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  • 1 The effects of infection by Epistylis daphniae on its host, Moina macrocopa, were studied in the laboratory at 28°C by comparing the growth, reproduction and survival between infected and uninfected hosts.
  • 2 Infestation by epizoites had little or no effect on the survival of the dadoceran hosts when adequate food was present.
  • 3 The infected cladocerans had lower growth rates as juveniles, lower net reproduction rates as adults, and smaller body size at death than uninfected hosts.
  • 4 The index of infection at different stages in the life cycle was related to the durations of intermoult period. Ranked in order of both index of infection and intermoult duration, the development stages were: old adult > young adult > juvenile.

The life cycle of Culicospora magna (Kudo, 1920) Weiser, 1977, consists of two major developmental sequences that alternate in host individuals of successive generations, each of the sequences starting with a sporoplasm and ending with spores. The first sequence occurs in larval, pupal, and adult stages of a parental generation of the host mosquito, Culex restuans Theobald; it begins with a sporoplasm from an ingested uninucleate spore and progresses through stages in gametogony, plasmogamy, nuclear association, merogony, karyogamy, and disporous sporulation with production of binucleate spores that discharge sporoplasms into the oocytes. The second sequence occurs in egg and larval stages of a filial generation of the same host species; it begins with the binucleate sporoplasm that entered the egg, includes stages in merogony, nuclear dissociation, and mictosporous sporulation, and ends with uninucleate spores. These spores are released into the environment following death of the host and are capable of infecting new parental generation host individuals. The life cycle is conceived as an alternation of generations related to haploidy and diploidy in the nuclei, the transition from haploidy to diploidy occurring with nuclear association and the transition from diploidy to haploidy occurring with nuclear dissociation.  相似文献   

Stempellia milleri sp. n. was found in blood cells and the adipose tissue of field-collected larvae of Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus Say. Its development is different from other Stempellia species described in that it is dimorphic, producing two types of spores in adipose cells. Both were studied with the electron microscope. One spore is thin-walled and uninucleate; the other is thick-walled and binucleate. The latter spores are produced from sporonts that are somewhat similar to those of Nosema. Sporoblasts and spores of S. milleri were compared to those of Stempellia magna Kudo, and Stempellia lunata Hazard and Savage in both light and electron microscope preparations. S. milleri was transmitted experimentally to Culex pipiens pipiens, C. p. quinquefasciatus, C. salinarius, C. tarsalis, and C. territans. Transmission of S. magna to its host and other mosquito species was not possible. Although, generally low numbers of test larvae became infected with the pathogen, heavy infections were seen occasionally in individual specimens of its natural host, C. p. quinquefasciatus. Species of Aedes, Anopheles, Culiseta, Psorophora, and Uranotaenia exposed to spores of S. milleri were not susceptible to the disease.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Paranucleospora theridion n. gen, n. sp., infecting both Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and its copepod parasite Lepeophtheirus salmonis is described. The microsporidian exhibits nuclei in diplokaryotic arrangement during all known life‐cycle stages in salmon, but only in the merogonal stages and early sporogonal stage in salmon lice. All developmental stages of P. theridion are in direct contact with the host cell cytoplasm or nucleoplasm. In salmon, two developmental cycles were observed, producing spores in the cytoplasm of phagocytes or epidermal cells (Cycle‐I) and in the nuclei of epidermal cells (Cycle‐II), respectively. Cycle‐I spores are small and thin walled with a short polar tube, and are believed to be autoinfective. The larger oval intranuclear Cycle‐II spores have a thick endospore and a longer polar tube, and are probably responsible for transmission from salmon to L. salmonis. Parasite development in the salmon louse occurs in several different cell types that may be extremely hypertrophied due to P. theridion proliferation. Diplokaryotic merogony precedes monokaryotic sporogony. The rounded spores produced are comparable to the intranuclear spores in the salmon in most aspects, and likely transmit the infection to salmon. Phylogenetic analysis of P. theridion partial rDNA sequences place the parasite in a position between Nucleospora salmonis and Enterocytozoon bieneusi. Based on characteristics of the morphology, unique development involving a vertebrate fish as well as a crustacean ectoparasite host, and the results of the phylogenetic analyses it is suggested that P. theridion should be given status as a new species in a new genus.  相似文献   

