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ABSTRACT Wintering Henslow's Sparrows (Ammodramus henslowii) are generally associated with open grasslands. Results of small‐scale, regionally specific studies have not revealed larger‐scale abundance patterns, but they have shown regional differences in habitat selection. Our objective was to quantify Henslow's Sparrow abundance and vegetation associations across Louisiana, an area that includes multiple types of grassland habitats. Bird densities in longleaf pine savannas of eastern and western Louisiana were over 1.5 times higher than in northern prairies and over 13 times higher than at a site in southwestern Louisiana. The responses of Henslow's Sparrows to fire differed between eastern and western savannas, with abundance increasing three fold over the first 3 yrs after fire in the west, and decreasing three fold over that interval in the east. In both areas, habitat became unsuitable by about 5 yrs after fire, probably due to woody encroachment and loss of herbaceous plants. For sites that contained Henslow's Sparrows at least once during our study, habitat modeling revealed that neither vegetation structure nor plant species composition was important in predicting the occurrence of Henslow's Sparrows within sites or abundance among sites throughout the state, perhaps due to the variety of habitats sampled. Our results suggest that longleaf pine savannas are the most important grasslands for wintering Henslow's Sparrows in Louisiana and that overwintering habitat is probably selected based on regionally specific vegetation features. Optimal fire intervals may vary regionally, particularly between mesic flatwoods savannas and drier upland savannas, perhaps due to different rates of biomass accumulation. Management for Henslow's Sparrows should be based on region‐specific studies, recognizing that appropriate fire regimes may vary among regions.  相似文献   

Henslow's Sparrows (Ammodramus henslowii) are known to breed in restored grasslands consisting of either warm‐ or cool‐season grasses, but additional information is needed concerning their breeding biology in these two types of grasslands. We compared the abundance, territory sizes, and pairing success of male Henslow's Sparrows in grasslands in west‐central Missouri in 2010 and 2011 using a paired‐treatment design, where warm‐ and cool‐season grasslands were located in close proximity. Selection indices indicated no apparent preference by male Henslow's Sparrows for either type of grassland, and the territory sizes and pairing success of males in cool‐ and warm‐season grasslands did not differ. In addition, we found no significant differences in habitat structure between these grassland types. Thus, our results suggest that the warm‐ and cool‐season grasslands in our study provided suitable habitat for Henslow's Sparrows. Other investigators have drawn similar conclusions for Henslow's Sparrows and for grassland birds in general, with the structural characteristics and, for some species, the size of grasslands being more important for grassland birds than plant species composition.  相似文献   

Of 6 million ha of prairie that once covered northern and western Missouri, <36,500 ha remain, with planted, managed, and restored grasslands comprising most contemporary grasslands. Most grasslands are used as pasture or hayfields. Native grasses largely have been replaced by fescue (Festuca spp.) on most private lands (almost 7 million ha). Previously cropped fields set aside under the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) varied from a mix of cool-season grasses and forbs, or mix of native warm-season grasses and forbs, to simple tall-grass monocultures. We used generalized linear mixed models and distance sampling to assess abundance of 8 species of breeding grassland birds on 6 grassland types commonly associated with farm practices in Missouri and located in landscapes managed for grassland-bird conservation. We selected Bird Conservation Areas (BCAs) for their high percentage of grasslands and grassland-bird species, and for <5% forest cover. We used an information-theoretic approach to assess the relationship between bird abundance and 6 grassland types, 3 measures of vegetative structure, and 2 landscape variables (% grassland and edge density within a 1-km radius). We found support for all 3 levels of model parameters, although there was less support for landscape than vegetation structure effects likely because we studied high-percentage-grassland landscapes (BCAs). Henslow's sparrow (Ammodramus henslowii) counts increased with greater percentage of grassland, vegetation height-density, litter depth, and shrub cover and lower edge density. Henslow's sparrow counts were greatest in hayed native prairie. Dickcissel (Spiza americana) counts increased with greater vegetation height-density and were greatest in planted CRP grasslands. Grasshopper sparrow (A. savannarum) counts increased with lower vegetation height, litter depth, and shrub cover. Based on distance modeling, breeding densities of Henslow's sparrow, dickcissel, and grasshopper sparrow in the 6 grassland types ranged 0.9–2.6, 1.4–3.2, and 0.1–1.5 birds/ha, respectively. We suggest different grassland types and structures (vegetation height, litter depth, shrub cover) are needed to support priority grassland-bird species in Missouri. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Smith's Longspurs (Calcarius pictus) are a species of concern in North America because of their limited range and apparent low population size. To better understand winter habitat needs and guide management of this species, we examined habitat associations of Smith's Longspurs in eastern Arkansas by comparing grassland patches where Smith's Longspurs flushed to randomly located patches in the same area. Smith's Longspurs were found in sparse grassland patches of relatively low height adjacent to airport runways where the native grass prairie three‐awn (Aristida oligantha) dominated ground cover and vertical structure. Smith's Longspurs were not found in vegetation plots dominated by non‐native Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon). Prairie three‐awn grass may provide concealment from predators and their seeds may be an important food source. Occurrence of Smith's Longspurs was also correlated with less litter, perhaps because deeper litter could make walking and searching for seeds more difficult. Availability of suitable habitat for Smith's Longspurs along airport runways may be declining due to natural succession of grassland habitat in the absence of disturbance and recent changes in management that favor Bermuda grass. Conversion and degradation of native prairie has resulted in the decline in abundance and distribution of Chestnut‐collared Longspurs (C. ornatus) and McCown's Longspurs (Rhynchophanes mccownii). Our findings suggest that conversion of native grasslands to non‐native grasslands results in loss and degradation of habitat for wintering populations of Smith's Longspurs.  相似文献   

