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The goal of this research was to evaluate the roles of calpains and their interactions with the proteasome and the lysosome in degradation of individual sarcomeric and cytoskeletal proteins in cultured muscle cells. Rat L8-CID muscle cells, in which we expressed a transgene calpain inhibitor (CID), were used in the study. L8-CID cells were grown as myotubes after which the relative roles of calpain, proteasome and lysosome in total protein degradation were assessed during a period of serum withdrawal. Following this, the roles of proteases in degrading cytoskeletal proteins (desmin, dystrophin and filamin) and of sarcomeric proteins (alpha-actinin and tropomyosin) were assessed. Total protein degradation was assessed by release of radioactive tyrosine from pre-labeled myotubes in the presence and absence of protease inhibitors. Effects of protease inhibitors on concentrations of individual sarcomeric and cytoskeletal proteins were assessed by Western blotting. Inhibition of calpains, proteasome and lysosome caused 20, 62 and 40% reductions in total protein degradation (P<0.05), respectively. Therefore, these three systems account for the bulk of degradation in cultured muscle cells. Two cytoskeletal proteins were highly-sensitive to inhibition of their degradation. Specifically, desmin and dystrophin concentrations increased markedly when calpain, proteasome and lysosome activities were inhibited. Conversely, sarcomeric proteins (alpha-actinin and tropomyosin) and filamin were relatively insensitive to the addition of protease inhibitors to culture media. These data demonstrate that proteolytic systems work in tandem to degrade cytoskeletal and sarcomeric protein complexes and that the cytoskeleton is more sensitive to inhibition of degradation than the sarcomere. Mechanisms, which bring about changes in the activities of the proteases, which mediate muscle protein degradation are not known and represent the next frontier of understanding needed in muscle wasting diseases and in muscle growth biology.  相似文献   

The effects of support withdrawal and support stimulation on the contractile characteristics of human soleus fibers and cellular factors which influence them were studied. The experimental model of the "dry" head-out water immersion was used in the study. In this model, the hydrostatic pressure on different sites of the body surface are equal so that the experimental conditions are close to the complete supportlessness. A 7-day exposure to dry immersion resulted in a decrease in the maximal isometric tension of the skinned fibers, a decline in the myofibrillar Ca2+-sensitivity, and the relative loss of the titin and nebulin content. A significant decrease in the percentage of fibers containing slow myosin heavy chains was also observed after dry immersion. The application of the mechanical stimulator influencing the plantar support zones with a pressure of 0.2 +/- 0.15 kg/cm2 6 times a day for 20 minutes of each hour brought about a complete prevention of the above listed effects of dry immersion. The data obtained allow one to conclude that the decline in maximal tension and Ca2+-sensitivity as well as myosin shift and loss of sarcomeric cytoskeletal proteins are associated with the support withdrawal during the exposure to dry immersion.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1990,111(6):2463-2473
Confocal laser scanning microscopy of isolated and antibody-labeled avian gizzard smooth muscle cells has revealed the global organization of the contractile and cytoskeletal elements. The cytoskeleton, marked by antibodies to desmin and filamin is composed of a mainly longitudinal, meandering and branched system of fibrils that contrasts with the plait-like, interdigitating arrangement of linear fibrils of the contractile apparatus, labeled with antibodies to myosin and tropomyosin. Although desmin and filamin were colocalized in the body of the cell, filamin antibodies labeled additionally the vinculin- containing surface plaques. In confocal optical sections the contractile fibrils showed a continuous label for myosin for at least 5 microns along their length: there was no obvious or regular interruption of label as might be expected for registered myosin filaments. The cytoplasmic dense bodies, labeled with antibodies to alpha-actinin exhibited a regular, diagonal arrangement in both extended cells and in cells shortened in solution to one-fifth of their extended length: after the same shortening, the fibrils of the cytoskeleton that showed colocalization with the dense bodies in extended cells became crumpled and disordered. It is concluded that the dense bodies serve as coupling elements between the cytoskeletal and contractile systems. After extraction with Triton X-100, isolated cells bound so firmly to a glass substrate that they were unable to shorten as a whole when exposed to exogenous Mg ATP. Instead, they contracted internally, producing integral of 10 regularly spaced contraction nodes along their length. On the basis of differences of actin distribution two types of nodes could be distinguished: actin-positive nodes, in which actin straddled the node, and actin-negative nodes, characterized by an actin-free center flanked by actin fringes of 4.5 microns minimum length on either side. Myosin was concentrated in the center of the node in both cases. The differences in node morphology could be correlated with different degrees of coupling of the contractile with the cytoskeletal elements, effected by a preparation-dependent variability of proteolysis of the cells. The nodes were shown to be closely related to the supercontracted cell fragments shown in the accompanying paper (Small et al., 1990) and furnished further evidence for long actin filaments in smooth muscle. Further, the segmentation of the contractile elements pointed to a hierarchial organization of the myofilaments governed by as yet undetected elements.  相似文献   

