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BACKGROUND: A large energy gap between the native state and the non-native folded states is required for folding into a unique three-dimensional structure. The features that define this energy gap are not well understood, but can be addressed using de novo protein design. Previously, alpha(2)D, a dimeric four-helix bundle, was designed and shown to adopt a native-like conformation. The high-resolution solution structure revealed that this protein adopted a bisecting U motif. Glu7, a solvent-exposed residue that adopts many conformations in solution, might be involved in defining the unique three-dimensional structure of alpha(2)D. RESULTS: A variety of hydrophobic and polar residues were substituted for Glu7 and the dynamic and thermodynamic properties of the resulting proteins were characterized by analytical ultracentrifugation, circular dichroism spectroscopy, and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The majority of substitutions at this solvent-exposed position had little affect on the ability to fold into a dimeric four-helix bundle. The ability to adopt a unique conformation, however, was profoundly modulated by the residue at this position despite the similar free energies of folding of each variant. CONCLUSIONS: Although Glu7 is not involved directly in stabilizing the native state of alpha(2)D, it is involved indirectly in specifying the observed fold by modulating the energy gap between the native state and the non-native folded states. These results provide experimental support for hypothetical models arising from lattice simulations of protein folding, and underscore the importance of polar interfacial residues in defining the native conformations of proteins.  相似文献   

We describe a largely automatic procedure for building protein structures from sequence alignments with homologues of known structure. This procedure uses simple rules by which multiple sequence alignments can be translated into distance and chirality constraints, which are then used as input for distance geometry calculations. By this means one obtains an ensemble of conformations for the unknown structure that are compatible with the rules employed, and the differences among these conformations provide an indication of the reliability of the structure prediction. The overall approach is demonstrated here by applying it to several Kazal-type trypsin inhibitors, for which experimentally determined structures are available. On the basis of our experience with these test problems, we have further predicted the conformation of the human pancreatic secretory trypsin inhibitor, for which no experimentally determined structure is presently available.  相似文献   

A new method is presented for identifying distantly related homologous proteins that are unrecognizable by conventional sequence comparison methods. The method combines information about functionally conserved sequence patterns with information about structure context. This information is encoded in stochastic discrete state-space models (DSMs) that comprise a new family of hidden Markov models. The new models are called sequence-pattern-embedded DSMs (pDSMs). This method can identify distantly related protein family members with a high sensitivity and specificity. The method is illustrated with trypsin-like serine proteases and globins. The strategy for building pDSMs is presented. The method has been validated using carefully constructed positive and negative control sets. In addition to the ability to recognize remote homologs, pDSM sequence analysis predicts secondary structures with higher sensitivity, specificity, and Q3 accuracy than DSM analysis, which omits information about conserved sequence patterns. The identification of trypsin-like serine proteases in new genomes is discussed.  相似文献   

Kinjo AR  Horimoto K  Nishikawa K 《Proteins》2005,58(1):158-165
The contact number of an amino acid residue in a protein structure is defined by the number of C(beta) atoms around the C(beta) atom of the given residue, a quantity similar to, but different from, solvent accessible surface area. We present a method to predict the contact numbers of a protein from its amino acid sequence. The method is based on a simple linear regression scheme and predicts the absolute values of contact numbers. When single sequences are used for both parameter estimation and cross-validation, the present method predicts the contact numbers with a correlation coefficient of 0.555 on average. When multiple sequence alignments are used, the correlation increases to 0.627, which is a significant improvement over previous methods. In terms of discrete states prediction, the accuracies for 2-, 3-, and 10-state predictions are, respectively, 71.4%, 54.1%, and 18.9% with residue type-dependent unbiased thresholds, and 76.3%, 59.2%, and 21.8% with residue type-independent unbiased thresholds. The difference between accessible surface area and contact number from a prediction viewpoint and the application of contact number prediction to three-dimensional structure prediction are discussed.  相似文献   

