mealybugs adjust their carbohydrate metabolism.  相似文献   

The association of the exotic fire ant, Solenopsis invicta with man-modified habitats has been amply demonstrated, but the fate of such populations if ecological succession proceeds has rarely been investigated. Resurvey of a fire ant population in a longleaf pine plantation after 25 years showed that the recovery of the site from habitat disturbance was associated with a large fire ant population decline. Most of the persisting colonies were associated with the disturbance caused by vehicle tracks. In a second study, mature monogyne fire ant colonies that had been planted in experimental plots in native groundcover of the north Florida longleaf pine forest had mostly vanished six years later. These observations and experiments show that S. invicta colonies rarely persist in the native habitat of these pine forests, probably because they are not replaced when they die. A single site harbored a modest population of polygyne fire ants whose persistence was probably facilitated by reproduction through colony fission.  相似文献   

In our previous study we isolated 10 bacterial species from fourth-instar larval midguts of the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta. Here we report the genetic transformation and reintroduction of three species (Kluyvera cryocrescens, Serratia marcescens, and isolate 38) into the fire ant host. All three species were transformed with the plasmid vector, pZeoDsRed. High expression levels of DsRed were observed and the plasmid is maintained in these bacteria at 37°C in the absence of antibiotic selection for at least 9 days of subculturing. The transformed bacteria were successfully reintroduced into fire ant larvae and survived in the fire ant gut for at least 7 days. Upon pupal emergence, 7 days after reintroduction, transformed bacteria can still be isolated, however, most were passed out in the meconium. We further demonstrated that the engineered bacteria could be spread within the colony by feeding this meconium to naive larvae with the aid of worker fire ants. Freder Medina and Haiwen Li have contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   



Wolbachia are endosymbiotic bacteria that commonly infect numerous arthropods. Despite their broad taxonomic distribution, the transmission patterns of these bacteria within and among host species are not well understood. We sequenced a portion of the wsp gene from the Wolbachia genome infecting 138 individuals from eleven geographically distributed native populations of the fire ant Solenopsis invicta. We then compared these wsp sequence data to patterns of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation of both infected and uninfected host individuals to infer the transmission patterns of Wolbachia in S. invicta.  相似文献   

A series of oligonucleotide primer pairs covering the entire genome of Solenopsis invicta virus 1 (SINV-1) were used to probe the genome of its host, S. invicta, for integrated fragments of the viral genome. All of the oligonucleotide primer sets yielded amplicons of anticipated size from cDNA created from an RNA template from SINV-1. However, no corresponding amplification was observed when genomic DNA (from 32 colonies of S. invicta) was used as template for the PCR amplifications. Host DNA integrity was verified by amplification of an ant-specific gene, SiGSTS1. The representation of fire ant colonies included both social forms, monogyne and polygyne, and those infected and uninfected with SINV-1. Furthermore, no amplification was observed from genomic DNA from ant samples collected from Argentina or the US. Thus, it appears that SINV-1 genome integration, or a portion therein, has not likely occurred within the S. invicta host genome.  相似文献   

Social insects harbor diverse assemblages of bacterial microbes, which may play a crucial role in the success or failure of biological invasions. The invasive fire ant Solenopsis invicta (Formicidae, Hymenoptera) is a model system for understanding the dynamics of invasive social insects and their biological control. However, little is known about microbes as biotic factors influencing the success or failure of ant invasions. This pilot study is the first attempt to characterize and compare microbial communities associated with the introduced S. invicta and the native Solenopsis geminata in the USA. Using 16S amplicon 454 pyrosequencing, bacterial communities of workers, brood, and soil from nest walls were compared between neighboring S. invicta and S. geminata colonies at Brackenridge Field Laboratory, Austin, Texas, with the aim of identifying potential pathogenic, commensal, or mutualistic microbial associates. Two samples of S. geminata workers showed high counts of Spiroplasma bacteria, a known pathogen or mutualist of other insects. A subsequent analysis using PCR and sequencing confirmed the presence of Spiroplasma in additional colonies of both Solenopsis species. Wolbachia was found in one alate sample of S. geminata, while one brood sample of S. invicta had a high count of Lactococcus. As expected, ant samples from both species showed much lower microbial diversity than the surrounding soil. Both ant species had similar overall bacterial diversities, although little overlap in specific microbes. To properly characterize a single bacterial community associated with a Solenopsis ant sample, rarefaction analyses indicate that it is necessary to obtain 5,000–10,000 sequences. Overall, 16S amplicon 454 pyrosequencing appears to be a cost-effective approach to screen whole microbial diversity associated with invasive ant species.  相似文献   

The fire ant Solenopsis invicta has received considerable attention as a damaging invasive pest. In the present study, 12 polymorphic microsatellite loci were developed from publicly available expressed sequence tags (ESTs) of S. invicta. The number of alleles varied between 3 and 12, with an average of 6.42 per locus. The observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.4167 to 1.0000 and from 0.3446 to 0.8543, respectively. These informative EST-derived microsatellite loci provide a powerful complementary tool for genetic studies of S. invicta.  相似文献   

Newly founded colonies of the fire ant Solenopsis invicta compete intensely by brood raids, which result in a rapid reduction of colony density. Experimental plantings of colonies and analyses of sequential maps were used to examine the importance of spatial pattern in the dynamics of young populations. Colony positions were initially clumped in naturally founded cohorts, but were regular in most mature populations. Incipient colonies planted in clumped patterns were more likely to engage in brood raids than colonies planted in regular hexagonal patterns at the same average density. However, contrary to what would be expected if local crowding increased mortality, no significant increases in spatial regularity were observed during brood raiding either in the experimentally planted populations or in a natural population of more than 1200 incipient colonies. These results show that it may be difficult to infer the degree of past or current competition by passive analysis of spatial data even when field experiments show that the probability of mortality depends on local spacing.  相似文献   

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