The increase in % phosphorylase a associated with muscle contraction is reversed after a few minutes despite continued contractile activity. The present study was undertaken to determine whether adrenaline can activate phosphorylase after deactivation has occurred during prolonged stimulation of contraction. We found that adrenaline reactivates phosphorylase and glycogenolysis in rat fast-twitch and slow-twitch muscles that have been stimulated to contract for 15 min. The reactivation of glycogenolysis by adrenaline could have importance in fight-or-flight situations that call for an increase in exercise intensity.  相似文献   

Specific developmental changes in smooth muscle were studied in gizzards obtained from 6-, 8-, 10-, 12-, 14-, 16-, 18-, and 20-day chick embryos and from 1- and 7-day posthatch chicks. Myoblasts were actively replicating in tissue from 6-day embryos. Cytoplasmic dense bodies (CDBs) first appeared at Embryonic Day 8 (E8) and were recognized as patches of increased electron density that consisted of actin filaments (AFs), intermediate filaments (IFs), and cross-connecting filaments (CCFs). Although the assembly of CDBs was not synchronized within a cell, the number, size, and electron density of CDBs increased as age increased. Membrane-associated dense bodies (MADBs) also could be recognized at E8. The number and size of MADBs increased as age increased, especially after E16. Filaments with the diameter of thick filaments first appeared at E12. Smooth muscle cells were able to divide as late as E20. The axial intermediate filament bundle (IFB) could first be identified in 1-day posthatch cells and became larger and more prominent in 7-day posthatch cells. Immunogold labeling of 1- and 7-day posthatch cells with anti-desmin showed that the IFB contained desmin IFs. The developmental events during this 23-day period were classified into seven stages, based primarily on the appearance and the growth of contractile and cytoskeletal elements. These stages are myoblast proliferation, dense body appearance, thick filament appearance, dense body growth, muscle cell replication, IFB appearance, and appearance of adult type cells. Smooth muscle cells in each stage express similar developmental characteristics. The mechanism of assembly of myofilaments and cytoskeletal elements in smooth muscle in vivo indicates that myofilaments (AFs and thick filaments) and filament attachment sites (CDBs and MADBs) are assembled before the axial IFB, a major cytoskeletal element.  相似文献   

Frogs submerged at 3 degrees C in hypoxic water (Po2=60 mmHg) depress their metabolic rate to 25% of that seen in control animals with access to air. The hypometabolic state of the skeletal muscle in such cold-submerged frogs is thought to be the most important contributor to the overall metabolic depression. The aim of this study was to determine whether the aerobic capacity of frog skeletal muscle became altered during 1-4 mo of hibernation to match the reduction in adenosine triphosphate (ATP) demand. To this end, the activities of key mitochondrial enzymes were measured in the skeletal muscle and in isolated mitochondria of frogs at different stages during hibernation. We also measured the activity of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) as an indicator of glycolytic capacity. The activities of cytochrome c oxidase, citrate synthase, and LDH were significantly lower in frog skeletal muscle after 4 mo of hibernation compared with control conditions. The reduction in skeletal muscle aerobic capacity is apparently due to changes in the intrinsic properties of the mitochondria. Overall, these results indicate an important reorganisation of ATP-producing pathways during long-term metabolic depression to match the lowered ATP demand.  相似文献   

