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ABSTRACT Studies of the effects of transmitters on passerines have provided mixed results, but many have revealed no negative impacts. Most such studies have been conducted during the breeding season and, as a result, little is known about the possible effects of transmitters on wintering birds. We examined the effects of transmitters on Bicknell's Thrushes (Catharus bicknelli) wintering in the Dominican Republic. We used long‐term mark‐recapture data to compare birds with radio‐transmitters (N= 5 years, 64 individuals) to birds banded, but not radio‐tagged (N= 10 years, 164 individuals). For a subset of birds in each category, we measured the change in mass between early‐winter and late‐winter and, for all birds, we calculated return rates and modeled annual survival by sex and age classes. Return rates of radio‐tagged (16%) and banded‐only individuals (17%) did not differ, and survival models including the effect of transmitter attachment were poorly supported. We also found no sex or age‐specific effects of transmitter attachment. Radio‐tagged and banded‐only birds did not differ either in the proportion of birds gaining mass during the winter or amount of mass gained. Our results indicate that attaching light‐weight transmitters (<5% of body mass) to wintering Bicknell's Thrushes did not adversely affect either body condition or annual survival.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Food is generally considered to be the primary resource structuring winter territories in migrant songbirds, but there is little experimental evidence to support this. In southeastern Louisiana, ripe fruits, consumed opportunistically in the absence of preferred arthropod resources, are a primary food resource for wintering Hermit Thrushes ( Catharus guttatus ). To test the possible role of food in controlling space use during the winter, we reduced fruit availability in the territories of wintering Hermit Thrushes and compared responses of these thrushes to those in control territories where fruit availability was not altered. We found that thrushes did not adjust either territory size or location in response to midwinter reduction of fruit availability. One possible explanation for this lack of response is that sufficient food, including arthropods, was available in thrush territories even after removal of fruit. Another possibility is that the removal of fruit did reduce food levels below the level needed to meet energetic needs, but social constraints on territory structure, dictated by fall settlement spacing and maintained by agonistic interactions, prevented birds from adjusting territories to match food supply later in the season.  相似文献   