古大湖湿地盐碱土壤微生物群落结构及多样性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以黑龙江省古大湖湿地原生、林地、耕地及湖岸盐碱土壤微生物为研究对象,基于高通量测序方法,分析4种生境类型条件下土壤细菌和真菌群落结构及多样性。结合土壤理化指标,进一步分析影响微生物群落多样性的环境因子。结果表明:细菌群落中变形菌门的相对丰度值最高,真菌群落中为子囊菌门。同一生境细菌群落多样性具有相似性,而真菌具有一定的差异;不同生境间两者均具有差异。耕地土壤和林地土壤的细菌群落多样性接近,但与湖岸土壤真菌的更相近。前两者中细菌群落多样性较高,其次为原生土壤,而湖岸土壤中的最低。耕地土壤与湖岸土壤真菌群落多样性较高,原生土壤较低,而林地土壤中最低。与真菌相比,细菌的群落多样性受土壤环境因子影响更大,其中pH值、含水量对土壤细菌和真菌群落多样性均具有显著影响。  相似文献   

高水位地区作物生长关键期采用微咸水或咸水灌溉被证明在一定条件下可以起到增产正效应,但同时却存在着土体盐分积累及其对下茬或次年种植影响的生态负效应.为探讨消除或抑制微咸水或咸水灌溉对土壤盐分积累的生态负效应,保证作物种植增产的正效应,本文在河北近滨海高水位盐碱区开展了为期2年的试验研究,探讨了旱季微咸水或咸水灌溉带来的盐分异位积累与离子分布变化特征,分析了雨季关键期暗管适时排盐对土壤盐分的立体调控生态效应.结果表明:旱季咸水灌溉后土壤经历“积盐-脱盐-二次积盐”3个阶段;灌溉初期,1 g·L-1咸水灌溉处理下0~50 cm土体脱盐,土壤含盐量随土壤深度增加而增加,HCO3-含量增加,其他离子含量降低;6与13 g·L-1咸水灌溉处理下0~50 cm土体积盐,土壤含盐量随土壤深度增加而降低,HCO3-含量降低,其他离子含量增加;雨季暗管适时立体调控脱盐效果显著,土壤脱盐率达16.0%~45.7%,同降雨量下,降水分布越集中,脱盐效果越好;周年时间尺度上,咸水灌溉小区土壤积盐量小于对照区;咸水灌溉处理小区冬小麦产量显著高于对照处理,1 g·L-1 处理高于6与13 g·L-1处理.  相似文献   