Recently reported data from mechanical measurements of cultured airway smooth muscle cells show that stiffness of the cytoskeletal matrix is determined by the extent of static contractile stress borne by the cytoskeleton (Wang N, Toli?-N?rrelykke IM, Chen J, Mijailovich SM, Butler JP, Fredberg JJ, and Stamenovi? D. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 282, C606-C616, 2002). On the other hand, rheological measurements on these cells show that cytoskeletal stiffness changes with frequency of imposed mechanical loading according to a power law (Fabry B, Maksym GN, Butler JP, Glogauer M, Navajas DF, and Fredberg JJ. Phys Rev Lett 87: 148102, 2001). In this study, we examine the possibility that these two empirical observations might be interrelated. We combine previously reported data for contractile stress of human airway smooth muscle cells with new data describing rheological properties of these cells and derive quantitative, mathematically tractable, and experimentally verifiable empirical relationships between contractile stress and indexes of cell rheology. These findings reveal an intriguing role of the contractile stress: although it maintains structural stability of the cell under applied mechanical loads, it may also regulate rheological properties of the cytoskeleton, which are essential for other cell functions.  相似文献   

The value of ATPase activity of the myofibril preparations and the value and duration of actomyosin superprecipitation were estimated for different muscles during the chick embryonic development. The ATPase level increases during embryogenesis 4.5-fold, in the leg muscle this change takes place distinctly earlier than in the leg muscle. The value and rate of actomyosin superprecipitation also markedly increase, to a lesser extent for m. soleus than for m. pectoralis. It is suggested that these changes and differences are mainly due to the delay in synthesis of certain types of the embryonic myosin light chains.  相似文献   

We reported that the inhibition of protein synthesis in skeletal muscle during sepsis correlated with reduced eukaryotic initiation factor eIF2B activity. The present studies define changes in eIF2Bepsilon phosphorylation in gastrocnemius of septic animals. eIF2B kinase activity was significantly elevated 175% by sepsis compared with sterile inflammation, whereas eIF2B phosphatase activity was unaffected. Phosphorylation of eIF2Bepsilon-Ser(535) was significantly augmented over 2-fold and 2.5-fold after 3 and 5 days and returned to control values after 10 days of sepsis. Phosphorylation of glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3), a potential upstream kinase responsible for the elevated phosphorylation of eIF2Bepsilon, was significantly reduced over 36 and 41% after 3 and 5 days and returned to control values after 10 days of sepsis. The phosphorylation of PKB, a kinase thought to directly phosphorylate and inactivate GSK-3, was significantly reduced approximately 50% on day 3, but not on days 5 or 10, postinfection compared with controls. Treatment of septic rats with TNF-binding protein prevented the sepsis-induced changes in eIF2Bepsilon and GSK-3 phosphorylation, implicating TNF in mediating the effects of sepsis. Thus increased phosphorylation of eIF2Bepsilon via activation of GSK-3 is an important mechanism to account for the inhibition of skeletal muscle protein synthesis during sepsis. Furthermore, the study presents the first demonstration of changes in eIF2Bepsilon phosphorylation in vivo.  相似文献   

Pizon V  Gerbal F  Diaz CC  Karsenti E 《The EMBO journal》2005,24(21):3781-3792
It has been proposed that microtubules (MTs) participate in skeletal muscle cell differentiation. However, it is still unclear how this happens. To examine whether MTs could participate directly in the organization of thick and thin filaments into sarcomeres, we observed the concomitant reorganization and dynamics of MTs with the behavior of sarcomeric actin and myosin by time-lapse confocal microscopy. Using green fluorescent protein (GFP)-EB1 protein to label MT plus ends, we determined that MTs become organized into antiparallel arrays along fusing myotubes. Their dynamics and orientation was found to be different across the thickness of the myotubes. We observed fast movements of Dsred-myosin along GFP-MTs. Comparison of GFP-EB1 and Dsred-myosin dynamics revealed that myosin moved toward MT plus ends. Immuno-electron microscopy experiments confirmed that myosin was actually associated with MTs in myotubes. Finally, we confirmed that MTs were required for the stabilization of myosin-containing elements prior to incorporation into mature sarcomeres. Collectively, our results strongly suggest that MTs become organized into a scaffold that provides directional cues for the positioning and organization of myosin filaments during sarcomere formation.  相似文献   