The natural ecology of a heterosporous microsporidium, Amblyospora connecticus was investigated at three different salt marsh habitats during 1986–1989. The parasite has a well-defined seasonal transmission cycle that occurs regularly each year and intimately involves the primary mosquito host, Aedes cantator, and the intermediate copepod host, Acanthocyclops vernalis. In the spring, the microsporidium is horizontally transmitted from the copepod, where it appears to overwinter, to the mosquito via the ingestion of haploid spores produced in the copepod. Mosquitoes develop a benign infection, and females transmit the microsporidium transovarially to their progeny via infected eggs. Oviposition occurs during the summer and infected eggs hatch synchronously in the fall causing widespread epizootics. Infected larvae die, and the cycle is completed when meiospores are released into the pool and subsequently are eaten by A. vernalis, which reappears in the fall and early winter. Amblyospora connecticus thereby persists by surviving in one of two living hosts throughout most of its life cycle rather than in the extra-corporeal environment. This represents an important survival strategy for A. connecticus as results show the salt marsh habitat to be a relatively unstable environment that is subject to periodic flooding and drying. The adaptive significance of utilizing an intermediate host in the life cycle is discussed as it directly facilitates transmission and enhances survival of the microsporidium.  相似文献   

By combining a field study with controlled laboratory experimentation, we examined how infection traits of the sterilizing bacterium, Pasteuria ramosa, changed over the course of a growing season in a natural population of its crustacean host Daphnia magna. The number of parasite transmission spores per infected host increased ten‐fold over the course of the season, concomitant with a decline in the density of infected hosts. Plausible explanations for this variation include changes in environmental conditions, changes in host quality, or that parasite migration or natural selection caused a genetic change in the parasite population. We sought to distinguish some of these possibilities in a laboratory experiment. Thus, we preserved field‐collected parasite spores throughout the season, and later exposed a set of hosts to a fixed dose of these spores under controlled laboratory conditions. Parasites collected late in the season were more infectious and grew more rapidly than parasites collected early in the season. This result is compatible with the hypothesis that the observed increase in infectivity in the field was due to genetic change, i.e. evolution in the P. ramosa population.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Norlevinea n. g. is established for microsporidia in which a uninucleate meront changes into a sporont by secreting a thin, membranous, sporontogcnetic and fragile sporophorous vesicle (pansporoblast membrane) in which four uninucleate sporoblasts are formed. In contrast to the genus Gurleya, the sporoblasts and later the spores are permanently joined into doublets, being laterally cemented by an electron-dense substance structurally identical to and continuous with the exospore layer. The polar filament is of the anisofilar type. The type species is Norlevinea daphniae (Weiser, 1947) n. comb., a parasite of the ovaries of Daphnia longispina occurring in several carp ponds in Czechoslovakia.  相似文献   

During a survey of the coccidian parasites of reptiles from Iowa, three specimens of Crotalus horridus L., the Timber Rattlesnake, and one of Sistrurus catenatus (Rafinesque), the Massasauga Rattlesnake, were found to be passing oocysts of a Caryospora, here described as C. bigenetica n. sp. Since these snakes (family Crotalidae) are known to subsist mainly on small mammals, oocysts from one of the Timber Rattlesnakes were fed to laboratory white mice (Mus musculus L.) to determine if mammals might be involved as alternate hosts in the life cycle. At necropsy, tissues of the tongue and dermis of the mice revealed a sequence of stages which included mature male and female gamonts, fully sporulated sporocysts, “excysted” sporozoites, and “resting” sporozoites that lay individually in solitary, cyst-like host cells termed “caryocysts.” A coccidia-free Massasauga that was fed an infected mouse, at a time when caryocysts in the mouse would have been present, later passed oocysts similar to those of the original inoculum. These results, along with the discovery of endogenous stages (asexual and sexual) in the intestine of the Timber Rattlesnake and the experimentally infected Massasauga, suggest that this parasite has a heteroxenous life cycle pattern, with sexual stages occurring both in the ophidian and the mammalian hosts.  相似文献   