Across their broad North American distribution, Hermit Thrushes (Catharus guttatus) exhibit extensive yet subtle intraspecific variation in morphology and diverse migration patterns, causing considerable debate regarding their systematics and an incomplete understanding of their migratory geography. To better understand the fall migration and wintering destinations of Hermit Thrushes in coastal California, we deployed geolocators on individuals of the subspecies C. g. slevini breeding in the Santa Cruz Mountains of the Coast Ranges. In 2014, we captured 20 Hermit Thrushes in Big Basin Redwoods State Park using mist‐nets and attached geolocators. In 2015, we retrieved tags from 13 birds. Tagged Hermit Thrushes left the breeding area between 1 and 19 September 2014 and arrived in wintering areas in Baja California Sur and northwestern mainland Mexico between 24 September and 13 October 2014. The average distance between breeding and wintering areas was 1617 ± 217 (SD) km, and the average duration of fall migration was 22.5 ± 6.4 (SD) days. Our results suggest that Hermit Thrushes breeding in Big Basin winter in a highly concentrated region of western Mexico including Baja California Sur and southwestern Sonora or northwestern‐most Sinaloa; we found no evidence that Big Basin birds overwintered in the southwestern United States. Our results also confirm the existence of chain migration for Hermit Thrushes in California. Because C. g. slevini exhibits a limited distribution in both breeding and wintering areas and their morphology and song suggest adaptation to their habitat, we recommend exploration of fine‐scale genetic structure of coastal California’s Hermit Thrushes to determine the extent of evolutionary divergence in this subspecies.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Radio‐tags are commonly used in studies of avian behavior and ecology, even though many studies have revealed negative impacts of radio‐tags. Other studies of songbirds have revealed no negative effects of radio‐tags on parental care, nesting success, or annual return rates. However, such studies have not addressed the potential physiological costs of carrying radio‐tags or determined if such costs affect birds during the energetically costly molt period. Simultaneously investigating the behavioral, physiological, and fitness consequences of radio‐tags is important for evaluating possible costs. We studied Wood Thrushes (Hylocichla mustelina) in northwestern Pennsylvania and used a repeated‐measures design to determine if radio‐tags affected parental care behavior and nesting success, and measured levels of plasma lipid metabolites (β‐hydroxybutyrate, free glycerol, and triglycerides) to evaluate physiological condition. We also examined the possible physiological effects of radio‐tags during the energetically demanding period of molt in late summer. Radio‐tags did not affect male or female feeding rates, nesting success, number of nesting attempts, number of eggs laid, fledging success, or hatching success, and we found no significant effects of radio‐tag use on levels of plasma lipid metabolites of nesting females. During molt, Wood Thrushes with radio‐tags had lower levels of β‐hydroxybutyrate and higher levels of trigylcerides, suggesting they were in better, not worse, energetic condition. Our results suggest that radio‐tags do not have negative effects on the behavior or physiology of Wood Thrushes. Similar studies on a wider range of songbirds are needed before concluding radio‐tags have little or no impact during the molting period.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Understanding turnover rates of stable isotopes in metabolically active tissues is critical for making spatial connections for migratory birds because samples provide information about pre‐migratory location only until the tissue turns over to reflect local values. We calculated stable‐hydrogen isotope (δ2H) turnover rate in the red blood cells of two long‐distance migratory songbirds, Bicknell's Thrushes (Catharus bicknelli) and Swainson's Thrushes (Catharus ustulatus), using samples collected at a breeding site in New Brunswick, Canada. Blood from both species captured early in the breeding site was more positive in δ2H than blood sampled later in the summer, but did not match blood values for wintering Bicknell's Thrushes. An asymptotic exponential model was used to estimate turnover of red blood cell δ2H and yielded a half‐life estimate of 21 days and 14 days for Bicknell's and Swainson's thrushes, respectively. Red blood cells of both species approached the local breeding site value one month after the first individuals were detected at the site. For Bicknell's Thrushes, estimated δ2H in blood at arrival (?72‰) was closer to blood collected at wintering sites (mean ?61‰) than to expected breeding site δ2H (?120‰). Discrimination values calculated for red blood cells collected at the breeding site for both species were greater than expected based on studies using keratin. Turnover during migration currently limits the use of blood sampled early in the breeding season for connectivity/carry‐over effect studies. However, direct tracking technology such as geolocators can provide information about migration duration, timing, and stopovers that can be used to improve isotopic turnover equations for metabolically active tissues.  相似文献   

We measured intra- and postoperative mortality rates of captive and free-ranging Harlequin Ducks (Histrionicus histrionicus) undergoing surgical liver biopsy sampling for determination of the induction of cytochrome P4501A, a biomarker of oil exposure. Liver biopsies were taken from and radio transmitters were implanted into 157 free-ranging Harlequin Ducks over three winters (55 in 2000, 55 in 2001, and 47 in 2002). No birds died during surgery, but seven (4.5%) died during recovery from anesthesia (three in 2001 and four in 2002). None of the deaths could be attributed directly to the liver biopsy. Four of the 150 (2.7%) birds that were released died in the 2 wk period after surgery. All post-release deaths occurred in 2001; no birds died after release in 2000 or 2002. No mortalities of 36 captive birds occurred during surgery or recovery or in the 2 wk period following surgery. Hemorrhage was a minor problem with one captive bird. Surgical liver biopsies appear to be a safe procedure, but anesthetic complications may occur with overwintering ducks.  相似文献   