Structure-generating programs provide rational methods to rapidly design novel scaffolds targeting the biologic receptor of choice. Recent research has demonstrated proteins equilibrate between families of conformations (ensembles) for which drug design may target. New methods are currently being developed utilizing structure-generating programs to target alternate enzyme conformations in an attempt to overcome the challenge of developing therapeutically useful molecules. These new methods provide the potential to overcome bioavailability problems encountered with peptide and peptide-like molecules by identifying novel small molecule scaffolds.  相似文献   

One of the major bottlenecks in many ab initio protein structure prediction methods is currently the selection of a small number of candidate structures for high‐resolution refinement from large sets of low‐resolution decoys. This step often includes a scoring by low‐resolution energy functions and a clustering of conformations by their pairwise root mean square deviations (RMSDs). As an efficient selection is crucial to reduce the overall computational cost of the predictions, any improvement in this direction can increase the overall performance of the predictions and the range of protein structures that can be predicted. We show here that the use of structural profiles, which can be predicted with good accuracy from the amino acid sequences of proteins, provides an efficient means to identify good candidate structures. Proteins 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Mehdi Mirzaie 《Proteins》2018,86(4):467-474
Evaluation of protein structures needs a trustworthy potential function. Although several knowledge‐based potential functions exist, the impact of different types of amino acids in the scoring functions has not been studied yet. Previously, we have reported the importance of nonlocal interactions in scoring function (based on Delaunay tessellation) in discrimination of native structures. Then, we have questioned the structural impact of hydrophobic amino acids in protein fold recognition. Therefore, a Hydrophobic Reduced Model (HRM) was designed to reduce protein structure of FS (Full Structure) into RS (Reduced Structure). RS is considered as a reduced structure of only seven hydrophobic amino acids (L, V, F, I, A, W, Y) and all their interactions. The presented model was evaluated via four different performance metrics including the number of correctly identified natives, the Z‐score of the native energy, the RMSD of the minimum score, and the Pearson correlation coefficient between the energy and the model quality. Results indicated that only nonlocal interactions between hydrophobic amino acids could be sufficient and accurate enough for protein fold recognition. Interestingly, the results of HRM is significantly close to the model that considers all amino acids (20‐amino acid model) to discriminate the native structure of the proteins on eleven decoy sets. This indicates that the power of knowledge‐based potential functions in protein fold recognition is mostly due to hydrophobic interactions. Hence, we suggest combining a different well‐designed scoring function for non‐hydrophobic interactions with HRM to achieve better performance in fold recognition.  相似文献   

Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus is an autoimmune disease that is genetically linked to the HLA class II molecule DQ in humans and to MHC I-Ag7 in nonobese diabetic mice. The I-Ag7 beta-chain is unique and contains multiple polymorphisms, at least one of which is shared with DQ alleles linked to insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. This polymorphism occurs at position 57 in the beta-chain, in which aspartic acid is mutated to a serine, a change that results in the loss of an interchain salt bridge between alphaArg76 and betaAsp57 at the periphery of the peptide binding groove. Using mAbs we have identified alternative conformations of I-Ag7 class II molecules. By using an invariant chain construct with various peptides engineered into the class II-associated invariant chain peptide (CLIP) region we have found that formation of these conformations is dependent on the peptide occupying the binding groove. Blocking studies with these Abs indicate that these conformations are present at the cell surface and are capable of interactions with TCRs that result in T cell activation.  相似文献   

Solis AD  Rackovsky S 《Proteins》2007,67(4):785-788
We examine the informatic characteristics of amino acid representations based on physical properties. We demonstrate that sequences rewritten using contracted alphabets based on physical properties do not encode local folding information well. The best four-character alphabet can only encode approximately 57% of the maximum possible amount of structural information. This result suggests that property-based representations that operate on a local length scale are not likely to be useful in homology searches and fold-recognition exercises.  相似文献   

Umbraviruses are plant viruses that are unusual in that they lack within their genomes information for a capsid protein, and thereby for aphid transmission. They are transmitted by mechanical inoculation, but may become aphid-transmissible when the plants are co-infected with suitable luteoviruses which act as the helper viruses. In mixed infection the umbravirus can be encapsidated by the capsid protein shell provided from the luteovirus helper and, as a result, gain aphid transmissibility. The associations of some umbraviruses with luteoviruses result in specific, lasting disease complexes, showing interesting biological properties. However, umbraviruses are generally not sufficiently recognized, although several of them are significant pathogens in some regions of the world, including Europe. This review describes the development of studies upon umbraviruses and characterizes the genus Umbravirus and its best recognized members.  相似文献   