The prediction of water temperatures in chalk streams from air temperatures   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
The transmission of Epistylis daphniae infection among Boeckella triarticulata and the effect of peritrich epizoites on the copepod hosts were examined at 15 °C in the laboratory. After being paired with carrier copepodites, 97.5% of non-carrier adults became hosts to E. daphniae. When food was present there was no difference between carriers and non-carriers in growth of copepodites, and in survival and reproduction of adults. When food was absent, copepods infected with E. daphniae survived for shorter periods than non-carriers (p < 0.002). Therefore, colonial peritrichs may contribute to the decline of copepod populations when they are in a food-limited environment.  相似文献   

In Aedes cantator, Amblyospora sp. is transovarially transmitted and has two developmental sequences. The life cycle is initiated in the adult female with the release of sporoplasms from binucleated spores not bounded by membranes, lying free within host oenocytes. Sporoplasms infect the developing oocytes and are transmitted to the filial generation when the eggs are laid. In some of the female progeny that hatch from infected eggs, diplokaryotic cells infect host oenocytes and divide by binary fission during merogony. Sporulation and spore formation do not occur until a blood meal is taken by the host and they coincide with the development and maturation of the oocytes to complete the cycle. In other female and all male progeny, pathogen development occurs within fat body tissue of the host where diplokaryotic cells divide by multiple fission during merogony to spread the infection. Sporulation in this developmental sequence is characterized by the secretion of an accessory membrane and the meiotic division of diplokaryotic sporonts, which result in the formation of octonucleated plasmodia that undergo cytokinesis to form eight haploid spores which are not perorally infectious to other mosquito larvae. There is no increase in the prevalence of either type of infection in field populations during juvenile development, indicating that there is no direct horizontal transmission of the pathogen within any one generation. Data obtained from laboratory rearings of infected progeny, however, show that infections cannot persist relying solely upon maternal-mediated transmission and that some other mode of transmission must be operative for continued maintenance of this microsporidium in A. cantator.  相似文献   

Strong selection on parasites, as well as on hosts, is crucial for fueling coevolutionary dynamics. Selection will be especially strong if parasites that encounter resistant hosts are destroyed and diluted from the local environment. We tested whether spores of the bacterial parasite Pasteuria ramosa were passed through the gut (the route of infection) of their host, Daphnia magna, and whether passaged spores remained viable for a “second chance” at infecting a new host. In particular, we tested if this viability (estimated via infectivity) depended on host genotype, whether or not the genotype was susceptible, and on initial parasite dose. Our results show that Pasteuria spores generally remain viable after passage through both susceptible and resistant Daphnia. Furthermore, these spores remained infectious even after being frozen for several weeks. If parasites can get a second chance at infecting hosts in the wild, selection for infection success in the first instance will be reduced. This could also weaken reciprocal selection on hosts and slow the coevolutionary process.  相似文献   

In natural host populations, parasitism is considered to be omnipresent and to play an important role in shaping host life history and population dynamics. Here, we study parasitism in natural populations of the zooplankton host Daphnia magna investigating their individual and population level effects during a 2-year field study. Our results revealed a rich and highly prevalent community of parasites, with eight endoparasite species (four microsporidia, one amoeba, two bacteria and one nematode) and six epibionts (belonging to five different taxa: Chlorophyta, Bacillariophyceae, Ciliata, Fungi and Rotifera). Several of the endoparasites were associated with a severe overall fecundity reduction of the hosts, while such effects were not seen for epibionts. In particular, infections by Pasteuria ramosa, White Fat Cell Disease and Flabelliforma magnivora were strongly associated with a reduction in overall D. magna fecundity. Across the sampling period, average population fecundity of D. magna was negatively associated with overall infection intensity and total endoparasite richness. Population density of D. magna was negatively correlated to overall endoparasite prevalence and positively correlated with epibiont richness. Finally, the reduction in host fecundity caused by different parasite species was negatively correlated to both parasite prevalence and the length of the time period during which the parasite persisted in the host population. Consistent with epidemiological models, these results indicate that parasite mediated host damages influence the population dynamics of both hosts and parasites.  相似文献   