Many migratory songbirds switch from a primarily insectivorous diet during the breeding season to either a mixed diet or fruit diet during the non‐breeding season. However, for species with mixed diets, arthropods may be superior food items because of their higher protein content and easier digestibility. We tested this hypothesis by analyzing the diet and body condition of omnivorous Wood Thrushes (Hylocichla mustelina) at a non‐breeding site in tropical forest in Belize, Central America. We used analysis of stable isotopes δ15N and δ13C in the blood to measure diet. Our objective was to determine if a higher dietary proportion of arthropods relative to fruit (i.e., higher δ15N and δ13C) was associated with better body condition. We also examined the possible effect of age, sex, and habitat type on Wood Thrush diets, as well as any changes in diet through the overwintering period. We used a hierarchical Bayesian mixing model (MixSIAR) to estimate the proportion of different prey items in the diet of overwintering Wood Thrushes overall, in each habitat type, and over time during the non‐breeding period. From January to April, we found a significant decline in δ15N in forest habitats, whereas δ15N increased in scrub habitat. There was no significant seasonal change in δ13C. Birds with higher δ15N or δ13C values were not in better body condition. Females in dry‐scrub habitat consumed more fruit than males, but this did not affect body condition. Mixing model results indicated that most Wood Thrushes at our study sites consumed primarily arthropods, even during the driest times of the non‐breeding season and in the driest habitat. Overall, our results suggest that the diet of Wood Thrushes varies with habitat and during the overwintering period, but diet alone was not a predictor of body condition. Wood Thrushes, and possibly other omnivorous migratory songbirds, are apparently flexibly able to meet their wintering and pre‐migration nutritional demands with a variety of diets.  相似文献   

Populations of the Little Bustard Tetrax tetrax in the farmlands of Europe have declined greatly over the last century. In Western Europe, France now holds the only remaining migratory population, which currently numbers fewer than 300 displaying males. However, the movements of these birds are virtually unknown, in spite of the important implications of this information for the conservation of this species. We identified migratory movements and overwintering areas of French migratory populations, using wild individuals fitted with satellite or radio‐transmitters. Little Bustards completed their migration journey over a relatively short time period (2–5 days), with nocturnal migration flights of 400–600 km per night. All birds overwintered in Iberia. In addition, we tested the consequences of captive rearing on migratory movements. French wild adults and French captive‐bred juveniles behaved similarly with regard to migration, suggesting that hand‐raising does not alter migratory movements. However, birds originating from eggs collected in Spain and reared in western France did not migrate, suggesting a genetic component to migratory behaviour. These results therefore suggest that a conservation strategy involving the release in France of birds hatched from eggs collected in Spain may imperil the expression of migratory movements of the French population. More generally, to maintain the integrity of native populations, the introduced individuals should mimic their migratory movements and behaviour.  相似文献   

Asian Houbara Chlamydotis macqueenii numbers are declining as a result of unsustainable levels of hunting and poaching, with the main conservation response being population reinforcement through the release of captive‐bred birds. We assessed the contribution of captive breeding to the species’ conservation by examining the fates of 65 captive‐bred birds fitted with satellite transmitters and released during spring (March–May) and autumn (August) into breeding habitat in Uzbekistan. Of the released birds, 58.5% survived to October, the month favoured by Emirati hunters in Uzbekistan, but only 10.8% of those released survived the winter to return as subadults next spring. To mitigate and compensate for the loss of wild adults to hunting, the number of released birds needs to be an order of magnitude higher than hunting quotas (with a release of between 1640 and 1920 required for a hypothetical quota of 200), indicating that releases may be costly and do not remove the need for a biologically determined sustainable hunting quota.  相似文献   

Capsule Evidence for extension of breeding seasons in Song Thrushes and Blackbirds (multiple‐brooded species) and shortening in Fieldfares (a single‐brooded species).

Aims To analyse breeding data from central Europe during 1964–2006 in relation to climatic conditions operating at breeding and wintering grounds, and to compare breeding phenology in urban and rural habitats.

Methods Using chick ringing data we evaluated long‐term changes in breeding phenology of Fieldfares Turdus pilaris, Song Thrushes T. philomelos and Common Blackbirds T. merula. Changes in phenology were analysed for the 5th percentile, median, 95th percentile, inter‐quantile range (IQR) and brood size.

Results All thrushes showed consistent trends towards earlier onset of breeding. However, there was a contrasting pattern in the later phenological characteristics (median, 95th percentile and IQR) that were associated with single‐ versus multiple‐brooded species. The single‐brooded Fieldfares revealed an advancing trend in all phenological phases, which caused shortening of its breeding period. In contrast, the multiple‐brooded Song Thrushes and Blackbirds delayed both medians and the 95th percentiles of breeding dates leading to extension of their breeding seasons. Temperatures at both wintering and breeding grounds were generally negatively associated with the onset of breeding. Urban birds bred significantly earlier than their rural conspecifics, but brood sizes did not differ.