The most abundant Epstein-Barr virus mRNA in a latently infected cell line, IB4, established by in vitro growth transformation with virus, was a 2,8-kilobase RNA encoded by largely unique DNA near the right end of the genome. The RNA was transcribed from right to left, and two introns were spliced out. This region of the genome was sequenced, and the exons of the RNA were identified by S1 analysis of DNA-RNA hybrids and primer extension. The first start codon in the RNA was 40 nucleotides from its 5' end. Beginning with the start codon, there was a 1,158-nucleotide open reading frame which crossed both introns. The important characteristics of the translated protein were as follows. (i) The amino terminus was highly charged and not suggestive of a leader sequence. (ii) There were six markedly hydrophobic alpha-helical domains, each having 21 amino acids and connected by 5 to 7 amino acid segments predicted to be reverse turns. (iii) The carboxy-terminal 200 amino acids were markedly acidic, containing 6 glutamic and 37 aspartic acids. The hydrophobic region is predicted to form six membrane-spanning regions, leaving the short charged amino terminus and long acidic carboxy terminus on the inside of the membrane. This protein could be responsible for the new antigen detected in the plasma membrane of Epstein-Barr virus-transformed cells, lymphocyte-determined membrane antigen. There were two other open reading frames in the RNA.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The ability to predict the native conformation of a globular protein from its amino-acid sequence is an important unsolved problem of molecular biology. We have previously reported a method in which reduced representations of proteins are folded on a lattice by Monte Carlo simulation, using statistically-derived potentials. When applied to sequences designed to fold into four-helix bundles, this method generated predicted conformations closely resembling the real ones. RESULTS: We now report a hierarchical approach to protein-structure prediction, in which two cycles of the above-mentioned lattice method (the second on a finer lattice) are followed by a full-atom molecular dynamics simulation. The end product of the simulations is thus a full-atom representation of the predicted structure. The application of this procedure to the 60 residue, B domain of staphylococcal protein A predicts a three-helix bundle with a backbone root mean square (rms) deviation of 2.25-3 A from the experimentally determined structure. Further application to a designed, 120 residue monomeric protein, mROP, based on the dimeric ROP protein of Escherichia coli, predicts a left turning, four-helix bundle native state. Although the ultimate assessment of the quality of this prediction awaits the experimental determination of the mROP structure, a comparison of this structure with the set of equivalent residues in the ROP dime- crystal structure indicates that they have a rms deviation of approximately 3.6-4.2 A. CONCLUSION: Thus, for a set of helical proteins that have simple native topologies, the native folds of the proteins can be predicted with reasonable accuracy from their sequences alone. Our approach suggest a direction for future work addressing the protein-folding problem.  相似文献   

PCR primers of arbitrary nucleotide sequence have identified DNA polymorphisms useful for genetic mapping in a large variety of organisms. Although technically very powerful, the use of arbitrary primers for genome mapping has the disadvantage of characterizing DNA sequences of unknown function. Thus, there is no reason to anticipate that DNA fragments amplified by use of arbitrary primers will be enriched for either transcribed or promoter sequences that may be conserved in evolution. For these reasons, we modified the arbitrarily primed PCR method by using oligonucleotide primers derived from conserved promoter elements and protein motifs. Twenty-nine of these primers were tested individually and in pairwise combinations for their ability to amplify genomic DNA from a variety of species including various inbred strains of laboratory mice and Mus spretus. Using recombinant inbred strains of mice, we determined the chromosomal location of 27 polymorphic fragments in the mouse genome. The results demonstrated that motif sequence-tagged PCR products are reliable markers for mapping the mouse genome and that motif primers can also be used for genomic fingerprinting of many divergent species.  相似文献   