山东滨海盐渍区植物群落与土壤化学因子的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尹德洁  张洁  荆瑞  董丽 《生态学杂志》2018,29(11):3521-3529
在山东滨海盐渍区选取81个样方进行植物群落调查,对土壤化学性质进行分析,研究耐盐植物分布与土壤pH、可溶性盐总量、全氮、全磷、有机质、K+、Na+、Ca2+、Mg2+、Cl-、SO42-和HCO3-12个土壤化学因子之间的关系.结果表明: 共记录耐盐植物30科67属85种,排名前三的优势科为菊科、禾本科、藜科.群落类型分为4类,分别是芦苇-白茅+茵陈蒿群落、盐地碱蓬+芦苇-茵陈蒿+地肤群落、芦苇-香蒲+罗布麻群落和芦苇-罗布麻群落.CCA排序表明,土壤可溶性盐总量和水溶性离子含量是影响该区域耐盐植被分布的关键土壤化学因子,其次是土壤全氮含量.优势种为芦苇,同时伴生白茅和茵陈蒿的群落在4个群落类型中具有较丰富的物种多样性,所蕴含的耐盐植物资源丰富.群落的物种多样性与土壤可溶性盐总量和水溶性盐离子含量呈显著负相关,高盐分土壤会降低群落的物种多样性指数,影响群落的物种多样性.  相似文献   

沙土微生物多样性与土壤肥力质量的咸水滴灌效应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
靳正忠  雷加强  徐新文  李生宇 《生态学报》2014,34(13):3720-3727
采用Biolog-eco法、PLFA法和PCR-DGGE法,对塔里木沙漠公路防护林中不同矿化度滴灌水作用下的土壤微生物多样性进行了研究,利用土壤综合肥力指数(IFI)定量评价了土壤综合肥力质量,分析了土壤肥力质量与土壤微生物的关系。结果表明:滴灌水条件下,土壤微生物的多样性(碳源代谢、遗传基因和脂肪酸种类)差异明显,而高矿化度滴灌水条件下土壤微生物活性较低。IFI值在不同矿化度灌水的林地间差异极显著,在不同土层间差异显著;IFI值随灌水矿化度升高而减小;0—5 cm表层土壤的IFI值明显小于其下层的土壤。土壤微生物代谢多样性和脂肪酸多样性指数与土壤IFI值存在乘幂函数关系,而土壤微生物遗传多样性指数与IFI值有多项式关系,对土壤肥力质量起着明显的正向贡献。  相似文献   

Vegetation management on levees, especially removal of trees and shrubs, might affect burrowing mammals that are considered threats to levee integrity. We evaluated habitat associations of California ground squirrels (Otospermophilus beecheyi) and Botta's pocket gophers (Thomomys bottae) on levees in the Sacramento Valley to assess the effects of levee vegetation management on these species. Using burrows as an indirect measure of mammal presence, we found that the presence of trees had a negative effect on the occurrence and abundance of ground squirrels on levees, and on the location of their burrowing activities on the levee slope, potentially because visual occlusion caused by tall woody vegetation impedes detection of predators. Similarly, trees had a negative effect on the abundance of pocket gophers on levees and on the location of their burrowing activities on the levee slope, probably because of the effect of tree cover on food availability. The conversion of woodland habitats to grasslands on levees most likely will result in increased occurrence, abundance, or both of ground squirrels and pocket gophers, and thereby increase the potential threat that their burrowing activities pose to levee integrity. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