Conclusion Multiple‐brooded species may respond differently to increasing spring temperatures than single‐brooded species.  相似文献   

American Woodcocks (Scolopax minor) are a high priority species of conservation need across most of their breeding range due to long‐term population declines. Survival of juveniles may be key to understanding these population declines, but there have been few direct estimates of juvenile woodcock survival rates, and no recent assessment of the possible effect of radio‐tagging on juvenile survival. In 2011 and 2012, we radio‐tagged 73 juvenile American Woodcocks in west‐central Minnesota and compared survival rates of radio‐tagged (N = 58) and non‐radio‐tagged (N = 82) juveniles during the period from hatching to fledging. We compared survival rates of juveniles with known fates and used logistic‐exposure models to assess the potential impact of radio‐transmitters on survival. We evaluated variables related to juvenile survival including age, hatch date, maximum and minimum temperature, precipitation, and year to assess the possible effects of radio‐transmitters. The best‐supported model of survival rate of juvenile American Woodcocks included the interaction of age and year and a negative effect of precipitation (β = ?0.76, 85% CI: ?1.08 to ?0.43), but did not include a negative effect of transmitters. Our results suggest that radio‐transmitters did not impact survival of juvenile American Woodcocks and that transmitters are a reliable tool for studying survival of juvenile American Woodcocks, and perhaps other precocial shorebirds.  相似文献   

White sand terra firme forests are unusual ecosystems scattered across Amazonia, covering just 3% of the basin. These forests differ from surrounding forests in their scleromorphic vegetation, low nutrient content, and propensity to harbor endemics. We report the capture of 62 Gray‐cheeked Thrushes (Catharus minimus) during a study of the understory avifauna of Amazonian white sand forests near Iquitos, Peru, conducted from 20 June to 8 December 2010–2012. We captured and banded Gray‐cheeked Thrushes in white sand (N = 57) and adjacent weathered clay (N = 5) terra firme forests. Sampling for three consecutive days at 19 different sites each year, the inter‐annual site fidelity rate of Gray‐cheeked Thrushes was 4.8% (N = 3). One bird banded in 2010 was recaptured in 2012. Of the 62 birds, 19.3% (N = 12) were recaptured on subsequent days. All recaptures were in white sand forests. The 19.3% recapture rate of Gray‐cheeked Thrushes from sites re‐sampled no more than 2 d in a given year suggests the presence of settled and perhaps territorial birds. Using rectrices from 12 Gray‐cheeked Thrushes, stable‐hydrogen isotope analyses (δ2H) suggest that the geographic breeding or natal origin of all sampled birds was likely northwestern North America. Our results suggest that Gray‐cheeked Thrushes exhibit site fidelity and may concentrate in white sand forests—an uncommon and scattered ecosystem type in western Amazonia. However, annual tracking of individual Gray‐cheeked Thrushes is needed to fully assess regional patterns of settlement and movement, and the connectivity between breeding and wintering areas.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Although radio telemetry can provide useful information, the possible negative effects of transmitters, including biased results and detrimental effects on the birds, must also be considered. Several investigators have examined the effects of transmitters on larger birds, but few have examined their possible long-term effects, as assessed by return rates, on small passerines. We examined the possible negative effects of transmitters on a small (15.5 g) passerine. We used glue to attach radio transmitters to 40 male Swainson's Warblers ( Limnothlypis swainsonii ) at two study sites in Arkansas in 2005 and 2006. To assess possible effects of transmitters on survival, we compared the following-year return rates of radio-tagged birds to birds that were captured and color banded, but did not receive transmitters. Least squared mean return rates for all birds ranged between 0.46 and 0.57. We found no significant difference in the following-year return rate of radio-tagged and nonradio-tagged birds. In addition, we found no significant differences in return rates between study sites or years, and no significant interactions between any combination of radio transmitter (radio tagged or not), site, and year. Our results indicate that attachment of transmitters did not affect return rates of male Swainson's Warblers and that the glue-on technique is a good option for short-term studies of small passerines.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The similar plumage of Bicknell's (Catharus bicknelli) and Gray‐cheeked (C. minimus) Thrushes have hindered attempts to better understand the nonbreeding biology of these species. We used morphometric data, specifically primary formulae, from Bicknell's Thrushes of known sex and age throughout their breeding range in the United States and Canada to examine possible differences between sex and age classes. We compared these data with similar data from Gray‐cheeked Thrushes in Alaska, United States and Newfoundland, Canada to examine mensural characters for distinguishing the two species. We performed a discriminant function analysis (DFA) for each age class to examine morphometric differences between male and female Bicknell's Thrushes. For second‐year (SY) and after‐second‐year (ASY) birds, wing chord was the strongest differentiator, in conjunction with tarsus length. Wing chord and tail length were used to create a discriminant function to differentiate between the two Catharus species. The discriminant functions for both age classes did not permit unambiguous separation of male and female Bicknell's Thrushes nor did the DFA enable unequivocal species identity, but most individuals were correctly classified. Significant differences in the p8–p1 measurement of Bicknell's and Gray‐cheeked Thrushes and of male and female Bicknell's Thrushes suggest that this character may be useful to augment published wing chord criteria for species identification and sex determination. Our results indicate that wing chord, in combination with tail length, is the most useful measurement for distinguishing Bicknell's from Gray‐cheeked Thrushes and, when augmented with tarsus length, to differentiate between male and female Bicknell's Thrushes outside the breeding season.  相似文献   