Protein loops are essential structural elements that influence not only function but also protein stability and folding rates. It was recently reported that shortening a loop in the AcP protein may increase its native state conformational entropy. This effect on the entropy of the folded state can be much larger than the lower entropic penalty of ordering a shorter loop upon folding, and can therefore result in a more pronounced stabilization than predicted by polymer model for loop closure entropy. In this study, which aims at generalizing the effect of loop length shortening on native state dynamics, we use all‐atom molecular dynamics simulations to study how gradual shortening a very long or solvent‐exposed loop region in four different proteins can affect their stability. For two proteins, AcP and Ubc7, we show an increase in native state entropy in addition to the known effect of the loop length on the unfolded state entropy. However, for two permutants of SH3 domain, shortening a loop results only with the expected change in the entropy of the unfolded state, which nicely reproduces the observed experimental stabilization. Here, we show that an increase in the native state entropy following loop shortening is not unique to the AcP protein, yet nor is it a general rule that applies to all proteins following the truncation of any loop. This modification of the loop length on the folded state and on the unfolded state may result with a greater effect on protein stability. Proteins 2015; 83:2137–2146. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Most scoring functions used in protein fold recognition employ two-body (pseudo) potential energies. The use of higher-order terms may improve the performance of current algorithms. Methods: Proteins are represented by the side chain centroids of amino acids. Delaunay tessellation of this representation defines all sets of nearest neighbor quadruplets of amino acids. Four-body contact scoring function (log likelihoods of residue quadruplet compositions) is derived by the analysis of a diverse set of proteins with known structures. A test protein is characterized by the total score calculated as the sum of the individual log likelihoods of composing amino acid quadruplets. RESULTS: The scoring function distinguishes native from partially unfolded or deliberately misfolded structures. It also discriminates between pre- and post-transition state and native structures in the folding simulations trajectory of Chymotrypsin Inhibitor 2 (CI2).  相似文献   

The sequences of two Drosophila and one rabbit protein phosphatase (PP) 1 catalytic subunits were determined from their cDNA. The sequence of Drosophila PP1 alpha 1 was deduced from a 2.2-kb cDNA purified from an embryonic cDNA library, while that for Drosophila PP1 beta was obtained from overlapping clones isolated from both a head cDNA library and an eye imaginal disc cDNA library. The gene for Drosophila PP1 alpha 1 is at 96A2-5 on chromosome 3 and encodes a protein of 327 amino acids with a calculated molecular mass of 37.3 kDa. The gene for Drosophila PP1 beta is localized at 9C1-2 on the X chromosome and encodes a protein of 330 amino acids with a predicted molecular mass of 37.8 kDa. PP1 alpha 1 shows 96% amino acid sequence identity to PP1 alpha 2 (302 amino acids), an isoform whose gene is located in the 87B6-12 region of chromosome 3 [Dombrádi, V., Axton, J. M., Glover, D.M. Cohen, P.T.W. (1989) Eur. J. Biochem. 183, 603-610]. PP1 beta shows 85% identity to PP1 alpha 1 and PP1 alpha 2 over the 302 homologous amino acids. These results demonstrate that at least three genes are present in Drosophila that encode different isoforms of PP1. Drosophila PP1 alpha 1 and PP1 beta show 89% amino acid sequence identity to rabbit PP1 alpha (330 amino acids) [Cohen, P.T.W. (1988) FEBS Lett. 232, 17-23] and PP1 beta (327 amino acids), respectively, demonstrating that the structures of both isoforms are among the most conserved proteins known throughout the evolution of the animal kingdom. The presence of characteristic structural differences between PP1 alpha and PP1 beta, which have been preserved from insects to mammals, implies that the alpha and beta isoforms may have distinct biological functions.  相似文献   

Using [15N-Val7]gramicidin A it is shown by solid state 15N-NMR that in dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine model membrane preparations evidence is obtained for two different backbone conformations of gramicidin. One of these conformations is the familiar channel state while a second conformation possesses very different dynamic and structural characteristics. The relative amounts of the conformations depend upon the solvent used to initially codissolve peptide and lipid. Furthermore, by incubation of the samples at modestly elevated temperatures a conversion can be induced from the non-channel to the channel state in a lipid environment.  相似文献   

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