Seven microsporidian species infecting caddis fly larvae, corresponding to conventional genera Episeptum, Pyrotheca and Cougourdella were studied using light and electron microscopy. Parts of their small subunit, ITS and large subunit ribosomal RNA genes were sequenced and compared with sequences of rDNA obtained from syntype slides of Cougourdella polycentropi Weiser 1965 and Pyrotheca sp. from Hydropsyche pellucidula. All studied caddis fly microsporidia form a closely related group. Their developmental stages in trichopteran hosts are restricted to fat body cells and oenocytes and have isolated nuclei. In late merogony, uninucleate meronts and binucleate plasmodia are formed. In sporogony a sporogonial plasmodium with four nuclei gives rise by rosette-like budding to four sporoblasts within a non-persistent sporophorous vesicle. Sporoblasts mature into pyriform to lageniform spores. The shape and size of spores, the number of polar filament coils, the structure of the polaroplast and of the exospore, together with morphometric characters present a set of markers unique for respective species. Four new species are established. The new genus Paraepiseptum is proposed to replace the tetrasporoblastic Pyrotheca and Cougourdella species from caddis flies. The genus Episeptum is redefined. Field and laboratory examinations as well as the phylogenetic position within the aquatic clade of microsporidia suggest that the life cycle of trichopteran microsporidia probably involves an alternate (copepod?) host and (or) transovarial transmission.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The microsporidian parasite known as Nosema helminthorum Moniez, 1887, parasitic in the tapeworm Moniezia expansa (Rudolphi, 1810), has been shown by electron microscopy to have two cycles of development, one with isolated nuclei, the other with paired nuclei (diplokarya). Both merogony and sporogony of the two separate sequences take place in direct contact with the host cell cytoplasm and ultimately give rise to unikaryotic and diplokaryotic sporoblasts. Sporogony is disporoblastic. The nuclear condition of the spores was not seen. The sequences, corresponding to those of the genera Unikaryon and Nosema, may be part of a single dimorphic life cycle and, if so, the species will have to be transferred to a new genus.  相似文献   

The life cycle and host range of Macrobiotophthora vermicola were studied. Secondary spores produced from forcibly ejected primary spores adhered to the cuticle of Cruznema tripartitum, germinated, and penetrated the cuticle within 30 minutes. New primary spores were produced within 24 hours of initial spore adhesion. In a host range study, species of Rhabditidae, Diplogasteridae, and Aphelenchoidea were hosts, but not species of Bunonematidae, Tripylidae, Cephalobida, or Tylenchina. Numbers of second-stage Meloidogyne incognita juveniles were not decreased when added to soil seeded with infected C. tripartitum. In six Tennessee soybean fields, Macrobiotophthora vermicola was the most commonly encountered nematode-destroying fungus, followed by a sterile, nonseptate fungus and Arthrobotrys conoides. Nematophagous fungi were isolated more frequently from silt loam soils than from clay soils. Addition of C. tripartitum to soil extract plates as a bait nematode did not increase isolations of nematophagous fungi.  相似文献   