American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) is America’s premier wild-harvested, medicinal plant that inhabits the forest understory of eastern deciduous forests. Recent research revealed that birds, particularly wood thrushes (Hylocichla mustelina), disperse ginseng seeds by regurgitating viable seeds 15–37 min after consuming the berries. We carried out two studies to examine the potential effect of thrushes on spatial dispersion patterns of ginseng. First, to analyze how far wood thrushes could disperse seeds, two wood thrushes were outfitted with radio transmitters and tracked for multiple days. Second, for 28 natural populations of ginseng, we created a clustering index to quantify to what degree populations were structured into spatially separated units. To further detect spatial impacts of thrushes, we analyzed inter-cluster distances and the overall spread of ginseng populations. Over the time period in which wood thrushes retain ginseng in their guts, the seeds would be dispersed a mean distance of 15.2–21.7 m. The observed distances ranged from 0–96.6 m. These distances were comparable to the overall spread metric for ginseng populations with wood thrushes, which had increased spacing in comparison to those without wood thrushes. The mean dispersion index differed for populations with and without wood thrushes. It is imperative to understand the interaction between wood thrushes and ginseng to facilitate conservation, as both species are experiencing population declines. Dispersal of seeds by wood thrushes could play an important role in allowing species such as ginseng to respond to climate change, deer browse, overharvesting, and other environmental stresses.  相似文献   

The associations between behaviour, stress and immune responses are most likely a result of common integration through the neuroendocrine system. Here, we describe associations between behaviour and immunity in great tits, Parus major. Wild‐caught birds were brought into captivity, and their immune function was assessed on the basis of antibody production to a novel Brucella abortus antigen and of heterophil/lymphocyte (H/L) ratio, which is also a haematological marker of stress. Two behavioural traits were evaluated: tolerance to captive conditions on the basis of damage inflicted to tail feathers and propensity to produce alarm calls at release. The birds that had highest H/L ratios at capture inflicted the maximum extent of tail damage during the week spent in captivity and produced lowest antibody titres against a novel antigen, which indicates a strong covariation between the tolerance of captivity, perceived stress and immune responsiveness. Propensity to produce alarm calls was lower in birds who tolerated captivity better. Structural equation modelling proposed the existence of an underlying latent variable affecting all the measured traits and causing the correlations between traits. Our study indicates that connections between behaviour and immunity can be easily detected in wild animals.  相似文献   