1. The glycolytic flow in the skeletal muscle was considerably depressed during hibernation of Jaculus orientalis. 2. Although the ATP content was not modified, the ATP/AMP ratio was twice as large than under homeothermic conditions. 3. Furthermore, the hexose phosphates were markedly depressed. 4. The total activities of the key enzymes, hexokinase, phosphofructokinase and pyruvate kinase, which are regulated through the adenylates, decreased. 5. Under in vivo conditions, taking into account the small amount of fructose-6-phosphate and the ATP/AMP ratio, it is likely that phosphofructokinase was totally inhibited, explaining the undetectable amount of fructose 1.6 bisphosphate.  相似文献   

The fast- and slow-twitch muscles were tested with single pulses in the course of unfused tetanus formation. The tetanus decreased differences in contractile parameters of the test-twitch contractions and, after continuous stimulation, eliminated them altogether.  相似文献   

To describe phenotypic changes of human aortic smooth muscle cells (SMCs), proportion of smooth muscle and nonmuscle variants of actin, myosin heavy chains (MHCs), vinculin, and caldesmon, during prenatal and several months of postnatal development was determined. In aortic SMCs from 9-10-week-old fetus, both nonmuscle and smooth muscle-specific variants of all four proteins were present, however, the nonmuscle forms were more abundant. During development, a shift towards the expression of muscle-specific variants was observed, although the time course of changes in protein variant content was not similar for all the proteins studied. By the 24th week of gestation, fractional content of alpha-smooth muscle actin and smooth muscle MHCs was rather close to that in the mature SMCs, and comprised approximately 80 and 90%, respectively, of the levels characteristic of SMCs from adult aortic media. On the contrary, fractional ratio of meta-vinculin and 150-kDa caldesmon was still rather low in the aorta from the 24-week-old fetus, did not increase in a 2-month-old child aorta, and did not reach the level characteristic of mature SMCs even in the 6-month-old child aorta. Thus changes in alpha-smooth muscle actin and smooth muscle MHC fractional content occur mainly during the prenatal period of development, before the 24th week of gestation; while meta-vinculin and the 150-kDa caldesmon proportion increases mainly in the postnatal period, during several months after birth. In the "Discussion," phenotypes of SMCs from developing aorta were compared to those from different layers of the adult aortic wall.  相似文献   

Muscle cells have a distinctive structure, a developed cytoskeleton, which occupies most of the cell’s volume and forms, among other things, the contractile apparatus. A mathematical model of the biomechanical behavior of the cell as a whole was suggested based on the equations of continuum mechanics, which was next modified to describe the contractile activity of a muscle cell as an elastic rod. The model considers the result of the transduction of external effects that are manifested as an internal deformation, which allows the evaluation of the mobility and/or the emerging tension in muscle cells under the effects of external factors.  相似文献   

A comparative model been designed to study a contribution of proteinkinase C-(PKC)-activated intracellular signaling pathways in generation of different contractile responses of vascular (tonic) and visceral (phasic) smooth muscles. We have determined that, in tonic smooth muscle, PKC mediates activation of MAP-kinases that phosphorylate key regulatory proteins of the contractile system, myosin light chain kinase and caldesmon, leading to upregulation of actomyosine motor activity. In contrast, the MAP-kinase activation is uncoupled from the contractile machinery in phasic smooth muscles, which also reveal high levels of myosin light chain kinase-related protein KRP that contributes to relaxation. Phosphorylation of KRP following activation of PKC or cyclic nucleotide-dependent protein kinases enhances the KRP activity and further contributes to relaxion in phasic smooth muscle. A possibility is discussed for exploitation of the comparative model described herein for investigation of specific role of other regulatory intracellular pathways in generation of vascular tonic contraction.  相似文献   

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