香榧主产区林地土壤养分空间异质性及其肥力评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选取浙江省香榧(Torreya grandis cv.Merrillii)主产区为研究对象,系统采集表层土壤(0—20 cm)样品121个,基于地统计学及Moran′s I等空间分析方法揭示土壤养分的空间异质性,估算了香榧林地土壤综合肥力并分析其影响因素。结果表明:研究区土壤pH较低,有机质、碱解氮、有效磷和速效钾含量较高,平均含量分别为4.91、30.60 g/kg、136.77 mg/kg、15.02 mg/kg、153.42 mg/kg;基于半方差函数分析得出,土壤pH和养分要素属于中等空间相关性,其中pH的变程最小为3.29 km,有机质、碱解氮、有效磷和速效钾的变程分别为8.52、5.84、8.82、6.49 km;克里格空间插值和局部Moran′s I指数结果揭示土壤pH、有机质、碱解氮、有效磷和速效钾均存在明显的空间分布格局和局部空间聚集现象,土壤有机质、碱解氮、有效磷和速效钾低值区主要分布在诸暨市和东阳市,高值区主要分布在柯桥区和嵊州市,而pH的空间分布格局与之相反;诸暨市和东阳市部分地区土壤综合肥力指数较低,而其他区域的土壤肥力水平较高。总体上,浙江省香榧主产区土壤酸化以及养分失衡现象较为严重,尤其是速效钾含量过高。从相关性分析结果来看,环境变量对香榧林地土壤养分的影响较小,而林龄对土壤pH和养分的影响较大。可见,研究区土壤养分受人为活动影响明显。因此,需根据实际情况,改善林农的施肥管理方式,调整施肥数量和结构并开展土壤酸性改良,因地制宜制定区域施肥规划。  相似文献   

鄂西南亚热带常绿落叶阔叶混交林土壤空间异质性   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
冯广  姚兰  艾训儒  黄继红  路兴慧  丁易  臧润国 《生态学报》2016,36(23):7635-7643
大样地是监测森林生物多样性及生态因子动态变化的重要平台,以湖北木林子国家级自然保护区常绿落叶阔叶混交林为对象,依托15 hm2动态监测样地,对每个400 m2样方进行取样并测定7个化学性质指标,运用地统计与多元统计方法,分析了该大样地内不同土壤因子的富集程度、空间格局、变异性、相关性。结果如下:1)研究区土壤酸性较强,有机质、有效氮、全氮、有效钾丰富,有效磷、全磷亏缺;2)有效氮、全氮、有效磷呈东高西低,p H呈西高东低,有效钾呈斑块状分布,有机质呈中间高,西北与东南低的"凸"型分布,其中以有效钾空间结构最复杂(A=50 m,D=1.96),p H空间结构最简单(A=180 m,D=1.83);3)土壤因子的块基比范围为0.14—0.69,14对因子显著相关(P0.05),其中以全磷的空间自相关最强,并与其余因子显著相关;4)土壤因子的变异系数范围为0.05—0.34,其中全磷、有效磷变异系数最高,分别为0.29和0.34,p H变异系数最低(0.05),土壤全磷在主成分中具有最大载荷(2.27)。结果表明:1)木林子常绿落叶阔叶混交林土壤酸性较强,除了磷素亏缺,其余土壤养分富集;2)土壤的变异性不强,空间分布具有明显的自相关特征,并具有一定的尺度效应;3)除了土壤有效磷以外的土壤因子之间存在较为普遍的相互联系;4)土壤全磷对于土壤的综合变异最具代表性。  相似文献   

Soil invertebrates were studied to determine the animals important in litter decomposition and soil formation in a natural forest of Fagus crenata Blume mixed with Quercus mongolica var. grosseserrata Rehd. et Wils., where outbreak of the adult train millipede, Parafontaria laminata armigera Verhoeff was recorded in 1980. The density and biomass of soil invertebrates, and their distribution in soil, were surveyed largely by hand sorting and also using Tullgren and Baermann apparatuses. The densities of soil macroinvertebrates were 102–103 individuals/m2. Diplopoda was the most abundant among them, 87.3% of which was the train millipede. The total biomass in wet weight of soil macro-invertebrates was 34.9–70.5g/m2 in 1980–1981, when the millipede was pre-adult or adult, and it decreased to 3.5–6.7g/m2 in 1982–1984, when it was young. The density of soil invertebrates extracted by apparatuses was 104–106 individuals/m2. The total biomass of these was estimated to be 5.8–10.8g/m2. The majority of soil invertebrates lived in the A0 horizon, whereas the train millipede lived in soil of the A1+A2 horizon. These results suggest that the train millipede is one of the most important soil invertebrates affecting soil properties. For evaluating the importance of the species, more than 8 years survey of hand-sorting together with the Tullgren apparatus was necessary, as the train millipede grew synchronously and had an 8-year life span and young stages of 1.5–3.5mm long.  相似文献   

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