For many years, orientation in migratory birds has primarily been studied in the laboratory. Although a laboratory-based setting enables greater control over environmental cues, the laboratory-based findings must be confirmed in the wild in free-flying birds to be able to fully understand how birds orient during migration. Despite the difficulties associated with following free-flying birds over long distances, a number of possibilities currently exist for tracking the long distance, sometimes even globe-spanning, journeys undertaken by migrating birds. Birds fitted with radio transmitters can either be located from the ground or from aircraft (conventional tracking), or from space. Alternatively, positional information obtained by onboard equipment (e.g., GPS units) can be transmitted to receivers in space. Use of these tracking methods has provided a wealth of information on migratory behaviors that are otherwise very difficult to study. Here, we focus on the progress in understanding certain components of the migration-orientation system. Comparably exciting results can be expected in the future from tracking free-flying migrants in the wild. Use of orientation cues has been studied in migrating raptors (satellite telemetry) and thrushes (conventional telemetry), highlighting that findings in the natural setting may not always be as expected on the basis of cage-experiments. Furthermore, field tracking methods combined with experimental approaches have finally allowed for an extension of the paradigmatic displacement experiments performed by Perdeck in 1958 on the short-distance, social migrant, the starling, to long-distance migrating storks and long-distance, non-socially migrating passerines. Results from these studies provide fundamental insights into the nature of the migratory orientation system that enables experienced birds to navigate and guide inexperienced, young birds to their species-specific winter grounds.  相似文献   

The Barn Owl Tyto alba was the most common owl killed on motorways in northeastern France. The possible causes of this mortality and the age, sex and body condition of the road-killed birds in 1991–1994 have been investigated. The number of birds killed on roads was highest in the period from early autumn to late winter, i.e. during the non-breeding period, and showed a pattern similar to that of the temporal difference between sunset, which varies with day length, and peak of traffic, the occurrence of which is constant throughout the year. An autumnal mortality peak, concomitant with the post-fledging dispersal, was mainly of immature birds, especially females. A second mortality peak in late winter was composed mainly of mature birds, with an equal proportion of males and females. From autumn to winter, there was no significant change in body mass in the different age and sex categories of birds killed on roads, except for mature males which had a significantly lower body mass in winter. From early autumn to late winter, the mean body mass of immature owls killed on motorways did not differ significantly from that of captive immatures fed ad libitum. This suggests that the immature birds were in good body condition. In contrast, the body mass of road-killed mature females was significantly lower than that of captive mature females over the same time periods. In mature males in late winter, a drop in body mass in both road-killed and captive birds suggests an endogenous seasonal phenomenon. Except for mature females, Barn Owls killed on roads in 1991–1994 were in good body condition. This does not support the idea that only birds in poor body condition were killed. We conclude that the mortality of Barn Owls on motorways in autumn and winter was probably related to the concomitance between the peak of traffic and the onset of hunting activity and the large number and dispersal of immature individuals during the same period.  相似文献   

Several long‐standing hypotheses have been proposed to explain latitudinal patterns of life‐history strategies. Here, we test predictions of four such hypotheses (seasonality, food limitation, nest predation and adult survival probability) by examining life‐history traits and age‐specific mortality rates of several species of thrushes (Turdinae) based on field studies at temperate and tropical sites and data gathered from the literature. Thrushes in the genus Catharus showed the typical pattern of slower life‐history strategies in the tropics while co‐occuring Turdus thrushes differed much less across latitudes. Seasonality is a broadly accepted hypothesis for latitudinal patterns, but the lack of concordance in latitudinal patterns between co‐existing genera that experience the same seasonal patterns suggests seasonality cannot fully explain latitudinal trait variation in thrushes. Nest‐predation also could not explain patterns based on our field data and literature data for these two genera. Total feeding rates were similar, and per‐nestling feeding rates were higher at tropical latitudes in both genera, suggesting food limitation does not explain trait differences in thrushes. Latitudinal patterns of life histories in these two genera were closely associated with adult survival probability. Thus, our data suggest that environmental influences on adult survival probability may play a particularly strong role in shaping latitudinal patterns of life‐history traits.  相似文献   

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