Sparrow , Frederick K. and Yamunga Lingappa . (U. Michigan, Ann Arbor.) Observations on chytridiaceous parasites of phanerogams. VIII. Urophlyctis (Physoderma) pluriannnlatus and U. majus. Amer. Jour. Bot. 47(3): 202—209. Illus. 1960.—Urophlyctis pluriannulatus, an obligate parasite of Sanicula spp., has an endobiotic phase which is strongly polycentric and produces small crateriform galls on the petioles and blades of the host leaves. The agent accomplishing infection is not known but is probably a zygote. The first cell of the parasite established in the host is the so-called “primary turbinate organ.” This becomes multinucleate, is somewhat pyriform and becomes multicellular by 2 methods: (1) by cleavage into peripheral segments; or (2) by division into cells, each with its own cell wall. Replication of the thallus is accomplished by the production of nucleated outgrowths bearing haustoria which elongate, become ribbon-like, somewhat roughened and lumened, and produce distally turbinate organs of a second order. Tertiary, etc. turbinate organs are produced in like manner. Resting spores usually form at the tip of an extremely short outgrowth from the apex of a turbinate organ. These bear a supra-equatorial crown of 7—10 branched haustoria. Rarely, monocentric thalli are formed, in which a single turbinate organ becomes converted into a resting spore. All nuclear division figures were intranuclear. The fungus produced marked enlargement of infected host cells and their nuclei, and caused division of neighboring cells. As development continues, lysis of the surrounding host walls takes place and a large cavity bearing a dense symplast and numerous host nuclei is formed, within which is the thallus of the parasite. At maturity, all traces of symplast and of fungus, except for resting spores, disappear. Urophlyctis majus, a parasite on leaves of Rumex orbiculatus, hitherto known only from its resting spore stage, has a pattern of development strikingly similar to that of U. pluriannulatus. Here, however, turbinate cells only form peripheral segments. Furthermore, the “hyphae” are smooth and without a lumen. Aside from size differences, the mature thallus with resting spores, unbranched (not branched) haustorial tufts, etc. is like that of the Sanicula parasite. The galls produced were compartmentalized, dark red to black, usually surrounded by a reddish zone, and early dropped from the leaf. No undoubted evidence of the epibiotic gametangial phase was found in either species.  相似文献   

The complete life cycle of the microsporidium Hyalinocysta chapmani is described from the primary mosquito host Culiseta melanura and the intermediate copepod host Orthocyclops modestus. Infections are initiated in larval C. melanura following the oral ingestion of uninucleate spores from infected copepods. Spores germinate within the lumen of the midgut and directly invade fat body tissue where all development occurs. Uninucleated schizonts undergo binary division (schizogony) followed by karyokinesis (nuclear division) to form diplokaryotic meronts. Merogony is by synchronous binary division. The onset of sporogony is characterized by the simultaneous secretion of a sporophorous vesicle and meiotic division of the diplokaryon resulting in the formation of eight ovoid meiospores enclosed within a sporophorous vesicle. Most infected larvae die during the fourth stadium and there is no evidence of a developmental sequence leading to vertical transmission. Hyalinocysta chapmani is horizontally transmitted to O. modestus via oral ingestion of meiospores. Infections become established within ovarian tissue of females and all parasite development is haplophasic. Uninucleate schizonts divide by binary division during an initial schizogonic cycle. Newly formed uninucleate cells produce a thin sporophorous vesicle and undergo repeated nuclear division during sporogony to produce a rosette-shaped, multinucleated sporogonial plasmodium with up to 18 nuclei. This is followed by cytoplasmic cleavage, sporogenesis, and disintegration of the sporophorous vesicle to form membrane-free uninucleate spores. Infected females eventually die and there is no egg development. The small subunit rDNA sequence of H. chapmani isolated from meiospores from C. melanura was identical to the small subunit rDNA sequence obtained from spores from O. modestus, corroborating the laboratory transmission studies and confirming the intermediary role of O. modestus in the life cycle. Phylogenetic analysis was conducted with closely related microsporidia from mosquitoes. Hyalinocysta chapmani did not cluster within described Amblyospora species and can be considered a sister group, warranting separate genus status.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. New information on the life cycle and fine structure of Pilosporella chapmani, a microsporidium of the mosquito Aedes triseriatus, is presented. Pilosporella chapmani is shown to have two sporulation sequences, one of them being involved in transovarial transmission. One sequence, involving meiosis and production of a moniliform sporogonial plasmodium, occurs in the larval fat body, resulting in eight uninucleate, spherical, and fully developed spores. The other occurs in oenocytes of adult mosquitoes and results in isolated, binucleate, elongate, and thin-walled spores. Also, for the first time, metabolic products are shown to be expelled into the surrounding host tissues through the wall of the sporocyst.  相似文献   

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